HOW TOJIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with uine and let it sta nd twenty-four hours ; rsediuient or settling indicates an un aealtliy condition of the kidneys. When hrine slains linen it isevidence of kidney urouhle. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in ths back, is alno convincing proof that the kidneys and b adder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the hack, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scnldhtg pain is passing it, or bad e fled 8 following use ot li(;uir, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to gut up many times during ihn night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effects of Swamp Hoot is soon realized. It stands the highest tor its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold hv druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample hottln and Dainnhlet both sent free by mail. Mention Ohboon City Ciumiiu and send your address to' Dr. Kilmer & Co , ISinghamtou, N Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Npciallj'. Wilson 4 Cooke's Old Stnntl OUKUON CITY, OUKUON. JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House -Painting And Kalsomi p. ' Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street, OreKon City, Oregon. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Holton imlry and le CtmvnceiiV W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stable Cor. Main and 4U1 St. OREGON CITY, OREGON fflT-"Job Printing at the iHv Coiriar OIHce. DR. KESSLER, This old one armed ipcclnllst, of Ht. Louis, well known ly Ills Ion residence aiul Kite pemtiillv prattles 111 till" city, conlliiun l) micccKfuliy treat all kinds of clironlo and prlviile il milium FREE TREATMENT ffXTOM vvcry iillornuou ni nnn I ITT! firm! pisenaes. Sores, Simla, D1A1ULI IU1U 0IY1H 1M m pies, Si'indilu, Sypli- line J 11 1 11 ih. Tumor. Tetter, fcenetini mill Mlnr Impiirllli's of the blond thoroiiKlil.v rnili'iiti il, lenvliiK the system In a Hr.ini;, pure mid lienltlilul stale. RHEUMATISM r.S:!,,r pri'M'iiU'd to lir. Keswler by a (rlcnil In llerlln. It litis never (ailed, flin CflDrQ t'lcer, Cancer, etc., trenVil, no UL1J IjUllUIJ diiri'ieiue how loins uirccti'd. KIDHKY AMD ITUINART COMPLAINTS. piiinllil, illllli'llll , Ion ll'cipli'llt, milky ul' limn .V urine, nii'iinnd ilit.'lnirni'M, eareiiilly tivtttiat, 1'ili'B, riii-uiiitliii niul neiirulvlH treiiiiil by our new remeUe. 'I'm lie 11 el"i r liiillle nl lieiltlnto anil urliuite III Hie l.ntlli', net llsliln hiiiI I00K ul It In Hie tiiorntni!. 11 it Ik rlnuilv. OS lias A eliilhly i'l I IH'L III It. Mill Inive mnnu kidney or UaiWIi I diM'ine. TUP!.1 UrfirjTT removed In twenty-four lnmr 1(1111 HUllltl""" womiH in winnow hi oi Hit 1. 1 lo.l.i ici'l loiltl. innmilll OtmVUO We meet pernons everv D It Ii i 1 11 jMlMu ilny whose l.renihuiiell imit li it. di'KiiKium. This eonies iroiu lu In, ih o, iii tier Ihe nose or hti.iioicti Ho unit (e v inn t tit'il. It cmi he omul helnro III Itivnl hones heeoine.i Involved. rnllVfl WW If '"' troubled with nielli lUUlHl Mult emissions, cihiuntllnttili'iiihs liini'h's, hiisiiiulni'ss, avers on to soel' iy .lupidiH'ss. ili'upondeney, loss of eniTiiy, tint huh. ii aiul si'li-i'imllden'ee, wlilolt ib U'i v ynt I your uinnliood nutl nhsoiulely u nlit "l loi siinlv. business or nim'i lm;o II yml nit Hi i- mil i lrd Mm Mitiy know the ciiiu i'i a ul '. r.'iiti'd. lUnniP Unrn 11,1 I'M there rn IIiiiiimoiiI illirULfj-M1LU lUIi 11 ot you inmblc.l ,ili hi . k, in iiniti Iiui'Uk hiiiI kidneys; lii'iiii'iil I'liluiiil iiiliiiillon and m'lllnicnl in ii'lne; Ini l-oii'iii'V or weakness ot sexual oriian", and ii In r uninlstiikiihle Nluus of nervous debt! mi, I i leiouiure deenv. Many die ot II, i dutifully, iitiiornut nt I ho finite. The inoM I ohs, Inaie eases ul this character treated. 1 npiirilPP diseases. Oleet, Gonorrhea, In. i 1 nil 11 lb IIhiiibIIoii. lMsehaiines, Miiclttiv. its of Orpins, Kyphllls, Hydrocele Vuricovele and klmlreu trouble treated. Consultation Free to All. Oith-k Hours: From 9 A. M. to 8 T. M. Call or tiddress J. Henri Kessler Al. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, . i I. 8301 VAMHILL STREET, POHTLAND, .... OUKUON. ADDRESS TO SILVER REPL'B LICANS. At a meeting of the State Central Committee of the Silver Republican party of Oregon held in Portland Jan. 7th, 1808, the following address was issued: Believing it has never been the in tention of (he common voters of the republican party to lend that great or ganization to purposes of evil, and that the true followers of Abraham Lincoln will be as quick to correct errors of their own as to rebuke wrongs of others, we invite the careful con sideration of republicans to the present political position of our country. The money power, although thwarted in one of its vile efforts, by President Jackson, ruined for a time the great democratic party of the United States, by fraudleutly dividing its forces, and leading its greatest wing to champion the cause of human slavery. The same power of greed ever seeking its own advantages, has succeeded In di viding the republican party and cap turing its organization, which it now proposes to use as the engine of a finan cial scheme against the people of this country, that has already brought woe and must end in industrial slavery. True to the traditions of the old party, and the principles of Lincoln, the silver republicans of the United States have kept the doors of the old home open, that all who will, may assist In niukinir, greater the great day that shall wrest the old party from the hands of its despoilers. We ask you to consider: Silver is a money of the constitution, was attacked by hostile legislation, aud is entitled to free and unlimited coin age, as you declared in your State plat form in 1SD0 as follows : "Both gold and silver were equally the money of the constitution from the bHRin- IHHK of Ihe repuhlio uutll the hosule leum lution auaiiiHt silver, which unduly con tracted the circulating medium of the country, and, reei Kii'ziiiK that the great iutei eat of the people demand more mon ey for ute in the channels of trade and commerce, tl erefore, we declare ourselves In favor of the free and unlimited coinage of biiver, ttnd denounce ai.y attempt to dierriinlnate euainut silver un unwise and unjust," The party or power that attacks the Mintage rights of silver is guilty of a violation of the constitution, as has been declared by the princes of American statesmen. Daniel Webster said : "I am clearly of the opiuion that neither congress or any other authority can legally demonetize either gold or sliver, It one coin can lie dethroned h money, then the other one can be, and thus the constitution can be overihiown.. The command to congress Is to coin money, not to destroy it, to create legal tender money for the use of the people, and the grant of authority to create mon ey cannot be construed to mean authority to destroy money." James G, Rlalne, says: "I believe gold or silver to be the money of the constitution, indeed, the money of the American people, anterior to the con stitution, which the great organio law rec tiguizst as independent of its own exis tence. No power was conferred con con gress to UecUre either metal should not be monev. Congress has therefore, in my judgment, 1.0 power to denionet'zt silver any more than tn demonetize gold." Silver is a standard money of our country, and its use as such with gold is a tradition of the republican party. We, as a harmonious party, declared In our national platform of 18'J2, as follows : " The American people from tradition and inteieat favor bi-metallisiu, a ul the republican prty demand the use f bo h gold and silver as standard money." Ihe demonetization of silver fc wrong, and the republican party In its national platform of 1HS8 condemned efforts of Pestilent Cleveland's ad ministration to demonetize, as follows: "The republican party is In favor of the use of both gold end silver as money, and condemns the