ONE OF TWO WAYS The b'adder was created (or one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as hiusIi it is not lialile to any form of disease except bv one of two way. The first way i tiom imperfect action of the kidney. The eeoond way ig Mom care less local treatment of oher diseases. CHIEF CAUSE Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid neys is the chief caiiKPof bladder tronhlea 80 the womb, like the bladder, a creat ed for one purpose, and if not doctored too much id not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases. It is situated back of any very close to the bladder, therefore any pain, disease or inconvenience nianili s ed in the kidneys, back, bladder or urinary pnssaio is often, by mistake, attributed tofema'e weak ness or womb troubles of some sort. The error is easily made and may lie as easily avoided. To find out correctly, set your mine axiile for twenty four bonis ; a sediment or set t linn indicates kidney or bladder trouble Tho mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-ltoot, the groat kidney and bladder remedy is soon realised. If you need medicine yon should have the best. At druggists fitly centband one dollar. Yon may have a sample buttle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail upon receipt of three tvo-cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the bottle. Mention Oregon Cny Courier and send your address to Dr Kilmer & Co., Binuhamton, N Y. The proprie tor of tins paper guarantee the genuine ness of this offer. CASTOniA. fbe fan- limlls li n dfutiut F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of AH Kinds a Specialty. Wilson k Cooke'a U ORKfiON CITY, uid stand -7f oukuoh. Gambrinus Cold Storage Grieseen & Hallwyer, Props. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON C'TY OREGON BOLTON DAIRY UH4S. CATTA. Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure pivcn; delivered to any ,,. ; . , part of the city. Try Holtoo -Dairy 11 ml lie Coiivnccd' W. IK YOUXU'S Livery & feptl Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON tyi-St Xf.ifc ""WWW A AAJAl-lAlM Ul iUl DR. KESSLER, Till old ena armed ipeolnllst, ofHt, Louis, well known by tila long residence anil sue cpwliilly practice In thta olty, continue lo iirctWiilly treat all ktuda of chroulc. and private itlscnaeB rOrU WDPnTMriJIr1 'or the poor who call in lib inrjillUlLDIl lu person at the ofllce every aflcruoou BLOOD AND SKIN lino Talma, Tuuiora. Tetters, Kcictna ami VIiit Impurities of tha lilmid thoroughly 'HKllriil. il, leaving tha system In a strong, pure and healthful state, DUriTMITlQlf treated by an old German nniiUlinlllOlU rmelT, This remedy vm prcsoiitcil In Dr. Keaseler by a frleud In Berlin. II liua never lulled. flJ T) Cfiripa I'leora, Cancera, ele., treated, no UhlJ UUIlLO difference how long nlfoclod. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. Iiii niiit, dlllicull, ton irniucnt, milky or blooov urine, ti 11 it I itrn t dlsohargea, careiully treated, Piles, mctiniatisni and neuralgia treated by our new reineulin. Tnke a clear bottle) at bedtime anil nrtnnte In the but Mo, ma ruble itnil loon hi II In 1 1 it inornlng. u it ia cloudy, ot ban a cloudv set tllng In it, you have nine kidney or bladder disease, TAPP WflDM amoved In tweiity-firtir lioiirn I Mil HUlUilNoe wornii lu window at of- 'li' l.i lo;i. leel long, RRPATU TIMQ W"nit persona cverv UllliJUU iMllllVo davwhow lireuih innclla ei bad It i disgusting. This cornea (nun Cn liitrli oi either iim nose nr sti.iimcli. tin mid w examined. It ciui bo cured before the ihmiI bonoa becomes Invo'.vt'd. milNfr MPW ,f y,m. "rt.ublodwlth nlRht lUUnu lUDTt enilNsloiit.exhuustlngdinliis, Implex, InimIiIuIik-mh, aversion to itovlvi v, lltiplOlICk, drMllldCllCV, lliaa ill OIHTKy, Hll'l- Miion mill W'lli'ouililenoii, whtoli d-irlv j-im 'I your iimnhiMiil and alwlntily unlit Vuu rir Kiiuly, bimliuma or niarrlaisn-ir y,iU ra thus inllii tid you iniiy kuow caiim' no anil lio