Oregon Gity Goarier. A. VV. CHENEY, Publisher. OREGON CITY OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK Interesting Collection of Current Eventr In Condensed Form From Both Continents. An immense land grant hag been ob tained from Mexico by Japanese, who will shortly launch a big colonization project. The main industry will be coffee raising. Rev.' C. O. Brown, the California minister who figured in the Overman case, has been formally dropped from membership in the Chicago Congrega tional Association. The outlook in France is gloomy, and many prominent nion fear a down fall of the government may result from the recent agitation. One writer de clares that anarchy prevails in the army, the law and the streets. Dispatches from Guatemala state that anarchy reigns supreme through out the oountry, as a direct result of the assassination of President Barrios and the plotting of the leaders of vari ous factions to get into power in the republic. The house library committee has made a favorable report on the bill to appropriate $10,000 to erect a statue in Monterey, Ca! , to Commodore John D. Sloat, who, on' July 7, 1840, landed at Monterey and declared the land United States territory. A dispatch to the New York World from Havana says: General Blanco's fiasco in Eastern Cuba, the postponing of the elections, De Lome's retire ment, and the recent aotivity of the in surgents make the outlook black for autonomy and for Spain. Tho failure of the scheme of election will be proof to all nations that autonomy is dead, and the government is naturally de laying the evil hour. There is a rumor in Havana that the palace authorities have a letter written by Consul-General Lee, the contents of which are as interesting, even exciting, for Spain, as the De Lome letter to Canalejas was for tho the United States. Another report was sot afloat that Genearl Lee had resigned. This, however, is known to be untrue. A strong effort is being made to get Gen eral Lee in the same boat with De Lome. The momhers of the autonomist cabinet do not like him. There iB a general impression among the pan-Amorican diplomats in Wash ington, says a correspondent, that 'Costa Rica and Nicaragua are very iioar war. Both governments have as sumed belligerent attitudes, according to information which has reached Washington, and it is the expectation of Central Americans in Washington that President Zolaya will demand a disavowal of Costa Rioa's responsi bility in connection with the revolu tion in San Juan del Sur. Two British warships are now in Nicaraguan wa ters, and more are expected. One of these now in Nicaragua is at Corinto and the other at San Juan del Sur. Tho annual report of the civil survice commission for the fiscal year ended June 80, 1897, has been presented to the president. It begins with a state ment to Bhow that after an experience of nearly 15 years the hopes of the ad vocates of the civil service law havo lieon largely realized. In practice tho law hus proved effective in the direc tion of economy. Considering the few changes in the service under tho merit system, following the wholesalu re movals system the economy and effici ency of the one stands in striking con trast to the extravagance and ineffici ency of the other. Tho report speaks highly of the promotion system, based on the efficiency record. The Rhodo Island locomotive works of Providence, has filed a petition in insolvency. , C. S. Kellogg, aged 70, was found frozen to death near Reno, Nev., in the Silver Hill mountains. Potter Palmer, of Chicago, ia to build a mansion at Newport which will cost between $3,000,000 and $3,000, 000. Dordano, a nephew of ex-President Ducusk, of Salvador, is iueane in a San Francisco hospital. A New York Herald dispatch from Ran Juan del Sur says: Conservative refugees who have been threatening an attack on the government since their failure last September rushed through the village without the slightest warn ing and surprised tho barracks. There was one fatality on each side. Further fighting is anticipated. A force of ma rines from the U. S. battleship Alert lias been landed to protect American interests. Judge II an ford, of the federal court, sitting in Taconia, has rendered a deci sion in the case of the Tacoma Grain Company vs, the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company ami tho Great Northern railway, which is vital im portance to wheat growers of the state and shippers. The decision sustains the constitutionality of tho recently enacted railway transportation law, fixing a maximum charge for hauls within the statu. The fourth session of tho 14th parlia ment of Queen Victoria and tho Stub of the United Kingdom, was opened by the commission at 3 o'clock Tuesday after with the customary ceremonies. Previous to the reassembling of the parliament, the usual party of beef eaters, accompanied by number of officials and headed by the chief of po lice, made tho customary search tot imitators of Guy Fawkes, formally as certaining that the vaults of the house of parliament did not contain anything inimical to tho safety of its members. A TERRIBLE DISASTER. Reported Long of the Steamship Clara Nevada Sixty Lives at Stake. Nanaimo, B. C, Feb. 10. News