Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 21, 1898, Image 2

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    Oregon Gity Gorier.
A. W. OHIKII, Fnbllsher.
Interesting Collection of Current Event!
In Condonsed Form From
Both Continents ,
The Peoria, 111., water works were
Bold under decree of court to bond
holders for $1,500,000. (
Destructive brush fires in the oolony
of Victoria, Australia, have done an
enormous amount of damage.
In a fight over a game of cards at
Sandy Forks, Ky., eight men, all col
ored, were killed, and four seriously
W. J. Trenholmi former comptroller
of the currency, has retired from the
presidency of the American Surety
Governor Btidd, of California, has
ordered an inquiry to be made into the
mental condition of Salter D. Worden,
the trainwreeker.
While at small arms practice at
Tampa, Fla., four men on the cruiser
Marblehead were injured by an explo
sion, two seriously.
Funds have been secured in London,
and three immense sugar beet factorios
will be ereoted at Chicago, Marysville
and lied Bluff, Cal.
Mrs. Eliza Kohler, widow of a well
known San Francisco liquor dealer, has
made an assignment, with liabilities
of $333,174; and assets, $323,735.
Since the serious illness of Cornelius
Vanderbilt, Willium K., his brother,
has become the actual dominant force
in the New York Central railroad.
The court martial of Captain O. M.
Carter, which has been in session at
Savannah, will sit at Augusta hero
after for the convenience of witnesses
A Chicago syndicate with $1,000.
000 has purchased tho 1,200,000-acre
Lopez ranch in Northern Mexico, which
has on it valuable deposits of asphalt
um. Amorioan schooner George W. Whit
ford has been ordered forfeited by the
Colon supreme court for loading a car
go at Porto Bello in violation of port
Charles Marsh, arrested at Kansas
City for swindling J. F. Calhoun, of
Spokane, is the well-known confidence
man, known by the alias of Boston
The Oakland, Cal., authorities have
suspicions thai Josoph Raeside, the
trainer, whose mangled body was found
alongside the railroad track at Shell
Mound, was murdered.
The board of exports engaged in con
sidering and adopting standards to
govorn the importation of tea for the
coming year, lias decided upon four out
of the eighteen standards.
Sanford B. Dole, president of the
Hawaiian republic, has arrived at San
Francisco, en route to Washington,
where he will discuss annexation of the
islands to the United States.
Ships Aryan, for San Francisco, and
Dirigo, for Shanghai, left New York
together on Friday. Heavy bets wore
put up by tho masters as to which ves
sel would arrive at her destination first.
Mrs. J. M. Farloigh, of Chicago, and
Mrs. May Miller, of Dexter, Mich.,
have started for Montana to lay claim
to an interest in the $1,000,000 estate
of a deceased uncle, ,lohn D. Allport.
Edwin T. Earle has brought suit in
the United Statos circuit court at San
Francisco against the Armour Packing
Company to reoovor $100,0000 damages
for violation of plaintiff's patent on a
The'controller of the ourrency has
declared a dividend in favor of the First
National bank of Helena, Mont., of 10
jxir cent.
The Western Union Beef Company
has sold 8,000 head of steers off its
Texas ranch to Clinton Anderson, of
Wyoming, and will retire from busi
ngs. Ore assaying $052 in gold and $70 In
silver to the ton was discovered two
miles from Adams Springs, Lake coun
ty, California, and the district is wildly
George Dohhs and Mrs. Emelie New,
jointly indicted for tho murder of the
lattor'g husband at Eureka, Kan., have
been convicted of murder in the second
Patrick A. Largey, president of the
Mate Savings bank, and one of tho best
known citizens of Butte, was shot and
killed in tho bank building by Thomas
J. Kiley.
The Steer mansion at Nyatt, one of
the best known residences along the
shore of Narragaimett bay, Rhode
Island, was burned to tho ground Sat
urday night.
An insane man named Ramon Vivos
created a sensation in the cathedral at
Madrid, by firing several revolver
shots, lie was arrested and will be
sent to an insane asylum.
Civil Engineer A. G. Menreal, U. S.
