OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. Kit ln JrejimOitypogtoiHceassdOond-clBmaUe SUBSCRIPTION RATES. It vH I n advance, per year I S" Six months 7 Ture mouths' Irial . ,. 25 JMrhe flute opposite yonr address on the paper denotes I lie time to wtnen you nae paid PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON OITY, APRIL 15, 1898. UNION TICKET. STATE. For Governor W. L. Kino, of Baker. For Congress, First District R. H. Vkatoh, 01 Lane. or Secretary of Mate H. R. KiHCAin.of t.ane. For Sta'e Treasurer J. O. Booth, of Josi-phine. For Supreme J udgeW. A. Rams ,of Yamhill. For Attorney OHiieral J. L. STORY, of Wasco. For state rrinier l.HiS. a. rmn, ui tucw mas. Fo r Superintendent of Public Instruction H. 8. Lxman, of Clatsop. district. For Judge, Fifth Dlstrlct-W. D. Hahe, of Washington. For District Attorney Oko. Noiand, of Clatsop. For UentMT of State Board of Equalization Wm. Bawlow, of Otanluuiua. For Joint Senator, Marion and CUckmas H. L. Babki.kt, of Marlon. COUNTY. State Senator W. f. TJ'Rek; of Mllvraukle. BepresematiTes Owsmj OflLK, of Molsllaj Gkokoe Knioht, of Canby; James Cook, of Os- WXu'nty Judge W. W. Myibs, of Maple Lane. Sheriff J. J. Cooke, of Oregon City. Clerk--EuiaBDuoa,f Ely. Koordr Atrun Loimjmo m Mllwaukle. Treasuret Jacob Shade, of Oregon City. Assessor Lucehe Stoot, of Clarlts. School 8upt.-H. 0. starkweather, of Mll waukle. . Surveyor A. Todd, of Needy. Coroner D. M. C. 8tbicklaiID, of Oregon City. Ceunty Commissioner Wm. J. Cbhmin of Cur riubvllle. pbicinct. No. 1. Justice, Clyde Evans ol Tualatin. Con stable, Frank Oosser of Tualatio. No. 2. Justice, (no nomination). Constable, :H. W. Koehler of Oswego. ,.,, No. 8. Justice, A. E..Holcotnb of Clackamas. Constable, W. L. Johnson of Clackamas. No. i. Justice, C. Schuebel of Oregon City. Constable, T. 8. Lawrence of Oregon City. No. . Justioe, t:has. N. Waite of Canby. Con stable. Joseph Bhull of Canby. . , No. 7. Justine, W. W. JesBe of Barlow. Con stable, F. M. Matthews of Barlow. No. 8. Justice, O.I). Bby ol Molalla. Constable, Wm. Kverhart of Molalla. No. 9. Justice, Robt Schuobel of Cams. Con stable, John Peine of Muliuo. . , . , . No. 10. Justice, R. Rutherford of Highland. Constable, J. D. Myersof Highland. No. 11. Justioe, J. A. Randolph of Viola. Constable, Win Handle of Sprlngwater. No. 12. Justice, II. Breltliaupl of Damascus. Constable, Wm. Buckman of Damascus. Tint union that was formed by the state conventions of the democratic, people's nd silver republican parties at Port land was in every respect harmonious The platform adopted is concise and broad enough for all who are united in the common cause the advancement of human rights and honest government to stand upon. It is a platform which democrats, populists and silver republic- ana can endorse, for It embodies all the cardinal principles enunciated by those parties, and contains nothing objectionable to any of them. Neither of them have been required to surrender any of their principles, yet the demand for flexible currency, sufficient to me'ot the demands of trade and direct legisla tion, which are indorsed by all three parties ! hence the union on platform is honorable in every detail ana is ac ceptable to all except the ultra middle- of-the-roaders. Dalles Times, Mountain eer. Rwubmcans are very solicitous about the political welfare of the silver people. They meet a populist and dilate upon the horrors of being swallowed uy a democrat; then, meeting a democrat, enlarge upon his being masticated by a populist. Like the Frenchman's trap, they try to catch them coming and go ing. It won't work, friends. Union hurts you all, we know. Of course it does. But don't think a man with sense enough to fight a British-Portuguese-Spanish money system can't see through your little pitiful ruse and then, even then, have generosity enough to pity you and your transparent wheedling. If theMichellltes carry th Astoria con vention as now seems probable, then the republican party of Oregon becomes the organ of one man ; that is an institution having but one object in viow the elec tion of John II. Mitchell United States senator. After that shall have been accomplished, which is not likely, for a majority of hold-over senators are op posed to him, there will be little left for the anti-Mitchell republicans to comfort themselves with but a wrecked party. lea government contracted a debt with a certain amount of money in circulation, and then contracted the money volume before the debt was paid, it is the most heinous crime that a government could Commit against the people. Prkmidknt McKin'.ey on Monday sent his message on tho Cuban-Spanish question. After waiting until then he whifts tho responsibility on congress. Tub gold or national democrats have made a cull for a state convention. W. K. Oarll of this oily is chairman. Wabhinotun, April 14.