Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1898, Image 8

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Fill a bottle or coiftmon (jlass with
uine and let it stand twetitv-foiir hours ;
rsediment ot pet: lint indicates an un
Healthy condition of the kidneys. When
brine slain1 linm ii is evidence of kidney
unmble. TooTfn qik nt desire to urinate
or Jin in in back, is also eonvincinu
proof tliat the kidnejs and bladder are
out of oruor.
Thire iB comnm in tlie knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's
Pwnnip Koot, the ijieat kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part of the uiinary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and
ect'.ldiiig pit i it is pacing it, or bad efl'ects
following nee ot liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes tlmi unpleasant necessity
of being compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary efl'ects of Sw amp
Hoot is soon icalized. It stands the
highest lor its wonderful cures of the
most distressing i at-es. If you need a
medicine you should have the best.
Hold by druggists, price fitly cents and
one dollar. You my have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mini. Mention Ohkoon City C uuiuk
ami send Jonr address to Dr. Kilmer &
Co, Bingbamton, N Y. The proprietors
of 1 1 1 1 H paper guarantee the genuineness
of this oiler.
Plumbing and Tinning.
Jobbing of All Kinds
a JSiwiiilty.
Wilson & Cooke's
Old Stand
Paper Hanging,
Artistic House Painting
And Kalsoming.
Leave Orders at Ely BroB., on Seventh Street,
Oregon 'lty, Oregon.
CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full Measure
given; delivered to any
part of tlie city,
Try Uolton Jiulry nml t ConvnoKf
W. !. YO UNO'S
Livery & feed Stable
Cor. Main and 4th St.
splSJob Printing at the
1? Courier Oilice.
Thin old one armed specialist, nfHt, I.onls,
well known liy Ills loud residence ami sue
resslully practice In this city, continue to
successfully treat nil kinds of chronic and
pi l tt dlsimsna
every unci noun
ninnn vn cimr Diseases, Ri.ro,
CJjUUU aau oiun no
imiilcn, Hi'rofulii, M.v nil-
line Tnlnu, Tumors. Tellers, Kccmii nnd
r Impurities of tlie blood thnrntiglily
'iiHllrui. il, leaving- the system in a Miouk,
(lure mill licnllhtiil nluli),
DUHUlf ItWITO tri'iiteil by nn old Oerninii
lUlLUilUUlOlU remedy. This remedy was
pri-wiucd to lr. Ki'MKiler hy a friend In
llnrUii. It lias never (ailed,
Pfinnpn I'lcers, Cancers, etc., treated, nu
IjUULiJ dilf. ronce linw limit niri'i'ted.
I'tmifiil, illill'-utl , ton ii'(ini'Ul, milky or IiUhmv
ni'iiie, uieiiiiriil dlsi'lmrm's, carefully Ireiited,
I'd , riieiinntlsm and iieurullii treated hy
nur nrw reiiiculi-a.
'In lie a eh'i r Ileitis nt bedtime ami le'liuite
la 1 In' hot 1 to, set iisldo mid look nt it In lue
Illuming. II it iKeloudy, ot has a cloudy sot
ini'it In U, you have soino kidney or hludil. I
TADU WflDM removed In twoiily-foiir hours
Iftl ij ff UD.1V1 worms In winduiv lit nf
i. 1 l" tn. 1,1 low lung.
StTATU OlMMl'O Wo meet, persons everv
DuUllll dnywhoMi ln-ntli mm-lli.
hint It i delisting. Thin comes Iroiii l ie
la. i h 01 elt her the nose or Mumiu'h 110 and
Sf I'Mitiiliied. It. cuii he euied before, the
iif.nl Ihiiii'h become involved.
