Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 28, 1898, Image 5

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And continue for 30 working days. Every piece, every yard of fine
dress goods in stock will be sacrificed. Special attention is called to
our Great Black Goods Stock, which has no superior in this city, either
in quantity or quality, elegance or beauty. The stock will be at your
mercy toj the next 30 days. Ladies, now is your time to buy gilt
edged black goods.
"Novelty Silks aud Swiss Taffatas, Fine Velvets in Black and Colors,
Evening Shades in delicate tints, every yard of which we will include
in our Great Sale at ruinous prices.
In stock at Half Price. No doubt you have been waiting for this
opportunity. We arehe loosers.
...Blankets, Comforters and Table Linens
Thousands of pieces of Cotton and Linen Crashes, Fine Irish Linens in bleached
and hnlf bleached which will last a life-time, all standard brands of bleached
Muslins, New YorK Mills, Waumssutta
Loom, Pride of the West and Lonsdale.
Ladies, now is your time so lay in ,
goods will be sold or offered for sale.
Y. n. C. A. Affairs.
The annual election of officers will be
held Monday night, January 31st. All
Hctive members are requested to be
The ladies' auxiliary will entertain the
e mployes of the woolen mills and mem
bers of the association on Saturday night,
February 12th. In addition to the ex
cellent musical and literary program
that is being prepared, a splendid lunch
will be served, and an admission fee of
10 cents will be charged to defray ex
pen ses.
Rev. Harold Oberg will address the
men's meeting at 4 p. m., Sunday. All
are kindly invited.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Oregon City post
office, January 25, 1898:
ladies' list.
Hart, Hattie Oglesby, Mrs C
Hamilton, Myrtle Wheeler, Mrs S
Williams, Stella
oents' LIST.
Beery, Aaror
Bush, J
Evens, H T
Fisher, Fred
Gunnison, F
Grossmiller. J
Hatch, Capt
Lee, R J
Meller, W J
Noris, J J
Patterson, H L
Stingley, Milton
Stone, It D
Srymaniski, Marein
Wegmann, Emil
WhiterJ W
In eallinii for
the nbove letters sav
"advertised." J. J.Oookk, Acting P. M.
Bishop Barker, of Tacoma, will preach
in St. Paul, s church, this city, next
unday evening.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to most Bincerely thank the
many friends who so kindly assisted us
in our great trouble.
Mhh. AV. N. Godfrey,
Mrs. J. A. Confer,
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Godfrey,
D. G. Godfrey,
Scott Godfrey,
Matie Godfrey.
Notice is hereby given that the regular
quarterly examination for teachers will
be held at the court house in Oregon
Citv, beginning at one o'clock p. m.
Wednesday, February 9th, 1898.
State examination begins Thursday,
February 10th, at 9 a. m.
H. G. Starkweather,
County School Supt.
Dated Jan. 24, 1898.
Educate Your KowU With Casiaretn,
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation
forever. 10c, 25c. If C.C.C. fail, drug
gists refund money.
Don't Run Any Risks about health.
Avoid coughs, colds, fever, pneumonia,
and all otner similar ailments by keep
ing your blood rich and pure with Hood's
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and
do not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists .
Annual Clearance
Everything in the house
reduced. A positive sav
ing of from 10 to 20 per
cent, on your footwear.
Every article warranted
as represented.
149 3d St, between Alder and Morrison, PORTLAND, ORE.
Mills, Frnit of the Loom, Pride of the
your supplies,
Nothing but first-class
Cor. 3d & Morrison,
Redland school report for 4th month
ending January 14: Average daily at
tendance 34, times tardy 14. '
Roll of honor George Louis, Dora
and Mary Murdock, Cassie and Fred
Wilcox, Mary Kamuscher, Minnie and
Lewis Evans, John. Martha, Ohas. and
Rosa Steibrity and Thos Berkey.
