Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, March 25, 1898, Image 6

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THAT la tho question that bothers
many a wife. To be lovod de
, votedly Is the ambition of every
Woman, but to have that love take the
form of exacting suspicion, or a sort of
affectionate Jalleiulilp, is not always
desirable. Opinions galore are given n
this topic and we can ouly judge from
the lives that come closest to us, in fact
the lives that are lived under our ob
servation. To begin with, there Is a couple happy
as two young lovers, the husband, how
ever, so insanely Jealous of his wife
that he has broken off even her women
friendships. If she were to walk as far
as the gate with another man a tragedy,
would bo the almost certain result.
Yet, ns we said before, they are bothi
serenely happy. Would they be so 14
circumstances brought about a new ex
fwtence and set up now conditions? Let
us hope so, for it would be a pity to
Bpoll their Illusions. From them tie
thought wanders to another couple,
who see no reason, because they core
more for each other than anyone else in
the world, why all the other pleasant
people should be excluded from their
companionship. The wife dances, talks
and drives with other men. The hus
band dances, talks and drives wth
other women. There la no question of
Jealousy because there Is perfect con
fidence. When they are together they
are not bored. The husband Is pleased
to have his wife admired and she Is
happy to find that she has not married
a freak whom no one else would wnnt
It Is a hard question to decide and one
upon which tho parties themselves
alone should sit In judgment, but It Is
our belief that Jealousy Is but another
name for selfishness, rather than an
Indication of any overpowering affec
tion. Philadelphia, Times.
thing In the world- just' add up what
I have received and substract from that
what 1 have paid qut to, show what Is.
due the club, and then I make my hut
band give me" tt cheek for tlie amount.
There's really nothing, hawl, about keep
ug books whep yo,know;.ncAV,". v.-
Fhrewlsh Wives of Famous Hen,
Ben Jonson had a shrew .for. a wife,
who used to go to the ale room after
him and bring him home, scolding. ,al)
the way. ' ; ....
Hoswell, Johnson's" biographer, mar
ried a scold, and in his "Uxoriana" .re--corded
faithfully all her snappier) i sajv
lugs and his own answers.
Itohttult, the philosopher, had a wife
whose opinion of him was'so high that
she sat at tho door of Tils lecture-room
and refused to admit any but well-,
tfressed persons. ' '".''.'",'
The great Dr. Cadogan 'married a
lady several years older than himself.'
She was Jealous, and In company ac
cused him of poisoning her; whereupon
he told the company they "were wel
come to open her at once and show her
her mistake.
The famous Rev. Andrew Bell had a
virago wife, who left him and then de
voted her time to abusing him by mall.
She once addressed a letter to him: "To
that Supremest of Rogues, who looks
the Hang-dog that he Is, Doctor Andrew
TirltlHh Woman Lawyer.
The first and only woman allowed to
practice In a supreme court In- British
dominions is Miss Ethel R. Benjamin,
who last year graduated from Otaga
University at the head of her class In
Knocked a Great Hole in Steel Bottom
of the Kebcl Brazilian Aquidaban.
Before the rebel Brazilian fleet In the
harbor of Rio Janeiro, under Admiral
De Garaa, surrendered In 1894, Rebel
Admiral Mello had sailed out of the
harbor in the Aquidaban. The torpedo
boats sent by the Brazilian government,
to find the ship came upon her in the
harbor of Desterro, down the coast.
The Gustavo Samplo, which did the
torpedoing, Is a torpedo gunboat, iiav
lng a bow tube and two broadside
launching tubes, two twenty-pounder
rapid firing guns and, four three-Inch
tildes. She,' In company with a torpedo.
l)oatsbmbtlilng 'after the style, of. the.
Cushlng,. entered the Desterro harbor,
-where, tile Aquidaban nvas at anchor,
'.gnortly' lifter mldnlghtAprll TtF."'The
torpedo boat advanced 'and at 100 me
ters fired her.. bo;W .torpedo. At-, 15 me-
terOhe' launched her bkoadside. Both
missed. The Samplo then advanced
,. . !.T . . S.
