ONE OFJWO WAYS The bladder was crpated (or one pur pose, namely va receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not lialile to any form of disease except liy one of two way. The first way is trom Imperfect action of the kidneys. The second way is from care lees local treatu eot of oilier diseases. CHIEF CAUSE Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is the chief cause of bladder troubles So the womb, like !he bladder, was creat ed for one purpose, and if not doctored too much is not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of any very elrse to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience manift sled in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary passage is often, by mistake, a'tributed to female weak ness or womb troubles of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your urine aside for twenty four hours: a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, the great kidney and biadder remedy is soon realized. If you need medicine you should have the best. At drujjaists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon receipt of three tv o-cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the bottle. Mention Oregon City Courikr and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The proprie tor of this paper guarantee the genuine ness of this oiler. OASTOXIIA. flPhe fas ! n ti mill llgutuie F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wilson 4 Cooke's Old Slaud OREGON OTTY, Gambrinus Cold Storage Griessen & Hallwyer, Trope. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON CITY - OREGON BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor OreKon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try lloltnn Dairy uml he Cnnvnceri' W, II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON ratJob Printing at tlie is? Courier OKice. mm DR. KESSLI-R, TV.a "til on armed specialist, of SI. I.iniis w n known by tils long residence aitil sue csBfuliy nni'-Hcw tn this city, continue ic iii'i'" nlly I real ml kinds of olinililu ami I" i . ' !e diseases tmrin innPrnjrnvfrn for the poor who .-Mil . uuu inuaiiiiuiij lu perauu ul llui oilice 'r.v tit 1 11 noon ?loodmd smiRaaw: li c 'ijiinia, Tumors. Tollers, Keveiiiii iiml ill" r Impurities of the blood Ihoronitlily tniillriil 'il, leaving the system tu a mimiik, pure mill healthful e. RHEUMATISM SS'i ir M'utctt lo Dr. hesseler by a frlt'iul tu hi'iini. It I11111 never failed, HI T1 CnDPQ) ''leers, Cancers, etc., treii'eil, nu ULiJ OUtlM dltrcrence how Ioiik ntrccled. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, pitiiiliil, tllllli'iilt., too impictd, milky ur Winn, v tinnc, iinaltirl illKchnrKca, careiully treat, 'd, l''t M, riii'iiiiiatliim and neuralgt treau-d by our new remedies. Tike 11 cli'nr tiottle nt bedtime unit urinate in I lie buttle, net HHlile and InnK lit It In Hie morning. II it in cloudy, litis a cloudy set turn; In It, you have some kidney or bliiddcl illM-NM T A DP WflDIT romoved In twenty-four hour I III U TT UlUll He w worms In window til of M' i' 1 1 loil.i icel long. PPFaTIJ CTroi'O We meet persons evcrv U 1.1:11111 UlllltVU day whose bream nmclis o had II is ihsuisUug. This comes Hum ra in, rh hi either ih none or stomach n.i uml V i' mi 11 1 1 1, il. It, can be cuied before the lumen becomes Involved. rnnirt yrixi tr you troubled with miid lUulMI llilill .'in InkIdiih, ex liniiHt I nr ttrui iui,t,,N I'lislifulncss, avers on lo soeli-ty. tiipidncs. ileiiioileno.v, Iunn ol energy, hiii-i-itioii uml Ki'li-rouildeiivo, which i.