4 HOW TOJINO OUT. Fill a bottle or common ijlasa with Ui n and let it stand t weniv-iour nours , Usedi ment or fet:linit indicates an un aealthy condition"! mih kidney. When brine stain- linen it isevid Mine of kidney urouble. Tuo fri-qnnt ileire t' urinate or pain in ih buck, in hIi eunvincinis proof that the kidnnvK Hud bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is cmilil in the knowledge so often expressed. ' iliat Dr Kilmer's Swamp Hoot, the ieal kidney remedy fulfills every wh in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the minary passages. It corrects inabiliiy to hold urine and BCfldiiig pain is patting it, or bad effects following .use ol liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes thai unpleasant nepessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night 10 urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effects of Swamp Hoot is soon realized. It stands the highest tor its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Bold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphl' t both sent free by mail. Mention Orkoon ity C .Cbieb and send jour address to Dr Kilmer & to-. Binghamlon, N Y. The proprietors of tins paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. ; F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a specialty. Wilson Cooke's Old Stand ORKOON CITY, OKEUON. ; JAMES MURROW, . Decorating I Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Btreet, Oregon City, Oregon. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Uottoii Dairy and be ConvnoeoV ; w. ir. young 's Liverv & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON I .WfcJob Printing at the P" Courier (mice. DR. KESSLER, J tv, 1. m .rmxd aneelallat. of St. Loiil. 3 well known by hie long residence and mo. 'fOMftilly practice In thU olty, continue to .....iillv trait all kind! of Ctiromo anu I nrlvate disease! FREE TREATMENT ffvSmsMS I very afternoon 3L00D AID SKIN KSJK line Tallin, minora, -ivunra, "" ithrr laiuiirltlee of the blood . thoroughly 'radicated, leavtnc the system In a strong Mire and healthful stale. rmnmr I minu treated by an old German anLUmflllM remedy. This remedy whs ivai'iiitiii 10 nr. neaseinr uy mou lerlln. It lies never failed. II Tl OflDUO I'lcere, Canoeri, ete., treat ea, no 11, m uuiluU dlirerenoe now long mieeiru, UMP.Y ANU URINARY COMPLAINTS, Hiinltil, dime till, loo irwiuant, milky or bloo.iv irlne, unaliiral discharges, oarefully treated, Ilea, rheumatism and neuralgia treated by lur new remould. Take a clear bottle at bedtime and urinate n the bottle, act aside and look at It In the miming. It It la cloudy, of haa a cloudy net. ling In It, you have some kidney or ultuldvr sense. ft HDD1 WflBllf removed In twenty-four hour IMID nUIUILNee worunln wiuuow ai 01 lev 16 toil teet long. JDfUiPII OTIMVC! w mert persona every JULnlll OillmU day wmwe orew n suinu hi li.t.l It Is disgusting. Thliconiea (Mm .' airh nl either Hie nose or au.nineh,. uo am le examined. U can be cured before th iimul bone becomes involved. rrimirl 1IPV If you are troubled with night .UUfltf lUtifl omissions. exhatistlngdriUiii, iinileH, iwslifulmws, aversion to society imiiiliieioi. ileiiHimtencv. lou of energy, am- II Ion mid nell-ooutldeiioe, which deprive you I your manhood and absolutely until you or un.lv. business or marriage II you are h'lK iiitlieted you tuuy know the cause, iml le (fdaied. 0 cyi MIDDLE-AGED MENR'7-ia.i venk, iiehiiig liiuka and kUlucva; frequent, enlntiil urination and ledlment In uMne j Inr mieiiey or weakm'm of aetual organs, and ,i her iinmlKtakable algui of nervotia debllliy ui.l prematura decay, Many die of this llltlciiltv, Ignorant of the cause. The most ilisi tmtie cnaet of this character treated. "TOTtf A 1P diseases. Oleet, Gonorrhea, In t till Alt Hmellona,lliherge, Htrlcturea Veakneaa of Organa, Hyphllla, Hydrocele (anoocele and kindred trouble treated. Consultation Free to AH. Oitfick IIoubb: From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or address J. Henri Kessler M. D. At St. Louis DUpensary, . r-i g1"r VAMHILL TRT. POHTLAND, .... OREOOH, Circuit Court. The adjourned session of the Novem ber term of the circuit court was con vened Wednesday by Judge McBride. The petit jury on hand