Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, April 29, 1898, Image 8

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The bladder was created (or one pur
pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine,
and as such it is not liahle to any form of
disease except by one of two ways. The
first way is trom Imperfect action of the
kidneys. The second way is from care-
ss local treatment of o tier dit-eaHes.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
neys is the chief cause o( bladder troubles
Bo the womb, like the bladder, was creat
ed for one purpose, and if not doctored
too much is not liable to weakness or
disease, except in rare cases. It is
situated back of any very close to the
bladder, therefore any pain, disease or
inconvenience manifested in the kidneys,
back, bladder or urinary passage is often,
by mistake, attributed to female weak
ness or womb trouhleB of some sort.
The error is easily made and may be as
easily avoided. To find out correctly,
set your mine aside for twenty four
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates
kidney or bladdt r trouble The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney
and bladder remedy is soon, realized.
If you need medicine you should have
the best. At druggists fifty cents and
one dollar. Yon may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet, both sent free hv
mail upon receipt of three tv o-cent
stamps to cover cost of postage on the
bottle. Mention Oregon City ' Couhikr
and send your address to I)r Kilmer &
Co., HingiiHinton, N. Y. The proprie
tor of this paper guarantee the genuine
ness of this offer.
Bean the a ThB Kind You tiavB,Always Bought
Plumbing and Tinning.
Jol)lhiR of All Kinds
a Specially.
Wilson & Cooke's
Old Stand
Gambrinus Cold
Griessen & Hallwyer, Props.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Elegant Family Rooms.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try Holton Dairy and 1)6 Convneed'
Livery & Feed Stable
Cor. Main and 4th St.
jsr-Job Printing at the
Courier omce.
1 1 1 1 c old on armed apeclnllst, of St. Louis
tveli known liy hi Ioiir residence ninl w
rcnaiullv practice In thin city, coiillinn' 11
niceoK.fiilly Iri-al all kind! of chronlo lino
P' K'nie discuses
hi ll Hfllll IIUOII
BLOOD AND SKIN Pint plea, Hernftila,!vpli
lit it- I'lilius, Tumors. Tellers. Kcit"iii,i ii"i
jilu r tm ptirttU-n of the blond thorougui
rmllcutid, leaving tlin system In a Kir. mil
pnrt iiihI hciillliful state.
DTlfTTM A IPIOM treated by an old Onium
fltlLLllulllllOm remedy. This leine.iy no
i n M iiii'il to Dr. Kosselor by a friend In
Uclln. It Inn never (ailed,
fll Tl CODr? l"'er, Cancera, etc, trea'ed, m
ULLI IjUIlllO dllforence how Ioiik iihVcleil.
1'iiinliil, illllloiill, too li'riiuent, milky or IiIihi.
orlne. it nit 11 ri I discharges, oitretully trint '-ii.
I'iIiv, r 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 at Ihiii and neuralgia treaud u
mil' new reineutei.
t'n U- a cl"ir bnltlo at bedtime and n'tniiti
In Mil1 bottle, set aside and look lit it In lln
niurnlnu. II It is cloudy, of lias a elimily Net
1 linu In It, ynii have miuie kidney tir bluilili i
IP WflPW removed In twenty-four hours
ft tVUlllUM"" woriiiK in window ul ul
, l ;', tn .i.i it'i'i long.
! A WII OIMWO We meet persons every
jftliJllU OllMo day whose bivnlh smells
Jiiiliml It in disgusting. Thin cornea (nun l a
3 h n 01 either tin none or utiiiimeh Hound
1 i" exauilui'd. It rim bo cured before lln
f uimiI Iiiiiii'n hecniiiea Involved.
