Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, April 15, 1898, Image 7

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Joseph Ladne, the famous trapper
nd miner and the present owner of
Dawson City, and for many years tha
agent of the Alaska Commercial Com
pany, gives a hint to persons going to
Alaska, and pays great compliment to
B well-known artiole. He writes:
"I have always need the Royal Bak
ing Powder in Alaska and Northwest
Territory, as no other gave equal satis
faction in that harsh climate. 1 also
found my customers always insisted on
having that brand."
An English prophet announces for
1898 the discovery of the north pole,
the opening of communication with
Mars, war in Europe, a revolution in
gouth Amerioa, riots in London and
the kidnaping of the young king of
Bpain. That South American event 0
resonatly cejtaia o 'happen.'
T A new rubber overBhoe for wet
Weather Wear does not extend around
the heel, but is fastened to the narrow
part of the shoe sole by spring dips to
hold it in place.
A neat attachment recently patented
to prevent bicycle lamps from going'
out, consists of a piece of wire gauze
bent to form a basket surrounding the
flame to shield it from sudden draughts
of air.
The politicians are even now beginning to
wei(th the pohsibllities involved in the next
presidential election. The papers are full of
electioneering gossip, and venture predictions
as to the future which are somewhat too Belf
confldent But it is safe to say that a system
atic course of HoBtetrer's Stomach Hitters will
renew health In the malarious, bilious, rheu
matic, costive or nervous.
Dressmakers can make use of a new
thread -cutter whioh is formed of a
small steel blade, surrounded by a bent
wire casing having a pin at 'the back to
attach it to the dress in a handy posi
tion for use.
FITS Femn-netly Cured. No fltsor mrvcmsnes
J 1 1 after first day's use of Dr. Kline's oreat
Nerve Iteatorer. Swid for Fltt.il fcs.oo trial
bottle and treatise. DR. B. lL K t.Ttt p ni, imi
Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa,
Four aldermen and a banker of Mun
sing, Mich., are under arerst on a
charge of bribery in connection with
the acceptance of the new water works.
For the present the Cuban war question
is sidetracked at Mnnsing.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures. George V. LoU, Fa
boucher, La., August 26, 181)5.
Bicycle handle bars are being made
of a short piece of wood for the center
section, with grips on each side of the
head and metallio tubing extensions
on both ends of the wood bar curved to
the usual shape and ending in a second
pair of grips.
It is estimated that the nerves, with
brandies and minute ramifications con
necting with the brain exceed 10,000,-
To hold crayons for blackboard or
drawing work a tube is fitted with
clamping jaws at one end and a sliding
rod at the other end, to force the chalk
into position.
It is estimated that over 80 tons of
diamonds have been unearthed in the
the South African fields during the
laet 18 rears. These represent a total
value of 1280,000.000.
"Will you kindly allow me," writes
Miss Mart E. SAiDT.of Jobatowrt, K. J.f
to Mrs. Finkham, " the pleasure of ex
pressing my gratitude for the wonder
ful relief I have experienced by taking1
your Compound? I suffered for a long1
time with nervous prostration and gen
eral debility,
caused by falling
of the womb. It
seemed as though
back would
never stop ach
ing. I could
not sleep. I
had dull
I was weary
all the time,
and life was a
burden to me.
I sought the
seashore for
relief, but all
in vain. On
my return I
resolved to
give your
medicine a
I took two bottles and was
I can cheerfully state, If more
ladies would only give your medicine
a fair trial they would bless the day
they saw the advertisement, and there
would be happier homes. I mean to do
All I can for you in the future. I
have you alone to thank for my recov
ery, for which I am very grateful."
It Is Known si
Write to us about It. Our book on
painting SENT FREE.