'finFf MPW ,r ''011 aie trmildeil with nlhi
1 LU lul ilitiil emissions, exlinusilngdritins,
1I111I lr, I'lflituliics, avers on In society,
ilut'iilni'M. di'innidene.v, loss ot enemy, line
hiii.'ti mid m'lM'ontldi'iice, which d- pnve you
I your iiiiinhood and nli.i"liilily until you
f"i s"i ilv. business or mrrlii;te-It you lire
Hi 1-uill i'ti d you may know llio eausiv i..
himI ho '. .-jo t I . I i
w. k, ncli'iii1 I'iii'Un mid kldneVM; Ireiiuent,
. Ir.ii, 1 iiriniitloo and neillmt til In ii'lio', hn
nlt'iny or Wi'ukiiess ot si'Mitil ormiim, ai:d
11 Ii' r uhiiilstnUitl'lt' slus of iiitvoiis di'hlll''
ae.i 1 t.'iiiMitne th'eiiy, Many die of Mux
iln'h'i.liy, liiiioriini 01 tlm rmine. The Ino.-l
oiis ihiiii' i'ii-5 el itiU oliarui'ti r Irt'ittt il.
I'RIVATP diseases, ttleet, (lonoiTtioii, lie
j nil til U tlHiniilleris. Iiim'Iiiii'ki'S, Slrteluii's.
Y.i liii. su of llinitns, SyidilliM, Itydivoe'iti
Vui'.e.'O ti' and kindred tiouhles treated.
Consultation free to All.
Ofhi h llouus: From 9 A. M. to
8 P. M. Call or nddrcss
J. Henri Kcsslcr Al. I).
At St. Louis Dispensary,
R. W. Porter, Mho has been quite ill
for the past month, is greatly improved
and we hope for his entire recovery.
Mrs. Labor returned from California
for a visit with relatives of this place.
uorn, to tne wile ot Uurl Kensy on 1
Doc. 27th, a girl.
Itev Dr. Williams of Oregon City
nreached in the chapel on Sunday. He
baa made it the practice to preach every
two weeks and his sermons are very
much appreciated by those who attend.
The Canemah people should take advan
tage of this good opportunity and fill the
capacity of the building. Treadling
begins at 2 p. m.
The Canemah literary society meets
Friday evenings and the good exercises
are appreciated by the large number of
people who attend. On Friday evening
there w ill he a general literary program
in which every member will take a part,
and it will be very interesting.
Jan1 Oth. Pkookkss.
January i, ibjs jUe new year is
here and 181)7 is forever gone.
V. W. Austen, one of our former
teachers and at present teacher of the
Logan school, was visiting J. Gorbett
and family hist Monday.
Miss Annie Hunter is very sick.
A debating society was organized at
the Bethel sehoolhouse last Saturday
night with 0. T. Ray president, F. Will
vice-president and Miss Clara Edge sec-
retary. Question for next meeting is,
' Resolved, That married life is pleas
anter than single life."
Mrs. Lamd, Mrs. Comer and Miss
Minnie Comer were the guests of Mrs.O
Gorbett Friday.
Johnny Arguette was ki Oregon City
last Wednesday.
The entertainment New Years eve was
well attended, the house being so full
some had to stand. There were about
14 baskets which sold for $7.56.
J. Gorbett and daughter, Grpe. were
in Oregon City one day this weik.
U. S. and W. H. Dix visited Oregon
City during the past week.
Benton Vedder, who has been home
spending his vacation, has returned to
take charge of the school again.
Honthly Reports of School Districts
In the County.
Following is thn report of Ilazelia
school, dintrict No. 37, for the third
month ending December 24th :
Number of people enrolled 28, average
attendance 25, cases of tardiness 0.
Those who were neither absent nor
tardy during the month are! Grace,
Blanche, Ethel and . Leslie AVhitten,
Kllieand Florence Ilays.Agnes.Lynnette
Milton, Earl and Carroll Shipley, Pearl
Longi Anna Boalnnd and Willie Nagle.
rntrons are invited to visit the school
and inspect our work.
Auka D. TnoMi'soN, Teacher.
