Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, April 01, 1898, Image 8

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The bladder was created (or one pur
pose, namely, a receptacle (or the urine,
and as such it is not liable to any form of
disease except by one of two ways. The
first way is from imperfect action of the
kidneys. The second way is from care
less local treatment of other diseases.
Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid
neys is thechiefcauseof bladder troubles
So the womb, like the bladder, was creat
ed for one purpose, and if not doctored
too much is not liable to weakness or
situated back of any very close to the
bladder, therefore any pain, disease or
inconvenience manifested in the kidneys,
back, bladder or urinary passage is often,
by mistake, aUtibnieil to female weak
ness or womb troubles of some sort.
The error is easily made and mav be as
easily avoided. To find out correctly,
set your mine asiile for twenty four
hours ; a sediment or settling indicates
kidney or bladder trouble The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney
and bladder remedy is soon realized.
If you need medicine von should have
the best. At druutrists fifty cents and
one dollar. You may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet, both sent free bv
mail upon receipt of three tvo-cent
stamps to cover cost of postage on the
bottle. Mention Oregon Guy Courier
and send your address to Or Kilmer &
Co.. Bingliamton, N Y. The proprie
tor of this paper guarantee the genuine
ness of this offer.
Plumbing and Tinning.
Jobbing of All Kinds
a Specialty.
Wilson A Cooke's
Old Bland
Gambrinus Cold
Griessen & Hallwyer, Props.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Elegant Family Rooms.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of the city.
Try Bolton Dairy and ba Convnoed'
Livery & Feed Stable
Cor. Main and 4th St.
Job Printing at the
Courier Office.
Thli old on armed specialist, of HI.. Louis,
writ known ty nil long realdenoe and sun
eeful)y practice In thli city, continue la
iiccessfully trot all kinds of ohronio and
prlvnte diseases
FPFF TRP iTWritfT forth Por who call
kllUU 11IU111 Willi 1 1U
1 person at the office
every afternoon
UUUUU 1111 LI uuill iimpia,B'roiuia,.vpii
line 'lalnia, Tuiuore. Tell en, Ecieiim ami
Hher Impurities of the blood thoroughly
radicated, leaving the system In a strong,
pure and healthful state.
RTTPTTM ATTJW treated by an old Oerinan
nULilllUallulU remedy. Thli remedy win
im-nciiied to Dr. KesseW by a friend In
Berlin. It haa never failed.
(II ft WDr? "1', Cancers, etc., treated, no
UIjU UUItllO dllTcrence how long affected.
painful, dlltlcult, toolregoeiit, milky ur blooov
urine, uimluriil discharges, eurelully treated,
Pile, rheumatism ami neuralgia treated by
our new remedies.
Take a clear bottle at bedtime and urinate
In the bottle, act aalde and look at It In the
morning. If It la cloudy, o haa a cloudy not
Ming In It, you haveaome kidney or bladder
TAPF WORM '""oved In twenty-four houra
lull nUrilUMea wornii In wludow at of.
lee 15 t3o leel long.
RRP ATR WMQ We meet peraona every
Dltliflin 0 1 111 AO day whose breath smell
to bud It i disgusting. Tlilaeomea Irom Ca
lm rhol either the noReor eti.macli. Uoand
e examined. It can be cured before the
lasnl bonea becomoi Involved.
nUINflMFW lf ou troubled with nlghl
I UUnu lUiiH emission, eahaoallngdialnii,
ample, Imshiultie, averaion to aoclely,
lupidiies. despondency, lona of energy, am
I'lllon and aell-conUdenoe, which deprive vou
v your nihilhood and nbniitfly unlit you
lor study, bualueaa or marriage It you are
Ihiia uillicted you may know the cauae uo
and Iw treated, j
aeiik, aching back and kldneya; frequent,
palnlul urinal Ion and aedlment in u'lne; In.
potency or weakueaa ol aeaual organ, and
oilier iinnilalakable algna of nervoua debility
and premature decay, Many die of thin
d tllcully, Ignorant of the cauae. The moat
wbai Inale cases of tbla character treated.
PRIVATP dl"'- O'eet, Gonorrhea, In
I lUfnllj namallon. Discharge, Strictures.
Weakness of Organa, Byphllla, Hydrocele
larioovele aud kindred troublea treated.
Consultation Free to All.
Office IIoubb: From 9 A. M. to
8 P.M. Call or address
J. Henri Kessler M. D.
At St. Louis Dispensary,
Officials, Who Will Direct the Affairs !
in Clackamas County Districts..
Following is a list of school clerks and
directors for the various districts in
Clackamas county for the fiscal year
ending in March, 1899. The first named
is the chairman of the board and direc
tor for one year j the 2nd, name of di
rector for two years ; the 3rd, name of
director for three years; the 4th, name
of clerk with postoffice address. The
figutes bffore each list of names indi
cate the number of the district:
l. J 0 Bonnett, R Scott, P Birkemeier, Elglva
Mullau, Milwaukle.
2 E L Kenugy, T B Killin, James Rentier, N
Blair, Hubberd.
3 K Nutull, 0 M Toole, D M Klemson, W A
Hedges, Oregon City.
4 If Gerber, W P Klrchem, Phillip Kohl, F 8
Hutchins. I'arkplace.