Cleveland Oil i Paint Mfg. Co.,
Plain or with Cutter. The beat needle In the mar
ket. Used by all wk mini. Fur tale by all gen
eral merchaudlse stores, or by
30 Market Street, Ban Francisco, Cat
CUHtS rVnkSt
St All IiS f Aits.
up. Tartes Good. Use I
I Bert Cough Syr
v a...
3 In lime. Sold try druggist.
f r
m 4 -
Hen-Tight Fence.
On many farms the hens could be
given free range if the garden fence
were a sufficient barrier to the fowls.
The cut shows a picket fence with a
picket extending upward for fifteen
inches every twelve feet. To these ex
tended ends of the pickets is stretched
a twelve-inch strip of wjre netting, as
shown in the sketch. In the promi
nence of the pickets the fowls do not
clearly notice the netting until they
fly against it. After a few trials they
will give up the attempt to fly over.
Toultry yard fences can be constructed
in this way, using ordinary pickets,
and above them any needed width of
netting, according as the fowls are
Brahmos, Plymouth Rocks or Leg
horns. Orange Judd Fanner.
(Skill in Bee Cnltore.
Simplicity and efficiency are the
main requirements of the mcleru bee
hive. The hive produces no honey, but
It is an indispensable implement In bee
culture. The best implement is often
a failure in Inefficient hands, while an
efficient operator can make a partial
success even with poor tools, but for a
first-class job we look for a good me
chanic with the best tools. In the pro
duction of honey we must produce the
very finest goods at the lowest possible
This we can accomplish only by hav
lng the best bees, the best hives and
implements and handling the same in
telligently and economically. The man
who rides "hobbies" and runs after
"fads" in bee culture will have a lean
bank account. New England Farmer.
Burned Lime as a Fertilizer.
Wherever limestone abounds it will
pay farmers to take some of these
stones and subject them to as Intense
heat as possible. This decomposes the
lime in the stone, turning it white and
making It Into flnepowder by putting
water on it. This makes an excellent
fertilizer. It may be thought that lime
Is not needed on land whore limestone
abounds. But in its natural state lime
stone dissolves by rains much too slow
ly for the best growth of crops. Lime
is a necessity for the wheat crop. It is
also valuable in the garden, especially
for cabbages, which require It to pre
vent them from becoming club-rooted,
when grown on the same land too fre
quently. Horse Had a Conscience.
A remarkable performance was re
cently witnessed by two stablemen In
Victoria, B. C. A horse confined In a
box-stall Jumped out of his box over a
gate three feet nine Inches high, the
open space above being the same
height, went to the water trough and
drank and then deliberately jumped
back again to his captivity. The horse
is a powerful chestnut and Is of good
Overworking Young Horses.
While it is well to break the colt to
drive while it Is a yearling, It should
not be allowed to do any work until It
is two years old, and then not be set to
any heavy pulling. Three years old, or,
better still, four years; is a better time,
and the younger age only for Perche
rons, or some of the breeds of heavy
dranght horses. With the active, ner
vous breeds there is sure to be injury
unless muscles and bones have been
fully devloped and hardened before the
horse is set at hard work. Most horses
are at their best for work at six or sev
en years of age.
Early Potatoes in Gardens.
It is the bablt of most farmers to
plant a few potatoes for early use In
the garden. But this is bad practice,
because often the potatoes are planted
on the same ground year after year,
and as the germs of disease live in the
soli over winter, the potatoes thus
grown are most likely to be diseased.
Besides, where potatoes are grown In
accession, the soli Is filled with hard-
Ilj-.yfe 13 ED - H 01 - E . 3D I H E 1 H ' '.
i-H-pi i ! - it i i i F
shel potato bugs, wblca come up just
about the time the potatoes do, and will
often be found gnawing the potato
shoots before It is fairly out of the
ground. It Is much better to plow a
clover sod somewhere on rich land for
the early potatoes, and reserve the gar
den for vegetables not 3 easily grown
by field culture.
Superiority of Dehorned Cattle.