during the No vember session are nearly all here again, and justice is slowly being grouud out to the litigants and those arraigned for criminal offenses. Nearly the whole day Wednesday was occupied with the case of C. W. F.Thielman, charged with selling liquor without licenso hi New Era precinct. The case was given to the jury, who after being out all night re ported that they could not agree. The ballot e ood six to six. Ex-Senator Mitchell and Henry E. McGinn, attorneys for the defendant in the Hess-Liebe damage suit, presented a motion for a new trial, which was ta ken under advisement by the judge. The 01 her cases disposed of are as fol lows: Bank of Oregon City vs A. W. Howard ; default and judgment for the recovery of $500 on a promissory note. George Foruui vs D. H. Tuttle ; default and judgment decree. Bank of Oregon City vs W. T. Whitlock, et ux; default and judgment. Eliza B. Jobes vs J B Jobes; decree of divorce on the ground of desertion. Bank of Oregon City vs W. S. Rider, Monasies vs Hawley, et al, and Char man vs Ford,'were dismissed. On Thursday the trial of Charles Les cor, on a charge of assaulting Charles Roadarmel with a deadly weapon at Clackamas last June, took up the greater part of the court's attention Thursday. Court will probably con tinue in session several days yet. Thb silver republicans will hold their state convention on the same date as democrats, March 23d, with four dele gates from this county. Wm. Barlow of Barlow is committeeman. What Everybody Knows, ought to know, is that health and Or even life itself depends upon the condi tion of the blood, Feeding, as it does, all the organs of the body, it must be rich and .pure in order to give proper nourishment. Hood's Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure, rich and nourish ing, and in this 'way strengthens the nerves, creates an appetite, tones the stomach and builds up the health. Hood's Sarsaparilla' wards off colds, pneumonia and fevers, which are pre valent at this time. Pure blood is absolutely necessary for perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purifier, and great health giver. Scrofula is the advertisement of foul blood. It may be entirely driven from the system by the faithful use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly purifies the blood. m 19 m Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cure indigestion, biliousness. 25c. OABTOIIIA, Tlifus- li 1 ilgutui tf For Over Fifty Years An Old and Well-Twed Remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soolhes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cotes wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggis n every part of the World. Iwenty five cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Beauty la lllood. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. CascaretB Candy Cathartic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirrinu np the lazy liver and driving all Impurities from the bqtiy. lSt'lfin to-day to hamuli pimples, nolle, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by takina Capcarets, beauty for ten cenls. All druggists satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c, A gentleman went into Ilolman's to buy some wall paper for his parlor and looking through the many samples found some patterns that were fine, de cided upon one. "What is the price of that paper?" " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." But when it was explained how and why it was sold so cheap, ho took the paper and was highly pleased. m wi To urelContliilUin;Forvr. Take Capoarets Candy Cathartie.f 10c or 25c. If C. C. C fail tocure, druggists refund money. ffKdiuale, You r"lo liW Mil Cn'i rt a , Candy Califs rlic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 25c. If C.C.C. fail, drug gists refund money. Two Mtlllona Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means Ihey're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Camarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of Iwo million boxes a year and it will be three million beh re New Years. It menus merit proved, that Casoareta are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All drug gists 10c,25, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. A aura TIiiiir for You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thing. Biliousness, sick head ache, furred tongue, fever, piles ami a thousand other ills are caused hy con stipation and slnggich liver. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by all druggists guaranteed to cure or money refunded. C. C. C. are a sure thing. Try a box to-day ; 10c, 25c, 50c. Sample and booklet free. All druggists. Continued from First Pace, M E Kandle J P, et vs Shockley . . 4 15 4 50 1 70 1 70 2 10 1 SO 2 30 1 70 1 70 2 00 2 00 1 20 Amos Harrington con wit Lena Seibolt Marv Seibolt Fred Setboit Rob Spooner John Scott C Still Annie Wallace Wm Bonney W S Uix A Nicholas T J Kirk jur 1 20 1 40 1 40 13 00 5 00 8 00 4 00 5 00 6 00 6 00 John Wallace Willis Mayfield (i it Uimick " datty l)rW Garll, insane. House. . . . M Clifford, st ys Holemier, insane H .angle " " " Dr E A Sommer " " W N Godfrey, inq M Richardson J W Powell J VV Waite, inq Mrs Sam Roake Chas Chase wil ' John Noble " " " 70 70 70 70 70 H HaniBn " " James Brandt 1 Ueo Gullyti8 " " " T W Park " " " Dr E A Sommer " " " Si Crumby " " " David Close " " " Mary Younger " " " M J (ileason " " " Dave Henderson " " " Maud Nobla " " " 70 70 70 70 70 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 20 3 20 3 20 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 70 49 10 10 00 5 00 2 20 2 20 2 20 Ttios Ryan " Eph Kennedy " AETamiesie " Mary Gadke " U i Gadke " Joseph Jones " H Laborise " Wm Putrow '' Chas Babcock " W N Godlrey cor L L Porter dist atly Dr E A Sommer II J Harding juror F T Barlow " Dave Henderson ' EC Maddock " J W Hoffman " 2 20 2 20 Wm Cantwell c h ac 5 25 Olds & Morris, roads and bridges 166 71 K W Wade, wit circt 3 00 CHIsom.sh'f ac 00 F T Barlow, pauper ac. , 8 65 T Williamson, " " 5 00 C Scliuebel, j p st vs Robinson. . 5 70 M F MuCowu, con " " .... 14 40 L L Porter, dist atty ' .... 5 00 C Schuebel, j p st vsLeebe.. 4 70 M F McCown, con " " 3 10 L L Porter, dist atty ' " . . . . 5 00 M Walker wit st vs Brown-Bills 1 90 B Gregory " " " " 190 Rea Norris " ' " " 1 70 Louis Rail " " " " 1 90 C E Smith ' " " " 1 90 Wm Rivers "1 90 John Sfiadle jur " " " 1 90 T S Lawrence 1 20 ETUrider " " " " 120 GR H Miller " " " " 120 Wm Davis " " " "1 20 H P Bestow " " " " 1 20 M F McCown, con st vs John Doe 4 00 M F McCown " " J A House 1 20 Oregon City pauper ac 5 00 Thou F Ryan, rec fee H Hessey. . 1 20 CE Burns con " " " .... 23 10 G B Dimick, atty " ' " . . . . 2 50 O C Herald, Btat and printing. . .' 30 75 f. Stout, assessor's ac 67 78 I la Stout " " 48 00 Ina Chase " " 2 00 Noblett's stables, com ac 4 00 " " pauper ac... 3 00 T G Jonsrud jury list dist 13 3 00 L G Cat Isoi. 1 00 UilbertJohnsiud " Geo H Brown " P II Mead " Elmer Veteto " N M Connell st vs 8 B Westfall wit " ' 2 00 " 3 00 " " 2 00 ' 2 00 Ladow 4 60 .... 190 Ida Calkins " " " .... 1 70 Louis Herren " " " .... 1 60 T M Baker " " " .... 1 60 Chas Lee " " " .... 1 60 T M Baker " " " ... It 35 Pope & Co road and bridge ac. 1 60 Fred Hesse, county 6 00 (i Wallace, pauper account 0 00 Red Front Iradins Co. " 1125 P Nehren, board of prisoners Dec. 45 12 Wilson & Cooke, road 4 55 Geo Sleight, wit. in John Bode 1 20 Dr J W Powell " 1 20 G B Dimick, attorney " 13 00 J VV Powe I, physician " 13 00 Frances Welch, juror " 1 20 M E Kandle " " 1 20 Dan Fellows " " 1 20 R J 8hockley " " 1 20 C Welch " " 1 20 C Krohn " " 1 20 W N Godfrey, coroner " 14 10 O C Enterprise, printing " 7 60 M McCown, wit Bt vs Houso.tnsane z J M Caldwell 'i 20 Thos F Ryan " " ' 2 20 J W Grout " " " 2 00 C E Burns " " " 2 2 C H Isom, road and bridge 64 40 J S Birdsell " " 4 OU David Brown " " 14 00 H B Snow 4 00 T B Hankina, sheriff's account 18 00 D W Kuinaird, road and bridge 12 (0 II E Cross, county 50 00 Dr D L Paine, insane account 5 00 S F May, wit. circuit court 2 90 WP Herman, jurv list J P dist. 8 2 00 M Clifford " " " 2(0 JHDungan.JP 3 00 " " at. vs Holemier " 2 20 W N Godfrey, coroner, burial of W Abemethy 9 00 C richuebel, J P, at. vs J Watson 6 35 M F McCown, con. " " tt 30 Mrs Wal len, wit. " " 2 10 Mr Walden " " " 2 10 Mrs Marv Ford " " " 2 30 E J Eddy " " " 1 70 S Nagler " " " 2 30 Geo Bolton " " " 1 70 L L Porter, dep dist. atty " 6 0.1 lna Chase, clerk's account 5 00 lliiam Straight, pauper account 14 25 l'Al't'KR AlTOl'NT. Mrs E Morgan 10 00 Mrs Mary Halt 8 00 Ivan Olsen 15 00 T M Beker 15 IX) Theresa Kramer 0 00 I A Wall 8 (0 1) W Thomas 8 00 Charles Bergman 7 Mra Hosa Freichler 12 Mrs Martha Mail ti Ellen Ihidges 8 J W Jones 0 W L Davis tt Wm Scott 5 Mra Mary Hart 8 Mrs Hattie Wood 5 C W Armstrong tt 00; 00 00, 00 1 50 00 ! 