Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, April 08, 1898, Image 7

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    An Arbor Gateway.
The sketch herewith, from the Or
ange Judd Farmer, gives a suggestion
that can be adopted In many situations
both as to utility and beauty. Where
there Is a path through a farm fence
near one's buildings, necessitating a
narrow gate, this gateway can be com
bined with an arbor, as shown In the
cut This gives the ornamental part of
the device, or will when covered with
vines. If the vines bear grapes the use
ful part will be very apparent. When
such ornamenting of one's premises can
be combined with that which Is purely
useful, there Is small excuse for not
having farm premises more attractive.
Guessing Weight of Stock.
It Is surprising how many farmers
who grow live stock which they some
times expect to sell on the hoof take
sc little care to ascertain Its weight.
Their Ignorance In this matter often
costs them dear, as the butcher or oth'
er person who buys of them generally
Is supplied with scales, and can gener
ally guess within a few pounds what
an animal will weigh. In the writer's
boyhood, his father frequently bought
cattle and sheep to be fed awhile, and
then butchered, to supply his custom
ers with beef and mutton. It does not
take long to learn how to guess on the
weight of a beef. The size alone Is not
always a criterion. Old cattle, and es
pecially old cows, will not weigh so
iieavy as they look, and will usually
have more of their weight In Inside fat,
now worth very little, owing to the
competition of cotton-seed oil and other
vegetable oils. American Cultivator.
Horna on Domestic Animals.
All the reason for horns on any do
mestic animal ceased when they came
wholly under man's protecting care. It
was all right for the animal to defend
itself with horns while exposed to pred
atory animals, like wolves and bears.
When cattle run wild, as they long did
In the State of Texas, and as they still
do on the plains of South America,
their horns constantly Increased In
length and formldableness. But under
civilized conditions there Is no need
for horns. In some breeds they have
already been bred off. This will doubt
less become more general, as dishorn
lng at least the cows has become a
quite general practice. Calves may be
prevented from ever growing a horn
by applying a stick of potash on the
head where the horns would start, and
removing the hair, so that the potash
will make a slight sore on the skin.
Substitute for Roller.
An easily made substitute for
roller Is shown herewith. It Is from
the Farm Journal. The sides are cut
from two planks, and narrow strips are
then nailed to the lower edges. This
contrivance can be weighted to any de
gree desired and will do good service In
fining or firming the soil. A roller Is
one of the most valuable Implements
that a farmer can use In making a fine
seedbed, but scarcely one farmer out
nf ten owns a roller. The cost or the
trouble to make one Is the excuse given
for their absence from tue larm. tools
Lice and Mites.
For preventing lice and mites, more
depends on the care of poultry than
upon the style of the building. The
hen house should be sprayed Inside with
kerosene once a month during the sum
mer, paying especial attention to work
lng the oil Into the roosts and down
Into the crevices, also around the nest
boxes. Clear out the droppings at least
once a week. Lice and mites breed In
the droppings. After cleaning put In
little fresh earth. It will be a good
plan to smoke the Inside with sulphur
If the house is tight enough. Give the
hens a box of earth to dust tn and add
some powdered sulphur. Keep the in
elde of the house well whitewashed.
First Work for Teams.
After their winter's rest. If It has been
each, horses need to be broken Into
work very gradually. Their necks and
til-ousts, where the harness chafed, and
which had been toughened by a whole
season's work, have grown tender
again, and It will require several days
of lirht work to renew the cuticle which
disuse had allowed to disappear. There
should be frequent rests, and at such
. . ... . ..
times the collar should be pulled for
ward so as to allow the air to strike the
part. On no account should the horse
for the first week or more be allowed
to work In the rain, or be hard pushed
when he Is sweating. Care In the be
ginning of the season will save the
horse perhaps from being disabled for
work during a large part of the sum
Parsnips for Iate Use.