Fackers probably pay more for dis
horned cattle. They always ship bet
ter, resulting in less bruising, and,
while the scratching of horns on the
hides very rarely does any great dam
age, It Is frequently discriminated
against by hide buyers. The dressed
carcass is also blemished if any bruises
9CflTv Ju t'1? main, therefore, dishorn
ed cattle dress much better. 'Where
cattle are kept up we should say by all
means that the dishorning system is
preferable for packing-house purposes.
Rural New-Yorker.
Cottonseed Meal.
The hulls of cotton seed are exceed
ingly hard to digest. For this the cot
tonseed meal that contains many of the
black specks which are parts of ' the
hull should never be fed to young
stock, or even to older stock, unless it
has been gradually accustomed to its
use. The meal free from specks Is very
rich food, and especially in the material
for furnishing strength. It needs to be
fed with some divisor that contains lit
tle nutrition, and for this purpose grain
straw Is better than hay. as it Is less
likely to cloy the animal.
Stone or Cement Floors for Dairies.
There is no floor for a dairy so good
as flagstone aud cement between the
joints. It will not absorb milk or cream
as board or brick will do. Is easily
cleaned, and Is always easily kept cool
In summer. The cost of a cement floor
Is not much, if any, greater than that
from other material that will not give
half so good satisfaction. The dairy
floor should be even with the surface of
the solL or but very slightly above ft.
Removal of Large Trees.
American tree planters find no diffi
culty In moving large trees. Trees up
to three feet in circumference are fre
quently moved, and generally with
great success. The Gardeners' Chron
cle reports the removal of a large pur-
plo beech, which was forty feet high
and six feet three inches In girth at
four feet from the ground. The tree
was moved in 1880, and is still grow
ing vigorously. Meehans' Monthly.
Strawberry Planting;.
Do not put the strawberry plants too
close together In the rows If you desire
strong runners to grow. Some varie
ties send out more runners than others,
and that fact must be kept in view.
Novices, when purchasing their straw
berry plants this spring, should make
all Inquiries of the nurseryman In re
gard to the habits of the variety select
ed or mistakes may be made in culti
vation. Black Rot in Cabbaue.
There Is a disease of cabbage most
ly of the early kinds known as black
rot, which can not be prevented from
spreading after it appears among the
plants. It can be diffused by manure.
seeus, insects and dust, and is most ac
tive when the weather is warm. The
only way to get rid of it is to refrain
from growing cabbage on the same
land for several rears.
The Wonon Road.
A heavy road roller on country roads
will at least pack the earth and pre
vent ruts, though It is difficult to find a
good road when the frost is leaving the
ground unless the road is well draiued
and carefully made.
Fast Walking Horses.
A horse trained to walk fast, wheth
er he be for the saddle, single harness
or team, always commands a better
price than one equally good In other
respects, but a slow walker.
Save the Wood Ashes.
Do not let the wood ashes of the
farm go" to waste. They are valuable
on the garden, and for corn and wheat
as well, and tho value of a liberal ap
plication will be seen for years.
Tens to Remember.
Ten hens In a house ten by ten feet
are enough.
Ten eggs Is the average number to
each pound.
Ten hens with one male Is about the
Ten chicks, when Just hatched weigh
about one pound.
Ten weeks from shell to market Is the
time allotted a chick.
The yard should be at least ten times
as the floor of the house.
Ten flocks, each consisting of ten
hens, are enough for an acre.
Ten pounds Is a good weight for
males of the larger breeds, one year
Ten months In the year Is usually the
highest limit of time during which a
hen will lay.
Ten cents per pound Is about the
average price of hens In market for the
whole year.
