Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 14, 1898, Image 3

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Remarkable Discovery of an
AmericarhMedico- '
will be lost. In fact, much of it will
combine with the potash in the r.slies,
forming a nitrate of potash, which U
the most effective manure known.
'w,1).4" "C . A Ii . -v v.
Cheap Shelter for Stock.
A framework of heavy poles, with
poles or rails over it, and entirely cov
ered with straw or corn fodder, Is sug
gested by the New England Farmer as
a very good, warm shelter at a slight
expense. The satisfaction of having
stock comfortable will alone amply re
pay the cost of it. Such a shelter will
answer for poultry, pigs or any kind of
farm stock. Years ago It was thought
the proper thing to winter stock around
the straw stack, "to harden them," but
opinions have changed, and every one
Creamery Shark. ,
The "creamery shark" is again at
work in New York State. What is a
creamery shark? He looks like a man
on the outside, and he can talk like a
phonograph. He goes about trying to
interest farmers In building co-operative
creameries. His favorite plan Is
to interest some "prominent citizen"
by offering him a number of shares of
the stock. Then the two worthies go
about gettlag farmers to sign a con
tract agreeing to buy a certain num
ber of shares. The contract usually
calls for an expensive plant, and in the
end the farmers find themselves sad
dled with an outfit costing from 25 to
40 per cent, more than reputable deal
ers would charge for it. The creamery
shark thrives on deception and fraud.
nis chief argument is that, by saving
advertising and other expenses, he is
able to give farmers cheaper rates for
goods handled by old-established firms.
Our advice Is never to buy without first
corresponding with manufacturers of
long stauding. Rural New Yorker.
How Every Reader of This
Paper May Obtain the New
and Free Scientific Sys
tem of Medicine
Is forced to admit that It pays well to
stable all kinds of stock.
The Coming Farmer.
The man who has worn out his farm
will have his mind somewhat worn,
and It will need overhauling before
success will be fully reached in reno
vating the soil. The farmer's mind
must be fed first, the food for the mind
is education. When the farmer has a
longing for more knowledge than he
gains each week from these columns,
then we have awakened In him a spirit
of investigation to find out how to re
store to his soil its lost crop capacity.
He will begin to Invest In stock and he
will become more of a flesh-growing
farmer and seller Instead of a grain
seller. Instead of selling his capital
(soil fertility) with the grain he manu
factures the grain into flesh, builds up
his farm and gets on in the world
more contented. The young farmers
are becoming our reading farmers.
They consider as a part of their equip
ment the knowledge of soils, the value
and blending of feeds and the scientific
rotation of crops. The farm Is his
bank, the soli his working capital, and
with well-fed mind and soil he will be
prosperous and contented. Farmer
Dispose of Unprofitable Cows.
The Toronto Globe says a Canadian
farmer who kept twenty-four cows and
two hired men, tested his cows with
the Babcock test and found that eight
were unprofitable. He disposed of
them and let one hired man go, and at
the end of the year foutid that he had
made as much money from the sixteen
as from the twenty-four. Now he has
got down to twelve good cows, and ex
pects as much from them as he made
from twice that number. Now he can
Increase up to his original number as
fast as he can find or grow good cows,
and Increase his profits.
A scene in The Slocum Laboratory, New York: The Disooverer demonstrating to Medical Men and Students tho Value
and Wonderful Curative Powers of his New Discoveries.
NOTE. All readers of this paper can have Three Free Bottles of the Doctor's New Discoveries, with complete directions,
by sending their full address to Dr. Slocum's Laboratory, 98 Pine street, New York City.
A Wood-Sawing Device.
Sawing wood Is hard work at the
best. No small part of Us lrksomeness
Is the necessity of holding down the
New Clothes Post.
It Is believed that this clothes post
will fill a long-felt want. It Is fitted
up with a double line running over a
wheel at both
ends. There is a
support on which
to set the clothes
basket and a small
rainproof box for
hold lng clothes
pins. One can thus
set the basket of
clothes down and
proceed to pin
them upon the
lower line, moving
the line along as
fast ns the clothes
CI.OTHKS PORT. are PUt Ui)0Q lt
and thus hang out the whole wash
without moving a step or once lifting
the basket. If ine ground be wet or
covered with snow, this Is an import
ant point. This plan also saves much
labor If one end one wheel can be
attached to a post on the back veranda
or porch, using the basket support and
the pin box as on the regular post. This
will obviate the necessity of stepping
out upon the gronnd at all, either In
hanging out or taking fh the clothes.
