Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, April 01, 1898, Image 7

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    Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition,
A Structure of the Doric Order, and
Impressive Dimensions.
The Manufactures building designed
by John .7. Humphreys of Denver, is
a handsome structure of the Doric or
der, modified to comport with nine
teenth century requirements. The re
sult is a building of simple dignity,
having an air of repose considered
loquisite in a large building.
The facade presents a frontage of 400
feet, accentuated at center and end
with pavilions, sixty-four and forty feet
respectively, thereby obtaining suffi
cient varioty of mass. The Eolidity of
these pavilions and their Btrong per
pendicular lines and shadows give a
strong contrast of light and shade.
The height of the building to the top
of the main cornice is forty feet; the
height of order thirty feet, resting on
stylobate ten foet high. Tho height of
the center pavilion to the top of the
crowning group of statuary is eighty
five feet to the top of the dome. The
large windows, ten foot wide by twenty
four feet high, placed at intervals of
sixteen feet, and the roof having a large
eyklight area, make the inteiror very
blight and cheerful.
The oenter entrance is twenty-four
feet high, and very rich decoration,
flanked on either sido by coupled col
umns and their accompanying pilaster,
standing Bis feet from the walls. The
main cornice breaks around a projec
tion of columns supporting pedestals
for groups of statuary twelve feet high.
The center of the pavilion is crowned
by a ooloesal group of statuary. There
are also single Btatues between columns
resting on stylobate projected out to
reoeive them. The spandrels above
the arch are decorated with bas-reliefs.
The end pavilions with their entrances
are crowned by shallow domes.
The entire interior elaboaration will
be confined to classic ornaments. The
coiling, a large barrel vault, with in
tersecting croi9-vaults, is richly coffored
and elaborately decorated. On the
walls it is here proposed to havo mural
paintings emblematic) of manufactures.
Graphic Description nf the Grounds and
Various liullcllngH.
Sleighing in a white city! Can yon
picturo it? Imagine a clear, cold sky
overhead, six inches of newly fallen
snow beneath, a keen, bracing atmos
phere such as you find only in the mid
dle western Btates and a second white
city where the snowy covering under
foot is rivaled only in tho classic build
ings; where tho artistic work of both
nature and art are exemplified, and you
have tho present appearance of the
grounds of the Trans-Mississippi and
International Exposition at Omaha.
Hiding north on Sherman avenue we
pass the Bluff-tract on our "right whore
the building of horticulture will stand.
The street of foreign villages will also
be situated here. Of tho state buil.l
ings that are on tho road to completion,
Nebraska and Illinois lead the van,
while the ground is being prepared for
the Wisconsin, Iowa and Georgia build
ings, with all tho other states enthusi
astic in regard to their respective ex
hibits in this direction. The upper
half of the Bluff-tract will be devoted
to a gorgeous display of nature's rarest
blossoms, the leading florists of Phila
delphia, Pittsburg, Boston, and Chi
cago contemplating growing displays
of theso fairest of nature's products.
The building of horticulture prom
ises to be one of the most unique in de
Elgn. It is reached by a viaduct which
connects the Bluff-tract with the main
exposition grounds and forms a ver
dant, fragrant center around which
cluster the different state buildings.
All kinds and varieties of novelties in
the horticultural field will be placed
before an unsuspecting public. The
chime of the states will ring out from
Its belfry every evening at sunset and
each separate bell which will represent
one of tho links in our glorious chain
of states will help swoll tho song of
peace and liberty America forcvert
Here we turn in to the gate on our
The Union Pacifio Railway Com
pany, one of the few remaining rail
road corporations centering at Omaha
that deferred taking stock in the Trans
Mississippi Exposition has announced
a subscription of $25,000. This brings
the total amount subscribed by the
railroads tip to$125,000. George Gould
has promised a subscription by the
Missouri Pacific "when the road's
earnings will warrant it." The road is
expw-ted to subscribe at least (10,000.
left and enter the beautiful court
where all the main buildings are situ
ated. The plan of the exposition
grounds is an effective one. A tract of
laud half a mile long and nearly 800
feet wide, has in the oenter a series of
lakes or lagoons which extend from
the viaduct on the east to the far cud
of the grounds on the west where the
government building is situated, form
ing a most beautiful central decoration
for the massive buildings whioh en
circle then).
