Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1898, Image 4

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Ureli irogonCitypotofflcaB8.con(l-classDatt(ir
.tflin advance, per year 1 no
'C llttllS 7-,
("Jif-rhe d.ito opposite your address on the
filiej- denote Die time to which you have paid
OREGON OITY, JAN. 7, 1898.
From present indications nothing can
prevent the getting together of thp silver
forces in the coming etate flection . Al
ready the forces hnvojoined mid lire
presenting ii solid front to the cd'minon
enny in the counties of Yamhill, Lane
anil Marion and still the good work goes
on. liven Multnomah county iu showing
eignaof political hoiie.-ty and there is a
niovemei.t on foot io oust the political
I toss from power wherever he shows his
Iiea-d. The l'ciiiioyer-Xlitchell combine
in ii obnoxious as the infamous Joe
KiiMin rule. The silver movement now
on toot in Oregon is outside of the plans
of I'ftinoyer, 'Mitchell or Simon, and'
iJmt is why it is solidifying the ranks of
tlie people. The tilvor democrats, popu
lists Jiiid silver jeptiUiciins will mass
tlic-ir forces against the advocates of ilie
jiold -standard, the advocates of govern-1
meut by injunction and the government
ly trusts. To this end the'plan adopted
ly the silver forces of the state of W ash-,
inglon anil the state of Nebraska will
'doubtless be followed as it has stood the
teat of actual experiment In brief the
thrae p.trties will call their conventions
for the same day at the same place, tip
ioint conference committees who will
apportion the ticket ami each conven.
tion w ill nominate for the places assigned
then the conference committees will re
assemble und'carry b ickloeach conven
tion the whole ticket to bo nominated
entire by each convention. Each con
vention will make, its own platform.
The ticket to be culled "democratic,
Iiupuhst, s'dVer-ropublican ticket."
This is not fusion, but co-operation. It
Juwps the three parties with their active
organizations in one line of battle. Ii
means victory for the people
.'A'l'.hV Pali num.
In commenting on an. editorial in the
X. Y. World on the future of Win. J.
Jjryan, Senator Ben li. Tillman, of
JtMtuth Carolina said: ''I think Mr.
Jtryan h.m lost in thing since the elec
tion. Ho has made no mistake that I
know of. There might be some criti
cism of his apparent constant obtrusion
of himself upon the public, but it is very
hard for so prominent a man to hide his
light under a bushel or to retire to any
thing like private life. Unless some uu
forsoen blunder of a very serious nature
rshoul I be made, 1 cannot now see any
ytossibi'ity of any other man than Mr.
Jtryan being nominated in DM). I
think he will retain all the elements
that voted for him in 189(1, and will get
a million or two million more votes
from disgusted republican and renin
t inl democrats. In fact, all the power
of plutocracy and bell cannot beat him."
Tin: imbecility of .Mckinley's ml minis
tration is becominga matter of universal
iiiii men I. lie is simply following where
Cleveland dared to lead. Sherman is
not an Oluey and Gage is not it Carlisle.
Tim American people have again been
liuncocd. Aside from t'leveland's goM
standard policy his administration will
he a model compare 1 to that of Mckin
ley's. 'I ho syndicate president is a
What is the matter with Mark Nairn ?
Even the great state of Ohio has rebelled
iigiunt-t the man u ho slands forth as the
purchaser of u presidency. It seems
llut there can be a worse kind of
''national dishonor" than that of advo
cation f'vo cdinage of silver. This man
is not only a disgrace Io our nation but
n disgrace to civilization. His presence
in the 1'nited States somite adds infamy
to ujil hunt! dishonor.
SIoston', which gave Mckinley a plural
ity of 18,00 last year, elected a demo
viatic mayor December 23 by about
l,")i.i plurality.
I oimi Di:.n iv i:p. -John Bode was
found dead ah ne in his farm house in
Highland precinct last Sunday morning
t y a neighbor. The neighbor went to
Dodo's hue residence and found the door
rightly ajar. I 'pun entering he found
I'ode lying on the bed apparently asleep,
and when he touched him his body was
col I and still. Bode had taken off his
t out and vest and jlaid down with his
tdiocs on and his hen I was covered with
i pillow. Louis liath came to Oregon
4'ity and untitled Coroner Godfrey, who
look along Dr, Powell, and on Monday
rnor ing an inquest was held. The jury
returned a verdict that the deceased
.ime to his death from natural causes,
jiroliably heart disease, Bode was a
.i'!ni.in, a I it! about 50 years old. He
came' from Minnesota about (our years
sigo, w hero ho left a w,ito and four child
leu, and located in Highland precinct,
vherrlio had accumulated a very good
Harm of 120 acres. He lived alone, and
ivas last seen by bis neighlxirs on Tues
day. From the appearance of the body
:tnd the starving condition of his horses
jn the stable, it is evident that he had
fon dead for several da vs.
