OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. . E iiji'bIui JrtjjnOitypjitolllceagflecond-classinatt SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If onMlii advance, per year Id Six months 7' Turee months' trial 25 TJrhe date opposite your address on the paper aonoies i ne time to wmcn you have paia PATB3NIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, APRIL 22, 1898. UNION TICKET. STATE. For Governor W. L. Kraa, of Baker. For Congress, First. District R. M. Veatoh, of Lane. or Secretary of State H. B. KiircAiD,of tane. For Sta'e Treasurer J, o. Booth, of Josephine. For Supreme Judge W. A. Ramhkt.oI Yamhill. For Attorney General J. L. Stoky, of Wasco. ' For State Printer (HAS. A. Fitch, of Clacka mas. For Superintendent of Public Instruction H. S. LtmIh, of Clatsop. ' DISTRICT. For Judge, Fifth District W. D. Habb, of WaHhlngton. For District Attorney Geo. Noland, of Clatsop. For Member of State Board of Equalization Wm. Barlow, of Clackamas. t For Joint Senator, Marion and Clackamas H. L. Baiklex, of Marion. coukty. SUto Senator W. R. U'Rkh; of Hilwaukie. Beuresentatires Oaoaog Ogle, of Molalla; Gkoroi Knioht, of canby; Jahks Coon, of Os- W(;oonty Judge W. W. Myers, of Maple Lane Sheriff J. J. Cooke, of Oregon City. Clerk Ei.Mra Dixon, of Ely. Recorder Alkred Lurluno. of Mllwaukle. Treaaunii Jacob Shade, of Oregon City. , Assessor Luceme Stout, of Claries. School 8upt.-H. (i. starkweather, of 1(11- . Surveyor A. Todd, of Needy. Coroner Dr. M. C.STBiCKi.AHD.ofOregon City. Cennty Commissioner Wm. J. Ctjrrin of Cur rinsville, PRECINCT Ko, 1. Justice, Clyde Evani ol Tualatin. Con stable, Frank Goiser of Tualatin. No. 2. Jnattoe, (no acnmaUon). Constable,.!!. W. Koehler of Oswego. No. 8. Justice, A. E.;Hokomb of Clmkamas. Constable, W. L. Johnson of Clackamas. Do. 4. Joatiee, C- oebel ol Oregon City. Constable, T. 8. Lsmn of OtHRra City. No. 6. Justice, Chas. N. Walte of Oatwy. Con stable. Joseph Rhtill of Canby. - No. 7. Justine, W. W. Jesse of Barlow. Con stable, F.M.Matthews of Barlow. No. 8. iuHtice, O. D, Bby of Molalla. Constable, Wm. Ewtrharl of iloMU. No. 0. Justice, Kotrt Scrimbel of Cams. Con. table, John Paine of Mullno. No. 10. Justice, R. Rutherford of Highland. Constable, J. D. Myers of Highland. No. 11. Justice, J.- A. Randolph of Viola. Constable, Win Handle of Sprlngwater. No. 12. Justice, H. Breithaupt of Damascus. Constable Wm.Huekmau of Damascus. Union County Platform. Resolved, That the people's, democrat and liver republican parlies of Clackamas county assembled in convention, fully and heartily re alllrm andendorse the platform of the people's, democrat ami silver republican parties as ad opted at Portlaud by the recent state conven tions. Resolved, That the migratory system of dis trict attorney should be substituted by each county having its own county attorney, at a moderate salary, whose duly It shall be to pro tect all county Interests, including all prosecu tions. Resolved, That we demand such changes In our laws as are necessary to provide for precinct organ Ir.atlou, glvlug each precinct power to elect Its own assessor, road supervisor, and all local olllcers. Resolved, That we view with alarm the con stantly increasing expenditure of the county court, and demand more careful and economi cal administration in that otllce. We nlnditt our candidates to do all In their power to amend our law fixing the salary of county olllcers In Clackamas county so that the yearly salaries shall be: For sheriff', tllliK); coiuty clerk, impo: recorder, ifuu; treasurer, uuu: county judge, $hou; superintendent of public instruction, $720; county surveyor, . This amendment to be rclerred to the voters of Clackamas county not later than the annual school election tu March, 1HSKI, to take cried as soon as it is ap proved by me majority oi tnose voting. Tub republican state convention at Astoria on 14th nominated the following ticket: T. T. Oeor, of Marion, for gov ernor; Frank Dunbar, of Clatsop, for secretary of state; F. A. Moore, of Col umbia, for supreme judge; Chas. S Moore, of Klamnth, for state treasurer W. H. Leeds, of Jackson, presont in cumbent, for state printer: D. U. llluck burn, of Linn, for attorney general J J II. Ackerman, of Multnomah, for school superintendent. For attorney genoral A. S. Dresser, of Clackamas, received 100 votes and lUackburn 162. L. L. Tor- ter, of Oregon City, was nominated for joint senator for Marion and Clackamas Chas. Ilolman, of Meadow brook, was chosen committeeman for Clackamas countv. The fifth district nominations were: T. A. McBride, of Clatsop, pres ent lncumbont,for judge ; T. J. Cleeton , o? Columbia, for attorney, and W. II. Smith for metnbor state equalization board. The candidate for superintendent is backed by the American Boole Co. com bination. Lkt others do as they may but as for me, I am for an honorable union of torces against so powerful a foe Country first; party (or party names) afterward. I shall never knowingly