ar rived here from Union at 5:30 o'clock this evening by the Canadian Pacifio Navigation steamer Islander, that the fine steel steamer Clara Nevada, which sailed for Skagway from Seattle two weeks ago, was lost with all on board. The details of information received are as follows: The Clara Nevada left Skagway for Juneau on her home trip, February 5, and, when off Seward City, in Berner bay, about 80 miles south of Skagway, she was seen by the inhabitants of Sew ard City, all ablaze, and from stem to stern was one mass of hungry flames. While the long wharf at Berner bay was crowded with spectators of the awful scene, a loud report was heard, which resembled the explosion of boil ers, and nothing more was seen of the ill-fated steamer. The following day the beach was strewn with wreckage, which ies-mbled that of the Clara Nevada. It is feared the unfortunate 40 passengers and the entire crew are lost, as no trace could be found of them along the beach of Berner bay. The sea was rough, and a furious gale was blowing. It is thought she was trying to make Berner bay for shelter. This is the first trip of the Clara Nevada, and she was due to leave Seattle last Saturday on her second trip, with all the berths sold. The steamer Kustler had left for the scene, but no report from her iB obtain able. The Islander reports terrible weather at Skagway and long the coast. The Steamer's Officers. Seattle, Wash., Feb. 16. In the ab sence of contrary news, the report of the 'wreck of the Clara Nevada is credited in this city. The Clara Ne vada waB commanded by Captain C. II. Lewis, and her crew consisted of 28 men. The officers are: Pilot, Ed Kelly; first officer, Smith; engineer, David Reed; purser, Forster Beck; steward, O'Donnell, und freight clerk George Rogers. It cannot be ascertained how many passengers the Clara Nevada had aboard, as no report lias been received of the number who took passage at Skagway and other Alaskan ports. Tho Nevada was formerly the Hasaler, which was built at Camden, N. J., in 1872 for the United States coast and geodetic survey service. Last summer she was condemned by the government for the reason that she was out of date, and sold to the Pacific & Alaska Transportation Company, who had her thoroughly overhauled before placing her on the Alaska run. She was con sidered perfectly seaworthy. REPORTS CALLED FOR. Morgan Desires Full Information Re. gariling Cuban Matter. Washington, Feb. 16. During the short open session of the senate today two phases of the Cuban question were adverted to briefly. The amendment of Allen to the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill recognizing the bel ligerency of Cuba was reportod ad versely by the foreign relations com mittee, not, as Morgan explained, on the merits of the amendment, but be cause the committee did not approve of tacking such legislation to appropria tion bills. Morgan's restriction calling upon tho president for the reports of United States consuls in Cuba and for in for illation as to whether any agent of the autonomous government in Cuba hail been accredited to this government and recognized by it, was adopted without dissent. A feature of the ses sion was a speech in advocacy of tin free coinage of standard silver dollara by Allen. During the remainder of the afternoon the senate was in ex ecutive session. Considerable excitement was caused among tho momhers of the house today by tho rumor broadly circulated beforo the house convened that important ac tion relative to Cuba was to be taken. It turned out to be simply a resolution of inquiry unanimously reported by the foreign affairs committee last week calling on the state department for in formation as to the condition of tho concentrados in Cuba and the progress made in Spaiy's effort to induce the Cubans to accept autonomy. Tho reso lution was adopted without division. Another resolution was adopted calling for the correspondence relating to the exclusion of our fruits, beef and horses from Germany. The remainder of tho day w as deovted to District of Columbia business. STRIFE IN GUATEMALA. Anarchy Kelgus Supreme In That I.ltlle Country. Now York, Feb. 10. Dispatches from the Herald correspondent in Guatemala states that anarchy reigns supremo throughout the couutiy, as a direct result of the assassination of President Barrios und the plotting of leaders of various factions to get into power in the republic. General Mendizabela, who was called by the military to assume the presidency, is now ni'irching oil the capital, Guatemala City, with a force of troops. Besides tho military, Gen eral Mendizabela has influential lead ers, such as General Nujora, behind him. General Prospero Morales, who with General Fuontos was at the head of the revolution in September, has been called to Guatemala City by President Cabrera to take a position in the new cabinet. General Morales has been in the City of Mexico. Reports received here state that General Morales, accom panied by a party of friends, has started for Guatemala. Glasgow, Feb. 16. The British gov ernment has invited tenders for four armorej cruisers of 21,000 iiorsr)oiv aud about 14,000 tons displacement, TIIROUGIITOLEWISTON O. R. & N. Said to Be Ready to