N., will be drought to court-martial on
account of the faulty character of the
work of construction of dry dock No. 3,
approved by him.
At a session of tho Augusta, Ga.,
city council, Councilman Gong got into
a controversy with Jailer Collins, aud
reached for a gun. Peacemakers in
terfered and quiet was restored.
The civil service debate which was
inaugurated in the house a week ago
lias been ended. It opened with a row,
but ended very tamely. There was not
even a vote on the appropriation In the
executive, legislative and judicial ap
propriation bill for the commission,
upon which the debate was predicted.
Over One Hundred Thousand Cotton
Operatives Affected.
Boston, Jan. 19. The fight between
employer and employe in the New
England ootton mills is on, and what
it will lead up to cannot be foretold.
The great corporations in New Bedford
are silent, and thousands of operatives
are idle, while here and there discon
tent has oropped out all day, the most
serious being at Biddeford, Me., when
8,200 persons refused to work, thus
closing two mills; and at Lewiston,
where one mill was crippled by 800
weavers staying out. The general wage
reduction is estimated to affect 127,000
persons in about 150 mills.
Tonight finds the textile operatives
everywhere intently interested in tiie
New Bedford strike, for there the real
strength and endurance will come, and
upon the outcome will depend the ques
tion of an industial battle the entire
length and breadth of the New England
states. The chief point in this will be
discipline. From the point of view of
the millowner the New Bedford situa
tion is now a lock-out. Intervention
by the state board of arbitration this
week is hardly likely to be allowed, and
no overt act on the part of the strikers
and no attempt to open a mill is expect
ed for a number of days. The New
Bedford strikers will receive strike
money from operatives elsewhere, but
the sum total will be reserved until a
protracted battle brings on want and
hardship, which the unions will then
try to relieve.
All the New Bedford mills opened at
the usual time. When noon came the
lights wont out, speed stopped, over
seers and second hands prepared to
make everything snug, and mill gates
were closed indefinitely. The labor
unions did little work today except to
carry out plans of campaign which will
be developed only as fainthearted
weavers seek to return to work.
Of tho other strikers, little has been
developed in them as yet to forecast the
future. All of the employes of the La
conia and Pepperell mill works in
Biddeford Btruck because they were
anxious to, while the weavers alone in
the Androscoggin mill simply took
matters into their own hands, regard
less of otiier departments. These two
strikes, with identical issues, will
serve only as minor tights along the
line, unless the strike fever grows and
they become the nuolous of a general
tight in Maine cities.
One other minor fight now is at Bur
lington, Vt., where the Queen City
mills shut down indefinitely because
the operatives ;refused point-blank to
aocept the reduction. The trouble,
however, began a number of days ago,
but reaohed the acute stage today.
Taking today's events throughout, it
may be said that things oame to pasB
just as expected. It is the immediate
future which awakens apprehensions.
Klondike Belief Expedition Will Not
lie Abandoned.
Washington, Jan. 19. Arrangements
for the departure of the government
expedition for the Klondike are being
pushed. Under date of January 12,
Sifton, minister of tho interior for
Canada, wrote Assistant Secretary
Meiklejohn as follows:
"Referring to the conversation which
passed between us on the subject of
furnishing an escort for your relief ex
pedition, I have given inst.uotions that
a sufficient number of men be sent for
ward to Skagway for the purpose, and
I have no doubt they will be waiting
upon the arrival of your people on or
before ttie 1st of February."
Hifton telegraphed the following Sat
urday evening:
"Ottawa, Jan. 15. My reports in
dicate no Immediate danger of starva
tion at Dawson, but great necessity for
provisions being distributed between
Fort Selkirk and Skagway at various
posts. I believe ioe lias formed all the
way through. Our provisions are be
ing pushed down by horses and dogs.
I intend to keep supplies moving until
the waterways are open in the spring,
to avoid the possibility of disaster."
Eight Killed Over Cards.
Middloboro, Ky., Jan. 18. A spe
cial from llynon says thoro was a fight
on Sandy Fork. Eight men were re
ported killed, as follows: John Wil
liams, Doc Wilson, Bob Colwell, Tom
Shelton, Peter Barrough, Mark PalMo,
Eli Howard and Abel Coombs, all col
ored. Sim Paine, Harry MoComas, Ed
Martin and Lew Gossnian are serious
ly wounded. Intense excitement pre
vails and further lighting is expeotod.
