Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 14, 1898, Image 4

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Roletedin Oregon City poatofflcpasgdcond-clasa matter
Hfl1 in advance, per year 1 50
8ii ni'inths 75
Thrr months 40
The date onnosite your address on the
denotes the time to which you have paid .
OREGON CITY, JAN. 14, 1898.
That the water JMipply of Oregon City
is not as good as it should be is a well
known fact and is partly the cauBe of
much of the sickness now prevailing.
It is but a matter of time that the water
supply for this city will have to be taken
from the Clackamts river instead of the
At a conference of the democratic and
people's party of Malheur county the
following recommendations were agreed
to: "We hereby recommend a co-operation
of our respective parties, and invite
the co-operation of the free silver forces.
We also recommend that our respective
county conventions be held at the same
time and place "
Tun lea' lent of the various parties ad
vocating the free coinage of silver were
inconference at Washington Saturday.
The meeting was held in the committee
room of Senator Jones, chairman of the
democratic national committee, and
there were present, in addition to Jones,
Senator Butler, chairman of the national
committee of the populist party; Sena
tor White, Congressman Bailey and Hon.
Marcus Daly, democrats ; Senators Teller,
Fetigiew, Cannon and Mantle, and
Representative Hartman, silvu'r repub
licans, and Senator Allen, populist.
A few reasons why the Courier is the
fcest paper in Clackamas county: First
. It contains more reading matter than
any other. Local, county, state, nation
al and foreign news are published he-
aides choice miscellaneous and farm
articles. Second It is the best adver
tising medium as is shown by the fact
that it carries more paying advertise
ments than any other and gets better
Tales. Third It is always found advo
eating the principles that will benefit
the laborer and producer and ib inde
pendent and be'ongs to no politiean or
faction as is the case with a majority of
the othor papers of the county. You
can get it from now until after the June
election for 50 cents.
Tun meeting of the silver forces in
Portland on the 7th is destined to be a
memorable one in the history of Oregon
politics. It was a surprise to every one
in point of numbers and. the interest
manifested. The silver men were elated
over the success of the meeting while
the cold men could read tho "hand
writing on the wall." Tho silver repub
lie ma likened it to the beginning of the
Fremont campaign and the birth of tin
republican party. It was a striking
spectacle to see lifelong political op
ponents meet and rejoice over one com
raon bond of Union. It was an earnest,
serious, yet eiilhtlMHstic meeting. It
was a revolt against machine politics.
The political boss was not there nud bis
hirelings weredumb. The plain country
folks, the "cow county politician" had
Invaded the city of Portland and captured
it, ami it argues well. Such a thing has
nut happened for years, it is the dawn of
Letter politic, of honest politics and the
Hople d and have a right to rejoice.
Tiik various star routes of this section
of the country have been awarded by the
jtoHtollico department, and, as usual,
most of the successful bidders are East
ern parties, who, in most instances, have
underbid the starving prices of the last
term We have been imposed on about
lung enough in this matter. Uncle Sam
is billing to pay for the delivery of his
mails, anil we should see that they are
delivered. Leave tho Eastern contract
ing sharks in the lurch! The bids this
year are lower than ever, and tho only
reasonable supposition is that bidders
have figured on a basis of a thickly set
tled country, with a local business car
rying baggage and passengers, and
supplied with mac adamixod roads. They
kmt-v nothing of our mountain roads,
which are almost unimproved, except
timber removed from the lines of road
in most eases barely wide enough for
the wagon, with no grading, except where
absolutely necessary to get around points,
ami no graveling, or, to speak in Eastern
lingo, macadam, except In rare cases.
They cannot begin to supply the routes
for the sums named.
Swhktahy Cage is the financial boss
of tho whole administration outfit. He
made a bluff at resigning, if Mr. MoKin
ley was dixsatiHllod with his advocacy of
legislation to clinch the gold standard
upon the financial system, and McKin
ley at oneo dropped to tho gold side of
tho financial fence, and informed his
wiley secretary of the treasury that he
didn't want his resignation and was per
tfoctly satislied with what he had done
and what he was doing. If that doesn't
oonvinco the silver republicans in con
gress that Mr. McKinley lias left them
in the lurch and surrendered, bag and
liaggage, to the gold standard crowd, it
will be plain as the nose on your face
that they don't want to be convinced.
Although the democrats were not at all
surprised at Mr. McKinley's action,
they are much pleased with it. Delight
ed, in fact. It's worth many thousand
democratic votes.
Quite a goodly number of democrats,
popuiists, ana silver repuoiiCMis were
present at the union meeting held in
Portland on the 7th. Among them were
VVm. Barlow, T. F. Cowing, W. W.
