Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, April 08, 1898, Image 5

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    Ladies, Our
Shirt Waists
They are better than ever before. They are
all in NEW STYLES and just as neat as
anything you ever saw. They will please
We can show them to you as low as 50c
They are good values for the price.
A Better Quality at from 75c to 85c
Something Dainty, Fresh, and in the
Latest Novelties, for 95c to $1.
OPENED New Mull and Silk Ties, Roman
and Plaid Ribbons.
Cor. 3d A Morrison.
The trioneer meat market of C. Al
bright continues to serve its customers
well and always keeps a large amount
vi fresh meats on hand.
Last year's patterns of wall paper at
reduced prices. Five and 10c notion
counters. At Belloiny & Busch.
F. I. Andrews, the market gardener,
has always on hand a large amount of
first-class appleB, vegetables, pure cider
and cider vinegar. Give him a trial.
Kenworthy's restaurant and con
fectionery is now opened and ready to
serve first-class meals on short notice.
Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Oram's
old stand.
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
store of Marr &Muir.
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr & Muir.
Albright is never "just out" of the
kind of meat you want as he knows
what his customers desire and keeps a
full stock on hand and you don't need to
take "what's left."
For the best shave or hair cut to
be had go to P.G. Shark'sshop. Shaving
10 cents,
A high grade warranted sewing ma
chine sells for $25 on easy payments at
Bellomy & Busch.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specialty.
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets.
D.E. Kenworthy at the East Side Ry
office serves meals or oysters at all times
He also keeps a line of confectionery,
fruits and cigars.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets
G. H, Young's second hand store can
furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard
ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what
same would cost new and they are just
as eood and will last as long. Give him
a trial.
Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen
at Courier office.
Hail the wagon of Mr. Andrews if you
want anything in the fresh vegetable
When in Portland be sure and call at
the Royal restaurant where you can get
the best 15c meal in the city. 253 First
street, corner of Madison. Mrs. Wm,
Bohlander, proprietress.
F. I. Andrews, the gardener, as usual
has the first young radishes and onions
of the season, besides other early vege
table. "JS Victor bicycles for $40 and $G0 at
Burmeister & Andreseii's. The Victors
have a reputation that will bear investi
gation. Good roast or green coffee 0e pound,
raUins 4c, smuking tobacco 15c pound,
Milestone 5c, oranges and lemons' lc
each. Harden hoe :i5e. Red Front Trad
ing Co.
Do Not Bo Fooled
With the idea that any prpparati on
your druggist may putupandtr to sell
you will purify your blood like Hood't
Sareoaparilla. this medicine has a rep
utation it has earned its record. It is
prepared under the personal super
vision of educated pharmacists who
know the nature, quality and
medicinal effect of all the
ingredients used. Food's
Sarsaparilla absolutely cures all forms
Ot blood disease when other medicines
fail to do any giod. It is the World's
ureal Spring Medicine and the One
True Blood Purifier.
Every body 871 So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most
wonderful medical discovery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act
ently and positively on kidneys, liver
nd bowels, cleansing tbe entire system,
lap el colds, care headache, fever,
abitual constipation and biliousness,
lease buy and try box of C C. C. to
ay; 10, 25, 60 cent. Sold and grjaran
ed to cure by all druggists.
Easter Sbrvices At The Oongrkga
tignal Church. A fine program of
Easter services is in store for those who
attend the First Congregational church
next Sabbath The subject for the
morning sermon will be "The Place
Where the Lord Lay," and the follow
ing will be the musical program : Organ
prelude, in B flat, arranged from Bloiv
man Thai; doxology; hymn, "Oh
Could I Speak The Matchless Worth."
medley; anthem, Christ Our Passover'
Murray, Ladies Quartette; "He Is
Risen For Ale," Bateman ; anthem
"Christ Has Risen," Moschen; Solo,
"Easter Dawn," Woodman, by Miss
Kate Ward; hymn, "See The Con
queror Mounts In Triumph," Words
worth. At 7 p. m , there will be
grand Easter concert program given
the following being among the numbers
rendered: duett, Mrs. E. E. Charman
and Mrs. W. B. Wiggins; trio, "Eahter
Lillies," Miss Roake, Miss Albright and
Miss Samson; quartet, "In the Morn
ing, i;. unase, ri.Koane, Hiciio earn
son and Ivy Roake. The public is cor
dially invited.
