N QON CITY COURIER. 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1898. NO 35 ORE Of-BELLOMY & BUSCH, the House furnishers, will occupy the Welnhard building, opposite court house, after February ist, 1898. ' PHOTOGRAPHS A sign of the New Year is the advantage it gives in photographs. A sign of the old year is the excellence of the things accomplished. We give you memory of passing time in pleasing photographs. We give you hopes foi future enjoyment in having the best photos of present features. THE COUNTY COUBT Proceedings of the Regular January Term, 1898. Judges mid Clerks of Election and ' Koad Supervisors Appointed Many Bills Allowed. henevj Leading Photographer Main St., near Court House, Oregon City NO, 20 Not How High But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHARM AN & SON, Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at the PIONEER STORE OF CHARMAN & SON before buying elsewhere. Dr. A. A. Barr Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N, WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Have Your Eyes Examined Consultation Free Do You Eat? You will keep right on eating just the same after the holidays are over. Perhaps not so -much, but still yon want the best, particu larly bread and pastry, which is made from Hi" -4 -3 "'-4 o Patent Flour. NORTHERN GROWN ILLUSTRATED Catalogs FREE Buell Lamberson 180 FRONT ST. Portland. Or. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3(5 37 mier and Sain'l Gross, judges ; 0 P Sharp and Clyde Evans, clerks Union John White, Ed McClincey and Geo Gergan, judges; Chas Wilson and A A Criswell, clerks. Viola Wm Stone, W C Wade and Chas Cutting, Jr., judges; Chas Miller and J J Randolph, clerks. West (Jregon Ultv 1 hos Uihbs, W A Hodges and F S Baker, judges; Mass and John Morris, clerks. ROAD ACCOUNTS. Following amounts for road work for LADIES ! A MOMENT, PLEASE I Let no false modesty prevent your demanding of vour husband a reasonable amount of insurance on his life, payable directly to you in event of his death. It is your right, prCpetuates your income. Investigate the guaranteed contracts of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company of Springfield, Mass. H. G. COLTON, Manager, 312 and 313 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND, OREGON. The following road supervisors wen appointed by the county court this week NAMB P08T0FFICK W H Counsell, Milwaukee. J B Cramer, Clackamas. W Cook, Damascus. Hugh Currin, Eaule Creek. John H Kichey, Boring. John Revenue, Sandy. A Schoff, Seavers. F J Walkley, Cherryville. Harman Lins, George. J J Davis, Garfield. C Holstroin, Abernathy. Jas Tracy, Logan Wm Mattoon. Viola. J L Swafford, Maple Lane. R H Taber, Canemah. W 8 Rider, New Era. R W Dimiik, Canhy. Ed Hornschuch, Beaver Creek. John Denison, Milk Creek. Wm Buckner, Highland. C 0 Hubbard, Canyon Creek. R Dickey, Upper Molalla. Wm Miller, Barlow. Geo Kinzer, Needy. John Dailey, Lower Molalla.. John Shaver, Upper Molalla. Ed Young. Marauam. Jno Nightengale, Soda Springs. CDF WilBon, Union. , Riley Hays, Oswego. P A Baker, Tualatin. Ed Baker, Pleasant Hill. Jno Lewelling, Springwater. A Andrews, Bull Run. Levy Erb, Elliott Prairie. Oregon City. G G Kruse, part of Oswego. JUDGES AND CLERKS. It is ordered by the court that the fol lowing named persons be and hereby are appointed judges and clerks ot elec tion of the