The parsnip Is not only one of the
hardiest of garden vegetables, winter
ing In the open ground without Injury,
as also does salsify or vegetable oys
ter, as It Is generally called, but, like
the last mentioned plant. It starts to
growing very early In the spring. So
soon as the leaves start on either, the
roots should be pulled up and carried
to a cool cellar or pit, as the growth of
leaves will very quickly make the roots
unfit for use. All the first leaf growth
Is taken from the root, and Is the begin
ning towards seed formation. The root
rapidly shrivels and loses Its succu
lence when the leaves grow larger. The
part of the parsnip at the surface of
the ground will taste acrid, and it
doubtless possesses some poisonous
qualities, as Is the common belief
among farmers. No kind of roots which
are biennials are fit to eat after their
second year growth has begun.
Tomato Grafting.
Replying to an Inquiry about graft
ing tomato slips on potato vines, the
Philadelphia Record says: "As tomato
cuttings will take root, It is uot diffi
cult to handle them. The process of
grafting tomato on the potato is as yet
experimental, and Is not always suc
cessful. Whole potatoes should be
planted, removing all eyes but one, so
as to get a stocky plant. The tomato
slip should be only large enough to be
of service (about three inches), and may
be Inserted Into the potato vine by
slitting the vine, leaving no bud of the
potato vine. If the bark of the potato
and tomato are united it will be better,
tut It Is claimed that such is not al
ways necessary. Keep the vines moist
at the ground and shade the plants if
How to See Plants Grow.
To observe plants growing under the
microscope the American Monthly Mi
croscopical Journal says: "Procure a
little collomla seed. Take one of the
seeds, and with a razor cut off a very
tiny slice, cover with a cover glass and
place under the microscope. The in
strument must be lu a vertical position.
WThen it Is well focused and lighted
moisten It with a drop of water. The
seed will absorb the moisture and throw
out a very large number of spiral
fibers, giving the appearance of verit
able germination. Beginners will find
easier if one applies the moisture
while the other looks through the In
strument." Milking Device.
Slovenly milking Is often to be ac
counted for by the small size of the
pall's top. A good deal of the milk will
persist In running
down the outside.
To make easier
milking, have a
top made as shown
In the cut. The
flaring sides will
catch the stream
of milk and con
duct It Into the
pall. It will be
well to tie a piece
of muslin over the
bottom of this top piece, thus straining
the milk as It goes In to the pail. Let
this flaring piece just fit Into the top of
the pall. American Agriculturist.
Seeding Clover.
There are customs which are rigidly
adhered to In the sowing or planting of
the staple crops. Clover Is usually
sown on the wheat land In the spring,
the seed being scattered over the
ground when It Is covered with snow la
order to facilitate the work. One of the
rigid rules Is to sow a certain quantity
of seed (as little as possible If seed Is
high), and should the stand be light
the cause Is ascribed to everything but
the seed. The fact Is that seed should
be use more liberally, as much of It Is
destroyed In various ways before germ
ination, the saving In seed causing a
loss of clover. Another point Is to har
row the wheat, seed down the clover
and then use a roller on the land. The
better the preparation for clover the
more seeds will germinate and the
more perfect the "catch."
But few farmers accumulate as much
manure as they desire. Instead of
spreading the manure over too much
land, It will be better to use only one
half of the farm for crops and grow
green material on the other half to be
turned under. In this manner It will
not be many years before every acre
will double Its evarage yield, and the
profits will be larger because the ex
penses will be correspondingly re
duced. Bhnbarb.
One of the garden crops that thor
oughly understands how to take care
of Itself Is rhubarb. If planted In earth
that Is not very dry, It will continue for
many years without receiving any par
ticular attention. It Is, however, very
fond of high living, and those who de
sire to have large and succulent stalks
should give a good top-dressing of man
ure every season. Meehan'i Monthly.
Lima Beans.
Pole varieties are preferred by those
who grow Lima beans for market, as
there are "old standards" that are fa
vorites. The bush Llmas are probably
to be preferred, as they may be planted
In rows and be easily worked. They
require no supports, and are usually
earlier than the pole varieties, and are
fully equal In quality to the others.
They make a valuable addition to the
garden crop.
How Are You
This Spring?
Tired, nervous?
Can't get rested?
Tortured witli bolls, humors?
That Is not strange. Impurities have been
accumulating in your blood during winter and
It has become impoverished. This is the ex
perience of most people. Therefore they take
Hood's Sarsaparilla to purify their blood in
I. M. White, Salem, Or., says:
"The members of our family have de
rived much benefit from the use of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. My father was
severely troubled with humor, but it
readily yielded to Hood's Sarsaparilla."