The fight occurred over a game of
cards. The extraordinary bloodletting
began Wednesday, when a party of ne
groes, who were playing cards, got into
a dispute concerning the way the game
was progressing. Drunkenness added
to tho brutality of the fight. Four
men were killed, and subsequently the
fighting was renewed by friends on
both sides, until tho mortality list is
equal almost -to the casualties in a mil
itary engagement. The feeling aroused
gives rise to apprehension of more
Seven Tenons Drowned.
Colon, Jan. 19. A boating party,
consisting of United States Consul
Ashley, Dr. Huffman, tho Gorman
cosnsul; Master Mechanic Mott and
four others are supposed to be drowned.
The body of a boatman, has already
been recovorod.
Washington, Jan. 19. Consul-Gen-eral
Gudgeon, at Panama, cabled the
state department today announcing the
drowning of Consul Ashley at Colon.
No details were given. Ashley was ap
pointed only a few months ago, and had
been well-known in this city and Vir
ginia as a newspaper man.
iolil for America.
Sydney, N. 8. W., Jan. 19. The
steamship Mariposa saied today for San
Francisco, via Aucklaud, carrying
450,000 sovereigns.
Intense Excitement Contin
ues in Havana.
No Hostile Demonstration Against the
American ConsulateNorth At
lantic Squadron Sails.
Havana, Jan. 18. Although out
wardly order is restored here, great ex
citement continues, and unless the
newspapers exercise, under the present
press censorship, great prudence, a gen
eral revolt is probable with much
bloodshed, because in such an event
the army and volunteers would fratern
ize. General Blanco's position is more
diffioult becauso his methods of warfare
disqualify him to urge energy upon the
mob. The rioters intend going in a
pacific manner to the palace to request
General Blanco to release Senor Jesus
Trillo, a prominent attorney, who has
been unjustly charged by political in
triguers with fomenting mob violence.
Up to the time this dispatch is sent
no hostile demonstration against the
American consulate has taken place.
General Fitzhugh Lee, the American
consul, and other consular officers wit
nessed the riots from the balcony of
the Hotel Ingaleterre. On the first
news of the riots, when a crowd of
5,000 men had massed in Central Park,
and began stoning windows and shout
ing "Death to Diario," "Viva Wey
ler," and "Down with autonomy I"
General Parrado, General Solano and
General Garrichs rode up and General
Solano ordered the cavalry to charge
the mob. The cavalry commander re
plied: "Whom shall I charge? Loyal
Spaniards for shouting 'Long live
Spain' and 'Long live the Spanish
generals?' "
The commander then dismounted
and endeavored to persuade the mob,
in which were a number of officers and
Several adjutants, to retire.
General Garrichs, an intelligent, no
ble Cuban, whose loyalty has never
been doubted, confronted the leaders of
the mob, Major Fuentes and Captain
Calvo, of the artillery. Major Fuentes
resented the rebuke, and General Gar
richs, infuriated, snatched several dec
orations from the breast of the officer,
"You have dishonored the army."
Major Fuentes and Captain Calvo
were arrested.
General Solano, in an interview, has
denied that he called the rioting offi
cers drunkards, but he confirms the re
port that he characterized them as
"unworthy of the uniform they wore."
Some of the papers having criticised
this language, Seneral Solano said:
"I used those words, and I am will
ing to sustain them at the point of my
Wednesday and Thursday nights the
theaters and cafes were closed, and the
miltary band did not play at Central
Park as usual. When the newspapers
were being attacked General Blanco
called upon several friends to use their
influence to calm the rioters. They re
plied that they deplored tho outburst,
but did not know the leaders. They
offered to do everything in their power
to calm the outbreak, and pointedly
suggested that General Arolas should
try to calm himself also, as he was "in
creasing the disturbance by his intem
perate and insulting language." At
one point the mob moved toward the
private residonoe of Senor Bruzon, the
civil governor of Havana, but was
promptly dispersed by the police.