Hood's Pills act easily and promptly
on tlie liver ana bowels. C ure sick
For Over Fifty Years
An Ot.n and Wei.l-Tuikd Rkmkdy.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing b-yrup has
been used for over fifty yenrs by mil
lions of mothers for their children while
teething, with perfect success. It
soothes the child, softens the gums
allays all pain, cuies wind colic, and is
the best remedy for Diarrl.iea. Is
pleasant to the taste, f-'old by l-ruggis
n every part of the W oild. Twenty
five cents a bottle. Its value is in
calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs
Winsow's Soothing Syrup, and take no
other kind .
JteHiity Is llliioil.
Clean blood means a clean skin. No
beauty witliout it. Cascarets Oandy
Catliaitio clean your blood and keep it
clean, by stiiring up the lif.y liver and
driving all imi'tin.ies from the body.
Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils,
blotches, bl'aek heads, and that sickly
bilious ci inplexion by taking Cat-carets,
beauty fir tin edits. All dn ggists
satisfaction tiuatnnteed, l)c, 2-)c, 50c,
A gentleman went into llolnian's to
buy some wall paper for his parlor and
looking through the many samples
found sonic patterns that were fine, de
cided uiion one. "What is the price of
that paper?" " cents per double
roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap."
But when it w as explained how and w hy
it was sold so cheap, he took the paper
and was highly pleased.
" -
To Curt Cm stlatttin l'iii-f r.
Take Caseaiels t'atidy Cathartic. 10c
or 2"ie. If C. C. C. fail tm tire, druygisis
refund money.
gKiliiiiitf Voiir Hi -a, VI nil hmhi- t.
t. 1IIUIV t HlliHIIU'
, inie
C. fail, drug
forever. 10c, 2.V,
ri-ts refund nione
Two Millions a Year.
When people I uy, try, and buy again,
it means they're satisfied. The people
of the I'liited Stales are now buying
Cm-carets Cat dy Cathartic at the late of
two n iilion boxes u ear ami it will be
three million bed re New Wars. It
means nnrit proved, Unit ("au'aict-i are
ll (i timet delightful bowel regulator for
i cveiylioilv the year round. All drug-
:iMs UV, 2-V51V a In X.ctnegiiaiiuiteed.
. Mire 'IIiiiik for ou.
A tra'b-aetinii in which you cannot ! se
is a sine tlaittt.'. Ibliobsnox-. Kick head
ltd ( furled ton-! to, fever, piles nnd a
tl'iuiMiiid other ilis tire caused I y con
Mlpatidi mid klnggish livtr. tVsi'aivts
Candy Catliaitic, the wonderful new
iiver stimulant and intestinal tonic are
by all ilrufgists gui.ruuici'd to cere or!
money lelimdcd, C, C. C. aivusute!
thing. Tiy a box t wlny; ltV. 2u ,0e.
Sample and booklet free'. All druggist--. '
On Tuesday evening, D. J. Collins
and P. A. Fairclough agreeably sur
prised their families and friends by ar
riving home from the Klondike. Thi
had returned bv wav of Seattle. Tliev
ten uawson iov. JStli, and reached
buagway Jiec. Mth. With the other ,
members of the partv they left Oregon
r'it., t.,i 0,1,1. 1 .." ' .1 .. ...
uui- ur'iu aim went up on tne ursi
.win tt t Va Wt.tr.m
Mr. Collins gives an Interesting ac
count of the trip, and much valuable in
formation concerning Alaska and the
Yukon. The party left Dvea with a
unicycle to the ford, and from there
packed their goods along gradually,
moving a small quantity at a time, and
camping with them every night. Found
a good level trail until the canyon was
readied ; then found a good mountain
trail with the exception of a little mud.