. and fat Ta metoYs fifed lisr box torpedo,
'tfHictf missed, and at $0 meters Tier '
port broadside. The " last torpedo
struck tl 'A-uMabnn about ten feet
below -the"' water line and twenty -five
feet abaft the bow, making a hole
twelve feet square on the port side and
a'round hole three feet in diameter onv
the starboard side. The plates fbVse'v
eritl. toub around the hole on the i6rt
side were -(Crushed In, . ' ' -
. The Aquidaban sank in shallow wa
ter and was afterward raised and re
paired. The 'cut published herewith Is
from a photograph taken of the Aqui
daban whim she had been placed In
dry dock for repairs, and gives an ex
cellent Idea of what kind of hole Is
made In the bottom of a steel ship
when a Whitehead torpedo strikes her.
In the civil war in Chili, In 1801, the
government cruiser Blanco Encajada
was sunk by a torpedo In the harbor of
Valparaiso. It was at night and she
was lying at anchor with no search
lights going and no torpedo nets down.
An Insurgent ship came steaming in
so that by turning his head slightly In
side the helmet the diver can see for
some distance around him.
The air tubing is of strong, flexible
rubber, through which the fresh air
from above is driven down by means
of a pump. This tube, before reaching
the opening In the helmet through
which the air Is supplied to the diver, Is
carried through a ring on the breast
plate at the diver's left shoulder. This
is so that he may be able to grasp it
quickly, without having to grope for it,
In case he needs to signal: to those at
the nump above. One pull on the tube
rheans'that he wants more air and two
pulls warn 'the pumpers that he is -getting
too much'. "If the. air were supr.
plied in excess the suit woiuld become
so buoyant that It would "tend to rise.
.After boing";iajd thwsrigh tHer slibuf-
der ring the tube goes around ana en
ters the helmet at the back,. ..From here
the air .passes hr6ugha'.-flt"' ruDtier.
tube to the top of tiic.belmew-here the
single tube divides into'i'hree branches,
one of;.wAAld-gGes'dowh"Xo the -nostrils
ami the other to the ears. ' . .'.:
After the air has been breathed it
passes on downdnsldc the svtft, inflating
this' siifllclently, to .overcome- a certain
degree the hydrostatic pressure. With
out air Inside It the rubber would be
pressed iagalM' th' fllfe.r's body and
limbs by the- -wetght of the "water, and
would drive the blood up into his head.
There is another opening ln tho back
of the helmet, through which the foul
air finls: its escape. This rimy be seen
coming up to. the top of the water in
the form of bubbles. The life rope by
which the diver is lowered and raised Is
about as thick as an ordinary clothes
line. It Is wound securely about his
waist and fastened under his arms.
Three pulls upon it signify to those
above that the diver wishes to come up.
lie i
OH You can
full be cured1
If you suffer from any of the )
ills of men, come to the oldest
Specialist on the Faciuc Coast,
kIOBl Market St Est'd !362.
- Young men and middle i
ttceu men who are suffering
1 from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex-
cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical
i lt-iilii.v,Iinpotuey,Itt Xuuboixl i
in all its complications; Njiermalori'heea,
a-roiuiorrnu?ik. h tuorruwa, iieci. .
Fi-cqhucv of tlrluaUna:. etc. By si
I combination of remedies, of (treat curative pow- ,
er, the Doctor has so arranged his treatment."
mat it will not only arrow immediate relict mil (
permanent cure. T he Doctor does rot claim to ..'
pertorramjracles,"but-is wen-known to be a tair j
and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-eminent
. in mssneciauy (miwasH or iueii, i
- fryt'luH thoroughly erHnlo&teairoul trie '
ay Htm w imou t iwnff-jra eri'ttr jr
Pclontiflc Chirking.
