Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, April 22, 1898, Image 5

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We are showing, the handsomest range
of Wash Fabrics suitable for street and
house wear, waists, tea gowns, bicycle
suits and traveling, in lawns, organdies,
madras, batiste, linen, couert cloth, etc.
...5c, 8c, 10c, 121c and 15c
Pure White Organdies, 20c, 25c and 25c
McAllen & McDonnell
Popular Dry Goods House .
98 Victor Bicycle lor $40 at Burmeis
ter & Andresen's.
Fancy ribbons in the latest plaids and
moire, all colors at the Racket Store. '
The pioneer meat market of C. Al
bright continues to serve its customers
well and always keeps a large amount
of fresh meats on hand.
Last year's patterns of wall paper at
reduced prices. Five and 10c notion
counters. At Bellomy & Busch.
F. I. Andrews, the market gardener,
has always on hand a large amount of
first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider
and cider vinegar. Give him a trial.
Kenworthy's restaurant and con
fectionery is now opened and ready to
serve first-class meals on short notice.
Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Oram's
old stand.
The Victors have a reputation that
will bear investigation.
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
store of Marr & Muir.-
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr& Muir.
Have you seen the new self cleaning
sprocket wheel on the '98 Victors? No
other wheel has this improvement.
We are the leaders over all others in
Stylish millinery and popular prices
Oelia Goldsmith.
For Lease. Plastered house with
fireplace, barn, wagon house; about 20
acres in cultivation ; fruit and berries;
adioins town. Money can be made
here. Apply to J. A. Thayer, agent.
We are leaders for stylish millinery
at popular prices. Oelia Goldsmith.
The Victor straight line sprocket is
an improvement which makes it possi
ble to obtain the full driving efficiency
of the chain in the worst conditions of
road and weather.
F.I. Andrews, the gardener, as usual
has the first young radishes and onions
of the season, besides other early vege
table. Albright is never "just out" of the
kind of meat you want as he nows
what his customers desire and keeps a
full stock on hand and you don't need to
take "what's left."
A high grade warranted sewing ma
chine sells for. $25 on easy payments at
Bellomy & Busch.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
f dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets.
D.E. Kenworthy at the East Side Ry
office serves meals or oysters at all times.
He also keeps a line of confectionery,
fruits and cigars.
, '98 Victors at cut; prices at Burmeister
& Andresen's. -
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed, and hay. i Goods' delivered to oil
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets -. '
G. H. Young's second hand store can
furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard
ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what
same would cost new and they are just
as good and will last as long'. ' Give him
a trial. . ..
Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen
at Courier office.
Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you
want anything in the fresh vegetable
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Mrs. Wm,
Bohlander, proprietress.
The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents.
A full line of cigars and tobacco is also
New style shirt waists, Roman stripe,
plaid and checks at the Racket Store
Baby bonnets and child a' hats, lawn
and Swiss, -all prices at the Racket
The new style skirts require a bustle
You can get them at the Racket Store
'98 Victors at cut prices at Burmeister
& Andresen s.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a meeting of the stockholders of the
Blue River Mining and Milling Co., at
the council chamber on Monday, May
2d, at 2 o'clock, to transact such busi
ness as may come before the meeting.
J. M. Tracey,' President.
J.J. Cooke, Secretary.
That Tired Feellno is due to impover
ished blood. Hood s Marsaparma en
riches and vitalizes the blood and give-t
strength, enercy and vigor. Be sure to
get Mood's
Hood'i Pills are purely vegetable and
Co not purge pain oi gripe. All drugtii sts
after June election for 2,5
Shirt waists, latest
at the Racket Store. '
ityles and colors,
A nice assortment of ladies' wrapper s
at the Racket Store.
America's greatest medicine is Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which cures when all other
preparations fail to do any good what
ever .
firs. Sladen's nilllnery Parlors.
When you are in want of a new hat or
bonnet or anything in the way of mil
linery, call in and see us. You will get
courteous treatment. We have
trimmed hats from $1 to $10 and to suit
Prof. Zilm, of Portland, was in this
ity Monday.
Born, Friday, April 15, to the wife of
Nathan Moody, a daughter.
Mrs. uenry rusey, ot Fortland, is a
guest at the Electric this week.
Dr. Miller went to Molalta the first of
the week on a professional trip.
Miss Tibbetts of Portland, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. John Jennings.
Jas. Dickey, of Molalla, was in this
city Monday and Tuesday on business.
A. R. Doolittle has been laid up for
the past thre weeks with rheumatism.