6 Fred Watson, Fred Eyenian, John Piny, T B
Donaldson, Needy.
7 Eli Williams, W J Currln, Q B Linn Geo J Cur
rin, Cnrri naville.
8 J 0 Kircbem, J S Oil, J 0 Sprague, C N Tracy,
9 OB Dye, Gustav Haberlaeh, J C Paddock E F
Capps, Clackamas.
10 duo Bull, Isuni Vaughan, Andrew Johnson, A
Engle, Molalla.
11 Geo Hoffstetter, John Dennlson, Chas Holman,
Mrs M E Frey, Meadowbrook.
Vi A J Krigliaiim, Win Davis, C Sarver, Henry Pal-
13 8 i Hedgea) Wm Welch, Wm Rosalsky, F J
Walkley, Salmon.
14 W H Mattnnn, Jaoob Gerber, Charles Miller,
J A Randolph, Viola.
16 W V Kirk, Carl Studeman, Win Grlesenthwalte
H. nry Hughe, lieavcr i reek.
Hi W Albright, J G F Myers, A Gray, J T Drake,
17 J Smith, J J Judd, J Van Curon, A D Burnett,
Eagle Creek.
15 V Klohe, J Mundorff, J S Dick, J G Koeh
ler, Canhy.
10 O.e Mlkkelson, Anton KaUer, J A Slafanson,
T O Jonsrud, Kelso.
20 D Harms, J W Smith, A D Orlbhle, J J Gibson,
'21 Wm Spraf ue, A B Linn, B F Line, Geo Specs,
Oregon City
22 F M Samson, 8 B Taylor, Geo C Perdeu, G H
Bobbins, Monitor
23 M C Voung, Wm Brobst, Chaa F Schlickeisor,
Chas F Wagner, Wllsonville
24 Carl linwell, Wm Smith. Jas A 8hibley, W L B
Cornett, Spring water
25 Raymond Dickey, H J Bastall, Ira Dickey,
Victor Dickey. Molalla
26 J H Boring, Clirli Weddeller, Win Buthman,
F M Osburn, iJamascus,
27 M W Handall, W 0 Williams, I D Burfus, N
W ltictinrds, Oregon City.
2H C W llisley, Henry Thlessen, D W Robertson,
Dora S Thlessen, Milwaukle.
211 C K Snence, J K Louis, Victor Erickson, Frank
Jaguar Carus.
3U Mrs W F Hubbard, Joseph Bachman, J G
Mumpower, J K Myers, Stone.
81 A W Cooka, J N Tong, C E Barton, S C loung,
1)2 J IM.BO Cosper, Joseph Elmer, H W
Gaid C arkaa
SI A Nic. iaa, R J Shockley, Robert Rutherford,
Nora Mil er, Highland.
81 Thos Glbbs. H T Shipley, David P Jones, I D
Taylor, Oregon City.
:& J It Cole, John Everhart, J R Shaver, 0 W
Bobbins, Molalla
SO A J Maville, Wm Oerhauser, Wm Morey, Mrs
Etta L Hannagou, Liberal.
87 L A Hhipley, C C Borland, J R Hays, M Long,
38 8 F Marks, Geo Kesserllng, Christian Kocher,
J K dribble, Aurora.
39 John Anderson, John Gibbons, John Hoofmas
ter, Joh.i P Forrester, Eagle Creek.
411 A Montanden,-E Y FiHh, K B Miller, Peter
Conk, Needy.
41 Wm Schati, Samuel Mayar, B F Weddle, Frank
Pollvka FtitTord.
42 Cah nk.aTBeebe, N A Flinn, J W Baty,
Cherry ville.
43 KHTabor, Parley Andrews, Wm MoCord, Ward
B Uwbin, Oregon City.
44 Andrew Vetsch, P TJtlger, W H Boring, 8 C
Ward, Powell's Vallev.
46 T D Phelps, Frank McGugln, Adam Andre, E
F Andre, Bull Run.
40 J H Weaver, Henry Ridderbusch, S D Cole
man, Bold Jonsrud, Sandy
48 W H Smith, B 4 Bellomy, JT Apperson, Geo T
Howard, Oregon Chy.
49 W Counsel), U 8 Blakney.T Hagenberger, G B
Wise, Milwaukle.
60 J W Douglass, J P Woodle, Chas W Casseily,
H F Gibson, Kagle Creek.
61 W h llolcomb, L I) Mumpower, C A Hoi
stroin, K Thayer, Oregon City.
62 A Malar, T (i Deshazor, E Htrnwbrldgo, Jacob
Peshnzer. Flrwood.
.S L P Williams, J 0 Wright, H E Carr, Mrs L P
Williams, Harkea.
54 Chas Walt. J F Eckerson, F A Sleight, A M
Vineyard, Tanby.
fifi 0 W Dart, Chaa Pauglierty, F Sawtell, E E
Ju.ld, Molalla.
59 O 8 Hn'yles, Seott Carter, J W Nightengale, B
57 Hans Paulsen, N Rath, Frank Oeks, John C
Sohmldt, George.
im M T Fnieman, J A Stromgren, W T Henderson,
E W Haminett, Klwood. .
