If V1 OREGON CITY 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 6, 1898. NO Bf r ELEVATE THAT MUZZLE, PORTER, ELEVATE THAT MUZZLE ! COURIER. ml 24 1 Bargains In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE of CHAHMAN & SON A full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. L Dr. A. A. Barr Have Your Eyes Examined Consultation Free The Geiuania Market. Is the cheapest place to buy t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. F. J. OlSTKRHOLTZ, Props. t t t CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, UNOj-EUM, SHADES J. G. MACK & CO. 88 Third Street - Portland, Oregon f NORTHERN GROWN WHAT LIFE INSURANCE Life insurance lifts mortgages. Life insurance oHuca es orphan". rw i i , i snM rra lA'V Life insurarce preserves the family. Life insurance builds a barrier to the almshouse. Life insurance enables a man to live up to his income. Life insurance supports the credit of th business man. Life insurance lays the foundations of home and independence. Lifc insurance encourages the marriage of prudent men and women. Life insurance keeps embarrassed estates out of the receivers' hands. "Indictator." INSURE IN -A GOOD . COMPANY THERE ARE N5NE BETTER THAN THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Springlield, Massachusetts. FRETFUL YOUNGSTERS Should be kept out in the fresh air as much as possible. It frets them tn he ki pt continually indoors. No excuse for not supplying baby with a new BABY CARRIAGE when the prices are so low and we give you all the time you want in which to pay for them. Our '98 beauties. Baby Carriages are BELLOriY & BUSCH Hie Hnusefurnlsliers, ' OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. in the city t 1 t ILLUSTRATED CATALOGS FREE ILLUSTRATED Buell Lamberson 180 FfcONTST. Portland. Or. DOES "We are the best political mudslinger in this riiddle-of-Roaders fleet. A mass convention of the middle-of-the-roaders was held at Pope's hall on Wednesday. The following 13 persons, and one other whose name we could imtgei, were present: A. J. Kellogg Jos Suler, V. H. Kins?, 0 M. B. Jones, Chas Mornn. W. F. Kirk, Matt Kandle.J. I.. MoCord, B. W. King, 0. W. Lacroy, J. 0. Scott, Mr. Parrlsh and J. 8. Davis. Chas. Moran was chairman and F. H. Kins secretary. l)r. Hill of Albany, candidate on middle-of-road ticket lor congressman, was present, and addressed the meeting, urging that a full county ticket he nominated if for no other purpose than to defeat the union ticket. called the popu lists, democrat-' and silver republicans torries and abused them for uniting The platform as printed was liitradueed by A. J. Kellogn and adopted. The meeting then proceeded to nominate a full ticket as fo'lows: Senator Chas. Moran, uf Ely, Representatives i.eo. Ogle, union candidate; W K. Kirk, of Heaver Creek; K. K. Foster, of Engle Greek. 8 criff-A. J. Kellogg, of Oregon City. Clerk G. E Spciioe, of Clackamas. Kecorder A. i.oullen, union candidate. Assessor-!!. B Cosper, of Clarkes. Surveyor To be filled. Treasurer Jacob Bha union candidate. Starkweather, union Superintendent--!. candidate. Commissioner James Poe, of Boring. Judge W. W. Myers, un'on oaiididute. Coroner-To be ttlle.i. Joint Senator To be filled. Chas. Moran was eboseu as chairman and A. J Ke logg as Secretary of central committee. The other lnciubeis named are; M. A. Kandle, of Highland: Joe Suter, of Eagle Creek; W. F. Kirk, Beaver Creek, A collection of ?2.50 was taken up to pay for use of hall, after which an unfruitful attempt was made to collect money to send a 1001) copies of the Portland Commoner, as an organ, to the voters of this connty. Mr. Kellnirg then stated that it was unnecessary on art of the meeting to pay lor sending extra copies of Commoner to voters as Joe oimou would gladly and had signified a willingness to do same free of charge and thought that he should be permitted to do so as the middU-of-the roaders were me.e y assisting the republicans anyway. Believing that fusion Is Ill-advised, Is not honest his been concolv rd in selfishness, has lived the life of a wanton and will die utiiion st, I a sure means for our destruction as a political organization; we therefore place the seal of our condeiniistlon upon It, we deem it (In this state) as the work of Butler. Towne and Jones through the agency of Pennoyer and hUconsplrators and will have none of it. Therefore be it Rei-olved.by the peoples patyof Clackamas county in mass convention assembled. 1st. Thnt we renew our allegiance to the priiiciplesdcartolhe hertsof all true reformers, as si t forth In llieOmah platform land, finance and 'transportation, alo the initation and referei. dunVand Imperative mandate; That we are willing Pi sacreftce men and offices, but principles never. Sd. We applaud the acts of the 29 patriots, who refused to be swallowed, liolipd Ike stole conven and "given to true populists of Oregon an op portunity to vote consistent with tie Ir political faith. We condem the rollcyofthe present county court In its wanton wnste o county funds, also the board of t (innliziii leu for its cowardly sub" mission to the eorpomrb im . Vntil we can carry the principles of populism In with the officers, we care nothing for the ollh-e. We r In fnvir of strictest eeomony 111 the conduct of all the affairs of the county; and we I believe li st no county officer should be entitled to more remuneration than the same ability in any other capacity. We reitard It as the acceptance of bribe, when II)' officers elected by the people accepts a free pass from any railrtad or other transportation company. We join with the millions of other loyal and patriotic American In their just indignation