Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1898, Image 6

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To the delight of artists and other
lovers of nature the growing tendency
''In woman's attire Is to allow the fe
male form to assume more and more
the lines of nature. The inartistic ef
fects In woman's fashions which gave
the figure unnatural proportions are
being gradually eliminated, and loose
ness, flowing lines and gentle curves
are the order In new gowns. This Inter
ests not only tiie women and the mo
distes who made their gowns, hut men
who have for years jeered at and ridi
culed, secretly perhaps In many eases,
the absurdities of woman's fashions,
tight corsets, wasplike waists, bulging
hips and other abominations. 'Women
- have for years gone on Imagining that
they were making themselves beautiful
by just these means and getting farther
and farther away from nature and her
lines. The climax was reached ten
years ago, with the bustle and the
hump It produced, and since then there
has been a gradual return to nr.turnl
lines until now the new fashions are
almost ideal.
More women are now well rounded
and proportioned, and It Is attributable
to nothing save the spread of the ath
letic fever among women and the con
sequent abolition of the tight corset
and tight gowns. The American public
had become accustomed to the deform
ities which the prevailing styles seem
ed to Intllct upon women, but they
wero none the less Inartistic and ob
jectionable. The new fashion, being
, on the lines of a return to natural lines,
Is Indeed welcome and a marked Im
provement. A Modern Dlnnn.
Mrs. Eugene Belden, a resident of the
Boston suburbs, has proved that n
woman can point a gun straight ond
bag large game.
1 Hiring the past
two seasons she
has killed In the
Maine woods as
many deer as the
III law will allow.
Hep husband Is
a n enthusiastic
. t; snortsman. Nunc
'time ago he pcr-
suimicu hit io w jr
shoot lug bottles
Ithrown In the air,
She was success
ful In breaking
most of them and
was soon eager to
try her skill at
something with
more risk nnd ex
citement about it.
whs. liici.KKS. She u 1 w n y s
dresses so that she can get about Just
as easily and noiselessly as a man. Her
costume consists of corduroy knlcker
bis'kers and cap, a heavy sweater and
high boots. Tim first year that Mrs.
ltelden was in the woods she stood in
the runways and waited for the guides
to scare up the game, but afterward
she exchanged this somewhat tiresome
method for the fascination of the still
She Vac Her t.litht.
A man said to ine not long ago, "What
lias got Into the girls? Has it become
the fashion to economize? All the nicest
girls I know are talking of the value
of money ami how much Is wasted un
thinkingly. Are we poor bachelor to
take courage and believe that we can
afford one of these beautiful luxuries
In wives?"
Alas! It Is anything but n hint to take
courage, for this heavenly phase of the
new woman means that when she has
learned that she can support herself,
so that In case her riches take wings
nho need not be forced to drudge at un
congenial employment, or to marry for
a home It imu ns that she will be more
particular than ever In the kind of a
man she marries. For In fitting herself
for marriage she Is horning quite as
well the kind of husband she ought to
have. Ami she will not be as apt to
marry n man on account of his clothes,
or because he dances divinely, as once
she might have done.
I do not menu to say that the new
woman will not marry. In point of fact
she will, If properly urged by the right
man. But she will not marry so early,
no hurriedly nor so lll-iulvlsodly an be
fore. And therefore the men whom
new women tuarry will do well to real
EJCr I Mil
sl J ii
TIKVfi f
ize the compliment of her choice, for It
will me.'m that, according to her light,
he has been weighed In the balance and
not found wanting. Of course, the
other women' marry on that principle,
too. The only difference between the
new woman and her sisters Is In the
amount of her light and the use she
makes of It. Woman's Home Compan
ion. College Women as Wives.
Women of a higher education bring
to motherhood and wifehood a better
preparation than do those of smaller
opportunities. The reasons for this are
both physical and mental. They are,
as a rule, older, physically mature, and
the opinion Is held by some physicians
that, for the sake of the physical per
fection of the race, no woman should
marry until she is 25. They have a
wider knowledge of physiological and
psychological laws or they have the
ability to acquire it which must bring
forth beneficial fruit in the rearing of
their children. They know more pro
foundly the responslbilithw of mother
hood, and their realization of the Impor
tance of details In the training of a
child disposes them to look upon what
might seem drudgery to other viomen
os glorified, educational opportunity.