No woman's strength Is equal to the
demands made upon It by claims -domestic,
social and Intellectual of these
latter days, ami since this fact Is Indis
putable why not look the problem
squarely in the face and decide calmly
when to shirk? The question, of
course, chiefly concerns tho honiokcH'p
er; she who endeavors to keep a house
up to concert pitch of tidiness and not
Just occasionally and In spots, either;
but all over and all the time. Besides
tho mero sweeping, dusting, arranging
nnd menu-providing to bo superintend'
ed, thero are, too, the hospitality that
she must be ever ready to offer smiling
ly, and the duties to herself not to
ppeak of church and charltublo work,
club life and the claims of society. One
cannot do everything; why try? Of
course, tho question at once presents
Itself: Where shall tho remedy be ap
plied? In answer to which common
sense, system, a right estimate of essen
tials and self-control may be suggested
as tho best aids to the conscience In de
ciding what shall be loft undone. With
a judicious application of "scientific
shirking" thero need bo no lasting
truth to this statement However de
peuernte it may sound, "shirking" Is
the only thing by which a woman can,
under tho pressure of present living,
hope to keep her health and to escape n
care-crassed bra In.
' Cure of the Hands.
1 The first iioeifwlty In the care of the
hands Is to keep them white and clean.
For the roughest of the housework as
much as Is possible tdumld be done in
With tho determination to do bo, It
will be surprising how few of these
dally occupations cannot be literally
"Handled with gloves."
Tho difference In tho texture of tho
ekln, and the ability to cleanse It, will
amply repay tho housewife for tho sac
rifice of her old gloves and prejudices.
As a rule, for washing the hands,
neither very hot nor very cold water
should be used.
A few drops of ammonia or a small
ounntlty of ttorax may bo added to
soften the water.
(irouud mustard is excellent for
cleaning tho hands after having hau
died strong-smelling substances.
After having tho hands a long time
In water, rub with a little vinegar or
lemon Juice, and thou with oatmeal.
every branch of the law. The New Zea
land courts Immediately admitted her
to the bar, although In Great Urttaln
and Ilrltlsh possessions there is a preju
dice or conservatism that has prevented
any other woman from being thus honored.
Choker unci Tics.
Collars of dresses are made very plain
nnd smooth. The latest one Is of velvet
folded plainly about the throat without
a bow, and pinned with a round Jew
riled clasp. Tailor gowns and skating
costumes are worn with a big cravat
Kv of plaid silk or velvet, or a large,
rich-looking miu-f pinned nlout the
throat, tho long entls reaching to the
waist. Capos of fur and velvet are
worn with u lace scurf with a big bow
In front.
Chuicd lliituU.
Chapped hands are tho loto noire of
the average woman during cold weath
er, but a little care will soon obviate
tho dilllculty. Wipe quite dry alter
washing, and then rub In a few drops
of glycerine diluted with water, wiping
thoroughly again, nnd taking care to
wear none but loose gloves when out of
Woman in lliixlncaa.
She had served acceptably as treas
urer of the dub for n little over a year,
mid that was an exceptionable record,
observes the Chicago Tost. "Pon't you
hava dilllculty in balancing your
books?" they asked. "Oh, dear, no,"
I... reolled. "Why. It's the caveat
RVF.UV MAN nnnlvlnir tn Tia Will Tft-
ceive our hmtti epmtoa otvHi?tpompinint,
we mu uuaramee a rusi 1 1 v js o u vn
every cat nt undertake, or forjcil One
lliuussnu arniiurn.
Consultation-. FREcV-ahd -strictlv private.-.
ment personally or by letter. Send for book,
" Xhe Phiiosoi.hy of itarxhxge,'
free (A valuable book for roen.J .
. . VlWt - JDB.. JfOH'S'S
: Gricat Museum of Anatomy
hehncst and largest Museum of its kind in the
worm. Come ana learn how wonderiully you
are made; how to avoid, sickness .and disease.
We are. 'Continually adding liew specimens.
ICBt Market Street. San Francisco. Cat
Couneotlni at Taqnina Bay "itl the Saa
FrauciBCf) nnd Yaqulna Day
Steamship Conipany.