$50 at Burmeister &
Jury List. The list of jurors for the
April term of the circuit court, as drawn
bv Sheriff Grace and County Clerk
Dixon, is made up of 28 farmers, 2
laborers and 1 clerk, as follows: W. H.
Counsel, A. Malloy, Enos Cahill, Louis
Funk, E. H. Burkhardt, N. Nelson,
Francis YValklev, George gazelle, uou-
lieb Wallace, J. A. Talbeit, Tom Davis,
Abe Larkms, M. Groshong, Al Wing,
Hans Paulson, J, L. Mattocks, Chris
Boylan, H. J. I nomas, John behieine,
H. Henrici, John Eri, J. R. Williams,
C. Porter, Otto Oleson, William Buck
ner, Will Stone, William Bird. S. D.
Coalman, George Lockerby, Carrick
Cassidy, John Shadle, S. C. Prieftly.
Circuit court will convene here Monday,
A Note of Thanks. To the friends
whose many acts of kindness made
light our sorrow in the last sickness
and death of our mother, Mrs. Sarah
Oarrico, we desire to extend ourhwrtfolt
thanks. May the Father, whom she
served, bless them and if sorrow comes
into their lives may it be their fortune
to live among people as good as those of
Oregon City. Thomas Carrico, Lizzie
Oarrico, J. H. Carrico.
'98 Victors for
Born, to the wife of Geo. Silver, a 10-
pound boy.
Born, on March 31st, to the wife of N.
R. Lang, a boy.
Mrs. Al Harrington is quite sick with
throat troubles.
Ed. Leek, of Redland, was a caller at
this office, Tuesday.
G. A. Heind spent Sunday at his
home at Scott's Mills.
Chas. Murray, Jr., of Portland was
in this city, Tuesday.
Guy Phillips, of Portland, was in this
city, Tuesday, on business.
Farm Journal of Philadelphia and
Courier for $1.60 per year.
Frank Forsberg fell and fractured a
rib at the paper mills last Thursday
H.J. Carrico, of Eugene University,
was in the city during the past week.
Chas. Galloway is spending a few days
at his parents' residence at Parkplace
Mrs. Wm. Barlow, of Barlow, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. Miller
The Thrice-a-week N. Y. World and
the Oregon City Courier for $2 per year
Miss Nora McCullya left for Gervais,
Sunday, where she will hereafter reside
The oldest daughter of George Marr is
quite ill with a severe throat trouble.
Miss Kate Ward is quite ill at the resi
dence of her aunt, Mrs. Chas. Latour-ette.
Mrs. C. L. Peterson, of Lebanon, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Miss Ana Baird, of Portland, was vis
iting her sistei , Mrs. A. S. Dresser, Sat
Mrs. W. A. Huntley's parents will
arrive shortly and will remain here
The Famous clothing house of Port
land, gives a boy's waist free with every
boy's suit sold.
Mrs. C. G. Huntley returned from
Barlow, Saturday, where she had been
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. George Herren spent
Sunday at the Jennings'farm, the guests
of Mrs. Abernethy
Capt. A. L. James, of the steamer
Kellogg, has diphtheria, at his residence
below Green Point
J. H. Walker left for Southern Ore
gon, Sunday evening, on business, and
will be gone for a week.
Born, to the wife of M. Hyatt, a boy.
D. F. May has recovered from his se
vere illness.
Born, to the wife of L. Hartke, on j
Tuesday, a son.
Rev. Butler will preach at Ely next '
Sabbath at 2 33 p. m.
Mrs. Clark is visiting her mother,
Mrs. C.T. Hickman.
J. Gard,of Clarkes, was an Oregon
City visitor, Wednesday.