vote, or labor, directly, or indirectly, for the single gold standard, gold bondage, destruction of full legal tender paper money, and the right of private corpo rations to insuo and control the money o! oik country. Wu.i, H. lCtsu, the next governor. Tiik OotiitiKit is in favor of soun.l mo ney, (lie money of our fathers, gold and silver on equal terms, 16 tol, a ratio satisfactorily established by long usage, The Courier is not in favor of a change nble ratio that will cmiol a man to t-tko a pair of scales along with him, but is willing to trust the stamp of the govern-! ment for whatever fluctuating there may 1 bo, and it will not bo much when the metals are treated alike. Ai.kkaoy the gold standard press is spewing out it falsehoods against the union ticket. They know that they have a hard light on hand this year, and they will not give up their job of mis govern ing the state it they can help it.-Onturio News. i , j. j AVk congratulate the silver forces of Oregon in forming a complete fusion on the money question. Every slate in tho ; Union should follow their example. It means sure victory for the allied forces.! u;i.. I,' i .t.Wnti'1 FOR A CLEAN CAMPAIGN. The following resolution was introduced by lion George Ogle and adopted by the convention last week : Resolved, That we condemn the corrupt practice of the republican party in at tempting to influence voters by the use of liquor and other disgraceful methods, and we demand that our candidates con duct a clean campaign in the future as they have in the past. Mr. Ogle read the following editorial from the Enterprise of June 5, 1896 in support of the resolution, and called spe cial attention to the fact that neither the populist committee nor any populist can didate in that campaign paid so 'much as a single dime for liquor or "treats" for voters: "The day has come when the whisky element cannot be depended upon in politics.' Public sentiment is against it The candidate who depends upon the purchasing power of the liquor influence to get the suffrage qf the people for office, loses more than he gains. The riff-raff vote cannot be depended upon under the Australian : ballot system. . This class of voters have no respect for principle, and they will spend the candidate's money,' drink his whisky and beer, smoke his cigars, and then vote the other way. A young voter went into an Oregon City saloon on the Saturday before tne elec tion; and when asked by the orajbrietor how ha intended to vote, replied, that he intended to vote for the candidate who put up' the most beer and cigars The proprietor told him that was not the way to ao ; tnat ne snouia take an tne whisky and cigars he could get, and then vote for the other man. THE MASK REMOVED. "The mask has been removed," ob serves an Eastern exchange. "Two years ago all the republicans of the country received "national honor" m spiration from Wall street, It was the main source of supply. ' They ' made the national flag their e nblem, and ehouted lond and long, that their generosity and fear was all due to their great desire to uphold national honor. The past few weeks we have had the first real exposi tion of their idea of "national honor" and enough to bring the blush of shame to any check. Murdered defenders of our flag, are "incidents" when it in any way effects the action of the ticker in Wall street. The "national honor" of these patriots only counts in dollars and cents. There is no honor with them unless there is money in it. The man whose home is entered by a ravisher and settles for a money con sideration is no worse than the Wall street "national honor" fellows who measure a nation's duties and responsi bilities by the almighty dollar. The gold democrats held a state con ventiod in Portland Monday. Although the gentlemen assembled fervently claimed that they represented the only true democracy, the tried and unterrified article of the Jeffersonian faith, there were not many present. There were about 50 men in this convention, about two-thirds of them from Multnomah, in eluding Collector of Customs Black and six of his deputies. It is evident not offensive partisanship for federal officials tositinagold democratic convention The other one-third of the convention was composed of gentlemen from various near-by counties. They did nothing ex cept to discuss their position and adopt a platform. One of the gentlemen who made a very clear and convincing speech against nominating, said: "If I were forced to choose, if I were forced, I say, to choose between Bryan democrats and Mark Hanna republicans," said he, ''I should not vote the republican ticket." IIoN.Geo.Ogle of Molalla was renomi nated for the legislature in Clackamas county. We believe he is a thouroughly honest young man and possesses the abil ity and character to make a good legis lator, Geo. J. Knight of Canby wasulso nominated. He is a brother of ex- Sheriff John Knight of Salem, and also a man of ability and a man of fine character, He