Extend Its Line IT SNAKE RIVER FROM WALLULA Burlington Party Surveying a Eonte Through Lo Lo Fags Are Heading for the Coast. Lewiston, Idaho, Feb. 15. J. Alex ander, a prominent merchant, today received a telegram from a high rail road source that the O. R. & N. would immediately commence operations on an extension of its railroad line to Lewiston. It has been understood to be the boast of the O. R. & N. that when the Northern Pacific entered this field the former company would show a bitter competition, and the information received today is the general subject of discussion on the streets. The oom pany will probably extend the line from Wallula up the Snake river val ley, tapping tho grain territory of the high lands by chutos, as several sur veys by that route have already been made. By that route the road would run on the north side of the Snake riv er and cross the Clearwater river to Lewiston. Discussion of the matter has de veloped the fact that two weekB ago a party of Burlington surveyors left Uniontown for the Pierce City country to work on the western approach to the Lo Lo pass. This company has had a Burvey party working on the Montana side for some time past, but recently returned to Billings, owing to heavy snows. It is stated that they will re sume work April 1, and will join a party from this side on tho Lo Lo trail some time during the coming summer, completing the survey. Billings is now the western terminus of the Burling ton, and it is generally understood to bo the policy of the oompany to push the lino to the ooast as soon as the most practicable and direct route could be determined. The attention given Lo Lo pass by the company recently seems to give substantial support to the belief that that route has been accepted, in which event the road will penetrate the Pierce City mining region and drop down into the Clearwater valley, and by" way of Lewiston proceed to Port land, through tho Columhia basin, making the shortest transcontinental route to the coast by 86 hours. RELIEF FOR WHALERS. News Received From Expedition of the Hear. Seattle, Fob. 15. News was re ceived here today from the expedition sont by the government last November on the revenue cutter Bear to relieve the. whaling fleet, imprisoned in the Arctic region. The news was brought by the steam schooner Lakme, which loft Dutoh harbor, Alaska, Fobrilary 8. The overland expedition, in charge of Lieutenant Jarvis, left the Bear Decem ber 16, for Tunnorok, a native village north of Cape Vancouver, and the Bear returned to Dutch harbor, where' she went into winter quarters. The over land expedition, consisting of Lieuten ant Jarvis, Lieutenant Betliolff, Sur geon Coll and F. Koltchof, the guide, expected to proceed to St. Michaels, which place they would reach in about 10 days after leaving the Bear. From St. Michaels, the overland expedition will go to Toller station, where rein deer will be procured with which to make the trip to Point Barrow. Oh . account of the ice, tho Boar was only able to get within 60 miles of Sledge island, where it was originally intend ed to land tho overland expedition. The Bear made the trip from Seattle to Unalaska in 10 days, including a de lay of 20 hours about 800 miles out, caused by a severe stoim. No special incident attended the run to where tho overland expedition was lauded. The Lakme also brings news that the bark Coloma, which left Tacoma December 20, with lumber for Dutoh harbor, had not reachod her dostina tion, and it is feared that she is lost. The cutter Bear was preparing to go in soaroh of the Coloma. Just before the Lakme left, a man named Coley from Montana reported having discovered rich gold quartz in the vicinity of Dutoh harbor. Noxt spring, as soon as it is possible to get through the ice, Captain Tuttlo, of the Bear, will start for Point Bar row, which place ho expects to reach about July. The point where the over land expedition was landed is 240 miles south of St. Michaels, and 1,440 nau tical miles from Point Barrow. Yititita Itay Project. AVashingtou, Feb. 15. Acting Sec retary Moiklejohn today approved the project for the improvement of Yuquina bay, Oregon, and instructions have been telegraphed to Lieutenant Potter, of the engineer office at Portland, in chargo of the district, to immediately begin preparation for the detailed plans and specifications which will be advertised as soon as possible. The appropriation of $25,000 already made is entirely inadequate for the work, which will cost about 1, 000,000 alto gether, and further estimates will be submitted, but meantime, the contracts will be entered into. Fast Ituu on Hanta Fe. Topeka, Feb. 15. The Santa Fo made another remarkable run on its Western division yesterday, eclipsing its former records by several minutes. Train No. 4, the Santa Fe's California limited, covered the distance from La Junta, Colo., to Dodge City, Kau., 202 miles iu 3 hours and 44 minutes. De ducting 10 minutes for slow-downs, taking water, etc., the actual speed was 60.7 miles per hour. This is faster than the Empire State express runs be tween New York and Buffalo. SPAIN MUST DISAVOW IT. Formal Repudiation of the De Lome Letter Requested at Madrid. New York, Feb. 16. A