-riv" yuu I yiur iniiiiliiHid anil almolutely tnili yo, f.rl sillily, Ihiki iiohh or li i n r r I ii n f - If you n th i- uitlicli d you may know the ouun kit anil hlMfrali'd. !uirflLE-AGEDMEN:,rvo.";,;,r,'t'!;,h k. iit'ltiu ImicKn ami Klilnevii; freqiifiti, p.' In i nl iii'liuutiiii and ai-dt nt In ii'iihi ; hu j.oiciiey or wcitkuc ol aexmil orHna, and In r uiimlstiikul'le aiitna of nervoua delilu Hixl I'liiuiiiure decay. Many die of mis ilittlculty, iKiiomnt of the caue. The moil iilisiliiule ruM'a of llila eharaoter Ireuli d. PIJIVATIP dleae. Olit, Oonorrlien, In. 1 lit I illu tlnioallnna. Iiiaeharnea, Slrli lmra, Weukmsa of i)r;nna, Hyphllia, II vtliouulw Vuricoiiele and kindred troulilea treated. Consultation Freo tu All. Oi'-ncK Houhh: Fiviu i) A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or address (J. Henri Kesslcr Al. D. At St. Loul Dispensary, aaot YAMHILL 8TRLET. POKTLANO. .... OutVioS. hv 1. CIRCUIT COURT. Over 200 Cases to be Disposed of by Judge McBride. The April term of the circuit court convened here .Monday, Judge T. A. ;lc Uride prefridinn. The docket shows 81 law and 120 equity cases. The trial jurors summoned are: Enos Cahill and .1 L MattocUa, Kew Era; Gottlieb Wallace, Harding ; Hans Paul son, George; (Jhris Boylan, Oswego; II JThointiHj Soda SpringH; John Schieme, Tualatin; H. Ilenrici and Tom Davis, .Maple l.ane; Jl Graalmng and VVilluini Bird, .Marquam; William Buckner, Highland; George Lockerly, Garfield; Carrick Uasady, Beaver Creek; John .shadle, Oregon City; V H (Jounfell and S 0 Piiestly, Milwaukie; H Nelson, S D Coalman and John Eri, Cascades; Abe LarkiiiH, Milk Creek. The Brand jury incluiies: a,, n. Buruhardt, foreiuan ; Francis Walkley, George Lazelle, J A Talbert, t hris Boylan, J U Williams and William Stone. lhe following cases were settled : Francis Weiss vs Ann Hughes. Charles Clark vs Moll. F S Dunning vs Filancy Otis. Sears vs Glasspool Merchants' Exchange vs Hannal Davoren. ' Semi-Aimual Report Of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, showing by the County Court of said County, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, . and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, trom the 1st day of October, 181)7, to the 31st day of March, 1898, both Inclusive. ON WHAT ACCOUNT Road and bridge Pauper Criminal account Circuit Court " " Justice " Stationery Court house and Jail Clerk's salary and help Hherlff ' salary, help an dboard of prisoners.. Recorder's salary School Superintendent County Treasurer Assessor and help CoufTty Commissioners County Judge Count) Coroner Hxpense Bailiffs Circuit Court District Attorney Reporter Circuit Court.... Insane account .lury Circuit Court ... bounty on wild animals Indigent Soldier fund Armory rent Boys and (llrls Aid Society city vs. Comity Printing account Moody vs. Clackamas county Reform School .... Tax Reliate Cnuntv Physician M. L. Moore, balance dne on settlement Teachers' Examination Total amount claims Outstanding unpaid County warrants on the 31st day of March, 1898 . Kslimated Intertill accrutd thereon Total amount of unpaid County warrants with Interest STATE OK OHKOON, County of Clackamas, ss. I, Klmer IUxon, County Clerk of the Courlf of Clacluunas, Slnto of Oregon,' do hereby certify thai, lhe foregoing Is a true and correct statement of the number and amount ol claims allowed by the County Court of said county for the six months ending on the 31st dny of March, 1898, on what nccount the same were allowed nnd the amount of wiirrnnts drawn, and the amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid as the same appear upon the records of my office and In my olliclal custody. i Witness my band nnd the seal of tho County Court of paid County Ibis 15lh day of AprP, A. 1. 