Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, February 04, 1898, Image 7

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The' Triumph of-' Science.
in ins li te
Remarkable Discovery of an
American Medico-.
' Chemist.
The hospital annex to the Childs-Drexel home for decrepit union printers at
Colorado Spring, Colo., is now about completed. On the first floor are 'several
bedrooms, a dining room and a drug room. On the second floor are the wards,
a room for nurses and a serving room. The building is surrounded on the east and
west by balconies, so that the sick can sit out all dny in the sunshine. Part of
the balconies will be enclosed in glass. The erection of the hospital annex was
decided upon at the biennial meeting of the International ' Typographical Union
held in the fall of lS'JO. The necessary money was voted by the union.
Apparel Fashioned on Lines of Clothes
for Grown Up Reformers.
The new baby Is Dot outdone by the
new woman nowadays when It coms
to clothes. The little lady has her ap
parel faithfully fashioned after the
gowns of the grown-up followers of
dress reform. From the so-called "boot
ies' on hT pink toes to the hood-shawl
for her little bald head, the miniature
mistress of the nursery is strictly In
style, from the Jenness Miller stand
point. The idea of dress reform for the baby
sprung into popularity but a short time
ago. Previous to that time an ambi
tious maji with an M. D. to his name
had patterned several pieces of stockin
et apparel without beauty, which proud
maiiiuuis promptly refused to put on
their little ones. Subsequently mem
bers of the fair sex succeeded In devel
oping numerous Improvements for the
baby along less exaggerated dress re
form lines.
The chief advantage of these vest
ment innovations for the Infant over
the old-fashioned modes Is the banish
ment of that tiny thing which has
been the cause of countless wails in the
nursery the point of a pin. The cure
for this crying need of the baby was
also accompanied by other Improve
ments In Its attire, as to give It pre
cisely what women seek to find In their
dress reform gowns. That desidera
tum Is greater freedom of the body and
more comfort In their clothes, as well
as to reduce to a minimum the neces
sary pieces of apparel.
One of the more useful additions to
common-sense dress reform for the
baby are the "booties," which came out
Kilt fl fatr Itinn.tlio mm TO..... 1 1
knitted foot coverings that come to the
knee, where they are fastened with a
tiny riblxm. "Booties" make unneces
sary the rather awkward-looking pin
ning blanket. They are dainty little
things, with delicate borders of pale
pink of light blue.
The tiny shirt with a bit of rlblion
bow at the neck Is made of white cash
mere these days, as the knitted ones
are considered old-fashloend by the
dress reformers. It Is edged with silk
and buttoned down the front.
To take the place of time-honored
llueu band for the baby's -wills' which
had to be rolled around the little one
anil then securely pinned In place, the
reformers have made a knitted Iximl.
This innovation is firmly held In place
by two straps which go over the shoul
ders. At the lower part of the knitted
band Is a pad to which the diaper may
be attached. This garment obviates
any unequal pressure on the body and
throws part of the strain on the shoul
ders rather than all olniut the waist.
The modern baby must also have a
bath. robe. This necessity Is made of
light-colored nun's veiling and tufted
with a bright zphyr. Two tiny cords
secure it at the neck, and It is briar
stitched with fancy floss.
The little cashmere sacque of white
embroidered with a delicate color Is
loose In cut to allow freedom, while the
sleeves are small as becomes the style
of the dress reform baby.
The reform Idea is likewise carried
out in the mull underskirt with deep
embroidery on the edge. In place of
the conventional band about the waist,
wf n n lit?
LLi .
the skirt is gathered to a yoke over the
shoulder and Is buttoned In the back.
As to dresses, the reform baby may
have as many as her mother will per
mit, only they must conform to the
same effects carried out centuries ago
by the Grecian maiden. That Is to say,
the waist line, if there Is one, must
come close under the arms. Illustrative
of this Idea is the white mull dress with
fancy lace yoke, which has a narrow
sash that ties in front in a dainty bow.
Then for negligee there Is the comfort
able cashmere wrapper delicately em
broidered which the baby wears when
her tirst tooth begins to give her trouble.
What Malaria Is.