Judge G. E. Hayes has just recovered
from a severe attack of the grip.
Miss.Ellis, of Portland, was the guest
of Miss Mattie Draper, Sunday.
New style shirt waists, Roman stripe,
plaid and checks at the Racket Store.
Fancy ribbons in the latest plaids and
moire, all colors at the Racket Store.
The new style skirts require a bustle.
You can get them at the Racket Store.
Miss Nora Dillman haa just recover
ed from an attack of typhoid pneumonia.
Little Bulah Marr is the gueat of the
Misses Wishart, during her sister's illness
Baby bonnets and childs' hats, lawn
and Swiss, all prices at the Racket
Miss Marjorie Oaufield is unable to
teach on account of an attack of the
Order of this office or of your
Stamps Taken
Pomona Grange Notice. Clackamas
District Pomona grange will hold its
next session at New Era with Warner
grange on the 13th of April, commencing
at 10 a.m. Come brothers and sisters
prepared to spend the day and enjoy a
pleasant time. The degree of Pomona
will be conferred in the evening. Mary
S. Howard, Master.
A Reunion. A grand reunion of the
reds and yellows will be held in the Y.
M. O. A. rooms on Saturday night. A
fine musical program is being arranged
by Miss Gertrude Finley and the Ladies
Auxiliary will serve ice cream and cake.
An admission fee of 10c will coverall ex
penses and everybody is cordially
Mrs. Ned Lawrence, nee Nieta Barlow,
sang recently at the "trying-out" con
cert held by the managers of the Bos-ton-
! urns, when last in ban J'rancisco.
Among all the voices heard Mrs. Law
renee's pure contralto impressed them
most favorable, and many compliments
for the singer were heard on all sides
Mrs. Sladen'e millinery opening
which took place Thursday, April 1st,
attracted the usual attention by the
lovers of "the beautiful," many hand
some hats being on exhibition. Miss
Wishart, who is the head milliner of the
establishment ,has proved to be an expert
in this line, and is always anxious to
please her numerous customers,
Bucklen't Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin
Eruptions, and positively cures Piles,
or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to
give perfect satisfaction or money ro
unded. Price 25 cents per bo. For
sale by Cbarman 4 Co.
. Pitcher's Cattorla.
Mrs. Gilman Parker is very ill and
her son, Freddie, and granddaughter
are down with the measles
Fred West and Lynn Baker, of Port
land, came up to this city on their wheels
Sunday, and visited friends.
General Manager Swabacher of the
Crown mills, expects to leave Saturday
for the East on a business trip
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cook, of Brook
lyn, N, Y., were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Doremus, over Sunday
Pay your water rent before the 10th of
the month and save the expense and
annoyance of water being shut off.
Mrs. May Kirby's little child, which
has been very ill for the past !two
months is not expected to recover.
Mrs. Ed. Harrington is very sick at
the residence of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Taylor, on Seventh street
W. B. Shively left Monday for East
em Oregon, where he will open a store
He will probably locate at Baker City.
Tho Club tonsorial parlors, P. G
Shark, proprietor, shaves for 10 cents
A full line of cigars and tobacco is also
MissEdnetta Chase is teaching Miss
Miss Miy Kelly's room this week, Miss
Kelly being unable to teacli on account
of illness.
Chris. Hartman has purchased the
cottage on 10th and Main street, from
C. O. T. Williams and will move there
this week.
Miss Mamie Case and Geo. Swafford,
who have been attending the Epworth
League Convention at McMinnville, re
turned Monday.
Henry Meldrum.government inspector
of surveys, ia expected home about
April 15th. He has spent the winter
looking after surveys in Minnesota.
Green McMurray, a prosperous farmer
of Gresham, was an Oregon City caller,
Tuesday. Mr. McMurray is the pos
lessor of one of the finest farms in the
The Bundy time system has been
adopted, by the W. P. A P. Co. This
consists of a clock and numbered keys so
arranged that when an employe inserts
a key in tbe clock his time and number
is recorded. J
C. H. Dye and Bon, Trafton, returned
Monday from a visit to their old home
in Iowa.