' rnTRlP TTPM " '" troubled with nlghi
. UUIlU III lilt eiulNKlnni), exhiiustlnnli'iiinii
I'l'i h , oitNiiitilncsa, avers on to sueirl.v
I u I m 1 1 1 1 ''si . il Hpomtenoy, loss of energy, nni
nii.tn unit sell-conitdeiieo, whleh d-pi'iv yon
I ,oni' hiiinhood and absolutely unlit ,ot
I'l''inh, business or niurrlitgo-if you nit
li'iMiillK'h d you nuiy know Hie cans ut
ml ! i fitted.
: FfAGED MEN of"ou"miiM.T"!h
.1.. m-iiing bucks iiihI kidneys; ttviii-,.i
i urlnulloo and aedltiicnt In m I in- i mi
M-.'i.i y or weakness ol sexual organs, ui ti
in r linnilsl akahle signs of nervous ili'liilnv
in, 1 I'li'iouliire decay. Many die ol im
lliln'iilty, iKUOrant of the rause The uioni
itst iiuite CHMea of thU character trentrd.
JDiy rltn itlaeaaea. Uleet, Gonorrhea, I it
1.1 1 Jllfj rlaiiiHtloni.l)licliargei, SSIilelun s
ArukniHs of OrKHtm, Hyphllla, Hydrocele
'arieocel and kindred tnmblee treated.
Consultation Free to All.
Ji'Hck lloorts: From 9 A. M. to
8 P. M. Call or address
J. Henri Kessler Al. D.
At St. Louis Dispensary,
4 -o VIMHilL iTPr-
'1 v,.iikwi.:'
April Term Wll Adjourn Tuesday
Until June.
The following proceedings have been
had since the last issue 01 tiie Ooukihr:
All but two of the tiretit iurv liHd
been discharged on Weinetd.iv. and on
Thursday the grand jury made their
nnat report alter finding true lulls
against L. A. Dack for burning a hop
house, and a true bill agninst Walter
Wyland, on a transcript from the justice
court. ,
We the nnderswned grand iurv
for the April, 1898, terra of said
court, beg leave to submit this our final
report We have enquired into all mut
ters of crime brought before us and have
returned into court two true bills and
one not a true bill We have also ex
amined into a number of cases upon
which we do not deem it necessary to
report. We have visited the county
jail and find the same neat and weil
kept and the sanitary condition good.
vve nave called upon the various county
officers and find them diligent in their
work and obliging in manner. We have
thouglititexpedient to employ twoexpert
book keepers and accountants to make
a through examination of the books of
the various county officers, beginning
with the lust experts report on the same,
ami bring it up to the present time. In
viaw of the fart th;t it will be several
days before the experts can complete
their labors and submit their report, and
that our labors are finished, we direct
them to file their report in this court
when hnisheiL ana report to the iiidge
thereof for their final discharge. And
now having completed our labors, we
most respectfully at-k that we may be
discharged. K. 11. BiiRoiiARUT.f.ireman.
Ueorge Sutherland vs C. Zimmerman.
et al ; heard on demurrer to complaint,
wmcii was overruled.
Amy Kobe8on vs Frank M.Robeson:
the order heretofore made giving defend
ant the custody of Viva Robeson was set
aside, and Hie custody of said child given
to Preston Bonney, of Met-dow brook.
Dutty liros. vs Ueorge L. and El en
Tout; additional judgment foi $40, costs
ai d disbursements.
The following cases were dismissed:
Lyman E. Laiourotte vs Thomas Uhur
man, MciVlinnville College vs Thomas
Charman, McMinnville Uollege vs Thos.
and Sophia Charman, A. E. Latourette,
executrix, vs George C. Watson.
uusiat reterson vs Adam Troger;
judgment for $1250 and decree of fore
closure. August Peiper vs Herman Peiper;
ordered that defendant pay over to
plaintiff the sum of fjO for her support
during pendency of divorce suit.
Brammerage vs J. Trembath, et al ;
continued for term.
C. U. T. Williams, assignee Oregon
City Sash & Door Co, vs Joe Miller, et al ;
assignee ordered to sell property as per
order of court.