French Women as Business Helpers.
Miss Anna L. Bicknell writes an ar
ticle on "French Wives and Mothers"
for the January Century. 'She says:
In the families where the father con
ducts any business the wife becomes
his best clerk and usually his cashier.
The wives are exceedingly intelligent
and aoute, extremely sharp at driving
bargains, and accurate in keeping ac
counts. They are their husbands' part
ners in every sense of the word, and it
is wonderful to see how they acquit
themselves of such a multiplicity of
duties. Self is completely annihilated;
and if weak health is mentioned, it is
never an impediment to what they have
to do for their children or their hus
bands, but is mentioned only as a dis
agreeable accompaniment to a necessary
fatigue, without an idea of using it as
an exouBe for shortcomings.
A writer in a magazine has made the
prophesy that in 800 years from now
the world will only know three lan
guagesEnglish, Russian and Chinese.
Success has attended an effort at
banana growing in Fitzgerald, Ga.,
where a plant readied the height of 12
foet and put forth satisfactory fruit.
Bismarck declares 4bat one of the
chief regrets of his old age is that he
oannot ride a bicycle.
In the number of murders Italy leads
Europe, In the number of suicidos
Russia is ahead.
stick with one's knee while the stick Is
being saweij. The sketch, which or
lgiually appeared In the American Ag
riculturlst, shows a mechanical holder
whose construction Is seen at a glauce.
' The rod Is of steel, so that It can be
bent tightly over the wood. The pegs
and the ratchet permit its use with
either large or small sticks.
To Lighten Spring Work.
Winter work cannot always be done
to suit the convenience of the farmer,
as severely cold weather, continued
rains and other obstacles are to be met
but there Is much work put off until
spring that could be done In winter. In
the spring, as soon as plowing and
planting must be performed, dozens of
Jobs come up to be done In a hurry, and
all seem to need attention at once.
Is then that the farmer finds that he
has been neglectful and failed to pre
pare for spring. Wagons are to Iron
repairs are required for Implements,
seod Is to be procured and fertilizer
must be purchased. At the same time
every other farmer Is busy and can
render no assistance, while merchants
who have many orders on hand cannot
supply the needed articles promptly,
The way to make the spring oiierationa
easier and save time is to do as much
to lighten the spring work as possible,
Aahea with Stable Manure.
It may seem strange to advise ap
plying wood ashes unleached to stable
manure lust before If Is plowed under,
Yet this is often a good thing to do.
While exposed to the air, especially
If the manure be wet so as to leach the
ashes, there will be some loss of am
monla. But so fast as the manure and
ashes are turned under, this waste of
nmmonla ceases. The ashes cause th
manure to ferment rapidly, and In con
The bull that tried to butt down a bridge,
and the goat that tackled an anvil, couldn't
make it, and were knocked out, bruised
and bleeding. From such bruises down to
pin-head blue spot they are curable, easily
and surelv. The men who get the worst
bruises always get the best enro. They
make it everv time. There are risrht wkvs
and wrong ways of doing things, as the bull
and the goat found out1 The best cure for
a bruise Is St. Jacobs Oil. The right way
to cure is to use it and und out.
"4 Perfect Type of the Highest Order of
Excellence in Manufacture. "
Blind fishes, two inches long, similar
to those found in the Mammoth oave,
have been taken from a well belonging
to Mrs. Jennie Bristen, at Kussell
ville, Ky.
Reports of maritime disasters along the coast
come In thick and fast. People who "go down
to the sea in ships" should bear In mlud one
thing Id particular, namely, that it is highly
desirable to lake along a supply o( Hosteller's
Stomach Hitters as a remedy lor sea sickness.
Nausea, dyspepsia, biliousness, constipation,
malaria, nervousness and kidney trouble, all
succumb to its beneficent and speedy action.
Corn talk and Clover Hay.
On most farms in this country cither
clover hay or cornstalks Is the main ra
tion for foddering farm stock during
the winter. These are,- everything
considered, the cheapest foods that the
arm can produce, the advantage of
the corn being that It will grow a
greater bulk than can be grown of
anything else. The clover has an equal
advantage In the fact that wherever It
is grown the soil Is Increasing In fer
tility. It Is economy to feed clover
and corn stalks together, as each will
supplement the deficiencies of the oth
er, and more of both will be eaten and
Valne of the Farm.