Ten quarts of corn, or its equivalent,
should feed a hen ten weeks, If she Is
of a large breed, but ten quarts In
three months Is about a fairer proper
Ten cents should feed a chick ten
weeks, and it should then weigh two
pounds, If highly fed, the ten cents
covering the greatest abundance of
That pimple on your arm, those
eruptions, itching and burning hives,
just as surely indicate impurities in the
blood, which should have prompt and
careful attention, as do boils, carbun
cles, ulcers, salt rheum and the sever
est forms of scrofula. Hood's Sarsa
parilla cures all humois of the blood of
every form and degree.
that Tired Feeling
So common in the spring, is also due
to the weak, thin, depleted condition
of the blood. Make your blood pure by
taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and you
will be strong and ready for work, will
have good appetite and good health.
Try Hood's Sarsaparilla this spring.
"I feel it my duty to let people know
how much good Hood's Sarsaparilla did
for me. My health was poor and I had
doctored and taken medicine, but found
no relief, so I thought I would try Hood's
Sarsacarilla. After takine two bottles I
fel t better and I kept on taling it and now
Is Amerioa's Greatest Medicine because it cures when all others fail. Sold
British Postal Keformg.
Numerous reductions of charges and
extensions were made by the British
postoffice during 1897. Postage on
domestio letters was made one penny
for four ounces, with an additional half
penny for every two ounces. Thus in
Great Britain it oosts only 8 cents to
send a letter weighing six ounces, while
in the United States it would cost twice
as much. Merohants are allowed to
inclose bills with goods sent by paroel
post. Most important was the comple
tion of the transfer of the trunk tele
phone system of the United Kingdom
to the postoffice department. During
the year the deposits in the postal sav
ings banks increased about $35,000,000.
A Lady
tried Schilling's Best tea and
did not like it.
She tried it again and
made it according to direc
tions. It's her only tea now.
Safety Hat Tins.
In a new safety hat pin a spring arm
is attached to the head of the pin and
extends a short distance down its
shank, ending in a sharp point at right
angles with a pin to engage the fabric
as the pin is pushed into position.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and
instantly takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov
ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight-tittlng or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damp,
callous and hot, tired aching feet. We
have over 10.000 testimonials of cures. Try
it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe
stores. Bv mail 'for 25c. in stamps. Tria
package F'ltEE. Address Alleu S. Olm
sted, he Koy, N. Y.
A single stone 115 feet long, 10 feet
square at one end, and 4 feet square at
the other, has been successfully cut
from the sandstone auarries at Hough
ton Point, Wis. It is supposed to be
the longest monolith ever quarried.
A neat pencil holder is formed of a
curved spring section to surround the
pencil with a pin in tho back by which
the holder can be quickly attached to
the coat or vest.
All Eaatern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and of neavr body, is made from
glucose. "7m Garden iJritu" is mnde frnm
Sugar Cane and is strictly pure, it Is lor ale
by first-class xrocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured hv the Pacific Coast syrup Co. All gen
uine "Tea Garden Drivn" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
The Ingenious Man
lie was a very ingenious man. He
had made an invention which was of
great value. He thought so, at least,
if the world did not, and he had his
invention patented. It was a combi
nation camp stool, cane and umbrella.
The eane was the usual form of the in
vention. At a big parade nothing
oould be more convenient, and for an
ordinary, unexpected rainstorm, what
could be better? A man is sure to have
his walking stick with him.
It was not so long after the invention
nail Deen perieoted that the man was
out walking with his wife, and a sud
den shower came up. There were no
cars aocessible, and the only thing to
do was to run, and the unlucky pair
did this with a vengeance, reaching
the house hot, uncomfortable and
pretty wet.
"Well, we are here at last," said the
man, drawing a long breath of relief.
"Yes," said the wife, disconsolately,
"but I think I have ruined my new
bonnet. And, John Bmith," she
added, suddenly, with a little stream,
"what do you think yon have done?
Yon had that old invention of yours
cane-camp-stool-umbrella affair in
your hand all the time ready for an
emergency, and forgot to use it."
The man tells the story and thinks
it is a great joke. V, Y. Times.