A Determined Suicide.
Chicago, Jan. 18. Albert C. Green.
leaf, a bookoeper, committed suicide
today bv jimmine from the lfith floor
of tho Masonic temple. He had been
out of employment for some time. nnd.
becoming despondent, decided to make
away with himself. His first attempt
was made in the Chamber of Commerce
buildim;. where he was eaiiL'ht in tlm
act of jumping over the railing to tho
rotunda and ejected from the building.
Ho thon went to the Masonic temple,
ascendod to the 16th floor, climbed
upon the railing and jumped off into
the rotunda. His body struck a mar
ble landinir on the third floor. shut terrl
a slab two inches thick, and landed on
the balcony of the Becond floor. The
body was reduced to a mere pulp.
Greenleaf's fall was witnessed by
scores of people id tho rotunda.
Coal Trust Indicted.
Springfield, III., Jan. 18. The grand
jury of the Sangamon circuit court to
day indicted 10 of the, companies form
ing the alleged Springfield coal trust.
They are charged with conspiring to
defraud. The companies formed the
Springfield Coal Association and ad
vanced the prioe of coal 50 cents per
ton, claiming they were compelled to
advance the price to consumers because
they advanced tho wages of their em
ployes. The advance in wages to their
employes was 73 cents per ton.
Escape of Lieutenant Turner.
Calcutta, Jan. 18. The report of the
escape of Lieutenant Tutney, of the
British survey party, recently attacked
by tribesmen in the province of Mek
rami, Belochistan, is confirmed.
Killed at a Blind Titer.
Barbonrsville, Ky., Jan. 17. News
reached here today of a bloody tight at
a "blind tiger," Wednesday night, on
Sandy Fork, in which Robert Caldwell,
Smith Helton, John Williams and Tom
Wilson, all colored, were killed.
Government l'lgeon Loft.
Atlantic City, N. J., Jan. 18. The
United States government is to have a
carrier-pigeon loft in this city, to be
used in connection with the naval
Twenty-Two Klondikers Arrive on th
Steamer Corona.
Seattle, Jan. 19. Twenty-two per
sons arrived here tonight from Dawson
City on the steamer Corona, bringing
with them a small amount of gold dust,
and drafts on the North American
Trading & Transportation Company and
the Alaska Commercial Company
amounting to between $800,000 and
$1,000,000. In the party was one
woman, the only woman to come out
this winter. The party consisted of
Andrew Oleson, E. H. Jenkins, Leon
ard Sedgwick, E. Thoinassini, D. Camp
hell, L. V. Grady, W. M. Kaufman,
T. E. Brenier, Joe Brand, H. C.
Bolong, Carl Hunt, Colonel Brosius,
J. J. Baker, B. Tragedio, Chris Nueber,
James Wardell, J. O. Berth, James
O'Brien, W. H. Welsh, H. T. Coffin,
H. L. Burt and Miss Lou Keller.
The amount of drafts brought down
represents the proceeds of sales of
claims to the Cudahy, Healy,, Yukon &
Klondike mining companies and private
parties. The largest individual amounts
were brought by the following:
D. Campbell, $130,000; E. H. Jen
kins, $125,000; Leonard Sedgwick,
$100,000; Andrew Oleson, $120,000;
T. E. Brenier, $40,000; Joe Brand,
In reference to the food situation at
Dawson, tonight's arrivals corroborate
previous reports that, while food is
scarce, there will be no starvation.
They consider that it will beimpoEsible
to get a relief exedition in at this sea
son of the year.
Relief expeditions can easily reach
the foot of Lake La barge, but the trou
ble will begin when the Yukon river is
reached. The Yukon is filled from
shore to shore with great ice ridges
from 10 to 20 feet high, the ice being
thrown up in great blocks, and stand
ing at all sorts of angles. Men with
dogs can make their way by hugging
the shore, but no great amount of sup
plies can be carried with dog teams. A
roadway can be cut through these ice
ridges, but it would require a great
amount of money, and it is doubtful if
the work could be completed before the
ice moved out of the river in the spring.