Alter reaching the Stone house, we paid
to have five packs taken over the sum
mit. The last 1800 steps to the summit is
very steep from rock to rock. Tlie sum
mit is a quarter of a mile long and com
parativly level : then after a descent over
two glaciers Crater lake is reached,
where we had to ferry across. From
there small lakes are successively ferried
over until Lake Lindernian is reached,
where we remained nine days building
a boat 26 1-2 by seven feet beam. All
parties intending to build a boat should
take along a wbipsaw The remainder
of the trip to Dawson is given in Mr.
Hamilton's letter.
At Caribou crossing we met George
Miller, of Juneau, with 900 head of
sheep on his way to Dawson. Collins
rafted his way down the river from
Selkirk to Dawson to join his compan
ions and liad some narrow escapes from
drowning, Dawson is a lively town in
a speculative and prospective business
way. , From here, tays Mr. Collins, I
went up Bonanza and Eldorado creeks
to prospect. Found many men prepar
ing for winter work, alter tlie ground
freezes, when they sink shafts and drift.
The process of placer mining fa alto
gether different from that in warmer
climates. The gold is from 13 to 30 feet
down. In the summer this muck thaws
out and the seapage from it into the
mine makes work impossible. In a few
places where the muck is not deep,
work cah be prosecuted in the summer.
At some places on the Eldorado you
can see the gravel with gold sticking
out. Mr. Collins ea s this is the richent
mining belt he ever saw, and l.e has had
some experience in mining district!.
Concluded to locate here and returned
to Dawson to make preparations. Met
Miller with his sheep; they had been
killed and were frozen. While working
at Dawson, Hubbard and Fairclougti
came back from a prospecting trip, hav
ing located two claims on Quartz creek.
40 miles from Dawfon in the Indian
river district. All three then returmd
to the locations where thev had
sunk shafts 17 feet deep with encourag
ing results. As provisions were scarce
and high they concluded to come out and
get supplies enough to last two yeats.
Alter selling our provision supplies, we
tramped 600 miles over the ice and
snow, pulling our own s oda without
dogs to Skagway.
It is a hard trip, but the best time to
get over the pass, is before Manh 1st.
We experienced some cold weather. 72
degrees below zero, but the average is
.16 to lit. lliose intending to go the
Yukon, should take only the choicest
and best provisions. Plenty of bacon
and acid fruits. Fur robes are the best
for travel, and a supply of wax candle
matches should he taken along. Prices
are away up in the Klondike country.
iseei and otner tood products tiring from
$1 to $1.50 per pound. Cigars and
drinks cost 50c. tind labor brings from
$10 to $20 per day, when one can get
work. Mr. Collins located a claim on
Moose Hide creek, four miles from Daw
son, lie brought home 32 ounces of
Klondike nuggets. Both Fairclough and
Collins will start on their return trip
about Feb. 1.
Vrolmte Court.
In the matter of the estate of W. T.
Daughtery, deceased, the Bnal account
of Charles Daugberty, executrix, was
approved and continued.
In the matter of the estate of Honor
Marks Whitlock, deceased, W. T. Whit
lock, the executor, was granted an order
to sell the the personal property of the
estate at private sale.
In the matter of the guardianship of
the minor heirs of C. W. Pope, deceased,
the final nport of Harriet E. Pope,
guardian, was approved.
In the matter of the estate of L. II.
llobbs, deceased, it was ordered that
Monday, the 7th day of March, 189S.
be set as the date for hearing final ob
jections to the report of the administra
In the mutter of tl e esta'e of Giorge
Gurcovich, demised, it was ordered that
Nicholas Story, the administrator, he
granted an order to settle in full with
the Portland General Electric Company,
by accepting $15i 0 in payment for dam
ages for thu accidental death of the de
ceased last October.
In the matterof the eslnto if George
rruz, oecei mi, ti e niiai report ot '.lie
administrator, Charles Ileitis, was ap
proved. In the matter of the estate 'of Job
Thomas, deceased, the final report of the
administratrix was approved.
