City Library QON CITY COURIER. 16th YEAR . UUJN U1TY OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1898. . : , 1 i Bellomi) k Busch, The Hui'fnrr,lKlir, OPJ'OSITK COURT HOUSE Said a critical tramp : J "I would say, Crusts of bread often come in my way, But they're tough now no more Where the ventilated oven door Gives the air in the oven full play." Our STOVES and STEEL RANGES do exactly what promised. Six-hole warrnnted STEEL RANGE for $30. 1 Bargains In SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at the PIONEER STORE of CHARMAN & SON A full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. Dr. A. A. Barr Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Have Your Eyes Examined Consultation Free The Germania Market.. Is the cheapest place in the city to buy . t t t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. F. J. Ontekholtz, Props. t t t NORTHERN iOROWN ILLUSTRATED CATALOG s FREE Buell Lamberson 180 FRONT ST. Portland. Or. i n a nnrTO I UTVirrr I r i OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, SHADES J. G. MACK & CO. 88 Third Street - Portland. Oregon Royal make the load pure. wholeeome and deliclooa. POWDER Absolutely Pur WOVAl BAKwa WWOFH CO, , NFW vOfflt. TEACHERS ASSEMBLE. An Eventful (lathering of Clackamas County Pedagogues The remilnr mnntkl.. J t Olackamas Coiint.v Temhon. A-,!.. tion was held at the Barclay school bUlldine last Sarnriiuir Mr. m .k. of Supt. Starkweather. Prof. T j :..,. xiiaA nA Tlfi t 1 n K&l,. 1 -turned from hi, ing opened with the song, "Red, White ola l0n,e n Canada and will bring his and Blue." with Alien rim familv In 1 l mi, t 1. .1 " vi uaijicr hi, committee for the next meetimr. which rUVr nul" 06 nela at Kew Kra 1 tie lollowino. mumKuo nfil, a . MAn 0 n ft .. 1 . . icnciiers were in attendance : Cj. M. Ward. Mnnln f T I H Howard PnoloD n..r.v, . xr iu r.i .. Harmonv ! I.. T x r.Q.D ti -:' , . ......uwouii, ivuurn vjui- ther. Keavnr Praot . A Oanbyi W.W.Afn, 11.5 K;er! Stone; Kate Casto, Mount Pleas ant; Prof, and Mrs. H. T. Evans, Nel lie Younger, Osweito ; Gertrude Ewing, fulton: Estelle Bracken, Harrietta Dod son, Madge Hill, Parkplae; Charles RutherfrirH llil,l,,.,.l . ni....i- n ... "'fi"iiu, uimirg nniiHHii. yvisonvile; A. 1). White. Damascus: losie Buchman, Fulton ; Ida Birkemeir, xmise Bonnett, John Myers, Prof. S C. juur, aihzh watkins. Delia Mullan, m oturehier, Elgiva Mullan, Annie m t7 "'"wauKie; Alex Thomson, Mrs. D. H. fin bo Mnlli. U..H t V Zincer. T. J. Gurv l-Vorl iain.n u...: , 5 . jt miiii.i, untile (-ase, Jennie Kowen Hati nlu.hrao Margaret Williams, Gertrude N-fauor,' Ura Bpangler, Erma Lawrence, Ger trudejhnley, Laura Beatie, Mariorie Cauheld Addie Clark, Ella Boehlke, Slav Kb v. H. firo.,..o v rr r--u' bert j " lv "o" The.progrHm committee, consisting of Ara Mi'l oiiirlilir, v s in i .... j .V. ii . - in. vmrumra miss Harnptta Dotson, with Superintendent Starkweather, are to be complimented on high-class entertainment presented. i nULINO. the orcan. rirst on the nrntrram uma n At. 1 tion on "Our School Curriculum," bv d. OLrUIllfH. MA AnmnaroH tKa mt'thodfi Of Rl'honl Rfnrla n,l,,J in use m France, Germany and other family in a few weeks. Jack Bays this country is good enough for him. At the special school meetim? on t ha 18th inst. Mr. M. Mulvey was elected director in place of J. F.Nelson resigned. The machinery for the new creamery uumiuriBB, wun ine existing curr cu um will h hBr . 1 ... a j ' in use n t.ha ITnitl a. n-u. .T wui 06 Der in few daVS and wi II snnn . uiaioBi xuurrencn . ... - . have preserved the nsaim. f nioi.i running in full blast. system for pupils from two to six years M. Manning gave them a complete sur. of age and their method of manual train- nr! e; i , , p'ete SUr- nir for hir, .