Miss Annie; Welch, of Portland, was
the guest of MissJosie Ne wton this week,
Mrs. Fish, 'formerly of this city, but
now of The Dalles,1 is visiting friends in
this city. -, .., : . ,
Mrs. Garretson, of The Dalles, has
been the guest' of her 1 heice, Mrs. De La
FontaineL.i.y.ii:'?' jinsSsJ
Mrs.Barek, of Portland, who has been
he guest of her daughters, returned to
her home Wednesday.
Mr. Turman, who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Roddick, returned
to his home, Saturday.. , .v
Miss. Vara Uaufied and Miss Edith
Wishart spent Sunday at Mt. Pleasant;
the guests of Mrs. A. Warner, Jr.
Mrs. Chas. Holman returned from
Portland ' Sunday and left for her
hpme at Meadow brook Monday;
Mrs. Daniel Lutke, Mrs. Ohas. Freid-
ner and Mrs. Daniel Povqy, of Portland,
were visiting Mrs. Ryan last week.
Mrs. Wm. Eudy, who has been con
fined to, the house for the past two
weeks by illness, is able to be out again.
A four-room house and lot in'Oregon
City for sale for $500 ; good location with
fine view of river,fruit trees and shrubs,
place cost over $900.
Mrs. Kate Christian, of Sunnyside,
stopped over in this city Friday. Sh
was on her way from Eugene, where she
had been visiting friends. ; '
The many friends of Register O. B.
Moores will be pleased to learn that he
is able to be at his post of duty after a
week's illness of pneumonia.
Mrs. E. G. Simmons and daughter
left Oregon Oity Tuesday for their future
home in Montana. Mr. Simmons and
sons preceded Mrs. Simmons some time
Carl Church is now employed at the
grocery store of h . T. Barlow, during
the hitter's illness. Oarl makes a brisk
clerk and a general favorite with the
Eurestes Pierce, one of the managers
of the Willamette Pulp and Paper Co.,
of San Francisco, accompanied by his
wife, arrived in this city Wednesday
Geo. Doll, who left several weeks ago
for Perham, Minn., writes to his friends
in this city that the climate does not
agree with him and he will return to this
city soon.
On Saturday evening the Women's
Meade Relief Corps and G. A. R. made
a fraternal visit to Sumner Post of Port
land to witness the new floor work done
by that post.
Mrs. Alex Thomas, of Portland, is the
guest of her parents.Mr. and Mrs. J. G
PilBbury, during her husband's stay in
the East, who is at present travelling
for his health.
Mrs. Geo. Swope, who has been visit
ing her parents in Urbana, Ohio, for tl
past month left Monday for her home in
this city and will arrive here the1 latter
part of this week.
Editor Poindexter, of the Enterprise
has taken to writing poetry, and one of
his productions entitled, "Country
Maiden," appeared in last week's issue
Who said, spring poet?
Mrs. Wm. Day, nee Hattie Willouzh
by, formerly of this city, came down
from Salem last week and visited with
her father, leaving tor California Friday
evening, where she will hereafter re
Victor Bicycles
'98 Model 32, Cut Frlce - - - $60.00
'98 Model 35, Cut Price ' - - - $40.00
'98 Victors have the straight line sprocket.
Burmeister & Andresen, Local Agents
Courier till
J.S. Iiisley of Oswego, was in this
city Wednesday.
John Price left Monday for Eastern
Oregon for his health.
Wm Lankins is lying very low at his
residence in "Kansas City."
P. M. Weddell, of Portland, was visit
ing friends in this city Sunday.
E. E. Martin has been confined to the
house for the past week by illness.
Wm. Vaughan, a prominent citizen of
Molalla, was in the city this week.
Mrs. H. L. Kelley was visiting in
Portland , Sunday, the guest of Mrs.
Hatch. ,.;
Wm. Hutson left Monday for Spokane,
Wash,, after visiting his parents for
sqme time.
.Mrs. A. Morrel, nee Annie Graham,
of Portland, is the guest of her sister
MWm.; Andresen. ,
: John Talbertv.of Clackamas, a leading
republican of that place, was an Oregon
City visitor Wednesday. "
Fred R. Charman returned from San
Francisco Friday, where-he has been
for the past six months.
' Mrs. J. Ni Graham and Mrs. Arthur
Graham, of 'Portland, were in this city
WWnesday visiting relatives.
wm. waiKer, son ot A. Walker, was
committed to the reform school last
week; On complaint of his father.
,'Try Kenworthy's ice cream. Ice cream
nd! cake 15 cents or two for 25 cents.
IcV cream or ice cream soda 10 cents.
F. T. Barlow was unable to attend to
his business at his store the first of the
week bii account of an attack of rheumatism-.