G. 1. Diiiiiik was Appointed adminis
trator of the estate ol John Bode, de
ceased. In the matter of the etr.tJ of John
Cobery, deecasei1, the 7th dav of Fuoru-
aiy was 8 t as the date tor ti"an ig ob
jections to the final report ot the execu
trixes, Mary Cobery and Maiy A' Haley.
l-lvcryhiMly Says So.
Cascarets Candv Cathartic, the most
wondtriul medical discovery of the age,
pleasant and refreshing to the taste, net
gently and positively on kidnevx, livei
and bowels, eh iinsingtlieenliresysti in,
dispel colds, cure headache, (ecr,
habitual iMiKiipation and biliousness
t'li iiso buy and try a box i f C. C. I1, to
day ; 10, 2"i, 50 cents. Sold and guar.in
tietl to cure by nil drnggis'.s.
Buckle n's Arnica Salve.
Tin; P.ksT S.m.vk ill tlio w orld f r Cuts
Pniiw-s, Si ri'ii, I'livrs, Salt K lum
1-Yvir Sores, Totter, CIihiiikv. I
llunils, I lulblniiis, (.'urns, and ail Skin
Knu'tiuns, mid positively cures Piles,
or no pay reipiiieil. It is tjnaianteed U
si vo pet feet satisfaction or money re
undid Pi ice -"i cents per lio. For
ale lv Cliat tiKUi (V Co.
At the State Teauhera' Association. I
Clackamas county wag pretty well rep
resented at the State Teachers' Associi -linn,
held in Portland last week. In
the department of superintendence,
mate .-Hiperiiueniieiit lrwin wasseverelv
scoreu mr grinding out, so many state
uipiomas in a pronn-cuous way. Su t.
starkweather and Prof. H. S. Strange
a : 1 . . . . ... .1
.iuuiiin.iit, puit in ine genertil
H I Crtl, q i a L.1 1 Z - !
discussions. Following is a list of Clack
amas county teachers in attendance
If any are omitted, it is because they
did not sign the roll :
Miss Emma Stuichler, Clackamas;
Miss All J. Boehlke, Willamette Fails ;
Miss Nellie Thomas, Currinsville; A. J.
Bender, Sycamore; Miss Mary S. Bar
low, Barlow; II. G. Starkweather, Mil
waukie; Miss Lura V. Parker, Molalla;
Miss El.-ie Thomas, Molalla; J. C. Zin
ser, Oregon City; L. T. Anderson, Bea
ver Creek; Lawsou L. Moure, Oanbv;
Miss Zelma Shaver, Clackamas; N. VV.
and Mis. Bowland, Milwankie; F. M.
Darling, T. J. Gary, Misses Fannie and
Kate Porter, II. S. Gibson, W. L. Mi
Adam, Oregon City; A. 0. Strange,
Orient; KufiH Iiolman, Meadowbrook.
Patriots Election.
election will be held on Tuesday
iiexi,, oy me rairiobs oi America lliroiiL' i
out tlie United States, for the purpose of
ascertaining tlie sentiment of the order
on questions of national policv, and the
order of importance in which those
questions are regarded by the members.
Oregon City Lodge No. 1, will hold its
election that day at Justice Sclmebel's
uthce, where the polls will be open from
10 a. m. to 8 p. m.at which lime it is
hoped all members will attend and give
expression to their views. All others
who desire to unite with the order with
a view of studying the principles of pop
ular government, are invited to attend
at this time, when they may become
members by signing the pledge and
membership roll, without other for
mality and vote at the election with
other members. The regular election of
officers will take place in tlie evening after
closing the polls.
The ballots to be voted can be pro
cured at the polls. .
Letter List.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the postoffi te, January (j, 1893
Oregon City:
Davis, Tena Spencer, Nellie-
Smith, Laura Soniner Kate
West, Jane Dillar, Midaline...