Continued from page 1
main, 200 feet of one and a half-inch gal
vanized main. -
On J. Adams street between Ninth and
Tenth, 203 feet of two-inch galvanized
Fifteen tappings requiring some 410
feet of three-quarter-inch galvanized
pipe has also been laid. Three new
hydrants have been set.
As the union pump has been running
continuously since the soring of 1894,
with but slight repairs it will be neces
sary to overhaul the same this spring
and replace brasses and reset valves
which have become very much worn.
This will require several day's stoppage
and considerable expense, but is neces
sary to be done before the dry season.
The reservoir, pumps and mains with
all ihe accessories of the water works
are in good repair and operating satisfac
torily. If the council will assist the board ti
make some changes required by the
board of lire underwriters it will be pos
sible to get a lower fire insurance rating
for the city commensurate with the good
fire protection the city now enjoys. This
is a matter that all taxpayers are con
cerned in rather than Ihe water consuin
eis and the necessary expense should
therefore be borne by the taxpayers.
Collections for month of July $ 48! 85
September. .
November. .
December . .
503 CO
722 55
500 25
555 70
740 00
Totul from July 1 to Dec. 31, 1807. .13305 95
W'oll & Zwicker iron work, repairs
to pump , 94 70
Oregon Iron A Steel Co., cast water
main 805 16
John Honeyman & Co., use of ec
centric imticrn
Orenon City Pres, printing notices
Corbett, Fulling, Robertson it Co.
cotton waste
O. C, Herald, printing notices
5 00
2 50
8 00
1 50
Inte.VBt on water bonils, July 1st to
Dec. 31st, 1897 tf00 00
O.iLitanUing warrants redeemed....
Interest paid on redeemed warrants
from July 1 to Dec. 31, 1897
O. C. K nerpriac, (rioting and
nntica ,
Pope it Co., labor $79, 7 tappings
$tti.4!l, material $154 78, tools 50c. .
Cliarinan fc Co., paints
fieorge Hroiighton, lumber
C N Ureeninaii, freight and drawing
Telephone line '..
753 47
39 07
0 90
250 77
(i 10
4 05
8 75
7(i 92
O. C, Courier, printing notices 4 50
J Jones, carpenter work
W 11 Howell, six month's salary as
Sllpl ; ,
O. C, Iron Works, repuirs, material
T L Clianniiii, secretary salary $50
coir.iiiist.ion on collections $175.20
expense account, telephoning,
stationery, etc. $s 10 . , ..
P.O. K. Co., electric lights
Labor on hill niuins
Labor on pumps and at stutlon. ...
4 10
270 00
77 58
233 30
11 70
3 4 50
55 00
Paid Oregon City on account . 400 00
Total fur six months ending Dec.31,
1'7 ' $3157 17
Balance in treusurin'o hands to date 48 7
Total .$3515 05
12 It. 3 In., .'ill ft. 4 in., -IS ft. 0 in., 38
ft. 8 in., 24 ft. 10 in. cast iron water
pipe, Iota' value $ 81 25
250 It, (! in. old pipe
I (i In. anil 1 10 in' Y,"2 4 in., 2 ti in.
1 in in. elbuws; 1 I in. und.l 0 in.
