Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1898, Image 7

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    WHAT 1897 HAS SEEN.
Groico-Tnrklsh War and the Cuban
Insurrectlon-Tlie Great Sti-ike in
the Coal Fields-Political Chuugea of
Twelve Months.
Chronological Table.
The year 1S07 has been, it might be sakl.
almost a commonplace one, siuce its com
mencement, thut is, no events of over
whelming moment have taken place, but
there has been no dearth of important
occurrences. The war between Turkey
and Greece, the struggle for freedom in
Cuba, the .costly and long-drawn-out
strike in the Ohio and Pennsylvania coal
fields, the change of national administra
tion,, the enactment of the Dingley tariff
law, the disastrous spring floods in the
Mississippi valley and autumn fires in the
West and Northwest, and the epidemic of
yellow fever In the Southern States are
clearly not matters of small importance
in the history of the world. The year has
been an unusual one from the fact that
but few men of really great reputation
have passed from the stage of their earth
ly labors; their number can be computed
upon the fingers of the two hands.
The most important events of the year
are recorded below in the order of their
1 Thirteen miners perish at rachuea,
Mexico. .. .Extremely high temperature and
heavy rnlus In Northwest Plngree Inaug
urated Governor of Michigan.
2 W. A. Hnmaioiid. wrecker of Illinois
National Bank, commits suicide. .. .Futal
storm In Southwest. .. .Nashville, Tenn.,'has
400,000 Are. .. .West and Northwect del
uged by rains.
8 Snow and frost succeed rain.
4 Furious blizzard In the West. .. .Gov.
Bconeld Inaugurated at Madison, Wis....
Three St. Paul banks fall.
6 Gov. Altgelil pardons 10 criminals St.
Stanislaus parsonnge at Bay City, Mich.,
sacked by warring church factions. .. .Four
children die by Are near Westneld, Wis.;
three near Babcock, Wis.
6 Illinois Legislature meets. .. .Seven Ur
sullue nuns perish by flre Ht Convent of Our
Lady of Lake St. Johns, Koberval, Quebec.
11 Tanner Inaugurated Governor of Illi
nois with much pomp and ceremony....
Mount Inaugurated Governor of Indiana
with very simple style House kills Pa
cific funding bill American-British arbi
tration treaty signed.
12 Five children drown, skating, at St.
Louis. , . .Four die In powder explosion at
Ghamokln, Pa.
13 Five killed In a Pottsvllle, Pa., coal
14 News of capture of Santa Clara by
Cuban Insurgents. .. .Bombay, India, a city
of death and terror because of ravages of
bubonic plague (black, death) and famine;
thousands dying, and city being depopulated;
dead He unburled, and vultures hover over
the town and country; sky ablaze by night
with funeral pyres; Europe greatly alarmed.
It Win. E. Mason chosen Senator from
Illinois. .. .Three negroes lynched lu Louis
iana. 21 Nine sailors drown off Long Island.
22 Mercury falls 30 degrees to lero at
Chicago. .. .Death of Sir Isaac Pitman at
24 Widespread cold wave: Chicago tem
perature 17 below lero $500,01)0 flre loss
at Northwestern stove repair works and C.
J. Barnes' residence In Chicago.
25 Twenty below zero t Ohicaso.
28 Fourteen below zero at Chicago; 700
poor families aided; relief measures adopted
over entire city $2,500,000 flre at Pulla-
aeipnia ?3no,ooo tire at Chicago.
27 Continued cold weather In Northwest,
28 Lyman J.-Gage of Chicago accepts
treasury portfolio.
81 Family of seven die by flre In Hobo-
sen, r. j Cruiser Brooklyn on the rocks.
. 2 Pennsylvania State capltol burned; loss
$1,500,000. .. .Venezuelan treaty signed.
8 Admiral Bunce's squadron In a storm off
Hampton Koads; three seamen swept away,
several Injured. ,. .f200,000 railroad shop
Ure at Prlnceon, Ind.
10 Bradley-Martin ball at New York coats
f 300,000. ,. .Phenomenal drop In price of
teel rails.
13 Aid. O'Malley acquitted of murder at
Chicago Death of J. Handolph Tucker at
Lexington, Vs.. and Gen. J. O. Shelby at
Adrian, Mo.; both noted Confederates.
14 Greeks bombard Canea, Island of
Crete, under Turkish rule.
15 Appeal of Jos. It. Dunlop, convicted of
Improper use of malls at Chicago, to Supreme
voun inns.