Now the lakes are sheets of crystal,
gaily bordered with flags and furnish
nature's healthful amusement to hun
dreds of skators. An immense toboggan-slide
has been erected near the
Sherman avenue ojitrance, and together
with the merry shouts of the young
people, the distant musio of a band at
a farther end of the lake with skaters
darting to and fro, the glistening win
try landscape so oddly in harmony with
the snowy types of Grecian architec
ture surrounding us what wonder that
we reined in the horses and In silenoe
mentally doclared the soene one to be
never forgotten?
We had 'paused immediately before
the entranoe of the mines building,
which is of most imposing architecture
in the Greok-Ionic style. The en
trance is placed under a circular dome,
150 feet in circumference, rising to a
height of 75 foet This immense dome
is supported by a olroular row of fluted
columns space beneath being the
vestibule of tho grand entrance.
Jnst across the lake is the building
of electricity and machinery. While
it is also in keeping with the spirit of
classic architecture, the decorations
show the happy blending of modern
decoration. AH the cresting, scroll
work, ornaments and panels are sug
gestive of machinery and ll science
of electricity. Clever designs in cog
wheels are seen about the cornices and
a heroic figure-piece of "Man control
ling the forces of natnre" is placed
above the spacious entrance.
Driving on a little farther, we come
to a dream of beauty embodied in the
art building. This boasts of no modern
decoration whatever, but stands as a
perfect type of pure Grec an design and
will remain as a monument to the ex
position when tho summer of 1893 is a
memory of the past. Tho plan of the
building shows two Greek crosses with
a court or peristylium between. One
of these buildings will be used exclu
sively for oil paintings; the other, for
water colors, black and whites, prints,
eto. The open court is surrounded by
a colonnade of Ionic pillars and a great
advantage of the unique plan of archi
tecture is that, in tho spacious galleries
which run around tho sides, every de
sirable degree of light and shade nan
be perfectly obtained. The art exhibit,
we are told, will be of most superior
quality. Mr. A. II. Qifllth, who is
at present abroad arranging for loans
from prominent collections, reports
most encouraging results, while the
best of all America possesses will be on
exhibition. The Zolnay fountain,
which will occupy tho center of the
court, will be ono of the most magnifi
cent productions of modern sculpture.
A magnificent group, sixty feet high,
represents tho progress of civilization.
A figure which will typify Omaha is
seated in an immense chariot which is
drawn by American lions. In the
front part ot the group are found those
who lead the way in civilization, the
pioneer, the hunter and tho soldior.
Following these, as is natural, comes
the philosopher and statesmen. Peer
ing out in wondering amazement from
the rear, are the original inhabitants,
the Indians. Towering above them
all and urging them ever onward, is
the spirit of Progress an heroio figure
of ooloesal size. This group will form
a flitting masterpiece of art.
Here we looked across at the agri
cultural building which ouly present
ed further evidence of the great beauty
of design in the exposition architec
ture. It is well designed to form a
j temple where the vast products of this,
I the storehouse of the world, may bo fit
Uingly exhibited. It is finished in
A. C. Fostor, former manager for
Swift & Company, has been appointed
general superintendent
One of the most important matters
that will come before the meeting of
the Commercial and Industrial Associa
tion of Alabama, to be held in the near
future, is the matter of securing an ap
ropriate state exhibit for the exposition.
An effort is now being made to have
the state authorities take the matter
in band, with the assistance of the gov
ernor, and provide a fund for the exhibit.
ivory tone, but festoons of cereals and
garlands of flowers are thrown into
strong relief by being finished in all
their natural varying shades of color.
At the top is a magnificent production
representing the figure "Prosperity"
supported on either side by heroio
statues of "Labor" and "Integrity."
But we cannot linger here, and aftor
passing the liberal arts building, we
come to the main south entrance of the
grounds and one that will always re
main as the entrance of Kountze park.