Roberstein, Emilia Cmiii, S E
Holgate, Maggie. . .Manrer, Bertha....
Jackson, G W Schaumburg, M ...
men's list
Clyde, H Smalley, F
Briggs, G H Schmidt, J
Baker, Alfred Dickey, John 2
Albright G Willums, Arthu'..
New bill, Elbert.... Pavies, Til
Meyer, Morris Foster, F M
Kotthoff, Joe Pty wacki, Joe
King & Wilson Ellsworth. F
Kielsen, L .Sloper, M
Jensen, B Smith, T A
Ilayden, DM Sennott, F 2
Ilese, H E. Shcedge, Tim....'...
Howell, A J, ..... . Westervelt IIB
Foundermon, K . . .Uunyon, S C
If called for, say when adveuised,
J. J. Cookk, Acting I'.M.g
The Surprise of All.
Mr. James Jones, of the dnifc firm ol
Jones it Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking
of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that
last winter his wile whs attacked with
La Grippe, and her case grew so sertmis
that physicians at Cowden and Pana
could do nothing tor her. I; seemed to
develop into hasty consumption. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store,
and selling lots of it, be took a bottle
home, and to the surprise ot id I she be
gan to get bet'er from first dose, Hiid hall
ii( zetulollar buttles cured her sound and
will. Dr. King's New I'iscovery for
consumption, coughs and colds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Try
it. Free trial buttle at C'h inn in & Co.'s
drug store ,
F.ee Pills.
Send your address to II. E. Bneklei.
& Co., Chicago, ami get a free Mini pic
box of King's New Life Bills. A trial
will convince you of their merits. These
pills are eay inaction and are puticii
lury effective in I lie cure of Ciuiilipution
and Sick Headache. For Malari.i and
Liver troubles l hey have been proved
invaluable. They are guai.inteed to be
perfectly free from every deleterious
substance and to be purely vegetable
They do not eaken by their action, but
by giving lone to stomach and bowels
gieatly invig irate the sys'eui K-'gnhu
size 2-Kt. per box. Sold by Cliaruian i
Co., Druggists
Tl CtJ.T: Oil I I I'-l HY
TlVtf I.HXMlV'J ll-nni'l l)l!ll'llll I':. bills.
PrtiRClMs rcland theni-mey 'I il fs!liwro.
n':. hy
T,:l-0 1 evi-'l
dinifKlM" r fun 1 i be money U
be cured
If von iiifter from anv of flic I
ills of men, come lo the oldest
Specialist on the Pacihc Uxut,
.1061 Market SL Estd I86Z.
Yonnir men and middle i
aired men who are Mttlering
from (he etTecti ol youthful indiscretions or ex-
ens in matnrer years. Nervous and Physical
lieblllly ,liu potency. !. nsniii
inalliucnniplii inons: leriiiiri ii i
l"rolilorrlle. usiinrrmrs, !,
Frrnm nry nt VrliinliiiK, etc. Uy h
r,, mil maiion of remedies, ot treat curative pow
er, the Doctor h;u so arranged his treatment
tli.it it hi not on v att.-nt iiiinievliate reuet dui
permanent cure. The 1. lor does not claim to '
Jierform miracles, but is well-known to lie a fair
sua square rnvsician bihi wiiiimi,invTi
i.;. .1m'1S14mihim nf Ulen.
S lill Is thorouslitv criiillcnti-Ull'olu tlie
a.... It l...n , ..r.... .
I VI Ht H.4i n'''lvli-B to IIS will re- I
Cm 0 our i-"ii.l iiniin of h.- 'lllt'''ili,i. .
iren-i.'iouio'aii'n n n'fiut r. iu r.
frer) oii ir e tiiiio i idic, or jorjeii miic
Tliououita I'oiinvn.
Consultation rRtr. aril t'r.my pmi.i-.
