QON CITY COURIER. ORB OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1898. NO 4T 18th YEAR. LlLl - A WAR CLOUD We like to to livj at peace with all the world and free from "enstangling al liances" as Father George said. Never theless, we consider it good business to sell WALL PAPER as low as 7c a double roll and a better more serviceable kind for 10c Put a new face on your walls, the season for papering is on hand BELLOnY & BUSCH The Housefiiriilsliers, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE Bargains. In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at . the PIONEER STORE of CHARMAN & SONv A full line of Dry Goods, , Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, . Furnishings, Etc. Dr. A. A. Barr Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Have Your Eyes Examined Consultation Free Royal makes tbe food pure, wholesome and delicious. I. FDVDEn Absolutely Pure BOVl BAKING POWOFR CO., NFWVOflK. EASTER SERVICES.' Presbyterian Church. Easter was observed in the Presby terian church in the urual simple man ner. The decorations were appropriate and the music was in keeping with the theme of theday.the anthem being "He Is Risen." The pastor preached on "The Power Of The Resurrection. Congregational Church. The most successful Easter celebra tion and services ever held by the Con- crrficational church were those ot lasi D- -o . . Sabbath. The decorations were elabor ate and beautiful. Oregon and Oahfor nia flowers and lilhes in rich abundance, skillfully and artistically arranged, pre sented a most charming array, ine morning service opened auspiciously with a large and representative congre 1, mi n.nrrram Wflfl With- gailOn. J.HO UlUOUittl JJiumo". - out doubt the best ever rendered at any ( Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.) k; nifv onrl tb laroe i "Laudato Dominum" HUHiMr w,rv ri, ill tiiiio ..ut i o . - choir received the praise of all present. The decorations were rich and tasteful, Mrs. Strickler was director, and Mrs. whhh consisted of hyacinths.lillies.ferns Jennie White presided at the organ and festoons of smilax and many potted with her usual skill. The subject of Dr. plants. Butler s sermon was "A Visit To ine Christ is Biskn. PIcipa Whprn The Lord Lav." Matt 28,6. ''Christ It risen!" those words sneak to me. flaCe VMiere ine uuiu xcjr. . new tw.n.lh nl fullest lihnrtv. At the evening service, the lecture Rpiolool reloiijel and nxnin I rejoice A olUria ware thrown ouen to Bhold the earth'. Great King! hear His voice.. iuum BUM b- . Christ i risen! heanejilii'd en of men, accommodate the throng that nliea ine wh0 or ou liveii Klld dledi .m eome BgRln great building to overflowing, livery '. ' sv0 llu "u. part of the program was nicely rendered, And before the throne of God, In PYng and was worthy of praise. The duet, chr,.tls ri8en! ftnd , Heaven wm He stay, 0! Salutaris by Mrs, IS. JS. unar- 1 until the trium h or uod shun awake, 10 oear man and Mrs. W. B. Wiggins, was es- In Jesuso'erwhoinangelsnnwlheir vigils keep, nooiallv onnd A delightful feature of Christ Is risen! and because He is risen there peciany guuu. a- 6 .... To earth, ye saints believe He will eome again, the evening to the Churcn ana ounuay Vlotorv vietorv, o'er death we also gain school, was a presentation to the super- Christ is risen! our hope is not In rain. n . ... Slllor AmAn Amen .nd nm.n i.tnnt n H. ivfi. 01 a oeauuiui oct .,7.-.--: , "7 - . 