00; 00 00! 00 ' .1 S McComh 20 Mia LP Clark 7 G M Fleming 8 J W Roots 20 II S Strange 8 Mary Dull' 4 Mrs Grindstaff 4 I D Laikio 5 ,1 W May 8 Mrs Caroline DeBaum. . 10 Win Jae.k 10 Mrs 0 A Fox 15 Mrs Ella Rutiyan 10 Mrs Jeanne Law . . 19 Herman Lee 5 M L Moore 5 M L Moore 10 Co. F. O N. G., armorv rent 25 VV F Gardner, B and G Aid Soc'ty 10 Court adjourned to meet on Saturda y , January 15th. Dr. Duvall. It is with unfeigned pleasure that we announce our surprise at the method and results of Dr. Duvall's treatment of diseases that seem to be incurable by the skill of man. Dr. Duvall came among us with commendations that have rarely ever been awarded to one of his profession ; but coming from strang ers they did not bring conviction to our minds of his wonderful healing gifts as the statements of our own citizens have done. We are especially most favorably impressed with the statements of two aged ladies so wonderfully relieved with a few treatments, of rheumatism, one of 30 years' standing ; also two cases of asthma, two of paralysis, two of female complaint all relieved wi h a few treat ments. One lady testifies of immediate relief of sufferings intolerable the very minute the doctor came into her room without a word or touch from him. Dr. Duvall treats only such cases as have not yielded to influence of medicines and cannot be improved by surgery. We would advise our readers to procure the doctor's circulars and see the wonder ful statements of his most marvelous cures. NO CURE NO PAY. That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC lor Malaria, Chills and Fever. It is simply iron and quinine in are asteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer at a bitter, nauseating Tonics. Price 6O0. For sale by C. (i. Huntley, Druggist. LAXATIVE BR0M0 QUININE TABLETS Move the bowels gently, relieves the Cough, cures the feverish condition and Headache, making tt the best and quickest remedy for Coughs, Colds, and La Grippe. Cures in one day. No cure, no pay. P'lce2de. Everybody Says Bo. CascaretB Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the ape, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, ckansingtheentiresystem, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of U. C. C. to day ; 10, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaran teed to cure by all druggists. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wile was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing tor her. Il seemed to develop into hasty consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she be gan to get better from first dose , and half dozendollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King'a New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle at Charraan & Co.'s drugstore. , Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easv inaction and are particu lar. y effective inthe cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles thev have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but bv iiivina tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box. Bold by Charrnan & Co., Druggists. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE 0AY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 1!jc Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Kruntiona. and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect, satisfaction or money ro unded. Frice ZD cents per 00. r or ale by Charman & Co. Dr. DUVALL PIONEER NATURAL BEALER Treat all manner of CHRONIC DUE ASKS thai cannot ne cureu by the skill of man I Without Medicines or Instruments Healing Infirmities and uplifting humanity is Dr. Duvall's Christ Ian specialty and religious duly. He helds out no Inducement whatever for palronane, simply showing whit he has done lor nianv invalids; using no deceit, conscientiously doing his best for the rich and poor alike. HEALING ROOMS at Mrs. Shaw's resi dence, Main St., between Third and Fourth streets, second house back of Wong Lee's laundry. Hours, 10 a. ni. to 5 p. m. OR. PEFFErVS royal-Tansy pills. ucm mcrnucRV NFVFR FslLS. A new. reliable and f relief - 4 ..Mwiivn. ncauty or pain- ."l L K'.,w ,m1 by over 80,000 J.Anir.8.