Married, at the Methodist parsonage,
April 20th, Arthur T. Winches and Al
berta E. Gribble, Rev. H; Oberg offlei-
Thos. Gault has recovered from a three
weeks' attack of the measles and is
again at his post of duty, running the
Gladstone car.
CO. Peterson and wife returned Sat
urday to their home in Labonon after a
visit to Mrs. Peterson's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jos. Stuart.
Mrs. De Vaney, of Roseburg, and
two children, who have been the guests
of Mrs. Fred Gadke for the past tw o
weeks, returned to their home Thursday
morning. .
Hon. Wm. Galloway, register of the
Oregon City land office, Tuesday eve
ning delivered an instructive lec ture at
Unitarian church in Portland on "State
and Public Lands."
Col. Robt. A. Miller went to Molalla
on Saturday, where he was invited to
speak before the club of that place. He
was accompanied by John J. Cooke. A
rousing time was reported.
License to wed issued on 19th to Ethel
M.Haslop and John F. Kennedy; on
18th to Mary Augusta Schlickeiser and
Otto Peters; on 20th to Arthur T.
Winches and Alberta E. Gribble
' S. S. Bass, after spending the winter
with Supt. W. F. Hubbard at U. S. fish
hatchery on the Clackamas, has been
ordered to his former place in the Baird
station on St. Cloud river in California,
Ensign Park and Captain Glass, of
Portland, will be at the Salvation Army
Saturday evening. Come and hear En
sign r arit sing. Sunday night there
will be a number of recruits sworn in.
Everybody invited.
' The following will be subjects of ser
mons at the Firet Congregational church
next Sabbath: At 10:30 a.m.. "The
Springtime And Its Lessons." At 7 :30
If you are going to Klondike or only thinking
about it. We invite you to call and inspect
our .
We have an entire floor too feet by 75 devoted
exclusively to Klondike supplies, including
Blankets, Rubber Goods,
Mackinaw Clothing,
Shoes, Tents, Fur Caps,
Groceries & Provisions,
of all kinds at LOWEST PRICES. We pack
; and deliver everything free of charge at the
wharves either a t Portland,, Tacoma or Seattle.
Third and Oak Streets.
BEN 5ELLIN0, Manner
Send for Klon like Catalogue Free
Died, April 18, 1898, of consumption,
at Gladstone, Winifred, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Dauchey, aged 23 years, 3
months and 23 days. The funeral wsa
held at the family residence, Rev. M .
L. Rugg officiating, and the remains
laid to rest in the Clackamas cemetery.
The funeral was largely attended. The
floral tributes were beautiful and nu
merous. Mr. and Mrs Dauchey have
the heartfelt sympathy of many friends
in this hot r of ti i tl.this being the fourth
child lost through 1 his fatal ailment.
Friday, C. G. Miller, the electrician
employed by the Portland General Elec
tric Co., was severely burned, while
working at the Ktation. He had a dead
wire in his hand, when a live wire
dropped and struck his arm near the
elbow. A circuit was thus formed
through the arm, burning a large hole
in his hand and his arm badly cooked.
Miller was thrown off of an iron crane
by the shock, and would have fallen
into a network of running belts and ma
chinery, but a workman standing be
low caught him as he was falling.
Paid at Once.
To the United Artisans, City :
Gentlemen It has come to my know
ledge that some parties belonging to otht r
orders are insinuating that I received the
money coveringjmy late husban..d insur
ance in your society, only after a struggle,
and then had to relinguish a certain
amount in order to collect it. In justice
to your order I wish to publicly and
emphatically state that my claim was
paid promptly and In full and I hereby
tender you my sinceret thanks for your
kindness in my misfortune.
Mary Freeman,
Ytllow Jaundice Cured.
Suflfwiixghunmnity should bo sue
with every moans possible for its relief.
It Is with pleasure we publish the ftniow.
ing: "This is to certify that I was a ter.
rible sufferer from Yellow Jaundice for
over six months, and was treated by
some of the best physicians in our city
ana an ro no avail.., ur. 011 our flrup
gist recom mended Electric Bitters; aid
after taking two bottles, I was entirely
cured. I take pleasure in recommend
ing them to any person suffering from
this terrible malady. I am gratefully
yours. M. A. Hogarty, Lexington, Ky?'
Sold by Charman & Co. Druggists.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Ralvr in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, ' Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, .Tetter, ,. Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money re
unded. Price 25 cents per bo. For
sale by Charman & Co.
Educate YourHowls With Cascarats
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
forever. 10c, 25c. " If CO. C. fail, drug
gists refund money. -
To Cur Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Dandy Cathartic. 10c
r25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists
refund money.