A. U. Stogsdill vs D. W. Howard, et al ;
decree of May 7, 18D7, allowed to stand.
Alary E. Morris vs Frank F. Morris ;
decree of divorce on the ground of
desertion, and plaintiff permitted to re
sume her maiden name, Mary F. Kinney.
James W. Smith vs Uincy M. Cribble,
et al ; it was ordered that li. O.Curry be
appointed guardian ad litem for the
minor defendants, Catherine E. Cribble
and Martin 11. J. Cribble, to represent
their interests in the suit.
Harriet E. K. Uenison vs Paul A.
Ozame, et al; judgment for $1000, inter
est costs ana attorney fees, and fore
closure on mortgaged property.
A. W.Lauevs Murv Lane: decree of
divorce by default.
Edward Jiiind vs Mrs. Joe Wall, et al ;
judgment for $150, and decree of fore
closure on mortgaged property.
Lee Dock was arraigned for burning
a hop house, and plead not guilty. His
uau uonu was fixed at ftOO, which was
furnished by two Portland Chinese
James W. Tufts vs George A. Harding,
et al ; to be tried at the udjourned term
in June.
Dun Lyons vs M . II. Flanagan ; con
liritiatii n of sheriff's sale.
Margaret E. liuiigy vs Charles E.
Peterson ; motion for an order to with
draw answer filed. v
Hank of Oregon City vs A. V. Howard,
et al; Mrs. Annie H. Whitlock appoint
ed guardian ud-litum for Rutherford
Whitlock, one of the defendants.
('has. Krohn vs Wiebke Kroknj dis
missed. Jacob K. E'mer vs John O. Shimon
and O. K. Shimon ; continued for service
on John O Shunnii.
The Oswego Commercial and Savings
Bank vs I'M Dupinis, et til ; was ordered
that Mason, hhrman & Co be substituted
asdefenduntsi n place of Emily 11. Monk.
C. 11. Isom vs Clackamas County ; jury
verdict for plaintiff for $12).
Mary L. Bradley vs Win. Anderson;
defendant given 10 days to file additional
James W. Smith vs Wm. Jack, et al J
absolute title to disputed premises given
to plaintiff.
F. Rechner vs J. P. Watkins. et al ; J.
W.Loder appointed guardian ad lituni
for minor defendants, Juhn and Floyd
Henry Jewell vs Annie H. AVhitlock,
et al; Annie H. Whitlock appointed
guardian ad-litum for Edward Ruther
ford Whitlock, a minor.
Kllio G. Kelson vs P. E. Nelson ; de
cree of divorce on the plea of cruel treat
ment. The Nelsons were married at
Independence on August 17, lS'.lti, The
The plaintiff was awaided thecustody of
t lie minor children, and the defendant
was ordered to pay over the sum of $100
for their support, and the further sum of
$10 per month thereafter.
Amelia Fisher vs O. J. lloel.etal:
judgment for $10S and decree of fore
Thos. ChiirniHii vs V. P.. Stafford ;
judgment lor $tU2.oti. ,
Bessie Monteith vs Morris R.Monteith
decree of divorce on the ilca of desertion.
Commercial Rank of Oregon Ci'y vs
Henry Hopkins ; judgment lor $(" and
decree ot foreclosure.
1. Harding, et al, va T. Garrett, et al ;
ordered that unless defendants comply
with terms of bond, sale of pre niscx
w in ne ordered.
Elvu C. Clark vs "W. E. ( hu k ; decree
for the plaintiff on the plea of cruelty
and human treatment, and decreed that
she resume Iter maiden mime, Elvu C.
Ed. Batdorf vs John A. Sanduhl ; judg.
ment for $200, and foreclosure of mortg
aged premises.
U.K. Hayes vs William Butcher, et til;
judgment of $:i:!0, and foreclosure of
mortgaged premises.
Children Crvf?"
Endeavor Program.
