ARE YOU TO LIVE IN ALASKA? ITEMS OF INTEREST. Some Requirements That Are Indispen sable Minera Food Must Be Right. The universal article of diet in that country, depended upon and indispen lable, is bread or biscuit. And to make the bread and biscuit, either in the camp or upon the trail, yeast can not be used it must be baking pow der; and the powder manufactured by the processes of the Royal Baking Pow der Company, miners and prospeotors have learned, is the only one which will stand in that peouliar climate of cold and dampness and raise the bread and biscuit satisfactorily. These faots are very important for every one proposing to go to Alaska and the Yukon country to know, for should he be persuaded by some out fitter to take one of the cheap brands of baking powder it will cost just as much to transport it, and then when he opens it for use, after all his labor in packing it over the long and diffi cult route, he will find a solid caked mass or a lot of spoiled powder, with oo strength and useless. Such a mis take might lead to the most serious re sults. Alaska is no plaoe in which to expermient in food, or try to econo mize with your stomach. For use in Buoh a climate, and under the trying and fatiguing conditions of life and labor in that oountry, everything must be the best and most useful, and above all it is imperative that all food sup plies shall have perfect keeping quali ties. It is absurd to oonvey over such difficult and expensive routes an article that will deteriorate in transit, or that will be found wbun required for use to have lost a great part of its value. There is no better guide to follow in these matters than the advice of those who have gone through similar experience. Mr. McQuesten, who is called "the father of Alaska," after an experience of years upon the trail, in the camp, and in the use of every kind of supply, says: "We find in Alaska that the importance of proper kind of baking powder cannot be overesti mated. A miner with a can of bad baking powder is almost helpless in Alaska. We have tried all sorts, and have been obliged to settle down to use nothing but the Roval. It is stronger and carries further, but above all things, it is the only powder that will endure the severe climatic changes of the arctio region." It is for the same reason- that the U. 8. government in its relief expeditions, and Peary, the famous arotio traveler, have carried the Royal Baking Powder exclusively. The Royal Baking Powder will not cake nor lose its strength either on board ship or in damp climates, and is the most highlv concentrated and effi cient, of leavening agents. Hence it is indispensable to every Alaskan outfit. ' It can be had of the trading companies in Alaska, but should the miner pro cure his supplies before leaving, he should resist every attempt of the out fitter to palm off upon him any of the other brands of baking powder, they will spoil and prove the cause of great disappointment and trouble In a reoent work on the birds of Col orado, W. W. Cooke brings up the num ber of species and sub-spociea found in that state to 863. Trolley car ambulances are to be in troduced in tiie city of Pittsburg, run ning independently over all the street car tracks as called for. Miss Eleanor Ormerod declares that the English cockroach is in danger of extermination before the hordes of im ported German black beetles. Greater New York consists of 45 islands, just as many as there are stars in our flag. It might be appropriately called the Island City. What is probably the largest locomo tive in the world has just been com pleted and weighs, with the tender, over 285,000 pounds. It is for use in Mexico. The largest parish in London in point of area is Lewisham, which has 5,773 acres; and the largest in population is Islington, whioh has now 830,000 in habitants. A writer in a magazine has made the prophesy that in 300 years from now the world will only know three languages English, Russian and Chi nese. Many collieries in Silesia are pro vided with bombs filled with com pressed oxygen for use in cases of acci dent or entrance into old galleries where the air is foul. Harvard this year, for the first time, has a colored person as a candidate for the degree of A. B., in the person of a young colored woman from Miller ton, N. Y. The famous Louis XV drawing-room suite, composed of a sofa and six arm chairs, with old Beauvais tapestry, has been sold in Paris