policy of ttie deuiocruiic administration iu its efforts tn demonetize silver." President MiKinley, on Feb. 12th, 18111 as a member of congress, iu the House, said : ' "During all of Grover Cleveland's yeors at the hed i f il e government he was dis honoring one of our precious n etnl, one of our own g'e-it product, discrediting ver anil el hai'cil g the price ot gold. lie ei.deavoif d, even belcie his ii hi niraiini' to t Hire, in iii lb coinage of silvnr lol Ian, wiirl fierHids and to the end ol his rtOii,li'i' peisis'ei.tly used hi w i to that etui. Mm whs tlelerihlliMl to t in. tiaet the circulating medium end demon. tiz oi e of the coin of commerce, lio.i ti e vi liinte of money among In people, make money scarce hd ti emfote ilw,.i' II would have Increase I the v,.lm ol nioiity and ilimliiiaimil Ihe vilim ol everything else, mouev ih uiisler, every tlili g else the ierv ti t." Ynii win essed, in thelasU'ampaig'i, Ihe most etuel coercion of the laboiiitv; vote by the n oney changers in clmiro of the old arty; u ctieiclon Unit put the lives 01' wives mid children id I stnke, by a threatened wilhtli'.iw nl ul ! employment If the voierdid not foiv-1 gi his own opinion and vote the sen-1 tinu'hts of his employers. This run not be Lincoln Uepulilieanism. You have witnessed the unblushing repudiation of llieir promises to strive never promised what it did not fulft :; You cannot expect to get the Via party back through the aid of the power that despoils it; you cannot ex pect a mere combine of greed to save its fair name from the infamy that al ways attache.) to the agency of sel fishness, disloyalty and coercion. A political combination that would take from the government it pretend ed to serve, the right to issue its own currency, and give it to a few bankers, largely controlled by foreign money changers, could be purchased by other aggregations of capital to commit oth er violation of the constitution. Their promises to the farmers would have been alss wholly disappointing, were it not for the failure of the crops in other great wheat producing coun tries, and the gaunt famine that fol lowed. You have observed one year of the present administration, and muBt be satisfied that we are having Clevelaud Ism under the present administration, as we had Shermanism under Carlisle. The same unpitiiotic power that made President Cleveland a traitor to the great party that honored him, has continued its un-American regime in the person of another man, whom it will not permit-to refer to his former votes, epeeehes and writings for free coinage when be was a salaried ser vant of the nation in one of its higln st trusts. There is 110 perceptible dif ference bet ween Cleveland democracy and MeKinUy republicanism to far as bi-metalism is concerned. While we would gladly welcome In ternational bimetallism, the attitude of the present administration In aban doning its platform mid lis commis sion apposnled thereunder, and iu avowedly attempting to fasten the Gage gold standard permanently upon the country, makes it clear that it Is opposed to bi-metallism from any source. The battle is not that of republican ism against populism or democracy; it Is the unrelenting and cruel war of selfish, disloyal greed against all these. The conflict is oir, and involves the peace and happiness of the people, if not the life of the nation. Let us, therefore, exhort you to come to the help of those who love true re publicanism and their country, and let us advise au ulliance and the faith ful co-operation of those who stand for their own convictions, exercise their own judgment, aud regard the power of selfish greed as a common enemy. All who favor bi-metallism are our allies. All who favor the gold stand ard are our political enemies: We are proud of the Uuited States of America, and believe in the capacity of our peo ple to establish and maintain most successfully our own system of money. We believe in the more perfect inde pendence of this people. We believe iu that plank of