Miss Kate Wolfer of Oanby haa been
visiting her sister, Mrs. D. R, Dimick,
this week.
Miss Nellie Swafford, who has been
confined to the house with chicken pox,
is recovering.
Register C. B. Moores returned form
Salem Wednesday, where he had been
on business.
Jas. Tamblin's baby boy has just re
covered from a severe attack of meaBles
and pneumonia.
George Doll left Monday for a six
weeks' visit to his old home near Min
neapolis, Minn.
Miss Nevah, daughter of Harmon
Green, has just recovered from an at
tack of diphtheria.
Mrs. Holt, nee Grace Whitlock, of
Portland, is the guest of her mother,
Mrs. W.T. Whitlock.
Miss Pauline Campbell, of Portland,
was the guest of Miss Vara Oaufield,
Wednesday and Thursday.
Prof. A. J. Collier and Miss Anna
Welch 'of Portland visited Misa Jose
plane Newton on Sunday.
Misses Elsie Walling and Florence
Barnette, of Oswego, were visiting
friends in this city, Wednesday.
James Dolan, of Brownsville, ia visit
ing 'acquaintances in Oregon City, this
A Woodmen entertainment will bo
given ot Willamette hall on Friday eve'
ning, April 15th. i
Services will bo held at St. Paul's
Episcopal church Good Friday morning
at 11 a. m., Bishop Morris officiating.
F. T. Barlow has rented the Mi
Donough residence on Fifth street and
will take possession the first of next
On account of the republican county
convention the city council did not meet
on Wednesday, but adjourned till Frl
day evening.
Robt. Finley has tetumod from
Woods, Tillamook county, where he haa
been making improvements on his sum
mer residence.
Mrs. Newton G raham came up from
Portland Thusday and will be the cuest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Glass
pool, for a week.
Rev. M.L. Rugg preached in the First
Baptist church of Portland Sunday
morning, and Rev Gilman Paiker oc
cupied his pulpit.
Editor M. E. Bain, on Wednesday, re
ceived the sad intelligence that his
father was lying dangerously ill at his
home in Ontario, Canada.
Chester Muir, of tho firm of Marr &
Muir, is at the home of Rev. Montgom
ery, during tho illness of Miss Carrie
Bair, who is very ill with diphtheria
at his home.
Miss van rmsoury is miking ar
rangements for a "German" to be given
at the close of the term, which will be
in about two weeks, at the Wil
lamette hall.
An "owl" supper and a night of prayer
will bo the program at the Salvation
Army barracks on Saturday evening.
All are invited. Admission free, bud-
per 10 cents.
Rev. C. A. Willey and wifo left for
Eugene, Wednesday, where they will at
tend the Free Methodist Conference.
which is being held there. They will
return Monday.
"TTrs. W.P. Hawley and son, Willard,
left for the East Wednesday morning,
where they will remain several weeks.
They will Join Mr. Hawley, who left a
few days before.
Mrs. Pratt and children, of Sioux,
Iowa, and Mrs. Wm. Evans and niece,
of Oswego, were the guests of Mrs, and
Mrs. J. M. Mark, of West Side, Tues
day and Wednesday.
On account o( the illness of Judge
Hayes and the MpubUcan county con
yention the county, court did not con
vene on Wednesday as usual, but ad
journed .till Thursday, "
If you are going to Klondike or only thinking
about it. We invite you to call and inspect
We have an entire floor ioo feet by 75 devoted
exclusively to Klondike supplies, including
Blankets, Rubber Goods,
Mackinaw Clothing,
Shoes, Tents, Fur Caps,
Groceries & Provisions,
of all kinds at LOWEST PRICES. We pack
and deliver everything free of charge at the
wharves either it Portland, Tacoma or Seattle.
Third and Oak Streets.
BEN SELL1NO, Manager
Send for Klondike Catalogue Free
Ely Bros., the merchants, have -md
chase the residence of Ben Barklay, op
posite their present place of business,
and will erect a building into which
they will move their store.