to a London dealer for $70,000. The tramways, omnibuses and un derground railways in and around Lon don, within a radius of five, miles, oarry taeh year, it is calculated, about 453, 00,000 passengers. At the crape cure establishment in Switzerland, France and Austria, pa tients are usually turned loose in the vineyards and allowed to gorge them selves at pleasure. Before a fire brigade can start for a fire in Berlin the members must all fall in line in military fashion and sa lute their captain. Thft proceeding wastes at least three minutes. There is an enormous demand in New York for Fifth avenue property facing Central Park. Only the rich can buy, when bare lots are held at from $4,000 to $5,000 a front foot. Ice House in the Barn. The Idea that a costly Ice-house Is requisite for the profitable storage of ice Is not borne out by those who nave Improvised storage at comparatively trilling expense, says the Journal of Agriculture. A corner In the barn can be adapted by any farmer at all handy with tools, at a cost exceedingly small when compared with the advantages which a liberal supply of Ice during the heated season will confer.. The accompanying Illustration gives an idea for an ice-house in a barn, and a few hints on points necessary to be proved appliances and construct a farm telephone system that will put each subscriber in connection with his neighborhood and with the outside world. In Gibson County, Indiana, they have already "caught on," and the enterprising farmers of that section have many lines connecting town and farms. In another farming locality we know of there is a central exchange which connects fourteen lines running into the country ami to other towns. A doz en 'phones or more are connected with each line. One farmer In that county can talk to five hundred farmers In that and adjoining counties. These ex changes are all on the mutual principle. The central station Is conducted by a young lady, who receives $1 a year from farmers who have 'phones, and collects from persons who have no in struments but want to use them. A cheaper system of constructing switch boards has been discovered. The switchboard for the use of the commu nity above mentioned accommodates fifteen lines aud costs less than $20, be ing made by local mechanics. Up to Date. ICE HOUSE IX COHNEH OP BARK. 11LACK AND BLUB. In Delaware two brothers lived for 40 years within eight miles of each other, attended the same church aud frequently traded with eaoh other with out knowing that they were related. CATAURIl CANNOT BE CLUED With local applications, ns they cannot reach the sea!t of tho disease, ( a ami is a blood- or constitutional dieuse, ami in order to-cure it you must ti kis ronelies. Hail's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, anil actsritrectly on the bioud and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tlie best physicians in this cc uutry (or years, and isa regular prescription. It c mipi.sed of the best tonics known, com biner with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients, is what pro duces mull wonderful results lu curing (alarrh. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CIIESKY & CO., Proprs., Toledo, 0. Colli by clr.iKUists, price 75;'.. Halls family fills arc the best. Black and blue colors are not subject to fashions this season nor in any season. They hold their own and will not wash out. They are pretty solid colors, and but for the misery of wearing them, might become for fashionable. Some men tuke pride m wear- t , l. .U, ......fAci.i.... aa 11IK Llirill US bUHUllS Ui 11HT1I jJiuicaiiluu, n9 soldiers do their scars. But bruises, black or blue, or both, ought to have inmiediute attention, for under them may be a nerve hurt or a muscle badlv wrenched. A black and blue bruise is a bad thing, not only from its tender soreness but the contused blood is prevention of regular circulation. While sore spots like these will not wash out, there is something that will rub them out in no time, and that is St. Jacobs Oil. It is peculiarly adapted to their quick cure. A wnnant can L won only by hard knocks, with scars and bruises, but after the ball is over, if any remain, this one cure is the best. Bruises come from con tusion in all avocations, and it is well to remember at all times just what will cure them the best, A drawing of tho bison has been dis covered in the rocks of the La Mouthe cave in Dordogne, France. After being swindled by all others, send us stamp for particulars of KIiik Holomon's Treasure, the ONLY renewer of manly strencth. MAISON CHEMICAL CO., P. O. Box 747, Philadelphia, Pa. Chicago is healthier than ever before. In fact it is by far the heathiest large city in the United States. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting in the courts our right to the exclusive use of the word " CASTOKiA," and " PITCHER'S CASTOKIA," as our Trade Mark, I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannli, Massachusetts, wastheoriginator of "PITCHER'SCASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the tac-simil signature of CHA3. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S CAsTORIA " which has been used in the homes cf the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it is tht kind you have always bought, and has the lignature of CHA9. H. FLETCHER on 'the wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher ii President. March S, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER, MJA Russia's population has increased during the last 100 years a fraction less than 1,000,000 annually. 1 AN OPEN LETTER' Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved me larce doctor bills. C. L. Baker, 42iW Kegent Sq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '5. HO MB FKODUCT9 AND Pl'KK FOOD. All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually very light colored and of heavy body, is made from elucose. "Ira tiavaen uriim" ii made irom Sugar Cane and it strictly pure. It is for sale bv first-class irrocers, in cans only. Manufac tured by the Pacific Coast Synur Co. All en uine "Tta iiarrtrn Print" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. Magdaleen Cicute, who has just died in the City of Mexico, was probably the tallest woman in America, her height being six feet nine inches tall. Prom Miss May Sachner, of Colum bus, O, to Ailing Women. To all women who are 111: It affords me great pleasure to tell you of the benefit I have derived from taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I can hardly find words to express mv gratitude for the boon given to suffering women in that excellent remedy. Before tak ing the Compound I was thin, sallow, and nervous. I was trou bled with and my men strual pe riods were verv irregular. I tried three physicians and gradually grew worse. About a year ago I was advised by a friend to try Mrs. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and Vegetable Compound, which I did After using three bottles of the Vege table Compound and one package of Sanative Wash, I am now enjoying bet ter health than I ever did, and attri bute the same to Mrs. Plr.kham's won derful remedies, I cannot find words to express what a Godsend they have been to me. In gome parts of China the yonng women .wear their hair in a long single plait, with which is intertwined bright scarlet thread. This style oi ornamentation denotes that the young lady is marriageable, WW Your Tax forthe coming year on baking powder will be very light if you buy Schilling's Best and use only one heaping teaspoonful to a quart of flour. If TERRORS OF CiMPTIf REMARKABLE DISCOVERY OF AN AMERICAN MEDICO-CHEMIST, AND ITS GREAT VALUE TO HUMANITY. HOW EVERY READER MAY OBTAIN THREE FREE BOTTLES OF THE NEW SYSTEM OF MEDI CINE THAT CURES- ME" iS ' 1 m : ; observed In its construction, etc., will be useful A supply of eighteen tons of Ice can lie stored In a space of twelve feet square and ten feet high. In build lug an Ice-house, the chief points to be eousldered are the exclusion of air from under or around the body of ice; proper ventilation over the Ice, and proper sur face draining around the ice-house, Any little crack; that admits of the in flow of warm air will play havoc with a body of ice. Hence waterproof paper should interllue the, so as to ex elude every possible chance for the ad mission of a current of air. If there be too much sawdust placed around Ice It Is liable to ferment aud develop heat to such an extent as to melt the ice. Four luches of sawdust or chaff is sufficient to place under the Ice, and eight Inches is sufficient on tlie sides of a house ith a single wall, and four Inches In case of a twin wall. A twin wan is made by boxing the studding on both plates nnd sills, so that they shall alter nate with each other. Two by six may be used, and they may be placed two feet apart; twelve-Inch boards