Two Millions a Year.
When people buy, try.ind buy attain,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the United States are now buying
Cascareta Candy Cathartic at the rate of
two million boxes a year and it will be
three million before : New Years, It
means merit proved, that Cascarets are
the mod delightful bowel regulator for
everybody the year round. All drug,
gists 10, 25, 50u a box, cure guaranteed
E.Sadie White has been invited
sing at the priest's jubilee, which takes
place April 27th, at the cathedral in
Portland. Mrs. White has a rich so
T rino voice and it is a decided compli
ment to her to be asked to take part
in the musical program on this occasion
Joe McGrath, who has been in Oregon
City for about two weeks, has decided
to remain in this city, where he has
considerable property. Mrs. McGrath
will soon arrive from San Francisco,
were they have resided for the past three
years. Mr. McGrath says everything
la flat in that section of the coast.
Our Tuesday of this week the mem
bers of the Methodint church gave a re
ception to those who have been con
verted in that church during the winter.
Mr. Scripture gave a brief but happy
address of welcome. Refreshments were
served and a good social time wis had.
Since last conference Rev. II. Oberg,
the pastor, has taken into the church
very near 50 new members.
The residence of F. F. White .was
1 slitlhtlv damaffnd bv firn 1-isr Knmluv
& rf - - j
v evening an 1 if Thos. Knowles not had
IJ ; given the alarm, greater damage would
have been the consequence. The chim
. J ney burned out and a rpark fell on the
i roof which soon took fire. Water was
! carried from the well near bv and the
flames were soon extinguished. The
roof and walls were badly scorched.
p. m., " A Bad Thing In Oregon City."
Good muBic each service. The public is
cordially invited.
' 45 cents round trip from Oregon Oity
to Portland and return via Southern
Pacific trains. One way rate 25 cents.
Tickets now on sale at railroad depot.
Trains leave Oregon City at 8:40 a. m.,
and 3:35 p. in., and arrives from Port
land at 9 :23 a. m. and 0 :52 p. m. Save
time by using the quicker route.
Rev. John Parsons, D. D., presiding
elder, will preach in the Metho
dial church on Sunday evening, and also
administer the sacrament of the Lord's
supper. The pastor, Rev. H. Oberg,
will preach at the morning service. All
are welcomed to these services. The
Third Quarterly Conference will
be held on Monday evening.
The Barlow creamery has been leased
to Abraham & Schroeder, practical
creamery men from Los Angeles. They
have established a separating station at
Mulino.to be run in connection with the
creamery. Another separating station
will be established at Hubbard as soon
as a supply of milk can be secured.
Both butter and cheese will be made.
George O. Rinearaon returned Satur
day from Fort Wrangle, Alaska, where
ho and W. L. Aliller of this place are en
gaged in the law business and doing
well. He came down on business and
will return in a day or two. Ho enyn
business is booming there and the rea
son we do not hear of it is that the news
papers and transportation comnanies
are working for the other route to the gold
fluids. The stern-wheel steamer Itamona,
formerly on the Willamette, arrived
there shortly before he left and has al
ready paid for herself.
Til ?is-
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain'
ing uncalled for in the Oregon City post'
office, April 21, 1898:
gents' list.
Albee, Wesley Joni-s, G. W.
Alexander, R Shipman, Geo
Doyle, John F Thomas, Richard
Johnson, Geo Me, and Wagner
Jones, Jack Wiley, John V
ladies' list.
Myer, Mrs Louisa Ryder, W S
Owens, Minnie Shipman, Mable
Riggs, Charlotte Smith, T S
Zeek, Miss
Package Master Henry Brought
In calling for the above letters aay
"advertised." Geo. F. Hokton, p. m.
For Over Fifty Yeara
An Old and Well-Tuibd Remedy.
Mrs. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup hag
been used tor over fifty years by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is
the best remedy lor Diarrhoea. Is
Dleasant to the taste. Sold by Drusiristi
in every part ol the World. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs.
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind.
That Is the war all Irnirirtiiti tell GROVE'S
and Fever, It is simply Iron and quinine In are
antelens form. Children love It. Adults prefer
at a bitter, nauseating Tonics. Frloe 60a. Kuc
sale bjO. 0. Huntley, Druiwtst.
A $10.00 I
jfy'l MC11S Sllits
) , ( M ALL NEW
I'lain Black, Drown Checks, mixtures
Black worsted all of them strictly
wool. . ,
Boys Suits $2.50
Youths Suits - . . . . $4.50
"FAMOUS" Portland's Largest Clothing House