Waldo F. Brown, In the Cincinnati
Gezette, says for ten years past he has
estimated what his farm was worth
to his family, and finds that nt fair val
uation the farm was paying over 8 per
cent, on the Investment, If only enough
were sold to pay taxes, Insurance and
hired help. Iu other words, with a
family of eight persons to be fed, the
farm, valued at $.",()00, was furnishing
what would cost. If bought In market.
from $400 to $500, namely fruit, veg
etables, .poultry and dairy products,
breadstuffs and meats, nil of best qual
ity and furnished In abundance.
Harvard this year, for the first time,
has a colored person as a candidate for
the degree of A. B. , in the person of
a young colored woman from Millerton,
n. y.
The London Stock Exchange has an
orchestra composed of the members of
the exohange, accounted one of the
finest amateur musical organizations in
the city.
Terra cotta sleepers are in use on
Japanese railways. The increased cost
is compensated for by the greater resist
ance of decay.
A KldKcty Horse.
A fidgety horse usually has the tail,
like the ears, always in motion; when
about to kick the tall Is drawn down
ward between the logs; when the ani
mal Is fatigued or exhausted then it Is
drooping and frequently tremulous;
and with some horses, when galloping,
it Is swung about In a circular manner
or lashed from side to side. There can
scarcely be any doubt also that, like
the tall of birds, it assists In the
horse's movements, as when the anl
mal Is galloping In a small circle, or
rapidly turning round a corner, It Is
curved to the Inner side. Massachusetts-
The Massachusetts experiment sta
tion, after very thorough tests of In
secticides and fungicides, only recom
mends bordeaux mixture for fungus
diseases, parts green for biting insects,
kerosene emulsion for sap suckers,
soap, salt and sulphur washes for
scales, and pyrethrine or Insect powder
and white hellebore for certain condV
V tfH -ifttw,l ..-iVT
Edward Marsden, a student in Lane
Theologloal Seminary, at Cincinnati,
is the first native Alaskan to receive
an eduoation in any of the states. He
has studied law, theology, mechanical
engineering and has learned the trades
of carpenter, bricklayer, house painter,
tinsmith, piano tuner, clock repairer,
book-keeping and typewriting.
"Walter Bttker & Co.,of Dorchester.Mans.,
U, 8. A., have given years of study to the
skilful preparation of cocoa and chocolate,
and have devised machinery and systems
peculiar to their methods of treatment,
whereby the purity, pulatnbility, and high
est nutrient characteristics are retained.
Their preparations are known the world
over and have received the highest indorse
ments from the modical practitioner, the
nurse, and the intelligent housekeeper and
caterer. There is hardly any food product
which mav be so extensively used in the
household" in combination with other foods
as cocoa and chocolate; but here again we
urge the importance of purity and nutrient
value, and these important points, we feol
sure, may be relied upon In linker s Cocoa
and Chocolate." Dxetetic otid Uygitnio
Absolutely Pure,
..Costs less Titan QUE cent a Cup..
Be sure that you get the Genuins Article,
made at DORCHESTER, MASS. by
Established 1780.
J t-njiy u 1.1 u A u 11 i A n A 1
Governor Bushnell, of Ohio, gave a
pardon to Ralph Wintersgill, a life
prisoner, on Christmas day, which was
promptly refused. Wintersgill is now
70 years old, and has served 20 yeais.
In declining the pardon he said the
state had unfitted him lor life, and
that he did not care to go back in his
old age to a world that had forgotten
him and preferred that the state should
continue to oare for him to the end.
Workers in the wide, unexplored field of
modern chemistry are daily astounding the
world with new wonders. Professor and
laymun vie with each other in their com
mendiible efforts to lessen the ills of humaiv
ity. Yesterday it was Pasteur and Kock,
and today it is slocum, with a new Qiseov
ery which is the result of years of careful
study and research.
Foremost among the world's greatest
chemists stands T. A. Slocum, of New York
City. His researches and experiments,
patiently carried on for years, have finally
culminated in results which are proving as
beneiicial to humanity as the discoveries of
any cheniist.ancient or modem. His effort
winch for years had been directed toward
the discovery of a positive cure for con
sumption, were finally successful, and al
ready his "new scientluc system of medi
cine1'' has. bv its timelv use. permanently
cured thousands of apparently hopeless
cases, and it seems a necessary and humane
duty to bring such facts to the attention of
all invalids.
