Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1898, Image 5

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    1884 GREAT 8ALE-I898
And continue for 30 working days. Every piece, every yard of fine
dress goods in stock will be sacrificed. Special attention is called to
our Great Black Goods Stock, which has no superior in this city, either
in quantity or quality, elegance or beauty. The stock will be at your
mercy foj the next 30 days. Ladies, now is your time to buy gilt
edged black goods. ' ,
Novelty Silks aud Swiss Taffatas, Fine Velvets in Black and Colors,
Evening Shades in delicate tints, every yard of which we will include
in our Great Sale at ruinous prices.
In stock at Half Price. No doubt you have been waiting for this
oppcrtunity. We are the loosers. ,
...Blankets, Ccufcitcis and Table Linens...
Thousands of pieces of Cotton and Linen Crashes, Fine Irish Linens in bleached
and half bleached which will last a life time, all standard brands of bleached
Muslins, New Y01K Mills, Waumssutta Mills, Frnit of the Loom, Pride of the
Loom, Pride of the West and Lonsdale. ' '
Ladies, now is your time so lay in your supplies. Nothing but first-class
goods will be sold or offered for sale.
Cor. Sil & Morrison,
Mcailen'& McDonnell,
Miss Jennie Gray spent New Year's
With her sister in Portland.
Little Martina Parker, who has been
Seriously ill, is much improved.
Harry Muir has been very sick with
typhoid pneumonia during the wetk.
Mrs. Hatch and daughter, Miss Freda,
tire the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. L.
Misses Elmaand Ethel Albright enter
t lined a number of their friends Tues
day evening.
Misses ICatherine and Annie Dolan, of
Portland, spent.Saturday and Sunday in
Oregon City.
Miss Alice Glasspool spent Saturday
and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. J. N.
Graham, of Portland.
County Clerk Dixon issued a mar
riage lieense Jan. 4th to Mary Kall
fleisch and E. W. Jones.
William Flunking, the teacher of the
Barlow school, spent a portion of his
holiday vacation in Washington county.
Register C. B Moores returned from
from Salem yesterday, accompanied by
S. M. Ormaby, inspector of. forest re
eerves. James Shaw, manager of the Dallas
yro len mills, was in the city yesterday.
He reports the mills doing a rushing
Mrs Labor .accompanied by herdaugh
ter, of Riverside, Calif., is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Porter of
The family of J. M. Lawrence le't for
Portland Saturday, where they will here-,
Hfter resi le. Mr. H. II. Chase's family
has moved into the resilience, vacated
bv Mr. Lawrence. . .
The U. S. fifh commission lias no
Ci'pt 'd the offer of George Broughton
and Tom Brown to build a hatchery on
tin Sandy river for taking steelhead
salmon, tl;e consftleration being flUM.
W. G. Hayes, chief clerk of the Elec
tric hotel, received the sad ;iews Sun
day that his 5-year old sister had died
at Wooilburn. Only a few days previous,
his 18-year old brother died at the same
. place of heart failure.
Angly Kallinan, a German residing in
Borings precinct, was examined before
County Judge Hayes Wednesday on a
charge of insanity, and was ordered sent
to the asylum. He is 41 years old and a
bachelor. He imagines that some one is
trying to take his property away from
The following new actions have been
filed with the clerk of tho circuit court
during the past week ; Alfred Sear?,
jr., vs Richard Glasspool, et al ; Dan
Lyons vs M II Flanagan, et al; Mer
chants National Bank vs Ilouorah and
J. J. lavoren ; Frank S. Grant vs Dell
Stuart; .William McMaster vs Jesse P.
B Ball ; Frank T. Barlow, et al, vs Car
rie E lluerth.
Mrs. T. W. Butler is confined to
house with sickness.
Charles Biers, of Salem, was
guest of L. E. Jones over Sunday.
Remember grand concert to be given
Jannary 28th. Full particulars next
Mrs. F. M. Tibbetts, of Portland, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Jen
nings. Mrs. S. Huntley, mother ol W. A. and
O.G. Huntley, is improving from her
serious illness.
Mrs. S. A. Chase has returned irom
a several week's visit to her son, Ivan,
at Colfax, Wash.
J. W.Dowty. a prominent farmer in
Currinsville precinct, was in the city
Tuesday -and Wednesday.