It is the arch of the states, and one o.
the prettiest bits of architecture n the
grounds. It is constructed entirely of
stone, each suocossive lave' being from
some one of the trans-Mississippi states.
Above the arch appears a series of
stone tablets upon which are pictured
the coats of arms of the twenty-three
states in colored faience. Immediately
opposite the arch of the states, rises
the slender pinnacle of the administra
tion arch, which connects the agricul
tural with the manufactures building.
This last should be mentioned on ac
oount of its impressive dimensions, of
whloli the description of the main en
trance will impart a fair idea of the
general plan. To the top of its orown
Ing group of statuary, the distanoe is
eighty-five feet.
Hero the last of the chain of lakes
spreads out into a glistening trefoil,
woll called the mirror. Facing it and
looking down upon the beautiful ar
rangement of the entire court, stands
the government building. The main
entrance which faces the center of the
mirror will be up a broad flight of
stairs a'nd through a colonnade. The
main building will be capped by a co-.
loeeal dome whioh will tower far above
all other buildings. Surmounting this
dome is an heroio figure representing
"Liberty Enlightening the World" and
the height to the torch in its hand will
be 178 foet.
We had reached the end of the court
and turning back, I let my imagina
tion picture the scene as it would ap
pear when goUan summer has replaced
the snowy soene with her own glorious
splendor. In my mind's eye, I could
see the plashing of the fountains, tho
richness of tho verdure, the merry
orowds that will fill tho streets and en
trances, I conld see the winding walks,
tho shaded arbors and I could hear the
songs of the gondoliers and the hum
of thousands of voices. I could soo a
groat ohjact lesson being taught, of the
patience and perseverenoe of the loyal,
indefatigable western workers and
over all and crowning all I saw suc
The Gernmnlik Turn Vereln.
An evont of great interest to the
German Turner societies of the country
is the Trans-Mississippi Turnfest, to be
held at Omaha during the exposition
in that city. The turnfest will be un
der the management of the Missouri
Valley Tumbezirk, which is composed
of the turner societies of Nebraska,
part of Kansas, and also a part of Iowa.
The Missouri Valley association has a
large membership who propose to make
the coming gathering most attractive
and beneficial. The turnfest will con
tinue one week, commencing on Juno
29 and closing July 8. The Upper Mis
sippi Tumbezirk societies have accepted
an invitation to participate in the
Trans Mississippi test and will attend
in large numbers. Duvenpott, Iowa,
has two strong turner societies with a
membership of fully 500 actives and
passives. Clinton, Lyons, Oedar Kapids,
Muscatine, Burlington, Fort Madison,
Keokuk, Des Moines, Dubuque and
other Iowa cities also belong to the
Upper Misnissippi association. It is
expected that there will be an attend
ance of 2,000 active turners at the
Trans-Mississippi Turnfest during the
week of June 80-July 8, and that Iowa
alone will send 800 actives to take part
ill the turning exhibitons. The W't'k
will be made one of general festivities.
A concession allowing tho Venetian
boatmen to row their boats- on the
waters of the lagoon lias been granted.
They are to pay 20 per cent of the
gross receipts.
Governor Lord of Oregon has ap
pointed a state commission composed of
fifteen prominent business men, to rep
resent Oregon at the Trans-Mississippi
Exposition. The commission expects
to raise $20,000 in order to make an
exhibit, and for this purwe will issue
certificates in acknowledgment of vol
untary contributions, and ask the legis
lature to reimburse those who con
tribute. Governor Lord has warmly
endorsed this means of raising money,
so that the commission can begin at
once to prepare a proper exhibit.
These two words emphasize a necessity
and indicate a remedy,
SPRING the season when the blood
is most impure as a result of the win
ter's closer confinement, higher living,
slower action of the kidneys and liver;
when humors of all kinds, boils, pim
ples and eruptions are most liable to
appear; when the weak, languid condi
tion of the whole bodily structure de
mands and welcomes help.