Myers, G. 0. Rinearson, Ira Jones,
Robert A. Miller, J. D. Stevens and
others of this county. It was tho uani
mous sentiment that a union of the re
iorm forces was necessary for the com
ing state campaign. Upon this senti
ment there was not a dissenting voice in
the whole convention. Union of the
silver forces is now an assured fact in
the state of Oregon.
Mb. Bain, of the Press, is trying to
injure the Courier by stating that the
editor was a republican in times past.
It would not be a criminal act if we had
changed our poiitics, which we did not
do. If Mr. Bain, who, by the way, has
the swellhead, can find when or where
we ever voted a republican ticket, wrote
a republican article, ran a republican
paper or was ever identified with the
republican party, let him show it.
The state convention of the democrats
will be held at Portland on March 23d,
and Clackamas county is entitled to 14
delegates. J. J. Cooke of Oregon City
is committeeman from this county and
a member of the executive board.
Ours is still the greatest gold-producing
country in the world. The product
of the several lands for 1807 is estimated
as follows by the N. Y. World:
United States $01 ,500,000
Africa 58,000,000
Australasia 61 000,(100
Mexico 10,000,000
Canada 7,500,000
India 7,500,000
Russia 25,000,00(1
Thus Africa, with all its Kaffir mines,
produces $3,500,000 less than the United
States. Colorado alone yields three times
as much gold as all of Canada together,
including the Klondike and the gold
fields of British Columbia. California,
once thought to be exhausted, has a
product nearly twice that of Mexico, and
more than two and a half times that of
Canada or that of all India.
And yet our gold product, though the
largest in the world, is of small value in
comparison with tho results of the
farmers' toil.
For example, while our gold output is
worth $61,500,000, , our corn is worth
1491,000,000, our wheat $310,6000.000,
and even our lowly oats $132,500,000,
The country's yield of any one of these
golden grains is worth from twice to six
times as much as all the gold dug out of
the ground. '
More than that, the corn grown in the
United States each year is worth more
than twice as much as all the gold mined
in all the world.
Corn and its kind are real wealth ;gold
is only , a counter.
Mr. and Mrs. Goucher were given a
surprise party on January 8th, last Sat
urday evening. The party numbered
23. Mr. J. Mallet, wife and family, Mr.
and Mrs. l'enbrook and family and a
scattering ones around the neighborhood
were present. They amused themselves
with all kinds "of games. Prof. E. J.
Hammond gave them a few dialogues
and also some fine singing, both comic
and sentimental, and also mystic and
clog dancing. About 12 o'clock the
party sat and ate a bounteous supper,
which was prepared by Mrs. Kale
Goucher. About 2 o'clock they went
home well satisfied having had a good
time at Rosebud farm , Goucher avenue.
Jan. 10. OO.
The New Years mask ball at Sandy
was a success, financially and otherwise.
Some 1 10 numbers were sold and several
very handsome costumes wore worn.
Francis Emmet McGugin bore off in
triumph a splendid dictionary, given for
bent sustained gent's character, and
MiHS Nellie Donahue, the album, the
lady's prize.
Tho appointment of J. II. Revenue as
road supervisor was a surprise to some
of our citizens, as two different petitions
advocating good men were presented to
tho county court, and ignored.' As Mr.
Revenue is in favor of good roads the
Kople seem to bo satisfied that ho will
do his duty faithfully and honestly.
I am pleased to learn that tho pros
H'ct is good for the friends of silver
uniting to down the common enemy
and compel them to step down and tint
of power and place everywhere. The
people have had more than enough of
their gold standard, their high and rob
bing tariff, shutting this country out
from unloading its immense surplus
product on the markets of the world. The
laborers, producers and consumers in
this country should unite and down the
party that has and is building up a
monarchy ot wealth that is seeking to
control the politics, the legislature and
tho whole business of the country in its
interests. 1 believe union is the right,
the common sense move and should have
tho hearty support of everyone who de
sires manhood and not money to rule in
our country. XXX.
January 4.
Only two cases of tardiness last month
with a total enrollment of 607.
The superintendent's report, which
appears elsewhere in this issue, shows a
gain of 3 in attendance for the past
month when compared with the atten
dance for the corresponding month of
last year. The gain is doubtless due to
the filters, the sterilizers, and the gym
nasium .
The first term will end on Feburary
4th. New pupils for first primary de
partments should enter on February 7,
as no special arrangement can be made
for the instruction of those that enter
after this date.
Mr. B. S. Pague, of the U.S. Weather
Bureau, will address the members of the
high school department on some after
noon of this month in their rooms at the
Barclay school. The lecture will be free
to the pupils and such of the patrons
and friends of the school as may wish
attend. The subject and exact date will
be announced at some later date.