In the aceount of the Baptist Sunday
school Christmas exercises printed last
week, the name of Mrs. T. M. Gault was
omitted. She was chairman of the com
mittee, who had the matter in charge.
Miss Hattie Thompson and E. G. Sa
gar were married last Saturday evening
at the residence of the bride's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Godboujd. Rev. M. L.
Rugg officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Sagar
will reside on the West Side.
C. TJ. Barlow, of Barlow, left last Mon
day for Juneau, Skagway and Dyea, by
way of Seattle. lie took along about
8000 pounds of evaporated fruits and
vegetables, and 300 pounds of fruit cake,
which he will dispose of in Alaskan mar
kets. On Monday, 'he 4-year-old chi d f James
Wells, living on the West side of the
river was severely burned on the side of
the face and head, and the little girl
lies in a critical condition. The mother
was kindling a lire with coal oil, and as
the fire did not burn satisfactorily the
little girl poured some more coal oil on
the fire with the result as above stated.
The girl died Wednesday.
Last Sundayjames Murrow, wife and
and child drove "to Portland in a cart.
When they reached Charles Ladd's
place near the White House, a dog came
Aiif ) nil frirn tminil tin hurst tMUHintri
I'll t Oil VI II Ww - -- - - 1 - .
the occupants .to be thrown to tin
ground. Mrs. Murrow sustained a pain
ful fracture of the left leg a novo tlie
ankle. Mr. Ladd kindly drove Mrf
Ladd to Poitland in bis carciage.
A very pleasant party was given the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer on Sev
enth street Monday evening in honor of
the High school class of 't)7. Music,
names and luncheon was the program.
Those present weie: Misst-ss Lulu and
and MinnieMeyer.Lulu Hankins, Maud
Winslow, Eleanor Williams, Marie
Bluhm, Orpha Cosper, Grace Tower;
Mes-ra. Guy Clink, George Swafford,
Chauncey Ramsby, Edgar and Abel Me
resse. Charles Babeork, Fred Mendl,
Emery Noble and Howard Brownall.
G. Taylor and family spent the holi
days with relatives at Mount Angel.
Miss Nannie Cochran is now officiating
as one of the delivery clerks at the post
office. ' !
Barton Cummins, of Mink, was visit
ing his sister, Mrs. Lucieno Stout, last
Mrs. W, D. Belshaw, the Redland
postmistress, is expected home from the
East soon.
Register 0. B. Moores and Receiver
William Galloway spent 'New Years day
in Portland.
Miss Mannie Young, of Corvallis, who
was visiting Mrs. II. Oberg, returned
home Tuesday.
A. E. Stout, of Yaqunia, spent the
holidays with his brother, Assessor
Luciene Stout.
Mrs. C. W. Armstrong, of Canby, is
visiting Mrs. W. A. Starkweather at
Concord this week.
Dr. A. L. Boatie, a le iding dentist of
Pendleton, was visiting relatives in this
city during the week.
I.i Will li. King, of Baker City,
stale senator lrom ilaUer county, was in
Oregon City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ch tries lloltnan, of
Mead jwbrook, vu-ited relatives in Port
land during tile holidays.
Norman Lilly, a prominent capitalist
of Coryallis, was visiting friends in this
city Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs.T. J. Cleeton, wife of District
Attorney Cleeton, left for Southern
California this week, where she will
spend the winter. ' ,
A new postolfiee has been established
near Mink, with G. A. Schuebel as post
master. The new office will be ready
for business in a few days.
Mrs. C. II. Caulield, Mrs. II. O.
Stevens and daughter, Miss Mertie,
spent Friday afternoon with .Mrs. W. C.
Cheney and Mrs. J. W. .Mel hum, near
Meldrum station.
Ed. Fields, general operator at the S.
P. depot is confined to his home with
an attack of Malaria. In the meantime,
S. M. Wiley, of Portland, is officiating
in his place, while Mrs. Wiley is visiting
her sister.
William Abernethy aged 22 years and
U months, died Saturday of consumption
at the residence of Mrs. Laws, hi Falls
View addition. The funeral occured
Sunday and the services were conducted
by Rev. A. J.Montgomery.