The proposed use of reindeer in this
country is considered entirely imprac
ticable. Heavy snow Btorras have occurred
this week on the Chilkoot pass, and
travel has been praotically impossible
for days at a time. Inspector Stuek
land of the Northwest mounted police
stationed at Tagish, was delayed five
days near the summit by snow and
A detachment, consisting of 80 men
of the Northwest mounted police, have
arrived at Skagway. They were to
have been stationed at different posts
in the interior, but, owing to the short
age of provisions, and the cost of trans
porting supplies, the detachment will
remain at Skagway for the present.
Indiana Parson's Son Flayed the Devil
in a Kealistlo Manner.
Chicago, Jan. 19. A special to the
Times-Herald from Bourbon, Ind.,
says: Rev. Mr. Aikin, pastor of the
Bethel church, on Sunday night took
for his theme "His Satanic Majesty."
He is an eloquent man, and he painted
the arch-fiend in vivid colors. At the
climax of the description, a being
dressed to represent a devil, with a
large head and switching tail, ambled
up the aisle, blowing smoke from its
nostrils and bellowing:
"I am the devil, aud I want all of
The audience became panic-stricken.
Men, women and children were hurled
to the floor and trampled upon in the
made rush for tho door. ,In the confu
sion the Btove was upset and the build
ing caught fire. Before the horrified
members had regained their senses, the
fire had made such headway that all
attempts to save the church were in
This morning George Aikin, Bon of
the pastor, confessed that he, in com
pany with other boys, rigged up a devil
suit, and, knowing the subject of his
father's sermon, concealed himself
and awaited the arrival of the audi
Two Additional Regiments of Artillery
Asked For.
Washington, Jan. 19. In a com
munication to congress today on the
care and preservation of the government
fortifications and their armament, Act
ing Secretary Meiklejohn calls on con
gress for an additional force of two reg
iments of artillery, imperatively re
quired to keep the guns and mortars
throughout the country in good condi
tion, and to use them effectively when
required. He incloses reports of Gen
eral Miles and others on the subject,
and says the most practicable and eco
nomical plan having in view the pur
poses for which the fortifications and
armaments are provided, as to quarter
the artillery force by units of organiza
tion in batteries, behind the guns .icy
ire to use, as far as the existing force
will go, caring for the remainder by
luitable detachments from those garri
ions. The present authorized strength
of the artillery force of the army is in
adequate to tho proper care and preser
vation of their armament.
Earthquake In Italy.
London, Jan. 19. A dispatch from
Rome says there was a severe earth
quake shock today at Argentina, 18
miles southeast from Ferrari. Several
buildings and a church were wrecked
and many persons injured.
London, Jan. 19. A special dis
patch from Cairo says that a party of
friendly natives has captured the Derv
ish post of Sarfioh, taking 10 prisoners
and obtaining ooneessions of quantities
of supplies.
Henry Savage Laynor Tor
tured by Thibet, ns.
Ha and Native Companions Crippled and
Disfigured for Life by Pun
ishment Inllloted.
London, Jan. 17. The Daily Chron
icle, in a description of the experiences
in Thibet of Henry Savage Landor, the
artist, who narrowly escaped death at
the hands of the Thibetans when en
deavoring last autumn to reaoh Lassa,
the capital of Thibet, says:
"His valuable diary and notes, in
cluding interesting photographs, was
only interrupted when Mr. Landor
himself was under torture. One of
these represents the scene of torture of
a native companion, tied naked to a
tFee and slashed and bruised by a cir
cle of hideous beings dancing around,
jeering at and taunting their victim.
Another photograph, taken after the
rescue, shows two unreoognizable men,
all the hair burned off their heads, the
skin lacerated and seamed with burns,
and in place of their eyes two ghastly
Mr. Jjanuor lost one eye. The
Thibetans repeatedly held white-hot
irons so close to the eyes of their cap
tives as without, touching them to
Bhrivel and wither them. Mr. Landor
was rescued when nearly dead, after be
ing three days without food or water,
by a party including Mr. Wilson, Mr.