our platform adopted unanimously by the republican slate convention of 1890, to which we have called your attention, and confidently look forward to the glad day when we shall again espouse its principles, an undivided party seeking tlu wel fare of the nation aud the prosperity of its people. C. W. TALMAGE, Chairman. C. M. DONALDSON, Hecretary. City, to elect delegates to the s'ale con-1 vention. Another convention will be called to make county nominations, the convention to meet after the state con vention. This decision vtas made by a vote of H to 7. The populist vote on congressman was taken as the basis of representation, and one delegate allowed for each twenty votes, one for each maj'ority fraction and one delegate at large for each pre cinct. This will make a convention of about 155 delegates. The primaries were called for Satur day, March 12. From one o'clock p. in to four O'clock p. m. was the hour recom mended for holding the primaries out side of Oregon City. The next order of business was the resignation of Chairman U'Ren. Mr. U'Ren said the Referendum resolution on the union question passed by the committee had removed all question of fusion as a reason of resigning, but posi tively insisted upon the unanimous ac ceptance of his resignation, saying he believed he could do more effective work for the principles and the party in the ranks for the present, but expressing his willingness to serve the committee and the party iu the future as in the past. After some discussion the committee ac cepted Mr. U'Ren's resignation, and tendered hiuTa vote of thanks for his faithful anil ellicient service. Messrs. Henry Thiessen, of Milwankie, and Mr. Cooper, dep' county clerk, were nominated for county chairman. Mr. Thiessen was elected and on Mr. Cooper's motion his election was made unani mous. The next meeting of the county cen tral committee was called for March 19 to meet directly after the county convention. urn iyegetablcPreparattonfor As similating thelood andRcg ula ting the Stomachs and Bowels of SEE CENTRAL COMMITTEE. Y. H. C. A. Notes. The first in a series of plain talks to men will be given by Rev. Harold Obeig at 4 o'clock next Sunday afternoon in the Y. M. C. A. rooms. 1 1 is topic will be "Bottled Traps." AU men are cor dially invited. The ladies' auxiliary, employes of the woolen mills and members of the association will hold high carnival in the rooms on Saturday night of this week. Music, games and refreshments will be the order. Ten cents admission will pay expenses. . .- Ella Paulina Coe, wife of E. A. Coe, died at her home at Damascus on Feb ruary 2nd, of acute meningitis. She leaves a husband and four children. The remains were interred in the Damascus cemetery on Thursday. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remain ing uncalled for in the Oregon City post office, February 8, 1898: CIENTS' LIST. Farce, E M Newman, Jno "G.B." Kakel. Ed Lenon, E W Read, Jos Mitchell, Wm Schmitt, Jos ladies' list. Albin. A M Lactov, Melissa llurk, E M.itthiews, Mrs N T Hill. S Swa es. Carrie John, Jessie Williams, Mrs Bill PACKAGES. Wegtnann, Einil Mellim, Edith In odlini for the above letters Buy "advertised." J.J.Cookb Acting P. M Kverylmtly Says So. Cnscaiets Oamlv Cathartic, the most W'.indi rul medical discovery of the age, pleiisimt. and refreshing to the tasle, act Kent I ' and positively on kidneys, liver i ml linnets, elf ansnigtheenliresystem, lis pel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation anil biliousness. Please buv and try a box nf 0. C. C. to- lay ; 10,2), 50 cents. Sold and guaran teed to cure hv "11 'Inniris's Chairman U'Ren's Resignation cepted. Resolutions Passed. Ac- School Report. The County Central Committee meet ing last Saturday wits one of the most effective and lnirinonioiis in the history of our party in Clackamas county. The most important business trans acted was the unanimous adoption of the following resolution, the honor of in trodiuiiiu which was solicited by Mr. U'Ren: "Resolved, by the peoples patty county central coinmitte of Clackamas county, Oieiion, that a Referendum elec tion be held at the peoples parly prima ries in this county, on March l'.'th, lliVS, and tlte members of the peoples party ho requested to vote on lite Pillowing q lesliou : Are von in favor of a union of populists, (fee s K'i r f einoci ais iiiul tree silvei ie p'lbliciins in llns state on one stale licktt, providing Millsltu toiy arrangements e.ui Im m.iile I humph conference coiiimiti'ccs appointed hv loiMlatly elected il. Icciite t. ...J ' . 