"Malaria Is not a distinct condition,
germ or poison," remarked a physician
to a Washington Star reporter. "It is
the result of a combination of circum
stances, conditions and poisons. At
certain seasons it Is rather prevalent,
not, however, because there Is any par
ticular poison in the air In this city or
section, but as the result of very warm
days and rather cool nights. The bodies
get very much warmed up during the
day, and the anxiety to cool them in
clines persons to ride about In open
cars or sit on the porches or the parks
In the evening. They therefore cool off
too suddenly, ami the congested condi
tion of things resultant for want of a
better name Is called and knowu as
malaria. In old-fashioned times the
same condition of things was known
as bilious fever.. There are, of course,
many persons who are strong enough
to resist the evil Influences of the night
air, but in cases where the system Is
run down many are very sensitive to
It. I do not know that there is any
panacea for this condition. If a person
feels that he Is run down, It would be
well for him to take a tonic prepara
tion for a couple of weeks and particu
larly to avoid the night air. This rid
ing about the streets in the open cars
at nlglvt time is very bad for some per
sons, though It does not seem to do any
harm to others. On the whole, how
ever, I think there are more harmed by
It than otherwise. If people must go
out I would advise that they wear
clothing somewhat heavier than that
worn by them during the day."
About Adam.
A curious Jewish tradition reports
that Adam was entirely clothed in
a hard, horny skin, and only lost it and
became subject to evil spirits on losing
I'eradlse. The nails are the remnants
of this dress, and whoever cms them
off and throws them away does himself
an Injury. An old Persian chronicle
says that Eve also possesed this dress
and the nails were left to remind them
of Paradise.
Fo InicenloiiH.
"Simplex answered au advertisement
in which someltody offered to sell him
the secret for preventing trousers from
getting fringes around the bottom."
"What did they tell hi in?"
"To wear knickerbockers." Cleve
land I'laln Dealer.
Making Huate slowly.
"And this," said the goM seeker, bit
terly, as he tolled painfully through
the deep snow at the rate of five miles
a day; this is what is known as 'the
rush to Klondike!' "Puck.
A scene in The Slocum Laboratory, New
NOTE. All readers of this paper can have Three Free Bottles of the Doctor's New
by sending their full address to Ur. siocum's Laboratory, 08 Pine
The oldest specimen of pure glass
bearing a date, is the head of a lion in
a colloction at the British museum. It
bears the name of an Egyptian king of
the 11th dynasty.
Black and blue colors are not subject to
fashions this season nor in any season.
They hold their own and will not wash out.
They are pretty solid colors, and but for the
misery of wearing them, might become
fashionable. Some men take pride in wear
ing them as tokens of their profession, as
soldiers do their scars. But bruises, black
or blue, or both, ought to have immediate
attention, for under them ninv be a nerve
hurt or a muscle badlv wrenched. A black
and blue bruise is a bad thing, not only
from its tender soreness but tne contused
blood is prevention of regular circulation.
While sore Fpots like these will not wash
out, there is something that will rub them
out in no time, and that is St. Jacobs Oil.
It is peculiarly adapted to their quick cure.
A pennant can lie won only by hard
knocks, with scars and bruises, Ivt after
the ball ia over, if any remain, this one
cure is the best. Bruises come from con
tusion in all avocations, and it is well to
remember at all times just what will cure
them the best.
Detectives detailed to look after pro-
feppional shoplifters, always look to Bee
professional, it is declared, never works
with gloves on.
A lot of fanatics In the state recently im
mersed an old rheumatic woman bodily In
the water to "heal her" as they said. She
nearly died in consequence. How much better
it would have been to have treated the poor
old woman lor her infirmity with IIostetter'B
Stomach Hitters, which not only cures rheuma
tism, but prevents kidney complaint and rem
edies dyspepsia, constipation, liver trouble and
nervous prostration. Give it a systematic trial.
In order to raise church funds, a
Georgia minister charged admission to
an entertainment where the contestants
engaged in a ginger cake eating com
petition. Portsmouth, N. II., high school plrls
advertised an approaching school
benefit by appearing on the streets as
"sandwich men," with placards hung
about their necks.
Infant sohools began in Now Lanark,
Scotland, in 1815, in England not till
offices, or factories, are peculiarly
liable to female diseases, especially
those who are constantly on their feet.
