II r: IF Uncle Sam Says: This fs America's Greatest Spring Medicine. Take It Now to Sharpen Your Appetite, Vitalize Your Blood, To Overcome ThatTired Feeling. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and be gin to take It today, and realize at once the great good It 'is sure to do you. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is America's Greatest Spring Medicine. In the jungles of Sumatra the largest spiders are found. Some of the largest specimens measure eight inches across the back and have 17 Inches of leg (spread. ' SHAKE INTO TOUR SHOES. Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight-fitting or new shoes feel easv. It is a certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damp, callous and hot, tired aching feet. We have over 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mail for 2oc. In stamps. Triit package FREE. Address Allen S. Olm Bted, Le Hoy, N. Y. A nugget was found In Siberia re cently containing 74 pounds of gold. CITJI Pprmancntly Cared. No fltsor nervousnM I I I after Urst day's use of Vt. Kline's ureal erve Restorer. Send for FKKK .00 trial bottle and treatise. DR. R. H, KT.ru k.. jja Area street, Phllttdelplila,ia, Piso's Cure for Consumption has been a Ood-send to me. Win. B. McClellau, Chester, Florida. Sept. 17, 181)5. r The exports of locomotives in 1897 were three times greater than eight years ago. SlOO REWARD 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to fearn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all lis taxes, and that iscatarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The pro prietors have so much faith In its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. Sold by druggiBts. 75o. Hall's Family fills are the best. UOMK PRODUCTS AND FUKK FOOD. All Eastern Syrnp, so-called, usually very light colored and of heavy body, Is made from glucose. "Tea Garden iVtn," Is mude from Bugar Cane and is strictly pure. It Is for sale by first-class irrocers, tn cans utily. Manufac tured bv the Pacific Coast Htnvr Co. All iren. uine "Tea Gartlm Drive" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. More than a third of the Frenoh crown jewels have been bought by Americans. In the spring cleanse your system by using Dr. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. 3 ONU BNIOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, iu manv excellent cfualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM fRAMCISCO, CAL iouisviui. a. w too, t.r LMii WHtsi ill ELSE fallS. A Bet Cough Syrup. Ttm Good. Use J tn lira. tMd tT drorfft.ts. :tw:n'i,-,idiM:rg ARCHITECTURAL SPLENDOR. Attlie Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition at Omaha From The Greek Ionio style of architecture characterizes the mines building. The order is of heroic proportions, carried out with great artistio care in every detail. The principal feature of the lagoon facade is a circular dome 150 feet in circumference, rising to a height of 75 feet. The dome is supported on a circular row of fluted Ionic columns, and the space enclosed by them and under the dome is open, forming a grand, open, domed vestibule for an approaoh to the building. The inner dome is richly designed with ribs and panels and is to be decorated in colors, while the outer is formed bv a series of A VERITABLE DREAM CITY. Nothing Beneath the Sky Is Unworthy of the Artist's Attention. The exterior decoration of the build ings at the Trans-Mississippi and In ternational Exposition, to be held in Omaha, promises to be both unique and attractive. While the individual buildings will show in their decora tions some approach to modern ideas, ttio statues adorning the grounds will be exact copies of the famous figures of antique art The stately figure of the Venus de Medici, an Apollo or a Faun, will lighten the grounds with their classic beanty and this delightful mode of reproducing the antique will prove not only the most beautiful that can be conceived, but, as well, the most in structive. With the natural advantages in landscape gardening that are pos sessed by the grounds, the lake, the sloping bluff tract, with the river so many foot beneath the emerald turf and the superabundance of nature's fairest flowers all these, together with the imposing bits