Besides, when an educated woman Is
mated with an educated man there is
Intellectual companionship between
them and each has sufficient respect
for the other's mental and moral san
ity to make possible a government for
the home and the children, not by
"managing" each other, keeping clear
of a pandering to each other's foibles
and prejudices, but by fronk and fear
less discussion as to what Is reasonable
and right
Knllrely Too Formal.
. Dolly Swift-Young Mr. Pensmlth,
the editor of the Weekly Visitor, has
just made me a written offer of mar
riage. Sally Gay lie Is a handsome fellow.
What will be your answer, dear?
Dolly Swift He is handsome, I'll ad
mit, but I shall be forced to decline
him with thanks. He Is too horridly
business-like.. After requesting an
early answer, he added: "Please write
briefly, to the point and upon but one
side of the paper. Sign your full name,
not for publication, but merely ns a
guarantee of good faith, and do not
forget to Inclose a postage stamp If you
desire a reply." Sally, a man like that
would calmiy smoke while the baby
fell downstairs.
lllrector of Art.
The youngest and first woman direc
tor of an art Institute is Miss May Hall
of Valparaiso, Ind., who now occupies
the chair of fine arts at the Northern
Indiana Normal College, located at that
place. After being graduated from tho
Chlcngo Institute of Fine Art Miss Ball
gave instruction at Mil ford, 111., until
she accepted her present position. Al
though a young woman, her rare quali
fications and exceptional artistic talent
has already won her a name in tho
world of art. Her father, Erasmus
Ball, is cashier of the First National
Bank of Valparaiso.
Kittens' Heads for Bonnets.
Cute little kittens with small, dainty
heads, will soon be In great demand If
a fad lately Introduced continues to
grow. An enterpris
ing milliner, anxious
to appease the num
erous AudulKUl soci
eties, decorated sev
eral bonnets with
kittens' heads In lieu
of birds and the In
novation was a de
cided success. Al
ready she has receiv
ed more orders thai i
..I... till ..iwl Iw.H
"m " ' UON.NKT OH.NA-
agents are scouring mknts.
the town for suitable kittens. Black
and maltose, though occasionally a
white head, Is used on a dark velvet
bonnet. Kittens are more artistic tjiau
owls and the milliner defends her prac
tice as much loss barbarous than the
use of birds, for the decapitation of
cats will save many a hapless feline the
miseries Inflicted by malicious youug
stors. -Chicago Chronicle.
Drove an Kxpre Wanon,
For five weeks Clara Prlddy, aged 20,
living near New Castle, Ind., conduct
ed her father's exproxs business. Prld
dy oiH-rato a stage line from Cadlis to
New Castle, carrying the mail, mer
chandise and lvitsvsengors. This busl
ines was his only means of livelihood",
lie was taken 111 with typhoid fever.
No one could lie got to take his place.
His daughter Cora, however, resolved
to take eluirgo of the business, and she
did, drlvlug to New Castle each morn
ing In all kinds of weather, assisting
In loading heavy cargoes of merchan
dise and curing for hex team.
She looks just like her mother, and some
how, I don't know why it is, I can't begin
To love her ns I ousht to, or allow
My heart to open wide ami let her in.
Perhaps it is because he often says,
"She looks just like her mother," and
then sighs
As though perhaps the pretty baby-ways
Culled up her face, her vanished Bmile,
her eyes.
And here I kneel for hours and sadly gaze
Into the baby face so near my own,
And think with terror of the coining days,
He only dreams of happy years now
I try in vain to take her to my heart
She looks just like her mother and I feel
Somehow that she is holding us apart
As here beside the tiny bed I kneel.
Night after night he gently stoops above
His baby's bed and gazes on its face
As I do now, and feels for it the love
Which I expected when I took her place.