- lnvinointot the organ.. Bkwabb or OiNOEBOCs im- r" f .tumim for imrticulanj. L-W SmCAL ASSN. Chisago. l-reiwm in ,,i..u -.- ,. Vv&KKR III. For Sale by Charman A Co, The Ghuiama Makket . Is the elieapost place in the city to buy 00 00 00 I 0.1 00 j 00 FIRST-CLASS FRESH Seventh Street, Neur Pepot, Oregon City. Tai l J. Scitou, Trop. t t t T ... Biliousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrif y In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, nlOOdl'S . i nrtA Pills or blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con tipation, etc. 26 cents.- Sold by all druggists. Che only Pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla, JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Oiogon City Bank Block. Oregoh City, .... Obegon. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on eao t and on regular session days of County Court. J. W. WELCH, IDIElSrTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, ' Opposite P. O., Oregos City, Ore. Geo. C. Bbownell. J. U. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Caufleld Building Oregon City ,0 D. & D. C. LATOURETT E Attorneys at Law, V. Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial Barm Bulldln OREGON. OREGON CITY. M. C. STRICKLAND, M. D. (Hospital and Private Experience.) Offers his professional services to the people of Oregon City and vleinlty. special auenuon paid to Catarrh and Chronic diseases. Best of references given. Office in Willamette Building. Office hours: 10 to 12 a. m., 4 to 6 p. m.. OREGON CITY ... - OREGON GO TO MRS. PRIERS' FOB Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Tobacco Main Street - - , Oregon c C. N. GREENMAN, THK PIONEER Express and Drayman r "5 (Established 1806 ) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city.. Gambrinus Cold Storage Grieasen & Hallwyer, Props. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON CITY OREGON Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures WANTED TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for respo nsibld OBtuiuhaH twin in OrPtrnn. Monthly S6A an Position steady. Reference. Kncloee self-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. WANTKD-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVE gentlemen or ladies to travel for responsible, established house in Oregon. Monthl y t and expenses. Position steauy neiercnce. spll-addressed stamped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chieago. PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED BY GEO. A. HARDING THE Old Reliable Druggist MEDICINE. AT ITT KATES MEATS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE " understened. executrixes of the will and estate of John Cobery, deceafed, have filed their final report as Buch executrixes in the county court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and that the said court has Hxea Mouaay, tne Ttn aay 01 February, 1898 at 10 o'clock a. m at the county court room as the day, time and place for Ihe examination of said report, hearing objections to the same, anu tlie nnal settlement 01 saia estate. MAEY COBERY, MARY A. HaUSY, Executrixes of said Will and Estate . SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas countv. A E. Latourette, Trustee, Plaintiff, vs. Josephus Thompkins, Sarah H. Thompkins, U D. Story and C. D. story, Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. By virture of a judgment order, decree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seil of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 5th dav ot January, 1898, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 20th day of No. vember, 1897, in favor o( A. E. Lntourette, Trustee, tlaintiff,and against Josephus Thompklns.Sarah H. Thompkins, li. D. Slory and C. D. Story, defen dants, for the sum of '2tt44.U0, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 20th dav of November, lbl)7, and the further sum of $100 