'!''; i 4-in., 3 (1 in.', 3 8 in. and 2
lO-in. Meeves
(0 0)
Uu oi
l)i' sets of neais 25 in i
12 inch uircl. amber 10 (X)
m'"'"-. -''
(jumps, ii u in li 01
Clamps, (1 4. in. $1, 10 2-in. $3.75
' ''
18 00
.Service cocks, 12 -in, $12, (j 1 In. $(
11 (I corporation cocks 40 01
12 street service boxes 12 (K)
Iron rods and old Irons 10 00
2 eccentric yokes for pumps 40 (X)
One lour plunger pump....' 250 tO
Total $i;i,-, uo
Two tapping machines $100 00
devolution counter 10 IK)
Lead seal and seals
Four wrenches
Three lumping irons
Three steel burs
3 ',0
(i CO
(i 00
7 50
Axi"5c, 3 picks $1, 3 shovels $1, oil
can. 50i! . ; -,
Tool box ;) ft)
Lead melting, furnace and pot 20 00
8 in. ladle $1, vice $1 50, 50 ft. hose$U) 15 50
Two stone hammers 4 0 1
Total $i7() 2,1
Win Uiinglnu low pressure pump,
water wheel, station, Hume and
penstock, tolal $11500 HI
f'nliin pump, high pressure 5ii.'0 00
Wilier iniiin.H on the hill Ill mo OH
W uter mains on .Main street ki,i hi
Wider mains on Madison street . .. lis I on
Ivesei voir hi Klyville .i 7:1 p 7;)
Keservoir sh at Klyville Ii '31 (0
Inventory of material on bund . .. tu.i 0)
Inventory of InoN j . .j-,
Tni n I
Approximate value- when turned
over to the board May 23, ispj .$iXio (io
Net Inoreme J.insio u
I Bonded indebtedness due in (I yrs.
! at 1! per cent, interest payable
semi-annually $pVW0 00
Balance due the city on deferred
payments $
I There are no other outstanding claims.
Fifty-eight hydrants distributed
throughout the city all'ord ample lire
j protection.
lu'spcctfully submitted,
Hoard of Watkh Commissions us.
Chari.ks II. Oai uli.d, Pres.
T. Lkonakd C"arm is, Sec'y.
T F Ryan, salary and postage. . . 28 00
1 l! Burns, salary ; GO 00
E L Shaw, salary 60 00
H E Straight, salary 40 00
TN Miller io 00
C II Dye, city prosecutor 75 50
Charles Babcock , 81 40
George Broughton, lumber 138 91
Paul Ilemelgarn 7 60
VV A Huntley 7 75
Geo A Harding .. , 1 35
I'ope& Company 14 86
Hiiam Straight 6 75
B Ii Barkiey 5 45
G H Bestow . . . 1 00
W L Black... 1 50
G II Young , ' 1 50
J W Brown, wood.. 5 00
Glass & Prudhomnie 10 00
Oregon City Press
Portland General Electric Co
Wilson & Cooke
George Warner
Oregon City Courier
21 41
170 CO
1 35
1 50
C D Latourette, brief, etc 20 00
G H Young $ 3 25
Pope & Company 4 70
J Jones 24 00
The repealing ordinance which had
been read tit two previous meetings was
read the third time and passed by anani
rnous vote.
The tallowing subordinate officers were
appointed and confirmed for the ensuing
year :
Chief of Police Charles E. Burns.
Nightwatchman E. L. Shaw..,
City Prosecutor Frank T. Grilfith.
City Engineer D W. Kinnaird.
Street Superintendent W. L. Snido.
It was decided to hold the regular
meetings of the council on the first Wed
nesday evening of each month.
The recover waB instructeci to invite
sealed bids Tor the printing in pamphlet
form of the new ordinances enacted, said
bids to be opened at the next regular
Whereupon council adjourned.
His BuHULAJttous Career Ended
Hessey, the Woodburn burglar, ar
rested in this city by Officer Shaw
Christmas morning, and who escaped
from the city jail by knocking P. Hem
melgarn down with a stick of wood, had
his career cut short atTheDalles Friday
evening. After escaping from the Ore
gon City jail Hessey walked all the way
to The Dalles, but was joined by a com
panion at Troutdale. His traveling
companion gave him away atThe Dalles,
and when a deputy sheriff and night
policeman attempted his arrest, he drew
his big revolver, which was secured from
the strong box in the Oregon City jail,
but before he could use the weapon was
idiot dead by the officers. Chief Burns
wa3 notified by telegraph to come and
identify the dead man, which he did.
On the day of his arrest Hessey confessed
that he and another party had robbed
the Woodburn store in presence of Chief
Bums, Uev. II. L. Barkiey and District
Peputy Attorney G. B. Dimick. Hums
then went to Portland and secured his
pal, w ho was turned over to the Wood
burn authorities. Burns returned from
The Dalles Monday, and there is no
doubt but that the desperate burglar,
hessey, is dead as far as this world is
c.uicerned . The imrtv llimsov f.di it,
- '
j witIT at Troutdale, was a tramp opium
I liend, and when t'uey reached The
j Dalles, Hessey told his newly made
: partner to wi r ; the town during the af-
' ternoop, and to return when he was
through, then Hessey was to work the
town during the night. Hessey
y j the trump to keep his mouth closed, and'
I told him that if he did notshow up that
1 , , , .,, , .