:.-Mt liers'i e.v or (v u-uer. imio i.t oo-'sj
free. ( valuable book for men.)
a uei I'liuiisii no vi jimruiur,
visit i i. aoitii-
Oroat Jlusoiim of Anatomy ,
the finest and Lowest Museumof its kind inthe
-orld. Come and learn now wonitertuMy you
tire maue; now to avoat su-Kiiess ana owease.
We ore coiit.iu.oiv adiiu'i new stiecmieus.
VirAlOtiCK t KKK Ool or write,
1051 Market Strwt. San Frsrwijco. Cil
n c'jrs. en n '
Q If ill l YOU
Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges
tion and permits food to ferment and putrlfy In
the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache.
Insomlna, nervousness, and,
Jf not relieved, bilious fever
or blood poisoning. Hood's
Fills stimulate the stomach,
rouse tlio liver, cure headache, dizziness, con
stipation, etc. 25 cents. Sold by all druggists.
Theouly Pills to take with Uood's Sarsaparilla.
Office in Oicgon City Bunk Block.
Oregon' City, Iibegon,
Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor
Will be al Court House on eac
and ou regular session days of
County Court,
Geo. C. Bhownbll.
J. U. Campbell.
Cnufleld Building
Oregon City ,Or
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE: Commercial Ban Bulldin
Candies, Nuts, Fruits
and Tobacco
Miin Street , Oregon C
Express and Drayman
(Established 1866)
Tarcels delivered lo all parts of the city.
Gambrinus Cold
Griessen & Hallwyer, Props.
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Elegant Family Rooms.
Go io...
Kvnllemen or Indies to travel for respo nsllild
estiililished house in OreROii. Monthly 8(15 an
oK-nsrs. Position steady. Refenmee. Kuelose
si If -aililn-ssed stiimperl envelope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. Y, Chicago.
" t'Siitlonien or indies to travel fur responsible,
I'stal.lishi'd house III Oregon. Monthly SH5 and
eiu'iisiH. t'osition Htea.lv. Reference. Enclose
sell' addressed stiiiniietl envelope.
Thu D0111 in Ion
Company, Dept. 1,1111011150.
(V I AtsVI'. V W Al fx .1 -
IMi .... U
CIJ Reliable Druggist
For Infants and Children.
lit f:-
11 mi
Ii n
undersiened. executrixes of the will and
estate of John Cobery, deceased, have filed their
finul report us such executrixes In the county
court of Clackamas county, Oregon, and that the
said court 1ms tixed MoihUi, the 7ih duv ot
February, 1,-uh at 10 o'clock a.'m,, at the county
court, room as' the day, time and place for the,
exiiniiiiniion 01 sain report, lieari. k oDjeciions
to the same, alia the final settlement of etiid
Executrixes of said Will and Esti te.
In the Circuit rourt of the Statj of Oregon, for
Citu-kamas county.
A. E. Lalourette, Trustee, riiiintifT, vs. Joseplnia
Thonipkius, Sarah H. Thpmpkins, K D. utury
and C D. Story, Defendants,
State of Oregon, County of I la- Kfirnnp, ss.
By vlrture of a judgment order, decree and an
execution, duly issued out uf and under tlie se-il
of the above 1 ntitled cnutt, in the above entitled
cause, lo me duly directed arid dated the fall
day ol Jimuury, 1SH8, upon a judgment rendered
ftr.d entered ill said court ou the Mh day of No
vember, 18U7, ip favor of A. E. Lntouri tie. Trustee,
I lalntit),aud sitmst Jo- eptiusThoinpkltis, Sarah
II .Tiuiit kins, K. D. Story and ('. D. Story, defen
dants, fur the sum of ipi-fCUO, ullh interest
thereon at the rate of luuer cent per annum Iruru
the 2uth day uf November, 197, and the further
sum of 8100 astittornej's fee, and the further
sum of costs and disbursements, and the
costs of and upon this writ, commanding nie to
niHRe sale ot the loitowitu described real prop
erty situate In the county of Clackamas, state of
Oregon, to-wit: A part of the original D, L. 0,
of IJ. 1) 'lli(iniikins mid wife m sections 23, 24
and 25 (f lownship 2 south of range 1 east of
the Willamette Meridian, and of section 8",
township 2 smith, range 2 east of the
Willamette Meridian, Clsckamm county,
state of Oregon, and particularly deto Ibed as
follows, to-wit: Beginning on the west line of
said D. L. C. at the southwest corner of liaet sit
off by partition duiree of Ihe circuit cc urt of
Multnomah county, state of Oregon to Roger D.