of statuary that will dot the grounds, should make it a ver itable garden of the gods. The primary theory that will be demonstrated in the decoration of each building is that the statuary, the relief and decdrative" work generally will be symbolical of the exhibits contained therein. Nothing beneath the sky is unworthy of the artist's attention. Beauty is everywhere, in everything, if our genius but lead us to seek for it. Perhaps the most unusual of all the design in decorating to be seen is that which adorns the electricity building. The general architectural plan of this struoture is one of olassic simplicity, though the decoration shows a happy blending of modern ideas. All the cresting, scroll work, ornaments and spandrels ate suggestive of machinery aud the science of electricity. Clever designs in cog wheels are seen about the cornices and an heroio figure piece of "Man Controlling the Forces of Na ture" is placed above the spacious en trance. The first group shows "the struggle," and an immense American lion is seen fiercely wrestling with two femalo figures of colossal size. The second group shows ''the victory," the upright figure of man, triumphant, one foot resting on the prone figure of the defeated enemy, while the third and largest group which will oocupy the central position, hnmljately over the entnince -typified "The Supremacy of Man" for here in an immense chariot is the triumphant victor, driv ing with reins drawn taut, his now docile anil obedient steeds five great lions. The figures are all full of srength and life and promise to form a fitting adornment for a beautiful build ing. The decorations which will enhance the agricultural building are not less attraotivo. This great building is, in its immensity a fit garner house for this, the granary of the world. It is finished in ivory, but garlands of flowers and festoons of cereals are thrown into bold relief by being finished in their natural hues. Medallion ornamnts of barnyard fowls are placed at intervals, while larger medallions of our nation's representative bird the eagle will also appear in connection with the or namentation. On either side of the great main entrance are figures taken from Millet's famous paintings, the 'Digger" aud the "Sower." Immedi EXPOSITION NOTES. A startling amusement which might be termed "unique" is called "Rolling the Boll," and is supposd to succeed the well known "Shooting the Chutes. " A sloping railway, some immense bar rels provided with seats, and a willing populace seem to be the only necessary adjuncts. Those who are sufficiently curious may enter the barrel, and trapped to the seat, are allowed to roll merrily down the hill. Will Be Seen Many Artistic Decorations, Beautiful Landscapes and ; Famous Bits of Statuary and Paintings. MINES AND MINING BUILDING. steps rising in the form of a cone to apex, which is crowned by a riohly decorated base for a flagstaff. The outer row of dome columns is detached and the entablature is broken around them at the base of the dome, and over each column is a statue and pedestal having as a background the stylobate of the dome. This treatment is very monumental in effect, and while in good taste ana harmonious with the architectural style it is at the same time original and interesting. Over the doorway leading from this vestibule into the building are three large panels between the pilasters to receive paint ings which will be emblematical of the ately above the grand doorway is an immense panel decorated with a gigan tic bull's head, graoefully festooned on either side with the fruits of all sea sons. The central figure crowning the whole composition will represent "Prosperity" supported by the figures of "Labor" and "Industry." These are colossal groups of statuary and will fittingly adorn this beautiful building. One of the best and most striking statues which has been designed for the exposition is the' figure of "Fame," which will be repeated about nine times in the decoration of the Art building. It is the winged draped figure of a woman, a palm branch in each out stretched hand, with something divine ly free and full of life In the erect fig ure and upturned face. The art build ing, which is well nigh finished, will be one of the most artistio on the