Thomas A. Coleman, Davidson, Or.:
"Four or five years ago I had sores
on my feet so that I was unable to wear
shoes. I saw Hood's Sarsaparilla ad
vertised tooure scrofula, and I procured
two bottles. By the time I had taken
4liem my feet were well
Is America's Greatest Medicine. Sold by all
druggists, fl; six tor fo. tie sure to get iiooa s.
Hnnrl'c Pillc cnre liver lllB! eft3y t0
sivsvu ...... take, easy to operate, sk,
Swallowing; His Words.
"While I was at Moscow," writes a
traveler, whose words are reproduced
by the Detroit Free Press, "a volume
was published in favor of the liberty of
people. In this book the iniquitous
conduct of the publio functionaries,
and even of the sovereign, were cen
sured severely. The book created in
dignation, and the offender was at once
taken into custody. After being tried
in a summary way, he was condemned
to eat his own words. A scaffold was
erected in a public square, the imperial
provost, the magistrates and the physi
cians of the czar attending, the book
was separated from the binding, and
the margin cut off. The author was
then served, leaf by leaf, by the pro
vost, and was obliged to swallow this
unpalatable Btuff on pain of the knout,
more feared in Russia than death. As
soon as the medioal gentlemen were of
the opinion that be had eaten as much
as he could with safety, the transgressor
was returned to prison. This punish
ment was renewed the following days,
until after several hearty meals, every
leaf of the book was actually swal
lowed." IT WILL PAT.
It will nav to carefully read the rlesr.rlrt-
tive advertisement of Alabastine appearing
In this paper; explaining the ainerenca be'
tween those coeds and kulsomines.
Consumers should bear in mind, that
Alabastine is unlike all the various knlso'
mines sold on the market under different
names. Alabastine stands pre-eminent
and alone as a durable wall coatincr. and
all consumers in buying should see that
the goods are in packages and properly
Captain Cuttln in Safety.
Many are the prayers that are
breathed for those that have gone forth
to brave the dangers of the open ocean,
remarks a writer in The Illustrated
American, yet catastrophes on record
have occurred in still water within
sight, almost within touch of land.
The Episcopal prayer book contains a
formula of prayer for those at sea,
which may perhaps include those that
are upon the waters of rivers or an
chored in harbors. The horrors that
have ocourred within close range of
land make more grewsomo than humor
ous the remark of Captain Cuttle, who,
when in a stress of weather, under
close-reefed foresails, with the hatches
battered down, used to retire to his
cabin and murmur as he sipped his
grog, "God help the poor creatures on
shore tonight 1"
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
flucose. "Trn Gnrtifn l)rivt" Is mnde Irora
ugar Cane and It strictly pure. It is ior sale
bv nrst-clMS grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Sritrjr Co. All gen
nine "Trn tiarrirn Drins" have the manufac
ture'! name lithographed on every can.
King is the most ancient of titles.
It, or its equivalent, is found in every
known language.
I believe my prompt use of Piso'g Cure
prevented quick consumption. Mrs. Lucy
Wallace, Marquette, Kans., Dec. 12, '95.
Pictures can be adjusted at any
height by a new device consisting of a
rod with a flat hook at the upper end
to fasten it on the molding and a series
of ratchet teeth on the back side of the
rod, with a sliding member to engage
the teeth and support the picture.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and
instantly takes the sting out of corns and
bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov
ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes
tight-titting or new shoes feel easy. It is a
certain cure forchilbluins, sweating, damn,
callous and hot, tired aching feet. We
have over K).(XX) testimonials of cures. Trv
it toduy. Bold by all druggists and shoe
stores, nv man lor zsc. in stamps, inn
package F'KKE. Address Allen 8. Olm
sted, he Itoy, N. Y.
The largest hotel in the world is the
Waldorf-Astoria, in New York city,
a $10,000,000 establishment, built by
millionaires for millionaires.
Alabastine li a durable and natural coating
tor walls and ceilings entirely different from
all kalsnmine preparations, made ready for use
In white or twelre beautiful tints by the simple
addition of water (latest make being adapted
to mix with cold water) put up In dry powder
form, in b pound packages, with lull directions
on erery package.