precincts of this county as hereinafter tndicated. to serve for a term of two years from this date and ending January 1st, 1000; the Bret named judge in each precinct to be chairman : Abernethy lid Thayer, J. ri. Wilier and L E Salisbury, judges; Geo Wol dron and M C Gard, clerks. Barlow M Campbell, Chris Kocher and J P Cole, judges; C U Barlow and W 8 lull, clerk. Beaver Creek Tbos Daniels, A Huy- hurst and J G Cummings, judges; Wm Grisenthwaite and H O Jnskeep, clerks. Boring Wm Boring, Wiley Chapman and Wm Dean, judges; J M Anderson and Milt Lake, clerks. Canyon Creek Preston Bonney, Peter Laffertvand J Gorbett, judges; L P Williams and W M Bonnev. clerks Cascades H BruiiB, E S Brainhall and Geo Epperson, judges; Paul Meinig and O Andre clerks Canhy Geo Knight, Sol Garrison and Fred Hampton, judges; Ladren Mack and P L Coleman, clerks. Clackamas J C Paddock, Sol Imel and Dan Talbert, judges; Ed C Dedraan and A Holcomb, clerks. Cherrwille Wm Welch. C P Ware and G T Beebe, judges ; Silas D Hedges and J C Long, clerks. Canemah K w Porter, J cj Hedges and Geo Lazelle, judges; Wm Moure and Matt Hamilton, clerks. Damascus E R Burghart, A Newell and E 0 Coe, judges; E T White and H BriflthauDt. clerks. Eagle Creek J A Vanburen, H Hoff- master and E N Foster, judges; Har vev Gibson and W H H Wade, clerks. Garfield John Davis. Roll Herrick and Ed Bates, Jr., judges: Eli Williams and Wm Oal field, clerks. George Hans Paulsen, J C Schmidt and Ferd Roth, judges ; Peter Paulsen and Frank Annert, clerks, Harding John Sprague, J J Bargfelat and Walter Kircbem, judges; Fred Ger ber and F H King, clerks, j , Highland Ed Harrington, J P Olson and Robert Ringo, judges; W H Klein smith and Amos Harrington, clerks. Lower Molalla A H Wing, Ed Arri strong and Leonard Heinz, judges ; Orrin Wright and A II Reynolds, clerks. Upper Molalla H 8 Ramsby, Samuel Engle and Rod Dibble, judges; J R Cole and O 1) Eby, clerks. Milk Creek F M Manning, James Nelson and Robt. Scbuebel, judges; Abo Larkins and C W Larking, clerks. Marquam I D Larkins, A C Yod and Gilbert Robbins, judges; J T Drak and Frank Riding, clerks. Milwankie J E Courtney, John Wetz Wand H Thleesen, judges; Rudolph Hanneman and Philip Oat field, clerks. Maple Lane M M McGeehan, A MantzandC Ferguson, judges; John Darling and Clay Green, clerks. Needv V Bair, Eugene Nutts and Frank 'Mathews, judges; HL Wolfer 'and George Owing, clerks. New Era II P Gregory, uncom wai dron and John Burgoyne, judges; Gil bert Randall and Frank Canto, clerks. Oswego R F Strauss, Wm llollinan and Wm Smith, judges; HenryBichner and James Coon, . clerks. Oregon City, No. 1 H C Stevens, M A Willoughhy and J A Stuart, judges; Wallace Cole and Lester P Smith, clerks. Oregon Citv, No. 2 J G Porter, C C Fabcmk and'H P Bestow, judges; W B Wiggins and E C Hamilton, clerks. Oregon Citv. No. 3 C A Rands, J R Williams and" John Gillott, judges ; Geo L Storey and Geo V Kly, cleiks. Pleasant Hill N R Heater, Wm Scott and J N Wood, judges; Chauucey Coch ran and C A Baker, clerks. 8ieyer John Kyler, Henry Von Helms and Chas Leaf, judges ; E T Peak and Adolph Aschoff, clerks. Soda Springs E P Carter. J G Blak ney and J H Groshong. judges; A V Davis and F G Husband, clerks. 