Tis not the baby's fault, of course, but
She looks just like her mother, and in
I struggle hard my aching heart to fill
With love for her, and find there only
He never notices, because I know
A man doesn't always see such things
And if he knew that it would hurt me so
He'd try to hide his feelings from my
sight. ,
lie wouldn't tell me, when I look at her,
"She looks just like her mother," if he
His baby is his all, his comforter,
It has her face, her smile, her eyes of
Cedar Rapids Gazette.
II, well ,It Is your
own fault, Clara,"
snld Walter May.
"Of course It Is,"
cried out Clara,
stamping her to;'
on the carpet. "Do
you suppose I don't
know it-perfectly
well? And that Is
what makes It so
JlHm'U The fact was that
All . 1 Mr-nnJ Mrs-Wal-
hard O, so cruelly
ter May had begun
life at the wrong end.
Clara Calthorpe was a pretty young
girl, just out of the hotbed atmosphere
of a fashionable boarding school. Wal
ter May was a bank clerk who had not
the least doubt but that he should ulti
mately make his fortune 6ut of stocks
and bonds,
"Clara," he said to his young wife
while the golden circle of the honey.
moon was not overshadowing their
lives, "would you like a country life?"
"O, deiv, no," said Clara, ..Involun
tarily recoiling.
"Because," said Walter, somewhat
wistfully, "my father and mother are
alone on the farm and I think they
would like to have us come and live
with them."
"I shouldn't like It nt all," said Clara,
"and mamma says no young bride
should ever settle down among her
husband's relations."
Mr. May frowned a little, but Mrs,
Clara had a pretty positive way of her
own, and he remonstrated no further,
But at the year's end Walter May had
lost his situation, the clouds of debt
had gathered darkly around them, and
ull the pretty, new furniture, Eastlake
cabinets, china dragons, proof eugrav
lugs and hothouse plants were sold un
der the red flag. They had made a
complete failure of the housekeeping
business, and now, In the fourth story
of a third-rate hotel Mr. and Mrs. Wnl
ter May were looking their future in
the face.
Clara had been extravagant. There
was no doubt nlxuit that. She had glv
en "roehore" little' parties, which she
couldn't afford, to people who didn't
care for her. She bad patterned her
tiny establishment after models which
wero far beyond her reach, and now
they were ruined
She had sent a toar-besprlukled letter
to her mother, who was In Washington
trying to ensnare a rich buslwud for
her younger daughter, but Mrs. Cal
thorpe had hastily written back that It
was quite impossible for Ler to be In
New York at that time of year, and still
more Impossible to receive Mrs. Walte
May at the monster hotel where she
was boarding. And Clara, who had
always had a vague Idea that her moth
er was selfish, was quite certain of Itj
"There Is but one thing left for you,
Guru," said Walter, sadly.
"And that "
"Is to go back to the old farm,
have no longer a home to offer you, but
you will be sure of a warm welcome,
from my father and mother, I shall
remain here ami do my best to obtain
some new situation which will euable
me to earn our dally bread."
Clara burst Into tears.
"Go to my huslwind's relations?" she
gobbed. "O, Walter, I cannot!'
"You will have to," he said doggedly
"or else starve"
So Mrs. May packed up her trunk
nnd olieyed. And all the way to Hazel
copse farm she cried behind her veil
and pictured to herself a stony-faced
old man with a virago, of a wife, who
would set her to doing menial tasks and
overwhelm her with reproaches for
having ruined "poor, dear Walter." As
for the farmhouse Itself, she was quite
sure It was n desolate place, with corn
and potatoes growing under the very
windows, and the road In front tilled
with plows nnd pigs and harrows and
broken cart wheels. But In the midst
of her tears and desolation the driver
called out:
"llazelcopse farm! Mr. Noah May's!
Ilvru'n th' 'ouse, nia'ani."
f ti
A long, gray stone mansion, all gar
landed with ivy, Its windows bright
ith geranium blossoms, and the scar
t autumn loaves running down ou the
elvet-smooth lawn In front. Clara
could just see how erroneous had been
11 her preconceived ideas, when she
found herself clasped iu the arms of
the sweetest and most motherly of old
ladies. .