1S98, ELMiilt IUXON, County Clerk. Semi-Annual Summary Statement Of the Klniuiclal Condition of the County of Clackamas, In the State of Oregon, on the 31st day of .March, A. P. WIS. IIAIIII.ITIKS. To warrants drawn on the Count y Treasurer, and outstanding uml unpaid. To estimated amount of Interest accrued thereon Total Liabilities. KI'Ol)ltCKS. By funds In bunds ol County Treasurer applicable to payment of Co. wii mints, ll'v estimated unpaid current taxes applicable lo pa. niout of Co. warrants. By uncollected Tux I. lens ls"tl " " ' 1S95 .... " " " 1814 Total Resources, exclusive of County propel Total Indebtedness of County .. Tolul Resources Net Indebtedness J 83,550.17 ROAD HJND. Warrants outstanding and unpaid $ Cash lu Treasury 737 .17 Total amount outstanding J 3703.31 Semi-Annual Of the County Treasurer rf Clackamas County, Oregon, lor the s'.x months ending on the 3lsl day of March, A. D. 1898, of cash received and paid out and balance remaining In each fund OKNKKAL COl' NT Y PCND. Balance on bund from Inst report 'I ii amounts retelved from sheriff and luisi-llancous. " ' Klmer Hlxnll Hy amount paid out on County w arrants '"' liiihmee (ienural Fund on hand COl NTY St 1I0OL KIND. lliilnnee on hand last report Received flnce tv mount puld out on School t-upt. warrants Hy bal. Ncliool mini on hand BrATB OK OUKOON, ss. IIS. ) County of Clackamas. I, Jacob Shade do heivhy certify that the foregoing is a t''ue and correct state ment of the amounts received paid out and remaining on bond In the County Treasury of said County for the tlx months ending on the 31st day of March, A. 1898, Witness my baud this 1st day of April, A. I). 1898, JACOH BHACE, County Treasurer. Semi-Annual Of the amount of money and warrants received Tieasurcr by the fcdioritl'of clai'kninas ending March KHUTOR. Ami. ree d lu coin and currency Ami, no d In couuly uui iuuis. Total lU'.V.MV.' 25t t; 11,31;: 111 STATK OK Ol!K(iON, 1 County of Clackumas,) CI, V. Clrnw, sbcrllfolsald County, d- hereby certify that the foregoing state ment Is correct and true. Witness mv hand this llth day of April, A. K. lswt. C. W. CiRACE, Sberlll' of Clackamas County, F A French vs Filancy Otis. Oharman vs Stafford. Broughton vs Ream. Randall vs Charles Catta. V 0 Perry vs L G Larsen . Henry Weinhard vs H K Golden. Charles Ogle vs Georgo F Bonney. It ISahin vs Marquam. Judgment by default was rendered in the following cases: A Buckles vs Batdorf. Jennie K Beckwith vs Simcoe Chap man. Karl Sfudeman vs J S Gard. William Barlow vs Wilhelmina Koehler. Winslow Holmes vs Charles P Block. Zimmerman vs Howard. Klmer vs Shannon. AV 0 Holmes vs C P Black. Investment S Co vs G J Trullinger. M & T Brown vs T & F Price. Buckles vs Batdorf. Rothschilds Bros vs R F Davis. il II Flanagan vsG S McCord. The following divorces were granted by default: Susana Rogers vs F C Rogers. Lillian D Sheppard vs D E Sheppard. Gilbert Ward vs Etta A Ward. Nellie Fuller vs Albert Fuller. The following confirmations of sheriffs sales were made : N C I & T Co vs W H Burghart. of the County Clerk the amount and number ol claims allowed Amount claims allowed and ALLOWED. war'ants drawn S 6,408,62 2,4'J1 12 1,310 05 Uljl 411 02440 717i27 1,524 (HI 2,021 178 75"!0() alt! 1 60 500101 !M!l':i8 213 80 61(1,85 434)20 271 :00 63,7110 3311 00 11140 l,173i(KI 130110 25tl25 150 00 01 20 87 10 1,254 115 54 35 17 00 Hi 31 97 50 2 00 81 00 allowed and drawn 24,080 97 t 129,18331 18,2118 41 v.7,m?i AMOUNT $ 129,183 31 18,208 41 8 147,481 72 t 2,r,!ir 92 511,745 07 d.mio 02 5,01.1 92 2,1.7891 S (13,931 55 .8 129,lH3,31 . 03,931.55 Statement I 4 450 73) IS,7,VI2I 1,43081 j ! f 22,035 82 i 2,."9,'Y!I2 $ 2IU.I1 74 2l,ti;11:74 $ 8,426 82 , 3.JII821I I I f 10,51!ll j 1,115 mi ll,K!n2 U !02 Statement for taxes and money paid to the County County, Oregon, tor the six months 31st, A. l ls. CRK.1UT. Amount pah! county treasurer Omul Warrants Total 1113 49 f 14,(152 02 251 4.' .lohn Holts vs John Campbell. M C (George vs .1 Kenworthy. J P Ludlum vs E W Ptmet. (ieo I'almateer vs T J Paget, et al. The following cases were dismissed: P Trust Govs U B & E Al Atkinson. P Inv Co vs E J Caspn. P Taust Co v8 0 M. M vers, et