8pringwater A M Khibley. W J Lew elling and A Lacey, judges; W 0 eny der and 0 B Taylor, clerks. Tualatin Frank Heddle, Fred Koine- the month of December were allwed and ordered paid out of road fund : District No. 1 Labor on Oatheld and Milwaukee roads. Henry Hosely . $4 85 Jesse Keep 4 85 Henry Stnckey 7 50 John Stuckey and team 7 50 W Hagenberger " " 7 ou W H Counsell 12 00 M Oattield general fund 3 00 District No 22 Labor on Prairie and Meadow Brook road : R Dickey 17 00 Jos Baty and team 4 00 Fred Sehaffer 3 00 Benj Noyer i -3 00 Fred May and team 4 00 T Oram 75 Total $44 20 . District No 2 Labor Sunnyside Dam ascus, Kenne and Milwaukee roads and bridges and culverts: J W Roots $ 9 00 MW Smith.... 7 50 P Hunter... 4 50 N Davis.... 3 00 C Hunter 4 50 J Welch 4 50 S Hunter 9 00 8 B Millard 10 50 O A Gengleback 13 00 Total. $05 50 District No 8 Labor on Baker's Bridge and Fagalde Mill road and lumber : Warren Groenwell $ 6 00 Oscar' Breiuthaupt 6 00 John Greenwell 3 00 Henry Block 8 75 Irvin Hawk , 2 25 A W Cooke 8 00 T Yocum. lumber general fund. . . .22 83 O W Griffin " " " 20 16 , Total $71 99 District No 4 Bridge work and moving timbers, eeneral fund : H Githens 3 00 Jos Young 3 00 G B Linn 1 50 Geo Forman , 75 HF Currin 8 25 , 10 00 Totals $20 50 District No 5 Material for Johnson Bridge, general fund : 8 8 Maybill 10 80 H MaVbill 4o Chas Wheeler.... 12 90 J B Chapman 10 60 A J Rich 12 00 J 8 Birdsall 22 00 WT Welch 1 ou Straus, Johnson & Co lumber 102 75 W 0 Markell 10 Hiflyard Bros. : . ... 2 40 f " 1 94 W H Fltchpatrick 2 00 M Wheeler 1 50 District No 6 Removing logs from roads : Fred Zogg $1 00 P R Meinig 1 0 8 Andrews.... 1 00 Total.. $3 00 District No 7 Fred Sievers $4 BO E Aschoff 6 75 A Aschoff 8 25 O ABchoff.. 0 75 J Sievers 3 00 F Hanel 4 60 M Kelly... 1 60 O Missinger 6 00 Total 141 25 District No 11 Labor on Clackamas bridge and slide on Clackamas road : John Smith 1 50 Al Ritchison.. ., 1 00 Geo Tucker 1 50 H Himler 1 50 F Himler.. 1 60 G Himler 1 50 L Himler 1 5 C It Liyesay 2 00 Jean Kennedy,- general fund.. . 4 00 J J Jones. ....... 10 76 C R Livesay 6 00 total.. ...... 132 26 District No 13 General fund : Jim Havden $ 3 00 WC Ward 4 12 Geo Hay den 4 12 F Walker 8 00 W C Ward and team 10 50 G Hayden , .. 900 Total .'. $33 76 District No 14 . J L Swafford ..$18 00 RLaber 8 75 Ed Litus 8 75 J Shellv , 12 00 Geo Shortledge 6 25 Otto Shellv ; 6 5(1 A Mautz 2 25 O Knrzinan 2 2 J G Fehler, general fund 1 W) W H Bonney " " 14 75 Total 7 20 District No 15 N O McLaughlin. $2 25 J Hawk 2 25 W J McCord 6 (X) Total 19 50 District No 10 Labor on Brown Schoolhouse road below New Eia and Canby rosd and laying rails: W 8 Rider... $4 00 II if Gregory 1 50 Geo Rider 1 50 Allen White 1 60 C II Rider and team 7 60 Geo Blanchard 1 50 John lieigayne 3 75 Total $21 25 II District No 17 . A Vorpahl, blacksmithing ... $1 55 District No 18 Labor on Molalla road : S5W May $7 00 Win Jones 3 37 D Thomas 4 60 Mike London 0 00 Wm Jones and team 75 Mike London" " 75 W W May " 75 Total ....ft.. $21 75 District No 23- Frank Shannon $3 00 Cole Bros & Co plank. 1 87 Jake Kauffman 6 00 Levi Erb 4 87 J J Kramer 8 00 A Weigand 2 25 F Hilton 1 50 F H Wilch 24 00 A Hagey 15 75 J J Taylor 20 62 E Haaey 6 37 TMessod 7 10 G Sutherland 3 75 J Mullins . 3 On J Y Kaufman 4 37 A McKee 2 25 Geo Owings 1 50 John Owings 1 50 Ed Ransdall s zu H Ransdall 3 75 Wm Covy 4 50 Wm Cow 1 50 John dowser 1 50 S JOglesby 35 00 T Shannon 1 50 Wm Barlow, use of wagon 1 00 Total $197 45 District No. 24 General fund : Geo Askins $ 10 50 D Wells..... i 7 50 JAmieter.l. 9 00 HOlsterholtz 5 25 NC Sorrels 10 60 8 Wolfer.:... 