CITY COURIER. , 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, .OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1898. NO 36 OREGON JDBBELLOMY & BUSCH, the House furnishers, will occupy the Weinhard building, opposite court house, after February ist, 1898. PHOTOGRAPHS A sign of the New Year is the advantage it gives in photographs. A sign of the old year is the excellence of the things accomplished. "We eive you memory of passing time in pleasing photographs. We give you hopes foi future enjoyment in having the best photos of present features. heney Leading Photographer Main St., near Court House, Oregon City Not How High But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHAKMAN & Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS; FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at the Picneer Store of Charman & Son before buying elsewhere. Dr. A. A. Hare Your Eyes Examined' Consultation Free Do You Ton will over. stm yon made Patent ,A NORTH fiRhf : LADIES I A MOMENT, PLEASE I Let' no false modesty prevent your demanding of your husband a reasonable amount of insurance on his life, payable directly to you in event of his , death. It is your right, prcpetuates your income. 1 Investigate the guaranteed contracts of the Massachusetts Mutual of Springfield, Mass. H. G. COLTON, Manager, 312 and 313 Chamber of Commerce, PORTLAND, OREGON. I ! SON, Barr Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Eat? keep right on eating just the same alter the Holidays are Perhaps not so much, bnt want the best, parucn larly bread and pastry, which is Irom -a Flour. CUUSTRATED . . FREE' Buell Lamberspn 180 FRONT ST. PORTLAND. ORv Life Insurance Company J CATALOGS THE COUNTY COURT An Adjourned Term Held Last Saturday. Th Jnry List ft ml Tax Levy Tor 1898 Occupy the Court's Attention "Five Cents au Jnclw" In the matter of the tax levy for 1898, the following was made: County, 12 mills ; road, 4 ; school 7 ; state, 3.5 ; total 26 5 mills. Commissioner Marks dis sented in regard to the road tax, as he desired to make a 23-mill levy for county, school and state, and permit the road tax to be worked out. In the matter of the county printing for the year 1898, 1 he compensation was reduced to five cents per inch, and the ttnterprise and Herald designated as official papers. 1 In the matter of the jury list for the year 1898, it is ordered by the court that the following named citizens and tax payers of Clackamas connty be, and they are selected as the jury list of said county for 1898 : Name Occupation Precinct 6MB Jones brickmaker Abernethy S Wheeler farmer " G VV Waldron " " ' Thos Mann " " Ed Thayer " " W II 8mith " " Henry Jewell " " R Cole millman R Marks farmer Barlow S3 Oglesby M Campbell H Kocher " H Hornschuh " Beaver Creek Thos Daniels " W T Kirk ' C Spangler " W Urithenthwate " MikeMoebnke " Carrick Cassady ' Gene Cummings " W H Fitzpatrick " Borings Win Boring " E Richey " Wra Bonney " Gorbett millman Canyon Creek Chorryville Silas Hedges farmer Frank Walkey " George Knight " James Evans ' 0 W Sturgis " Ledrew Mack " E W Howard " John Burns " Herman Lee " J Molzan " R Hunter Clackamas J A Talbert " John Robinson " H Loncoy " Ed Dedman ' Fred Gage " Dan Talbert " A J Johnson " Herman Bruns ' F A Seperby 'I John Eri " N Nelson " Cascades Paul Meinig " S D Coalman " A Andre ' " W M Fine laborer Canemah Geo Lazelle farmer Geo Kidder " D P Martin " Jas Partlow " W J McCord " L E Wise " A W Cooke " J B Johnson " A M Lovelace " Damascus E H Burghartd millman J R Morton farmer H.Giboon " Eagle Creek II W ilburn merchant " Isaac Gordon farmer " Samuel Heiple " ' J A VanCuren " " Charles Ballaw " ' W H II Wade " Garfield John Ingli8h " ' Geo Lockerly " " Hans Paulson " George Walter Kirchera " Harding STToora " " L Patterson " " Frank Wilson " " Fouie Funk " " Fisher miller " E Harrington farmer G Wallaca " 8 Hutchinson " H Kleinsinith " Win Buckner " Al Wing " John Barth " J Smith merchant T L Dibble farmer M Johnson " John Cole " Harl Engle " John Everhart " Jim Dickey " Levi Stehrnan " Charles Holnian " W H Darnell John Denison " A L Jones Highland Lower Molalla Upper Molalla Milk Creek Abe Larking " Del Trullinger millman John Labour farmer Marquam F. M Hartman " " Wm Bird " " OD Larkins " " M Gwlitig ' " Tom Rogers " Milwaukee J D Rusk " . " J S Risley ,; " H Thiessen " ' " John Wetzler " " Thad Williams ' John O itfield " " 8 C Priestly " W H Couiisell " " A Mautz " Maple Lane WW Myers " " . Tom Davis " " H Henriei " " MMMcGeehan " " C Porter . " " T B Jill in " Needy J K Miil-r " " Fred Sm'ih' " " DavidYoder " " CBair " " Sam Kauffman " " Robt Thompson " F.'snk Mathews " " J