al. P Trust Co va H f Hathaway. Andrew Wiese vs D W Faaalda. P Trust Co vs F F White " Other eaaos disposed of : State vs Cha8 Leseor ; sentenced to 100 days for carrying concealed weapons. Kebecca Long et al vs J WDoores; referred to Kobt A Miller. State vs E E Maitin, charged with forgery and embezzlement, postponed. Mrs.B.Barkley and daughter, Muta and son,- Verne, left last evening f r California, where they will reside in the future. SAVING COUNTY OFFICIALS. $8,212.36 Saved in Lesp Than Two Years, Over 25 Per Cent, At the June election in 189G the Peo ples party eh cted all Us candidates on ttrict pledges of reform and lower salar ies. The county judge, Gordon E. Hayes, and Commissioner Frank Jagger.hoth re publicans, held over,which left the most important business of the county still in the hands of the republican party. Therefore, neither the Peoples party nor its officers were responsible for the ap propriations of county money for roads, bridges, or any other expense controlled by the county court. The expense of conducting the offices of Clerk, Sheriff, School Superintendent, Treasurer, Assessor, Recorder, and for county printing and stationery in the twenty-one months from July 1st 18u4, to April 1st 1893, was $32,576.71. TbJs was under the administration of Hortou, Maddock, Gibson, Moore, Bradley and Max Ramsby. " The cost of 'the same offices under Dixon, Grace, Staikweather, Shade, Stout and Luelling from July 1st, 1896 to April ltt 1898, twenty-one months, was $24,364 35. This shows a clear saving of $8,212.36 under the Pop ulist administration. Following are the figures in detail for each office. For the republicans the time is from July 1st, 1894 to April 1st 1896; for the populists, from July 1st 1896 to April 1st 1898: Horton, clerk, republican S 5792 35 Dixon, " populist 4574 75 Dixon saved '. . $ 1217 70 Muddiick, sheriff, republican $ 9188 34 Uruce, " i,opulisjj ... 6H27 Sli Grace saved $ 2200 4s Ribsnn, school supcrn'dt, rep ? 1044 no starkweather, " pup 1130 75 S:a;kweather saved $ 504 85 Moore, treasurer, republican S 182) lo, populist 175103 Shade saved . g 7112 Pamsby, recorder, republican 8 375 45 Luelling, recorder, populist 2025 (W Luelling saved J 112!) 45 Hmdley, asses-or, republican, fr-nn January 1, lstc, I.-. April 1. l.sui, J 4101 50 Slout, as.-ssor, populist, from Jun'y 1, l.v.17, to April 1, lf.'.H 2WH 30 Saving by stout. j 1.-57 14 The nsse sor's term does not begin until the 1st of January tiller bis election. COUNTY VlllSTl 111. Republicans, July I, ISO I, to April 1, WW f SI87 IIS Populists, July t. lsllil lu April l.lS'.'S 2412 (III Populist saving . . S 1013 i;S Stationery, ropuhliciiicj, July 1, lsill to Apr I 1, ism ... $ 2122 04 Populist, Jui 1, is-.lii to April 1, ls'.M mm 00 Populist saving 8 42! 04 Total Popu'.ist Saving to date of April 1, 1898 $8212.36 REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. R R Selz to E .1 Saunders, lots 2. 11, 12 and e .j of 3 it 10. hlk I. Oanhv ; 5o. A Sanders to .1 it T J Wilson, 11 acres sec 1), 2 n. 2 e; $2.ri0. M F Harton to J Njrris, tract in J P Eauan dm; $800. F. T. Smith to K. K. Sether, 40 acres, sec 9, 5 s, 1 e ; $850. C Gasier to G Setlje, 40 acres in Bell elm; $!i:!7.50. W II Jones to A L & C E Jbnes, 80 a, sec 8, 4 p, 2e; $1. . M A Hunch to (' B Williams, lot 0 hlk 20"A" Falls View $1000. E Cox toC II Cox. n.,' of 11WJ4 ofs w ofset2f, 2B,5e;$l W 1) Belshaw to S F Boylan, of lot 1, hlk 1, Green I'.ont $.'000 WJ Burns, trnt, lo lhe B G Invest Co, 40 a in Lewis dm ; $1. J Fanshaur (h.v Adin'r) to M Stuckey, lols28 29, hlk 7S Minithorn ; $1 . S JohiiHon to C V Myers, nw 4 of sw U & lots 3 ti, sec 20. 