"My poor dear!" said old Mrs. May,
"You are as welcome as the sunshine,
daughter," said a smiling old gentle
man In spectacles.
And Clara was established In the
easy chair in front of a great Are of
ine logs, and tea was brought in, and
the two old poftple cossetted and petted
her as If she had been a 3-year-old just
ecovering from the measles.
There was not a word of reproach
not a questioning look, not a sidelong
glance all welcome and tenderness
and loving commiseration. And when
Clara went to sleep that night, with a
wood fire glancing and glimmering
softly over the crimson hangings of
the "best chamber," she began to think
that perhaps she had been mistaken In
some of her ideas.
The next day she had a long, confi
dential talk with her father-in-law,
while Mrs. May was making mince
pies In the kitchen.
'But there's one thing I haven't
dared to tell Walter about," she said,
with tears in her eyes.
"What Is that, my dear?" said the
old man.
"My dressmaker's bill," said Clara.
'It came the night before I left New
York O, such a dreadful bill! I hadn't
any idea It could possibly amount up
so fearfully." .
How much was It?" said Mr. Noah
May, patting her hand.
'A hundred and fifty dollars," said
Clara, hanging her head.
Don't fret, my dear; don't fret,"
said the old gentleman. "Walter need
never know anything about it. I'll set
tle the bill and there shall be an end of
the matter."
"O, sir, will you really?"
"My dear," said old Mr. May, "I'd
do much more than that to bring the
color back to your cheeks and the smile
to your lips."
And that same afternoon, when Mrs.
May had been talking to Clara in the
kindest and most motherly way, the
girl burst Into tears and hid her face
ou the old lady's shoulder.
"0," she cried, "how good yon nil
are! And I had an idea that a father
and mother in law were such terrible
personages! O, please forgive me for
all the wicked things I have thought
about you!"
"It was natural enough, my dear,"
said Mrs. May, smiling, "but you are
wiser now nnd you will not be afraid
of us any longer."
When Saturday night arrived Walter
May came out to the old farmhouse,
dejected nnd sad at heart. He had dis
covered that situations do not grow,
like blackberries, on every bush; he
had met more than one cruel rebuff,
nnd he was hopelessly discouraged as
to the future. Moreover, he fully ex
pected to be met with tears nnd com
plaints by his wife, for he knew well
Clara's inveterate prejudices In regard
to country life.
But to his Infinite amazement and
relief Clara greeted him on the door
step with radiant smiles.
"Tell me, dear," she said, "have you
got a new situation?"
He shook his head sadly.
"I'm glad of It," said Clara brightly,
"for we've got a place papa and mam
ma and I."
"It's all Clara's plan," said old Noah
"But it has our hearty approval,"
added the smiling old lady.
"We're all going to live here togeth
er," said Clara. "And you are to man
age the farm, liecause papa says he Is
getting too old nnd lazy," with a merry
glance at the old goutleman, who stood
beaming on his daughter-in-law, as if
he were ready to subscribe to one and
all of her opinions," and I am to keep
house and take all the care off mam
ma's hands. And, O! It Is so pleasant
here, and I do love the country so dear
ly! So, If you're willing dear "
"Willing!" cried out Walter May,
ecstatically. "I'm more than willing.
It's the oidy thing I have always longed
for. Good-by to city walls and hearts
of stone; good-by to hollow appearances
and grinding wretchedness! Why,
Clara, I shall be the happiest man
alive. But "
"There," said Clara, putting up both
hands as If to ward off all possible ob
jections, "I was sure there would be
a 'but' "
"I thought, my dear," said Walter,
"that you didn't like the Idea of living
with your husband's relations?"
Clara looked lovingly up Into her
mother-in-law's sweet old face, while
she silently pressed Mr. Noah May's
kindly hands.
"I am a deal wiser than I was a week
ago," she said. "And, O, so much hap
pier!" So am I!" said Walter.-Amy Ran
dolph. A Htrange Finn.
