OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. H xtered n Q rego n C i ty pos tofflce an second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. gfpald 1 ti alvance, per year 1 50 , IX months 75 Three months 40 fjffThe dale opposite your arldrena on the Japer denotes the time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, JAN. 28, 1893. THE PROPOSED UNION. The question of consolidating the silver-reform forces of the country is pur posely misconstrued and misunderstood by the opposition press. It is not a ques tion of fusion in the generally accepted definition of the word. It is simply, as the Roseburg Review, the leading paper in Southern Oregon, says, a question of whether the voters who supported Mr. Bryan for president fifteen months ago, desire to continue to work together for the common good of all, and for a com mon object. If not, the result will be confusion instead of fusion the breaking up into factions of a grand army of six and a half million voters, for no other reasons than the failure to agree upon a common name and the lack of an un selfish patriotism stronger than party prejudice. The question of agreeing upon principles was settled in the presidential campaign, and the union then effected has been cemented at every convention of either of the allied parties held since that lime. The only objection to tho continuance of this union is the word "fusion," used by tho gold standard press to frighten timid men whoso principles are not fixed beyond tho power of ridicule to change. An honorable union of forces in a good cause is just as honorable under the name of fusion as any other. Those who voted for Mr. Bryan and are not sorry they did it and those who did not vote for him ami are sorry will be glad to stand together on a platform declar ing for the free coinage of silver, direct legislation and reform and retrenchment in state matters, and protesting against government by injunction, tho fostering of trusts and monopolies and the ex travagance and incompetency within the slate. Those voters who do not wish to support such principles will naturally oppose any union of forces, be they democrats, populists or silver republi cans. A DLIOUSTED EDITOR. The editor of the Petersburg, Indiana, News, is a rock ribbed republican and during the latrt campaign was a prosper ity shouter of acknowledged ability. He whooped it up for tho g.o. p. and insis. ted that it was better to open the factor' its than the uiintH. He also insisted that if McKinley was elected and a pro tective tariff law enacted, prosperity would come in a wave that would fairly swamp tho country, After election he said that prosperity wiih on the way and lulvised hib renders to wait. Every tune someone asked him why the wave was not in sight ho merely replied that it was so big that it hud to travel slowly, Inn that it was just around the curve. Kvery week he sum out tho "prosperity supple mouts" furnished by the republican edl lorial bureau (confidential), which afore said "prosperity supplements Wire filled With prosperity news and minus all reference to wage reductions. Hut the editor of tho Petersburg New s is will ing to admit that hope deferred maketh the heart sick. In the last issue he says : "During each month of the year we furnished our readers with republican prosperity supplements no more such supplements will bo Bent out with our paper. Tho supplements are a fraud, a delusion and it lie, We are ashamed of them, sick and sore at the idctt of Bend ing out such 'prosperity supplements,' when at the same time we are unable to collect money to meet our bills after having made them." It was remarked a few days ago, says the Pittsburg Gazette, Unit one of the probable effects of the Ohio senatorial contest would be to give an impetus to the advocacy of tho election of United States senators by popular voie instead of by tho present process. It already has had that effect, and in eoiisetiuenco presum ably of the favorable comments along that line a resolution was offered in the Ohio assembly favoring the necessary constitutional change to provide for the election of senators by direct vote of the people. H is probable that a similar resolution will be introduced in the Maryland legislature, where the condi tions of the senatorial contest are much the same as in Ohio, though lacking some of tho acute features of the hitter. Whatever