, MEDICINE that to which the mil
lions turn at this season Hood's Sarsa
parilla. The orttnoZand only prepara
tion especially adapted to the present
needs of the human family; that which
makes the blood pure and olean, as
shown by its thousands of wonderful
cures of dreadful blood diseases; creates
an' appetite and cures dyspepsia, as
shown by its "magic touch" in all
stomach troubles; steadies and strength
ens tho nerves, as proved by people
formerly nervous, now oalm and self-
thanks to
Is Amerioa's Greatest Medicine because it cures when all others tail.
Lubricants for Bicycles.
A writer in The India Rubber World
calls attention of bicyclists to the fact
that animal oils are very destructive to
rubber products, such as bicycle tires.
It makes no difference how good the
compound may be; a little spot of ani
mal grease in contact with the tire
injures the rubber. A careful exami
nation of many bicycle oils shows that
they are partially of animal origin.
Mineral oils are not nearly so apt to
injure the rubber. In fact, many of
them are not injurious at all, when ap
plied in small quantities, while many
vegetablo oils are in a measure helpful
to rubber.
We' blanket a horse in the warmest
weather after a hard drive if he is to stand
in his 'stall.-' We take violent exercise aud
do hard manual labor, and very many take
no-precaution against sudden cooling oft'.
In case of the horse, if ho chills, he will be
foundered. In case of men and women
who aro forgetful of the consequences, they
will sillier soreness and stiffness from beau
to foot. If we are thus forgetful, we need
not be so of the fact that St. J acobs Oi l.used
in a case of the kind, is one of the best and
surest cures. A good rubbing relaxes the
stiffened muscles and puts the joints to
work again in good order. In this season
of sports none who enjov them ought to be
without a bottle of the Oil.
Sufforers from neuralgia are warned
by a medical writer not to drink tea,
but to partake freoly of coffee, into
which the juice of a lemon has been
Physically men are better today than ever
before Our college youth are, as a gcnoral
thing mngrjllloent Bpeoimons. The constitu
tionally weak and nervous, though they may
never become athletes, can greatlv Increase
their strength and rostoro tranquility to tlie
nervous system by the efficient aid of IJostet
ter's Stomach Hitters, which also removes ma
larial, kidney, dyspeptic and bilious trouble.
The United States government ex
hibit at the exposition will excel by all
odds that made at any former exposi
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cures painful, swollen smarting feet and
instantly takes the sling out of corns and
bunions. It's the greatest comfort discov
ery of the age. Alien's Foot-Kuse makes
tight-fitting or new shoes feel easv. It is a
certain euro for chilblains, sweating, damp,
callous and hot, tired aching feet. We
have over 10,00(1 testimonials of cures. Try
it today. Hold by all druggists and shoe
stores. Hy mail for 25c. in stumps. Tria
package FKEK. Address Allen S. Olm
BU.il, he Hoy, N. Y.
Common salt that is used daily in
our food is needed in the body. It
aids digestion and the assimilation of
the food, and helps in tho composition
of many of tho tissues.
A Wonderful Statement
prom Mrs. J. S. MoGHIim, of 113 KUburo
Avenue, Hock ford, 111.
"I waa dreadfully ill the doctors
said they could cure ma, but failed
to do so,
"I gave up
in despair
and took to
my bed. I
had dread
ful pains in
my heart,
sparks be
fore my
eyes, and gy
sometimes ,')
I would
pet so blind
I could not
see for several minutes. I could not
etand very long without feeling sick
nnd vomiting.
I also had female weakness, Inflam
mation of ovaries, painful menstru
ation, displacement of the womb, itcli
ingof the external parts, and ulceration
of the womb. I have bad all these
"The pains I had to ind were some
thing dreadful. My husband told mo
to try a bottle of Lydia E. I'inkham's
medicine, which I did, and after tak
ing it for a while, waa cured." ,
WHlKt ALL LLii (Ale,
Syrup. TavG;l. Cl
lougti syrup. Taves (iiod. UH 1
In Mm. Mold hv ririiffgl-tA.
h4 Bom
Only those who have been relieved of
great suffering oan fully appreolate the
gratitude with which the testimonials
overflow written in favor of Hoode'B
Sarsaparilla. Just read thist
"C. I. Hood & Co., Lowoll, Mass.:
"Gentlemen After. an illness of two
years during which time I underwent
several surgical operations, I at last be
gan to improve; but my improvement
was so slow that I became discouraged
and it seemed as though I would never
Milking Cow by Machinery.