In order that parents and other inter
ested persons may have an opportunity
to gain some definite idea of the work
that is now being done in each depart
ment of our schools, an exhibit of the
written work of each month will be kept
in the postoffice building for as long a
time as the interest taken by parents in
examining and comparing work. submit
ted each month, may justify.
The members of the high school have
organized a literary society styled "The
Barclay High School Club" which has
its regular meeting at the Barclay school
at 2:30 p. m. on the first and the third
Friday of each school month. This
organization bids fair to do good work
and is comparatively exempt from the
many objections that are usually urged
against societeis holding evening sessions.
Report of the public schools of Oregon
City lor the month ending Jan. 7, 1898:
Days taught 19, days attendance 10032,
days absence 620, cases of tardiness 2,
boys enrolled 295. girls enrolled 312,
total enrollment 607, average number
belonging 556, average daily attendance
527, per centum of attendance 95, per
centum of attendance for corresponding
month of last year 92, gain 3 per cent.
Lee W. McAdam, Supt.
Early Steamboats. Capt. J. F.
Smith, a pioneer steamboat man, has
been writing a series of articles for the
Portland Tribune on early steamboating
on the Willamette. It appears that
Oregon City, or rather Canemah, was at
one time an important boat building
center, as ia evidenced from' the fol
lowing clipping from one of the articles
In October, 1861, the steamer Unio was
launched at Canemah and went into ser
vice on the Yamhill route. She was
built by Capt. J. T. Apperson and was
christened without the final "n." ' But
soon afterwards she passed into the pos
session of Captain J. D. Miller, who was
patriotic enough to finish the name, re-'
gardless of the war then pending! She
was a small stern-wheeler, 96 feet long,
16 feet beam. In 1863 the Enterprise
was built, being the second boat bearing
that name to ply on the waters of the
Willamette. She was launched at
Canemah late in that year and was soon
absorbed by the P. T. Co. During her
existence she proved to bo paying prop
erty, netting her owners a handsome
dividend annually. Her dimensions
were length 125 feet, be im 24 feet, depth
of hold 4 feet, engines 14x48 inches. In
1864 the Reliance was built at Canemah
and on completion ran between upper
Willamette points in command of Cap
tain John Cochrane, who continued in
charge throughout her existence, being
relieved occasionally by Captain George
Pease. She lasted until 1871, when her
engines were removed and placed in the
steamer Alice, belonging to the same
company. The dimensions of the
Reliance were : Length 143 feet, beam
24 feet, denth of hold 4 feet 8 inches,
engines 16x72 inches. Two years after
she was built she made the trip from
uregon uuy to saiem, making nine
landings, in 6 hours and 30 minutes,
When she was demonstrating her sneed
with the Active each boat carried bands
to enliven the trip. The Active was
built at Canemah in 1865 and on com
pletiou was commanded by one of her
owners, Captain John T. Apperson
But with the transfer to the P. T. Com
pany the following year she was put in
charge of Captain George Jerome, The
Active was 121 feet long, 23 feet beam,
and 4 feet 4 inches hold. She was owned
and operated by the Willamette Steam
Navigation Company, who also built the
On December III Mrs, Kowal died of
cancer and was buried January lid.
There was a large attendance at the
funeral services which were conducted
by Uev. Father Ansehn. It. X. T., of
Portland. Mrs. Kowal (nee Theresia
Ranch) came to George in May, IS",
tiled on a homestead and made thud
proof. She married Mr. Kowal and
moved to Portland, where they went in
the soda water business, which Mr.
Kowal carries on vet. Mrs. ICnuul u.
sick a long time and consulted 8an Fran
cisco doctors, but they did her no good
and when there was no hope she came
back to die on the homestead. She
leaves two grown daughters to mourn
her loss.
January Hlh.
Take Laxative Itromo Quinine Tablets. All
itruBslsw rofuml the money if it falls to cure, i
Marvelous. Effects
System Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned Health Re
stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"For fifteen years I have euffered with
catarrh and Indigestion and my whole
system was broken down. I bad almost
abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur
chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla
and its effects have been marvelous. It
has made me feel like a new man. I am
able to sleep well, have a good appetite,
and I have gained several pounds in
weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash.
" I had a scrofula swelling on one aide
of my neck and ulcerated gores in my
nostrils, caused by catarrh. 1 also had
small, itching sores on my 11m bB. I
bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rllla and began taking It and the Bores
soon healed. My blood is purified, and
the scrofula has disappeared." O. D.
McManus, Mission,' Washington.
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hnnrl'c DSIIc cure nausea, indigestion,
UOOU S flllb biliousness, assents.
The event of the season will be a grand
concert at the Congregational church
Friday evening, January 28th, under the
direction of Mrs. C. B. Latourette and
Mrs. E. E. Charman. Several new
features will be introduced making one
of the most interesting concerts ever
given in this city. Reserved seats at
Huntley's without extra charge.