may be the direct outcome of either resolution the agitation for the change to the popular voting plan for elec tion of senators is quite certain to goon until it ultimately effects the change. Kx-Goi'NTY Clerk Ueo. K. Horton has been appointed postmaster at Oregon City uud expects to take charge about March 1st. This is not a victory for the Mitchell men or their lieutenants hero. The scurrilous attack made by Mr. Pain in his sheet and the later letter from Mr. Pain to Mr. Tongue were but frante efforts to hurt Mr. llorlon merely out of spite. K, The tax levy of Clackamas county is 26Jj mills. In Marion county 15 mills is the levy and in Linn county 12 mills. This is a good showing for our republican county court. The question as to whether Dingley and McKinley have brought prosperity is the leading topic of discussion in New England manufacturing circles. It is proposed to BetUe it by a strike. N. Y. World. Mark Hanna and the president want a special session in Oregon to secure the return of Mitchell, All the appointments have been made in the interest of the Mitchell faction so far. Mitchell is to come outinalelter in support of the gold standard in the Oregonian and all opposition to his return is to be with draw. So says a little bird. Salem Journal. Tiikhe are 8'J members of the U. S. senate and one vacancy. " There are 60 lawyers now in the senate. The house of representatives is now composed of 358 members of whom 245 are lawyers. This shows the advantage of learning how to talk, and of becoming familliar with the rules governing conventions and other public meetings, and the craft of corporations in well pleasing their friends La Grande Observer. Don't go to Alaska unless you have money and time to throw away. Some 200 a day are landing at Dyea and Skagway. Any person who has a good position is very foolish to give it up and start for Alaska. Not one in a hundred will make as much money there as he had when he started. The money spent this year in outfitting and going to Alaska will buy all the gold that leaves Alaska foi several years. The transpor tation companies ate making about $25,000 a trip from their bi.ats. Wait a couple of years and go there at very little expense comparatively. If there is as much gold as is expected there will be some there then. NO CURE-NO PAY. That Is the way all 4rueglst sell GROVE'8 TASTKLKMJ CHILL TONIC lor Malaria, Chilli anil Fever. It is simply iron anil quinine In are asleless form. Children love It. AdullK pri'fer at a bitter, nimsealinif Ton lea. Prion bOc. for sale byC. G. Huntley, brugxint. LAXATIVE BR0M0 QUININE TABLETS Move the bowels gently, relieves tho Cough, mires the feverish condition and llvaaaelie, milking It I lie best and mnekest remedy for CoiikIis, Colds, and La Grippe. Cures In one day. No cure, no pay. flceSio. Kvuryb.itljr Bnya So. Casearets Candy Cathartic, the most wondcriul medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act iienlly and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, eb.ansing the enliresystein, dispel colds, cure headache, lever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box iii C. C. C. to day ; 10, IT), fit) cents. Sold and guaran teed to cure by ull druggists. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jones, of the drug Arm of Jones & Son, Cnwden, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter bis wite whs attacked with La (irippe, ami her ease grew so serious that physicians at Uowden and Pans could do nothing lor her. I: seemed to develop into hasty consumption, llav ion Dr. King's New Discovery in Ftore, mid helium lots of il, be took a buttle home, ami to the surprise ol id I she be gan to net bel'er from first dose, sun half lin.cnilollar bullies cured her sound ami will. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle at C'harman &Co.'s drug store . Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tim Ukst Sai.vk in the world forCuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, b'ever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or money ro il ed. P lite id ni ls ii li. For a by Charm an v. Co. To Cure I'oimtlpatlon loitver. Take Cssciuols Candy Cathartic, 10c or L'oc. If C. V. C. fail to cure, druggists Jefund money. Two Mttllunii Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it moans iliei're satisfied. The people of I be United States are now buying Cat-carols Candy Cathartic at tho into of two million boxes a J ear and it will be three million bed re New Years. It means merit proved, thai Casearets are the most doliuhll'iil bowel regulator for eveiybody the year round. All drug gists 10,1c,, flOe a box .Ore guaranteed. The l.lnca of the llnud. They were out ddving and bad come upon a lino stretch of shady country road. "Do you believe in palmistry," ho asked "tho rending of one's fortune by the lines in one's hand?" "1 believe," she said, "that if I could see the lines in ouly one of your hands 1 could foretell that we would linvo a very pleasant drive." He immediately caught on and pnisped tho reins with one hand and tho situation with the ether. Couiio Cuts. No Gripe When you take Itood's rills. The hlg, oM-taslv toned, siiKiuMMiatcil iUls, whleb tear you all to pieces, are not In It with Hood's. Kasy to tak Inlood'S j knit easy to operate, Is trim ot Hood's rills, wiiU'h are ffc 1 1 ' up to date In every respect, ff III i Safe certain and sure. All III W j druggists. Silo. C. I. Hood & Co., I.owetl, Mass. The only rills to take with Hood's Sarsaimrllta. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. Joh n Shuttle to James M Tracy , 100. 1 1 a in a Foster claim ; $2000. E Edwards to C Sann, ne V of ne J, sec 5, 5 s, 7 e; $1000. D Friedenthal to F Stark, e V of ne XA and lots 1 and 2. sec 14. 6 s. 1 e: 2(10. Jeremiah Dick to W 0 Clark, 9.29 a sec 4, 4 s, 1 e ; $700. W H Creighton to A Morrison, aw of nw U and lot 4. sec 5. 3 s. 5 e : 4250. J and A Lorenzen to R Lorenzen, 12 a, sec 30, 5 s, 1 e; $1. A and B Jaggar to M Jaggar, lots 7 and 8, blk 61, Oregon City ; $1. M Jaggar to A Jaggar, lota 7, 8 and 9, blk 13, Pleasant Hill ; $1. L A Whereat to R H Wilson, lots 3, 4 and 11, blk 29, Oswego; $1050. O & C R R Oo to W H Creighton, nw M of sw M, sec 5, 3 s, 5 e ; $140. A N Wills to Bingham, 370 acres, seca 35, 36, 25, 1 and 2, 3 s, 3 e ; $4500. Gladstone R E Assn to C B Johnson, lots 15, 10, blk 45, Gladstone; $400. Joseph W Forester to Benjamin F Forester, 00 acres, sec 29, 2 s, 4e;$l. F R C'harman to Jennie B Harding, 5 acres bounded on south and west by Clear Crek ; in trust. D A Osborne to Sol King, 40 ac in sec 16, 2 s, 2e;$l. Benjamin Wolfer to Beni Homesley, 80 acres, sec 27, 4 s, I e ; $2400. J A and L B Allen to Robt Kelso, a V, of nw X of sw 14 of ne Ja, sec 28, 1 s, 2 e ; $1200. L A and F Shipley to J A Ficke, 70 a, sec 16, 2 s, 1 e; $4080. N A T Co to D W Stauffer, n 2' of se M and ne , sec 3, t 5 s. 1 e ; $2250. Charles Daugherty to Reece Daugher ty et al, 80 acres, sec 27, 5 s, 2 e; $1. Keece Daugherty et al to Charles Daugherty, 80 acres, sec 27, 5 s, 2 e; $1. Reece Daughterty to P J Kayler, 80 acres, sec 27, 5 a, 2 e ; $150 J. Wm and M A Barlow to A P Barlow, parts of blks 1 2 3 4 6 7 14 15 16 17, Bar low, also parts of blks 5 6 3 and all of blk 4, 1st add to Barlows, also 60 acres, ssc 31, 20 acres, tec 29, t 3 s, 1 e, also part of w i of nw M of ne part of lots 2, 3, a d tract, sec 5, 4 s, 1 e ; $10. Isaac Farr to M E Bradley, 20 ft on n side lot 2, blk 3, Oregon City ; $8.j0. Alfred Smith to Harvey E Smith, sw M of se see 31, 3 a, 2e, and e of nw .1-4 w i of ne sec 6, 4 8, 2 e; $1. Charles Young to Joseph Dollinger, n s of nw sec 8, 2 a, 4 e ; $160. CIKCUIT COEKT. H and and G M M Shively vs J W Siricklin; dismissed -Fred Schewe vs R Knrg, at al ; de murrer overruled, and defendant given until the first day of next term to an swer. State of Oregon vs Charles Thompson ; dismissed. State of Oregon vs O Pheilfer; in- mcteii ior practicing niPdicme without a license. On motion of prosecuting at torney the case was dismissed. State of Oregon vs G. W. Stricklen; dismissed. The slaughter house of Paul Sholz on the Abernethj, was declared a nuisance and ordered vacated within three months. Attorney J E Marks scored a victory in the damage suit of A. K. Howard against Shut iff Grace, by getting a judg nient for the deiendant on the plead ings, after the jury had brought in a ver dict for the plaintiff". A rulina was made that filainiilt' could not recover an individual interest in personal property in a replevin suit. The cases of Walerholter vs Kober, J I) Cook vs Marion Johnson, Humphrey vs Sldhley, Gulmnn vs Johnson, Hos ford vs Grace, and Zimmerman vs Toll, were dismissed. In the Swygert divorce case the plain tiff, Almeda Swygert was granted a di vurce and one third interest