grounds, and perhaps one of the best in its adaptability to its purpose, that has ever been constructed. It is in the form of two Greek crosses, joined, with a court botween. The galleries which run around the interior of these twin buildings afford unequalod facilitites for gaining the requisite amount of light and shade. One of these build ings will be devoted to the oil paint ings, while the other will contain the water colors, black and whites, prints, etc. No picture will be hung higher than 10 feet. In the court will be found replica of the most famous statu ary, ancient and modern. At the bases of the flagstaffs groups of cupids and eagles are seen, while a figured frieze, five feet high, which surrounds the building, will add to its unique beauty by being artistically colored. One of the daintiest and most beau tiful acrhitectural conceits on the grounds is the administration build ing, with its slender piunacle and graceful arch. It is decorated with symbolic statuary and forms one of the most beautiful pictures in the main tract. Immediately across the lake is the arch of the states, the grand cen tral entrance to the grounds. This is composed of 24 successive layers of stone, each course representing some trans-Mississippi state or territory. Above the arch appears a series of stone tablets upon which are pictured the coats-of-arms of the 23 states in col ored faience. The Zolnay fountain, which will be situated ip the lake which widens into trefoil and is well called "The Mir ror," with the great government build ings in front, the sweeping colonnades encircling it on either side, and the gushing fountain in the center will form one of the prettiest bits of scenic effect on the grounds. The numerous colonnades which con nect the buildings is a feature both or iginal and artistic They will form one almost continuous shaded walk, where one may make the entire round of the principal buildings and yet be sheltered from the rays of the sun. The color scheme, too, is an nnusual feature which should not be overlooked when discussing the exterior decora tion. While the general tone of the buildings will be that of old ivory, it is the intention to finish one-third the height of the colonnades as well as about the cornices, doorways and win dows in full Pompeiian colors. There will be other novelties in in finite variety and, altogether, they promise to make the Trans-Missiesippi Exposition one of the most beautiful and attractive that has ever been held anywhere. ELSIE EEASONEK. A distinct novelty will be the Wine Cascade, a perfect reproduction in mini ature of Niagara Falls. The base work, including the rocks, Goat Island and the Three Sisters, will be done in glass, over and about which will sweep an unceasing flow of California wine. The precious liquid will be conserved in the gorge below, and automatically and secretly it will be returned to the fountain head to do duty again. An other reproduction of nature will be that of Old Faithful, June to November of This Year charaoter of the exhibits. Flanking the entire dome are beautiful Ionio col lonnades which form covered ways along the entire facade, stopping at the corner towers. Over these colonnades are balconies capable of holding large numbers of people and opening from the interior galleries of the building, affording a fine point from which to ob tain an elevated view of the lagoon and the beauties of the grand court. The four corners of the building are marked by square plain towers surmounted by ornate, open columned pavilions, cir cular in form and to serve for electric lighting. The building was designed by 8. S. Deman of Chioago. IN THE DEPTHS OF HADES. The Prototype of Regions Infernal to B Shown on the Midway. When the conversation turns upon the Trans-Mississippi Exposition, some one is sure to ask, "And will there be a Midway?" and then reminisoences will be the order ol the hour, and again you will see- the red fezes of the Turks, the bewitching smile of the Parisian coquette, the haughty ghnoe from the dark-eyed houri of the Orient, the seductive dances of the Spanish senoritas, the slow revolving of the massive Ferris wheel, the little nooks from the other corners of the earth, the swaying, Bleepy camels with their loads of