Wayne Howard, who now lives in
Portland, wiil leave soon for Skayway,
where he in company with other parties
will engage in business. Mr. Howard
says the great difficulty just now is to
get goods transported to Alaska from
Annual Clearance
8me Sale! -shoes
Everything in the house
reduced. A positive sav
ing of from 10 to 20 per
cent, on your .footwear.
Every article warranted
at represented.
49 3d St, betweea Alder and Morrison, PORTLAND, ORE.
A petition was til d in Superintendent
Starkweather's office Monday for a
charge jn tho boundary lines of school
districts Nos. 93 and 4. The petition
asks that 15 ) acres be taken from No.
J8 or AuUuny di.strU, an 1 that the
same territory be annexed to No. 84 or
Mulino district.
T. M. Campbell, who 'has been at
Juneau for some time past, and is now
vitiiing his family in this city, will
leave for Dyea in a few days. lie
intends to engage in business at Sheep
Jump near the summitof Chilcoot Pass,
and anticipates a big rush to that section
in the early spring and summer.
A very guoU nil. hence gree'ed the
scliuebert Symphony (Juartette and
Club, Monday night. In faet, there was
the largest number of people that have
g.unuicu in cinveiy s nun lor manv a
day. The Aitisai s, under whose aus
pices the troupe appeared, are to to be
complimented on the success of tho performance.
Charles J. Buchanan and Thomas K.
Ryan were among the candidates iniated
into the Mystic Shriners at Portland
last Thursday evening. Each candidate,
who becomes a Mystic Shriners must be
a li.'-degree Mason or Knight Templar.
After tlie initiatory ceremonies a banquet
was served, and Chief Rabban W.E.
Oarll was one of the speakers.
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Y. M. C.
A. met on Tuesday afternoon, and de
cided to give a basket social on Satur
day evening Jan. loth. There will be af
musical program from eight to nine
o'clock, to which everybody is Invited,
free. The baskets will be sold for 20
cenW each, and the money will bo used
to buy new games for the amusement
E. C. Maddock spent New Years in
New Era precinct.
Born, in this city Jan. 5th, to Mr. and
Mrs Bert Roake, a eon. '
William Boring, of Borings, was an
Oregon City visitor Tuesday.
William Doores and B. Jones were in
from Marquam precinct Tuesday.
Ex-County Commissioner O. Bair, of
Needy, is visiting Oregon City this week.
Miss Bertha Butler, of Portland, has
been visiting Misa Vesta Broughton.
Rev. Gilnian Parker is conducting a
revival service at La Grande, Union
Corony Godfrey is confined at his
home witli an attack of catarrh of the
Mrs. Priscilla Sparks, of Vancouver,
is the guest of her her daughter, Mrs.
G. 0. Bacon.
0. D. Latourette and H. E. Cross went
to Salem Tuesday, where they argued
eases in the supreme court.
William Buckner, a prominent citi
zen of Highland precinct, was in Oregon
City Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. Fleming, deputy state organizer
of the Artisans, has been visiting friends
in this city for several days past.
Miss Anna Philips, of this city, is
very ill with typhoid fever at the resi
lience of her parents at Clackamas.
Ed. Mack, formerly foreman in the
Enterprise office, is now foieman in the
Morning Tribune office at Portland.
Mrs Elizabeth Moody, of Molalia, wa8
visiting her son, M. N. Moody, and Mrs.
V. W. H. Samson, during the week.
C. P. Thore arrived from his Jose
phine county mines Wednesday morn
ing. He reports the outlook very prom
ising. W. P. Brooks, who has just completed
a term of school in the Holcomb district,
will leave f jr his home near Eugene in
a few days.
G. W. Dunlap has closed up his Del
Monte restaurant on Main street, for the
reason that there are too many restaur
ants in the city.
Oupt. J. T. Appeison, president of the
board of regents of the state agricultu
ral college, is attending a meeting of the
board at Corvallis.
W. F. Collard, of McMinnville, came
down to spend his birthday, which oc
cured on January 1st, with his sister,
Mrs. C. N. Greenman.
Albon Meinig, who was down from
Sandy on Monday, reports that the New
Year's ball at that place was a grand
success, 110 tickets having been sold.
Willie Marshall, of Canemah, until
recently, head clerk in Patterson's ba
zaar, has given up his place, and is now
attending the Oregon City high school.
Mrs. II. Oberg and children came
down from Salem Tuesday, where they
h,id been visiting for the past ten days.