1 , li,l,, I' i n, not lHIIVOHIillli', l '' ' J'"' .' " " . i i i i p.,,. i,. ii mi ,!.. i,l,ii. i have s h spen"c I U"?n uiiiii nit t ui i" " , i n . . . i , , form. 1. For li Initiative and Uefeicniliim sis'eni of law iiiukinc in its op form and the submission by ivntr -s. of all important national ipies; for en advisory vote of Ihe people, until such lime as the initio nil com-ti: nl ion shall have been aincinled s i as lo pruvide for Direct Legislation. 2. For the independent free coitueje of thiMjholh gold and silver at tin-ration ol hi Report of school district No. 10 Number days taught 79, days utton lance 4.'18, davs absence 25, times tardy 12 visitors during term 42. Wm. Hayiiimst, Teacher. PromotesDigcstion.ChecTful ncss andRcst.Contains ncitiicr Opiura.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. THAT THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE feae ofOldllrSAMUELPnUmi Powpfitn Sad' sllx.ScAiia ' toJulle SalJ -AnistSced. Jti QuiouHtSatU, ' (Urn See J -Clarifiid Sugitr . itoiywi t'tann Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion, sour aiouiat-it.Lnmiouta Worms .Convulsions.Fevcrish ness and Loss OF SLEE't. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. t OF I ICs I m EXACT COPr OT WRAPPEB. IS ON THE WRAPPER CP EVERY BOTTIjE of Caatorla la pot tj ii cio-sbs lottloa only. It is not sold ia balk. Eo-t allow anyona to toll you anything clco on the plot or promise tbat It is " just as good" and "will answer every pnr pose." S- See that you get 0-A-S-T-O-E-I-A. of ' 'vwi mappir.. 1 (Incnte Yimr HiiwIh With Cnscarets Ci ndy Cathartic, cure constipation oever. 10c, 25u. Ii C. O.O. fail, drug , i ts refund nimw UXATIVE BROttO QUININE TABLETS .Move the b nvels gently, relieves the CouRh cures the feverHi condition and HcndiK.'l6 making It the heat ttrnl quickest remetiy mr Coughs, Oolrts, and La Orlppe. Cures la one dty. No cure, no pay. P'lce2."o See What We Give for Only 13 Cents rake Notice. Vou nre riven a choice ot one ol the following articlei and The Home three months forouiv luceuts. nom Lasie a imugiuer bv Charlotte M'. liraemn; liook of 150 piigos on C.itwlieting and Knittiiut; or a Stamping ottllit ul (ill patterns many now designs, including cen- lerpieee&. nnint's, etc. '1 he exceilfttt storteR, lor wmcn me nome iw nrted, will lie ('untitled; llio Fashion and hancy W.irk depRrtin ins will be kopt up to a nig'i standard. K itu Sanborn will common her bright "On-Haiirt Talks," mid every one ot me nnm runs Dep.irtm iiln will he inreased and mnile br'ei'tt r. Illustrate' frciuinm hlit, or onllH foreonvass lug sent fiee. U1K IK ME ITU. CO. IU Mil St., Boston, Miisf. isch in Little Is especially true of Hood's Tills, for co medi cine ever contained so great curative power In so small space. Tliey are a whole medlclue For ( v ir f iftv Years AnOi.dano Vk!.i,-Tiui:i Kkmedy Mrs. VVin.slow's Soothing Syrno has heeii u"ed lor over fifty veitrs liv m'l lions of mother- for their children while teethint!, with perfect success It sotitlii h the child, softens the iruins iillsys all pain cines w ind colic, and is the hest leinedv for lliarrl (EH. In plcasnnt to the teste. Sold by l ru .'gi-18 tneveiv purl of ll,u Woild. lemv live cents h Imttl'. lis value in in ch It'll I 'i I !e He sure niol kI for Mrs W'nmow's Soothini; Syrup, and tul-e tn oilier kind chest, always ready, al ways efficient, always sat isfactory; prevent a cold or fever, cure all liver Ills, sick