laughing, living freight, the queer meals with egg-shell ohina and chop-sticks served by a shy, dainty bit of Occidental beauty; again you can hear the musical songs of unknown tongues the monotonous ohant of cer emonies in strange religions, the lusty call of the "Orangeade" boy, the entio ing shouts of the fakirs, the growling of savage beasts whose tricks are almost human, the hum of thousands of voioes, the laughter from thousands of throats and all the rest that went to make up that ever-changing kaleido scope of strange voices, Btrange people and strange sights. We had never thought to see its like again, but, af ter all, there was nothing that could not be duplicated and, if one may judge from the extensive preparations that are under way, we shall see in Omaha, not only a reproduction of the most in teresting features of the Midway, but many novel ones and breathe it gently minus the humbug and fake features whioh were at once the bane and the characteristic of the Midway Plaisance. If one haB any ouriosity as to their ultimate destination after this life, they have but to enter a novel building which represents one of the Egyptian pyramids and is called' "Night and Morning." This building is 140 feet square and 100 feet high, and in this space there is warranted to be crowded sufficient celestial joys and awful ter rors as to make a trip through it one to be never forgotten. On entering, one is immediately lost in a labyrinth which represents the journey of life from the cradle to the grave, and whether one walks quietly along through pleasant paths with delightful views, or becomes lost in dark byways in the midst of terrible scenes, depends entirely upon ohance. When at last he has reached the end of the labyrinth he is confronted by a winding flight of golden stairs, which will lead him straight to the Elysian fields, and on bis left he will see an elevator which plunges hira down to the lower regions. It will be a safe guess to reason that the visitor will take tho elevator first, and after descending 200 feet' he will find himself in an exact duplicate of Dante's Inferno, with all of Dore's hor rible pictures realistically reproduced. In the cafe he will find oofflns trans formed into tables, widows and orphans in gloomy weeds who are enacting the parts of waitresses, the menus printed in white on black cards, and all the symbolic gloominess that goes to mako up the infernal regions. If, on the other hand, the visitor prefers a "Heavenly" meal, he has but to ascend the golden stairs, to be ushered into a beautiful room, hung with satin draperies of white rose color, to find tho tables of golden harps, the wait resses white-robed angels with wings and everything lovely. Let us glance over the list of novel ties and see what we shall see. Among the foremost of things unusual will be the smallest train in the world. The miniature locomotive, tender, four observation cars, one box car and a caboose, will be, in all, but 29 feet long. This tiny train will be in oper ation daily on its own tracks, and will serve for the transportation of the lit tle people. Each diminutive car will seat two wee ones comfortably. The engine weighs only 450 pounds, If your grocer doesn't sell Schilling's Best tea. tell us his name, what kind you want (JaPan. English Breakfast, Oolong, Ceylon, or Blend), and what size pack age you want We'll see that you get it Don't send us any money We don't sell at retail. San Francisco et Glass bricks are in extensive use abroad. They are blown with a hollow center containing rarefied air, and are said to be as strong and durable as clay brioks, while freely admitting the light. FABULOUS WEALTH. The "lncalcuable mineral wealth" of newly found mining regions largely run by sj ndicates and promoted by transportation companies is in too many instances really a fable. The pro ducts of Industry iu legitimate fields of enter prise nearer home are far surer and promise more stable rewards. No oue will go unre warded in the matter of Improved health who use regularly HoBtetter's Stomach Bitters for malaria, dyspepsia, constipation, bilious ness, etc. , t London has 1,880 miles of streets; Paris 600 miles and New York 575 miles. After being swindled by all others, send ns stamp for particulars of King Kolomon's Treasure, the ONI.V renewer of manly strength. MASON CHEMICAL CO.. P. O. Box 1, Philadelphia, Pa. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting In the courts our right to the exclusive use of the word "CASTORIA," and "PITCHER'SCASTORIA," as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the fac-slinile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'3 CASTORIA " which has been uaed In the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you havt always bought, and has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, MJX The most anoientcoin in Europe, the ducat, was first s'truck in the mint of Venioe in the year 1284. The build ing is still in existence. A LETTER TO WOMEN. A'few words from Mrs. Smith, 'of Philadelphia, will certainly corroborate the elam that Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1b woman's ever reliable friend. "I cannot praise Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound too highly. "For nine weeks I was 1 bed suffer ing with in flammation and congosr tion of the ovaries. I had a dis charge all the time. When lying down all the time, I felt quite comfort able; but as 'soon as I would put my feet on the floor, the pains would come back. " Every one thought it was impossi ble for me to get well. I was paying $1 per day for doctor's visits and 75 cents a day for medicine. I made up my mind to try Mrs. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. " It has effected a complete euro for me, and I have all the faith in the world in It What a blessing to wo man it isl" Mrs. Jennie L. Smith, No, 824 Kauffmtm St, Philadelphia, Pa.- BLUESTONE In Barrels Weighing from 205 to 325 lb. 41c. Per Lb. LESS QUANTITIES Sc. PER LB. Cut this out and send with order. THE SEATTLE THIDIKG CO., til Occident t An.. Seattla, Wish. Jf?A ffMf r2sV Mr 11 WE MAKE MEN. Marital Strength, Vitality, Manhood, In Two to Ten Days. Weak eni Imnntent me-- can bop tire healthy, viirorou mnrttfil itrenifHi. vitality and rtt- veln,m?nt In from twe 1 ten iayt by the VITAL rl'A RKH, In t...ety iwt cent of th Lofih'B, drains ctnm at one. Thy cure vlirjr and utrnmh to man or wf man; build up quickly the wak, nervoua, broken-down 1 iVBtem, A FOOD for nnrves, brain and ituk:1u. At laxt t remedy that ! beneficial to ( bH, and that fteu on th orKfum as rapidly an a cathartto acta on Ilia bo well. Always feutictuul. lSever falla. iteauiu permanent, DR. ARCHAMBAULT'S PARIS VITAL SPARKS, Art xt once, and their continued use for a few days hutlda a man or woman up wonder fully. The medicine ! a aclertivnc Frem h nrcimratlon. iierftly iaf to u4 cannot tot- ftibly Injure you. but on the contrary will If you are stajinjf to yourndf, "I wiKh I were dead," then thera in aomHhtnfr wrnntf with ' the Inner man; you are morbid, melancholy, unhealthy, and It ta your duty to youraelf and , lamny to nrace up ana iuk j'aiu viial PRICE S3 Pacttge 100 DOSES SPECIAL OFFER: 48 CENTS. To Inspire confidence In our remedied, we will malt, cloaely aenled, a regular full month'! treatment, loo dosea, :i arkan of PARIS VITAL Kl'AHKfl, for 4H lo atampa. Tlili entire ofir b an honettt one from ttart to finish, No deception; means exactly what i It wtyH, and Is made by a reKponslhltf and wtinltby Medical Company, who believe In doing as they would like to be done by. and who can refr to the leading and largest banks at horn and all newspapers In which this advertisement appears. You cannot git something for nothing. Avoid all so-called fr ourra. No one eay pay i fnr advertising mcuieines ani nve ami cure When discouraged try our PAKIB VITAL good value, if in need of treatment, for a full month's treatment. 