One of the trees in the park at Wind
lor, Epgland, is supposed to be 1,200
years old. It ii known as William the
In the spring cleans your system by
using Dr. Plunder's Oregon Wood Purifier.
There are 1,759,000 volumes in the
j library of the British museum and more
I than 89 miles of shelving.
I am well. I think it is the best blood
medicine in the world." C. W. Carey,
i'rineville, Oregon.
Am an Old Soldier,
My whole svstein being out of order and
mv rirfit side partially paralyzed. I was
I have tried various remedies und realized
' The order has gone out in Brooklyn
that no man who beats his wife shall
remain on the police force. Let it be
declared of this borough that the inno
cent wives of others shall bo equally
free from beating and the dishonor of
Archaeologists have found the tomb
of Osiris, who has been dead 10,000
years. By digging a few feet deeper
they hope to find the remains of the
late David Bennett Bill, who has been
departed 800,000 years. .
We are asserting: in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word " CASTORIA," aud
"PITCHBR'SCASTORIA," as ourTrade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannls, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
lac slmile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the or iginal " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is
the kind you havt always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. Mo one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
fellow Light.
A yellow light has been obtained
with incandescent gas burners by e
German inventor at Erefeld. He al
tera the burners so that the gas ts sup
plied at a pressure of three and a half
atmospheres. A single jet of ordinary
size then emits a light of more than
1,000 candle power, by which fine
print may be read at a distance of 160
feet from the light.
HOW'S mis?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Roward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
catarrn cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We the underslirnod. have known F.J. Chonev
for the past IS years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all bus! tiost transactions and fin
ancially able to oarry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Wholesale Urusglsts, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinman & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Tf all's Catarrh Curn ifttnlfim IntnrnRllT. APltnff
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system. Price 76c per bottle. Bold by all
drugglrts. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills rjo the best.
What European Soldier Carry.
The Russian soldier is more heavily
burdened than any other. A foot-
soldier in the army of the czar carries
over 68 pounds. The weights borne by
the foot-soldiers of the other principal
European nations are as follows:
French, 63 pounds; British, 62 pounds;
German, 61 pounds; Swiss, 59 pounds;
Italian, 53 pounds; Austrian, 47 pounds.
After being swindled by all others, send ns stamp
for nartlculurs of King Salomon's Trvannr. ih
ONLY rwiewer of niunly ntrenitth. MASON
CHEMICAL CO., J'. O. Itox 7, Fniadelphle. Pu.
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the eys
tern effectually, dispels colds, head,
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60
cent bottles by all leading drug,
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
only a temporary relief. I have been tak
ing Hood's Sarcapn.rilla aud Hood's I'ills.j
and can truly say thut I have derived more,
real benefit from them than from any
thing I have tried. I intend to continue
taking the medicine so long as I realize i
Such Good Reau ts.
I Intend also to have Hood's Pills in the
house. I cannot speak loud enough in
their praise. Along with Hood's Sarsapa
rilla I recommend them to mv friends and
for the bene:lt of suffering humanity at
large. My wife has been greatly helped;
by Hood's Barsuparilla, being all run down
and her system much out of order. My,
two little boys, aged two and four vears,
recovered quickly from the effects of dip
theria bv taking Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which rid them of troublesome sores una
symptoms of the croup. Thev now appear
well und hearty. I shall nlwavs praise
Hood's Sarsaparilla." V. F. IJubnett,
Storkey, Oregon.
That Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best
spring medicine is proved by its con
stantly manifested power to purify, en
rich and vitalize the blood.
by all druggists
for $5.
Destructive Australian Ante.
The roof of the Australian museum
at Sydney, whioh has been destroyed
by termites or "white ants.' had to be
replaced with a oovoring composed
largely of steol and copper. Reoently
it was disoovered that these destructive
little creatures had also ruined the un
derpinning of one of tho most import
ant floors of the museum. The work
of the termite is peculiar in that it is
carried on in the interior of the tim
ber and does not reveal itself until the
structure is about to fall to pieces. '
A Bit of History.