Steamship "Farall(m"v
Sail! from Yaqnlua every eight nayi for Kan
rranolsfo.CooiBtty Port Oiford, Trinidad and
HijmBOlt .s . , - -,' '" ""' - "
PaiBenger accommodittiani vrjurpneaed-.
" Shortest roiito between the Willamette Valley .
and.CaluoriHa. . ,
Fore from Albany or points west to
Cabip, rauud trin,f, ,... . '
f 8toera(re ' -. ' ' "
ToCool Baynd Port' Oiftrdi -
Cabin, '
To IJnmboltBay:, ' ' .
Cabin. v -'
Bound trip, good for (SO daja, . . ?.
8Mnen "Albany" and H H'oag
newly furnished, loaye Albany daily (except
Saturdays) at 1:45 a. m., arrirlug at Portland tpe
tame day at 5 p.1 m. -f. -.v.
' Returning, boats leave Portland, parne lay8--at
6:00 a.m., arriving at Albany at 7f45 p; m-.
i. C. MAYO, Supt. Klver Division,
ei5 0o
6 00
6 00
Temperature of Pood.
The temperature of the things we eat
and drink Is hardly ever noticed; still,
It is of considerable Importance that
food or drink should be of the right
SQUW OgKSOy city
...The Most Desirable Suburb...
T is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con
nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine
view trood air. soil, water and drainage and a first-class
public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city
and but a 15 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in
Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on
easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build
ers. Call on or address.
T. L. CIUKMAN, Trusteo,
Charman Bros.' Block
1 TTrh ir rviMrt "x
IbtNctfesrcB AMMVHmexTusEDBe? &
Benora le Iome.
PtMiora Ie IiUine, as the wife of the
blundering Spanish minister Is called,
Hiiffered givally on account of the dls-
gni.ee and humiliation, which her hus
band brought uiHin hl family and
country oy the writing of the foolish let
ter. The senorn was one tf the most
lMiiinlar women In Washington. If Do
collie had Hiihmlttcd that letter to his
wife It probably -would not hnve been
sent to SiwIji.
A CoHtly Veil.
It retiulml .r(Mj hands to make tlio
irldal veil of the rrlncess Margaret of
rrussla. It was composed of TiOO dif
ferent pieces, nil the work iH'lng done
with the needle. The several pieces,
each of which required ten days for
completion, were joined by tho most
skillful lacemakers lu a lMitteru whK'h
appeared to be all tho work of the same
pair of hnndis.
Women Luborcra In Germany.
There are in Gorninny no less than
2,fK0 women marble workers, H7D femi
nine blacksmiths, 300 iKtticoattd ma-
soim, 147 feimale tinners, lKilde8 50
rojidmnkers, 53 slaters, It) clockniakers,
7 armorern, all of the gentler sex, also
3 lady chimney swociiors, and tt num-
Ikt of iiuarrywoaneu and fomalo work
era In senvers.
IMct in Cold Wcnther.
If you would preserve tlie lHiuty of
your skin do not Indulge too freely on
cold winter mornings In over-rich food,
such as buckwheat cakes and sausages.
And reniomlH'r that fruit Is just ns es
sential to your diet in cold weather ns
In warm-Jndoed, mow so, as wo have
fewer green vegetables.
Of Interest to Women.
A girl h; only to start some unusual
enterprise, and publish the fact that
she Is doing It to get money to nond her
self to college, In order to lie over
whelmed with nil maimer of proposals
of marriage.
Mrs. Lueretia It. HublH'lL the first
American woman aeronaut, once made
a Imlhvon ascension during which tho
balloon burst, tkiatel seven mllos nnd
ilnnlly let her down unhurt lu a New
Jersey clover Held.
Kllcn Terry has a very Klniple recipe
for the retention f youth and beauty
You must work till tired. slp till rnt
ed, have plenty of fresh air, live In cool
rooms, tnko a daily sptmge kith ami eat
the tilnvilest fiHnl.