Kalsomlnes are cheap temporary preparation!
manufactured from chalks, alays, whiting, etc.,
Work in the Patent Office.
In 1897 there were received 45,661
applications for patents, and in addi
tion a large number of applications for
designs, trade-marks, eto. Patents
granted numbered 23,729, including
designs; 65 patents were reissued, 1,671
trade-marks registered and 14 labels
and 16 prints. The number of patents
that expired was 12,926. The total ex
penditures, $1,22,843; the receipts over
expenditures, $252,798. Thetotal bal
ance to the credit of the patent office in
the treasury of the United States Jan
uary 1, 1898, was $4,970,438.
In proportion to population more
patents were issued to citizens of Con
necticut than to those of any other state
one to every 786 inhabitants. Next
in order are the following: Massachu
setts, District of Columbia, New Jer
sey, Rhode Island, New York.
To residents of England 706 patents
were issued; to residents of Germany,
551: Canada, 286, and France, 22.
The number of applications received
for examination during the year was
greater than for any other in the his
tory of the office. Applications await
ing action December 28 last numbered
11,382, due to the inadequacy of the
office force. For the 10 years begin
ning in 1840 the average number of
application was 1,186, and for the eight
years beginning with 1890 it has grown
to 41,479 per year.
With the bloom and beauty of the season,
Its balmy airs and delightful temperature,
we feel like living with new life, and are
therefore often very careless in taking care
of ourselves. It is this forgetfulness that
lays us liable to attacks of rheumatism, the
more liable because we think there is little
danger of its coming on, but rheumatism is
an easy thing to take and sometimes a hard
tiling to get rid ot unless wetake'tlie advice
of others and learn that the best way pou
siblc is to use St. Jacob's Oil. It has been
used so long as a sure cure that this advice
is given In good faith from the testimony
of thousands.
If an Egyptian dies before noon the
funeral must take place the same day.
If death occurs after noon the funeral
may not be delayed after the next day.
i v
"I suffered for eight years, and
could find no permanent relief until
one year ago. My trouble was Change
of Life. I tried Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, and rolief came
almost Immediate
ly. I have taken
two bottles of
the Vegetabla
three boxes
of Pills,
and have
also used
the San
ative Wash, and
must say I have
never had any
thin? heln bo much. I have better
health than I ever had In my life. I
feel like a new person, perfectly
strong. I give the Compound all the
credit. I have recommended it to sby
eral of my friends who are using1 It
with like results. It bos cured me of
several female diseases. I would not
do without Mrs. Pinkham's remedies
for anything. There is no need of so
much female suffering. Her remedies
are a sure cure.' Mbs. Ella Kbikbb,
Enlghtstown, Henry Co., Ind.
By the way, the leading druggists
tell us that the demand for Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetabla Compound Is
simply beyond their power of under
standing ; and, what is best of all, it
does the work promptly and well.
There died recently in the village of
Mauvages, Alsace, a man by the name
of Becu, who is the last of tho family
from which Mine, du Barry sprang.
Her real name was Becu, and she was
born in Vaucouleurs, a short distance
from Mauvages.
It is said that one person in 800 is
blind to the X rays: that is, when
looking through the fluoroscope they
oannot see the bonos of the hand, ooins
in a book, etc. This is no doubt an
alogous to color blindness.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word ' CASTORIA," and
" mCHER'S CASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannls, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CH Aft. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the home
of the mothers of America for over thirty years,
took Carefully at the wrapper and see that it la
tht hind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is President.
Qeorge Sewell Boatwell, the youngest
man ever elected governor of Mawta
ohnsetts, and now the oldeat of her ex
governor, has just celebrated his 80th
birthday. It is 17 years einoe he was
ohoson governor.
There are 305 mi log of street rail
ways in St. Louis now, and they carry
100,000,000 passengers a year.
are stuck on the wall with decaying animal
glue. Alabastine is a cement, which foes
through a process of setting, hardens with age,
ran be re-coatd and re-decorated from time to
time without having to wash and scrape oS its
old coats before reuewlng.