headache, jaundice, constipation, etc. 25c. XUeonly Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pills SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Mary F. Morris, Plaintiff, vs. Frank F. Morris, Defendant. To Frank F. Morris: TN THE KAMK OF THE STATE OK ORftOON Jt you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled Court on or before Monday, the ISth day of April, 18!, the same being the first day of the rext regular term of the above en titled Court following this publication and If you fail to so appear the plainlitf will apply to the Court fur ttie relief demanded in the com plaint to wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds nf matrimony existing between yourself and the the plaintiff and for such other and further re- liet as tenmiy may seem meet. This summons is published by order of Hon. T. A. Mcllride. judge of the above entitled Court, on the U-lth day of Junimry, Wis, at Oregon City, Oregon. K. H. WILlsUH, Attorney for the Plaintiff, bated, Tuesday, February 1, lsiia. SHERIFF'S SALE. IntheCirouit Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. hail Lyons, Plaintiff, vs. M. H. Klannagnn; Kate Flauintgan, Clara Fields, trustee, Clara E. Slorey and Charles Logos, administrators of the estate nf Julius Logos, deceased, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIKTUK OF A .Itll'liMKNT OKDER, DE crue and an execution, duly issued cut of and under the seal of tne above entitled court, In the above entitled cause, lo me duly directed and dattd Ihe l!7lh day of January, lulls, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the Llth day of January, lSI'S, in favor of Dan Lyons, pluinillf, aud against M. H. Flanna guii,Kiite l'ia::iiagaii, Clara rields, trustee, Clara Ii Mnruy and Clmrles Logos, adininistratorsofthe inlate of Julius Lupus, deceased, delendBiils, for the sum of tiSU.0O, with interest thereon at the rale ol 10 per cent, per annum ftom the 13th day of January. Wis, and the further sum of tiOOO as attorney's fee, and the further sum of iflS.Oii, costs and ilisliursi'ineiitii, aud the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make stile of Hie following ili'siTibeil real prupert situate in the county "f ( lackannis. state of (ir'g"n. lo-wlt: Lot eight (H) In block lourtecn (H) in I liickamas County ndoiiion to the town m Oiegon City, said block being also known as block l'l on the Mc Laughlin plat of said Oregon City. Now, therefore by viuneef said execution, judgment order unit' decree, ami in cumpltance with the eionniands of said wtit. I will, on Satur dity, t e 'Jiiih day el February, IH' S, nl the hour of one o'cloi k p. ni at the front door of me county con. t house In the city oi Oregon City, In said county and slate, sell at public auction, subject to redi'mpiion, to the highest bidder, for U. S. goM coin, cash In hand, all the rigid, title and interest which the wiiltin mint d deleinlnnts or either of ilicm, had on the date of the mortgage herein or sinci." had in or lo Hie above described real properly or any part (hereof, tn satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing cosis. (i. W. IIRACE, Sicritf ef Clu'kioiias I'ouiity, Oregon. Dated, Oregon ( it', Or., .lanuiiry zl, 1MIS. How to LoiVi Good, (o il. 1 lool s a e n ally mor- than Hn deep depend'tif entiie'v mi a ho"l In condition "f all the vital orjani If the liver l'i ins live, voit Iw,. a biliiotiv 1' tik : if vou ot h Ii" ''o'.'.'""'. i. ii I. ; ii v'.nr k'd'ti v- Le nlii fled, J'.i ' Mil v n ineho'l look. Soi ore vood lo'lllli It 1 1 ' t y. n w ill' Sllrel' Iriv v l il looki "K'efiie IVttcis" i ,t t" o ! Alternative ted "" a 1 i I . t ! ' I'll the Htnll.'iell. h K i,l i (m -. I'uri'iesi n o 'd an, I hsn M I". vl mill V0 &3 Gambrinus Gold Storage for International bl tiietullUiii by saine am;r(xatiou of urccd, as s mil as j lo I. it. bad iilitidutder now tinder a t.l'iuiiise i S Tor the abolition of all private and so solemnly made to a nation, v. bieli i corporal bunks of i-sno and firtheii-1 It did not Intel d to iierforui. , sue of all hnu ey by lire j;etu nd uevetn- This cannot be Lincoln Kej ulilicitu-! nicnt ulone, all money so l-soicd to be a Ism. jftill lonl tender for all debts, public You lmtl'd tlielf promises tbat all ; and pi'rsnle. Yi s. No. shmild liave i inplo nietit id iiiereased This resolution was discussed a! some wanes, and now see tbat the trusts l,o,Lth. the veulimeut of ihn.