tri'Hii'd. MIDDLE-AGED MENono-'rw'; wi .Ik, ni'liiiiu tiai'ka ami klilntivs; livqin'iit, luilniul iiilniitliiii ami willim-nt In iiUiki; tin IMiii'iiiy or wnakiiiwi of arxual urcaon, and mln r uuuilNliikiiblK iIkui of imrvoua tli liiliiv ami iriiunlur decay, klany die of Ihi. ilililoully, liinoranl ot tha caune. The moat niiMliiale't o( tlila charadcr treati d. PP1VATP '"""aaoa. Oloet, Oonorrhen, In. 1 lUl ill u llMliiKlloni.lllKObnrne, Mrlduri-n. i uIiiii s of Diyana, Kyiihllla, llvilivuulo Variuot'i'le and kindred trouble treaUid. Consultation Free to All. Ovnctt IIourb: From OA. M. to 8 P.M. Call or address J. Henri Kessler M. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, 230t YAMHILL STRCCT. POBTULND. .... OllliOON. Continued from first page, Senator W 8 U'Ren. Retireeentativea Geo Ogle and Jas Coon. Judiie W W Myers. . dork Elmer Dixon. Recoriler A Luollen. Assessor L Stout. Treasurer J Siiale. School ii'upt H S Starkweather. The chairman and secretary were authorize to till the vacancies that minht occur on the ticket. The convention then adjourned to Weinliard'H hall to meet in joint session and elect precinct justices and constables. Afti-r these nominations were made the joint convention had the pleasure of listening to Hon H L Harkley, candidate for joint senator, V S U'Ren, (ieorge Ogle, 0 A Fitch, Col. U. A.' Miller, George Knight, O. H. Isom and others. For Justice of Oregon! ity 0. Schue- hel WMS nominsltnil hv runmlivt otwl T , S. Lawrence by democrats lor constable. rur couHiauie ine names anil vote ot each in as follows: J F Jennings 13, T S Lawrence 22, Ed Fortune 1, W H Savage 2, John Green 3. "' PKKCINCT COMMITTEEMEN. R A Miller, chairman. A W Cheney, secretary. Abemethy R A Miller, Oregon City. Barlow W W Jesse. Beaver ( reek Boring Can by 0 N Waite. Canemah G C Fields Oregon City. Canyon ( reek LP VVilliams.Clarkes. ( ascades Cherryville Clackamas A E Ilolcomb. Damascus L C Metzner. Eagle Creek 1 Judd. Gartield Ed Crawford, OurrinBville. George K Rath. Hanhng 0 D Robbins, Stone. Highland H V Gard, Clarkes.- Maple Lane Joseph R Myers, Ely, Marquam J E Jack. Milk Creek George Frazier, Union Mills. Milwaukie Macksburg 0 D Gribble. Molalla 0 W Robbins. Needy A Campuu. New Era Oregi n City No 1 E D Kelly. Oregon City No 2 H Straight. Oregon t ity No 3 V H Savage. Oswego D VV Kelsey. Pleasant Hill W F Young.Kherwood. Sievers Soda Springs A V Davis, Marquam Springwater 1 Tualatin T L Turner, Stafford. Unioi Oregon City Ira Jones, Oregon City. Stale Committeeman P L Coleman of Can by. DELEGATES PRESENT. Abernethy: J R Severs, li A Munson (Uobt A Miller proxy), B S Bellomy, V i, r.ecKner, itoui a Miller, Jl T MaUen. D II CIjso. Barlow: Ed t. raves, C A Hovis, Will Bauer, Jacob Yost. CanemuhtGC Fields, 0 V Ganong, E T Fields. (anby: ON U'aite, J A Cox (0 N Waite inox), Henry Smith (P L Cole man prox), F E Slahacker, P L Cole man. Canyon Creek: L P AVilliams. John Dolan (L P W ilhams prox). Clackamas: b On pus. W Johnson. 1) L Prrttyinan, J Gal'fuey, A E Holeoiub. J E Sliito. DanmscuB: L 0 Metzner, Arthur lull, Jaa CrookHliank, L C Metzner 2 irox. Eagle Creek: S A Douulas (P Judd orox) ,1 J Judd (P Judd, prox) Giaville Linn, James Linn, P Jutltl. Garfield: G Krieglmum (Ed Craw ford pmx), Ed Crawford John P lrvin. Geoige: 1' Rath, Frank Almost. 11. .riling: L II Kirchein, A M Kir- chein, O W Richey, (A M Kirchem irux) v l) KohlriiiH. Highland: II W Gard pioxy for YA I.iichtweis, John Leichtweis, J L Scott. J W Voder, 11 W Gnrd. Maple Lime: A T llowland, F D Car rol, J R Myers, W B Stafford, 11 F Linn Miiriiuuin: Mart Robliins, .1 E Jack, J E Stanton, J R Skirvin, W H Lenon, (M l.euon, prox), A FJaek (J E Jack prox). Macksburg: A 1) Gribble, J II Daly, A V RigKS, J K Gribble Molalla: Oliver Robbins, Oren Cut ting, 11 L Vanghan, Frank Adams, Jas Baty. D Engle. Needy: J N Hartlesty (PA Moore, F T Smitli (N C Sorrels prox). Oregon City No 1: E D Kelly, J J Cooke, J F Jennings, W L Snidow, T F