The medical profession throughout
America and Europe are almost unamious
in the opinion that nearly all physical ail
ments naturally tend to the generation of
consumption. ' The aalicfed die in th
short, cold days of winter much faster than
in the long, hot days of summer.
The Doctor has proved the dreaded dis
ease to be cui-uble beyond a doubt, in any
climate, and has on lile in his American
and European laboratories thousands of
letters of hearttelt gratitude from those
heneilted or cured in all parts of the world.
No one having, or threatened with, any
disease, should hesitate a iluv, but should
write at once. Facts prove t hat the Doctor
has discovered a reliable and absolute curs
for Consumption (Tuberculosis) and all
bronchial, thruat, lung and chest troubles,
stubborn coughs, catarrhal ail'setions, scrof
ula, general decline and weakness, loss of
nesh, and all wasting conditions, and to
demonstrate Its wonderful merits, he will
send Three Free ISottU-s (all diilorent) 01
his New Discoveries, with full instructions,
to any reader of this paper.
Simply write to T. A. tjlocum. M. C 98
Pino street. New York, giving full address.
There is no charge for oorrespondence
advicestrictly professional and confidential.
Knowing, as we do, of the undoubted
Manly Power
The Strength, Activity and Brain
Power of Manhood are Restored
to Weak Men Who Use Doctor
Sanden's Electric Belt
A dull, throbbing pain, accompanied
by a sense of tenderness and heat low
down in the side, with an occasional
shotting pain, indicates inflammation,
The region of pain shows some swell
ing. This is the first stage of ovaritis,
Inflammation of the ovary, If the roof
of your house leaks, my sister, you havo
It fixed at once 1
why not pay the
same respect to
your own body ?
Write to Mrs.
Pinkham, Lynn,
Mass., and tell her
all your
lief experi
ence in
female ills
Is greater
than any other living person. The fol
lowing from Mrs. An.mb Curtis, Ticon
dcroga, K. Y., Is proof of what we say:
" For nine years I suffered with fe
male weakness in its worst form. I
was in bed nearly a year with conges
tion of the ovaries. I also suffered
with falling of the womb, was very
weak, tired all the time, had such head
aches as to make me almost wild. Waa
also troubled with leucorrhcea, and was
bloated so badly that some thought I
had dropsy. I have taken several bot
tles of Lydla E. Pinkham' Vegetable
Compound, and several of her Blood
Purifier, and am completely cured. It
is a wonder to all that I got well."
We are asserting- In the courts our right to the
exclusive u of the word " CASTOR1A," and
"riTCHKR SCASTOklA," as our'i'rade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannls, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA " which has been used In the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wraoper and see that It is
the kind you haw always bought, aud has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher la President.
Match 8, iSgj. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.D. j
John M. Penniman has beon for 50
years a mombor of the Boston police
'Li-ce. Ilia ago is 75.
Ihso's Cure for Consumption has been a
Ood-send to me. Win. 11. McClellan,
Chester, Florida, Sept. 17, l(f!.
Russia's population has increase!
during the last 100 years a fraction less
than 1,000,000 annually.
Paper horse shoes are to be used for
the horses of the Uerman army.
After belli swindled by all others, send ns stamp
fur particulars of KIiik Holonion'a Treasure, tlia
ONLY rwiewer of manly sireniih. MASON
ClIKMICAL CO., V. O. Box 747, Philadelphia, Pa.
eftlcacy ol The Slocum System ot Aleuioine,
we urge every sufferer to take advantage of
this most liberal proposition,
A system of medical treatment that will
cure catarrh, lung troubles and consump
tion is certainly good for and will cure
any wasting disease that humanity is heir
Please toll the Doctor, when writing, that
you read his generous oiler in our paper.
Evart Belt has
an ale'ctrlo Bus.
pensory Ires for
weak men.
It has s Patent
R emulator tor
4 m"- or strung
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt Is today the ac
knowledged means of recovering tha power ol
manhool. It fills tha nerves with new ills: It
lncreaws the brain power, and removes all tha
weakening efw-ts 01 inaucretions, axcessas,
eu., Iu fact, rastores your atrengta.