Larkin and Kasak Singh Pat, nephew
of the rajawar of Askote, who had
heard from the natives that a white
man was doomed to be beheaded in the
interior of Thibet. Mr. Landor had
almost lost his reason. After three
hours' attention he regained sufficient
consciousness to say where he had con
cealed his camera. They had a photo
graph taken of the savages cowering in
terror of the avenging whites.
"It is not probable that Mr. Landor
will ever be well enough to return."
The List of Dead Numbers Forty-Three
About Seventy Injured.
Fort Smith, Ark., Jan. 17. The la
test official death list shows a total of
43 lives lost in the tornado which swept
through Fort Smith Tuesday night.
Not less than 70 others are injured, a
large number of them seriously, and
several are expected to die.
The work of removing the bodies
from the ruined buildings progressed
today. Five new names were added
to the list of the dead. Two bodies
were dug from the ruins of the Smith
block, from which 11 had previously
been taken.
The full extent ef the storm may be
comprehended, from the fact that 85
miles northeast of the city a quantity
of tin roofing from Garrison avenue
buildings was found. A woman was
taken from tho ruins of the Burgess ho
tel today, and was identified as Mrs.
Ida Innis, of Elm Spriug, Ark. Her
brother is missing, and it is believed
his body is still buried in the ruins.
Business in the devastated districts,
where the buildings were only partially
damaged, was resumed today. Ladies
of the city are at work distributing
food and clothing to the needy. The
relief oommittee.composed of prominent
business men, finds difficulty in hous
ing the sufferers. One hundred and
fifty buildings were demolished, anil
will have to be rebuilt to accommodate
the people. Orton and Wright, two
of the dead,' were Indian territory
farmers, and had just stepped into the
Smith building for shelter.
Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City,
Little Rock and other oities wired
readiness to lend aid if necessary. The
number of dead will not exceed 50.
Vanderbllts In Possession.
New York, Jan. 17. The oontrol of
the Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company having heen obtained by the
reorganization committee of the Union
Pacific, the Vanderbilts are now in vir
tual possession of a through transcon
tinental line. The New York Central
is the first road in the combination
from this point. At Buffalo ' it con
nects with the Lake Shore for Chicago,
from which point the chain is carried
on to Omaha by the Chicago & North
western, and from there the Union Pa
cific, the Oregon Short Line and the O.
R. & N. Co. lets the line to Portland.
All these roads are1 Vanderbilt roads,
and the total mileage is 13,420.
Negotiations Successful.
San Francisoo, Jan. 17. A cable
gram from London announces the suc
cess of the mission of Willard E.
Greene, who recently left for Europe
in the interest of the beet-sugar syndi
cate which has been negotiating for
lands in the Sacramento valley. Satis
factory arrangements have been mane
to eecure the proper persons to culti
vate the beets. Contracts have been
signed bv which 150,000 acres of land
near Chico, Marysville and Red Bluff
liave been socured, and the work of
erecting three immense sugar factories
will be started at once. The Byndioate
has a capital of $15,000,000.
New York, Jan. 17. The World
says: E. N. Wbitton, a banker, re
ceived word yesterday that Professor
A. J. Keeler, F. C. Kingsiey and
Thomas Field, all of this vicinity, had
lost their lives in Arizona while in
quest of treasure. The supposition is
that the adventurers, who had secured
treasure in gold aud precious stones,
were murdeied by a roving band of Na
vajo Indians. Mr. Whitton says he
will at once send an agent to Arizona
to get all the particulars of the affair.
Daughter of Ex-Senator Blackburn Shot
Washington, Jan. 18. In her apart
ments in the Wellington hotel last
night Mrs. Lucille Lane, youngest
daughter of ex-Senator Blackburn, of
Kentucky, shot herself. Acoording to
the statement given out by the family,
the shooting was accidental. Both
Mrs. Lane's physicians refused, to dis
cuss the subject, even to the extent of
Baying whether or not the wound would
prove fatal, but from the best that can
be learned she will probably recover,
although now suffering severely from
the shock.
