OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. G lcaratlin trjgonOitypojJtofflceasgaoond-class matte SUBSCRIPTION RATE8. ff old tn nlunce, per year 1 50 Six months 7 Turee mouths' trial .. 0The date opposite your address on the paper denotes I he time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, APRIL 29, 1898. UNION TICKET. STATE. For Governor W. L. Kino, of Baker. For Congress, First District K. M. Veatoh, of Lane. or Secretary of 8tate-H. R. KmoAin.of T.ane. For State Treasurer J. O. Booth, of Josephine. For Supreme Judge W. A. RAM8T,of Yamhill. For Attorney General j. L. Story, of Wasco. For State Printer Chab. A. J itch, of Clacka- """'r Superintendent of Public Instruction H. 8. Ltmam, of Olatsop. DI8TIU0T. For Judge, Fifth Dlstrlct-W. D. Hash, of "Wwtrtnirton. For Dietrlot Attorney-flito. Noland, of Clatsop. For Member of State Board of Equalization WH, BABibw, of Claekamas. For Joint Senator, Marion and Clackamas H. t Babklkx, of Marion. COURT Y. State 8ehator-W. R. U'RKMi of Mllwaukle. Representatie-r-GnEOK Oolk, of Molallai Gkokoe K night, of Canby; James Coon, of Os- W6K0. County Judge W. W. Myms, of Maple Lane. Sheriff J. J. CO' .KB, of Oregon City. Clerk Ei.meb Dixon, of Ely. Recorder Alfred Luemjno. of Milwaukle. , Treasurei Jacob Shade, of Oregon City. Assessor Lucene Stout, of Clarks. School Bupt. H. G. Starkweather, of Mil waukie. i Surveyor A. Todd, of Needy. Coroner I)b. M. C. Stbioklaud, of Oregon City. Ceunty Commissioner Wm. J. Cobbin of Cur rlusville. PBECINtT. No. 1. Justlee, Clyde Evans of TualatiB. Con table, Frank Oosser of Tualatin. No. 2. Justice, (no nomination). Constable,.!!. W. Koehler of Oswego. .',, No. 8. Justice, A. E.'Holcomb of Clackamas. Constable, W. Ii. Johnson of Clackamas. No. 4. Justice, C. Schuebel of Oregon City. Constable, T. 8. Lawrence of Oregon City. No. 6. Justice, Chas. N. Walteof Cauby. Con table. Joseph Bhull of (lanby. No. 7. Justice, W. W. Jesse of Barlow. Con stable, F. M. Matthews of Harlow. No. 8. Justice, O.D.Kby of Molalla. Constable, Wm. Kverbart of Molalla. No 9. Justice, Robt Schuebel of Carus. Cou. stable, John Pl of Mullno. No. 10. Justice, R. Rutherford of Highland. Constable, J. 1). Myeraof Highland. t,a. U. Justice, J. A. Randolph of Viola. Constable, Wm Handle of Spriugwater No. Vi. Justice, 11. Hreitlmnpt of Damascus. Constable, Wm. Buckmaii of Damasous. No. 14, Justice, F Rath of George. Constable, A. 1). Burnett of George. Union County Platform. n,..nli.rt. Tlmt the r.eonli'8. democrat and silver republican parties of Clackamas county assembled lu convention, fully and heartily re Hillrni and endorse the platform of the people s, lcinicrat and silver republican parties as au optetl at Portland by the recent state conven tions. , ,, Resolved, That the migratory system of dis trict attorney should be substituted by each county hating its own county attorney, at a ,n,l,.r,iii, unlurv. whose dulv it shall be to pro tect all county Interests, including all prosecu tions. ... n.nivar1 I'hnt wa demand such chamrci in our laws as are necessary to provide for preclnol organization, giving each precinct power to elect Its own assessor, road supervisor, and all local nfH,.n,.a Resolved, That we view with alarm the con- fl t ill 1 1 1 V ipcroiislllg expHimilurn u. hid imi".j court, and deiuaud more oareful and ecouomi- .l...!,,!.!.,,!!,,,, in that nllll-O. We pledge our -candidates to do all In their power to amend our law fixing the talary of county ollicers in Clackamas county so that the yearly salaries iiiuh uc. n,i o, ,-,., , clerk, iwki: rcconier, ? mi: ireaMirer, biilun. kiki: suDerlnteiidniit of piiblln Instruction, t,TM: countv surveyor, . Tins amendment to . r,,i,-,-,.,i in ih voters of Clackamas county nut later than the annual school election lu March, IHtw, to take ell'ect as soon as it is ap proved uy tne majorny oi uione vuumh. That $8000 saved by the populist oflici als is a corkor. Goo. 0. lirownell spent part of lust Sunday in Ryan's olllce, an occurence unheard of until recently. Some of the republican candidates would gain several votes if they made a practice of paying their honest debts. It will now be in order for the repub lican Htickholder to pay some of the beer bills contracted two years ago but not paid us yet. . It seems that Mr. Ryan got the worst of the bargain when he hitched up with lirownell, and now some of his best friends will not support him for judge. T. A. Melirido registers in a Portland hotel as from Oregon City. The judge now resides in Astoria and should not claim a residence in this county even if it is election time. "This is but one real pjint of difference between the mlddle-of the-road populists and the republicans, and that is Iho silver question." The "lhid Man" Editor of the Enterprise. A republican campaign speeker on Saturday started in by saying that he would not indulge in