Cowing, A H Schrain, Ed Shaw. Oregon (ity No. 2: V R Hyde, II Straight, T S Lawrence, 0 V Kelly, A V Cheney, John Gleason, AV M Green, Ci Crumley. Oregon Oitv No. 3: John Green, K P Elliott, W 11 Savage, AVm Estes (W 11 Cooke prox). W 11 Cooke. Oswego: W Kelsey, Wm Smith, Win Davis, L M Davidson (S J Yaughan prox). Pleasant Hill: Herman Pepper, M 0 Young, W F Young. Tualatin : T 1. Turner, S F Sharp, I. Toedtemeir est Oregon City: Ira Jones prox for J W Thompson, J P Baney, B Baney, D Thompson, Ira Jones, ( has E Shan non, it 11 lllai'kenslup, John A Traeey. l'LATFOHM, Resolved. That tlin hoiiiiIii'h, and sliver republiean parties of Clacka mas county assembled, in convention. it ii ,i . ... . . 1 mi'y nun neariuy re-aiiirni ami endorse tho platform of tho people's, democrat and silver republican parties as adopted at Portland by tho recent state conven tions. Resolved, That the migratory system ol district attoinev should be substituted by each county having its own county attorney, at a moderate salary, whose duty it shall be to protect all county in terests, including all prosecutions. Resolved, That we demand such changes in our laws as are necessary to provide for precinct organization, giving each precinct power to elect its own as sessor, road supervisor, and all local ollicers. Resolved, That we view with alarm the constantly increasing expenditure of tho county court, and demand more careful ami economical administration in that ollice. ye pledge our candidates to do all in their power to amend our law fixing the salaiy of county ollicers in Clackamas colintv so that. ih. v.i,i-li 1. .;.,.. .,t...n be: For sheriff, 1000; county clerk, $MX); recorder, $7iK); treasurer, $U00; county judgo, fS(X; superintendent of public instruction, $720; county survey. l,ri This amendment to Lie referred tO tha VOfirfl nf I lunlroman nt . - - Wllllb UUll later than the annual school election in March, 189!), to take effect as soon as t is approved by the majority of thobe voting. Populist Convention. OK HER OF BUSINESS. Election of permanent officers. Appointment of committee on plat form. Election of conference committee. Nomination of coroner, surveyor, school superintendent, treasurer, asses sor, recorder, clerk, sheriff, commis sioner, judge, three representatives, one senator, district ollicers, county chair man. We further respectfully recommend that the county be divided into live dis tricts as follows: All the Westside of Willamette river to be district No. 1 ; north of the Clack amas river No. 2; south of th Molalla river iNo. i; Oregon City, Mple Lane, Canemah and Abernalhy, No. 4; be tween Molalla and Clackamas livers No. 5. The delegates from each of said dis tricts to elect one member of the con ference committee. These districts elected the following conference committee: . Conference No. 1, F. S. Baker j No. 2, M. V. Thomas; No. 3, E. E. Gleason ; 1C A II T II .HI. c ' 1", vjcuign ljwzeiie; no. o, oceve Hutchinson. Platform and resolutions the chair appointed W. W. Myers, J. C. Walga tii'it, Clyde Evans, Robert Schuelel, Gi orge Hargreaves. At the evening the committee on platform was ready to report, but the convention declined to hear any report s or nominate di-trict ollicers until the conference committee concluded its la bors. At 8 o'clock the convention instructed the conference committee to report pro gress in one hour, and at 9:15 the report was submitted. The conference committee on appir tionment of olficers reported as follows: Populists to have senator, two repre sentatives, county judge, clerk, recorder, assessor, school superintendent. Demo crats to have one representative, sheriff, county commissioner, surveyor, coroner Silver republicans to have county treas urer. Tho printing patronage to be equally diviiled between the Hekald and the Covrier. This report was discussed at consider able length and many suggestions and amendments were proposed. The gener al consensus of opinion seemed to bo