since the present administration has uteri y failed to biing forth its much heralded pro pert y it has ihowu lt tender regard for Spanish bond holders and Its indifferent attitude toward the starving Cuban. I Wli'l the r'd are o 'il l of wrV- p- Itii politician we believe In putting nothing but populists In fcuard. R solved, That It is the sense of this conven" tion that the endorsement of all true populists who are now candidates before the people of Clackamas county Is the wisest most honorable course to pursue and instead of widening the gap It will have a tendency to unite the pop ulists of the county and bring us into line fo'r the campaign of 1900, - A. J. K em oao, Geo. W, Lacboy, 0. M. B. Jom.i, Jas. Scteh, W. F. Kirk, Committee. " STAFFORD The weather continues warm and windy, roads dusty and crops growing nicely. farmers that are still holding thetr wheat are well pleased with the price wrestling around the dollar .nark. Hut those still holding murphies are looking ilown their smellers i.ver the prospect of j The dirt side walk in front of Hank 8chatjhas been repaired and a new fence put along the road. John Moser has flred his slashing. Melnt Peters bus raised another barn. Rev, Keiclile is having some breaking done. Plowing potato cronnd seems to be oocupylng the farmers time at present. The Oswego butcher has begun milking trips through our secti m of the grass with his wagon (irauge at Frog Pond last Saturday was a grand sueeess. Two class"! were iustruote 1 in the secret- of the order, a royal dinner was had, literary program that was immense and other tilings to mske the day pleasant. Cspt. Ha yea Is putting In the most potatoes of any hereabouts. Mav 2. 1 Juke kebab! has been hullding a new board fence on his line next to J. P. tinges. The reals are being Improved by Boss Baker and several of the boys. 1). F. Weddle Is the proud papa of another hoy. It whs born 111 li Inst.; papa and son doing as well as can be expected. Larson, Haves and Baker hve sold 700 sacks of spuds forVO (wnts per bushel dell ereil on board cars at Oswego, sacks and twine furnished by the purchaser. Frederlok .Taster Is clearing a piece of bottom land on John Aden's property. J..hn -cliiewe is on the jury st Oregon City. John Gage Is clearing' up a piece for potatoes near his house. Miss Annie Welssenborn la home from Port, land where she has been working for some time Miss Ann e Intends startln for Kai sas in a lew das to visit her sister, Mrs. Purr. Miss Fannie Weld, one of the sweet Ms of Jef. fir on, is slayiug with her sister, Mrs. Weddle, Eil Carpenter hat departed for tbe bunch grass country to seek his fortune. Miss Fannie Weld is on the sick list. John Helhuck of Portland, came out on his wheel Hiindav. He reports the roads too rough yet for much pleasure The dance at Larson's Saturday night was not pronounced a success Too much political fire water being Indulged In by some of the boys. April m. X.ENUIHY, A Store Thing for You. A transaction in which you cannot lose isa sure thiiiir. Biliousness, nick head ni'1 e, furred tongue fever, piles antla thousand other ills are caused by coc at I pat ion and sluguiidi liver Cabarets Uandy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are liv all druiftfls's ('""""'eed to cure or money refunded (.!. 0. 0. are a sure Ihii'ir. Tty a box to-day ; 10c. 25c. fit) r'ampleaii booklet free." All diufgiht Discovered by a Woman. AnotherKreat discovery has been made, and that, loo. by a lady in tl.is country "Disease fastened its crutches upon Iter and for seven years she withstood its severest test, but her vital orbing ere undermined and dentil seemed im minent. For three inonlhsshe Cotilieil incessantly, and could not sleep. Hie finally discovered a way to recovery, by pin liHsinn o( dm a bdileot Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on tikliiss first dose, that Iih tdept all night ; and with two bntileM has been absolutely cured.' Her name is Mr. Luliier Kill.." Thus writes W. 0. Ilamnirk & Co., ol Shelby. N. (.'. Trial bodies free a1 Uharin m A (Jo's Drug Store. Heifiilnr size Mj and 1 . livery bottle guaranteed. NO CURE-NO PAY. That Is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TA.1TKl.Khit 1111 1.1. TOSli; for Malaria, Chills and Kever. It is simply iron slid quinine In are astelesa form, (jhlldien lov It. Annus prefer at a bnter, niiealliig t on es. Price Me. For si bi C. i. H'iMile I'l-nvilat. neck of the woods." CANEMAH. War feems to be tti chief ooliverHH tion at the present time, while county politics are of minor importance, fthn tvnr interest continues until June, it will be the cause of an honest election. Hurry Spencer left last week for Idaho. Samuel Famt will soon erect a dwell tnu house on the property which he has purchased. Mr. Freeman will soon move into his new dwelling, which is nearly com pleted. A company of volunteers will soon be orifiini.ml at this pi ice. The-Uanomah dhoo-Ip in umwul have been makiint liberal donations t wtrd errctinira literary had Tli-i uti lertaki ig is an Important improvement and should be carried on with sncceas. Lord Foppinyton declares his intention of mukiiiK this place his home. Miy6th. ProijreB-i. Hood's Pills act easily on the liver and boeN. Cure sick head ache. Cor. Front FORTLAND, largest and Best Stock of... Agricultural Implements DRILLS HARROWS FEED CUTTERS GRADING TOOLS ETC. SEEDERS PLOWS FEED MILLS HARNESS ETC. I LOW PRICES Oregon City Enterprise Royal niaka the food par, wholesome and delicious. povozn Absolutely Pur novsi sskimo sownsa co nrw youk. HIHIE and Taylor Sts., OREGON. ...In the Northwest BUGGIES WAGONS SPRAY PUMPS ENGINES ETC. LOW PRICES iim 111