Often they are unnble to perform their
duties, their suffering Is so Intense.
m When tho first
O symptoms present
uicmstives, sucn as
backache, pains
in groins, head-
ache, dizzi
swelled feet,
blues, etc.,
they should at
once write Mrs. Finkham at Lynn,
Mass., stating symptoms. She will
tell them exactly what to do.
Oracr B. Stanbbury, Pratt, Kansas,
says:" I suffered from intense pains in
the womb andovaries, and the bnckacho
was dreadful. I had leucorrhoea in it?
worst form. Thus I dragged along.
At last I wrote to Mrs. l'inkhara for
advice. Her answer came promptly.
I read carefully her letter, and con
cluded to try Lydla E. Plnkham's Veg
etable Compound. After taking two
bottles I felt much better! but after
Using six bottles I was cured."
"fP or r. SK-FndnrM hy the I).
-1 L partmcnt (if the Interior wirt to b used hv U
army of! rent lmHcl to Alaska. The bwt an!
rn'Htt tintuileft map or Alaska In x Istenee. will hi
untiled upon receipt of price (.yc) In in stamps, or
muoey order. Klliol.PU KltAFT, fublialier,
K O. Bi.i 111. Portland Or.
f r tracing and locatln Oold or RUrer
t or ourtM f reanure. M . II.
KK, Box J7,Boutul:if ton, Conn
X "2 K " oil J -I
UH.S r.iUc AU tlbt f AilS,
t Cuujfu Syrup. Tantea Good.
In Um. rVtirt r rirnugw.
York: The Discoverer demonstrating
and wonderful Curative Powers of his New Discoveries.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tern effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of it kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
i us auuuii sua u uiy ueiiuuciai in US
fT 3 -. i p .
turowi prepareu oniy irom llie most
healthy and agreeablo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
AH Eastern Svmn. an.ralled. initially very
Huht colored and ol heavy body, Is made from
(riucofie. "7Vt inen hrivf" ia made from
StiKar Cane and la strictly pure. It is for ale
by nrst-clasH imreers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Sykit Co. All Ken
ulne "7u GVrrdr-H Print" have the manuiac-
turer'a name lithographed on every can.
For lung and chest diseases, Fisn's Cure
is the best medicine we have used. Mrs.
J. L. Norihcott, Windsor, Out., Canada.
A rabbit with two well developed
horns was recently shot in the fields of
Chase county, Kansas.
A mechanical device recently pat
ented pastes paper labels on 100,000
tins in ten hours.
A local South Shore train came into
collision with a Grand Trunk local at
iit. Lambert, Canada, ami August
Bourbon and James Coudry wore
Four hundred years ago
seven metals wore known,
there are 61, 80 of which
been discovered within the present
If Chinese children do not obey their
parents, and the latter whip them to
death, the law has no punishment for
them, as obedience to parents is the
cardinal virtue.
W. T. Woodward, the Kentucky
horsebreoder, is going about telling his
friends that he lias been cured of rheu
matism by carrying old electrio light
carbons in his pocket.
Two New York men have invented
an electrical dental mallet for use in
hardening tooth filling, the tool having
a central bar, which strikes hack and
forth as the current is made and broken.
The combination of a lamp, bell and
brake for cyclers' use has been patent
ed, the bell being set in the back of
the lamp in position to be struck by
a clapper attached to the brake plunger.
The tramways, omnibuses, and un
derground railways in and around
London within a radius of five miles,
carry each year, it is calculated, about
53,000,000 passengers.
The annual convention of th
Brotherhood of Steam Shovel and
Dredge Engineers, in session at Chi
cago, passed resolutions favoring (21
foot channel in the Chicago river and
the construction of the Nicaragua canal
by American capital.
to Medical Men and Students the Value
Discoveries, with complete directions.
street, New York City,
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTOR1A," and
" m'CHHK'SCASXORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the saute that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER ou
every wrapper. This Is the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it la
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. II. FLETCHER ou tha
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher la President.
March 1, 1S97. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.D.
Germany has $30,000,000 in gold
coin packed away in 1,000 iron chests
in the fortress of Spandaou. This is
intended for use as an emergency fund
in case of war.