that the office of county treasurer should in justice be accorded to the populists, inasmuch as the present incumbent, Ja cob Shade, is an old, tried and true reformer and a faithful otlicer, who would certainly receive the nomination were the populists allowed this place. After the circumstances attending Mr. Shade's nomination and also his long and self-sacrificing devotion to the cause ol reform were explained lo the silver republicans they geiurou-ly withdrew their claim and the treasurer was given tn the populists. The democrats then in alike spirit of fiiriiess and generosity withdrew their claim lor one representa tive in favor of the silver republicans. This generous action on the part of the silver republiciinsand democrats created a warmth of feeling and growth of conii dence in the integrity of all parties 'hat could not possibly have been produced in any oilier way. It is not possible to describe in cold type the lei ling of unity and devotion to tiie cause that followed instantly as the result of this saciilice. It proved conclusively this union was not Bought by any of the paities as a means ot getting the oliices for either personal or party advantage, but wholly for the advancement of our common piincipies. MORNING SESSION, 'SECOND HAY. After some little preliminary work the convention proceeded to the nomi nation of ollV ers. The present incum bents of five of the county offices were nominated as follows: County superin tendent, 11. G. Starkweather; a.-wt'ssor, L Smut; recorder, A. Lewelling; clerk, Elmer Dixon; treasurer, Jacob Shade. These nominations were made by ac clamation and without one dissenting voice, thus showing the high esteem in which these ollicers are held. Forthe ollice of county judge the following live candidates were placed in nomination; W. W. Myers, II, Tldessen, A. Lace, D. W. Smitli and Dr. J. W. Powell. The first ballot resulted as follows: Myers 58; Thiessen 43; Lacey 10; Powell 9; Smith G. On second 'ballot Myers received 83, a majority, and by motion was declared the unanimous choice. On the first ballot for representative Geo. Ogle was nominated by 114 votes, 72 beinu necessary for a choice. On the the Becond ballot James Coon was nom inated by 7S votes. For state senator W. S. U'Ren was nominated by acclamation, receiving a regular ovation and not a single dissent ing vote being cast. He was nominated for county chairman but declined lo al low his name to go before the conven tion, Henry Thiessen was unanimously chosen county chairman. Prkoinct Ticket. t. Justice, t'lyilo Kvuut of Tualatin, ( on. stable trunk UnMwr ul I'nitiiiiin. jhsUib, (inn iminlnalMl). lonnt.ible, 11. W. Kiieliler iil'Oswi'Kii. 't l,,.l..u A L II.. I. , !...! , ,i t.-i r, . . r,. i t,.i. wiiiii i.i l lltl'IMlll! nn, ( unstiilile. V. 1.. Johns, hi of Clackamas. 4. justice. 1 . Ncluii'O I ol (iri'Kiin city. CouHtiilile, 1 I,. Lawrence of Oreou City. (I'm Inct iihnil lii'il). li. .bintli e. CIiik. N W alli'of Canliv Cim. Mtalee, Jiist'iih Slinll of Canliv. ? I,.u.... VV U I.,..,.. ... b..-i i. Bii.nv, i ... " , wi ntinuw. 1,1111- stable, K. M. Mnltliewn ol II .rlow. S. JuMUf, . I). Kby ot Molalla. Con staliln. Win. Eveiiimi of MoUllu 9 .1 nut lie, Kiht. Si'luit'liel n( tarns. Con. Klaoie, John l'aineiit Mnlllui. Id. Justice, K. ltiuluiionl of Ulglil.inJ. Couslnlilp. .1. 1 Myers o lllirlilnml. i. 11. .lusileo, J. A. Ilamloliili of Viola. t metallic, in. lvanilli' ot SprloKW der. . I'J. Justice, II, llretlkitnnt of i..m:isril. CiiiwIiiIiIh. Win Hiii kiiiitu of Uamiucn-. . 