1 50 O McKiney 1 50 P Cook, nails 5 00 Carlton and Rosenkrans, nails. ... 3 70 Geo Kinzer 11 25 W Noblitt : 40 00 J 8 Yoder, lumber 206 97 Royal makes the food pure, wholesome and delicious. lfpl POWDER Abioluteiy Pure Total'. $31187 District No. 25 John Barth and team $ 3 60 Henry Brusch 1 :5 Will Brosch.... 1 25 Frank Biusch 1 25 John Barth 2 00 Total $ 9 25 District No. 26. Labor on Molalla river road General fund : TSStipp and team $12 00 Wm Skeen 4 50 JECoates 4 60 John Akins 3 00 E E Judd 1 60 Sturgis Bros., lumber 6 00 Trullinaer Bros. Hobbins & Son, nails , Totals , District No, 27 , John Hidings Jos Miller . ' C E Young and team 85 25 .$33 65 $ 3 00 . .1 60 7 00 A Papp, lumber 4 50 ; $15 00 Total :.. District No. 29 CDF Wilson ; $ 3 00 Fred Yergen 1 50 Expense account of $50 00 allowed as. follows : C T Howard... $ 6 OO C N Larkins 5 60 John Dennison 5 20 J H Wright 4 20 J Gorbett 4 20 P E Bonnev 8 4 C H Iaora....: 17 0 Re port of viewers on O 8 Murray ro ul appro yed and name changed to Hood View "oad and road ordered opened Expen se account of $03 40 allowed a follows : W 11 Boring ....$ 7 OO JohnLEri 6 80 John A Richey 7 20. P A Meinig 5 4 T A Shutterly 4 2) Geo A Leslie 4 .( Fred Wagner 4 2 C H Isom 24 20 Matter of purchase of burial lot for paupers reterred to commissioner J anger with power to act. Petition of Michael Stanber et al for county road granted ai.d John Burns, H 8 C Phelps and J L Waldron appoint ed viewers, to meet on January 17 Matter of school tax for 1807 Superin tendent Starkweather staled to the court the minimum requirement was 6.8S mills, owing to its nearness to 7 the court concluded to mike it 7 mills Application of John James for aid granted and $5 per month allowed. Matter ot appointment 01 justice 01 peace in Diet. No. 3 laid over Matter of house rent of Mrs. Runyan,. a pauper; warrants oraerea urawn in. favor of J W Roots the firm ot rh month for $2 to commence Octl, 1807. Petition of Mr. Welch for corduroy on Sunnyside hill granted. Report of treasurer on indigent snldier fund accepted and $200 ordered placed in the fund. Petition of P H Masley for rebate of illegal assessment granted, ' - Annual report of M L Moore for indi gent soldier fund accepted. DiHbui-e merits as follows: G W Bentley, Marquam.. ....... $120 00' Late M T Root .. ! 00 Mrs MT Root and child .... ... 42(H) Funeral Exp of H D Johnson.... 44 25. ' TL Walker .... 45 00 Total. 23 12 Total $ 4 60 District No. 81 P A Baker $ 3 00 Ed Sharp 1 12 Total .: $ 4 12 District. No. 30 GeoNagle $ 1 25 Geo Locey 4 20 E Calkins 3 00 Ed Davis -. 3 40 Louis Ford 3 75 J O Brvanand team 12 00 Walter Foot .'. . 9 75 David Nelson . 70 A Fortner, hlacksmithing 4 00 A H Gibbs ' 4 60 L M Davidson, plank 2 31 J Bichner, nails, etc. . 85 Smvth & Howard, rock $1.50 ..104 25 Sam'l Gros 3 75 J Johnson '4 50 D E Henderson 9 00 H H Johnson 38 00 J A Moore... 18 00 D E Sheppard 3 00 WmStaffalon ,18 00 Total 256 80 District No. 33 Llvermore Bros $ 4 99 Dietrlirt No. 35 Ben Sianion.. $ 1 20 N Stanton 1 20 Geo Owinirs 10" J 0 ings 1 00 E K Killin 4 (Hi Bud Thompson 1 20 Nixon Bair i 00 I W Kiltin 3 20 Work cor luroyiiig 8 B Kent hill Geo Owing 4 80 J OwiugH t 20 B Thompson 2 40 N Hair 2 4:) E R Killin 4 80 I Brondwell . 