in the real property. The custody of the minor child was iriven to Mrs. Marie Willey, with an allowance of $5 per month. Inthecasesot Mis. VO Harding vs Spencer and Thomas, Knnkel vs Holer, Currin vs Stone, the sales were con firmed. A K Latourette, ex, vs G W N Taylor j decree and judgment. Gambrinus Brewing Company vs M Pmechler, et al ; judgment and decree. Mary F Morris vs Frank Morris; sum mons oidered published. James W Tufts vs George A Harding; (leiemiant s demurrer was overruled and further lime given tounswer. Matthews vs Knight ; settled. Monday afternoon Judge McUrido ad journed court until March l!Hh, and left ior nis uoine at Astoria Diseases often lurk in the blood before they openly manifest themselves. There fore keep the blood pure with Hood's Sarsaparilla. For Over Fifty Vears An Oi.n and Wki.i.-Tuikd Hkmkdy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used tor over fifty vea'rs by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cm is wind colic, and is the best remedy for Disriiuea. N pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggist in every part of the Woild. Twenty live cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable, lie sure and ask lor Mrs. Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. ItfKiily la lllooil. Clean Wood means a elean skin. No heauly without it. Canenrets Oiiiuly t'atliiulie elean your liloml anil keep it elean, by utiirinu up the la.y liver ami iliiving nil iuuuui'.ies from the boily. Hegin to-ilny to banish pimple, boils, blotehes, blaekheailH, ami that siekly bilioua complexion by takinir Cabarets, beauty (or ten cent. All druggists satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, LTie, 50c, . , CASTOniA. lain n wrf If TJJfc Impure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Results Doc torec foi Years Without Relief. ' My blood v . . :t of order, and I be gan taking li , . s-'a i'suparilla. It has puiiiied my bioud and relieved me ot rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these difficulties for years. I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Pheobb Bai LEY, Box 445, Pasadena, California. "I have Buffered from the effects of Im pure blood, boilB, pimples, etc., Jor five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since I began taking this medicine. I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412 11th Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Puri fier. All druggists. 81, six for $5. Get Hood's. Hood's Pills nre purely vegetable, re liable, beueliciuL c. LOCAL SUMMARY. The event of the season will be a grand concert at the Congregational church Friday evening, January 28th, tinder the direction of Mrs. C. D. Latourette and Mrs. E. E. Charman. Several new features will be introduced making one of the most interesting concerts ever given in this city. Reserved seats at Huntley's without extra charge. Grand clearance sale. Buy a hat at Miss Goldsmith's. F. I. Andrews, the market gardener, has always on hand a large amount of first-class apples, vegetables, pure eider and cider vinegar. Give him a trial. The stores in the Weinhard block op posite court house will bo occupied by Bellomy & Busch after February 1st. Kenworthy's restaurant and con fectionery is now opened and ready to serve first-class meals on short notice. Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Oram's old stand. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright as new. Call at llobnan's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 18i'7 goods. Seventh street, near bridge.; When in Portland drop in and see'our immense line of Christmas Chinas. Everything new. Haines', 288Iorrison street, Portland. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr & M oir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at CouKiKRtffice. The sale of home-made "Patent" flour is constantly growing larger and the article is giving entire satisfaction and. is now used by a majority of the people of the city who want good bread and pastry. The firm of Bellomy & Busch made heavy purchases in crockery, carpets and wallpaper direct from factory and will sell at interesting low prices. Fine new line of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. Inspect those adjustable window screens at Bellomy & Buscii's. They are certain, v the right thing. Grand clearance sale begins today of the lattest and newest