69 Herod Chnale, CO Smucker, 18 Miller, JF
Warhtman, Hubbard.
no K I) Wilson, Jacob Mlley, E Smidt, I A Ml
ley, Wilsoiivllle.
til I" Vaili, G W Waldron, Theo E Kraeft, J L
Voslnirg, Oregon City.
1.2 W KCarll, C Ui'anflold, E E Charman, Mrs.
8 M MeCown, Oregon City.
(13 M Hulnu. Vi m MacDonald, R Dundas, II A
Waldron, New Kra.
I'i4 1) Talbert, A E HoU'omb, II Longcoy, E P
Dednian, (Maekamas.
115 J M Nicholson, Frank Haun, J M Groshong
Henry Thomas, Wllholt.
mi Chat Leaf, R A Ten Eyok, Victor Taborden,
R I) Aleaamier, Mannot.
(17 John Johnson, Henry Platts, L Toedtenioler.
II lderli,.,SUIIord.
lis Kdwln Bates. D M Maishall, F Rhodes, J A
English, Cllrritisville.
till E C Kaelman, W 8 ltlder, Enos Cahlll, Julia A
Rider, New Kra.
70 John Ferguson, B E Courtrlght, John Potter,
W W Myers, Oregon Cltv.
71 lea llesselli-u, T Wins, C H Moll, M Gilliam,
72 J Horbett, John Carlson Peter Litlerty, W K
Ikuiuey, Sunnyslile,
78 J llurgoyiie, J C Newbury, Joaeph Kief, George
II llro'.vn. New Kra.
74 J U Mitt.. F M Mathews, W II Cochran, L II
Cochran, Newly.
75 Louis rank, J L Murtloek, Jas Fallen, WM
Stone, Hedlaud.
711 P J Anderson. Christopher Johnson, Wm Bird
A Anderson Monitor.
77 A M Lovelace. Theodore Schmidt, Oren GrifBu,
J W Hillearv, Damascus.
78 J It Lewis, W Crane, Wm W Taylor, O B Tay
lor, PiHlge.
711 WJ Miller, M Ilaohert, D M McDonald, J J
Miller, Aurora.
80 Christian llornschuh, Stephen Hutchinson,
Elldl (lllenther, Sllllcbel.
81 J II Hums, Joseph Perruger, I F Brlggs, L P
Burns, Canby.
82 EL Kitker, 8 J Hllliiian, Mrs Lydia Goldlug,
Alison Baker, Graeme.
83 Kimd lgh, Hugh Kitgerald, N Nelson, Chris
,tlan I'aall, Dover,
84 J i Mallatt, M Mulvey, W A Woodsida, K L
Trullluger, I'nlon Mills.
ft Pavlcl Harris, Louis Sholti, GottfnHl Bluhm.
Fred llliilim, Ely.
Nl (leu Kulght, Herman Lea, Wm Blasell, V L
Mark, Canby
87 L 0 Nl'ulillngale, Abe Hardy, J F Sherman. 8
M Cooke, W ilholt
88 K llalierleiii, J J 1-orter, II II Anders, 8 C Huff
man, Gaitlt'ld
89 Geo Formal), Geo Brown, J II Oslmrh, 8 J Lan
don, Harlow
UO II llm-kner, II 0 luskoep, C F Baker, A Hay
huret, Canif
Hi B FSmllh, E Hilton, A Wlegund, II KauDnwn,
92 Jos Swaita, V E Taylor, Jno Taylor.L B Ymler,
9.1 Lwinsnl Ileitis, Ed Armstrong, Jas M Cox, O II
Wright, l.itwral
94 Geo Clark, PelerWIIsen, I L Clark, CW Rlcliev,
lt,i W G Kleinsnillli, Peter Shelrvo, J P Olson, J T
Grace, Claikea
!Ki F K lU-ckinan, Aiidivwlloilge, B F Baker, Niels
Chrlstetiien, New Km
97 J A Andrews, W M Evans, 0 W Quint, Chaa
llovis, Harlow
98 Mr lliirllngame. 0 J Trulllnger, F Howard. J
N Tmlllnger, I nlon Mills
J M llaitung, ltufus (lay. J B Poarduil, II C I'l
rich, Lents
100 Win Scott, Wm Murray, T P Slhalnecker. A P
Tisld, Sherwood
101 Henry Wallace, W J Moldeuhauer, Wm F
Mueller, Mia Julia Mueller, Clarkea
lir.' A L Jonoa, J B llelvy, Juo I'aine, K W Pain.
UM 11 J Sharp. C K Quinn, G F Blair, A V Davis,
104 II W Hunt, A R Hawklne, R 8 Coowr, C C
Miller, (lartleld
10.1 K Mass. 11 J Ralston. C A llill.r niin v in
still, Wlllametta
ion K H vi lltnot, G (1 Kause, Jas Cook, Mrs M L
Wllmot, Fulton
Jl C M ( aiiwnter, P II Roork, Damon Heron,
Mrs J A Stcpliviis, Orient
.Ttln Freil Ari.n P T. T,, .,..