3 s, 3 e ; f 2U0. J Gitl'oid lo ( A Gcngkbach, acre, sec 9, 2 s, 2 e; $70. O A Uenglehi c 1 to AR Genglebuch 3 Bore, sec !, 2 f, 2 e; $1. T J lluddlesnn to .1 II Sexton, a w , of 8 ' lj , etc 1 , o b, 3 e ; til). G Miebs 10 E Keppke, 20 acres, isec 13, 4i,3e;$2D0. T L Cliarman to B M Summer, lot 10 blk 7 8OregCiiv;$lf0. N 11 Darnell toJ W .Mollatt, lots 9 k 10, Mk 1, Darnells; $200. J W Mortal t to II C Curry, lots 9 k 10, blk I. Darnells; $:!i0. F B Dodge to V A Dodge, g e of n e )i sec 31, 3 8 2 e ; $10. II E k O F Cross lo R Kelland, n. of 1 li , ec 23, 2 b, 2 e ; $.'hi0. JGihsi n to II S (iihson, n e ,'4 of n e '4', sec 4. 3 s, 4 e; $750. I'V Randall to J . Giill'rev Jr. 2 56 2S acre tracts, sees 5 it 8, 3 s, 2 e; $1000.80. II V Strickler to 11 F lii'iiu' Co, e ., of s w lotsll it 4. sec 30,7 s,3e; Tlt'-O". Siui8t't Land Company to A Scott, lot 10, blk 14. Sunset; $150. Kerybidy Says So. Cascarets Candv (!atharlic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and r freshing to the taste, act ently and positively on kidneys, liver ml ho wels, elt ansing the enliresysteni, isp el colds, cure headache, " fever, abitual constipation and biliousness. I ease htiv and try a box of U. C. O. to iv ; 10, ", 5 ) cents. Sold and guaran o I to cure hy till drugis's. jVegetablcPrcparationfor As similating iterood andReguta ling the Stomaxiis andDowels of Promote s Digcstion.CheeTful ncss and Rcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine norMneraL Not Narcotic. Btapt afOldVrSMUELBIWEa Pumpkin Stti Mx.Smna Seed Jh Cartona&StJa ftfanSud -ftftrifad Suytrr . Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish aess and Loss OF SLEEtt Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT C0PTOT WAPPEB. Mm. ..,.mM Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Disease fastened its crutelies upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest test, but her vitnl organs w ere undermined and death seemed im minent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery, hy purchasing of 11s a b dtle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night ; and with two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W. C. Hanmick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial buttles free a' Charman &Co's Drug Store. Regular size 50e and $1 , Every holtle guaranteed The Thriee-a-week N. Y. World and the Oregon City Oouuiku for $2 per year. Like Wliimsni'ss, dyspepsia, headache, constl- 1 pillion, sour stomach, indinestlon are promptly enr-d 17 lliKid's 1'ills. Tliey do their work 1 ensily and tlinrouchly. j Tiest after dinner pills. I 21 cents. All diumsts. 1 Prepared liy C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only Pill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla, SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fur the Cniinly of Clackamas. Mary Madur, Phiintiff. vs James llivlaes, I.uey Hodgci), Henry llnisti, VAU Hruxh and tilihiii A. Huti'W, Defendants. Htnte of Orepnn, Count v of Clrtckmnas, s. BV VIK'IUK OK A JUIKiMKNT OIIDER u mid decree and an execution, dnlv issued out of and under the senl nf the almve emit led court. In lhe almve entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the lliih day of April, 18'JH', upon a jiiiltuueiit rendered and entered In snlrl court on llml'.Uli day nf April, lsUK, lu favor of Mary Mailer, plaintiff', and HRiunst James Hodirea ami l.uey HikIkks, defendants, fur the sum ofSTUO.iil with interest thereon at rate uf It) per cent, per milium from said Will day of April. isilK, and the further sum of $73, altornev'a fees, and the fur tiler sum el 41, costs and (ll-bursemeins, and the cost of and apoii this writ; commiinilhiK me to make sale ol the following descri lied real prop erty, situate In the county ol Clackamas and slate ot Oregon, tn-wit: Begin niiiit on the weitsidcof aec'lon'J3.lntnwi hip 4 smith iifrninte 1 east of Willamette Merid ian, at the half mile stake; thence south 80 rods; tftence east hiu roils; theucj north