Particularly throat and lung dlfflenltlea.
wrongly attributed to other causes, is the re
sult ol nnsavltary conditions ot walls and oell
lags, Think ol having bedrooms covered with
layers of molding flour poet to feed vermin,
k VVTUKf-irv It
Ask Your Doctor
what effect alum has upon the stomach. Then
make up your mind whether you will put any
more low-price baking powder into your husband:s
or children's food.
Schilling's Best is pure cream of tartar and
soda. Nothing else.
Want to Feel What They Are Eating.
The inhabitants of Sikas, Turkey,
owing to the oppression of the tax
gatheror, who, the more industrious he
finds them the more he demands, and
that out of proportion to the means,
have no ambition to lead other than a
hand-to-mouth existence. Their prin
cipal food is made from unsifted whole
wheat, that has been threshed on the
ground by means of a drag drawn re
peatedly over it by oxen, and ususally
has a large admixture of dirt and
stones. The people prefer this to fine
grade flour, because they say they can
feel they are eating something.
In the great cities of the United States the
condition of the metropolitan ooor is con
stantly being ameliorated by the grand ben
evolences of wealthy people. Sanitary reforms
are frequently sugfrested and carried'out with
earnestness and intelligence. Among sanitary
reforms those produced by Hostetter's Stom
ach Bitters in dyspeptic stomach, disordered
liver, bowels or nervous syBtem are very con
spicuous. ,
The Sadhury river aqueduct in 859
days, has delivered 15,857,800,000 gal
lons to Chestnut Hill reservoir, and
85,500,000 to Lake Cochituate,
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure.
P. 1. CHENEY & CO Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J.Chenev
for the past 16 years, and believe hint perfectly
honorable in ail business transactions and fin
ancially ablo to carry out any obligations made
Dy muir urm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O,
Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. O.
HalrsCatarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ol
the syatom. rrlce 7oc per bottle. Bold by au
uggists. testimonials tree,
tlall's Family Pills r,ro the best.
An Oregon inventor has devisod a
steam plow which he thinks capable
of plowing 15 aores a day.
CITS Permanently Cured. No fltaor nervousnes
I 1 1 it after first dav'a use nf lr. Itllt,.1, iir.jit.
Nerve Restorer. Send for FKKK sja.00 trial
bottle and treatise, lift. R. H. KlTNhi, Ltd., U30
Waterloo, la., has a church for which
one glacial boulder furnished practical
ly all the material.
After being swindled by all others, send ns stamr
ror particulars 01 niDg notomon s Treasure, tat
ONLY renewqr of wanly strength. MAKOK
CliUMiCAb cu., f. o. hoi 747, l'liiiaaeirbia, ia.
The law which at present Eoverna
the practice of law in France forbids
the simnltaenouB practice of medicine
and pharmaoy, even by a person who
may be in possession of diplomas in
both subjects.
Use Dr. Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier now,
They Rejected Money.
In this country and in the civilized
world generally wo are so accustomed
to the circulation of coins that we are
apt to forget that there are millions of
human beings who know nothing what
ever of coins, and conduct their transac
tions by means of cowries, brass rods,
pieces of cotton or cloth and divers
other articles. On the West coast of
Africa brass and copper rods are in
vogue, and form an important article
of commerce from the Birmingham dis
trict of England. Recently an effort
has been made to displace this form of
currency by forcing the natives to use
silver coins, but without success.
"A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture."
Absolutely Pure,
..Costs Less Than one cent a Con..
Ds sure that you get th Gcnuin. Article,
mad. st DORCHESTER, MASS. by
Established 178a
with paper to hide them and absorb the mois
ture ol respiration, and an animal fine culture
ground on Its face for disoase germs; this hav
ing strong colors added, like a colored shirt, to
hide the dirt; then think ol "the nasty
practice" of repeating this papering, without
removing the old, and a number ol limes, at
that, as many do. Then think ol a room Coated
with pare, porous, permanent Alabastine,
which U rettnted with but little trouble or ex
pense, and la purifying and weet-smelllng and
fills cracks. Wall paper tree would bo dearer
than Alabastine If cost of removing paper Is
i2T ismHutu t f?aS?fW
KA Best Cough Hjrup. TasMs OuoO. Use ffm
Improved Plumb-Bob.