10 Millionaire Duestrow hanged at Union,
Mo., for wife murder; Peter Schmidt and
ham roster hnnged at Clayton, Mo.
Greeks capture Turkish fort nt Crete.
17 Powers of Europe protest against ac
tloa of Greece.
18 Two thousand Moslems slnln In Crete
by Greeks Big shortage of State official
discovered In Nebraska.
21 Csnea bombarded by the powers, .,
Bahy girl at the Harrisons'.
22 General observation of Washington's
birthday. ., .Floods In Ohio Valley.
25 Powers decide Greece must evacuate
4 McKlnley Inaugurated. .. .Six killed at
Boston by gas explosion.
5 Extensive floods In Mississippi Valley,
ana in unio, neniucay aua lucliaua...,
Greece denes the powers.
t Foundering of steamer Vllle de St. Na
aire oil Carolina; 65 lives lost.
ft Tremendous rainfall In central States.
10 Six killed In a wreck near Prluceton,
12 Blizzard sweeps the Northwest $400,
000 wholesale grocery flre at Chicago.
15$l.n00.ooo flre at St. Lonlt Flood. In
Mississippi Valley make thousands of ne
groes Homeless.
17 Fltzsimmons whine. Corbett nt Carmnn
City. Nev 78 lives lost by foundering of
rencu siertiiier on i.arouna.
21 Powers blockade Cretan porta to Greek
22 Cyclone kills eight and Injures 23 school
ehlldren at Arlington, Ga. ;' family of five
suueu in fienry L.onniy, Ala.
23 Heavy fall of slushy snow In North
80 Forty-Are killed by a cyclone at Chand
ler, u. I .
31 House passes Dingley tariff bill....
iunni uvuiimnj -ririniis.
8 Carter H. Harrison elected Mavor of
Chicago by 75,000 plurality. .. .Alarming
floods In Mississippi Valley.
8 $1,000,000 flre at Knoxville, Tenn; 17
people Kllieo.
9 Snow storm In Central States.
10 Daniel W. Voorhees. former U. S. Sen
ator rrom inniana, ales at Washington
10 mom in inuianapoiis over a-cent car
rare .-m,iiu nre at New Orleans.
17 War between Turkey and Greece.
18 Fierce windstorm In Chicago; $150,000
20 Desperate lighting In the Levant.
First execution by electricity In Ohio.
2S Osman Pasha assumes command of
nirkisn troops, wmcn have met severe re
24 Turks capture Larlsss Vast floods
in Missouri anu Mississippi valleys.
2ft Hundreds of families at 'Ottiimwa
Iowa, aim yiilncy, ill., homeless hy floods.
27 Dedication of Grant's tomb at New
lnrlt K.ooo.ooonr at NewDort News. V
28 Greeks at Athens riotous because of
army reverses nooa at South Guthrie,
O. T.. kills over to.
2ft Ralll Jiesds new cabinet of Grec.
Wild gale with loss of life and vessels on
L.ske .Mirnigan.
80 Greeks win a big battle Seven ne
groes lynchea by a mob or negroes In Texas.
1 8now at Chicago.
2 14.000,0110 Ore at Pittsburg. Pa.
4 One hundred die by Or la a Parlslao
7 Brutal murder of the Harris family,
ear Waukesha. Wis., by Win. Pouch.
sixteen ll by Art oa Msllory LIh
steamship Leona, off Sandy Cook. .. .Greece
asks Intervention of powers.
i enow at unicago.
18 Czar intervenes to ston war In the
31 Severe carthauake shock In Cincin
nati and southeast. .. .Five (.f a picnic par-
ij mneu ou L,oug island.
2 Spanish cabinet resigns.
if Two of a moo of lvnchers killed nt
Urbaua, Ohio, and nine wounded, by nitlltla
under command of Sheriff McLean.
7 Six killed in a wreck near Hudson, Wis.
0 $200,000 flre at Oarlinvllle. Ill Death
of Alvan Clark, famous lens-maker, at Cam
bridge, Mass.
11 Wife murderer French hancred nt
Itockford, 111.
12 Mayor Richards killed at Bunker Hill.
111., by Editor Hedley. '
id Attempt to kin President Fauro Dy a
urls bomb-thrower. ,
14 Suicide of Barney Barnnto at sea.
15 Temperature of 08 In Ohlcaeo: 40 pros
16-17 Northwest suffers from awful heat
18 Storm kills four children nt Lincoln.
111. .. . Cycloues In many Western localities.
21 Victorian Jubilee celebration com
mences at London.
24 Cyclone In Kansas kills three,: hall
bombards Topeka.