special to the Herald from Washington says: The De Lome incident is still unset tled. The cipher dispatoh received from Minister Woodford was not satiB fsctory. It was taken to the president by Assistant Secretary Day, and after a short conference between them Mr. Day sent another telegram to Minister Woodford. Officially nothing will be said about these two com'munications, further than that the incident is not yet entirely closed. It is said that Minister Woodford's cable was a report of his interview with the Spanish minister of foreign affairs, which showed that no direct disclaimer had been made by Spain of that feature of the De Lome letter which has been interpreted to indicate the insincerity of the Spanish govern ment in the matter of autonomy and in the negotiations for a commercial treaty. Absence of such disclaimer is not entirely satisfactory to the presi dent. Accordingly Minister Woodford has been given further instructions on the subject. Without making any express de mand for a disavowal, Minister Wood ford is requested by his new instruc tions to impress upon the Madrid au thorities tho importance to all con cerned of some distinct repudiation of Senor de Lome's declarations, which the president can believe correctly represents the position of the Spanish government. Mr. McKinley believes that when the Spanish minister of foreign affairs fully appreciates the interpretation which has been put upon Senor do Lome's letter in some quarters of the United States, ho will hasten to dis avow it. Minister Woodford has been told in a positive way that the presi dent would like to have done; in other words, that ho must use delicate di plomacy to sooure the end desired, and the president is Bincere in the belief that another interview between Minis ter Woodford and the minister of for eign affairs in Madrid will end the whole trouble. As far as that feature of the case, the De Lome letter criticising the presi dent ia concerned, the incident is closed. That was established when the state department received Senor Du Boso as charge d'affaires of the Spanish legation to succeed Senor de Lome. The other phase of the letter, the president considers, should very properly be made the subject for fur ther negotiations, in order that Spain should have an opportunity to show that Senor do Lome falsely represented her position when he made the state ment he did. Spain Will Disavow It. New York, Feb. 10. The World's Madrid correspondent describing the formal statement of regret at the cen sure of Do Lome's conduct, which he says is about to be made by Foreign Minister Gullon, says the statement will be in the form of a note in reply to a communication from ibe Ameri can government, and will set forth the substance of what the foreign minister said in an interview with United States Minister Woodford, February 10, when the latter submitted the note from the government at Washington informing the Madrid government of Senor do Lome's offense and requesting It is re call. The cabinet had supposed that tho prompt acceptance of Senor de Lome's resignation would be sufficient satisfac tion for America, the writing of the letter to Canalejas not being an official but a purely private offense. Conse quently the telegram from New York representing that the United States government expected further satisfac tion for the minister's conduct was a surprise. It has been arranged that the new Spanish minister shall arrive in Wash ington before the arrival of the dele gates form Spain, Cuba and Porto Rico, appointed to participate in thedrafitng of a commercial treaty, which Premier SagiiBta considers to be of the voiy highest importance. All rumors about the sending of Spanish ironclads and torpedo-boats to Cuban waters are premature. ' Spaniards Said to Have Opened Letters Now York, Feb. 10. It is now known on tho highest authority that the real reason for sending the torpedo boat Cushing to Havana was that the authorities have been tampering with the mail sent to the battle-ship Maine in Havana harbor, says the Washington correspondent of the Herald. This re sulted in Captain Sigsbee, of the Maine, sending a protest to Washing ton, w ith the suggestion that a regular service be established between Key WeBt ami Havana by means of torpedo boats. On the strength of this protest the Cushing was sent to Havana. Although it has been freely reported that official mail has been tampered with in the past, Secretary! Long said last night that he had received no re ports from Captain Sigsbee saying that the Spanish authorities had interfered with his letters iu any way. "The dispatch of the Cushing to Havana," he said "was in line with the department's action in sending the Maine on a friendly visit to that port and the Montgomery to Santiago de Cuba. I expect she is now on her way back to Key West." Resignation Considered Enough. Madrid, Feb. 16. The note from Minister Woodford demanded that Spain Bhould formally disavow the in sults to President McKinley contained in Senor de Lome's letter to Senor Canalejas. The cabinet council today, it is reported, decided uunanimously to reply to Minister Woodford that Senor de Lome's spontaneous resigna tion and the terms of the