By means of a newly-designed ap
paratus all the cows in a dairy can be
milked at once, a vaouum tank being
oonnected by pipes with air-tight pails
near each animal, with flexible rubber
tubes for attachment to the teats to
draw the milk into the pails as soon as
the valves in the pipes are opened to
apply the suction of the vacuum tank.
Schilling's Best baking
powder- ought to sell for
twice as much as the next
A goldfish will will die In 90 min
utes if placed in water which contains
one per cent of alcohol. In water
which contains 20 per cent of alcohol
it will die instantly.
We are asserting In the courts our right to the
exclusive u of the word " CA9TOU.IA," and
' PITCHliR.'SCAjiTOUlA,1' a our Trade Marl.
I, IX. Samuel Fttctior, of Hyanuls, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " FITCUER'8 CASTORIA,"
the tame that has borne and does now beer the
(ao-timile signature of CH AS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This Is theorl(rlnal " PITCHER'S
C ASTORIA " which has been used In the home
of the mothers of America for over thirty years,
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it la
ih kind yon hovi always bought, and has the
signature of CO AS. H. FLETCHER on tho
wrapper. No oue has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher to President.
A Brooklyn thief has been Bent to
the penitentiary nine years for stealing
two bicycles. The court evidently
rides. s
All Eastern Bynip, so-called, usually verv
light colored aud of heavy body, Is madb from
glucose. "Trn (ViirrtVn Ihivn" Is made from
Sugar Cane and Is strictly pure, it Is lor sale
by first-class yrncers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast SVkiip Co. All iron,
tune "Tea UrwnVii DHni" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on evory can.
Iceland's geysers never shoot their
water higher than 100 feet, while some
of our Yellowstone geysers go moro
than threo times as high.
FITS Pwrnanrmtly Cured. No fits or nervonsnes
iiib a!tnr llrsi ilaj'a use of ljr. Kline's ureut
Nerve Unatnrer. Send for KKKK .0 Irlnl
bottle and trestlsfl. )iR. B. U, ii-LJJSK, Ltd., KK)
Aruh struct, Philadelphia, Pu,
A machine for reigstering the strokes
made by the oarsmen in a rowboat was
recently exhibitod in London.
rise's Cure for Consumption is the onlv
cotiRli medicine used in my house. D. (J.
Alliright, Milllinburg, la., Dec. 11, '1)5.
,. .A London police court lias docided
that Bibles aud prayer books aro neces
saries of life.
After belnir swindled by all others, send us stamp
for particulars of Kins holomon's Treasure, the
ONLY rimewer of manly stremrlli. MA HON
CHEMICAL CO., P. O. Box W, Pnlladelphla, Pa.
The population of New South Wales
last year was 00,040, a gain of about
20,000 in one year.
Very Jloneas.
"Papa," said Johnny, "I am a very
honest little boy, and I proved it to
day." "Tell me about it, Johnny," asked
his father, proudly taking his son on
his knee.
"I wont to the store," answored
Johnny, "and the grocery man went
into a back room and left me all alone
near a barrel of apples. I could havo
stolen them all, but I thought I would
be honest, so only took two." N. Y.
An Ideal Houte to Klondike.
Some of tho foreign newspapers,
Austrlian among them, exhibit a re.
mnrkably clear knowledge of tho Klon
dike country. Tho following account
of tho proper way of reaching tho Klon
dike is taken from an Australian news
paper: "The real starting point for the
Klondiko is Ppokane. Thoro tho
traveler takes a canoe, by which he
voyages to Vancouver, Ii. O. At tho
latter point he takes a sailing vessel di
rect to Dawson City."