Visitors Messrs. F. E. Murdock,
Kimball, J. L. Murdock, Louis Funk,
Levi Johnson, Andrew Graham, Wm.P
Brooks and John Fullam ; Misses Hattie
Wilcox, Lizzie Armstrong nnd Gussie
Funk. Parents and others interested
are cordially invited to visit us and note
our progress.
Chas. Rutherford, Teacher
The following is the report of school
in district No. 21 for the term begining
October 4th, 1897, and ending January
Number of days taught 79, days at
tendance 791; days absence 72, times
tardy 87, number enrolled 12, average
daily attendance 11.
A. B. Herrmann, Teacher
To The Public.
As my successors will take charge on
Satu ;day of this week I would kindly
ask all those who are indebted to me to
call and settle at once as I desire to
leave the city about February 15th.
Richard Petzold
A gentleman went into Holman's
buy some wall paper for his parlor and
looking through the many samples
found some patterns that were fine, de
cided upon one. "What is the price of
that paper?" " cents per double
roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap."
But when it was explained how and why
it was sold so cheap, he took the paper
and was highly pleased.
Free Pills.
Send yonr address to H. E. Bucklen
A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of King's New Life Pills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are easy inaction nnd are particu
lory effective inthe cure of Constipation
and Sick Headache. For Malail.t and
Liver troubles they have been proved
invaluable. They are guaranteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable.
They do not weaken by their action, hut
by giving tone to stomach and bowels
greatly invigorate the system, Regu'ar
size 2.-c. per box. Sold by Charman &
Co., Druggists
A Sure Tiling; for You.
A transaction in which you cannot lose
is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head
ache, furred tongue, fever, piles and a
thousand other ills 1 re caused by con
stipation and gluggich liver. Cascarets
Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new
liver stimulant aud intestinal tonic are
by all druuiripts guaranteed to cure or
money tefunded. C. C. C. are a sure
thing Try a box to-day ; 10c, 25c, BOc
Sample and booklet free. All druggists
Robert L. Ringo, of Highland, was in
the city Saturday.
Justice Charles Spence was in town
from Oarus Tuesday.
Charles Greip, of The Dalles, is visit
ing relatives at Gladstone.
You can get the Weekly Oregonian
and Courier for $2 per year.
Airs. Alex Thomson, of Clackamas,
was in Oregon City Wednesday.
Dr. Butler will preach in the chapel
at Ely next Sabbath at 2:30 p. ra.
John Vaughan, of Molalla, spent Fri
day and Saturday in Oregon City.
Miss Carrie Bair returned Wednesday
from a visit to her parents at Needy.
A. B. Herrman closed a successful
term of school in district No 21 last
G. J. Howell, of Courier force, has
just recovered from a severe attack of
a grip.
Miss Jennie Rowen began a term of
school iii the Holcomb district last
Miss Myrtle Buchanan has been very
ill with an attack of la grippe for the
past two weeks.
Mrs. F. L. Cochran is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. J. W. Robinson, at
Sacramento, Calif.
Rev. Harold Oberg has been confined
to his room the greater part of the week
with a bilious attack.
i ne Misses Myer, ot i'ortland, were
guests of Mrs. E. T. Fields, during the
early part of the week.
William Wood is very ill with rheuma'
tism and pneumonia at bis residence in
Green Point addition.
H. L. Kelly, jr., left Sunday for Al
bany, where he has accepted a position
in the Portland flouring mills.
John Kice, of tiillsboro, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Dye. They were
old acquaintances in the East.
A few more country correspondents
wanted for the Courier. Send us the
items from your neighborhood.
Last Saturday Frank P. Welch, son
of Dr. John Welch, formerly of thiscity,
died in Arizona of consumption.
E. J. Swafford, of Salem, came down
this week to attend the Warner-Hick
man wedding and to visit relatives.
Miss Ada Randall, of New Era precinct,
will begin her second term of school near
the Clackamas hatchery next Monday
President W. C. Hawley, of the Wil
lamette university, will address the peo
pie of Milwaiikie on Woodmenship this
H. A. Kaylor, of the Molalla packing
house, and O, D. Eby, a well known
Molalla school teacher, was in tow
Norman Marrs, of the firm of Marrs
& Seaborg, Ilwnco, Wash., spent a few
days this week with his parents in Ore'
gon City.