State or Ohio, CtTY op Toledo, (
Lucas Count?. j
PltANK J. Cheney makes oath that he Is tho
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chunky A Co.,
doing buslncBS In the City of Toledo, Ooumv
and State aforesaid, and that the unid (inn will
pay the sum of ON K HUNDRED DOLI.AKS for
each and every cane of Catarrh that cannot ha
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Ocrk.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv
presence, this fith day of Decent Iter, A. D. 18ad.
, . A. VV. (ILEASt)N
I seal I Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous suriaces
of the system. Hend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHUNKY S CO., Toledo, 0.
Pold hy druggists, 7ic,
llall's Family Pills are the best.
Frozen butterflies are often found on
the snow by mountain climbers, and
tho insects are so brittle that they
break unless carefully handled. When
taken to a wamor climate they recover
and fly away.
After being; HwlmlTi'd by nil others, send its stamp
for particulars of King Soloiuoit's Treasure, the
ONLY rcnewcr of manly streiinth. MAHO.N
ClIKMICAL CO., P. O. box 717, Philadelphia, Pa,
! Money...
...For You
if you plant our new Vlneleat liunoh
t Y"
u e
liim I ottttoen and ffct on the market 6
eeks betoro your neighbors. Kurliest,
Hi'Keat, HwfM'tpst nnri Moat 1'rn- w
(lucilvn known. Poxlpnld ,'locts. per
: pound, hy express, not prepaid, 1 ficts.
8end ltK'ts. for large catalogue of 50 seed
novelties with testimonials from all over
the Union, and largo starting package of
:our new homegrown Co.lfu which costs
only acts, a pound to rabe and two crops
4 a year in the south. Hprnlnl tirleea to
A grots who make $2 TO $8 A DAY
selling this wonderful seed. Address, .
The famous Appliance snd Homed le of
tho Brie M wJ leal Co. now lor tb first time
o!Iori on trlni without eipenim to sn
honest man. Not dollar to ho p.la
lu dvuce. Cur. Effects, of Errors
or Kxccste. In Old or young-. Mauhoofl
Fully heatored. How to EnlorKO and
Btrenirthoa Wealt, Undovolopod Portions
of Ilody. Absolutely Unfailing Horn.
Treatment. 7)o C (. 1). or ot her soheme.
A rlalQ offer by a firm of high staudluir.
rxiz urn mi nns.r'u.AiaJ
IL.I1 1 L lllLUIUUk VVi BUrraw. . .m
WnwtahtoKiilnlr.lViOOntweui- X
1 PUg. hftrlv Hpriuf Turnip,
i mar. in iny Kidim.
llioniftn k Cuctitulx'r, jbc 4
U imu Virt'-rla Luuoi If o (
.In mho filfctit (In nn.
$ " iJnliUat tiuwerbJi,
Worth 1.00, for M mm
Abovft 10 pktr. wnrth tl 00. will .
mtll F'l-i trm, totfthPt with our t
fret riant tn4 ( t (;Ulr(fu
Upon roipt of triin notirw ami He.
fKUie. Wa thTlt riiur trarln Wi.l '
itihw when you one try Halzrr'
.aeflarrin will nTfrtalonif with- i
i tu lium larii to., u mwtfti, ma.
Is It Wrong?
Get It Kiht.
Keep it Right
Moore's ltTlfd Kemedy wllldo It. Three
doses will make you feel better. Get It Irom
your druggist or any wholesale druj house, or
irom Stewart A Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
iliiw's wimtd flrauT ifiouM al
Mm. WusLi
i hmmI fur olilllrn touting.
I ... Um ituwii, .ll.fv .11 pftln. mm wind rollc.nrj Ii
nil Ii 4
a fum qr r.mwir I'iraitniiw, l.Hi ava mum
k WW 11 IS 10. DMI OF .11.
T U-VT. 'If "
1;. L.I"
How Every Reader of This
Paper May Obtain the New
and Free Scientific Sys
tem of Medicine
Workers in the wide, unexplored field of
modern chemistry are daily astounding the
world with new wonders.' Professor and
layman vie with each oilier in their com
mendnble efforts to lessen the ills of human
ity. Yesterday it was Pasteur and Kock,
and today it is' Slocum, with a new discov
ery which is the result of years of careful
study and research.