13. iNo noiiilualiiiiis), Republican Convention. The reimblicnn countv convent inn mw called to order by County Chairman Muck Ramsby, at Weinhaid's hall, on April tith, at 10 a. m. Dr. J J l.eavitt of Molalla win made temporary chairman and 1) W Kinnaird secretary. Afterward they were made permanent ollicers. Committee of live on order of busi ness appointed bv chairman as follows: Dr CB Smith, J "a Tatliort, J V Camp bell, A W Cooke, J 11 Wolfer. Secretary read prepared credential re port of delegates and it was approved. Committee on resolutions appointed John Denison, E H Burkhart, D II Glass, CO Huntley and J M Peheimer.' (ieo 0 Brownell was called for and made a short speech. Geo C Brownell was nominated for State Senator by acclimation. The following were elected delegates to the state convention : Geo Currin, J A Talbert, Chas Holman, Thos Killin, ECahill, J G Porter, C G Huntley, J U Campbell, A B Marquam, A Cooke, John Denison, Chas Toole. Chas llohn strom, Sidney Smyth, D Dimick. The votes for countv judge stood : '1st ballot! 2nd ballot TFRyan 58 76 Frank Jaggar 35 37 H H Johnson 13 4 R Scott 16 J M Tracy 21 11 Scattering 2 For Sheriff W H Smith 31 ...42...G1 J H Gibson 25 . . . 17 . '. . . Wm Thompson 7 2 Chas E Burns 5 . , . , N M Moody 19 12. , " ' S M Ramsbv 34 .'.'.'57. . 83 E 0 Maddo ;k 24 14 For Recorder TP Randall so Wm Shank 05 For Clerk M L Moore 17 Adolph Aschoff .io7 Geo h Story 0 H S Gibson ii For Assessor S J Ogles by 20 3 J F Nelson 13 Kli Williams 64 89 Geo J Currin 48 51 For Treasurer E W Midlam 36 12 E P Carter 43 27 A B Marquam 05 ...... .100 For School Superintendent EC Hackett and II S Strange were mentioned, but after Mr Hackett witli drew, Mr Strange was made the nominee by a"clamation. For I 'ommissioner J R Morton 101 0 T Howard 20 John Van Curren t L E Wise 12 For Coroner Dr E A Somer 47 Dr J VV Norris 18 Dr II A Deadman 79 Grover Cleveland 1 For Surveyer Ernest P Rands was made nominee by acclamation. For Representatives George Randall 11 Alexander Thomson.Clackamas 8(i J L Kruse, Stafford 134 0 II Dye 64 John Denison, Clarkes 10(i John Yoder 28 A resolution was presented by J U Campbell asking that state convention place a man from Clackamas on the ticket, viz: AS Dresser for attorney general. The following delegates to congres sional convention were elected : J J Leavitt, E M Hartman, R Scott, John Cole, William Thompson, J W Meldrum, J N Harrington, O A Miller, M M Mc Geehan, C B Smith, M L Moore, A P Todd, G B Dimick, F T Grillith, G W Prosser. CANEHAH. The measles unit 'lipinheriu have aba ted somewlint and tho school will sonti be able to rcHiune woi-k. Earnest Bencke ahnost. sueceded in acconi)liliimr the ' break-neck Hpeed" on a wheel. He came very near fractur ing his nose Monday eveniim, which means that ho facetting in the neiijhbor hood of desired speed. TheCiinemah Literary Society adjourn ed indefinitely, two weeks ayo, on a -countjof the epidemics. It is now learned that the si ciety must secure new quait ers, as the old school house will be oc cupied by the janitor lor the Cainonali school. The society havini constru ited a good amount of the walk leading to the new school hou-e, there is some dissa islai'iiou w'nh ilia aciin.i of tii.i scli'iol hoard, hut it must b reinnnibere'l that Ihe permission to us a the hnihlin was secured from the hoard and that rijrht was lo expire at tlieir o.iii in. On the other hand the society should be regarded as an important factor for edit- ! cational purposes. Nevertheless, the ! socieiy interest will not bd quelled by this Kinmihir event. April Gih, Omkga Easter Service at Episcopal Church. Music appropiute to Easter Day will be rendered at St. Paul's Episcopal church, Siinday morni ng, by the regu lar choir, augmented by the voices of Mrs. K. E. Charman and Miss Florence Morey. Kev. J. V. Weathedon of St. Stephen's, Portland, Or., will olliciato. Services will be held at 11 o'clock. Fol lowing is the musical program. Processional. Hymn 122 "Jesus Lives." "Christ Our Passover" Chapplo Te Deuin Kotzchnear Jubilate Deo lirownsmith Hymn 121 "The Strife is O'er" Offertorv. "belly's Resurrection'' .... Miss Morey Recessional . . "The Day of Resurrection'"' There will bo no evening service. Men and!uiedieines are judged bv w 1 at they do. The great cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla give it a good name every where. Hiauiy In lllooil. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Cathartic clean your blood ami keep it clean, by stiiriug up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Hegin to-day lo banish piuipls, boils, blotches, blackheads, ami that sickly bilious complexion by takinit Cascarets, beauty lor ten cents. All druggists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2")c, oOu OABTOrilA. The fie- tf t OASTOniA, - tw-t - COVSTY OFFICERS. Ju-lllt .... 0. E. 1 hives rifik f CouiU fthntT lixm ShmtV (. W Cruet Ktmlor A. I.eulliiiK Tivtuurvr Jjicob Simile As-H'Simr hm-ieiip Stout ScIuhiI ptriiitMhU nt II. 8tnrk wotUlitT Survivor J, H. Wriht ' lnuer W.N. y.vlnvy ommis8i,wrs 1 Iovtv Clork K. It. i'lMiiuT 1 " titu'riif .1. W. (ihUt HKionltT Chas. O. I.uoIHmj " Surveyor C. It. laom w Assi'siir Mrs. L. Stout County Court meets on flint Vetlm.'$il;iy After first Moiulity of every iiionth, Frobate Court mwU on first M tivlay of every 111011 til. Circuit Cuit meets on thirvl Moudy iu April untl first MonUy iu NjvemUT. ftTimiiimiitiutiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiMilimtimiiiiiiiiimiiii n '"" O'"''""" m;o ..-1 im ill ni.i ul Vegetable Prcparattonfor As similating itveFoodandReguIa ting the Stomachs andBowels of PromotesDigcstion.Cheeiful ncss and Rest.Contains neither OpiumMorphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. jftmpkm Seed" Alx.Srnna Se&d Jhpemunt -ft QaionaitSoiM, ffomSeed -tlarifud Suqrrr . VcUKyrma Flaw. AperJect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jeverish aess mid LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPYOTWEAPPEB. Weekly Excursions in Through Cars to the East. Another through tourist car to the East, has been arranged to run out of Portland, giving four each week. Here after the car leaving Monday will run through without change to Kansas City and Chicago, over the O. R. & N., Ore gon Short Line, Rio Grande Western, Denver k Rio Grande, Missouri Pacific and Chicago & Alton. That car has just been arranced for, and the one previously scheduled for Monday has been chanced to Thursday. It runs through to St. Louis, via tlie Missouri Pacific line. The car leaving Portland Tuesday goes through to Boston, and is promoted by the Chicago, Rock Island Pacific. Wednesday's car runs to St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis, over the Turlington. All these special through curs are receiving u gratifying patronage. Consult O. R. it N. Agent before buying tickets to the East. like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, constl pal inn. sour stomach, indigestion are promptly ear-il by Hood's rills. They do their work easily and thoroughly. Iiust alter dinner pills. 25 cents. All druggists. Prepared tiy C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. The only rill to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court nf the Statu of Oregon, for the Cuunlyot Chn-'kiiinu.s. In the matter of the estate of Ucorge Freeman, De.'i'iiseil. VOTICE IS lir.RKDY (ilVKN BY THE unilorKiiiiioil thuuilininlstralrix of tlieestnle of (ieiiri;e (-ri-enian, deceused, to Ihe creditors ol, HDil nil pcrsoiiN ImviiiK claims B);iiliit the mill ih ctMiscil, to t'xhihit them with the neres kmi'V vouchers, within six months, after the llrst publication uf Urn noiii-e, 10 the sm.l ailinliiis tnilrix at the nlllee (if Hedges & (irllllth in Ore gnu L'itv, LlaekumaB Countv, nreiron. MARY FKKKM AN, AduilnUtralrix aforesaid. II RDGEB & GHtKnril, Attorneys fur Administratrix. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, (or the County of Clackamas. V. Kechner, Plaintiff, vs. J. P. Watklns, Albert Watkius. John Watkiiis, Floyd Walkins, HusKle Pulau, J. I'nlaii, ul al., Defendants. To J. P. Watklns and John VYatkine, laid de fendants. TN TUB NAME OF T1IK STATE OF ORKGfW: You are herehy retpiired to appear and answer the eomtilaini tiled against you in the above eu titled suit 011 or before the ilay of Ihe next term of said court, beginning April 1Mb, lsus. Htid If you fail n answer for want thereof, the jilaiutiil will apply lo the eourt for the relief di-iiiiiuli-il lu Saul eoinpluiip., to-wil., the foreclos ure of a cerain mortgage of $1."i0, given by you to tilaiulitl' the following described prim- erty. siiuute in said County, namely: A part of Ihe I). I.. C. of Samuel l Francis and wife and li.'ini! in section J,Tp. S S., It. 2 K. of the Willaiu elle liierldiiin; beginning at a point '20 feet east of the SR. corner of the 1. I,. C. i f L. 1). C. Ijit ouretleNo 31' in said township .ml range, run ning thence north 1." minutes west 15.11 chains; (hence east li.ilo chains to west side of land for merly owned by J. I). Henner; thence south ti2 degrees a;.d 45 liiinulea west 11 links; thence south l.'i minulcN east VJ.73 chains to county Mad; thenee along the county road south 7"J d grees west 7.110 chain to place of heginning, containing 10 acres of land, in Clackamas couniy and slate of Oregon. This summons is puhllshed by order of Judce John li. Clelaud, made ami dated March 2d, lsOS, C. D. & I). C. I.ATOI EKTTK. Attorneys lor i'laimiff Weak Men Made Vigorous eSS -te Kiw 'Jitit7 retw zrsiWT What PEFFER'S NERVIGOR Did! It acts powerfully and qolckly Cures when!! others Mil. Young iin-u regain lost manhood; elo nidi recover youthful vigor. Absolutely Gntir Huteed to 1 lira rTosneea, Lost vitality. 1 111 potency. Sight lj I mission. Lost Toner. l 1 !,.r tt. Kitlllnir niemnrr. Vauit insr Uia- 1 euiea, mid aVtttosrt lf-u or ezctnrt and n.liiTrAn. Wards on Insanity and ccnimptloo. 1 Dou't let itruggit Impose a wort tilers suttltute en I you lieeane It vielaii a greater pruiit. Insist on hav I lug PHI KKk'SM- KVKiOK.oreendterlt Can ! be earned in vest p ket. Pre'rald. plain wrapper, l per box. or U for .), with A Written .nr unterlo Core or Hcfuuil Money. Pamphlet free fi.H tlt MtUlCAL ASS N, Chicago, IU. j For Sale by Ch arman A Co. Liwer Ills Pills F P5 THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF IS ON THE WRAPPER OF EYERY BOTTILE of IiES Oaatorla is put tp in one-size bottles only. It 11a not sold In balk. Don't allow anyone to tell yon anything else on the plea or promise that it U Inst as good" and will answer every puw I pose," Bee that yon get U-A-B-T-U-JU-A. Thabo- )f - . . - - wnjpw. SJMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. C. R. Roork, Plaintiff', vs. Nancy Ii. Hunter, J. C. Roork,KMza W. Koork, Snlina A. Green, Ida A. Grill, Mrs. Rob -rts, widow of J. W. Koork, de ceased; P. H. Hoork, James L. Roork, Annie K. Hale, Mrs. Carrie Powell, Sarah C. Kellv, Ada K. Telderman, Pearl Roork, Snm. A. Kelly, Mrs. M, John 11. Kellv, Benj. J. Kelly, Mrs. Llllie Dundee, Mrs. Moriah Buoy, nnkuown children of Mrs. Corinna Culbert son, deceased; unknown children of Mrs. Kosi! M. Calvin, deceased; unknown child ren of Harvey Roork, deceased: W. M. Hack ler. G. W. llackler, Mithala Hackler, Khza Petlljohn, J. 8. Huokler, T.J. Hitcklet, Juuiiun Kitlrell, F. A. llackler, and all other heirs unknown of Thos. li. Hoork, deceased; Defendants. To Nancy L. Hunter, J. C. Roork, FJlzaW. Roork, Salina A. Green, Ida A. Grill, Mrs. Roberts, widow of J. VV, Koork, deceased; P. 11. Roork, Jas. L. Knoik, Annie E. Hale, Mrs. Carrie Powell, tSariili 0. Kelly, Ada E. Teiderman, Pearl Koork, Sam. A. Kellv, Mrs. McKenzie, John B. Kelly, lienj. J. Kelly, Mrs. btllie Dundee, Mrs. Moriah Buoy; unknown child ren of Mrs. Corinna Culbertson, deceased; unknown children Mrs. Rosa M. Calvin, de ceased; unknown children of Harviy Koork, deceased; V. M. Hackler, H. VV. llackler, Manilla Hackler, Eliza Petlijohn, J. S. Hack ler. T. J. llackler, Jaminii Kitlrell, F. A. llackler, anil all other belts, unknown, of Thomas R. Roork, deceased; said Defendants. YOU AND KAC1I OF YOU ARE 11KBKIIY required to be mid appear in the above entitleil court on or before the second flav of the next regular term thereof, to-wit: The l'Jth dav nf April, ls'.'S, to