The above Item came from Australia,
and for several months it has been
traveling around in the humorous col
umns of American nawspapera.
got strong again. I was very much run
down and it did not seem as though 1
had any appetite and I did not care to
live. One day I met a friend who had
taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and I was
adVised to try it. After I had taken a
few doses I
Began to Feet Better
and had a better appetite. I gained
from two to three pounds a week and
grew stronger every day. I took two or
three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and am now as strong as I ever wag in
my life, and I praise Hood's Sarsapa
rilla for bringing me baok to health."
Emily Billinger, 10 Grand avenue,
South, Portland, Or.
"The members of our family have
derived mooh benefit from the use of
Hood's Sarsaparilla. My father was
severely troubled with humor, but. it
readily yielded to Hood's Sarsaparilla."
Mrs. I. M. White, Salem, Or.
The Medicine For You
Because of what it has done for oth
ers; because you ought this spring to
take that which will do you the most
Be sure to get Hood's.
Antomntlo Car Brake.
A new automatic car stopper has a
gate hanging under the front of the car
Whioh tips back when it strikes a
raised body and releases a pair of brake
shoes, which are flat on the under Bide
to fit the rails and curved on the nppor
sido to ongagethe wheels, causing them
tn run on to the shoes and stop the car.
n o w aTSisr
We offer One Hnndrod Dollars Reward for any
case of Catarrh that eaa not bo cured by 11 all's
Catarrh Curo.
P. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We tho undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney
for the past 16 years, and bolleve him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made,
by their tlrm.
West & Tbdax,
Wholesale prunglsta, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Rinnan Si Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Cotnrrh Cure Is takenlntornally, acting
directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces ol
tho system. Price T5o per bottle. Bold by all
druggists. Testimonials free.
Usui's Family Pills r.ro the best.
Zona King, of Fairland, Mich.,
kicked at a hog and missed it and broke
his leg against a post.
Both the method and reeiults when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly leneiieial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agrocahlo substances, its
many excellent qualities com mend it
to all and havo made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for ealo in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug,
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any ono who
winlies to try it. Do not accept any,
ako money by succoiful
:uiation in tjuickso. we
aud tell wheat on mar-
. L'... 1 .
a niua. r, iuue nave oeea
ii.nue on n siiiuii ueKimiinK oy trading in fu
tures. Write for lull particulars, heat of ref
erence Riven. Several years' experience on the
Chicago Board of Trade. ami a thorough know
ledge of the bunlnetw. hend for our free infer
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS A Co,
Chicago Board of Trade Broken. Oflices In
Portland, Oregon and Seattle, W ash.
Is It Wrung?
Get it Right.
ieep It Kli;ht.
Moore's Keveulnil Itemed y will do It. Three
doses will make yon feel better. Oct It from
your drnrjgiBt or any wholesale drug house, or
troin Stewart it Uolmos Drug Co., Seattle.
Tlaln or with Cutter. Tin. i,.Mit iimii. i.. , i. n.a.
I ket, I'Ked Itv All Hack Mwnri. l'(.r tutu t.u Un
cal lueruhunidlite stores, or by
. WILL tt FINCK 0.,
K Market Street, Man Francisco, Cl.
million Important to snrvlrnra and widows ol
Indian war veteran. TA II Kit Jt W II I'i'M A N CO.,
I'eiminn and 1'aUint AUorneyN. WHthUnrtor. t'
lOWi flUVI'! r"' ""crop payment, tM per
lunn iaii.nu acre cash, balance ! crop yearly
until paid tor. J. Mulhall, Sioux City, la.
T)Arp fir tracing and limiting Oold or Hllver
luHlit 0r''' lmi '" bnrM trewnrcs. M. 1.
11U1M rOWLKll.llm Kj7,HoullilliKlll.C0liD,
No annoying iiulety pin attachment to
W break or unfasten. Works automatically.
Absolutely rreveiit Skirts from Sagging
Simple and effective. Will sell readily where
ever shown. Agents wanted everywhere, lor
terms, etc., address
81 Market St., Room 25. San Franclico, Cat.
K. r. R. V. Mo. 14, 'S.
HKJf writing to advertisers pleas
MaaUoa stall paper.