Frank C. Morris, who recently return
ed from an extended stay in Eastern
Oregon, left Tuesday for a short visit in
San Francisco.
, V. Harris returned Monday morning
from a vicit to San Francisco and Cali
fornia points. He reports fine weather,
but the air co'd.
Mrs. Kinsey of Eugene, accompanied
by her daughter, Mrs. Krausse of Salem,
was visiting Mr. and Mrs. William
Wright this week.
The Young Men's Republican Club, of
Oregon City, have called a meeting for
Saturday evening to elect delegates to
the state league meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L Miller have re
turned from an extended Btay in Cali
fornia. Mr. Miller, however, expects
soon to leave for Alaska.
Tom P. Randall was officiating as
night policeman for several days, while
Officer Shaw was confined to his room
with an attack of lagripe.
I. L. Huffman has resigned his place
in the postollice store, and intends to
leave in a few days for-Alaska. Hois
tucceeded by A. R. Doolittle.
It is reported that George McBrido,
son of Judge T. A. McBride, was married
in Astoria last Sunday. He holds a
government position at Flavel.
Mrs. G. S. Lewis, of Seattle, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. II,
Doolittle, returned Thursday, accom
panied by Mrs. Doolittle and son.
Miss Gertrude Finley, one of the teach-
ers in the Barclay school has been ill for
several days, and Miss Ednetta Chase is
looking ater the pupils in her room.
Elizabeth Sarah Crowley, guardian of
the person and estate of Levi Chandler
Eaton, a minor, has been .granted an
order to sell the real property of the
The claim of Jacob Ranch against the
estate of N. O. Walden, deceased, for
H",0, was contested, but on the Wednes
day the county judge made an order
allowing the claim in full.
Paul SholU has disposed of his meat
market to Fred Ostisrhol. Mr. Oster
Iwlz has been in the employ of Mr.
Sholtz for the past two months, and will
remove the shop next door.
County Clerk Dixon has T. S. Baker,
Miss lna Chase, Miss Lulu Hankins and
Mrs. Charles Ely employed in extend
ing the tax roll. The roll will be com
pleted several weeks earlier than last
George J. Ourrin, of Currinsville,
spent Wednesday night in Oregon City.
R. Scott, of Milwaukie, ex-county
commissioner, was in the city Thursday.
Charles Goldsmith, of Eugene, is visit
ing ins sisters, the Misses Goldsmith
and Mrs. M. Bollock.
Messrs. Batke and Karl, the proprie
tors of Petzold's markets, are occupying
the old Wishart residence on Seventh
street, having moved their household
goods from Oswego on Thursday.
John Moehnke, Fred" Bluhm, Fred
Heft and H. H. Henrici, of Mink, were
in Oregon City Wednesday. Mr. Hen
rici has contracted his entire crop of
potatoes to a buyer in Portland for 55
cents per sack.
R. V. Short, of Portland, was in Ore
gon Ulty Thursday. , Mr. Short was a
former resident of Clackamas county,
and was at one time county surveyor,
and also represented this county in the
house of representatives at another time.
J. G. Tate, supreme grand master of
the A. O. U. W., will deliver a lecture
at Weinhard'8 hall Monday night on
the principles of the order. All are
invited. An immense audience heard
his lecture in Portland Monday night.
The undertaking business conducted
by W.N. Godfrey, now deceased, will
be continued under the name of Mrs.
W. N. Godfrey at the old stand, corner
of 9th and Main streets,, Oregon City,
Ore. E. E. Martin will act in the
capacity of salesman.
There was baptismal services at St.
Paul's Episcopal church last Sunday
morning. At the prayer meeting to
night an address will be delivered on
'Reasoning Out of the Scriptures, the
Basis of Church Wavs." .