Are You Weak?
It will cure nervous debility In any form, for
electricity Is the llle ol tha nerves and makes
tham strong. It checks all waste of power In
two weeks. It cures all kidney and bladder
troubles, rheumatism, lame back, etc. Send
for our medical work, illustrated, "Three
Classes of Men," Ires. Address
158 Wast Washington St., I'brtland, Or.
Pleont mention fail Pnper.
Thousands of happy men pronounce this
work tiie meunanf tholr phvsicul salvation.
It elves the latest scientific facts concerning;
It describes the only known method of at
taining fullest naturul manly vlifor.
It points out Home Treatment for all ex
cesses and sexual disbarments.
It shows how to cure nervousness,' hope-lessnt-SQ,
AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT" sent free, in
plain wrapper, sealod Recnrely, to the iiddreaa
of any sincere l:imilrer, by tho Krlo Medical
Company, 6j Nlugura bt., Buffalo, N. Y.
In Mexico City Hop Lee advortises
an Ameiroan restaurant.
State or Ohio, City or Tomiio,
Frank J. Chunky makes oath that ha la the
senior oartnerof the linn ol F. J. I'HKNSY Co,
dolnu business In the Cliy of Toledo, County
mi, I Slate alorenald. and thai (he sslil II rm will
pay the sum of ONK HCNDKKI) DdLLAKH for
each and every case of Catarhh that esnnot be
i-iir.,1 hvihu use ol II ALL'S I ATA nil II (I'l
r it a . a, j . ri r. r-i 1 .
Rworn to before mo and suliscrlhed In my
presence, this 6lh day of Dci-emlier, A. I). ISho.
SEAL j Notary 1-ubllO.
7uTr Catarrh Turn Is taken Internally, and
acts dlrei-ily on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Mend lor tcumoniais, iree.
F. J. CHENEY i CO., Toledo, 0.
fold by druirlt'.
Jlall'i Family Tills are the best.
grow paying crop because they're
fresh and always tha best. For
ale everywhere. Refuse substitutes.
Stick to Ferry's Breda and prosper.
18U8 Heed Annual free Write (or It
D. M. FERRY a CO., Detroit, Mich.
For Accidents or Sickness, for Klon
diktr, Travekr. Rancher or Family.
Price $5.55. TrV03DARD-CLAtlKE t CO,, Portland, Or,
f.lltlttt WMtUt All (HIS.
Cough Hrrup. Tsaujs Good. Caa
In time, Hold by dmsTrlw.
-x1 '
PI 1 a
Make mmny by succesful
peculation In Chicago. W
buy and sell heat on mar
elm. Fortunes have been
made on a small beginning by trading In fu
tures. Writ lor full particulars. Best of ret
erence given. Hcveral years' ex perlenoe on the
Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough know,
ledge of tha bnslnens. Hend for our free refor
ence book. DOWNING, HOPKINS Co.,
Chicago Hoard of Trada Brokers. Offices In
Portland, Oregon and aVattle, Wash.
All Easlern Byrnp, so-called,
light colored and ol heavy body
glucose. "'I'M irun hriiii"
bugnr Cane and la strictly pure.
usually very
, Is mado from
Is made from
It Is for sals
bv first-class gro-rs, ill cans only. Mauulac
tiired bv the Pacific Coast hybijpCo. All gen.
nine "tra (Inrtim Hrwi" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed 011 every can.
A school for training young colored
men in agricultural pursuits ia about
to he estaMinlied in Tiiakecgee, Ala.
JLnorthern. L
S Bucll
Is It Wrong?
Get It Right
Keep it K'lilit.
Moore's l-.evealed Itemed y will do It. ThrM
doses will make you feel belter, net It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
from Stewart at liolines Drug Co., Seattle.
fir twlng and locating OoM or PMvitr
Ore. l"Nl or hurled in-aioirt'. M. !
roWLKK. Dux iM7,Houililngion,Coun,
N. P. !. t.
WIIKN writing to advertisers,
mention tills paper.
We lead and originate
fashions la....
wind MlM.frnd
th b rfttnarfr for eiiurheV Twnty Dt
its th rums, Jl,j' H pain,
Cor. Second and Stark Sts.
tact with the soil none of th ammonia tlona.
tKKU). it H lb DM Of tui.
i. - m.s