, " " uiuoi,rieu .lllgsen, J 1
Kruse. Stafford '
Jt 12 u N Sager, Alfred Johnson, Chas Dahlqulst,
Jno Q Olson, Sv" -pie
Jt 23 Fred W11-3 H Miller, H Becker, Henry
Snyder, Aurora
.it mi a, A "ddy, G AGaibreath, J E Hedges. L P
Spencer, Tuala' in
Jt 30 W J We.-ton, W D Mathews, B F Webster, W
F Young, Sherwood
Ji, J 1 nng, itioiiard Fan-en, Jay Baker, J N
Hoffman, Sherwood
Jt 5'i Wm DThnm,, U'. n,.l.ll , n.,..
Jos Bramhall, Bull Run
Jt 57 Joe Scheurer, Herny L Bents, Jno Murray. F
A M Cone, Huttevllle '
1 62 F W (St Clair, Jas Parrott, Lnoine Geer, R
Mayeoi k, Bnttevllle
Jt 70 I N L Hhriner, A N Wi.ls, O II Lance, E
Cole, Willsbnrg
Jt 73 David Brodie. C D Hartman, Clarence Hlrt
zell, J 8 Korb, Scotts Mills
Oliver AndrnuK h'AvmrA Vnnlta T T ,
erly, F L Rugg, Gresbam '
Beauty la Blood.
Clean blood means a clean skin. N
beauty without it. Cascnrets Candy
Ou.thorttf' etuun tr.tlle Kl.ir.1 Lnn :
v.u ...... uuikiii niiu ivrctl I
clean, by stirring up the lazy liver am
,!.;,.;.. ..11 : 1 , ,
""""is o" iiiiuui irum tne ooiiy.
Hnlin tn.ilov to liuniu), l.nll'..
n" -'"j ............ j, i!r.,n, uuiif-
blotches, blackheads, and that sickly
bilious jiomplexinn by taking C'Hscarett-',
beauty for ten cents. All druggists,
wiuoinuiiuii gunitillirru, lot;, zoc , ulU
m . , in
Weekly Excursions in Through Cars
to the East.
Another through tourist car to the
East has been arranged to run out ot
Portland, giving four each eek. Here-,
after the car leaving Monday will run
through without change to Kansas I ity
and Chicago, over the 0. It. & N., Ore
gon Short Line, Rio Grande Western,
Denver & Rio Grande, Missouri Pacific
and Chicago & Alton. That car bar
just been arranged lor, and the one
previously scheduled for Monday ha
heen changed to Thursday. It runs
through to St. Louis, via the Missouri
Pacific line. The car leaving Portland
Tuesday goes through to Boston, and
promoted by the Chicago, Rock Island
& Pacific. Wednesday's car runs to St.
Joseph, Kansas City and St. Louis, over
the Burlington. All these special through
cars are receiving a gratifying patronage
Consult O. R. & N. Agent before buying
tickets to the East.
Best and Cheapest Sliver Reform
Paper for the People.
For campaign purposes The Weekly
Capital Journal is offered trom now
until June 10th in clubs of five or over
at 20 cents each subscriber. Associated
Press News, Discussion of State Affairs,
Advocacy of Peoples' Reforms, are spec
ial features. The Journal stands for
free and unlimited coinage and national
paper currency , destruction of monopoly
of finance, direct legislation, direct
election of all officials, reduction of high
salaries, abolition of commissions, and a
union of the people for the people. If
you want to reform state and county
government circulate a dollars' worth
of the Oregon silver weekly. Weekly
Journal $1 a year. One-cent Daily 25c
a month, $3 a year.
Address HOFER BROS., Salem. Or.
Like biliousness, dyspepsia, headache consti
pation, sour stomach, indigestion, are promptly
cured by Hood's Fills. They do their work
easily and thoroughly.
Best after dinner pills.
25 cents. All dniirirists.
Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
i ne omy em to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla,
J'lilgo O. K. Hayes
Clerk of Courts Elmer Dixon
8hern ,.,(j. V Grace
Recorder A. Leulllng
Treasurer Jacob shade
Assessor Luciene Stout
School Superintendent H. Btnrk weal tier
Surveyor J, II. W right
Coroner v. N. Godfrey
c... i.i IS. F. Marks
( Frank Juggar
ut'liuiy uiera k. H.Cooper
" Xherlff J. W. (irout
" Recorder chas, O. Luelling
" Surveyor C. II. Isoiu
" Assessor Mrs. L. Stout
County Court meets on first Wednesday after first
Monday of every month.
Probate Court uieeta oil first Monday of every
Circuit Court meets on third Monday In April and
first Monday in November.
Myor E.G. Caufleld
Recorder T. F. Ryan
Chief of Polio c. K. Bums
Treasurer H. E. Straiaht
i ivy attorney F. T. Griffith
Street Commissioner W. L. Suldow
Sup't. of Water Works W.H. Howell
CityEngineer. .. D. W. Kinnaird
Conncllmen R. Koemer, C. D. l.atonrette, Frank
llusch and R. I). Wilson of First Ward; James
Roake, II. E. Harris, A. W. Mllln and Fred Meti
ner of Second Ward.
Council meets 11 rt Wednesday ol each month,
The Bebt of the
Agricultural Weeklies.
Indispentible to
All Country Residents
Who wish to
Keep up with the times.