Program of the First Semi-Annual
Convention of the Clcakamas County
Endeavor Union to be held at Canby, I
April 29th and 30th. j
7:30 Program to be furnished by the
Canby Y. P. 8. C. E. .
9:40 Praise service led by Mrs. E. H.
Carlton, of Canby. Prayer by Mrs.
9 : 30 Address of Welcome, by William
Bissell, of Canby.
9 :55 Response, by George Randall, of
New Era.
10:00 President's address, G. H. Bes
tow. Secretary's and treasurer's re
ports and reports of committees and
societies. . -
11 :00 1. Faithfulness of the C. E. offi
cers and its effect, by Levi Johnson.
2. How to maintain a live society
and spiritualize its members, by
Rev.O. B. Strey feller, of Milwaukie.
3. How to best conduct our
societies so that theunsaved maybe
converted, by Rev. Lon Davis, of
4. The 0. E. society's responsi
bility to the church and the S. S.,
by John W.Loder, of Oregon City.
12:00-Dinner. "
1 :00 Praise service. Prayer.
1:13 Should our C. Y,. society exi-t,
and if so, why? by Rev. M.L. Rugg,
of Oregon City.
2:00 Endt-avor, what is its Signifi
cation to Christian Endeavorers," by
Albert Frankhauser.
8SEl"Tlie Typical Christian Endeavorer,"
by John Wise, of Milwaukie.
Discussion, led by Mrs. O. F.
Clark, of Clackamas.
2:30 The Duties of the President, by
Prof. T. J. Gary, of Oregon City.
2:40 The Duties of the Lookout Com
mittee, by Miss Eunice Donaldson,
of Oregon City.
2:50 The Duties of the Social Commit
tee, by Mrs. E. H. Carlton, of Canby.
3:00 "The Usefulness of Music and
Prayer to Our Societies," by Mrs. J.
E. White, of Oregon City.
3:10 '-How Can We Bind Our Society
Closer Together, by Our County
Organization," by Rev. W. L. Molloy.
Discussion, led by Mrs. T. Martin.
2:40 "Christ in Our Societies; in Us;
the Effects," by Rev. H. Oberg, of
Oregon City.
4 :10 "Our Home Life, What it Should
Be," by Mrs. Oilman Parker, of
Oregon City.
4:25 "Christian Visitation," by Mrs.
W. M. Shank, of Milwaukie.
7:30 Address, by Dr. T. W. Butler, of
Oregon City.
Consecration Service.
What the Union Candidates may Ex
pect at the Hands of their Ener
There is good and bad in democracy
and bad and worse in fusion. . About
the worst is the nomination of Chus. A.
Fitch state printer on the fusion ticket.
The office Bhould be named "state
sprinter" for Charley's especial benefit
and thereby hangs a tale. In 1804 Chas!
was running a sheet in LaGrande of
which we have forgotten the name, and
embraced the opportunity to make atnost
outrageous and scandalous personal at
tack on one of the most honorable and
esteemed of F'asiern Oregon's pioneer
citizens then residing in LaGrande, as
well as reflectingon his family. Charley
skipped a day before the article appeared
and "never came back, through well
grounded fear of having the top of his
head blown off with a double barreled
shot gun in the bauds of the aforesaid
citizen. The foreman of the print shop
sneaked out ot tne trouble hy solemnly
declaring that he had no authority nor
responsibility in t lie matter. here
lore we suggest the name "state sprin
ter." Sampler Newa.
The above statements by the Sumpler
News, of which J. Nat Hudson is at the
head, is a malicious and false attack
upon Mr. Fitch and there is not a par
ticle of truth in them.