L Waldron " New Era EnosCahill " , " H Greuory " " J Burgoyne " " Tom Blanchard " " J L Matlock " " A Walling nurseryman Oswego Alfonzo Shipiey farmer " HGana " " L M Davidson " " Louis Eaton " " James Coon " " Chris Boylan " " Wm Hallinan " " Frank Busch merchant Ore City No 1 M A Willougbby laborer " Clarence Farr butchor " Joe Steark laborer " C W Vonderahe carpenter " John Shadle clerk " M f Broderick laborer " W A Huntley merchant " R Petzold butcher " J C Bradley , farmer " C N Greenman drayman Ore City No 2 COT Williams real estate agt J G Porter ' capitalist G H Bestow millman J:'(t Wilkinson-Oaborer " F F White ' carpenter E C Hamilton merchant E E Charman druggist J R Williams laborer Ore City No 3 G W Boylan ' W M Aldridge " F A Ely capitalist , John Gillott " 0 Moran blacksmith CW Fredericks " Ed Baker farmer W M Murray " Samuel Hill man " Neal Heater ' Sam Westfall " A Molby " H J Thomas " A V Davis " E P Carter " Ira Bell " WJLewellen " A Lacey " J L Kruse " FT Larson " John Schivie " 0 P Sharp Jacob Miley " J Vaughn " Wm Stone " Pleasant Hill Seivers ' Soda Springs Springwater Tualatin Union Viola Geo Armstrong FS Baker laborer E Mass " George Brown " J K Morris " Otto Olson " Chas Catta dairyman West Ore City Officers Installed. Following are the newly installed offi cers of Oregon Lodge No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F.: Noble grand, E.W. Scott; vice-grand, F. Habelt ; secretary, T. F. Ryan J per manent secretary, J. A. Stuart; treas urer, Sol Walker; warden, W. L. Mid lam ; conductor, J.J. Cooke ; R. S. N. G., Judson Howell; L. 8. N. G., J. C. Brad ley ; R. S. V. G., H. W. Trembath ; L.S. V. G., Ed Olds; inside guardian, George Tucker. The following new officers of Abernethy Rebekah Degree Lodge No. 80, 1. 0. 0. F., were installed last Friday evening: Noble grand, Mrs. Fred Metzner J vice- grand, Miss Jennie Rowen ; secretary, Hiram Straight; treasurer, Miss Estella Bracken warden, Miss Gertrude Finley ; chaplain, Mrs. J. W. Moldrum ; R. 8. N. G., Lester P. Smith; L. S. N. G., Mrs 0. 0. T. Williams; R. 8. V. G., E. W Midkm ; L.S. V.G., Mihs Claudie Hart; conductor, Mrs. H.Cooke ; outside guar dian, Fred McUncr; iiiBide guardian, Miss Olive Luelling. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. tit fat- 11 Bill It n mry Vitpptr. tl(uturi Of Royal nukes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. fl mm POWDER Absolutely Pure ROVAl SAKINa POWHFH CO., NSWVOHK. CIRCUIT COURT. F T Barlow vs Carl Huth ; default and judgment for the sum of $100, interest, costs and attorney's fees. Bank of Oregon City vs John Schuttel and E C Maddock ; default and judg ment for $75.17 costs etc, and attached property ordered sold. Tootle Weakley Millinery Co vs EE Martin et al ; default and judgment as to W T Whitlock, for $307.10, costs etc. D W James vs Wm Ohlinkamp and John Dahlke ; confirmation of sale. Merchants Exchange National Bank vs H and J J Davoren ; demurrer to plaintiff's complaint overruled and de fendant given until April 1st to file an swer. State of Oregon vs Charles Lescor, on trial for assauhing Chas Roadarmel at Clackamaslast June i jury failed to agree M E McOarver vs Eliza Coleman et al; sheriff's sale confirmed. A E Latourotte, exec, vs E P Elliott et al ; sheriff's sale confirmed. John Dolan vs Lorenzo Winters ; sale conrfimed. Investment Security Co vs Gabriel J Trullinger et al ; default entered. R Lingard vs Silas Bevens et al ; con firmation of sale. S C Cramer vs W T Burney et al ; de fault and judgment decree for $504 etc, and mortgaged premises ordered sold Oelinda E Shipley, executrix of estate of A R Shipley, deceased, vs M E Ship ley et al ; confirmation of sale. ' Geo J Cnrrin, administrator of estate of Henry Wehrheim, deceased, vs Fred Stulke; order for publication of sum 1110118. John Holts vs John and Bessie Camp bell ; default and judgment decree for $850, etc, and foreclosure of mortgaged premises. State of Oregon vs G V Stricklin; jury brought in a verdict for simple as sault. E K Howard vs G W Grace; jury re turned verdict as follows: "We find for the plaintiff, that he is the owner and entitled to the immediate posses sion of a one-third interest in the 10 acres of corn and 10 acres of potatoes described in the complaint, and we fix the value of mi id one-third interest at the Bum of $30, and we further find the phiintifi's further damage herein is the aura of $12." G B Dimick and J F Clark appeared for the plaintiff and J E Marks for defendant. On motion of J E Marks 10 days were given in which to file motion for a new trial. Martha Doores et al, vs John Doores ; given 30 days to answer. J tl Settleinier