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $20, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make Bale of the following aescrioea reai prop' erty situate in the county of Clackamas, state o( Oregon, to-will A part of the original D. L. 0. of l. D Thompkins and wife in sections 23, 24 and 26 of township 2 south of range 1 east of the Willamette Mendiau, and of section 80, township 2 soulh, range 2 east of the Willamette Meridian, Clackamis county, state of Oregon, and particularly desorlbed as follows, to-wit: Beginning on the west line of said D. L. O. at the southwest corner of tract set off by partition decree of the circuit court of Multnomah county, state of Oregon, to Roger D. Thompkins (said point being south 49 degrees 80 minutes east 28.71 chains distant from north, west corner of said D. L. C), thenee along the west Hue of said D. L. C. Bouth 49 degrees 80 minutes east 15.31 chains, thence east 61.19 chains to the Willamette river, thence north along the said river with its meanders 27 deprees west5. 79 chains, thence north 38 degrees west 6.90 chains to southeast comer ol said Roger 1). Thompkins tract, thence west U6.75 chains to the place of beginning, containing 63.82 acres, more or less. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Satur; day, the 5th day of February, 1898, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., at the front door of the county couit house in the city of Oregon City, in said county and slate, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold ooin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which Ihe within named deiendants or ehWer of them, had on,thu date of the mortgage herein or since had in ahd to the above described real property or any pari thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, , costs and all accruing costs. G. W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Jan. 6th, 1898. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE f HAVE NOW IN MY HANDS FUNDS applicable (b the payment of all warrants endorsed prior to August 1st, 1894. Interest will cease on the above warranti after the date of this notice. JACOB SHADE, Treasurer of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 13th day of Jauuary, 1898. THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker Leading INBVBANCR Agency or OLACKAHi County. Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made. Drawing of Legal DooumeutB a Specialty Office on east side or main sireei Between 6th and 7th. OREGON CITY, - OREGON. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. . CAPITAL $ 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Buslnes Loans made, Bills discounted. Makes CO lections. Buys and sells exchange on all point! In the United States ano Kurope ana on rtong Kong. Deposits received suDiecnocnecx. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C. LATOURETTE, FRED MEYER, rresuieui. asmer H. STRAIGHT, SKALIK IN R0CERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement and Land Plaster. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, 0a the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Di.uble and slnsrle rles and saddle horses k .in an hand t the lowest rates. nd a corra also connected with the barn for loose stock Any Information regarding any una oi biocc promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUGHT OB SOLD Bank of Oregon City OLDEST BANKING HOU8H IN TH CITY Paid Up Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $20,850. resident, Chas. H. Caufuid Vice-president Gio. A. Hardins Cashier, .... E. Q. CaBMILD 4 General Banking Business Transacted Deposits Received Subject to Check. Approved Bills and Notes Discounted. County and City Warrants bought. Loam Made on Available Security Exchange Bought and 4old. Collections Made Promptly. Drafts Hold Available in Any Part of the 'Vorld. Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, Ban Francisco, Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits BUSINESS CHAKGE- 0. F. HENNINGS haa purchased the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja i ob Kober and the new management is pre pared to fumii-h you with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Etc., at very reasonable prices. C. F. HENMNGS, 7th St. Eakery OABTOIIIA.