Terms Reduced for 1898
Single Subscription, Two Dollars,
Four Subscriptions, Skvkn Dollars,
Six Subscriptions, Nine Dollars.
f- Special Inducements (whlph will be
stated by mail on application) to persons rats
lug larger clubs:
sTaVFaper FKF.K all the rest of this year to
New Subscribers fur INK; and
II will be seen that the difference between the
cost of the COI NTRY (iKNTI.KMAN and that
of other agricultural weeklies may readily be
reduced, by making up a small elub, to
less than a Cent a Week!
Which will lie mailed FREE, and see whether
this euorinoiis difference In coat should prevent
you having the Ih-sl What account would you
make of such a dltl'creuce iu buying medicine or
IihhI ? Address
Albany, New York,
Vegetable Preparationfor As
similating ite rood and Regula
ting the Stomachs and Bowels of
ness and Rcst.Contains neither
Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
JtMU Salt! -jfaut
Jippermiat -
ffGrmSeed -Cffrifud
' Suqtrr .
Itfn&rpnsst Zornr
Anetfect Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
mess and LOSS OF SLEEP.
lac Simile Signature of
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor
the County of Clackamas.
C. R. Roork, Plaintiff, vs. Nancy L. Hunter, J. C.
Roork.Kliza W. Koork, Sallna A.Green, Ida A.
drill, Mrs. Roberts, widow of J. W. Roork, de
ceased; P. H. Roork, James L. Roork, Annie
E. Hale, Mrs. Carrie Powell, Sarah C. Kelly,
Ada E. Telderman, Pearl Roork, Sam. A.
Kelly, Mrs. McKenzie, John B. Kellv, Benj. J.
Kelly, Mrs. Lillie Dundee, Mra. Mor'iah Buoy,
unknown oliildren ol Mra. t'orlnna Culbert
son, deceased; unknown children of Mrs.
Robb M, Calvin, deceased; unknown child
ren of Harvey Roork, deoeased; W. M. Hack
Icr, U. W. Hackler, Mahala Hankler, Eliza
Fettljohn, J. 8. Hackler, T. J. Hackler. Jamina
Kittrell, F. A. Hackler, and all other heirs
unknown of Thos. R, Roork, deceased;
To Nancy L. Hunter, J. C. Roork, Eliza W. Roork.
Halina A. Green, Ida A. Grill, Mrs. Roberts,
widow of J. W, Roork, deceased; P. Ii. Roork,
Jas. L. Roork, Annie K. Hale, Mra. Carrie
Powell, Sarah 0. Kelly, Ada E. Telderman,
Pearl Roork, Sam. A. Kelly, Mrs. McKenzie,
John B. Kelly, Ben). J. Kelly, Mra. Lillie
Dundee, Mra. Moriah Buoy; unknown child
ren of Mra. Comma Culoerlson, deceased;
unknown children Mrs. Rosa M. Calvin, de
ceased; unknown children of Harvey Roork,
deceased; W. M. Hackler, G. W. Hackler.
Mahala Hackler, Eliza PetUJohn, J. S. Hack
ler, T. J. Haokler, Jamina Kittrell, F. A.
Hackler, and all other heira, unknown, of
Thomas R. Roork, deceased; said Defendants.
required to be and appear in the above
entitled court on or before the second day of the
next regular term thereof, to-wlt: The 19th dav
of April, lus, to answer the complaint against
you In the above entitled suit, ana if yon fail so
10 do the plaintiff will like a decree against you
and each of you for the relief demanded in the
oomplaint, to-wlt: That the plaintiff be decreed
to be the owner uf the southwest quarter of sec
tion 7, township 2 south ol ranee 4 east of the
Willamette Meridian, being the donation land
claim of Thus. Koork.in Clackamas county, Ore
gon, and that yen and each of you be forever de
barred from asserting any claim thereto, and for
such other relief as shall seem meet and proper.
This summons is published by order of Hon.
T. A. McBride, judge of said ooiirt. madi; In open
court on the 25th day of January, 18'J8.
11. E. CROSS, Atioriiey lor Plaintiff.
genllemeu or ladies tu travel for responsible,
established house in Oregon. Monthly iis and
expenses. Position steady Reference. Enclose
self-addressed stumped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for
the County uf Clackamas.
Anna W. Mathews, Plaintiff, va. George R. Ded-
man aud CiaraS. Dedman, his wile, Kmll C.
Johnson and Johnson, his wile, and
Angeliue Berry, Defendants.
To George R. Dedman, Defendant.
You are hereby required to appear and answer
the complaint tiled against you in the above en
titled cause by the first day of the next terra of
court after the expiration of the publication of
this summons, to-wlt., by Monday, April 18th,
18U8. aud if you fall to so answer for want there
of, the plaiulltt will apply to Hie court for the
relief demanded in the complaint, to-wlt; For
judgment against you for llsiti.uu. with interest
from December Ii7th, 18'.ii, at the rate of 1U per
cent per annum, and 40.36 with Interest from
May llth, 18il7, at 10 per cent per annum; and
il7r.ou as attorneys' fees; all In United States
gold coin, together with the costs and disburse
meiila of this suit, aud for a decree foreclosing
plaintiff's mortKiige upon the followiug described
property In Clackamas county, state of Oregon,
to-witi All of tract "R," Clackamas Riverside,
according to the duly recorded map and pint
thereof on llle or record In the olllce of the
Recorder of Conveyances of Clackamas comity,
stale of Oregon; and for the sale of said properly
to satisfy said Judgment aud barring and fore
closing you of all right, claim or equity of re
rcdcinption in said premises and everv part
thereof and for such other and further re'llef as
to the court may seem meet and equitable.