Oregon Oak Lumber Co., of Oregon
City, was incorporated last week to en
gage in the manufacture and sale of
hardwood and other lumber and pro
ducts thereof ; capital $5000 in shares of
$25 each. George Broughton, O. P.
Merrell and R. S. Wood, incorporators.
The Portland General Electric Com
pany has completed its contract with the
Portland Flouring Mills to lurnish them
power from Willamette Falls to run the
mills. It laid six lines of wire. The
current will be brought down on the
east side of the river from the generators
at Oregon City, Portland Chronicle
L. Buck, M.D., who was house surgeon
in St. Vincent hospital for a year, and a
post graduate of the polyclinic in the
medical department of the university of
California, has located in Oregon City
He stands high in his profession, and is
now associated with Dr. M. C. Strick
land in the practice of medicine.
Miss Olive O. Hickman and Arthur
C. Warner were married at the residence
of the bride's parents In this ci:y .Tues
day, January 25th. Rey. D. W. Wil
liams solemnized the ceremony, in the
presence of a few relatives and invited
friends. Both are popular young people,
and will occupy Mr. Warner's elegant
new residence near Mount Pleasant.
Next Sabbath evening at the Congrt
gational church the pastor will preach
the lirs't of a series of three Sabbath
evening sermons on the"Second,Coming
of Christ," which is creating so much
interest now in the religious world.
Morning service as usual. A good
musical programo will be rendered at
each service.
The next meeting of McLaughlin
Chautauqua Circle will be held at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Char
man, and the first chapters in the book
on "Rome during Pliny's Time" will be
discussed. Miss Laura Beatie will be
the leader. At the meeting held Mon
day night the remainding chapters in
' American Social Life," were completed.
There was a large attendance at the
funeral services of the late county
coroner, AV. N. Godfrey, which wore
held at the Baptist church last Friday,
and conducted by Rev. M. L. Rugg.
The pallbearers were F. A. Taepleman,
G. R. H. Miller, Isaac Farr. J. W. Mc
Anulty, Deputy County Treasurer D. F.
May and Deputy Sheriff J. W. (5rouf
Tuesday was the fifth or wooden an
niversity of the marriage of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed T. Fields, of Canemah, and their
many friends gave them a surprise party
in honor of the event. After calling on
Mr. and Mrs. Fiuldsat their home, the
entire party adjourned to Stokes' hall,
where refreshments were served, and
dancing, etc., was the order until a late
E. E. Williams, who has done an ex
tensive grocery business in Oregon City
for several years past, made an asigii
incut last Friday for the benefit of all
his creditors. His liabilities are $10,589,
and the principal creditor is Allen &
Lewis, of Portland, whose claim is
$0,0K0. His assets are stock and fixtures.
$4,(XH)J accounts, $2,000; Batdorf Bros
wood contract, $:i,400; city lots, $:I50;
Total, $!),750. Thomas F. Ryan is the
D. J. Collins is having :i novel sleep
ing bag made for his return trip to the
Yukon. The space between the inner
and outer duck lining of the bug will be
filled with cider down, ami an outside
cover made of silkine will be waxed
making the portable bed air tight and
water proof. Blankets will not be
needed with this bag, and it has the
advantage of being very light, as it only
weights eight or nine pounds. These
bags cost from I'M) to $10.
If you are going to Klondike or only thinking
about it. We invite you to call and inspect
We have an entire floor ioo feet by 75 devoted
exclusively to Klondike supplies, including
Blankets, Rubber Goods,
Mackinaw Clothing,
Shoes, Tents, Fur Caps,
Groceries & Provisions,
of all kinds at LOWEST PRICES. We pack
and deliver everything free of charge at the
wharves either at Portland, Tacoma or Seattle.
Third and Oak Streets.
County Clerk Dixon has issued mar
riage licensed as follows: On January
29th, Mrs. Hannah Collatt and Fred
Tessman ; on the 22nd to Etta McMurray
and J. Otto Smith.