2 40 R L Morris, 10(10 poles 5 00 O W Killin 3 20 Total $40 00 Application of Chas. Cutting for aid from county granted and $6 er month allowed, payahle to Gottfried Wallace. Petition of Ivan Olesen toha3 Olesen road opened, not granted. Petition of Thomas McColie et al for a county road granted and Paul Meinig, John Strauss and J D Coleman appoint ed viewers to meet at place of beginning February 4'Ji at 8 a. 111. I'Dtition of Adolf Casper et al for a county road granted and L E Wise, J C Paddock and John Robinson appointed viewers to meet on January 25th. Re monstrance ot Alfred Johnson and claim for damages laid over till viewers report. Petition of Henry Iluttkamper et al for a county road granted and N O Cod erson, John Wet.ler, Sr., and John Mil ler appointed viewer to meet at place of l.'iliininif January 10th at 8 a. 111. Petition of J W Douty et al for a county road granted and h II Burghard, Egg Foster and A W Cooke appointed viewers, to meet at place of beginning February 1st at 8 a. m. Report of viewers ou J Goroett road approved and a road ordered oiiened. Total. ., $2i.l 21 Voting place of Swopes changed (rum Maple Lane to Oregon City No 3. Warrants which have been canoellnd by clerk and not by treasuier ordered cancelled by latter. Petition to change Lower Houuat precinct to Macksburg granted. Petition of O W Kruse et al for division of road district No. 30 granted as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of section 4 in town 2 south of range 1 eant, thence south to the southeast corner of said section 4, thence west along (de tection line to the X section corner be tween 4 and 9, thence south on center line of said section 9 to the south bank, of Sucker lake, thence southwesterly along said south bank to the section line between sections 8 and 9, thence south to the section corner common to sections 8, 9, 16 and 17, thence west to the J-4 section corner between section 8 and 17. thence south to the 14 tectiom comer between sections 17 and 20V thence west to the corner common to sections 17, 18, 19 and 20, thence south, to the Tunis tin river, thence westerly tip stream along said river to the went line of uU town 2 smith of range 1 east,, ilieiii e 1101 1I1 011 naid west line to the 1101 lh went . corner of said township, theni-H eaNt i-n north line of said town ship to place of beginning. Allowance for care and keeping of J1 W Al iy increased from 8 to $10 per mouth. Application of J N Wright for change ill builiiilaiie of Rom district No. 21 tiranii-d Nrtw dimiict contains sections 1.2, 3, 4. 5. (I. 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, l', 10, 17 ai d north section 18, town Ssnuihof rnnge3 east; section 32,3$ snd eHst v of suction 31, town 4 south, rango 3 e. ; east of section 1 ami nnrtheartt (4 of section 12, town 2 south, range 2 eiiHi. Reports of receipts by clerk and re corder accepted. Clerk's collections, $107.75; recorders, $157.60. In the matter of the payment claims tiled agxlnst Clackamas county, the court having examined said claims and being fully advised, it is ordered by the court that the clerk shall issue warrants on the general fund in fayor of the per sons and for the amounts hereinafter specified in payment of said claim: A L Mathprlv, pauper ac $ 10 00 Michael Sliafer ' " 1 60 Continued on Ijut Vug. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. llBllt HfMtUt ilallt SlUtUtt OABTOniA.