25 Lynching at Crystal Springs, Miss....
Race war at Key West over attempted lynch
ing. .. .Cornell defeats Yale and Harvard In
college boat race. ...Four legal executions
at St. Joseph, Mo., Fayettevllle, W. Va.,
Atlanta, ua., enu Houston, Texas.
20 Seven killed lu a wreck at Missouri
City, Mo.
20 Three k ed In wreck of a Christian
Endeavor train at West Chicago; 15 hurt. .. .
Five men drowned nt Chicago while bathing
to get relief from terrific heat Northwest
30 AH districts renort many fatalities
from heat.
1 Continuance of fearful heat Close of
Victorian Jubilee.
2 One dead and 16 prostrated by heat at
Chicago, In a temperature of 05 degrees. . . .
Cornell Boat Club defeats Columbia and
Pennsylvania. v
8 Awful heat In Chicago kills six and
prostrates 40: 13 die at Cincinnati Snow
storm in Colorado. .. .Deluge at Duluth does
$1,000,000 damage.
4 Heat ana fatalities continue east of Mis
sissippi Valley; thunderstorm at midnight
relieves Chicago, after eight have died.
5 Twenty die at Chicago from previous
exhaustion by heat, though temperature did
not exceed 78 degrees. .. .Celebration claims
Ave deaths there, and scores of Injured vic
tims u. a. stone of Chicago klllea at
Nonqultt, Mass.
8 leu killed by cyclone at Lowry, Minn.
. . .Nine killed hy boiler explosion at Harts-
vllle, Tenu....Cool miners' strike becomes
general lu the East.
7 Continuance of extreme heat and con
sequent fatalities Senate passes tariff bill.
Six killed at Bay City, Mich., by street
car plunging Into an open draw.
8 Chicago and Alton freight house burns
at Chicago; loss $250.000 Heat and death
roll Increases Death of Senator Harris
of Tennessee.
10 Drop of 85 decrees In tpmnerntiirft nt
Chicago; change general.
la ueatn or Millionaire Columbus R. Cum
mlngs of Chicago.
lo Negro lynched for nssanlt and murder
at West Point, Tenn Illinois and Indiana
coal miners go out.
IT News of fabulous gold Ands In Alaska.
10 Tariff bill passes the House Snow-
storm In Chicago.
ii Lognn monument unveiled at Chicago.
23 Four killed by explosion of naphtha on
steamer at Bridgeport, Conn. .. .$1,000,000
grape sugai factory flre at Peoria, III.
4 New tariff law enacted: Conttress ad-
Journs Cloudburst at Boston.
30 Seven killed by cyclone nt Snn Joo
6 Elevator flre at Chlcaaro kills four fire
men, nuns no more, aua aoes $500,000 dam
age. .
8 Assassination of Premier Canovas of
15-Orleanlst Pr nee Henri seriously
wounded by Italian Count of Turin In a duel
at pans,
10 Great boom lu wheat Cold wnve nr
1 1 Snowstorm In South Dakota Wheat
touches B8c at Chicago.
10 Unknown man killed hy fnrni era n.nr
iuirago, tor assault. .. .rour killed by gin
cose factory explosion at Davenport. Iowa.
21 Wheat reaches the dollar price 1n sev
eral cities ana occasions great excitement.
23 Three hundred Sepoys massacred by
Ainuis in inula.
20 President of Uruguay assassinated.
29 News of a great tidal wave In Japan,
80 Steamer Portland arrives nt Seat!
with Alaskan treasure.
31 ellow fever breaks out nt fWnn
springs, miss.
2 Crops reported greatly dauiared by lonir
i-wiiiinueu urougui.
7 ualiroaa collision near Emoora. Kan.:
several killed Lake St. Clair yacht cap-
sizeu, urowuutg six.
0 lerrlole head-end CO lslon near New
castle, Colo., kills 30 people and mangles
many others.
10 Twenty-two striking coal miners near
i.aumer, ra., snot aeaa by aeputy sheriffs;
many others wounded.
11 Miners convention at Columbus set
ties tne-great coal strike
13 Tldul wave along the Texas coast took
many lives ana aia great damage to pr
L Hve alleged burglar taken from bill
by a mob at Versailles, Ind., and lynched.
hi Anarcnist assaults president Diaz of
Mexico; death of the assaulter nt tliA
Unnds or a mob.