personalities or abuse but before he got through he was abusing Mr. U'Ren at a great rate. Now that County Chairman Hradley Is off on a surveying trip and Secretary "Campbell will go to war, lirownell will have to nianngo his campaign personally unless lie can get Mr. Pressor to act as his tool. A former citizen of this county, who resides in another part of the state, writes to the Comma as follows: "If the voters of Clackamas county nro not wooden-headed they will certainly not vote the ticket of a convention that swallowed lirownell, who no one that knows him would Itulievo under oath, Myers will be a very great improvement on Hayes, who is, if possible, even more slippery than the statesman front the Jayhawker stato. It is seldom tlto republican attitudo on political subjects is expressed as clearly, ns was stated by a prominent republican on the streets of Oregon City last Satur day. A group of men bad congregated on the street corner discussing the present seeming political chaos when he without any apparent effort gave vent to the following: ''The issue two years ago was, the republicans had the offices and the populists wanted them . This year the populists have the offices and the republicans want them." It is just possible that the great principles of the republican party hinted at by the bad man from bogy, as a correspondent cills the imported editor, in the last week's Enterprise, are embodied in the above proposition. CAME TO SLING MUD. The following bulldozing paragraph is taken from an article written by the recently imported "bad man" editor of the Enterprise, hired by Porter, Brownell, Ramsby & Co., to run their dirty cam paign organ : If advice would be heeded it might be opportune at this time to state to those who are making a personal fight on either M r. Brownell or any of the candi dates, that we are the best political muu-sunger in this neck of the woods and a continuation of this disreputable underhanded, and cowardly warfare will result in the loading of our batteries and a campaign that will not be relished by these kindergarten politicians. This is an insult to the intelligent voters and readers of Clackamas county and the ring politicians will want to change editors again "because no good is being done candidates" before the campaign is half through if,Mr.Curtls of Astoria opens his mud batteries on the union candidates, for which purpose he was brought here by the above mention ed "combination" of office seekers, and "tojdo up Fitch?" . What does Mr. Brownell care for the people? All he wants, and ifas wanted during the sevqral years of his residence here, is office for himself and his "friends." He has pulled the wool over the eyes of the voters before and hopes to do so again and with that end in view secured the "valuable" services of a "mud slinging writer from near the sea" for his organ, thinking thereby to draw attention from the real issue and fool the "fool people," as he calls the country residents. " We are the best political mud-sliii'ier in this neck of the woods." Do the intellegent readers of this county want this kind of a campaign waged by an imported man, who cares (or no one but his boss, the republican ring? THE O. 0. P. WORRIED The g. o. p. is badly worried over the fact that democrats, populists and silver republicans have united in a common cause for the coining election, they tell us, however, that they are noflhe least bit worried over the matter," and so we suppose they are only facetious when they characterize our platform as "mon grel," and deprecate the fact that the voters of the three parties will "sacrifice principle for the sake of putting a few pie-hunters in office." The opening of the mint of the United States to the free and unlimited coinage of both gold and silver at the legal ratio of 16 to 1 without wailing for the consent of foreign nations, the resumption by the government of the United States of its constitutional, exclu sive right to coin and issue money and regulate the value thereof; the exercise of iho right of the government to pay its bonded indebtedness, at its own option, in either gold or silver coin ; laws mak ing void all contracts demonetizing any kind of lawful money as a legal tender in the payment of any kind of debts or obligations, are all principles fundament al and common to the people's party, the democratic party and the silver repub lican party, and these are the cardinal principles embodied in this platform characterized by the g. o p. as"mongrel." And as to the ollicers we are sure to elect, they will put our principles into effect leaving the republican pie-hunters out in the wet. That is what is worrying the dear g. o. p, more than anything else for they are pre eminently a pie-hunting party. Municipal elections have taken place in several of the Eastern states, and the result is not gratifying to the Republi cans, to