Rev. Oberg returned home from Salem
last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Miller have re
turned from their weddn g trip to in
Sound, and have taken up their resi
dence at the home of Henry J naming
for the present.
J. R.lrenibuth, one of the pioneers
of Oregon City, who has been in the sa
loon business onMain street for 24 years,
closed up his place of business last Sat
urday, and retired.
Chiu'lo Brown and Leroy Bills, two
Park place boys, were arraigned before
Justice Schuebel Monday on a charge of
defacing the public school building at
that place. The jury brought in a ver
..f ifiiiltv. and thev were fined J25
McLaughlin Chautauqua circle held
its regular weekly meeting at the re i
denceof Mr. ami Mrs. C. II. Cuufield
Monday evening Miss, Addie Clark of
delated as leader. The meeting next
Monday night will be held at the same
Miss Mabel Ragland, who has resided
with her sister, Mrs. E. E. Williams, for
the past 18 months, left Tuesday for her
old home at Dennison, Texas. She was
accompanied by her nephew, Ray Wil
liams, who will visit his grandparents
for awhile. 1
Daniel D. Tompkins, who is taking a
scientific course in the Portland Acad
emy, was visiting his parents near this
city during the holidays. He recently
located a homestead on the Scappoose,
i i Columbia county .wherehe now makes
his headquarter when not attending
If you are Ruing to Klondike or only thinking
about it. We invite you to call and inspect
We have an entire floor ioo reet by 75 devoted
exclusively to Klondike supplies, including
Blankets, Rubber Goods,
Mackinaw Clothing,
Shoes, Tents, Fur Caps,
Groceries & Provisions,
of all kinds at LOWEST PRICES. We pack
and deliver everything free of charge at the
wharves either at Portland, Tacoma or Seattle.
moye;k clothing co...
Third and Oak Streets.
Walt Wyland was the royal Bengal
tiger, at Canby, a few nights ago; he
cleaned up two marshals, and started in
on a big muscular citizen from Manpiani
p ecinct, who completely paralyzed him
on short order. It is said that if there
had been an American flag convenient,
the citiaeiiH of Canby would have ex.
pressed their gratitude by entwiding it
around the form of the gentleman from
The January term of the county court
convened Wednesday, and will proba
bly not adjourn until Monday or Tues
day. There is an immense amount of
bushiest to transact, besides the regular
routine, new road supervisors to ajc
ppint, judg'.g and clerks of election to be
selected, jury list to be drawn for 18'JH,
ttc. The court house was fairly
swarmed with road supervisors and can
didates for like positions Wednesday.
It was a self-evident fact that there are
sot enough road districts to go around.
H. L. Yanghan of Molalia was in Ore
gon City Thursday.
The family of James Mclntyre, form
erly of Champoeg, have moved to their
farm on the Abernethy.
Invitations are out for for a party to
be given next Tuesday evening in honor
of Clare Campbell by the patronesses of
fie Junior Dancing Club. Mr. Camp
bell will leave for Alaska in few a days.
Catholic Knights of America, St.
John's Branch No.. 647, have elected
the following new officers: President,
Nick Michaels; vice-president, Matt Mi
chaels; financial secretary, Stanislaus
Tanzer; treasure.!, Rev. A. Hillebrand.
Charles V. Galloway, who is spending
a portion of his holiday vacation at
home this week, reports the tho Oregon
Jniversity club more tluA mado ex
penses on their tour over the Btate.
They had the largest houso at Portland
Saturday night, and Oregon City ranks
second in point of a good house.
Church Notes.
The Salvation Army will have a week
set apart for self denial for the support
and extension of hotno and foreign mis
sionary work, January 9th to 15th.
Rev. H. Oberg will preach in the MY
E church both morning and evening
Sunday, Jan. 9. All who attend will
una a nearly welceme,
Rev. T. W. Butler will preach in the
chapel at Purkplaco next Sabbath a 3
p. in
The following will be tho subject of
sermons at the Congregational church
next Sabbath ; at 10:30 a. in., "The Way
of Success ;" at 7:1)0, "Tho Philosophy
of Life, or Cutting Down Fruit Trees,''
especially to young people Y. P. S.JO.
K. meeting at fi -30 p. m.
In observance of tho week of prayer,
meetings are being held each evening
thi week in ihe Congregational church
with good attendance. The annual roll
call meeting was held Wednesday eve
nina at which there was a large gather
ing of members of the church.