In a new plumb-bob the center ia
hollow and contains a horizontal shaft
carrying a spring drum on whioh the
oord is wound, with a central hole in'
the top for its passage in unwinding.
in the spring cleanBO your system byi
using ur. I'tunuer a uregon liiooa runner.,
Is the working capital
of humanity. He who
loses that is wrecked
indeed. Is your health
fulling you, your am
bition, vigor, vitality
wasting away T
When others fall con
sult '
For the spepdy, wife and wmiftnent cure of lt
Nervous, Clironio and Npeoiul dlspasei, even
In tbetr moat auumvaUd forma. - There i uo mn
In the world who has effected so many pttrinanent
cures In both Men and Women of troubles wbtcU
other phyHlean of arte now .edged ability hud glvem
up on nopeifttm as mm emu rem special. mi,
NEKVOVH DEBILITY and all Its attending
ailments, of YOL'SO, MIDDLE-AGED and OLD
MUJN, Tneawmi onectfl uf inflected or improp
erly treated crps, ohuhIhk drains, weakness of
body and brain, d(ratnens, fulling memory, lack of
energy and confidence, pains lu back, lotns and
kidneys, and many other dlntresslnn: symptoms,-
un lilting one for sumy, busuiess or enjoy munt or
life. I)r KntclifTe can cure you, no matter who of
what has failed.
WEAK MKN. He restores lost vigor and vi
tality to weak men. Organs of the body which,
have been weakened through disease, overwork,
excessen or Indiscretions are restored to full power,
strength ami vtsror through his own successful sys
lem 01 trent mortr.
VAEiroCKLK. hvdrocele. dwelllnir and tea
dd nesH of the glands treated with unfailing miccens.
hi'kdial mnammauon, a is
charges, etc., which, If neglected or Improperly
treated, break down the system, cause kidney and
bladder dlfleanes, etc.
pooinl attention given to all their many ailments. '
WRITK If vou are aware of any trouble, DO
NOT DELAY. Call on Dr. Ratcllile today. Ifyou,
cannot oall. write him. Ills valuable book free to
all sufferers, CONSULTATION FKEE audoontW
dent! ul at ofllcr or by letter,
It Is Known as
Write to ns abont It. Our nook on
painting SKNT FKKE. ,
Cleveland Oil S Paint li Co.,
Bow to 40. whftn to go, where
to go, wlittt to tnk And
whr to get it
With maps showing tralli, eto., FREE for ask In J,
Make money by luccesfut
peculation In ChlCRKO. Wa
buy and sell wheat on mar
trina. Fortunes h.v hen
made on a small bt'Kinnlnii by trading In iu.
turns. Writo lor full particulars. Best ol ref
erence given, tieverul years' experience on th
Chlrairo Board ol Trade, and a thorough know
ledue o( the business. Bend (or our free refer
ence book. DOWNING, IlOI'KINg A Co.,
Chicago Hoard of Trade Brokers. Offices lit
Portland, Oregon and Beattle, Wash.
Is it Wront;?
Get it Right
Keep it Right
Moore' a Kevenled Bemad? will dolt. Tbrca
dosoi will make you feel better. Get It from,
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
bom Htuwart fc Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
Plain or with Cutter. The beet needle In the mar
ket. I'sed t,y all sack sewers. 1'or sale by all geu
ral merchandise stores, or by
R Market Street, Han Francisco, CaL
f r tranltif ami locating Oold or Hllvef
Ore. Inst or burled treasures. M. 1.
l UWLKIt, Uui UT.Mouthlngtoli.Coun,
K. P, M. V.
WHEN writing
mention this
writing to adertlsors
Alabastine la sold by paint dealer! every,
where. Aik your dealer for card oi tints.
Do not bny a law suit or an Injunction with
cheap kalsomlnes, which are all Imitation! ot
Alabastine. Dealers assume the risk ol a suit
lor damage! by selling an Infringement. Ala.
bastlne Company own the right, covered by
letters patent, to make and sell wall ooatlngg
adapted to be mixed with cold water. Alabas
tine Co., Grand Rapids, Mich.