A friend of the family nominated to
give out a statement said that about
midnight Saturday Mrs. Lane was pre
paring to retire. Her husband at the
time was in the adjoining room look
ing over a paper. Mrs. Lane opened a
bureau drawer to get a handkerchief,
and picked up a handful of glove and
laces which had been tossed together
in the drawer. Under this fluffy mass
was a tiny lady's pistol, a gift to Mrs.
Lane from her father, and a possession
of which she was particularly fond. It
caught in a piece of lace aa she raised
her hand, and, falling of its own weight,
Btruck the hammer on the edge of
the open drawer. The pistol exploded,
and the ball ponetrated her left breast.
What became of the ball it is impossi
ble to say. According to the statement
given out, it struck a rib and ranged
around beneath the left shoulder, mak
ing a superficial wound. At the same
time it is said Mrs. Lane is suffering
so from the shock that the physieans
have devoted all their energies to allay
ing her pain without attempting tc
definitely ascertain tho extent of the
injury. The most precise statement
that either physician would make to
night was that Mrs. Lane would prob
ably live until morning.
At the request of the family, the
block in which the hotel is situated
has been roped off. Ex-Senator Black
burn is deeply att'eoted by the occur
rence. He doos not live with his
daughter, and when the affair occur
red was summoned from his room on
New York avenue, remaning thereafter
at Mrs. Lane's hotel.
Debate on Army Hill-Late Representa
tive Milliken Eulogized.
Washington, Jan. 18. The house
devoted two bonis to general debate on
the army appropriation bill, and the
remainder of the day to eulogize the
life and public Bervice of the late Rep
resentative Milliken, of Maine, who
served for 14 years in the lower branch
of congress.
On motion of Lanham, a bill was
passed authorizing the president to ap
point an additional district judge for
the northern district of Texas. It was
explained that Judge Rector, now
judge of the district, was utterly inca
pacitated from poi forming the duties
of the office.
The house then went into oommittee
of the whole and took up the army ap
propriation bill. The bill, the chair
man of the oommittee explained, car
ried $23,165,990. New provisions ia
the bill required the payment of troops
by the paymaster in person.
During the debate, McHenry took
occasion to denounce Gage's funding
scheme, and Gerry made some remarks
about the protective tariff.
At 2 o'clock the debate was suspend
ed to give the members an opportunity
to pay a tribute to the memory of the
late Representative Milliken. Those
who spoke were Burleigh, who suc
ceeded Milliken; Dingley, Boutelle,
DinBmore, Skinner, Mercer, Hilborn.
and Little.
At 8:25 P. M., as a further mark of
respect, the house adjourned.
Among the bills introduced in the
house today were the following:
By Lewis, of Washington To estab
lish the eight-hour law in all states
and territories.
By Maguire of California (by re
quest) To presoribe the manner of
holding elections for representives in
congiess.. A FIRE IN BUTTE.
Nearly Caused a 1 ante in the Opers
Butte, Mont., Jan. 18. Fire, sup
posed to be of inoendiary origin, broke
out in the Boston dry goods store, ia
the Odd Fellows' building, on Broad
way, adjoining the Maguire opera
house, about 9 o'clock. Before the
fire was extinguished, the block was
practically a total loss. It was insured
for $25,000, which is believed to be
the full value. The dense smoke pene
trated the upper part of the building,
where Thomas Steets, a paralytic, and
his vifo lived. Thev were rescued with
The smoke also penetrated the opera
house, where "Under the Dome " was
being given. As Manager Hagan
started for the stage to advise the au
dience to withdraw quietly, some one
rushed into the gallery, and gave an
alarm. There was a rush for the
doors, and several women fainted and
were slightly injnred by being tram
pled upon. No one was seriously hurt.
The attaches of the theater acted
with great coolness, and this, probably
prevented a more serious disaster. The
play was not ended.
Lighted the Spray,
Wheeling, W. Va , Jan. 18. Two
thoughtless boys caused great mischief
by applying a match to a spray of coal
oil issuing from a small aperture in the
Standard Oil Company's pipe line from
Sisterville and Mannington to George
town. The pressure at the point was
strong. Soon, the burning spray melt
ed the lead in the joints of the pipe,
which was six inches in diameter.
Fifty acres of forest and field were toon,
ablaze, and two small bridges and two
barns were burned