The city council held a special meet
ing Wednesday evening and made a tax
levy of seven mills. It is stated that the
Oregon City school board will call a
meeting for one week from next Monday
to vote a tax for Bchool purposes. The
statutes say something about the levy
being in the hands of the county
clerk on February 1st, but as no
notices had been posted, the meeting
cannot be held within the specified
Lou H . Doolittle, who has been em
ployed for some time past in the grocery
house of V. Harris, will leave next Tues
day for Dyea, and intends to engage
in the hotel business in that vicinity.
He will build a comfortable structure out
of canvas, and will take along a lot of
knock-down bedsteads and cots, which
will enable him to entertain the Yukon
traveler in luxurious style, Mrs. Doo
little will visit her parents at Seattle,
and expects to join her husband later.
A Eortland paper has the following:
"Rev. J. M. Gallaliorn, of San Jose,
evangelist, is likely to become pastor of
the First Baptist church to which he has
received a call. The brethern of that
church seem not to dwell together in
unity since Rev. Roland Grant folded his
wings and went elsewhere. There seem
to be two factions the rich and the poor.
The Rev. Grant ranged himself on the
side of the latter. His term of service
ended pretty soon." Rev. Gallaliorn is
now conducting revival services at the
First Baptist church in this city,
Following are the newly installed
officers of Willamette Rebi kah Degree
Lodge No. 2, 1. O. O. F: Mrs Sylvia
Midlam, noble grand; Mrs. M.A.Stuart,
vice-grand; Matie Godfrey, recording
secretary; Mrs. Auausta Lutz, financial
secretary ; Mrs. Nevada Munsey, treas
urer; Musa Barclay, conductress ; Anna
Wilehart. warden ; Mrs. Rena Strange,
inside guard; Hester Robb, outside
guard ; Mrs. Mary L. Bradley, chaplain ;
W. H. Howell, R. 8.N.G.; Ada Bedwell,
L. 8. N. G. ; Lizzio C. Howell, R. S. V.
G. : Mrs. W. L. Midlam, L. 8. V. G.
Arc you going to Klondike ?
If you are, we want to see you.
We deliver free.
We name the lowest prices.
Corner MorrUon and
Neconil Mtreetl,
Send for Klondike Catalogue Free
J. J . Cooke is again home from Port
land, having completed his term of
service as a trial juror in the United
States court.
The Courier this week received an
account of a wedding that consisted of
nine pages of manuscript but it did not
mention the names of the. contracting
The regular quarterly conference of
theM. E. church was held yesterday
evening. Rev. John Parsons, of Salem.
presiding elder of .this district, con-
ducted the deliberations. Ha will oom
cupy the pulpit of the church Sunday"
The few inches of snow that fell Mon
day made coasting very good, and the
young people had a hilarious time in
the evening. Several accidents resulted,
from the exbillrating sport, and others
had narrow escapes. James Tamblin
dislocated his knee joint, and Charles
Hill aged eight received a cut above the
left eye by colliding with a stump.
Some boys, who were sliding down the
approach to the suspension bridge, had,
a narr6W escape from being run dver by
an electric car. A boy and girl came to
gether with their sleds on the hill, whore
two streets connect, and received some
W. S. U'Ren has tendered his resigna
tion as chairman of the populist county
central committee. The letter of resig
nation Is dated at Milwaukio January
24th, and is a voluminous document.
He gives as one of hisjieitsons, that he is
opposed to fusion with the democrats
and silver republicans. His resignation
will be acted upon at the regular meet
ing of the peoples party county central
committeo, which will he held at Pope's
hall on February 6th. It is very prob
able that bis resignation will bo ac
A report is current on the streets, that
John A. Confer has written to his wife,
telling of the rich strike he has made In
his claim on a tributary of the Yukon,
He is credited with saying that if ha
hail two more men, they could easily
get out $1100 per day. The parties who
grubstaked Mr. Confer to go to the
Klondike, are feeling pretty good over
the report, and trust that it may prove
to be a matter of fact. One man makes
I the statement that he saw the letter.
We pack your goods
We carry the BEST GOODS
Portland, Ore.