In the first place, the paper he refers
to, (of which he is so ignorant as to for
get the name,) was the Union Cmtnty
Farmer and at the time in which he
speaks was owned by a stock company,
run and controlled by a board of direc
tors, and not Mr. Fitch as he says. I
was one of the directors and also busi
ness manager. The attacks lie refers to
was an article showing up a certain can
didate for the legislature, who was badly
beaten at the polls although the balance
of his ticket was elected by large ma
jorities. The skipping proposition is
simply absurd. Fitch did not leave La
Grande for ten days or two weeks after
the artiulo was published. The fear of
having the top of his head blown off
with a double barreled shot gun is more
absurd than the skipping, for it was not
Fitch but myself to whom that threat
was made and it was made before the
said "personal attack" was published,
and we neither sneaked out of nor quit
saying what he pleased about the afore
said citizen, and we are still in posses
sion of the "top of our head."
These are the facts and we g ve them
in behalf of Mr. Fitch, whose conduct in
the above matter was above reproach.
Lake 1'tVif Ittixthr, J. 0. Oliver Editor
and Proprietor.
jijSnog s.tEiv mi'h noA Wi "II 8"" ""93
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought'
Bears the
Furnished Every Week by Clacka
mas Abstract & Trust Co.
u a Harding trustee to II W Whet
stone, lo s 3, 4, blk 5, town of Edgwood :
J II Crookshanks to A J Crookshanks,
n Yz of g e l4 , sec 1, t 2 s, 2 e ; $5.
J Glover (by adm'r) to T Charman, 160
a. .T P Glover elm; $1000.
O&CR RCotoJ C Carr.swKofsw
J.sec 33, 2 s, 5 e; $160.
A J Hoyt to J E Hlinn s w & a of
n w qr & lot 1 , sec 2,r, 1 s 3 e ; $1 . -
S E Jones (by slier) to W F Hubbard,
s e qr, sec 2, 2 s, 5 e ; $480.
F Hanel to US, swqr ofne qr, s eqr
of n w qr& lots 3&4, sec 6, 2 s,6e; ben
eii's af net of congress. -
F .8 Wasco to U S, n e qr of s e qr, se
qr of n e qr & lots 1 & 2, sec 6. 2 s. 0 e,
bene'its of ad of congress
J & R J Cochrane to R D King, 18 a,
I D Murry c m ; $180.
A C & j Baines 10 F D Edwards, tannt.
55, prnneland ; $1500 '
.) Lindsay to Ji Gostello, 10 acres in P
Welch elm ; $250.
J A Knehul tn C Cobb lots 20 21, blk
78, Mintn.-.rn: $450.
P P & L Skei & G G Fordal, to P Jullum
s e ofn e see 16, 5 s e 1 $1.
P P & L Skei & P Jullum to G G For
dBl. swofne xi, sec 16, 5 s, 1 e ; $1.
Oregon City to Clackamas County, tret
joining e side of b!ks 120 121, lstadd Mt
View Cernelerv : $75.
The regular quarterly teachers' exam
ination for Clackamas County wil lie held
at the court house in Oregon City, com
mencing Wednesday, May 11th, 'at the
hour of one o'clock p. in.
H. G Starkweather, School Supt
Dated April 2(i, 1808.
It Did the Worn
Raiher, Oreson. April 14, 1808 Paul
Roeser of this town has been the victim
of a painful sore on one of his limbi. He
took Hood's Sarsaparilla and it effected
a cure. This medicine has also cured
him of boils. It is the Lest of blood
It is eco omy to profit by the experi
ence of others. Thousands have been
cured bv Hood's Sarsaparilla, why not
Two Millions a Year.
When people buy, try, snd buy aeain,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now buying
Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before New Years. It
means merit proved, that Cascarets are
the most delightful bowel regulator for
everybody the year round. All drug
gists 10, 25, 50c a box, cure guaranteed.
For Over Fifty Years
An Old and Well-Tihed Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is
pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggists
in every part of the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
That. Is the way all "IniRRlsts sell GROVE'S
and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in are
asteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer
at a bitter, nauseating Tonics, Prioe 60c. For
sale byC. G. Huntley, Druggist.
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should he supplied
with every means possible for its relief.