20 Outbreak of yellow fever In New Or
21 President Ratchford of the United
Mine workers declares the coal strfke ended
20 Nine men killed in. a bloody riot at
Glrardvllle, Pa Mrs. John Becker nnd
nve onunren siaugntereu near Carroll, Iowa,
Hallway noin-up at Moorhead, Minn.
2(t $1,000,000 flre In Washington, D. C. ...
Fall of Azcarraga ministry in Spain.
80 Resignation of the Haiti ministry In
kj reece.
1 Five bandits held up a train In Indian
Territory. .. .Thirty persons hurt In railway
IJ n . WJ...I It
BCCliieiu bl .ivuiuiu, .Milne.
8 Death of Gen. Neal Dow.
4 Sagasta ministry assumes control In
Spain. .. .Austin, Pa., almost entirely de
stroyed by flre.
5 Connecticut votes an educational test
for voters.
6 Alton train held up near Knnsos City,
Mo Thousands of lives lost and much
property destroyed by a typhoon In the Phil
ippine Islands $117,000 flre at Chicago
stock yards. ., .Large flre In Detroit. .. .Six
girls burned to death at Plauklntou, S, D...,
Disastrous nre at .Medora, 111.
7 Two prisoners roasted In Opellka, Ala
8 Gen. Weyler recalled from Cuba...
Death of ex-Senator McPberson of New
12 Bandits, rob a train near Austin. Tex
as.,.. Death st Detroit of ex-Senator Cnas.
w. Jones of Florida.
14 Four people killed In a railway acci
dent at Stlttsrllle, Ont.
15 Four per i us killed and many Injured
by caving In of a theater roof In Cincin
nati. lfl Steamer Triton sunk In Caribbean Sea
and l.Vl lives lost.
17 Windsor, N. 8., lire-swept and 3,000
people left homeless. .. .Death of Chas. A.
Dans of the New York Snn.
10 Death of Geo. M. Pullman of Chicago.
21 Jury In Luetgert murder case lu Chi
cago disagreed.
24 Twenty lives lost In New York Cen
tral accident at Garrisons, N. T Bank
wrecked st Blalrsburg, Iowa.
27-Wsbash Railroad offices In St. Louis
2I Henry George, single-tsx advocate,
died of apoplexy at New York.
1 Sale of the Union Pacific Railroad.
2 Thirteen firemen Injured by a gasoline
explosion at a flre In Philadelphia. ... Elec
tion day: New York elected Van Wyc
iTammany) Mayor; Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Iowa and Massachusetts went Republican;
Maryland. Nebraska. New York, Kentucky
and Virginia Democratic; Colorado was car
ried hy silver men, and In South Dakota Re
publicans and Democrats won over Populists.
4 Chesapeake and Ohio train wreck at
Charlottesville, Vs., In which four people
re killed and many Injured. .. .Flre men
badly burned by molten Iron la Milwaukee,
lad two die from their Injuries.
6 Train robbery near Grants. N. M
Fourteen lives lost by the sinking of the
steamer Idaho on Lako Erie.
11 iellow fever Quarantine declared off
In New Orleans Thieves steal $14,000 lu
money and jewelry from a Sliver Creek, N.
Y bank.
12- 550,000 flre at Fostorla, Ohio.
13 Three Indians lynched bv a mob at
WUllntusport, N. D.
i( rnree people Intured In a railway
wreck near Cleveland, Ohio Panic in a
Cincinnati school caused the Injury of four
children. .. .Itozel, Kan., inks luto the
prairie in a ulght.
10 Three miners killed In railway wreck
at Coal Bluff, Ind.... Great fire In Loudon,
JMiginnii; loss $25,000,000.
, 20 Masked necro. nfremnrlnir to hold tin
a Kansas City street car, shot conductor and
21 Fire at Melbourne Australia In which
$5.000,000 of mercantile property was de
stroyed .... Two motormen killed, lu n collis
ion in Baltimore, Md Flre nt'La Grange,
Ohio, in which $25,000 worth of property
wus uestroyeu.
J F. A. Novak found entity of murder
nt Vinton, Iowa.
25 Capt. Loverlmr found polity hv court
martial at Fort Sheridan, Chicago.
28 Resignation of the Badenl ministry In
Austria Three men asphyxiated In the
Grand Trunk tunnel nt Port Huron, Mich.
30 New cabinet formed In Austria....
Eleven persons killed In a railway accident
at Warsaw, Poland Martin Thorn con
victed of the murder of Wm. Guldeusuppe at
1 Thirty-seven miners killed In Tlomhiir-ff.
Bavaria, by explosion of lire damn Furi
ous riots at Prague, Bohemia.
