Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, March 04, 1898, Image 1

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16th YEAR.
NO 42
In a Great Measure
People have to depend on the
word oi the dealer as to the
quality of carpets. It is easy
to make a price cheap at the
expense of the quality. Easy
to hide the cheat, too. Only
safe nay is to deal at a reliable
house, such as ours is. $5000
is our carpet investment this
year, patterns to please every
body. Prices from 15 cents a
yard and up.
The Houm-furnlshera,
A full line of
Dry Goods,
Clothing, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes,
Furnishings, Etc.
Canemah Literary Society. The new
officers of the Canemah Literary So
ciety, who were installed this week are
Ernest Beucke, president ; Thomas Lind
say, vice-president; Samuel Stevens,
secretary ; : Belden Ganong, assistant
secretary; Fred Smith, treasurer ; Ed
ward Smith, sergeant-at-arms; Thomas
Lindsay, Edward Smith and Richard
Long, executive .committee. On ac
count of considerable sickness in Ca
nemah there was not the usual large
attendance at the meeting last Friday
night, but nevertheless a very interest
ing session was held. Fred Smith, the
retiring president, presided, and Miss
Ellen Blanchai-d filled her place as
secretary. One of the , interesting
features of the evening was a geographical
match, and some of the catch questions
made the contestants scratch their heads.'
When the question was asked, "Of what
country in Portugal the capital?" one
irrepressible Bmall boy answered
"Pennsylvania." The closing exercise
was an old-fashioned spelling match.
This society affords the younger popula
tion of Canemah an excellent place for
intellectual improvement and recreation
during the winter months, and many
rousing, interesting meetings have been
held in the old school house on the hill.
They meet in the old school house, near
the site of the new building, and many
flights of oratory that have re-echoed in
its walls, that may yet be heard in leg
islative halls. Aside from intellectual
improvement, the members of the so
ciety have been active in pushing new
improvements. They built a new side
walk and stairway from the center of
town to the public school building, and
assisted in repairing the sidewalk be
tween Canlmah and Oregon City.
Royl mikej the food par,
wbolcwm and delicious.
. fJ
Absolutely Pure
167 First St,
and Yamhill
lb JrirSI St.
.and Yamhill
Retiring from Business
Everything must be sold out at onca
Best Calicoes 3c.
" Outing Fannel 4c.
Fine Bleached Muslin 4c.
Dr. A. A. Barr
Scientific Optician, formerly
of Minneapolis, has charge of
the Optical Department for
A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa
Jeweler, 293 Morrison St.,
Portland, Oregon.
Haye Tour Eyes Examined
Consultation Free '
The Germania Market.
Is the cheapest place in the city
to buy t t t t t
Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City.
F. J. Ohterholtz, Props. t t t
Oregon City Gets the Road Money.
The supreme court of Oregon has decid
ed that the municipality of Oregon City
is entitled to 60 per cent of the road
fund collected by the county within the
corporate limits of the city . The opinion
of the court was made by Judge Wolver
ton, Justice Bean dissenting. The de
cision says : A writ of review was the
proper remed y for the correction of errors
01 the county court, 11 any were com
mitted. The objection that a certain
affidavit, Bhowing the amount of taxes
collected., was .made, the opinion says,
cornea (00 late. .It was also held that
the county court had, prior to the
presentation of plaintiff's 'claim, ex
hausted the funds derived from road
.taxes. This is considered no defense,
and as the city is entitled to 60 per cent,
of the funds shown to have been col
lected, the judgment of the circuit cour
is bo modified that it shall direct the
county court to apportion and turn over
to the city of Oregon City the Bum of
$3285.15, only. O. D. Latourette was
attorney for the respondent, Oregou
City, and II. E. Cross for Clackamas
county et al, appellants.
In the Cihcuit Court. The follow
ing cases have been filed in the circuit
court during the pant week : Lillian D.
Shephard vs. D. Eugene Shephard ; ac
tion for divorce on the ground of cruel
and inhuman treatment. John L. Barn
grover vs. Hilari Guthle et al; suit to
quiet title. Kd Batdorf vs. John A.
Sandahl ; foreclosure suit for $200 on lot
5, block 81, Oregon City. Cora Snyder
vs. frank Y . Snyder j action for divorce
on the plea ot desertion, plaintiff and
defendant were married at Louisville,
Kentucky, in June, 1884. Anna W.
Mathews vs. Geo. R. Dedman; fore
closure suit on mortgagee premises to
secure the payment of $1826, interest,
costs, etc. Gilbert Ward asks for a di
vorce from Etta A. Ward on the plea of
desertion. The plaintiff and defendant
were marrieJ at Terra Haute, Indiana,
iu 1886, and have lived several years in
Ulackamas county. About a year ago
Mrs. Ward went to Kansas and now re
fuses to return.
w$m ff ATA i
I Buell Lamberson
j 180 FRONT ST.
Portland. Or.
J. G. MACK & CO.
' f'fW'WTI '
88 Third Street
Portland, Oregon
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
better than ever. With over $20,oco,ooo in Assets
and the best contract on the market, you can make
no mistake in placing your insurance in this Co.
We pay dividens in cash each year to reduce your
payments its the only business-like plan to insure
"For rates and sample policy call on or address,
H. G. C0LT0N, Manager,
312 and 313 Chamber of Commerce,
Miss Hattib Cuurch Dead. Miss
Hattie Church, aged 12, who had been
ill for about a month, died unexpected
ly Sunday afternoon of heart fuilur.