will an swer for plates aud sills. This permits each studding to project two Inches past the center of the wall and pre vents the air current from setting. The studding must be papered with water proof paper and then ceiled. Borne Eont'e for Fathers. Don't lean down too hard when the boy is turning the grindstone; this is oue of the causes of boys leaving the farm. Don't expect the boy to keep up with you and the hired men, and run er rands or carry water at the same time. Don't expect a boy to maintain nn angelic disposition If, after working hard fill day, lie Is expected to eat at the second table. Don't give the boy a lamb or calf to raise which would have died if he had Feed vs. Pasture. The amount of green food that con be grown upon an acre of land and fed to cattle from the first appearance of rye or crimson clover in early spring until late In the fall is many times more than that which can be obtained on the same area used as pasture. While on the pasture the cattle are subjected to storms, many Insects, and during dry seasons they must perform consider able work to secure as much food as they desire. As green crops may bo cut at any time nnd .several cuttings can be made in a season, the flow of milk will be greater than when the cows are on pasture. While less labor Is required In pasturing the cows, a smaller projiortlon of land can be used under the soiling or green-food system. (iiii'iivii Y 7 it I' mat lunuiiu 4uiuh.i. p I ,auij!illUl itillMiillM III n W&3M tan nwwnuwma'w I III Bill' II Mill W O a. Cvate for Moving Animals. It Is ofteu desirable to move a small animal from one building to another, or from one pasture enclosure to an other. Leading or driving a calf, sheep or pig Is attended with difficulties. They will go in company with others, but decidedly object to going alone. The cut shows a crate on wheels, with handles permitting It to be used as a wheelbarrow. Into this the small ani mal can be driven, the door closed and the crate wheeled away. It will also be found a very useful contrivance in bringing In calves that have been drop- LCWtoiS IW.uBlfhIObJti)!- riilllUilt iHMItltlMuiit Mh4l i mllll aiiUHtHitiMtiMllt uimMtiiiiaHu.itf 11 II II 1 1 UI Wit MilllUl MIHI.lllttMH rtU'MM D lUUIUlluAUt ilhlllllUW uiuiou-wu UIU.ll.ldS ttiriu.iim tiuuuiuuHU mum UilM uuuuHtf utikM ttUUUk tlu.ui UiUU uuuumi UliMIU KUUUk t"u L!j icuuiiiiimiiiu iimtiil uiitf wiHdu umiuii'iitun ill V uMii filth ttttw Hwiimnw. amnil MiliM mi timiiiuti ti mm WHttitttt fllH HUH ii nit mm ii tniil.1t iii inn turn im uifnil. nim num mm i-iH."ih..iitii H1U1H J it'tillltil Itllll'f -. .iti'iiliillhi HUtiM'UnWliWUiHirt', dflHl flktt lUo.. ,hH.Hii:ti t1lllti ,i.lMIin.,uiii . ...f.t4 w wlW.i'WW ,H,lu .lil.llinl' U,,M '' HHHW J.HWI ,HH....iH-'IHI ,tltjptMI-U,l.iHlllta. jiM.tii.lll;l-i'.ltl"'- filtt rtMWH.M 4',t .hHHmmiiiUH, ,-ttlltt. ifMm.W-.Hi. iilU'Whri ilMIN .Mil ''' 'wt" i...iii't mh i.uiiimiMmiiit'ti te mhiiii.hi.' niiiL futf JiftfMff liii Hi! mi :i,nn'iihni:mi itKHitmi inn Minimi, umuio iiniin uitkh! imiH itiim.iiinmiw iimid imwiiuhw niuiHKii ii'iinUtiitub Editor's Note. All readers of this paper anxious regarding the health of themselves, relatives or friends, can have Three Free Bottles of the Doctor's New Discoveries, as represented in the above illustration, with complete directions, by sending full address to Dr. Blocum's Laboratory, 98 Tine Street, New York City. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. Foremost among the world's greatest Medico-Chemists stands Dr. Slocum, of New York City. His efforts, which for years had becn'directed toward the discov ery of a positive cure for consumption, were finally successful, and already his "new Bystem of treatment" bus, by its timely use permanently cured thousands of apparentfv helpless eases. He bus dvmonstruted the dreaded disease to be curable beyond a doubt, in any climate. InilisDiitnble facts Drove that the Doc tor's New Discoveries are an absolute cure for Consumption and all bronchial, throat, lung and chest troubles; stubborn coughs, winter catarrhal atlections; Bcroiuia, rneu niutism, general decline and weakness, loss EST" .akJLisEN CONVENIENT ANIMAL CllATE. ped by their dams in the pasture. American Agriculturist. Grafting Feedlinif Apple Trees. Ou every fiinu there are apt to be more or less apple seedlings, which come up In comers of the fence or other out of the way place, and often attain a height of