-inree men killed aud several persons
Injured lu a collision of trolley cars near
Detroit, Mich,
o Resignation of the Italian ministry.
6 Congress Convenes In reffnlni aeoalrtn nt
11 Two men killed In rnllwoir collision at
Oakland, Cal Haytlan cabinet resigned.
io ixew tiaytiau jtilnlBtrv formed.
14 Resignation of Chill nn cnhlnet. . . .
Rudlnl c-blnet reconstituted In Italy.
16 Three men killed In C. V. I wreck
at Clinton, Itid Donth of Alphonse Dau-
det, noted i French author William Ter-
riss, English actor, assassinated in London.
.Ratification of oeaco treaty between
Greece and Turkey New Chilian cabinet
17 Six lives lost In flre nt Ottnwn Ont .
Three persons perish In an $850,000 flre at
Grand Forks. Dak.
18 Zero weather In Chicago Death of
Hon. Washington Heslng, of Chicago.
20 Five train wrecks at Castle Rock,
Colo., two persons killed; at Ponttac, 111.,
Ave persons Injured; nenr Benson, Ariz., one
man aiuea; near ltipton, Ala., four men
killed; at St. Louis, one man killed and two
21 Suclde of Miss Leila Herbert nt Wash-
Ington, D. C Three skaters drowned at
Toimwanda, N. Y.; .. .Three skaters drowned
at Gardner, Mass.
Great Mausoleum Built In Brooklyn
at a Cost of $3OO,00O.
John W. Mnckay's "home after death"
Is rapidly hearing completion. The
Mackay tomb, or mausoleum, near the
jNinth avenue entrance of Greenwood
cemetery, Brooklyn, will Boon be com
pleted. This structure, which Mr. Mackay
has erected nfter the fashion set by sev'
eral of New lorks prominent men, who
built their tombs before they died, is one
of the noblest in the llecropolis. The ap
proximate cost will be 800,000. The
Mackay mausoleum is. within, like a min
iature church auditorium. No evUkmces
of the real character of the place appear.
It is lighted and honted with electricity
and at least fifty (lersons could attend
mass said in its space. Yet in no way
is It catacomb-like., There are twenty-
two crypts for bodies. Uhe interior Is
lined throughout with lunrhlo, with a
wainscoting of black Belgian capped with
Conneniara green. The roof, is formed of
a tremendous slab of granite the largest
ever quarried in this country. It came
from Maine, and its dimensions are 22
feet square by 10 inches thick. Its weight
is fifty tons.
Report that Gomez Cannot Be Brought
to an Engagement.
The correspondent of the Mndrid pa
per, El Iiniiurciul, has cabled the state
ment telegraphed by Get). I'arrado to
Gen. Blanco that the insurrection in Santa
Clara province is triumphing', and that It
is impossible to fight Gen. Gomez, as he
evades all engagements. The Spanish
troops, he says, are without food. Great
consternation has been caused In Havana
by the execution of Col. Ruiz, the emls'
snry of Gen. Blanco to Gen. Arnnguren
The Cubans declare they will execute all
emissaries who come in favor of auton
omy, without paying any attention to who
they nre.
Forty-three concentrados at work In the
country were captured by the forces of
Gen. Mnroto, and put to death with the
sword.. Among them were women and
children. The Spanish forces at Manza
uillo, numbering 18,000 men, are without
food. Gen. Fando has sent word to Gen.
Blanco to send beef to the troops, as many
were dying of hunger.
Told in a Few Line.
A Mcryland man accused of kissing a
pretty girl has proved ou alibi. Give him
the limit of the law.
Charles Ewakl, aged 05, while switch
ing cars with his team at l'aggett, Mich.,
fell across the track, the carwbeels pass
ing over him, killing him.
The firm of Morton, Hose & Co., bank
ers at Ixindon, will be reorganized on Jan.
1, Mr. Hose retiring. The firm thereafter
will be known as Morton, Chaplin & Co.
William C. Woodward, alias "Big Haw
ley," who was convicted at New York of
attempted blackmail on Samuel W, Brig
ham, was sentenced to five years' impris
onment The amount of damages claimed by the
owners of the steamer La C&nadiemie,
which was in collision with the United
States cruiser Yantlc, Is understood to be
about $10,000.
What's this! A dispatch from Maine
states that "this season's lmportati.m of
French sardines will be light, owing to
the small catch of young herring off the
Main coast." Caa it be?
The Government of the United States
owns In the city of Washington 1,600,000
volumes of literature. Of these about one
half, or 787,715, are in the congressional
library. Ihe remainder are scattered
through the various executive depart
ments. Ihe daily number of readers in
the congressional library averages 3,320.