ThonipkitiB (said point being south 49 degreen
SO minutes east 28 71 chains distil lit f 10111 north
west con er of said D. L. C.,) thence along the
west line of said D. L. C. south !!! degrees 0
mitititis east 15.31 chains, tin 11 eel ast (il.19 i-huins
lo Hie Willamette river, theme north along the
said river its mi iindeis 27 degree w en 6.73
chains, thence north Ski degrees west 5.90 chains
to southeast comer ol said Roger Ji. Thonipkius'
tract, thence wtst (6.75 chains to tlio place i f
btgtuuing, containing 0:1.82 acres, more or less,
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and tn compliance
with the commands of said writ. I wi'1. on Satur
day, the 5th day of February, 1898, at the hour 0 f
1 o'clock p. 111.. at the front door of the. county
coutt house iu the city of Oregon City, in said
county and slate, sell at public auction, subject
to redemvjlion. lo the hichest bidder, for U.S.
gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and
interest which the within named deiendants or
eltker of them, had 011 the ante of tho mortgage
Herein or since had iu and to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
extxution, judgment order, decree, interest,
costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff nf Clackamas Colintv. Orecrnn.
Dated, Oregon City, Or., Jan. 6th, 1897.
Notary Public and Real Estate Broke r
Insurance Agukcy
op Clack am
Monev to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made.
Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty
otuce on east side of Main street
Between 6th and 7th.
The Commercial Bank
CAPITAL 100,000.
Transacts a General Banking Business
Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes nn
lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points
in the United States and Europe and on Hons
Kong. Deposits received sublect to check.
Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M.
President. C'ashie
Mill Feed, Lime, Cement
ar.d Laiid Plaster.
Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable
On the Street between the Bridge and the
Double and single rigs and saddle horses a
ways on hand at tho lowest rates, ind acorr
also connected with the barn for loose stock
Any Information regarding any kind of stock
promptly attended to by letter or person.
Bank of Oregon City
I'aid Up Capital, $50,000.
Surplus, $20,850.
resident, - Cha. H. Caufmud
Vice-president Gio. A. Harding
Cashier, E. Q. Caupieid
A General Ranking Business Transacted
Deposits Received Subject lo Check,
Approved Bills and Notes Discounted.
County and City Warrants Bought.
Loans Made on Available Security
Kxchange Bought and sold.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts Sold Available in Any Part of tli
Telegraphic Exchange Sold on Portland, su
Francisco, Chicago and New York.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
iiircli:ist'il tlie Seventh
Street Bakery of Ja
cob Kol.er mill the new
nmiinneiiieiit is ,ne
Dared to (nrni-li you
with Bread, Cakes,
Buns, Etc., nt very
reasonable nriief.
C. F. HENNINGS, 7th St. Bakery ,
A Ih'w. relinltle n trnfo relief for
fuiipreswd, ett'twtir. nuinty or -din
f il ui'Mirt ru.it ion. Now i- by ovfjr
BO.OOO J.ATUFr. lllVl!t:iUl thw-a
oivuma. Hkv akf, or iiANiu hors im.
irioN. $2 vr box, ftuull hot t,
'repaid in i.lam wntfiT, tnd 4r 1:1
Fr S.ilo 1 y bnm pn & Co.