No sooner was I.a Tixwdo started In
Tarts with women for compositors and
printers than the government Inter
fered with It for violating the law pro
hibiting night work for girls, recently
passed at the instauce of the advocate
1 of wouiuu'k I'lfaiiia.
and fired three torpedos at her lu rapid
Bucceslon. One of them hit and the
Itlnneo Encnlada sank rapidly. She
went down In deep water and could
not be raised.
The first, torpedo of which there Is
any record lu warfare was one which
blew up a British armed schooner off
New London in 1777. It was a floating
torpedo, which was sent against the
British ship by the tide.
It Is Made of India Rubber and la
Knough to i-cure tlie FUh.
The work of a diver is attended by
many risks, but dangers become famil
iar through long custom, so his tak us
ually has few terrors for hliu. lie de
scends trusting to the proper working
temperature. For healthy people hoi
articles of food should be served nt a
temperature about that of the blood,
but for Infants It is imperative that
milk should be given at blood heat.
Drinks Intended to quench thirst are
about right at a temperature of from
50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Drink or
food nt extremely high or extremely
low temperatures may do great dam
age, aud are most harmful when swal
lowed rapidly. Drinking water Is best
taken at 53 degrees, seltzers and soda
water should be slightly warmer and
beer should not bo cooled to more than
00 degrees; red wine Is best nt 05 de
grees; white Wine at 50; champagne Is
the one liquor which Is best nt the low
est temperature allowed, but should not
be taken colder than 45 degrees. Coffee
aud tea should not be taken hotter than
from 105 to 120 degrees; milk Is con
sidered cold nt (10 degrees, when It will
be found to have tho best nroma.
There Were No I'ostuge Stamps.
In these days iostago stamps are a
familiar necessity. Their loss would
occasion almost ius much confusion and
n.. !..- Lxoa f.t .... .......
tern; and yet. fifty years ago the world OKgOIl, G60. W. Elder aDl City 01 TOpCM
of the mechanism by which he Is sup
plied with nlr and to the strength of
the life line, which lowers and pulls
hi m up.
The diving suit, which Is the one gen
erally used now, Is made of India rub
Ivor, with tt helmet and breastplate of
copper. Outside of the rublvr, to pro
tect It from hard usage, nn extra suit of
canvas overalls Is worn, and after n
rough piece of work this canvas Is fre
quently torn to shreds. Around his
waist the diver wears a belt made of
bars of had fastened crosswise on tt
leather baud. Ills shoes are of metal,
heavily weighted, so that ho can main
tain an erect position easily, and the en
tire suit with which he enters the water
weighs about 175 pounds. This is nec
essary to enable him to sink to the
required depth. Tho helmet Is supplied
with windows of thick glass,' one In
Trout and two others at each sUU of it,
never had seen a postage stamp nor
even an envelope.
Before the days of postngo stamps It
was customary to pay In cash at tho
postolllce the charges for transporting
the letter, nnd the postmiister stamped
tho word "paid" above the address.
Our first stamps were of two denomina
tions, 5 and 10 cents. The first bore
the likeness of Franklin In rose color,
nnd the second that of Washington.
Envelopes were not In use in those
days, but a sheet of paper was care
fully folded and sealed with a red
wafer. For n letter of one sheet of
paper for a distance less than 300
miles the 5-ceut stamp sufficed. When
envelopes, Including the stamped en
velope, came In In 1S51, n revision of
postal practices was necessary, nnd
weight, lustead of the niniilter of shwts
of paper, became the standard of meas
ure. Fostnge was In that year very
much reduced, and the 3-cent price for
the half-ounce letter was adopted.
Leavt Portland Every S Day, lor
Ocean euaneri Laave Portland Ever; 4 Dayi
Ptemer Monthly from Portland to
Yokohama una Hong iong, In con
nection with the 0. R. & N.
For further Information call on 0. R. A N.
F E. DOSALDSON, or address
Gcueral rantnger, Agent, Portland, Or.
nomvEi.i.. carui.l a cq..