say the least. In Ohio is the re sult especially satisfactory to the Democ racy, which was successful In Cincinnat ti, Dayton, Sandusky, Mansllold, Zunes villo, Fronont, Tiffin, Canton and Maryg ville. Unless all signs fail, Oregon will lead the procession in the politicul revo lution that will take place during 18!W. The silver-reform forces will elect a neat majority of the house of representatives and gain the control of a number of the states now controlled by the republican party. THE ISSUE IN PLAIN. The republican convention at Astoria adopted the following plank : We are in favor of the maintenance of the present gold standard. We are un qualified opposed to the free coinage of silver and io all other schemes looking to the debasement of currency and the repudiation of debt. We beiieve that the best money in the world is none too good to be assured by the government to the laborer as the fruit of his toil and to the farmer as the price of his crop. This platform was framed by men who are bitterly opposed to anything that is not mono-metalism in the strictest sense , Judge M. L. Pipes (gold democrat) be ing one of th platform committee. It has the merit of directness and does not equivocate, making the leading issue of the campaign so plain that no one need miss-understand it. Republicanism simply means gold standard, and under its banner are ar rayed all.the followers of the money pow er. On the other side are the common people, including, all who believe in the money of the consti tution gold, silver and paper. The masses do not desire to see theGage plan of currency "reform," meaning the retirement of all legal tenders except national banks notes, consummated and fastened upon the people. Could the issue be plainer? . .. The independent republican ticket in Multnomah county is called the "anti Simon republican party" ticket. The anti-Brownell republican ticket in Clack amas county has not materialized and the independent republicans will now have to either vote for Brownell's ticket or the union reform ticket. The state senate of Ohio has voted that "Senator Marcus A. Hanna is guilty of attempting to bribe John C. Otis, a mem ber of the house of representanives, to vote for him for United States senator." Mayor Pennoyer's administration of the affairs of the city of Portland has saved over $140,000.00. The Imported Republican Editor. Editor Courier: Who le this new man of the Enterprise, this bad man from bogy, this philosophical argumen tative monstrosity from far away laud by the sea. It is indeed hard to realize that one with such a ponderous Intellect should be found occu pying a position as cumpaUn editor on the En terprise at tills time, when It is known that the only oxcuse for said paper's existence Is to ex pose the fallacies of a few ignorant populists and call to rcpoutauce a handfull of republicans who havo iicclared thoir ability to think and aot for themselves without the conseut of any politioal demagogue ou earth. What a waste of talent, what a monstrous mistake on the part of our friends, the republicans. One would think that in Clack amas county somewhere there were mental giants to combat and that the greatest mud bat tery "in this neck of the woods" was just getting ready to bespattor everyone who refuses to have a gold standard ring in their nose in order that they may bo yanked up to the polls by some po litical ward heeler. There is nothing, says this new star in the Or egon City editorial constelation, between the re" publicans and the middle-of-the-roaders except the silver question, which is a q uestion of hones ty on the one hand and dishonesty on the other, hence tho necessity of patiently educating this friendly ally up to a full understanding of hon est principles that they may be enabled to vole the gold standard ticket without strai nlng their conscious, A Middle ok thk-Hoadkb. Strong, steady nerves Are needed for success Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely, .Upon the blood. Pure, rich, nourishing; Blood feeds the nerves And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Because it makes The blood rich and Pure, giving it power To feed the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures nervousness, V Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh, scrofula, And all forms of ' Impure blood. PIONEER DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT DRUGS OR MEDICINES GO TO GEO. A. HARDING & CO. L.Willamette Building, Opposite Commercial Bank Their prices are the-lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. Your patronage soliceted. rggG. H. BESTOW FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PBICES EVER OFFERED FOB FIRST-CLASS GOODS. . C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE - A1TOBNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY . 7 . . OREGON Gko. C. Bbownim J. rj. Cahpbkix BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3au(ield Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insurance agency of Clackamas County Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Drawing of Legal Uooumeuts a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7tn OREGON CITY, . . OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregou City and vicinity. Special attention paid to Catarrh and Chronic dincascs. Best of references given. Oilice in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m. OREGON CITY .... OREGON WHEN YOU SELECT.... r Shoes choose the best. There is no reason why you should take inferior goods when you have our wide range of Stock and STYLES to select from. We offer you the best makes of shoes at the best prices. Com fortable, healthful shoes at prices that astonish, please and convince, etc. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE - J. W. WELCH DENTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Opposite P. O. - . Okeqom City, Ok 0. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday and on regular session days of County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1865 ) THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND i DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY - . OREGON Shop Opposite Congregational Clinrch. Main street, Oregon City, Ore. for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to BETHKE CARLS' CASH MARKETS Successors to R. PETZ0LD Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill." Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - . . . . . . , Oregon City, Oregon. COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL $ 100,000 Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, FRED J. MEYER, President Cashier BANK OF OREGON CITY OI.DK8T BANKING HOU8B IN THB CITY PAID VP CAPITAL, $50,000.00 SURPLUS flOJSiO.00 , SPECIAL YOUTH'S SUITS . l;Dr Spring and Summer. Comprising fast blue wool cheviots, nobby checked cheviots, and fancy cassimcis in popular designs. They go for $7.50 President, Vice-president Cashier, CHAS. H. CaUFLIID OlO. A. HARDIN9 E. O. Caufield , K General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Secuntv Exchange Bought and 4ld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of the World. . Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. H. STRAIGHT, DKALIR IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. GO TO MRS. PRIERS' HARRIS' GROCERY. Fresh Stock of First-Class I Depot for HAT and FEED THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City New Firm... Heinz & Co. have purchase the Grocery and Bakery of Gibson & Lindsey, and will continue to keep a first-class line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES BREAD AND ptov ( Old Established Bakery, opposite Postoffice. Oregon City, Oregon. FOR a suit. These suits are for boys from 14 to 20 years of age, and have the same style and finish as our suits for men All tho newest wearables for smaller boys i pattern us various as the prices. A. B. YEINBACH & CO. Cor, First and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Tobacco Go to.. DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures IF WOMEN VOTED And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority -f "Patent" Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all groceries. What Are We Doing? We have put in a stock of NEW FURNIU Call and nee ti before s " buying. In addition to Second-Hand Stock; where you can buy with confidence in what we say and at prices lower than any other house in town. We make no "leaders" with goods shown in our window with low prices and that when you come in you are told -it has just been sold. If agreeable. (easy) terms will be given we intend to show the public how cheap you can buy goods, as we pay cash and save discounts. OREGON CITT A'JJ ION HOUSE. W L. BLOCK, Prop. OREGON CITY P. S. Highest prices paid for Second-Hand Furniture ..Bicycles With Wines... The nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect- j eu ana me masers wno produced the Chainless Bicycle are public bene- luuvuni. itu noise. io oreaKs. rso tnction caused by exposed drivinn parts. J.0 attention necessary. "You buy the wheel-the Columbia r,1, luo ,c?v y1 " uuur i me uiKen to Keep the Uhainless in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appearance. Less na. Absolutely satisfactory under all conditions of exnannivn "in t.liA nnH 1 J n.n i 1' o-no.aivijr uuuer bu conditions 01 use. the Uolumbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of Auivnutt s oiuesi ana most modern and complete bicycle factory "You see them everywhere." Thev are STANDARD OF THE WORLD. Columbia Chain Wheel.... $ 7(1.00 Columbia Tamleiua l'i.VdO Hartfiirda S0.00 Vedettr $33.00 40.00 Jark-Meu'B..' Jill IVoiuem. Second. baud WhanU iO 00 to $30 00 $30.00 . 34. SO puarman rn Cut-rate Druggists, Agents.