vs Heine K Howard. et al; dismissed. Thomas Utiarman & Hon vs Walter and Rebecca Ford; default and judg ment for $303.94, costs, etc, and attached property ordered sold. William Pochin and Robert Whit worth vs (iabriel J Trullinger, et al ; con firmation. Stale of Oregon vs 0 W F Thiclmartn ; plead Kiiilty to indictment for selling one Kill of wh'iskv to Or in A'lkins for 10 centn, mid the Hcntence was suspended, The cliargu in selling beer was dis missed. State of Oregon v Jamu.4 Troy; charged with sodomy. The case was dismisned, after the deiendant had been confined in juil about eight months awaiting trial. ChaileH K Mnores vh Clackamas County j demurrer overruled, and de fendant to answer on or before Feb. 17, 1898. Sidney Smyth and T 1 Randall vs Jamej Shaw and James W Shaw ; jury verdict in favor of plaintiff for $023.55, interest and attorney fees. Elizabeth Hess va Ttie Oregon Ger man Bakery Company and Theodoro II Linbe; motion for a new trial denied, and on motion of plaintiffs attorney, judgment was entered upon the jury verdict of $8,500, costs and disburse ments. Frederick A French vs Filancy Otis; C K Kindt entered as attorney for plain tiirto (Uncharge writ of attachment here tofore iHKiied in the above-entitled action. F M I'ickard vs Leonora K Pickard ; demurrer overruled. T. P. McOubbin vs J M Tracy, execu tor; ordered that writ of review issue upon filing $100 bond. Judge McBride has not yet handed down a decision in the injunction suit against Adolph hbolJ, for maintaining a slaughter house at a certain location on the Abernethy. Default and judgment was entered in the suit of the Northern Counties Investment Company agaiuet W. H. Burghardt. Judge Mclirule was in Astoria Thursday, and the court re porter is taking testimony in the divorce uitol hwigert vs bwigert. 1 tie the term was dismissed Tuesday Tim iurv fur . i C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Kslate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY .... OREGON Geo. C. Bbownku, J. V. Campbell TJROWNELL & CAMPBELL ATTORNEYS AT LAW I Caufleld Building - Oregon City, Ore THOS. F. RYAN 1 'Nit.fl.rv Piihlifi Mirl T?a1 Hatnta RTTilroi" Leading Insurance Agency or Clackamas County Money io Loan. Abstracts of Title Mnrtn Drawing of Legal Doouments a Specialty Oruee on east side of Miiin street Between 6th and 7th OREGON CITY, OREt.ON M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. ( Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people o uregun uiiy ana vicinity, special attentlou paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office tyjurs: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to ti p. m. OREGON CU'Y - - OREGON J. W. WELCH DENTIST WILLAM ETTE BLOCK OprosiTi P. ). Okkgon City, Ou (J, H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Oeputy County Surveyor Will be at Court Hone on each Saturday and ou regular session davs of County Court C. N. GREENMAN (Established 1866 ) THE PIONEER KX PRESSMAN AND DRAYMAN Parcels Delivered to All Parts of the City OREGON CITY . "T . . OREOON' COMMERCIAL BANK OF OREGON CITY CAPITAL- f 100,000 Transacts a Genoral Banking Buatnesa Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes col, lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points tn the United States ana Europe and on Hong Kong, ueposits reoeivea uDiecuoonecs. v Bank open from D A.M. to 4 P. M. D. C. LATOURETTE, FRED J. MEYER, President Cashier BANK OF OREGON CITY OI.DKST BANKING HOUSE IN THE CITT PAW VP CAPITAL, tM.000.00 SURPLUS W&0.00 President, Vice-president Cashier, Chas. H. CAvrus Geo.. A. Hakdis E. O. CADflELB A General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notea Discounted. County and City Warrants Bought. Loans Made on Available Becuritv Exohange Bought and Hold. Collections Made Promptly. ' Drafts Sold Available In Any Part of the World. Telegraphic Ejnhange Sold on Portland,' San Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits H. STRAIGHT, DEALER IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ar.d Laiid Plaster. Ncblitt livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OB EGON, On the Streft between the Bridge andtha Depot. Double and dingle rigs and saddle horses a ways cm hauil nt tho lowest rates, nd acorrk also connected with the baru for loose stock Any information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOKHKS BOUGHT OR SOLD MRS. PRIERS' FOB Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Tobacco Main Street Oregon O Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take laxatlvs Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH ' ''"'Kglsts rxfuud the money If It fails to eure, ifte