Gen. Aft. Hoi. Fae. S- 8. Co., Portland, Or.
The Shasta Route
Express Trains Leave Portland Daily.
South. I Korth.
6-OOr.M. I It Portland Ar 9.80a. II
Mr.H. Lv OreouCltr Lv 8:4oa.M
7:45 a.m. I Ar San Francisco Lv 8:0Cr. u
The above trains stop at all stations betweer
Portland and Snlom, Turner, Marion, Jeffer
son. Albany. Taniront: Shetids, Halssy. Harris.
burg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene, Creswell,
Cottnge Grove, Drains, and all stationa iroia
KoBoDurg to Asniuna, inclusive.
9:80A.M. .Lv Portland Ar4:a0r.
6:27 A.M. Lv Oregon City Lv 8:36 F.M
8:20 P.M. I Ar Roseburg Lv I 7: 0 K
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division,
7:80A.M. I Lv Portland ' Ar:0P,M
12:15 F.M. I Ar Corvallls Lv 1 1 :06 P. M
At Albany and Corvalils connect with train
of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R.
4:WP. M. ILv Portland Ar8:25A.M
7.80 P.M. Ar McMlnnville Lv 6:S0A.M
8:30 P. M. 1 Ar independence lt 4-.goa. H
Direct connection at Ban Francisco with
Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Mull
Reemalilp Lines for JAPAN AND CHINA.
Balling dates on application.
Rates and tickets to eastern point and
Europe nlso JAPAN. CniSA, HONOLULU
and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from
F. E. BOYD, Agent, Oregon City
kanager, Asst. ft. F. 4 P. Agent
Portland, Or. Portland, Or.
Str. Altona
WIU Make Dally Trips Between
Leaving Portland for Salem and way
Uudings at 6:45 a. m., and Oregon
City at about J p. ra.
Peuchoti Once I'otnon.
The peach was originally a polson
nlniond. Its fruity parts were used to
poison arrows, and for that purpose
were Introduced Into Persia. Trans
plantation and cultivation have not
only removed Its poisonous qualities,
l.ut turned It Into the delicious fruit
we uow enjoy.
Trains arrive and depart from Portland at
Lvsve fortlit EaitvlaHuntingtondallT,8:00pm
Arrive from taut " " "'7:'.Mjim
Lt-ave fur the Kaatvia Ppokane dally, 2:00 pm
Arrive from East " " " 10:15 am
W uiLaiMi or ladles M travel fnr rcsponsibli
tw biished hotise lu Oregon. Montaly tot au
ipensjr-s. Position steady, kvtemuca. Ku
rlote toll Mrvrd stamped envelope. Tm
lilnloo Coptiy, Dept. Y.Ohlcafo.
I uaenta ot ladlee so uavi lof rwstis
taUlaLed kouse la Ongas. Monthly M CO am
vtma. Position sUi
uif-eddreueit stsmecd ntlop,
4p4Uy, I , Ckl0.
Referenee. IncUei
Tks Demtiilxl
- u; iStW EYDceirure'
. , ft... Ml
Vir-: .-i:5T Designs
rrm" Copyrioht 4c.
AnTont nllnir ft nketrt. and deicrlntloTi mnj
Qiifdcly atwtHtn our cptnton fre whrthr an
Inrtrntlpti ie pribahly rntntftbi Vnujiurilen.
tloni iirtctly fonfidLntil. ftndbvk on Ptent4
ent fry. Oldl niieruiy for iMrurlriir pattntt.
Ptpntj iuken turoueb Munn k Co. reoglrt
p-ffVTi1 notice without cliirre, Lu Un
Scientific Jlraerican.
A handomlr niuntrated woeklr. T.nnrRt elis
tuition xf nr rimtitlc l.-QruivL Trni, IS ft
: fnv montbs, L 8ot
a ty ftul nwdojerft,
yMf : fnr montb
, firauok oaov, SJ6 t 8U Waabtiita, L w