This publication is made by order of Hon.
John 11. Clelaud, judue of the circuit court of
the state of Oregon, for the county of Multno
mah, acting In the absence from Clackamas
county of llou. Thomas A. Mcllrlde. judge ol the
circuit court of tho state of Oregon, for said
county of Clackamas, which order was duly
made March 2d, 18.
Attorneys lor Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Hie County of Clackamas.
Nellie Fuller, Plaintiff, vs. Albert Fuller, De
fendant. To Albert Fuller, Defendant. In the name of
ne elate ot Oregon : uu are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or before the
llrstdayof the next term, lo-wit; On Monday,
the lath day of April, lssis; and lf vou fall io
answer for want thereof, Hie plaintiff' will apply
to the court for the relief demanded in the said
complaint, towlt: A dissolution of the marriage
contract existing between said parties, and that
plaintiff be awarded the custody of the minor
This summons it published by order of Judge
John H. Clelaud, which order was made aud
dated March ltd, 18'W.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible
established house In Oregou. Monthly lt& and
eapenae. Position steady. Reference. Enclose
self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
Gaitoria ii put tip la one-i!z lottltl only. It
Ii not told in talk, Coa't allow anyone to lell
yon anything else on the plea or promise that It
la "Jurt aa good" and "will answer every jrar
poio.11 JO- Sea that you get O-A-8-T-O-E-I-i.
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
viie comity oi ifiacaamas.
In the matter of the estate of George Freeman,
undersigned the administratrix of the estate
of George Freeman, deceased, to the creditors
of, and all persona having claims airalnbt the
said deceased, to exhibit them with the neces
sary vouohers, within six months after the first
publication of this notice, to the said adminis
tratrix at the office of Hedges & Griffith in Ore
gon City, Clackamas Oountv, Oregon.
Administratrix aforesaid.
Hedges & Gbiffith,
Attorneys for Administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas.
A. E. Latourctte, Executrix, Plaintiff, v. G. W.
N. Taylor, John Ecker, Daniel MoCarty and
Olive Mccarty, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, as.
cree and an execution, duly issued out of
and under the seal of me above entitled court, in
the above entitled cause, to me duly directed
and dated the 23d day of February, 1898, upon
Judgments rendered and entered in said court
on the 24th day of January, 1898, in favor of
A. E. Latourette.Executrix, plaintiff, and against
G. W N. Taylor, John Ecker, Daniel McCarty
and Olive McCarty, defendants, beine for the
following amounts against the sevi ral defen
dants; against Defeuoaiil G. W. N. Taylor the
sum of sail, with interest thereon at the rate of
ten per cent per annum from the 24th day of
January, 18D8, and the further sum of tftu as
attorney's fees, and the further sum of $15 as
costs and disbursements, and against Defendant
Daniel Mccarty for fit06, and the further sum of
f2C0 as attorney's fees, aud against John Ecker,
defendant, for the sum ol besides fiiO as
attorney's fees, and against each and every
of saiii defendant for the cosu of and upon
this writ, commanding me to make sale of the
following described properly in the following
order and proceeds to be applied as herealter
staled, to-wit:
First '1 he N of the E J of the 8 W U of Sec.
30 and the W U uf the 8 E It of S W i of Sec. :W,
and lots 6 and 7 of Sec. 80; all In Twp.4S, R. 1 K.
of the Willamette Meridian, the proceeds of the
sale of the same to be applied first to the pay
ment of the amounts found due plaintltt herein
from defendant G. W. N. Taylor and second to
the amount found due this plaintiff from de
fendant Daniel McCarty and to sell: Second
The E of the 8 E i of S W of said See. SO
In said Twp. 4 8., K. 1 E. of the Willamette Mer
idiem, and that the proceeds of sale of said last
described property be applied lirat to the pay
ment of any balance that may remain unpaid
upon the amount found due as above from de
fendant U. W. N. Taylor lo thia plaintiff, and the
balance, if any, lo be applied lo tht amount
found due this plaintiff from this defendant
John Ecker as above specified.
Now, therefore by virtue of said execution,
judgraeut order and decree, and in couiullance
with the commands of said writ, I will, on Satur
day, the 2d day of April, 18H8, at the hour of
two o'clock p. in , at the front door of the county
cottit house In the city ol Oregon City, in said
cuuiny anu state, sen at puunc auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S.
gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and
Interest which the within named defendants,
G. W. N. Taylor. Daniel McCartvand Olive Me.
Carty, or either of them, had on the mortgage
herein, to-wlt; April 21si, 1HW, or since had in and
to the tirst above described real property, or any
uart mereoi, aa wen as me rignt, title ana inter
est which the defendants within named, G. W.