About 700 persons, including the mem
bers of both houses and high officials of
the Government, are entitled to draw
books and take them away from the build
ing, and the average number loaned -out
In such a way is 1,440. It Is a favorable
commentary upon the honesty and care of
our public men that during a period of
thirty years the number of books lost or
not returned was only five in a thousand.
Large numbers of petitions, supported
by many signatures and uniform in their
phrnseology, are being presented to the
House of Representatives. They ask the
passage of a series of laws to protect the
morals of the public. For example, to
prohibit gambling in stocks, produce, rac
ing pools and other forms of speculation
by telegraph, to prohibit the transmission
of stock quotations for speculative pur
poses, and the transmission In the mails
of newspapers containing pictures or. de
scriptions of prize fights, to prohibit the
exhibition of kinetoscope reproductions of
prize fights and other brutalizing specta
cles, and to prohibit the transportation
from State to State of materials for such
The ladies of the cabinet are decidedly
put out by the edict that forbade their
New Year's receptions and the' dinners
that were to precede and follow. They
do not see any occasion for it. The Pres
ident did not ask or even suggest a sus
pension of Bocinl affairs. He told the
members of his cabinet he should close the
White House for thirty days, although he
did not think it was necessary for them
to follow his example, but without con
sulting their wives, they ngreed to do so.
The husbnnds have since had ail unhappy
time, and the Washington social world
has offered them no sympathy.
The opposition to the ratification of the
Hnwaiian treaty bus simmered down al
most entirely to the sugar trust, the Louis
iana planters and the beet-root sugar
manufacturers. There are a few Senators
who oppose the treaty on principle, ns
they lielieve It inexpedient for the United
States to assume the responsibility of gov
erning any detached territory, and several
on the Democratic side have joined the
opposition because they regard annexa
tion as a Republican measure.
Chairman Loud of the House Commit
tee on I'ostotllees hns been working during
the recess on the report of the committee
on the Loud bill, nnd hns practically com
pleted it. He believes that the measure
will effect a saving of at least $10,000,000
annually, nnd will wipe out the enormous
deficit that confronts the Fotiwilllco De
partment every year. Mr. Loud believes
the bill is much stronger this session than
hist, and, while not absolutely confident,
thinks it will finally carry.
The agents of the Cuban junta In
Washington justify the assassination of
Col. Ruiz as necessary to intimidate the
cowardly and corrupt men in their raifts
who are likely to be nllured Into making
terms with the Spanish authorities either
through fenr or bribery. They suy that
hereafter no Spanish agent will dare ap
proach an insurgeut camp, and that it will
be dangerous for any stranger, to do so.
The distressing death of Miss Leila Her
bert has caused a shock to her many
friends and acquaintances in Washing
ton. She wns a young woman of beau
tiful character, gentle, amiable and gen
erous, and wns generally lioloved and nd
mired. Those who knew her best believe
that her suicide was due to fear that she
might be a permanent cripple.
The pension certificate of the Rev. L.
J. Keith of Vincennes, Ind., will be can
celed, because the holder has Informed
the bureau that he does not consider him
self longer entitled to a pension, his dis
ability having disappeared, and has asked
that his name be dropped from the rolls.
There la only one other such case on roc,
Secretary Wilson Is greatly Interested
In legislation for the establishment of
postal savings banks because he believes
they are necessary to the prosperity of
the farmers. It is sometimes an all day's
job, he says, for a farmer to go to the
town where the nearest bank Is situated,
w hile there is a postofflce In every village.
The copyright department is a most Im
portant branch of the Government, and
Indicates an enormous Increase in literary
and musical compositions and In designs
which are susceptible to copyright. In
1870 the number of copyrights granted
was 5,021; In 18H0, 20,080; In 18IK), 42,
758; lu 181)0, 72,470.
The recent report of the Comptroller of
the Currency shows that, the savings
bunks of the United States are mostly
confined to the northeastern section of the
country. Nearly 80 per cent of the num
ber of banks and amount of deposits is
represented by New York and New Eg
lund. Xhe committee appointed by the Society
of the Army of the Tennessee to securs
the erection of a monument to Gen,
George B. McClellan at Washington has
held Its first meeting and elected Adjt.
Gen. Huggles chairman.
Ink erasers are not allowed In either the
War or the Navy Department except un
der the direction of a chief of bureau, and
no one is allowed to erase an entry In any
olllcial record book without explanations
and express permission.