answer the complaint against you in the above entitled suit, and if yon lail so 10 do the plaintiff will t ike a decree against you and each (if you for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit: Thai the plaintiff be decreed to be the owner of the southwest quarter of see lion 7, lownship 2 south of ranee 4 east of the Willamette. Meridian, being the donation land claim of I'ltos. Koork, lu Clackamas county, Ore gon, and that you and each of you be forcvor de barred fruia asserting any claim thereto, and for such other relief as shall seem meet and proper. This summons is published by order of Hon. T. A. McBride, judge of said court, made iu open court on the 2."di dav of Jannarv, IK'.iS. 11. E. CROSS, Attorney for Plaintiff. WANTED -TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthly ' mid expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The Doraiuton Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. SUMMONS. In the Ciicuit Court of the State ot Oregon, tor ihe County of Clackamas. Anna W. Mathews, Plaintiff, vs. George K. Ded- man and Clara S Deilmau, his wife, Kmil C. Johnson and Johnson, his wile, and Angelina Berry, Defendants. To George R. Dedmau, Defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer Ihe complaint tiled against you in the above en titled cause by the tirsl day of the next term of court after the expiration of the publication of this summons, to-w it., by Monday, April 18th, Is'JS, and if you fail to so answer for want there of, the platutill will apply to the court for the relief demanded m the complaint, to-wit: For Judgment against vou for 182o.OO. with interest from December 27th, 18'.i.", at the rale of 10 per cent per annum, and 4o.36 with Interest from May ilth, 1SH7, at 10 per cent per annum-, and 175.00 as attorneys' lees; all in United Stales gold coin, together wllh tho costs and disburse ments of this suit, and for decree foreclosing plaintiffs mortgage upon the following described property in Cluekam us county, state of Oregon, to-wit; AH of tract "R," C lackamas Riverside, according to the duly recorded map and plat thereof on tile or record in the otlice of the Recorder of Conveyances of Clackamas county, stale of Oregon; and ior the sale of said property to satisfy said judgment and barring and fore closing you of all right, claim or equity of re redemption in said leeniises and everv part thereof and for such other and further relief as to the courl may seem meet and equitable. This publication is made by order of Hon. John B. Clelaud, judge of the' circuit court of Ihe stale of Oregon, for the county of Multno mah, acting 111 the absence from Clackamas county ol Hon. Thomas A. Mi Bride, judge ol the circuit court of tho state of Oregon, for said county of Clackamas, which order was duly made .March 2d, liix. FKXTON, BRONOI'GH & Ml'IR, Attorneys lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Ihe Couniy ol Clackamas. Nellie I.. Fuller, Plaintiff, vs. Albert Fuller, De fendant. lo Albert Fuller, Defendant. In Ihe name of h ( slate of Oregon: You are hereby required to upiear and answer Ihe complaint tiled against ou in the iibnte eiiiilled suit 011 or before the llrst day of the next term. to-wil: on Mimilnv. the lsth day of April, lsns; and 11 vou fail io answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will at plv lo Ihe court for ihe relief demanded iu the said complaint, towit: A dissolution of the marriage contrai l existing between said parties, and that plaintiff be awarded the custody of the minor children. Ibis summons is published by order of Judge John 11. Clelaud. which order was made and dated March sd, im. C. D. A D. C. LATOl'KETTE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIYE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible established house iu Oregon. Monthly ua and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose cll ddressed stamped etivelope. The Dominion ompauy. Dept. Y, Chicago.