The funeral occured from the family
home at 10:30 a. m. Tuesday, March 1st,
and the services wero conducted by Rev.
M. L. Rugg. A large number of friends
attended the funeral Bervices, including
many young friends of the deceased,
who was deservedly popular among her
playmates. She was the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Church, and had
the honor of being the youngest girl,
who ever reached the summit of Mount
Hood. When only nine years old, she
made the ascent of Mount Hood, and
left her name in the Manama box with
other members of the party. The floral
offerings at the funeral were numerous
and tastily arranged.
. Building Improvements. Building is
not starting up very lively this spring,
although some changes and repairs are
being made. White Bros., the architects,
have completed a new roof for Deacon
James Wilkinson's house, and are now
enlarging and remodeling the store room
belonging to Mayor Caufield, next door
to the . Beehive store. The entire
structure will be made into one large
room, new roof will be put '611 and the
celling made higher, and the rear of the
building made wider. -, It is understood
Unit a tenant has been secured for the
store room when it is completed. White
Brothers recently prepared plans for a
new offjce for the Crown Paper Co., to
occupy the northwest corner of the ware
room, and have secured the contract for
building same. The Alaska exodus, no
doubt has a retarding effect on building
Unbleacned " 4c.
Bleached Satin Damask
Table Linen 25c.
Red Table Linen 15c.
Large Double Blankets 5()c.
Fine dress Goods 15c.
Changeable Silks 25c.
Men's Fleece Lined Shirts 35c.
i T xtxva iiiu KjJiixx io
Sweaters 50c.
Socks 4c.
Ladies' Plush Capes $6 .50. now $3.25
Cloth Capes $13-50 $6
Golf Capes at half price
Men's Clothing at Half Price.
Lace Curtains at Hall Price
and all through the store at same rate.
$20,000.00 worth to be closed ont.
Miikh Lwian'h
r ahty. A very uu-
given Miss Kuby
lightful party was
Logan at the residence of Mr. and Mrs
C. A. Fitch on the corner of Fifth and
Center streets, Saturday evening. Miss
Mae Case rendered several excellent
selections on her guitar, and several
recitations were on the program. Will
R. Logus gave a splendid entertainment
on his gramaphone, and lively games
varied other features of a pleasant even
ing. Refreshments were served. Among
those present were Misses Ida Stilwell,
Lillian Fay, and Maggie Frainer, of Port
land J Misses Mae Case, Gertie Powell,
May Toepleman, Mae Thompson, Lou
Albee, Freda Meyer, Augusta Meyer,
Ruby Louan; Messrs. Frank Confer,
Fred Armstrong, James Stilwell of Port
land, Will R. Logas, La Verne Fitch.
A Skull Found. While some excava
ting was being done at the rear of
Shark's barber shop Wednesday, Mr.
Shark discovered the skull of a human
being in a fair state of preservation.
Many years ago the Wilhelm Tell saloon
and hotel was the seat of government of
the territory of Oregon and pioneer
oratory echoed and re-echoed with its
walls when the legislature was in ses
sion. Lobbyists no doubt swarmed
around the halls of the old land mark,
they do in these degenerate days.
The skull was found at the side of the
building once used as a slate house, and
the experts have not yet discovered
whether it was the skull of a territorial
politician ' or that of an intelligent
specimen of the Clackamas tribe of
b-t 'Ek E- EDY S
The 181)8 Assessment. -Assessor
Luclune Stout has adopted the Multno
mah county plan of making assessments ;
that, is the land is assessed first from
plats 011 file iu the assessor's oflice, and
each taxpayer is required to send in a
statement of his assessable property,
This plan has been adopted witli good
success in Multnomah county as none of
the property is missed in this way, and
it costs less to make the assessment,
thus affording a considerable saving to
the taxpayers The assessment work
will all be jlone in the office this year,
and no deputies will be sent out. The
work of making the assessment for 1808
began Tuesday.
A St'Ki'KiHE Party A very pleasant
surprise party was given Miss Bestie
Wood at her home last Friday evening
Games were the popular features of the
evening's entertainment, and a delicious
lunch was served. Those present were
Misses Octavia Hermann, Iva Harring
ton, Meta Finley, Grace Wilcox, Clara
Holmstrom, Eva Moehnke, Emma Al
lison, Gussie Mad lock, Lorena Lazelle ; ! said estate.
Messrs. Bert Stafford, Arthur Stafford,
Probate Court.
G. B. Dimick, administrator of the
estate of John F. Bode, deceased, was
authorized to sell the personal property
of the estate at private sale.
In the matter of the estate of N. O.
Walden, deceased, the executors were
ordered to pay Jacob Rauch the sum of
$450 with interest, amount duo on a cer
tan promissory note, signed by the de
ceased as security.
Upon the application of W, J. Rauch,
administrator of the estate of Anderson
McKinney, deceased, it was ordered
that Edward Miller, Sam Miller and
Henry Brush be appointed appraisers of
It X- : - 11,.- T) 1 1 1? 4 .... I IV WMPIfc rt vUbW Mr..
JVC'S Kl-riiB, ..UI1.CI uiauiij. j-. iu-,Tk I .r.llv. Rraitin Onlnln. Tatilpt..
.v,.i?, j Trife. Ltxillv Bromo quinine Tablet. Ail
strong, Levi Yoder, John C. Knapp. "Kgiu ntuud Uionejr If It falU to aure. 2&e
Cor. Front and Taylor Sts.,
Largest and Best Stock of... '
Agricultural Implements
...In the Northwest