Africa still contains much that Is un
known and mysterious, notwithstand
ing the many explorations and discov
eries of recent years. In Lake Tan
ganyika, for Instance, there lives a
species of large fish which rushes at
the paddles of passing lioats, but of
which no description has yet been pub
lished. For years travelers had heard
about this fish from the natives, but
Mr. J. Moore appears to have been the
first Kuropean to have seen It. Dur
ing his recent explorations of Tan
ganyika he saw the mysterious fish
rushing at the paddles, but learned lit
tle more about It than the fact of Its
existence, although he caught enor
mous numbers of fish of various spe
cies, some weighing ns much as sixty
Dounds. Earth and Man
iff 1fiili
For Lifting Bowlders.
Getting out bowlders from hay and
cultivated fields Is a matter of no little
labor, especially it the bowlder is deep
ly Imbedded in the earth. A very large
stone, even, can be handled readily
when upon the surface, but much la
borious digging Is required if the bowl
der Is to be hauled out by "main
strength" by a team. A simple act of
engineering that will greatly help In
' A. ,IJ.
this case is shown in the accompanying
illustration. Two stout pieces of joists
are lashed together at tne end ana
placed above the bowlder, as shown.
Chains are then put about the stone and
fastened to the joists a third or so of
the distance up from the ground. A
long rope or chain from the top of the
sticks to the whlffletree of -the team
gives the connecting link. On starting
up the team the bowlder will be lifted
out upon the ground very easily, for
reasons that any one with a mechani
cal eye can readily see. New York
Producing Beef.
When farmers produce beef from
beef breeds they save time and gain In
the weight of their animals. If a steer
can be produced In a year it becomes a
rival of the hog and sheep in rapidity
of growth. At the recent Chicago fat
stock show the weight of the prize
yearling was 1,090 pounds, and its net
weight, dressed, was 743 pounds, or
G8.10 per cent of dressed ment. The
two-year-olds ranged from 1,312 pounds
to 1,735 pounds alive, and dressed from
GO to 09 per cent. Such steers should
pay well, and they bring better prices
per pound than Is usually obtained, but.
It is useless for farmers to attempt to
attain such success unless they are
willing to resort to the breeds that will
accomplish the objects desired. Using
any kind of steers for producing the
choicest beef is but a loss of time and
If Yon Have Not Money Enough.
Build a fine, big red barn, If you have
money enough, but if you have not go
out In the woods, cut down sonic good,
straight poles, set them In the ground,
buy some rough boards nnd building
paper and make a good, warm stable
that will never freeze with the cows In
It in the coldest weather. It does not
make much difference what a stable Is
built of so it is warm, has plenty of
sunlight and ventilation and Is conven
ient to feed and arranged to keep the
cows clean and healthy. Make the
winter condition just as near like June
as possible, and as to water have pleu
ty of the pure, clean, warm article
You know milk Is 87 per cent water
and sometimes more. If the water
gets cold, make It warm.
Kettle Crane with Pump.
This Iron framework for suspending
a kettle used for boiling food for hogs
and other stock upon the farm Is most
convenient. The Iron kettle rests in
an Iron ring, which is pivoted to the
side arms so that the kettle can be read
Ily tipped aild Its contents poured out
Into pails. These arms could lie omit
ted by bringing the end support nearer
the kettle, and having the Iron ring
pivoted to a erosspieoe secured to these
ends. This would be n more stable ar
rangement but would not give so free a
space for building the fire, although
this would not cause material trouble,
The principle luvolved will be found
very convenient, however tne ring,
which may be made from an old wag
on tire. Is supported. American Agrl
Stacking Corn Fodder. .
in some sections of the country corn
fodder Is tied In bundles and stacked
like grain. The bundles are bouud with
straw bands In convenient size for han
dling. To begiu the stack or rlck, lay
down throe bundles side by side, the
two on top of those and one on top of
the two. Duplicate this pile nutil the
rlck Is as long as desired. Now set bun
dies on each side of this foundation and
also at the ends until the bottom is of
the desired width." On this build the
rlck as you would wheat or rye, only
keep the center higher by letting the
tops of the middle row of bundles lap a
little. In feeding from such a rick take
'the fodder from the end, beginning at
the top and going to the bottom. This
will not expose the heart of the stack
to the weather.
Cob Coal for Hons.