1"H donts. a but our I'arls Vital Rparks are so rellabk, cuftomers at run prices tnrougn your certain cure. i Juki as Boon as you commence to take I'AIUH VITAL flPATlKfl. lust an soon will you commence to feel youraelf a man made over. A SECOND YOUTH WILL COME AGAIN TO YOU. NO C. O. D. PAl-KAGF.8 OK TlRr-KPTIVB nitfT!I,AP.B CAI.MNO FOR MORE MONKT, WT TUB Af'Tt'Alj MKPK'IW; BKNT, WITH rVLA. PIHECTIONB, 1NC1.UI- , IN't A VAM'AW.E MElH'AI; I'AI'Klt. ATXHKNT HKTKKI,Y HKA1.KI. FHKB ' FKOM OHHtllVATION. AJ.l. CHAWiliB I'JIKrAlLf TO TI1K U. 8. OH CANAUA. Falling Vigor In Cases Past Forty Our Great Specialty. "RINTKH1TT In spi'sklng as they think, btlltvln ss tlu-y pruunfl, acting as they ere- fi-ss, performing as th-y promlsa, an1 blng as thy twir to be. This Is what Dr. Arub- ambault Co. always does." fost. writs touay. Don t delay. Addrsas plainly, THE DR. ARCHAMI3AULT CO., 82 Pemberton Square. A. Schilling & Company CLEVELAND COTTAGE COLORS PURE PfllKT READY MIXED Best Reputation. Best Paint for Dealer or Consumer. Color Cards Sent Free. Cleveland Oil i Paint E Co., PORTLAND, ORECON. Tested and True. The Old German Dr, Leopold's ELECTRIC BELTS Will cure Backache, Khpuinntlmn, Diseased Kld neys,Nervuutmc88.Womb Disorders. Sexual Weak ness, Penpomtenev and kindred conditions, Con sul tut ton free: 42 years' experience. Terms to suit. Call or write. 290 Alder Street, Portland, Oregon. Good Health Is the working capital or humanity. tie who Iosps that fa wrecked Indeed. Is your health foiling you, your am bition, vigor, vitality wasting away t When others (Ml con sult DOCTOR RATCLIFFE, For the speMy, safe and permanent cure of alt Nervous, Ohrunio and Hpeoinl illseaeee, even In their most aggravated forum. There le no man In the world who hae effected ao many permanent cures In both Men mid Women of troubles which other pliyslcuna of acknowledged ability hud given up as hopeless us this eminent specialist. MCRVOUS DKIULITY aud alius attending ailments, of YOUNU, MIDDIJS-AOED and OLD MEN. Theawful effects of neglected or Improp erly treated cases, ouuslng drains, weakness of body aud bruin, dlulness, (Suing memory, lack of energy and oonlMence, pains In back, loins and kidneys,, and many other distressing symptoms, unfitting ono for study, business or enjoyment ot life. l)r Ratcllffe can euro you, no matter who Of what has fulled. WEAK MEN. He restores lost vigor and vl. tallty to weuk men. Organs of the body which have been weakened through disease, overwork, excesses or Indiscretions are restored to full power, strength and vigor through lilsowu auooeunil sys tem of treatment. VARICOCELE, hydrocele, swelling and ten derness of the glands treiited with untalllngsuooesfl. HI'KCJAL IHMKASKM, inflammation, dis charges, etc.. which, If neglected or Improperly treated, break down the system, causa kidney aud bladder diseases, etc. IUSKASKS OF WOMEN. Promptandes peclul attention given to all their muny ailments. WKITK If you areawure of anv trouble. IK) NOT UKI.AY. CallonDr.Rutelllfetoday. Ifyou cannot cull, write him. Ills valuable book free to all sufferers. CoNHULTATION i'UKK and conn denttal at office or by letter. E. M. RATCLIFFE, IB First In. CUTTlf, MSI WHEAT Make money by luoceslal peculation in Chicago. We buy and soil wheal on mar gins. Fortune, hut. huan made on a small beginning by trading In lu lures. Write lor full particulars, liest ol ret erunco given. Several years' experience on the I uiiuKKu nunruoi i ruue, unn a tnorougn know I ledge ol the business. Kendlornur Iree refer ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co.. Chicago Hoard ol Trade Urokers. Ollioei la Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash. n'lILi Flliflt M'S SPR"Q EYE CRAIN niuoinuu uw bag needles I Plain or with Cutter. The best needlo In the mar ket, rsed by ull sack sewers, for sale by all gen eral merchandise stores, or by WILL & FINCK CO., 620 Market Street, Han Francisco, Cat, YOUR LIVER Is it Wrong? Get it Right Keep it Right Moore's Revealed Remedy will do It. Three doses will make you feel better. Got It front your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or tioin Stewart & Holmes lirug Co., Seattle. DAT0 ,'r '"""'"H l locating Oold or Rllvaf Klll()re. lust or burled treasures. M. . 'OWLEK,Ilox 337,Houthlngtou,Conn. K. P. K. I. So. 18, '911. WHEN writing tn advertisers please mention, this paper. . us of Iir. Arrhnmbault' Wonderful PA RIB cam: lh rMii.lv are Mjrmantiiit una lantltiir. vuricncAle. return lt bower, Klve vnnUei f ul ' (UIiuuIhU your oritam to bu Ilk a youth of 2. . bi'Attna. you rn. t.vvry oner of this kind is a trap, Hf'AKKH. Our offer Rives you Three Dollars' 1 inly 4H cent a. Wt make no money when we send three - dollar nackntfe. for onlv 4M one-cent eiamus: I so effectual, thut we always make many other Why not try today, or at least out this out? BOSTON, MASS.