1: " luvcuunv, rf-i - i;nritu is risen arm is cnnung bkuiu of books, a gift from the school, as a Hallolujahj ha UelnJh,in the glorious psaim token of regard for faithful and efficient Hprvlees as superintendent, ur. uuuer made the presentation in a very nmng WILSON VILLb. . manner, and Mr. Dye replied in a iew Tne merchandise store of Pepper & Peters, of vnrv faalina remarks. Each teacher and this place.is arrayed In a brain new ooat of paint, officer was also presented a beautiful bo- Grandma Seely Is in. tao Oregon City nospiUl, ..... t v, Bn,Uv anhnnl. hv the unour ireamieni U1VV JIWU w"v - j - - Jones Cash Store Hi CARRIES A FULL LINE lllllUllljl.ll 1 UHlUlUJIU.aimC HlO Klllll'mn Hallelujah-tlie smig of Moses and the Lamb. W.A. Kimball. Misses Edna Caufield and Vesta Brough- ton, and so closed one of the most in spiring and delightful of days lor tne church. Meliiouist Church. The morning text at the M. E. church was "If Christ Be Not Raised." At th plns nf the sermon the baptism of eleven adults took place, after which Urday and Sunday, there was a reception Ot members, in Miss Mary Hoffman has returned to fortlana the evening after a special song service, mis Rose drnhnm spent Saturday and Sun. there was a brief discourse by the pus- day at Graham's Ferry (MUDS , jjai&w&re, Ffcs And All Necessary Articles for An Outfit to Alaska. You can buy your entire outfit under one roof. We are noted for having the very best goods at the lowest prices. Send for our Alaska price list OREGON CITY CUSTOMERS Can buy of us and have the goods delivered at your door freight paid at Tortland prices. Send us an order for $20.00 worth of goods and see what you can save. Write us to mail you the Buyer's Guide, 16 pages, published monthly by I Jones Cash Store Miss Lottie Klras is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Gra . ham, of Newberg. Fred Swarlz and and Mr. Bidder will each have a new pieoo of land ready for the breaking plow soon. Jim Yim, Chinese, who died in Portland rc- ;j oemly.tstobe taken by his wife in the full o f China for interment. Jim Yim wi.8 an exlei sive hop grower near Aurora: Mi kb Sarah Brnbn was visiting friends here 8at 108-110 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, OR. The Germama Market. Is the cheapest place in the city to buy t t t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. F. J. Osterholtz, Props. t t T 0 R O W N ILLUSTRATED CATAL06S FREE Buell Lamberson 180 FRONT ST. Portland. Or. Nine new wire felloes enclose the property of Mr. Stein and Chas Wagner. Ben Pecly will soon have their 2!) acres of grub, blng comolete. School at Connell Cresx; will open Monday next April 11. Anna. COLTON. Rnln.mud and sunshine 1b the order of the day Born, on March 27, to Mr. anil Mrs. W. E Bon ney, an eight-pound daughter. i Mrf. A. Sfromgreen, of Mountain Home, Ws visiting In this neighborhood this week. - There was a very pleasant surprise party given P. K Bonnev lust Saturday lilnht. John and Frank Anpiette left for Brookfleld, Wash., last Tuesday. P E. and V. E. Bonnev wero In town attend tng the republican conenlion lasiVednesday. April 9. Aipnonse. Redland. CARPETS : j OIL CLOTHS, LIOLEUWl, SHADES j J. G. MACK & CO. t 88 THIRD STREET - PORTLAND, OREGON DO YOY OWE MONEYS If so, You Owe Your Family Protection tor on the text, "Sir, We wouiu oee Jesus." Episcopal Church. Services were held on Easter morning at St. Paul's Episcopal churcn, Kev. VVetherdon, of Portland.officiating. The church was beautifully and artistically decrated with Easter lillies, palms, Ore gon grape and and wild flowers. Owing to the illness of the organist, the music that had been prepared for the occasion was indefinitely postponed. The minis ter snoke on "The Resurrection." The church was filled to its utmost capacity. Baptist Chuuch. The decorations at the Baptist church consisted of the Oregon wild grape and great bunches of graceful wild nines, contributed by the Sunday school chil dren. Among ine aecorauons wero uuc , , ., , , ureu. ni""6 m. farmora ftrfl about throutrh Blow palms in ornamental pots and Diooming . anJ gee(lin tirain that wa9 BOwn plants from Mr. Roake's greenhouse, an eariy u8t full looks fine. 1 1 1 J.f.,11. nHMiinilurl