SI) rods; thence west Hid rods to the place nf beginning, contain ing 80 acres more or less. Now tncreftire, by virtue of said exicution, juilitment order and decree, and In compliance with the oonfmaiids nf said writ, will on SATURDAY. MAY 21st, 1S08. at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m at the front door of the count v Court house, in the city of Oregon Oil; , said county of stale, sell at public auction, suii Vet to redemption, to the highest bidder, fir Vnited States (told coin, cash in hand, all the niilil, litle and interest which the within tiam-'d defendants of any ol thtm had on the date of the innrtKHire herein or since had in or to the above described real properly or any part thereof, to sail fv said execution, Jud;m lit order, decree, interest, costs ami all accruing costs. (. W. liltAl'K, Sheriff of Clackamas Counly. Oieop, Dated Oregon City, Oregon. April l'.ith,' l8!'s. WASTKD rm'sTWOBTUY AND ACTIVE icenllemenorladiestiitravel for responsible established house lu Oreuon. Monlhly r5 and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose elf addri ssed stamped envelope. The Duuiiuiun ompany. Dept. Y, Chicago. Weak Hen Hade Vigorous 3 lufisT st? Mr rs'iii7 tys.w What PEFFER'S NERVIGOR Did! It acts powerfully and quickly. Curea when all others lull. Yoniiit nit-n reguln lost manhood; old nien recover youthiul vigor, ilbaolutely riinr Hnteed to 1 nr NrTotianea, Lost Vllulity. 1 1 111 potency, Mglnly h:miaslonM, Lost lower. ' either aex, Faillni; memory. VVaatinic Dia I p-aaes, and ad rf ecu of $tlt-at)uaf or vtrm and j io(t-(rrii,n Wards ott Insanity and consmnptten. Don't let dnmuist tnituiseii wor'thlesa siitistitute od you be, aiise tt vielos a. creater prortt. Insist on hav- lug PK.r r'r.K'SM' KVItiOK, or send tor it Can N carrtiHl lu vej-t piH-ket. Prepaid, ttliiln wrnpper, VI im w i'i u i,n vi,, "mi rii 111 HnteetoCureorltefuud Money. Psinphlelfree ftl'ltK MEU1CAL Asa'N, Chicugo, 111. Kor Sale by arman Co. Uwerllis ci IH Pills THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS OIT THE WRAPPER OF EYEET BOTTTE OF U not sold la bulk, Don't allow anyone to lell .vl 1 A 1.- A V.. 4 U U "Jnst as good'and "will answer every pnr poBe," 49 See tnat you get 0-A-S-T-0-R-I-A. moon. JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiM iniiiiliiii; i SOME PAPERS GIVE I s ALL THE NEWS i PART OF THE TIME, I AND SOME PAPERS I GIVE PART OF THE NEWS 3 I ALL OF THE TIME. I I THE CALL j I IS THE ONLY PAPER . 5 THAT GIVES I ALL the NEWS ALL the TIME j I SUBSCRIPTION TKICE INCLUDING PORTAGE E Daily Call, including Sunday 12 mo 86 00 z r. " " " 6 " 3 00 : 3 " 1 60 . 1. j 6f) . : Sunday Call .-, 12 " 150 5 S Weekly " 12 " 1 50 ? 6 " 75 S - Sunday and Weekly Call 12 " 2 60 s Delivered by carrier, every day, 65c. mo. : W. S. LEAKE, Manager. -iiiHimiiHiiiiimiiiimiii in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiir EiUFORIUiil OF Fine Plillinery AND HAIR GOODS Large Assortment of Latest Designs of Trimmed Hats. Trimming Done to Satisfaction. Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Curled. Kid Gloves Cleaned, Hair Work in All Its Branches Done with Neat ness and Dispatch. R. BECKER, J20 FIRST STREET, PORTLAND, OR. WANTKD TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or Indies tu travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly (tio and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses k ways on hand at the lowest rates, nd acorrtt also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of atock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLD ror 1 ii'si-Liass 11 li A ll BREAD and PASTRY Go to . F. HENNINQS Seventh St. Bakcnj or stop his wngon as it goes by. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house and Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at paint store, near S. P. depot I!