Fred Charman, Lee Harding and Ira
Wishart returned to Corvallis, Wed
nesday, where they will resume their
studies at the Agricultural College, after
spending a week with relatives.
Mrs. G. Simmons, of "Kansas City,"
will leave shortly for Montana, where
she will hereafter reside. Mr. Sim
mons and his two sons, George and
Clarence left about two weeks ago.
Word has been received from Miss
Nannie Wilkinson, of her safe arrival in
Colorado. Miss Wilkinson was sum
moned to the bedside of her father,, who
is still very low with heart trouble, little
nope neing entertained lor his recov
Albert Watkins returned this week
from Dyea, Alaska. He says Lou Doo-
little is doing well with his bunk house
and that James Ward, who is staying
with Mr, Doolittle, went a short dis
tance from camp recently and found a
fine specimen of gold quartz.
Mrs. O. S. Olsen last week received a
letter from her husband, who is in
Alaska. At the time of writing he and
his party were 10 miles below White
Horse rapids and were making for new
diggings to get a claim. They were
confident that they had struck it rich.
Improvements are still being made in
ihe public square on Seventh street, op
posite Presbyterian church. Since the
the setting out of walnut trees, two walks
of sand have been put down and several
seats put in through the grounds.
In a few years this will be a favorite
place to spend moonlight evenings with
your best girl.
The Ladies Aid Society, of the Pres
byterian church, held its semi annual
meeting, at the home of Mrs. R. Hob
erts, Thursday afternoon. They had an
excellent report from the secretary,
showing the work done in the last six
months. In cash they cleared $75, by
making 107 aprons, 17 black Batteen
skirts, knotting comforts and other in
genious ways, only to be devised by
A. Randall, of Silver Lake, visited
John Hill this week.
R. Petzold is thinking of raikia; a
trip to Germany to visit his father.
License to wed issued on April 0th to '
Jennie Brownell and Byron Simmons.
Dr. Iliff, of Portland, has baan lnld
ing revival services at the M. E. church.
F. E. Donaldson returned Wednes
day from a two months' business trip to
Treston Reed returned last week from
Illinois, where he went some time ago
with his parents.
Dr. Freeman, of Chicago, arrived
Sunday and is associated with Dr. J. W.
Welch in his dental office,
Mies Stella Welch, who has been in
this city visiting Miss Josephine New-,
ton, returned to her home in Silverton
Mrs. E. Hedges, who haa beon very
ill for the past three weeks at her home
on 11th and Jefferson streets, is slowly
nr. r ! ,. . I. - J , 1 . .1
wm. lagmuwer uau nis ngnt nano,1
badly mashed in the paper mills on
Tuesday. It was necessary to amputate
his index finger.
Mrs. John Bean, who haa been in
Cortland for the past month, has re
turned to this city and is at present the
guest of Mrs. Geo. Stafford.
A petition is being circulated asking
city council to erect a sidewalk over the
railroad from Seventh street on the hill
to Weinhard's building, the city to pay
two-fifths of the cost and tho tenants
and property owners benefited the bal
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to R. Petzold, tho butcher,
should at once boo him and sot tie their
account, as after April 15th, all accounts
will be placed in a lawyer's hand and
collected bv law, which will make ad
ditional costs lor the debtor to pay.
This ia the last notice and nil should
take heed.
Spring Humors, boils, pimples, sores
and all eruptions are promptly cured by
Hood's Harsaparilla, which purifies
the blood, eradicating every trace of scro
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache,
billiousiiesg and all liver ills.
j Don't Buy . j
j Boys Waists... ' j
One with every boys suit. All styles of Waists
J and blouses. This offer for a limited time C
f Our prices are from 60c to $1.00 lower than C
anywhere Look at Them I
) $1.50, $2.50, $2, $3, ( 1 coat, 1
? Combination Suits j 2 Pair Pants C
S $3.00, $4.00 ( 1 "aut I