six to eight feet before they are noticed. The best use that can be made of such trees Is to graft the-m without transplanting into some va- i riety that Is productive and profitable not attended to It and let it grow up to j n the neighborhood. A bearing apple be dad's sheep or cow. Don't continue to treat the boy ns if he had no sense, but consult with him occasionally; he may possibly know more than you do. Don't rave and storm because the bov wants some time to tinker; he may astonish you with some of his work. Don't tell the boy he can go hunting or fishing Saturday and then hitch on n day's work before he goes. It Is not fair. Cutting Clover for ' owls. Cut clover has come to be recognized as one or tue oest or Dumy winter IIOMK-MADE CLOVER CUTTER. foods for poultry. A clover cutter Is exceedingly convenient, but where such a machine Is not at hand a home made cntter can be devised. Take a stout block of wood, with smooth top, and build a box about It, using the block for the bottom of the box, as shown In the cut. The cutter Is pestle-shaped affair. Miuare at the lower end. To this are attached three sharpened steel plates, as suggested. Set them Into the wood and bolt se curely. Any blacksmith can make the plates, and they can be sharpened on the grindstone. With this, one can cut up clover as the housewife chops meat in her tray, but a few moments being required to cut sufficient for large flock. Orange Judd Farmer. Farm Telephones. There Is no reason why farmers gen erally should longer delay to avail themselves of the advantage of tele phones. The plan Is to form mutual telephone companies to buy the Im- tree that has salable fruit Is a profit able Investment. It Is likely to be all the iliore productive If the tree Is Isola ted insted of being In an orchard. If the seeding Is left to grow up without being grafted its fruit stands just about one chance lu a hundred of being worth gathering. Corn After Corn. There has been no Inducement lately to plant corn two years In succession, as It has not paid better than other crops, It Is not a good plan, not because the corn is exhaustive, nut oecause suc cessive growing of this crop on the same land so fills the com with smutty ears that the crop is nearly worthless. It Is, besides, not a good plan to keep the land more than two years In cul tivated crops without resoedlng It with clover or grass. Often the corn crop can be got off early enough for the field to be sown with winter wheat or rye, and seeded both with timothy and tiover in tho spring. of flesh, and all wasting conditions; and to better demonstrate its wonderful merits he will send Three Free Bottles (The Dr. Slocum New Bystem of Medieinel with lull instructions to all readers of this paper who send for them. Simplv write to T. A. S locum, Mannfac Hiring Chemist, !H Pine street, New York, giving name and full address. There is no charge fbr modiolus or correspondence-advice strictly confidential. Knowing, as we do, of the undoubted ef ficacy, we urire every nutl'erer to take ad vantage of tins most liberal proposition. Vleuse tell the Doctor, when writing, that you read this geneous oiler iu this paper. Michigan lias a law fixing a heavy penalty upon railroad companies for employing persons addicted to the nse of intoxicants. DEMAND FOR MO UK BATTLESHIPS" The nepretury of the nsvy has rlemnniled more battleships, and there can be no doubt that congress will consider hi recommendations, l'roteelion is what our sea portn require, and fortification will not adequately supply thl". Deiense against all disorder! of a malarial type Is, however, ade inatelv afforded by Hustettur'i Siomacli ltlitum, an elliclent remedy, also, for constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, rheuma tism, and nervousness. In Moxioo City Hop Lee advertises an American restaurant. SHAKE INTO YOt'It SHOES Allen's Foot-Kase, a powder for the feet. It cures painful, swollen siuurting feet and instantly takes the stiiiK out of corns and bunions". It's the greatest comfort discov ery of the age. Allen's Foot-Kase makes tight-iitting or new shoes feel eusy. It ib a certain cure for chilblains, sweating, damp, cullousand hot; tired aching feet. We have over 10,000 testimonials of cures. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. Hv mail for liftc. in 'stamps Triul package F'ltEK. Address Allen S. Olm sted, Le ltoy, N. Y. The most popular female in the United States is the blonde lady whose face adorns the $20 gold piece. my-" "si'i-i miri'' In buying soeds "economy la ex(rnvnniw. becautte the 00 of oultl vmiuh waetod on Inferior iwrti alwsyi lurgel.r uoneUn th orMnnl cost of tbe best and deareat mmhU to be had. The beat la alwnya the cheapest, x'ay a trine more for FERRY'S "SEEDS' and alwavt get your money's wortb. give routs rwr papr everywnrra. Always ino Dear, own Annual im, D.M.FERRY CO.. Dolrolt, Mich. CMe0&CCCCO3rSOOaCGOOM FOR 14 CEB2TS "A Perfect Type of the Highest Order of Excellence in Manufacture." WalterBaKer&Gols Fucculcnt Feed for Hons. The fact that a little grain fed to hogs while at pasture will cause them to grow rapidly, shows the advantage of some succulent food for the pigs' ra tions. Only a small protiortton 'of Its food should be of this character, for sueculeney generally mentis large bulk with small nutritive value. In -winter there Is no better supplement to the grain ration than beets. They are both succulent and sweet, and are much easier to digest raw than the potato, wuose carbonaceous nutrition Is In the form of starch. Calves on Pklm Milk. An observer of LHinlsh methods of raising calves on skim milk states that the calves at all time have In troughs lumps of salt and chalk, the claim be ing that scours is sometimes due to too much acidity, which is neutralized by the salt nnd chalk. A successful Amer ican dairyman keeps a Jug of lime water, adding a teanpoonful of lime water and a llttlo salt to every pint of milk. As one-half the losses of calves raised on skim milk may be ascribed to scours, these points may be worth of notice. Breakfast pa Absolutely Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. ..Costs Less TiiaijOKE CENT a Cop.. lie Mrs that you Ret the Genuine Article, made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by MS 1 m i 1 n 11 9 r 1 11 . 1 W wish to a-tlD IM.OOO new oat- 10n I0o loiner. nntl hfiu'tj uiti 1 Pka. IX 1mt llAiKflh. I F-if. I'Urlr Muring Turnip, l.UuiAwk Gnoum!er. 0o Ouoim VU'toria Lettuce lta Jumbo (ilfitit Onton, ' Vhs brilliant mower Bauds, lbo TV orth 1 .00, far 1 4 eanta. AW 10 okas, worth tl 00. wa will t in yon rraa. tugotntir witn oar t out Plant and need Uatalna-na . upon raooliit of thin notice and 14c. niiataKS. Wa itiTitarour trail and jenow whan 7011 onca tn Ralafir'a L-.-M out flim. Ilntirant ftl.AOi I Mil.t A (fRKB VOH LA CBOMI, WW. BUY THE GENUINE SYPiOP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED BT ... CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. tar-NltTR TIIK NAME. WHEAT WALTER BAKER Established 3R & CO. Ltd. i ID 178a J Make monuy y luecesiul lteculatiun in (.'lilcaKo. Ws buy and sell wheat on mar. Kins. Fortunes have been marie on a small bi'KiuuInK by trailing In la Hires. Write lor full nartleulars. llest ol rat erciice given. Several years' ex perlenee on tli Chieaxo lioaru of Trade, aud a tliorouxh know ledge of the business. Send for our free refer, ence book. DOWN I Mi, llol'KINH A Co, ChieaKO Hoard of Trailu Hrokers. OOiuca la Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash. GROWN ' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGS m FREE SBuell 1 Lamberson IBO FROrfT ST Portland. Or. YOUR LIVER I: uiUd always be Ui. ' ' CHILDREN TEETH S w Vas. Wrssim's Hithivo in atr siiuiu a MmA l.ll.lra It nitlh. Ui. a allay, all pain. ir wlnft r.illr and la 4 I tli. Ima reinnly for diarrlitaa. Twenty n. mull a IKUI.. II I. Hi. H an. f.r trarint; and locatlna; Hold or Silver (ire. 1'iat or burled treasures. M. 1. KOWLEK, Box IM7,HoutliliiKlon,Conu. . t.rt of all. . J it Wrong? Get It Right Keep It Right Moora's Ite.ealed Itemed y wllldo It. Thres doses will make you fuel better. Get It Irom your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or Irom Stewart a. Holmes Drug Co.. Seattle. MAP r Af.AHK A-Kndorsed by the I , partiunrit of the Interior anil to he used hy U n. army onieers aeiauen 10 Aiaaxa. j ue wi win must detailed map or Alaska In tilstvnce. Will be mailed upon receipt of nrlee (Wie) In 2o stamps, of money order. lU IMil.l'll KUAFT, 1'ubilaher V. U. Box 111, Portland or. RODS M UUHil Wnthl AIL Ubt 1AIL, I J Q Beat t.uuHtt Hyrup. Taates Ooou. Cn f I r3 In tlma. Hli1 by dniKf Ista. P I frflgMllBlditMgr 1 elarylagl Xrear.' L-i-ilf IM .w.rlenea. HOOK UKR. Aditraas BK. VltaK, P. McVlukefs l'tiaatre, Cbteago, 11U N. P. N. V. WJHKM writing to adyertitera, 1 1 ataaatloD tbli paper. pli 'a.