-i u' " prw on Saturday evenine last hv r.nm. i . "vo aim cil ia, litivt) aaueu I t . . wealth to the nation. He thought . ody well supplied with refresh- shouwTfl8Z&i LnseeIgartfn vorl, men " aD1 mu8lc- Games and dancin8 snoke oi 'thSrZ"'" the clock announced committee of 15 of the Natinn.l lMnTT. an0lner ay. when all retired well tional Association, who thought an ex- Ple88e(1 witn 'e evening's entertain lemuon oi tne time in the various 1 nent. Courses HI stndv a.l.Tlaol.l,, .L .1 I m. , .... these studies shornthro gh- davs fo, Zl , P vuu vno lailU . ' """"ft jvuuou ilJolI A duet Han it hv Afiaaao rAv n j iarm to John Favno fn iKnaa t e iiiao vneo HUU l r " rcma .Laura Huntm wua mull i i I f ;Qa it j . v o nou 1 VCU UUU Up' " I" " "ppiHuaea dv ine auditors Miss Marlin Hill n iai., . ... v aiKUinun, H M Sen ted "He n anH Hlna ,(,t. ' - "'wtwi WJ ACUUlltJr in the Study of Psychology," in a verv " vo . r tt 0e eaia : "The leaCllPr Khnillil IrnAur anmotk. lmj lite, and hn who ImiHa tl.a ..KiLl Bhould study psvchology to know how v uiuiu, n iiut is irue oi one mind under carta! vwiiuiv(uho la til UQ oi omer minds under the same condi tions. The teacher h - uvuui sunaoie text book on psvcholocv. and Miss Maggie Mulvev and Mi T,U ITT ! nooaaiae, wno were down with the measles the last two weeks, areoutagain. JKiarcn ZH. Twirem r. School Reports. t.Iownig is the'-ranort of Haii. scnool, district No. 37. for thn ending March 25th : Whnln nnmW f days taught 20, cases of tardiness 0. nafifis nf nKoon.n 7Qi mi . - - vvjwvwkji anu "uui",'0 ,u2 xiiutse who were ilLlllllIH M, IirUI'TinUI irnnm I i-t AXlvnKA i ... the sub ect. The st dv 7,h3S T R0T duri"B e mind is the most fascinating of all J? , ,re: Agnes- Lynnette, Milton, studies." Earland Carroll Shipley. Ethel. 1 1 nr -r a I i .. " w-. w SS&iC H""r ta. ThosJ who were nZ "How Shall We Wriie?" He stated ab8ent nor tardy during the term of six that the vertical system had been used months are: Ethel, Blanche and Leslie in the Oreaon Cit.v sclinnia fnr a r.o,; Whittnn. Vaari t.. a r r.f iv mn,,Ti,0 -i ;t . "u ."rv"" r. . ."Bi "8,,,;8 ymeiie , u us ICBUIb 1JUU ueen anu Milton Sli n ev and Onrrnll Hl,l.,l., in every way sat sfnctnrv. If ,. kJ ... . 'iJcjr mm uarrou felilpley genie in its method, as the nuoil could Y i8Uora Pre8e"t during the month sit in a more easy position while writ- were Harry Farmer, Maud Walling nig ami ine natural up and down strokes Verne Shipley, Claude Davidson, and economy of ana M, i i.i I - aum"' """"'ngwn , ( ....... WUIV! 1WV wo at' uwiieu uy any oilier BVStem. Upon urgent requeHt Prof T. J. Gary icvttcu uv liih JiiL'iHHr. Hihn tiv n'n. gene Field, and was enthusiastically ap plauded. A splendid article on the "Develnn MIWMmWi.44AAAAAAAAAAX... . Jones Cash Store CARRIES A FULL LINE Clothing, gaidmK, pwifetaus, And All Necessary Articles for An Outfit to Alaska. You can buy your entire outfit under one roof. We are noted for having the very best goods at the lowest prices. Send for our Alaska price list OREGON CITY CUSTOfIERS Can buy of us and have the goods delivered at your door freight paid at Portland prices. Send us an order for $20.00 worth of goods and see what you can save. Write us to mail you the Buyer's Guide, 16 pages, published monthly by Jones Cash Store ! 108-110 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, OR. Aura D. Thompson. following is the report of Wllunnviiu school, district No. 23. for the tfirm nnm mencing January 3 and 3, lOJD: Whole number dav tmurht NOT ONE BUSINESS MAN In thirty-three leaves his family anywhere enough money to continue the comforts he has educated them to need and expect. This suggests immediate action on his part in the direction of life insurance. INSURANCE IN A GOOD COMPANY THERE ARE NONE BETTER THAN THE MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of Springfield. Massachusetts. H. C. COLTON, Manager Rooms, 312-313 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON JJnhW bo en Auieiy uyvt a,, 01 tnis city, and v i . it is to be regretted that a