It is with pleasure we publish the follow,
ing: "This is to certify that I was a ter
rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice fcr
over six months, and was treated by
some of the best physicians in our city
and all to no avail. Dr. Bell our drug
gist recommended Electric Bitters; and
after taking two bottles, I was entirely
cured. I take pleasure in recommend
inn them to any person suffering from
this terrible malady. I am gratefully
yours, M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky."
Sold by Charman & Co. Druggists.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best SAivnin the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money ro
unded. Price 25 cents per bo. For
sale by Charman & Co.
Educate Yourltowln With CuioureU
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
forever. 10c,L'oc. If C.t;. C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
Iloauty I lllooit.
Clean blond means a clean skin. No
beauty without it. Cascarets Candy
Cathartic clean your blood and keep it
clean, by stitrinu up the lazy liver and
driving an imuuri:ies irotu tne DOiiy.
Begin to-day to banish pimpls, boils,
blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
hilioiis foninlfxion hv takimr f ?nscnrpt.
beauty for ten cents. All druggists,
ntisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c , iiOc
A Sure Thitiu: fur You,
A transaction in which you cannot lose
is a sure thimr. Biliousness, sick head
ache, furred tongue, fever, piles anda
thousand other ills are caused hy coc
stlpation and sluggish liver. Cabarets
Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new
liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are
hy all druggists guaranteed to cure or
money refunded. O. C. C. are a sure
thing. Try a box to-day ; 10c, 25c, fiO
Sample and booklet free." All druggist
Liver ills
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, consti
pation, sour stomach. Indigestion lire promptly
cured hy Hood's Tills. They do their, work
easily and thoroushly.
Kest after dinner pills,
cents. All ilrugtists.
Prepared by 0. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass,
The only Pill tn take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating the Food and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
ness andRest.Contains neither
(tum.Morphine nor Mineral.
IfOT Narcotic.
Jkape oTOUDrSAl'IlMBrcnm
Pumpkin Sad'
Si CarionattSaJa
lihrmSetd -Clartwd
Virtwyreen f'iavan
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jeverish
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery has been made,
and that too. by a lady in this country.
"Disease fastened its crutches upon
her and for seven years she withstood
its severest test, but her vitnl organs
were undermined and death seemed im
minent. For three months she coughed
incessantly, and could not sleep. She
finally discovered a way to recovery, by
purchasing of us a b-dtle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, and was
so much relieved on taking first dose,
that she slept all night ; and with two
bottles has been absolutely cured. Her
name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes
VV. C. Hamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C.
Trial bottles free at Charman &Co's Drug
Store. Regular size 50c and $1 . Every
bottle guaranteed
The Thrice-a-week N. Y. World and
the Oregon City Courier for $2 per year.
To Cure Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c
or 2oc. Jf C. C C. fiiil to cure, druggisls
refund money.
Oreicnn, for the County t Clackamas, sitting
in probrtte, April tnrm, 1('8.
In the matter of the guardianship of James G.
St mm, a minor.
This matter coming hefore the court on the pe
tition oft)ie?uariian, for license to sell the fol
lowittR described real estate, to-wit: Lots num
bered three (3), five (5) and six (6) in hlo.'k num
bered one hundred anil live (1U5), in Oregon I ity,
Oregon. And ItHpneariiiK to the court beneficial
to the ward that siiid real estate should be sohl.
It is therefore ordered thai the 25tlt day of Mav,
lmw, al the hour cf ten o'clock a. ni. of said day,
at the office of the county judge of Clackamas
county, state of Oregon, is set ss the time and
place for hearing said petition, at which time and
place the next of kill of said ward and all persons
Interested in said estate are directed to be present
and show cause, if any there be, why license
should not he granted for the sale of said rai
estate. It Is further ordered that a copy of this
order he published at least three successive
weeks in the Oregon City Courier, a newspaper
circulated in Clackamas county, i iregon.
Dated this 2titn day of April, 1S98.
Elmer Pixoh, Clerk, County Judge.