One who raises from 100 to 150 pigs
should aim to save at least 200 bushels
of corncobs for charcoal. Make a pit
4 to 5 feet deep, 12 to 18 Inches In
diameter at bottom, iYa to 5 feet nt top.
Have a sheet iron cover made large
enough to cover the pit and project six
Indies over the edge. Start a fire in
the bottom with shavings and ndd by
degrees a bushel of cobs, and let them
get well aglow. Then add three to four
bushels more, and when well on fire
add more, and so ou, until the pit Is
rounding full. When all the cobs are
well aglow, even blazing freely, cover
the hole with sheet iron and seal the
edges with earth air-tight and leave it
until the next morning, when the char
coal can be taken out, and If the job is
well done there will be from nine to
twelye bushels. Farm, Stock and
Whole Grain for Fowls,
All kinds of poultry have very strong
digestive organs, provided they have
the gravel with which to fill the giz
zards, and have enough exercise to
keep In vigorous health. They are pos
itively Injured by having the bulk of
their food ground, moistened or cooked
so as to make its digestion easier.
Young chicks are most apt to be In
jured In this way, the popular Idea be-
ng that as they are very small their
Izzards cannot digest hard substances.
We always began feeding young chicks
with cracked wheat, giving In addition
some milk curd pressed hard, which is
quite as difficult of digestion as the
wheat. They will not eat much wheat
at first, and It is best they should not.
Little and often should be the rule with
all young animals, chicks Included.
Real Form Profit. ,
The profit from a farm may be larger
than supposed if the family Is credited
with all that Is received. Profit is not
altogether that which is sold from the
farm, for the farm itself Is to a cer
tain extent a market for the products
grown thereon. Every article consum-,
ed by the farmer Is equivalent In value
to the sum that would be received for It
If sold, and a strict keeping of accounts,
In which the farm Is credited with ev
erything taken therefrom, may show a
fair profit. If a farmer supports his
family, and also has something left, he
is more fortunate than many.
An Improved Turnstile.
The ordinary turnstile that swings
from the middle is an awkward affair
at best, and is more or less unsightly.
The cut shows an Improvement. It has
three "leaves" and is hinged to the side
of the opening like a gate. One is not
thus crowded, ns In getting through tho
old stylo affair. Nor does It coutlnual-
ly sag, as does the one supported by a
single center stake For neatness of
appearance the form shown In the cut
exhibits its own superiority. Such gates
are exceedingly convenient on the
farm. New England Farmer.
Killing Pork Korly.
After severe cold weather begins,
though the appetite of fattening hogs
Improves, they need so much of the car
bon in their food to furnish heat that
a much smaller part of it can go to
make fat. There Is very rarely any
profit iu keeping fattening hogs after
the llrst of the New Year. During the
holidays there Is a glut of fresh meats
lu market, so that pork docs not sell
so well as It does either earlier or later.
But It Is often late In spring before
pork makes much advnnce over what
It was early. This advance the farmer
can get just as well by putting his pork
In the Ivarrel Instead of keeping It on
the hoof, eating grain without enough
gain In weight to pay for It. American
French peasnnts often make a very
smoky fire on the approach of a thun
derstorm, believing that safety from
lightning Is thus secured. Smoke acta
as a good conductor for carrying away
electricity slowly and safely. In 1,1)00
cases of damage by lightning 0.3
churches nnd 8;5 mills were struck,
while of factory chimneys there were
but 0.3.
It Is easy to "save nt the spigot and
waste at the bung" when keeping grow
ing swine. There Is most profit In keep
ing them growing steadily and fast.
The sow with a long, deep, flat side
makes the best brood sow. The closing-knit,
plump, rounded sow rarely has
latge litters and she is as rarely a good
Bee Buzzes.
Moth worms bother Italian bees very
. Spring dwindling Is the result of bad
The nourishment of the bee consists
of honey nnd pollen.
It is nn advantage always to furnish
a new swarm with a frame of young
Good chaff hives are quite a protec
tion to early brood rearing if managed
Bees when building comb commence
at the top and hang in heavy cluster
to their combs.