larger audi- avera8e belonging 43, daily attendance ence was not rtrnflpnr. tn haav Otio w.,,i i oj. in am pa nf nnn a t. i 1 . , " ""'v v aivua UllO CAl' I - fuytia TT 11 V J1UVU UtJCll lurtt nvmliindnH II A Tl 1 a. . I . i . i ""'T1 "' n"wr absent nor tardy during the MfwWfaM -n!are:MyrtleTooze,ldaSchlickeiser been delivered anywhere else except ulllebeelyi"i8cillaMiley, Hilda Tooze, uregon yity, tne nouse would have been JJorrl8 Y(nng, Norria Young. Andv v.unuA W uiiuuBt capacity, i ne nassel brink. Chas. Hanson Teacher lecture was exhaustive, and the subject Sanson, leacner was Dandled with a high and analvti- ine following is a report of Eatrle rZir.rX'rt V.'" "'""ences oi in- ureek school, district No. 17. fnr mm.ti, " ?.,.n. f..?on4,uo"8 of a people, ending March x' u.' ZZ ouo Bum. - ricuon nas become not only , .... , utia a teacher, an inspiration, a weapon of tftught 20, days attendance 653, days ChrtHtilin Clviliv.atmn Kn a 1U.-..I ntounnii i9 AJ.. n -. .... - uuci ui ouu- -.u, uiiicb mruy , average num !r1CK!n!!e'',.,,1nt!r8' belonging 84, average daily at follows fltlV artmt wnrlr nf ativrin. ! tendance 33. Roll of honor Pleasant gestive ideas." The lecture was printed Uou8'a9. Gerald Wilcox, Chas. Horger in IUIl in last aunrinv'll (Wormian ..,;.. I!pn .Tannua I..,.I T .1. a portrait of the author. Curen. Minta Pollard. Mnlli .T,i,i in. rroi. n. u. Hunter, nt Miiuronir ;Q ....' vored the audience with a solo that' was J U' 0u88le Burnett. Louise Wagner i L.eno. T.r.t.111 ami V.nm 1..- ilnlv nnnrpi'lulul Pml f-I..n. i Leno. I.ct.iii ami . r i uunici uinxes ' " a specialty of music in his school, and is Visitors Alice M Emma Gerhardus Spaulding, Zura Forester, Lily Hoffmiester, Matt Young Ray Wilcox, Joe Souter. Noah StimHnv Ellen McArthur, Julia Douglas, Homer uanon, will Bell, and Peter Hoverson G. T. McAbthur, Teacher up-to-date in that line. George H. Himes, of Portland, hisot nan of the Oregon Press Association, Miu aecreiary oi me uregon Pioneer As sociation, gave a very interesting ac count of the early newsnanem in thia slate. Mr. Himes told how Curvvr wpnt. Wont in 177Q i ingiour, ana in Minnesota met Indians, ,no eviaence in the case proves "HUDUU5D UI B IMIUIILFV B mi uv tr rhu MfW 'B Suvdana fl ... -t .?f 0V!hWest, and the dyspepsia, catarrh, that tired feelln. iiuiu ajiyoiilb -inanatonHiH." . . ... "Where Rolls the Oregon." is familiar 8cro,ula 8a" rtieum, boils, humors and to all reader if litumtnro i. imo all blood diswasca. . - - "Ji A 1 1 inin. i Thomas II. Benton, of Missouri, in the Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, id UniieU MRU'S tunnto, A 1. a .... " ' ioint nmnnmnnri Ti.-Tt:i r rellat"e. easy to take, easy to and Great Britain, of the tnrritirvralUi ope'ate n... . . . virKuu. aic kvb many interesting re- miniHcenes of pioneer life in Oregon, of NO CURE NO PAY ine DroviHionn. urn tun ..... . . .... Kvroin- inm ii ine way an nrtma lata all Climm-o ment, ana a detailed history of the news- '''kleus chill to.nh; or Miri, cwii. 25c. papers printed in pioneer days. He told of man v avant i,t t j f - - v. ivinu) .na. m curred in the early history of Oregon uy, ouiinere is not space for them nere. AleZ Thom linn n( Planlrarr... t;. Elgiva Mullan, of Milwaukie; L. Moore, of Canby, and the county super intendent, were appointed a program . , ',..'"i"J quinine in ar ' U-leM form. Chllrlren love It. Arlnlt. nr.f... at bluer, naiitieBting Tonlnii. Prioe 60c. tot ale by C. O. Huntley, DrngKlaU Shirt waists, latest styles and colors, at the Racket Store. A nice assortment of ladies' wrappers, at the Racket Store. WARD HEU Cor. Front and Taylor Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. largest and Best Stock of... Agricultural Implements ...In the Northwest DRILLS HARROWS FEED CUTTERS GRADING TOOLS ETC. SEEDERS PLOWS FEED MILLS HARNESS ETC. BUGGIES WAGONS SPRAY PUMPS ENGINES ETC. LOW PRICES LOW PRICES t