N. Taylor and John Ecker, or either of them, had
on the date of the mortiraue herein, to-wit: Anrll
21st, 18WI, or since had in or to the last above
described real property or any part (hereof, lo
satlsly said execution, judgment order, decree,
Interest, costs, disbursements and all accruing
Costs, G. W. GRACE
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon,
vmcu, vreon jiij, ur., reuruury i, iivj.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas,
F. Rechner, Plaintiff, vs. J. P. Watklns, Albert
Walkins, John Waikitis, Floyd Watklns, Bessie
roiau, ii. roiao, ei at., ueienaauts.
To J. P. Watklns and John Watklns, said de
You are hereby required to app"ar and answer
the complaint tiled against you In the above en
titled suit on or before the first day of the next
terra of said court, beginning April lsth, lsu8.
and if you fall to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply lo Ihe court for the relief de
manded In said complaint, to-wll., the forecloa
tire of a cerain mortgage of II.', given by you
to plaintiff upon the following described prop
erty, situate in said county, namely: A part of
the D. L. 0. of Samuel l. Francis and wife and
being in section 8,Tp. 8 8.. R.2 K. of the Willam
ette meridian; beginning at a point 20 leet east
of the SE. corner of the D. L. C. of L. D. C. Lat
ourctte No 3!i in said township and range, run
ning thence north 15 minutes west 16.11 chains;
thence east 6.95 chains to west side of land for
merly owned by J. 1). Renner; Ihence south 62
degrees and 45 minute west 11 links; thence
south 15 minutes east 12.73 chains to county
road; ihence along the couutv road south 72 d
grees west 7.20 chains to place of beginning,
containing 10 acres of laud, lu Clackamaa county
and slate uf Oregon.
This summons is published bv order of Judge
John B. Clelaud, made and dated March 2d, 1896,
Attorneys lor Plaintiff
Tit fa
llal !
First Congregational, coiner Iain and Eleventh
streets rtev. T. vv. Butler, pastor. Services
10:30 a. m. and 7:39 p. m. Sunday school after
morning service. Prayer meeting every Thurs
day evening at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Y
P. 8. C. E. every Sunday evening at 6:30 p. m.
First Baptist, corner Main and Ninth streets
Kev. at. I., itugg, pastor. Morning service,
10:30; bunday school, 11:45. Evening service,
7:30. Regular prayer meeting Thursday
evening. Monthly covenant meeting every
Wednesday evening preceding first Sunday in
the month.
St. John's, Catholic, corner Tenth street and
river Rev. A. Hillebrand. pastor. On Sun
day, mass at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Every Sunday
German sermon after 8 o'clock mass. At ail
other masses English sermons. Sunday school
2:30 p. m. Vespers, Apologetical subjects and
benediction at 7:30 p. m.
Methodist Episcopal, corner Main and Seventh
streets Rev. H. Oberg, pastor. Morning
service at 10:45, i-unday school at 10KW,
Evening service at7:80. Epworth League Sun
day evening at 6:30, praver meeting Thursday
evening at 7:30. Class meeting after morning
Firsr Presbyterian, corner Seventh and Jefferson
streets Rev. A. J. Montgomery, pastor. Ser
vices at 11 a. m. nd 7:30 p. in. Sabbath school
10 a. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. meets everv Sunday
evening at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs
day evening at 8:00.
Evangelical, German, corner Eight and Madison
streets Rev. J. Evieh, pastor. Preaching
every Sunday at. 11 a. m and 7 30 p m. Sab
bath school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Weekly
prayer meeting every Wednesday evening.
United Brethren, corner Eighth and Pierce
streets H. A. Ware, pastor. Services second
and fourth Sunday mornings and the preced
ing Saturday In eaoh month at 11 a. m and 7
p. m., and the first Sunday afternoon of each
month at Falls View.
St. Paul a Eplstopal, comer Ninth and river
Rev. W. D, Wllliums, pastor. .Sunday services
at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10
a. m. Fridays, evening prayer "with address,
at 7:30.
Evangellcal-Lutherati.Zlon Congregation, corner
Eighth and Jefferson streets Rev. F. Sack,
pastor. Bunday school at 9:30 a. m Services
at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. ra.
German Lutheran, Ohio Synod, corner of Eighth
and J. Q. Adams streets-Rev. Ernest J. W.
Mack, pastor.
M. E. South Rev. W. L. Mallov, pastor. Third
Sunday at United Brethren Church.
Congregational, Elyvllle Services second and
fourth Sundays at 3 p m., by Rev. Butler of
First church, Oregon city.
Free Methodist Rev. J. W. Eldrldge, pastor.
Preaching first and third Tuesdays at 11 a. m.
Prayer meeting Every Thursday evening.
Services held la Congregational church at
List of All Societies In this County With
Meeting Place and Date,
Falls City Lodge No. 159 of A. O. U. W.-Every
Saturday evening In A. o. U. W, hall on Sev
enth street.
Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. O. O.F. Every Thursday
evening at Odd Fellows' hall.
Falls Encampment No. 4, 1. O. O. F. First and
third Tuesdays at Odd Fellows' hall.
Willamette Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 2 The
second and fourth Fridays iu I. O.O. F. hall.
Abernethy Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 80. Tu
day evening at I. 0. O. F. hall.
Multnomah Lodge No. 1, A. F. A. M. Regular
communications on first and third Saturdays.