By K. II. Coji'iR, Deputy.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas.
Mary Mailer,
James Hodges, Lucy Hodges,
Henry brush, Ella ttruth and
Llhhia A. Hates,
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
and decree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the seal of ihe above entitled onurt,
In the above entitled cause, to me duly direoted
and dated the l'.Hh day of April, ls'.M, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said court on
the l'.ith day of April, 1MW, In favor of Marv
Mnder, plaintiff, and against James Hodges ami
l.ucy Hodges, defendant, for the sum of 70o.il
with interest thereon at rate of 10 per cent, per
milium from said 191 h day ol April, 18!)S, and the
further sum of altoruev's fees, and the fur
ther sum of 541, costs and disbitrsemenls, and the
cost of and upon this writ; coinmitmting me to
malie sale of the followiiK described real prop
erty, situate in the county ol Clackamas and
state ot Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning on t ne westsiovoi secion'ja in town
ship -1 south of range 1 chmI of Willamette Merid
ian, at the half mile stake; th Mice south 80 rods;
Ineuce east UW rods; tliencj north . rods; thence
west iwi rods to the place of beginning, contain
ing SO acres moro or lets.
Now tnerefore, hy virtue of said exeoution,
Judgment order and decree, and in compliance
w ith the c.itnmandsof said w rit, I will on
SATURDAY, MAY :21st, IS'18.
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. in., at the front door of
the countv court house, in the city of Oregon Cltv,
said county of state, sell at pulilic auction, sub
ject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for
united Stales gold com, cash In hnnd, all the
right, title and Interest which the within named
deft-itdants of itny of tin in had on the date ol the
mortgage herein or since hail In or to the above
described real property or any part thereof, to
sali sly said execution, judgment order, decree,
interest, costs and all accruing costs.
u. W. GIlAl'E,
Sheriff of Cla-.'kamas Countv. Oregon.
Paled Oregon City, Oregon. April Until l.sis.
gen llemeit or ladies to travel for responsible
established house in Oregon. Monthly $05 and
expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose
ell-addn ssed slumped envelope. The Dominion
ompany. Dept. Y, Chicago.
A new. reliable and safe relief tot
eupprweed, etceeaive. scanty or pain
ful menstruation. Now ttwd by over
80,000 Lapiks. Invigorates theee
organs. BtwiKI 0 DANOEKOrs IM-
Ratioss. (3 per box, email box 1.
waid in plain wrapper, rjend Jo la
Stmes for particulars. Pr.t-n
ELllCM. ASSN. Ctucaco, 111.
exact copy or wrapper.
p. p. !- i i nr To.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
JIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIlt... I, ,,,,11,111,111111 urn mini;
! ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME 1
: Daily Call, including Sunday 12 mo S6 00 z
; " " " " 8 " 8 00
: 8 " l fio r
" 1 " 6ft S
: Sunday Call 12 ' 1 50 s
: Weekly " 12 " 1 60
5 " " 6 " 75 S
S Sunday and Weekly Call 12 " 2 50 s
S Delivered by carrier, every day, 65o. mo. :
W. S. LEAKE, Manager.
Fine Millinery
Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed
Hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction.
Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled.
Kid Gloves Cleaned.
Hair Work in All Its Branches Done with Neat
neas and Dispatch.
gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible,
established house in Oregon. Monthly f'A and
expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Bridge and the
Double and single rigs and saddle horses k
ways on hand at the lowest rates, and acorra,
also connected with the barn for loose stock
Any information regarding any kind of stock
promptly attended to by letter or person.
r ui r ii ni-t mrv a
f Lit..,. !,.
Go to
Seventh St. Bakcnj f
or stop his wagon
as it goes by. -
IS THE TIME to clean
house and repaper your
rooms and paint your
house and
IS THE MAN to do
the painting and papering
in a first-class shape a
very low prices. Leave
orders at paint stcre, near
S. P. depot
a m n Ki