-Tho house uf representatives today, after one of tho most exciting and memorable days in its history, by a vote of I!-- to lit. adopted a resolution whloh nine-tenths of its mem ii , lii.li.wo m:iktH w.ir inevitable. Tho resolution adopted directs tho president to intervene at onoo in Cuba, to restore peivo and secure to the people of tho island "a stable, independent govern ment of their own," and uuihoiies him to use the army and navy to exe cute the purpose of llio resolution. The need of a gcivl Sprinu Medicine is almost universal fnd Hood's Sarsaparil la exactly moots this need. He sure and tot Hood's, POL1TIC1AL NOTES. J.G.Bradley as chairman andJ.U. Campbell (Brownell's partner) as secre tary of republican county central com mittee expect vo make a hot campaign when thpy receive the Simon and Mitchell sacks. The Enterprise calls the union ticket the ticket of the ihree-ply party. The republican ticket is evidently a one-ply ' one and thin enought to be swallowed by the Brownell-Oregon City ring and the Ryan push, but the country is yet to be heard from. J. H. Wolfer in objecting to putting a candidate on the republican ticket said he "would rather vote for a yaller dog, if a republican, and have a clean ticket." The Courier does not wish to misquote anyone. We stated last week that T. F. Ryan, candidate for judge, was a money loaner, but we learn since that he is merely a loan agent. The Enterprise and Press failed last week to give the republican ticket favorable mention. Probably the Ring or the Push will visit them soon and all will be serene. Tub republican congressional conven tion at Eugene on Monday re-nominated Thos. H. Tongue for congress. M. A. Moody was nominated on Wednesday by the republicans of the first district for congressman. This lets Ellis outt LOCAL SUMMARY. 98 Victor Bicycle for $40 at Burmeis- ter A Andreseh's. Fancy ribbons in the latest plaids and moire, all colors at the Backet Store. The pioneer meat market of C. Al bright continues to serve its customers well and always keeps a large amount uf fresh meats on hand. Last year's patterns of wall paper at reduced prices. Five and 10c notion counters.- At Bellomy & Busch. F. I. Andrews, the market gardener, has always on hand a large amount of first-class apples, vegetables, pure cider and cider vinegar. Give him a trial. Kenworthy's restaurant ana con fectionery is now opened and ready to serve first-class meals on short notice. Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Cram's old stand. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr& Muir. Albright is never "just out" of the kind of meat you want as he knows what his customers deBire and keeps a full stock on hand and you don't need to take "what's left." For the best shave or hair cut to be had go to P.G. Shark'sshop. Shaving 10 cents, A high grade warranted sewing ma chine sells for $25 on easy payments at Bellomy & Busch. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. D.E. Kenworthy at the East Side By office serves meals or oysters at all times He also keeps a line of confectionery, fruits and cigars. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets G. H. Young's second hand store can furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard ware, etc, at less than one-fourth what same would cost new and they are just as good and will last as long. Give him a trial. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Courier office. Hail tho wagon of Mr, Andrews if you want anything in the fresh vegetable line. When in Portland be sure and call at the Royal restaurant where you can get the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First street, corner of Madison. Mrs. Wm. Bohlander, proprietress. The Club tonsorial parlors, P. G. Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents. A full line of cigars and tobacco is also New style shirtwaists, Roman stripe, plaid and checks at the Racket Store. Baby bonnets and childs' hats, lawn and Swiss, all prices at the Racket Store.. The new style skirts require a bustle. You can got thorn at the Racket Store. 'tis Victors at cut prices at Burmeister A A ml resen' s. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remain ing uncalled for in tho Oregon City post ollieo, April 18, 18H8: liKXTS LIST. iiiiui'r, Simon A J H llrown, (ioo (! Hod-line, O 0 lliinio, A J lliiwkiiirt, .1 W llaniillon, J K JoncH, II O JolH'H, Wm V Karr, Chus Kmiii'k, Bruno MalsltMi, Andrew J l'litkamcr, 1: W lilU'll, 1.1' WIS l!1- "18'' liivson, .la iHuiniiit!, Ualph (iulii'a, Joh'uui lii'xlinii, Win SlmrtK'ft, W K Thomas, Wodd I.ADIKs' MM'. UlaiH'hard, Clara-:.' Morgan, Clmf l'.rown, Ji'imio Muiisoii, llattio Jones, Mailio Niokl'H, Vina Zimmerman, Kato In calliiiit for tho nhove letters s ''advertised." Uko. Hoktox, p. m Change jif Climate Breaks Down tha Health of an Oregon Man- What a Few Eottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla Did for Him. " Our home is In Clark county, Wash ington. My little boy was taken with asthma when only two years oldk and grew worse until he was five, when the physician advised us to take hira to a dry climate. I resolved to go to the great wheat fields of Eastern Oregon and work In harvest, but I soon found my own health was failing. I could neither eat nor drink without getting sick. I was blind and dizzy. I procured a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and began taking it, and in a few weeks I was well and able to work every day. My little boy is now taking Hood's Sarsaparilla with good results." D. Pattee, Wasco, Oregon. Hood's Sarsa parilla Is the best-In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Bold by all druggists. l; six for $5. it rsii oo noi purge, pain or UWU 5 fills gripe. Druggists. 29o. Now IS THE TIME to clean house and repaper your rooms and paint your house and ... .. Murrow IS THE MAN to do the painting and papering in a first-class shape at very low prices. Leave orders at paint store, near S. P. depot Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge andtht Depot. Double and slnele rigs and saddle horses s wavs onhand at tho lowest rates, and acorrs also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OR SOLO For First-Clam BREAD and PASTRY Oo to C. F. HENNINOS - Seventh St. Bakcru or stop his wagon, as it goes by. Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures .Bicycles With Wings... 1 1 I , 1 ho nearest approach to flying yet attained. The experts who perfect J) ?d and the makers who produced the Chainless llieycle are public bene v factors. No noise. No breaks. No friction caused by exposed driving pans, iso attention necessary. "ou buy the wheel the Columbia Chainless does tho rest " Not an hour of time taken to keep tho Chainlesa in order for a year. More durable. More handsome in appearance. Les expensive "in the end." Absolutely satisfactory under till conditions of use. The Columbia Chainless stands tonay as the greatest achievement of America's oldest and most modern ami complete bL'vele factory. "You see them everywhere." They are STANDARD lillllllllllt llillll S IktW . . f 1 Vim Iiilumliiil Titiiili'lltK I .too Itlirll'itnU .-,() nil rU'll $J.VM to. 00 C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE A1TOBMEY8 AT IAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building okkuon cirr . 7 . . okeuon Geo. C. Bbowkll j. u. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Caufleld Building Oregon City, Ore 'fHOS. F. RYAN Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading Insubancb agency of Clackamas . BOUNTY MOneV to Lnun . A luiu... f 'n.i- u-j- Drawing of Legal Documeuts a Soemaltv UHlce on east side of Main street Between 6th and 7tb OREGON CITY, . . OREGON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people ol b-- .wiuiij. opeciai auenuon paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 n. m. OREGON CITY T . . ORKOON J. W. WELCH DENTIST . WILLAMETTE BLOCK Opposmt P. 0. - Orkook. City;" Oh C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Saturday and on regular session days of County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1985 ) THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGOH CITY - . . OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL fWfiOO Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Sills discounted. Makes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points in the United States and Europe and on Hong Kong. uepoBUH received suDjeciwcneca. Bank open from 9 A. M. to i P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, J RED J. MEYER, President Cashier BANK OF OREGON CITY OLDEST BANKING HO08B IN THB CITY ' ' PAID VP CAPITAL, fSOjOOOM ' ' SURPLUS tW&OM ' President, Vice-president Cashier, Chai. H. Caufuid Geo. A. Hardins X. G. Cadhild A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. . Loans Made on Available Securitv Exchange Bought and 4nld. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the World. Telegraphic Exchange 8old on Portland, San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Tlnie Deposits. The Thrice-a-week N. Y. World and the Oregon City Courier for $2 per year. WHEN YOU SELECT.... Shoes choose the best. There is no reason why you should take inferior goods when you have our wide range of Stock and Styles to select from. We 6ffer you the best makes of shoes at the best prices. Com fortable, healthful shoes at prices that astonish, please and convince, etc. KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE PF THE WORLD. .I irk-Mett'rt .1 II I WnliMMis h''Otitlliiiml Wheel $no.oo .. 34. SO JO.OO to $.-.o.oo CHARMAN & CO , Cut-rate Druggists, Agents. PIONEER DRUG STORE IF YOU WANT DRUGS OR MEDICINES ' ....GO TO GEO. A HARDING & CO. Willamette Building, Opposite Commercial Bankj. Their prices are the lowest and their drugs and medicines are strickly pure, fresh and of the best quality. Your patronage soliceted. ...Gt to.... n n W. 14. FOR DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CA9S PRICES EVER OFFERED FOR FIRST-0LAS8 GOODS. Shop Opposite Congregational Clinroh, Main street, Oregon City, Ore. for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to BETHKE &, CARLS' CASH MARKETS Successors to R. PETZOLD Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, ... Oregon City, Oregon. HARRIS' LEADER I GROCERY... FLyCES JSScS?:.' GROCERIES Depot for HAT and FEED ' Willamette Block, Oregon City New Firm... Heinz & Co. have purchase the Grocery and Bakery of Gibson & Lindsey, and will continue to keep a first-class line of STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES BREAD AND PASTRY Old Established Bakery, opposite Postoffice. Oregon City, Oregon. WW. "W-w-T.-v -ar - - VOTED- What Are We Doing? ,We have put in a stock of NEW FURNITURE- c"u"nr,u-be'" In addition to Second-Hand Stock; where you can buy with confidence in what we say and at prices lower than any other house in town. We make no "leaders" with goods shown in our window with low prices and that when you come in you are told it has just been sold. If agreeable (easy) terms will be given we intend to show the public how cheap you can buy goods, as we pay cash and save discounts. OREGON CITY AU) ION HOUSE. 0TBSSf55SSBfc OREGON CITY W L. BLOCK, Prop. gWP. S. Highest prices paid for Second-Hand Furniture Mrs. Sladen and Miss Wishart, Milliners We cordially invite our patrons and the public at large to call and examine our line of Patterns Hats and full line of Mil linery on our Opening Day which will be March 31 and April 1 and 2 and the following days. We have made every effort to please you all. Our Hats are up to date and we have a COMPLETE NEW STOCK I AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. H. STRAIGHT, DF.AI.SB IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. nrcrpmir UUU1U1I - . " ' . " 1J . i And an election was held to decide which is the best flour to buy what a rousing majority : -f "Patent" Flour... Would have. Made in Oregon City by the P. F. M. Co., and sold by all groceries. GO TO MRS. PRIERS' FOR Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Tobacco t