Myrtle Lodge No. 24, D. of H .Every Friday In
A, O. U. W. hall.
Clackamas Chapter No. 2, R. A. M. Regular con
vocation third Monday.
Court Robin Hood No. 8330, F. of A.-Willamette
hall on second and fourth Fridays,
A. P. A. Council No. 4-First and Third Fridays
in Cross hall.
Pioneer Chapter, No. 28, 0. E. S.-Masonio Tem
ple on Tuesdays.
Willamette Camp No. 148. W. of W.-8econd and
Fourth Tuesdays in Willamette hall.
Falls Grov. Clrcl No. 32, W. W.-Wlllmtt hall.
Tuesday evenings.
Wacheno Tribe, No. 13,1. 0. R. M.-Tuesday eve
ning at Pone's hall. '
Meade Post, No. O. A. R.-Flrst Monday of each
month at Willamette hall.
Meade Relief Corps. No. 18.-Flrst and third
rridays of each month in Willamette hall.
Empire Lodge No, 3, Order of Unity. Monday
iu Cross' hall.
St. John's Branch No. 647, C. K. of A. Every
Tuesday cveninit at their hall.
United Artisans, No. 7 Willamette hall every
Thursday. '
Tualatin Tent, K. O. T. M.-A. O. U. W. hall
V.1 " . """"" street, on second aua lourtn
Separate Company F, O. N. G.-At Armory,
..irgumr unit uigui, jnonaav. Keguiar
business meeting, tirst Monday of each month.
Oregon City Board of 1 rade-At court house on
Monday in each month.
Columbia Hook and Ladder Co. First Friday of
each mouth at Fountain engine house.
Fountain Hose Co. No. 1 Second Wednesday
In eaoh mouth at Fountain engine house.
Cataract Hose Co. No. 2 Second Tuesday of each
mouth at Cataraot engine house.
Oregon (Tty Hose Co. No. 2 -Hose house on the
hill ihe third Tuesday of each month.
Mt. View Hose Co. 4 Uose house at Elyville.
Pig Iron Lodge No. ;, A. O. U. W. Every
Thursday eveuing at Odd Fellows' hall, Oswego.
Molalla Lodge No. 40, A. O. U. W.-First and
third Saturdays at school house, Molalla.
Gavel Lodge No. 65, A.O. U. W Second and
third Saturday evenings at Knight's ball, Canhy.
Clackamas Lodge, No. 57. A. 0. U. W.-First and
third Mondays at Strife's hall, Clackamas;
Sunrise Lodge No. 43, A. O. U. W.-8econd and
lourth Saturday at Wllsonville.
Mistletoe Lodge No. 20, D. of H. Every Tuesday
Rebekah lodge No. 71, I. 0. 0. K., of Osweeo
Thursday evenings.
Oswego Lodge No. 93, 1. 0. O. F.-Odd Fellow'i
hall, OBWego, every Monday evening.
Lone Pine Lodge No. 63, A. F. & A. M., of Logan.
General Pope Post No. 62; G. A. R First Satur
day of each mouth at Grange hall, Mullno.
General Crook Post No. 22, O. A. R.-8chool house
at Needy on First Saturday in each month.
Star Lodge No. 95, K. of P.-Every Wednesday
evening In Castle hall.
Canby Lodge No. 5ti4, 1. 0. G. T.-Flrst and Third
Saturday evenings at Knight's Hall, Canby.
Oswego Lodge No. 448, 1. O. G. T.-Every Frldav
eveuing In new hall In old town.
Canby Spiritualist 8ociety-First and Third Sun
days of each month.
New Era W C. T. U.- First Saturday In each
month at their hall in New Era.
Sprlngwater No. 2ti3, P. of H.-On second Satur
day alter full nioou.
Canby Board of Trade-Knight's hall, Canby, on
tirst and third Fridays.
Molalla Grange No. 40, P. of H.-Thelr hall at
,.B... ..nunc ou uie second Saturday of
each month at 10 a. m. '
Tualatin Grange, No. Ill, P. of H.-T.ast Saturday
of eaoh month at their hall in Wllsonville.
Warner Grange No. 117. P. of H Fotirlh Satur
day of each month at their hall in Now i r0
Butte Creek Grange No. 82, P. ol H.-At hall In
Marquam second Saturday In e, h ,.,.,
Oswego Grange No. 175, P. of H.-Second Satur-
Damascus Grange No. 2ti0, P. of H. First Satur
day In mouth In Damascus school hi,,,..
Teazel Creek No. 253, P. of U.-Third 8aturd'ay in
Boise (Orville) No. 256, P. of H.-Second Satur
dav in month.
"month1 K' m' P' ' A--F'rst Saturday In
Barlow No. 262, P. of H.-Flrst aud third Satur
day In mouth.
Semtariet of Sacietin are Hndly requttted to
DR. PErrrtva
A new, raliabl and mi rltf for
unpraned, eiosMiTe, scanty or pain
ViJ 5""'"'ioi. Now used by over
(o.ooo Ladies. Invigorate this
orttana. Bxwaaa of dan a a bops im-
RiTions. tt par box, sm.ll boi 11.
pld in plain wnppw. Bond r lo
For Sale by Channan Co.