St. Patrick's day is the anniversary
of Lord Howe's evacuation of Boston.
His troops embarked for Halifax on
March 17. 1776. So all Americans may
feel interested in the holiday observ
ance of the recurring anniversary.
' May be well or poorly furnished accord
ing as yon make use of your opportuni
ties in baying your supplies.
Your local' dealer half more than you
ought, and thus do without half you
need, or you can mall us your order and
live on the lat of the land for the name
amount yon would lnvtBt In the other
. Bend (or bur big PRICE LIST Just out,
, . , 1
In the working capital
of humanity. He who
In sob thut in wrecked
Indeed, In your hftaltti
Hilling you, your am
bition, vi ir or, vitality;
warning away T
When otheri foil ood
ftult ',
For the spi-Mr, safe and ntrniiinpnt cure of all
Nitvoiim, Chronic and Nneniiil diseases, even
In tliulr niustH ,gruvatd form. Tliere Ii no man
In the world ,10 lias eftVctpd so many ncrmane nt
oures In both Men and Women of troubles whle.lt
ouier pnymcutirt of acknowledged ability had given
up tie hojielex as tills eminent spitelalliit.
NKK t OI H OKUIMTV and all lis attending
ailments, of VOUNU, Mllllll.K-AOKD and OLD
MM. The awful effects ol neirleeted or llnuroo-
erly treated ('axes, ouuslnit drama, weakness of
body and liraln, dlislness, fiillliiK memory, lack of
energy and eonHdunite, pern In back, loins and
kinnevs, ana nmny other dltrelnK symptoms,
litillttlnir oie for sludr. business nr enlovinent of
life, lir IturclUTeoan curs you, no matter who off
what has foiled.
WEAK M EN. He restores lost vhrnr and vl.
tallty to weak men. Organs of the body which
have been weakened throush disease, overwork.
exoessBS or Indiscretions are restored to full power,
stretiKth aud vigor through his own successful sya-
win "i irfw iiieiu,
VAHK IX I'I f nvrirncela tamlllnir .nrt ton.
derncs of the glands treated with unlalllnK success.
HPKCIAL IUHKAHKH, Inflammation, dls.
charges, etc.. which, If neglected or Improperly
treated, break down the system, causa kidney aud
bladder dtneHHea, eto.
1MNKAHKN or WOMEN. Promptandes.
pedal attention given to all their many ailments.
W1U1K If you are aware of any trouble. DO
NOT DKXAY. Cull on Dr. Ralell tic today, tfvoil
cannot call, write him. Ills valuable hook free to
all sufferers. CONHUI.TATION VUliK aud oonfl-
dentlul at office or by letter.
E. M. RATCLIFFE, IIS First In, If TTL. Willi '
how loiiKstandluk. llivellimlMlil method, It ha
stood the let for years. K.ndorxed by the leading
physicians of the V ill ted Htates and Europe, s.iwo
patients aucceaxriilly treated. Men, women anil
children cured without harm or danger or loss of
time. Hundreds t rented at home by our
srstmii. Call or write for circular and question
blunk. Ksamltiatlon aud consultation FKUU.
Addres the
Anat3-Mechanical Treatment Co.
53 1-2 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Is It Wrong?
Get it Right.'
Keep It Right
Moore's Revealed Kemedy will do It Three
dosei will make you leel better. Get It from
your drni?Klst or any wholesale druv bouse, or
from Btewart A Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Make money br aticoesf nl
speculation In CuIobko. We
buy and sell wheat nn mr.
ins. Fortunes Iiav
made on small bcgiuuiPK by trading la fu
tures. Write lor lull particulars, lien ,i ri.
erenoe given. Bereral years' ex pertenoe 00 tho
Chicago Hoard ol Trade, and a thorough know,
ledge of the business. Bend lor our free refer
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