-e present tliev fostered lute leduce l waL'es: l1.ini iiniuuvntlv verv milch ii. favor i f more than i ility lluiil-aud cotton mill , imor,tble union on the-e principles, if : workers have been w itlilii j,- lt nll, , ,ad. The hope was fieely ! (he past lew davs. exprissed that other count ies would ot-! They promised to pro'et and keep u a;11;,.l,. lu,loron,ln oleetion. The. j nood all the (leiioniinatioiis of our ' money, and llicy now t i retire ballot will be printed and furnished, j it alt except p:d, ami the pip r money with tally sheets to the chairman in! of ibeir i.iivale eorimi'iititins bv tin ur- ench precinct, ami the returns made (o . rllitfH Hiblie tlebl create pitiiph s I.I, (." es n ' ' boil-., ii 'd v V s 1 l iii, a! roinii'exi i , I'veiy '' "lo c ''' not. a d S 1 I h ( l iirtii'in i'i C..'s i' n j stole . ot'e pi r I o t'e. fck.lVjt,M4. BO VEARS' i EKPERIENCE. tban was the county convention. reipiired by the nail ni. our forefathers lo build! '),,. county convention was c .Hi d fo l.iiii'olii Uepubiieaiiism ten oMiH-k a. m. Maich l!, l Orison j - TRADE MARKS. . , . ... , wvrmitniD aoi qiucklv uwvrt itii, fit't1, wluthr tin Invention II ) itm!miiv put t'it utile. Coimminleatinti utrU'tly couiliU'iithl. tMik"t HwiH-y tornfi'iinnir put rut In Ahhm-k'h. Wo have ft Wiunutim ortk-. PritoniA ttufti thnUjtQ Munu A Co- rectiT HK'iiU notice in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, KmiUfnliT t!lutrHt(Ht. l;irm!t c.ronHtlon of nnv m-e:itWo l-urnal, wwk'r, tnnsl.o. h tar; J So imx uii'iitli-, p.Mlmtn cpi' and llANU ltuOti. on l'A i tiXTS cui lrv-e. AiWresj MUNN A CO., 11 lii'ouilunt. 1 oi'U. ; 1C Hill n VVhito, Yellow, Crimcon. make a magnificent hedge, bcau'.ifi'! iliado for the piazza, or channii. bed. C'cu slant bloomers. I'crfecl.y lianly. I'.ic , rb.ut v.-ill produce thousand.? of floweri. Three ihMs, one each color, for Or.!y 40 Cents, DeKvered o upon Appiicaurxa : ...VICK'S... GARDEN AND FLORAL GUIDE... jm.VvS CATAinarr: u;.tl the Ladies' Vurdcncr Pttd Adviser I T'lemt'r "'to couinlniin full 1 esi rliu ioni nn.l IHn-c i t,.l l:uitH ': i: nil e. autre ; m euuiJitiii iiMi', mh.- .1 , l;:,.-.: i.e.! a;!'! lie.' thut viho It nut Utr Krntt. Men? a i.i ,: ...l.m-l him. v( ;5'""t I'-MN :-:"Hif Ji;l"r."N l;e, -it. .1". t; .M'"l .,.y I. 'IV. 1 lulu '. .;ol.r.'Ul A-i.'iL I'..:; I'. i.i.v'.aili.n-i"li'."i'r i 1. 1 . - ccaipliuU llilrtl with liuiicsinl.i.-tra'Wii? JAMES VICKS SONS, Rochester, N. Y, CJriessen A Hiillwyer, Prop-. Best s T.ifTfir5 rrtrl f:trar KWant ramily llooms. .Ki'.ON C'TY - "KKliON TT'l..-, WiuCS' DR. PEFFER'S ROYAL-TANSY PELLS. NW riSCOVERY, NEVf.R P!LS. A new, nilinhlR and mifa relidi for nwnprws''), exrcHsivt. sciuity or pain fai mtmstrmition, Now wwl by ovr I.AinyH. lnvittorates these ornann, Bkwkk of danukkoph im iTATioNft. ir box, eoiall box fi, I'rei'-iiii in plain wrajiper. Hnd 4c 1.1 stiiuifs fur p.irtii'umrs. I'hilXU MU-'CAL ASSN. Ciiieuao. UL I-or ii lc t v i liitin un & in. FFBSCRIPTICXS ACCURATELY FILLED : ( FltFR VlriV's Iilcstkatbd M. lfcirUlC!vL.rt U"" l.loSTHLV ! Iho Fir.:on3 Gsrdt-air.g Anthority. i ln vpriltlilp niiTi' of lr.f"rt'ititio:i fi-'ni t'lnwprs, Vrjf--:. n.l.K -tn.l Touts, ami !"' i' f""' ""I '""v l"r ,ll,irl . ... ,.t'i;!v "t !n i-iiiv ot t. i. s lltiMrnM ' 'titlily I ,i ,w' i.:i - U t'iav ( ' i'l l-T var. I ill if '! mil !'( ' ur,, II I, l utlpilll Willi !X tull-c til IIIIHI . - t i.'mi ii? iimilfl la v.'U re,;u:ai!j' lor aix i s tin null, Woli'i.t oncpto KrU2L!;E!HG CO., tc-:t::':r, H. I 'A Til I fill RfHiLlB Ctutgitt MKIHIK AT HT II All's CASTOniA. Tl fts- 7 - ti n i