Grand clearance sale. Buy a hat at
Miss Goldsmith's.
Kenworthy's restaurant and con
fectionery is now opened and ready to
serve first-class meals on short notice.
Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Cram's
old stand .
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
store of Marr & Muir.
"With a little cost one's rooms can be
made as good and bright as new. Call
at Holman's and see styles and pattern
all up-to-date 1897 goods. Seventh
street, near bridge.
When in Portland drop in and see our
immense line ot unristmas uninas.
Everything new. Haines' , 288 Morrison
street, Portland.
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr& Muir.
Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen
at Courier office.
Fine new line of umbrellas and canes
at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry
Inspect ' those adjustable window
screens at Bellomy & Busch'a. They
are certainly the right thing.
Grand clearance sale begins today of
the lattest and newest things in mil
lenery and trimmed and untrimmed
hats at Miss Goldsmith's. ,
For the best shave or hair out to
be had go to P.G. Shark'sshop. Shaving
10 cents,
If you want a nice steak, roast or boil
call at Albright's shop and get some of
his cold-storage meat which is acknow
edged by all to be superior to the meats
commonly sold at butchers' shops. He
also keeps on hand a full stock of lard,
hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and
warranted purest and wholesome. Re
member the old established, shop on
M streat.
L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds
of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work u specialty.
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets.
D.E. Kenworthy at the East Side Ry
oilice serves meals or oysters at all times.
Ho also keeps a line of confectionery,
fruits and cigars.
Prescriptions carefully compounded
G. A. Harding's drug store.
Wasted. $300 or $350 for two or
three years, good security. Address
"Security," this office.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full line of
feed and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Corner Seventh
and Center streets 9
We have received a line of silver plated
ware, which will be given to our patrons,
The quality Is a I extra coin silver plate
1487 Wm. A. Rogers. We solicit you to
Inspect the same at the store of I. .Selling.
Remember the Racket Sto'e opposite
Charman ,8 Drug Store.
Wanted. An elderly lady to do
general house work. Apply to J. M.
Likes, Oswego.
G. II. Young's second hand store can
furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard
ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what
same would cost new and they are just
as good and will last as long. Give him
a trial.
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing uncalled for in the Oregon City post
office, January 12, ISiW:
ladies' list.
Hart, Mary Smith, Laura
' Simmons, Laura
Krii'kson, Jno
Hartnell, H K
Laeray, Smith 1
Latnbreclit, Wm
Macdonald, W O
Munson, L 0
Mnchaw, O
Paquette, Jas
Keod, Jas L
Smith, li J
Sulyon, Jas
Moyer, Mr
In calling (or the above letters sav
"advertised." J.J.CooKEjActingP.M.
Sole Agent in Oregon City for the' '
McKITTRICK...The Shoe Man
-ow- c g BESTOW & C0-
Shop Opposite ConcreKiitlonal Church, Main Street, Oregon City, Ore.
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hiil.
Main St., Opposite Caufield Block.
Two Shops, Oregon City, Oregon.
Fresh Stock of
) Depot for HAY and FEED
253 Morrison St., near Third St.,
Special Bargains I
Children s School Shoes from 60 cents upwards
Misses' " " i.oo
gJ's. , " 1.60 '
outns ' 1JB "
That every day our store is filled with buyers
from every part of the city, regardless of distance?
-r- There must be some reason. People especially
ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless
there is a reason.
IT IS BECAUSE we have established a reputation for abso
lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table
-s- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a
superior article and then the prices are right.
S. G. Skidmore & Co.,
Pioneer Druggists Established 1866
of DRUGS and Druggists' Sundries. Everything in our store is re
duced. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Rubber Goods, Leather Goods,
Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumes. Our great cut-rate sale prices'
on these articles is lower than any other store in Portland, and we
guarantee that everything is fully up to what is represented for it.
Our record as the leading druggists for 32 years, establish our right
to claim that we sell the best.
151 Third St., near Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON
I I 1 I I 1 I
Oregon City Auction Mouse
W .L. BLOCK, Proprietor
! COME ONE I COME ALL ! Ther.e is no need of going to Portland to srwml m,
money as you can get better value at home. We take the lead in LOW
PRICKS while others try to follow. Get our prices before buying
and that will convince you. We are agents for the Empire State
Air Tight Heaters. They are fuel savers, control the fire, rapid
heating, made of durable material and are beauties, which
make them altogether a perfect stove.
Willamette Blook, Oregon City
Special Bargains!
I Ladies' Solid Durable Shoes from 11.50 upwards
Ladies' Dressy Stylish " 1.75 F
I Men's Solid Working " " 1.50 "
Meu's Dressy Stylish " 1.75 "