decree accept ing it were oonsidered sufficient. It ia understood that a long cipher tele gram was sent to Washington. TOLD TO COME HOME De Lome Recalled b,y, Span ish Cabinet and Queen. HIS SUCCESSOR NOT YET CHOSEN The ex-Mlnlster PachlnR-His Trunk for an Early Departure Admits Writing the Letter. Madrid, Feb. 14. At a meeting of the Spanish cabinet, held today, un der the presidency of the queen-regent, the minister of foreign affairs read a dispatch from Senor Dupuy de Lome, saying that the published letter to Senor Canalejas was written by him, and tendering his resignation. The cabinet decided to accept his resigna tion, and he was so notified, the lega tion to be entrusted to the first secre tary. , Senor Sagasta, the premier, and other members of the cabinet, state publicly that the De Lome incident will not affect the relations between Spain and the United States, and that a new envoy competent to conduct the commercial negotiations will be se lected. Regard! Himself as a Private Citizen, Washington, Feb. 14. The state de prtment this morning gave out for pub lication the substanoe of tho cablegram sent Saturday to our minister at Madrid in referenoe to the De Lome letter. The statement was as follows: 1'here has appeared in the publio prints a letter addressed by the Span ish minister to Mr. Canelajas. This letter the minister admits was written by him. It contains expressions con cerning the president of the United States of such a character as to termi nate the minister's usefulness as a rep resentative of the government to this oountry. General Woodford, therefore, was instructed at once to say to the minister of state that the immediate recall of De Lome is expected by the president. It is stated that up to this time no response has been received from the Spanish government. Up to 10 o'clock de Lome had not re ceived from the Spanish government an aceptance of his resignation, but it is believed it will soon be given, and the minister's official connection with the government as Spanish representative to the termination without the neces sity of action by this government by giving the minister his passpoits. De Lome regards himself now as a private citizen, although technically still the Spanish representative. De Lome Anxious to Go. New York, Feb. 14. Diplomatio relations between the United States and Spain through Minister de Lome are at an end, and correspondence will be oonduoted exclusively through Min ister Woodford in Madrid until Spain Bonds a new minister to Washington, or designates a charge d'affaires, says the Herald's Washington correspond ent. Minister de Lome has cablod his res ignation to his government. Assistant Secretary of State Day admitted that this was truo, by saying that Minister de Lome did not deny tho authenticity of the lotter to Canelejas, and by stat ing that a cablegram bad been sent to Minister Woodford in Madrid, the con tents of which would not be made pub lic until it had reached its destination. While no official statement will be made as to the contents of this cable gram until its substance has been com municated to the Spanish minister of foreign affairs, it informs Minister Woodford of the publication of the let tor, says that Do Lome does not deny its authenticity, and directs him to suggest to the Spanish foreign office that Da Lome cannot be regarded as persona grata and to suggest that another minister be sent to Washing ton. While naturally regretting the un pleasant incident which has terminated his diplomatic caroer in Washington, Minister de Lome will not regret being relieved of the onerous duties which have developed upon him as the Span ish representative here during the insur rection in Cuba. As soon as he learned that the letter had been obtained by the junta he realized that its publica tion would make his official stay in Washington ns Spanish minister impos sible, and he immediately cabled his government the facts and tendered his resignation. When the lotter appeared he again cabled to his government, stating that the lotter had been pub lished and reiterating his wish to be relieved. This is not the first time that De Lome has placed his resignation at the disposal of the Sagasta ministry. When Senor Sagasta came into power, the minister being of the opposing party in Spain, tendered his resigna tion, and he has offered his resignation again in all on five separate occasions since that time. He lias been retained by Senor Sagasta, however, on account of his intimate knowledge of the Cuban question and of the situation in the United States. Holland Dogs for Alaska. Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 14. Thirty dogs direct from Holland were shipped to Alaska today on the bark Shirley. Japan Refused More Time. London, Feb. 14. The Peking cor respondent of the Times says: The Japanese minister, Curino, regretfully intimates to the tsung-li-yamen the inability of his government, in regard to the obligations contracted by Japan, to grant an extension of the time for payment of the war indemnity. Though no official statement has been issued, the negotiations for a loan from British sources are regarded as having failed. SPAIN SUES FOR PEACE. Negotiations Have Been Opened With the Insurgents. Havana, via Key West, Feb. 15. It was resolved at a meeting of the cabi net, to open negotiations with the in surgents in the belief that the resolu tion could not be suppressed by force of arms. Anticipating that the insur gents would not accept the new terms, it was resolved that the colonial gov ernment woald open negotiations, thus saving the Madrid government from the responsibility. The following propositions were formally tendered to the insurgents: "First The volunteers will be dis solved and a Cuban militia formed. "Second The insurgent colonels and generals will be recognizod. "Third Cuba will be called on to pay only $100,000,000 out of thefOOO, 000,000 indebtedness due for both wars. "Fourth Cuba will pay $2,000,000 a year for the crown list. "Fifth Cuba will make her own treaties without interference by the Madrid government. "Sixth Spanish products will have a 10 per cent margin of protection over similar products from other countries. "Seventh No exiles or . deportations will be made, even in war time, to Spain, Africa or penal settlements elsewhere. "Eighth Death sentences for re bellion shall be abolished. "Ninth Martial law cannot be or dered by the captain-general without the assent of both the house and son ate, if those bodies are in session, or without the assent of a majority of the cabinet, if the house and senate are not in session. "Tenth The archbishop of Santi sgo de Cuba shall always he a native Cuban- "Eleventh The actual insurgent party shall have three seats in the first cabinet "Twelfth An armistice of 15 days shall be granted for the discussion of the terms of peace." These terms are accepted by the autonomist party in full, with the ex ception of Senors Galvez, Montero Zayas and Delonte. A GENERAL WALK-OUT. Textile Workers In New England Vote to Strike. Boston, Feb. 15. At a meeting in this city of 55 representatives of textile unions in New England, it was unani mously voted to recommend that all unions call out the operatives in every cotton mill in New England. The resolution was practically the outcome of the recommendation which President Gompers made to the Feder ation of Labor last Sunday, in which he urged the different unions to unite on some settled policy on the mill situ ation in New England. At the meet ing, a committee of four was named to take oharge of the matter, and after a conference, this committee recom mended that a general meeting be held to take definite action. Today, the representatives of the various national textile associations assembled and for four hours discussed the situation from every standpoint. The primary object of the meeting w.as to devise some methods of rendering assistance to the New Bedford strikers. It was pointed out that if the strikers at New Bedtord could hold out for four weeks without receiving more than. 20 cents per operative per week in tho way of outside assistance, other mill operatives could stand a similar strain, and that if all went out it would pre cipitate a crisis that would have to be met within a short time by the manu facturers. It was also shown that the mule spinners were in excellent condi tion, as regards funds; that the United Textile Workers and the New England Federation of Weavers were in good shape, but that the rest were short of funds. The resolutions were discussed, and at length the matter was put to a vote, one being registered against the motion. The different unions voted to order a strike in every mill until the adjustment of wages could be arranged. It now remains for the unions-to take action, but what this action will be is a matter of conjecture. If all should acquiesce and vote to strike, 47,000 operatives would undoubtedly cease work, and the manufacture of cotton goods throughout Now England would be at a standstill. If, on the other hand, only a few unions should vote to strike, the refusal of the others would still keep a large portion of the mills in operation. Inasmuch, however, as the meeting was the outcome of Gomper's sugges tion, and as he admonished the mem bers of the Federation of Labor to join hands and assist the New Bedford strikers, it seems probable that nearly every union will carry out the recom mendations and that one of the greatest strikes ever seen in this country is im pending. Crime of a Jealous Husband. Ogden, Utah, Feb. 15. Last night Jack Douglass, of Ogden, shot and in stantly killed his wife Emily, at Hunts ville, in Ogden valley. He then turned the gun on himself and tried three times to end his own life, but without sucoess. Tho action was the result of jealous rage. Moline, 111., Feb. 15. The Audi torium opera-house, with its content was destroyed by fire this evening. Adjoining store buildings also suffered from fire and water. The total loss is estimated at $80,000. The flames cut off egress from the Auditorium, and there were several thrilling rescues by ropes and ladders. The building con tained the large plant of the Porter Printing Company, Electrio laundry, Commercial heating plant, etc. Arnold's "Funmakers" troupe lost their entire outfit. The loss is covered by insurance. Half a dozen persona who were in the building narrowly escaped death ' ' ' :