things in mil lenery and trimmed and untriiuuved hats at Miss Goldsmith's. For the le8t shave or hair cut to be had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving 10 cents, If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call at Albrigi.t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat which is adtnow edged by all to be superior to the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Re member tho old established shop on M street. L. L. Pickens, dentist, dues all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work u specially. Office in Barclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets. D.F. Kenworthy at the F'ast Side Ry office serves meals oroysters at all times. Ho also keeps a lino of confectionery, fruits and cigars. Prescriptions carefnlly compounded G. A. Harding's drug store. Wastkd. $300 or f350 for two or three years, gixd security. Address "Security," this office. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed aijd bay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets Keinember the Racket SHore opposite Chiiriniin,8 Prug Store. Wastkh. An elderly lady to do general house work. Apply to J, M. Likes, Oswego. G. II. Young's second hand store can furnish you w ith furniture, stoves, hard ware, etc., at less than one-fourth w hat sumo would cost new and they are just as good and will last as long, tiive him a trial. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tnke Laxative Bronio Quinine Tablets. All PiUKgists refund the money il it (ails to cure, ...OO TO. -G. H. FOK DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVEB OFFERED FOR FIR3T-CLA93 GOODS. , Shop Opposite Congregational Olinrch, .Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICH&R PETZOLD'9 CASH M4EE&fS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hiil . Main St.,. Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - HARRIS' GROCERY. Fresh Stock of First-Clnss.. I Depot for HAY and FEED MARK'S SME CO. 253 Morrison St., near Third St., PORTLAN, : ; OREGON Special Bargains! Special Bargains I Mine' S"hl eS T.om 6.1 ntS Upw.?rds Boys' " " ViX .. Boys Youths' 1.60 l.!i5 t WHY IS IT. That every day our store is filled with buyers from every part of the city, regardless of distance? -- There must be some reason. People especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. IT IS UKCAUSE we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table -4- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a superior article and then the prices are right. GIBSOIfi PROPRIETOR OF HARDING'S BAKE) RY AND GROCERY BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY S. G. Skidmore & Co., Pioneer Druggists Established 1866 GREAT ANNUAL. of DRUGS and Druggif-ts' Sundries. Everything in oiir store is re duced. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Rubber Goods, Leather Goods Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumes. Our great cut-rate sale prices uiucaiuutsiaiuwci mail any guarantee that everything is lully Uur record as the leading druggists to claim that we sell the best. S. G. SKIDMORE & CO WHOLESALE AND ioi ihtrc St., near Morrison, PORTLAND, I I 1 I I I I FO? 30 PYS KRAUSSE BROS.' SHOE STORE I I I I I I I Oregon City And ion lfl ousc W ,L. 1IL0CK, Proprietor FURNITURE CARPETS STOVES HARDWARE GLASSWARE CROCKERY COME ONE 1 COME ALL! There is money as you can get better PKIChS while others try to and that will convince vou Air light Heaters . . ... lliev are heating, made of durable material and are beauties which make them altogether a perfect stove. ' OREGON CITY AUCTION HOUSE. The Gekmama Market - , Is tlie cheapest place in the citv to buy t t t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Xear Depot, Oregon Citv. 1 ai"l J. .Sciiolz, l'rop. f t j BESTOW Oregon City, Oregon. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES '71 GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City I ieK m Dural" Shoes from $3!.50 upward. Indies' Wressy Stylish " " U6 " I Men's Solid Wording 1.60 I jicu a ireBsy oiynsn 1.75 SAI oiner store in rortland and we up to what is represented for for years, establish our right RETAIL DRUGGIST OREGON I I I I LLL SAItE - I I. I I no need of irniin. r..i i i rt..r vlHr 1. Atiiii T ... i. . i wPenclyouf We takt)ii.i i' follow. Get our prices before buvinY ..v..va iui uiu r.mpire State file savers. iitl !, fl' OREGON CITY