Foremost among the world's greatest
chemists stands T. A. Slocum, of New York
City. His researches and experiments,
patiently carried on forbears, have tinnlly
culminated in results which are proving as
neneiieial to humanity as the discoveries or
any chcmist.ancieut or modern. His efforts
which for years bad been directed toward
the discovery of a positive cure for con
sumption, W'ere finally successtul, and al
ready his "new scientiiio svstem of medi
cine" has, by its timely use, permanently
cured thousands of apparently hopeless
cases, ana it seemsii necessary ana numane
duty to bring such facts to th'e attention of
all invalids.
The medical profession throughout
America and Kumpe are almost unatnious
in the opinion that nearly all physical ail
ments naturally tend to the generation of
consumption. ' The aiillcted die in th
short, cold days of winter much faster than
in the long, hot days of summer.
The Doctor bus proved the dreaded dis
ease to be curable beyond a doubt, in any
climate, and has on tile in his American
and Kuropeun laboratories thousands of
letters, of heartfelt gratitude from thoss
benented or cured in all parts of the world.
No one having, or tbveuiened with, any
disease, should hesitate a day, but should
write at once. Facts prove that the Doctor
has discovered a reliable and absolute cure
for Consumption (Tuberculosis) and all
bronchial, throat, lung and chest troubles,
stubborn eouirhs, catarrhal affections, scrof
ula, general decline and weakness, loss of
tiesh, and all wasting conditions, and to
demonstrate its wonderful merits, he will
send Three Free bottles (all different) of
his New Discoveries, with full instructions,
to any reader of this puKr.
Kiniply write to T. A. Slocum, M. 0., 08
Pine str.i t. New York, giving full address.
There is no churge for correspondence
advice strictly professional and conliden-
Knowing, as we do, of the undoubted
efficacy of The Slocum System of Medicine,
we urge every sufferer to take advantage of
this most liberal proposition.
A system of medicul treatment that will
cure catarrh, lung troubles and consump
tion is certainly good for and will cure
any wasting disease that humanity is heir
Please tell the Doctor, when w riting, that
you read his generous oiler in our paper.
Tho city of Santa Fo, New Mexico,
is without rats, mice and oats, as tho
air is too rarefied for those animals.
Joy and irladness alilne forth In the eye ot
the manly and strong. Confidence, self-esttima
and love of society come with the return ol na
ture's vlirnr. Kleetrlelly, (he force of vitality,
makes men uri'at. It brings back the lire ol
youth. It helps manhood.
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt
Is the chosen sprlnti from which Is drawn th.
vital energy which infuse the veins of men
anil develops the nerve and physical powers.
The vigorous standard ol our race is Improved
by it.
Do you wlh to read the story nf how vital
force is renewed hv electricity? II so, get Dr.
Kanden's book, "Three Classes i,l Men,'' which
will lie sent eloseiy seated, free from observe
tlon, upon reo,ui'si,
A book for the ladles, "Maid, Wife and
Mother," can be had for trio asking.
S53 West WMNliliigtuu Ht.. I'urtlMud,
Please vtention thii paper.
grow paying crops because they're
fresh and always the best. For
sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes.
Stick to Ferry's ficls and prosper.
Vm beed Annual free. Write for It.
D. M. FERRY k CO., Detroit, Mich.
Make money bv snceesful
Speculation in cincaKn. W.
buy and sell whttut on mar
Klus. Kortinii's Ii.vh Im.hii
made on a small bi-ijliinlng by tradiiii;iii lu-
iiires, n rue lor inn i.ariifiiiars. ileal of tut'
eri'iiee ((Iven. Bevernl years' eiperteni n th.
Clneami Hoard of Trude.atid a thiirouKh know
leilite of the business. Head for our free relet
ence book. DOWNING, llol'KINH W Co.,
Chicaao hoard of Trade Hrokers. Ollices la
Portland, Oregon and Heattle, Wash.
03 "EE
o Bucll
Portland, Qf
No. . '.
K. P. N
tlJIIKH writing to advertisers,
II sneatloa tkle paper.
D Sandhns VifV
C '. vv If TJm