The sale of postage stamps for the last
quarter of the year 1807 was the largest
In the history of the country.
Agrinst the probability or possibility of
mischance or accident we can never be too
sure. But if we should stop to. consider
how great is the chance of sudden death,
we would be made too timid and unhappy.
Caution is needed not to be foolhardy, and
precaution to know what ia best to do when
an accident happens. One dav this winter
two men were walking, and one said:
"We're too timid in treading on slippery
places. I tread lirmly and never think
about them, and so escape a fall." "Never
be too sure," said the other, "it is that that
throws you otl' ami makes the fall the
harder." Just then they came upon a place
covered with thin snow, where kids had
been sliding. Thetlrst speaker slipped, and
came down with his foot turned, and badlv
sprained his ankle. He wus a cripple oh
crutches until a short time ago, hiwing used
many things without beuent. Up to that
time he hud not used St. Jacobs Oil, which,
when used, cured him completely, so that
he walks as usual. There is a p'robabilitv
that for the restof the season he will wulk
cautiously, with the precaution of having
this great remedy reudy for use.
Value of the British Navy.
It is interesting to note that the capi
tal value of 'the British navy at the
present time exoeeds 94,000,000. The
first cost of the fleet which led to the
downfall of Napoleon was but 10,
000,000. The fleet then comprised be
tween 480 nnd 490 fighting vessels.
California claims the largest boy in
the world of his age. His name is
John Bardin. He is 15 yearn old, six
feet five inches tall, and weighs 230
Despite the warnings of those who have been
on the spot, nnd predict suffering in the Klon
dike renlaii, thousands of adventurous Ameri
cans am wending their way thitherward. All
of them should be provided 'with that medicinal
safeguard, Hosteller's Rtomach Hitters, which
warms and nourishes the system and prevents
malaria, rheumatism, kidney trouble, besides
remedying liver complaint, dyspepsia and
It is estimated that Australia con
tains nearly 7,000 specios of plants not
found elsewhere.
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word "CASTOSUA," and
" PITCHUK'SCASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samjjcl Pitcher, of Hyannls, Massachusetts,
was the originator of " riTCHUR'SCASTORIA,"
the same that has borne and does now bear the
fac-simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on
every wrapper. This Is theoriginnl " PITCHER'S
CAHTORIA" which has beeu used lu the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it Is
tht kind yon have always bought, and lias the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chas. H. Fletcher is" President.
Match a, 1S97. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.1X
The laregst parish in London in point
of area is Lewishum, which has 6,773
acres; and the largest population is
Islington, which has now 880, 00Q in
habitants. After belns swindled by all others, send 11s stamp
for psrtlculurs of Kind Bulummi's Treasure, the
ONLY rontwer of manly MrennOi. MASON
CHEMICAL CO., P. O. Box 747, Philadelphia, Pa.
The teaching of mnsio is becoming
more general every year in the publio
schools of this country.
Two bottles of Piso's Cure for Consump
tion cured me of a bud lung trouble. Mrs.
J. Nichols, Princeton, Ind., Mar. 20, 1893.
The distance of the earth from the
sun is about 3.000,000 miles less in
Dooember than it is June.
00 n free
to Bucll
Foptland. Or,
Ih it Wrong?
Get it Right.
Keep It Right.
Moore's Rtivralod Itrinedy will do it. Three
doaei will nuke you loci better, 'let. it from
your drunKlKt or any wholesale drug home, or
lroui Stewart i Holmei Drug Co., Seattle.
Men who lolnr from the Uootl of dltoaio, over
work, worry, from tbo folllei of youth or thi ex
ocasei of mauhood, from unnatural drains, weak
ness or lack of durelopnient of anr organ, failure, of
vital forooa, untunes! for marrltice, all tmh men
hould "como to tits fountain bead " for vientlflo
method of marvellous pnwfr to TitnllrA. develop, ro
storu, ami sustain. We will mml wlllioul charge
lu a pluln aenled envelop a puiiiplilot thut
Tells It All. Niitlilmr sent unasked. Mo aipo
sure, no deception. Address
as NiaaastA rrstrrr, buffalo, h. y.
Patent Medicines
at Cut Rates...
Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Portland.
fir trarliif and locating (Inld or Hllvsr
Ore. lost or burled treasures. M. If.
rOWLtH, Ilus W, rWutljliiKU.n, Conn,
TjH lUHU WntHt ALL tti r AILS.
k 4 Be CuuKh ttyrup. f mum Gkh1. Vm
Lj n 1111, pt'tin 17 t iiriiKK i"'.