is a silver republican on the legislative ticket, and is a credit to the union organization. Salem Journal. A pull account of the tar resolutions passed ia found on second pago. It is reported that the president had given Spain until Saturday to answer or with draw troops from Cuba. Spain refused to accept the ultimatum and on Thursday at 1 p. in. the North Atlantic squadron was ordered to Havana to blockade the harbor. I SPECIAL YOUTH'S SUITS , For Spring and Summer. Comprising fast blue wool cheviots, nobby checked cheviots, and fancy cassimcrs in popular designs. They go for $7.50 a suit. These suits are for boys from 14 to 20 years of age, and have the same style and finish as our suits for men All the new est w earables for smaller boys in patterns as various as the prices. A. B. STEINBACH & CO. Cor, First and Morrison Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. 5 (Hvmomtmo POLITICAL NOTES. It is evi'lent that there was not enough oflices to gq around among the republi cans, and still they nominated several ollice seekers and third-termers. John Cooke, a native son of Clacka mas, will be the next sheriff. John is very popular and makes friends where ever he goes and is honest and conscien tious and can be depended upon to look after the interests of the taxpayers. When honest Bill Myers is judge the conditions will be changed. Now, while the populist officials are voluntarily sav ing the county nearly $400 per month the republican county court is running fie county several times that amount deeper in debt, and still taxes are higher than ever before. The union ticket is going to be elected from top to bottom, and don't you for get it. All evidences point in' that' direction;-' - ".' i All the union candidates have agreed to accept the reduced-salaries. The reJ publican candidates are quiet on the sub ject. They are looking after the loaves and fishes and not the taxpayers. ,; Why was Sidney Smyth elected a delegate to the republican state conven tion when he was not . a delegate to county convention? An exchange Jays he was the ruling spirit of the state delegation. Did he have the said dele gation in. his pocket? -..,,'" The Brownell organ at Canby in its last issue claims virtues for Brownell that he himself does not claim. It also comes out in opposition to T. F. Ryan for judge, claiming the republicans made a mistake in nominating him. ' Since the republican state convention , which was controlled by the Sinn a crowd, refused to condemn the legisla tive holdup, Brownell will have to get wind elsewhere for his sails, which he had infurled before the holdup breeze, Henry Thiessen, populist, Robt. A. Miller, democrat, and 8. W. Morgan, silver republican, comprise the union county campaign committee. They can be depended upon to do effective work for the cause of the masses against classes by assisting to elect the union ticket. une .enterprise, me Brownell ring organ, now has four editors: O.J. Curtis of Astoria Herald, F. L.Poindex ter, L. L. Porter and K. H. Gabbert. The old saying: "Two heads are better than one, etc." may apply in this case. Now it be in order to put the Ryan push organ in the pot, now that Brownell and Ryan have hitched up "a la tandem The residents of Clackamas county should take the pride in giving Chas. A Fitch a rousing majority for state prin ter. He is the only representative this county has on either of the state tickets for years. A littlb girl who had been taught to include everybody in her prayers startled her mother with the following petition: "Now, O God, take care of yourself, for if we lose you we would have only McKinley left to take care of us and he is not doing as well as papa expected he would." Anummkr ofscandals willgrow out of the expenditure of the $50,000,000 on war rush orders. It is s.id that favor ites of the administration are getting whatever price tney asu. it would De a wonder, indeed, if the people were not plundered under the excitement of war. It is asserted that a drove of about 5000 hobos are on their way from Oali fornia to Portland. It is understood they are all republicans, but whether they belong to the "Mitchell push," or the "Simon push," has not been as certained. It is stated that the Hon. John G. In galls may declare for free silver and be come the candidate of the populists, democrats and republicans for congress in the first district of Kansas. The following is going the rounds of the press: "Rugs make paper. Paper makes money. Money makes banks. Banks make loans. Loans make proverty, Poverty makes rags." Gkkkkal prosperity (McKinley brand) has made another 10 per cent cut in the wages of 11,000 mill operators at Nor wich, Conn. Senatok McBride on Saturday voted three times against the Cuban resolution but on Monday changed and voted for it. Strong, steady nerves Are needed for success Everywhere. Nerves Depend simply, solely, Upon the blood. Pure, rich, nourishing Blood feeds the nerves And makes them strong. The great nerve tonic is Hood's Sarsaparilla, Because it makes The blood rich and Pure,' giving it power : To feed the nerves. Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures nervousness, ,, Dyspepsia, rheumatism, Catarrh, scrofula, And all forms of " Impure blood. C. Dr & D, C. LATOURETTE A1TOKSKVS AT LAW " ' Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law .Specialties . Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ... . OREGON Geo. C. Bbownili , J. U. Cahfbill BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Lbadinq iNstjRANca agescy op Clackamas COUNTV Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made Urawing ol Legal Docuineuts a Specialty vw uii vMiisiue ui hi (till BirtitH Betwtitiu 6ih Hiid 7th OREGON CirV, . . OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of paid to Laturih and (Jhronie diseases. Best ol references given. Office in Willamette Building. . Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to b n. m. OREGON CITY . . . . OREGON J. W. WELCH DENTIST WILLAMETTE BLOCK Opposite P. O. . Okeqon City, Obi 0. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday aiu uu regular sessiuu uuys oi County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1866) THK PIONEER KXi'KESSM AN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY .... OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL f 100, 000 Transacts a General Bauklng Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes eo lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from (A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C. LATOURETTE, President FRED J. MEYER. Cashier BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKINO HOU8B IN THI CITY PAID VP CAPITAL, $30,000.00 SURPLUS $10,B60.00 President, Chas. B. cavcliko Gio. A. Habdiss E. O. Caupiild Vice-president Cashier, A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Securitv Exchange Bought and 4nld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of the World. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. H. STRAIGHT, riKAI.SR IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. MRS. PRIERS' FOB. Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Tobacco Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures PIONEER DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT DRUGS OS MEDICINES . .". .GO TO GEO. A HARDING & C0. - ..Willamette Building, Opposite Commercial Bank Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are t strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. Your patronage soliceted. 8!10- G. H. - ; DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PBICE3 EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-CLASS GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Church, Main Street Oregon City, Ore. for CHOICE CUTS and BETHKE & CARLS' CASH MARKETS Successors to R. PETZOLD Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. . Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - - . - . . Oregon City, Oregon..' HARRIS' GROCERY .Fresh Stock of First-Class Depot for HAY and FEED New Firm... Heinz & Co. have purchase the Grocery and Bakery of Gibson & Lindsey, and will continue to keep a first-class line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES BREAD AND pastpy Old Established Bakery, opposite Postoffice. Oregon City, Oregon. 1 IF WOMEN VOTED- What Are We Doing? We have put in a stock of NEW FURNITURE. c"u In addition to Second-Hand Stock; where you can buy with confidence in what we say and at prices lower than any other house in town. We make no "leaders" with goods shown in our window with low prices and that when you come in you are told it has just been sold. If agreeable (easy) terms will be given we intend to show the public how cheap you can buy goods, as we pay cash and save discounts. OREGON CITY A'JJ ION HOUSE. 0spe' .OREGON CITY W L. BLOCK, Prop. gW"P. S. Highest prices paid for Second-Hand Furniture .Bicycles With Wings. riu- nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect e;i m.,l the makers who pro, need the Chainlet Bicycle are pubKne rsVi0l breake. No friction cauaotf by exn drivins parts Jso attention necessary. "You buy the whoel-tbe Co in ml 35 UiainloM does the rest Not an hour of time taken to keep he C ha nless in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appeanince III expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory und -all ,nmi. i use. The Columbia Sunless stanls tonay as the Ie S 0 STANDARD rnltiinliia lialn Wheels.... $ rvno Coliinthm Tandems fix on JlHrtKinls nooo cdrtlv $3S.OO 40.00 BESTOW FOR TENDER' MEATS go' to THE . LEADER OF LOW PRICES i GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City . And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority -j- "Patent" Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all groctries. OF THE WORLD. J:irk-Men' Jill M omens. SeromMiauu Wheel .. $:io.oo ... 3-4.50 HO OO to $30.00 CHARMAN & CO., Cut-rate Druggists, Agents.