The evangelistic meetings in the Bap
tist church will begin on Sunday and be
conducted by Messrs. Gallaliorn aml
Ledford. Tho singing by Mr. Ledford
will be a special feature of the meetings.
Tho public is cordially invited.
Eight new members joined the Wood
men Circle on Tuesday evening.
Pomona Grange. The egular quar
terly meeting of Clackamas District Po
mona Grauge will be held with Har
ding Grange at their hall at Logan on
January 12th. Opening session at 10
o'clock a. m. Officers for the year will
be installed, an interesting program
rendered in the evening and other busi
ness of interest transacted. A cordial
invitation is extended to all in good
standing. Mary S. Howard, Secretary.
Ro.n SitPEKViHoas.1 Yesterday after
noon the county court annointed the
. ..Milwaukie
. .Clackamas
. . .Damascus
Eagle Creek
. . Buny
following-named road
Number. Numi
1 W II Counsel,
2 J R Cramer...
3 AAV Cooke.., .
4 Hugh Ournii,.
5 John M Richo
6 John Revenue Sandy
7 Joseph Aschoff ...Se vers
8 F J Walker Cherryville
9 Harmon Lins ...George
10 .... .J J Davis Garfield
11 Oharles Ilolstrom. . Abernethy
James M Tracy.
13 Win Mattoon...
14 J L Swafford ...
15 J H Taber
17 A RDimick....
..Maple Lane
Beaver Creek
...Milk Creek
Ed Ilornchuch.
John Dennison
William Buckner. . . .Highland
C O Hubbard ..Canyon Creek
Raymond Dickey.. Up Molalia
Wm Miller
. . . , .Geo Kinsser
25 John Daly
2d John Shaver
27 Ed Young
28 John Nightengale..
. . . Barlow
.... Needy
L Molalia
J. W. Gray, secretary of the Willam
ette Yalley Chautainpia Assembly, re
turned Friday from San Francisco,
where lie attowle I a meeting of Chan
tauqua Association secretaries of the
I'ai'ilic coast. They combined mutually,
to secure some of tho liest available tab
eerit for the coast assemblies during the
C uning season. Among the celebrities
I cured are Revs. De Witt Talmago and
Sam Jones.
Assessor Luiyene Stout and County
Judge Hayes went to Salem last Friday,
and appeared before tho state board of
equalization, and asked for a reduction
of the assessment on cultivated land in'
Clackamas county. It was ascertained,!
however, that the assessment on culti- j
vated in Clackamas county, was lower
than that in adjoining counties, conse
quently their lalor was lost. It is hardly
probable, however, that the state board
will raise the raU; on cultivated property
in this county. .
.0 I) Wilson .,
. Riley Hayes).
,.P A Baker...,
..E l Baker....
U Mol.m
. .Wilholt
. . .Union
...Pleasant Hill
. .John Lewellihg. . .Springwater
..A Andreas "... Bull Run
35 Levy Erb El'lott Prairie
37 ...... ,G G Kruso Oswego
Mnvo tho bowels RiMitly, h-Hkvcs thn oiih,
ciiri'H LI10 fi'Vi'N-h (ioiidltlnu and Ihmdnchu,
milking II tho bi'Ht anil qtiirkcHl ri'inedy for
CihikIi. Colds, aii'l La lirlppc. Curus in one
day. No cum, 1111 pay, l'leu J'o.
233 Morrison St.,
near Third St.,
Special Bargains!
Child Dili's School Shoos from m emils upwards
MIwh It."" '
Hoys' " " " "
Youths' " " " J.& "
Spacial Bargains !
Liidlcs' Solid Dural 1 1 Slions from It..') upwards
I adliV lin-Ksy WyM1.l1 " " 1.7ft "
toi'ii'n Solid Working
men s Urunny stylish
Clearance Sale
Iook at the Reductions!
Suits and Overcoats down to $17.00
" " " " 13.50
" " 11.50
" " " 8.00
" l I. 6QQ
7.50 Men's Suits for $5.00
Hoijs' Clothlwj Reduced
Buy Your Alaska Outfits Here
Corner, Morrison "and
Hei oml MtreMts,
Dntlnnrl fsrs
I UliailU, Ul C, ((