Lots of women suffer constantly,'
and seldom utter complaint.
Our habits of life aud dress tell
sadly upon women's i
delicate organiza
tions. '
ought to
be told
just where x
the danger
lies, for
whole fu
ture may,
upon that jt,.
edge and how to overcomo the dangers!
that threaten them.
There Is no need of our describing"
the experiences of such women here
they are too well known by those who
have suffered; but we will impress
upon every one that these are the
never-failing1 symptoms of serious
womb trsublo, and unless relieved at
once a life will bo forfeited.
Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com
pound never fails to relieve the dis
tressing troubles above referred to ; it
has held the faith of the women of
America for twenty years.
It gives tone to the womb, strength
ens the muscles, banishes backache
end relieves all pains Incident to
women's diseases. All Druggists soil
it and recommend it.
State or Ohio, City of Toledo,
Ll'CAS Cdt'NTV. j
Frank J. Chunky makes onth that he Is the
senior partner of the lirmof F. J. Cheney A Co.,
dolii( business In the City ol Toledo, County
and State aforesaid, and Inat the said firm will
psy the sum of .ON IS HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every ease of Catarsh that esnnot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Ci'Rl.
Sworn to before me and subscribed In mv
presence, this 6th day oi December, A. D. 1886. '
) seal I Notai y Public..
Hull's Catarrh Cure is takon intarnally, and
sets directly on Ihe blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Scud for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists. 75c,
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
An international congress is being ar
ranged in Piiris for the discussion of
means of preventing tires at theaters
and other places of public resort.
The Biblo was written by
during a period of 1,600 years. It wag
anciently callod "The Books," but
for the past 700 years the "Bible."
All Eastern Syrup, so-called,' usually very
llsht colored and ol heavy body, Is made from
glucose. "Ten (itirtlrn lriii" Is muds from
SiiKur Csiie and Is utrlctly pure. It Is lor tale
by rlrst-ciasM rrucors, in cans only, Manutso- .
tured by the l'Aomc Coast Syrup Co. All nen.
nine "I'm Unnim lriv" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every ean.
Frogs subsist on insects, and are
thamselves devoured by a variety of
other animalB.
Weak Kidneys, Lumbago, Rheumatism
and Sciatica Are Cured by
It can be reirn.
Itronir Horrent.
of electricity Is lelt i'Vi.
latcd by s new
bv the wesrer everv
palunt regulator
niomenl tills belt i'si r . so as to make It s
on the body. sir. ii-s'troiiK or as mild
VviliJr' as you want it.
It conveys a stendv, soothing onrrcm ol elee.
trlclly into the weakened muscles, giving them
healthy ne-ve power, which revives them.
It makes them itrong. It is curing hundreds
every inoiilh.
Hook about It free, by mall, or at the office,.
ISS West V.liliilil Ht., I'ol'MKtlil, Or.
Pltiite virnlion tins ftter.
The best
seeds urowu uit
Ferry's. The best1
seeds sown are Kerry's.
The best seeds known are I
Kerry's. It pays to plant
Ask the dealer for tbem. Bend fur
73 And getall Unit's good sndf
i new the lutes! aud i.
' 1. D. M. FERRY CO..
Detroit, Mich.
Wc lead and originate
fjhL.uos in....
Second and Stark Sts.
IIIIIPIIT Make money bv succesltil
MM U la II I l''Ulailon In Clilcugo. We
MH III II I buy ami sell wheat on mar
ls' llsssll I gins. Fortunes have been
msde on a small beginning hy trading In lu
lures. Write for full bartlrular. best of ref
erence given. Heversl years' expe i con the
( hicairo Hoard ol Trade, and a iliormntli know
ledge ol the business, Send lor our free refer
ence book. DOWNISO, HofMNH A Co.,
f'hlcngo Hoard of Trade Hrok'rs. Oftlces lu
Portland, Oregon and Bcatllc, W ash.
r " " ton sVT "I Th"!
Mini. Wisi,ws Komiiira hvki r huu. i 1 ' sts h 1
simmI fur clulumu uUiiuir. n,ili.-s t , " l..,tirt.e
fe rus tu yum, sllsr. sll psln. mirrs "i''l . iicaiiU is 4
I fh Ink rftnr.tr fsr rilsrrhcea. Iwsuty five cvutl A 2
bollls. It l.lhr trnut ol sll. J
N. f. N. V.
N. .
WHEN wrllliis; to advertisers, 1
snsntlon tills paper.
A irronir mirrenr. ' "1