VlV I . IS 01 wnicn were laavcmu onau6vu VJ f! (l T. Williams and Mrs. A.b. Dresser. People are busy putting in their gar mi : .,,!. lio linanl'inn nf Mr. UeilS. Alio UlUHUi, Uliuoi luouiiwn""-- t t S. Dresser, was especially fine. Sev- n x J'J'" P T eral anthems, an arrangement lrom " ning wag Bpentin mUBic ftn,i dancing, ur- Trovatore, anu a sacrea uuei i;o'!'' til a laie hour, when tne nappy crowu by Mr. Dresser and sung by himself and departed. wife, gave great pleasure. mere was a party given ai i m Rev. Mr.llugg gave an impressive ' - sermon from the text Come bee The evenimr was snent in games A life insurance policy is the one par ticular contract which a man with a family dependent upon him should be most certain to take out at once; for he should bear in mind that when it becomes a plaim, it will take his place as a bread and butter provider. with HE ! Cor. Front and Taylor Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. Largest and Best Stock of... Agricultural Implements ...In the Northwest INSURE IN A GOOD COMPANY THERE ARE NONE BETTER THAN THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY cl Springfield, Massachusetts. H. C. COLTON, MinafC' Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON Place Where The Lord Lay," showing how we are continually coming up to sepulchres of dead hopes, blasted am bitions, diverted purposes and lite cur rents changed but in the providence of God to each there i a resurrection morn, bringing glory out of death and a hallelujah instead of a dirge, the risen Lord bringing hope and promise of all things to the Christian for the life that now is and the eternal life beyond. Catholic Ohukcii. Services were held at the Catholic church Easier at 8 a. hi. and 10:30 a. m. At the first mass, the children of parish sang the Easter carols and an thems, and at the 10:30 service solemn high mass was celebrated. The choir rendered Weigand's mass in E flat ma jor, interspersed with an offertory, by (Jounod.and other appropriate songs. In the evening the church was again filled with people to join in the Easter was of a and instrumental and vocal music, until midnight hour when the guest partook 01 a delicious supper. F. Shaver, of Tremont, who has been visiting his sister the last week, re turned home last Sunday. A certain young man of this commun ity, who makes frequent trips to Oregon City, has the promise 01 a man s uaugn ter for two kegs of beer. P. P. Linn and B Sprague left for Sutnmerville, one day latt week. Miss LI a Young Hnd Miss Minnie F,v:inn were' the mu'Sts of Mrs. Mollio Eveson. one day last week. Xfiuu filiva AInelwr. uhn is working in Oregon City, spent Sunday at this place. Miss Keltie Bebymer, who has been working in Portland is home again. Miss Lena Specs, who has been in Portland during the winter, came home Monday. D. H. Mosher, has been going to Ore gon City of late, to get himself a gal. Can't ye get 'em Harry? A recent letter received from W. E. Howell, who left a fw months ago for Eastern Oregon, savs tie is Keening nm service, lira uume . -m" , ""- - .. . ,,, IkAu. order, and was most appropriate to the , o - au. . . occasion. Following is the program , ., mnmilM tblcli was tendered at this service: "0 Salutaris llostia" Bordese Soprano and Contralto. Yespeis Ooncone ..1 .-1 1... .1... fi.i. V.lian'e.i uy viiu vnui. "Regina Caeir eigano 2 MonilHy; So'c-Chorus. ! .. ' "Tatum Ergo" Guido! April 1.. ihm tfnttift Uljx commenet'U a . 1 . 1 bpIiwiI in iWntr'irt LUrec UlU.lv' B IUI ... "1 n''"""" , No. 21 April 4th, the daily attendance being 71. DRILLS SEEDERS HARROWS PLOWS FEED CUTTERS FEED MILLS GRADING TOOLS HARNESS ETC. ETC. BUGGIES WAGONS SPRAY PUMPS ENGINES ETC. 1 mi... Ann..a V,Mlnhav and O. Behvmer liamed by the Choir. victim? the school in district No. t W ' 21. Monday7 low PRICES LOW PRICES !