uu wouiii kiii mm. mo tramp was
pretty badly scared, and told his story
to the an horities, but informed them
that they must not send any boys aft er
Hessey as he would shoot. They sent a
man to 1 lessoy 's camp at tired as a tramp,
but he was ordered away. About this
time the deputy sheriff and night police
officer appeared, and llessuy replied by
pulling his revolver out of the front of
his pants, w hich caught on his vest for
an instant. The deputy sheriff tired the
ball passing through Hessey's head,
while the almost simultaneous shot
lirod by tho Kiliceman made a scalp
wound, hi one of Hessey's pockets was
found a 1 loth with openings for the eyes
and nose, and a rubber attached to
fasten it around his neck, which he
probably intended to use as a mask in
his feats of burglary. If Hessey had
not boon captured at Oregon City, it is
probable that lie and his partner would
have escaped.
Vmvki.mty (iU.k Cl in, The Oregon
I'niversity Gi Club was greeted with
a good house at SliivclyV hall last Thurs
day night. Tho entertainment was
given under the auspices of the Ladies'
Aid Society of the Presbyterian church,
ami they are to bo complimented in
securing such an excellent array of high
diss talent. Their popular selections
were faultlessly rendered, and they re
peatedly responded to encores. Charles
V. tialloway, as an impersonator, ex
hibits oxinv-ordinary talent, and re
sponded to onthusi.istic encores. W. S.
Beat tie is another Oregon City boy, who
is a member of this popular club of
singers. Irving M, Glenn was one of
the popular solists at the Chautauo,iu
assembly last summer, and is one of tho
leaders of tho club. On Friday night
the club took in Astoria, and Saturday
night furnished the amusement at tho
opening of the Portland Y. M. C. A.
Marvelous. Effects
6ystem Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned Health Re
stored by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"For fifteen years I have suffered with
catarrh, and indigestion and, my whole
system wa3 broken down. I had almost
abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur
chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Its effects have been marvelous. It
has made me feel like a new man. I am
able to sleep well,' have a good appetite,
and I have gained several pounds in
weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash.
" I had a scrofula swelling on one side
of my neck and ulcerated sores in my
nostrils, caused by catarrh. 1 also had
smay, itching sores on my limbs. I
bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and began taking it and the sores
soon healed. My blood is purified, and
tb.8 scrofula has disappeared." O. D.
McManus, Mission, Washington.
Is the best iii fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Hnrud'c Dills euro nausea, Indigestion,
11UUU & fill's biliousness, to scuts.
Grand clearance sale. Buy a hat at
Miss Goldsmith's.
Kenworthy's restaurant and con
fectionery is now opened and ready to
serve first-class mealB on short notice.
Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Cram's
old stand.
The most reliable goods at lowest
living cash prices are kept by the grocery
slore of Marr & Muir. '
With a little cost one's rooms can be
made as good and bright as new. Call
at Holman's and see styles and pattern
all up-to-date 1897 goods. Seventh
street, near bridge.
When in Portland drop in and see our
immense line of Christinas Chinas.
Everything new. Haines', 288 Morrison
street, Portland.
For best groceries at cheapest price go
to Marr& Muir.
Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen
at Courier office.
Fine new line of umbrellas and canes
at Burmeisters Andresens's Jewelry
Inspect those adjustable window
screens at B.dlomy & Busch's. They
are certainly the right thing.
Customers can leave orders for bottled
beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at
Knapp's Bistnark saloon. John G. Wil-
helm, pioprietor Sellwood brewery.
Grand clearance sale begitiB today of
the lattest and newest things in mil
lenery and trimmed and untrimmed
hats at Miss Goldsmith's.
For the best shave or hair cut to
be had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving
10 cents,
If you want a nice steak, roast or boil
call at Albrig. t's shop and get some of
his cold-storage meat which is acknow
edged by all to be superior to tho meats
commonly sold nt butchers' shops. He
also keeps on hand a full stock of lard,
hams, bacon, etc., made by himself and
warranted purest and wholesome. Re
member the old established shop on
M strjjt.
h. Pickens, dentist, does all kindn
of dental work. Gold crow ns, porcelain
crowns and bridge work a specially
Office in Barclay building, corner Main
and Seventh streets.
D.E. kenworthy at the East Side l!y
office serves meals or oysters at all times.
He also keeps a line of confectionery,
fruits and rig us.
Prescriptions carefully compounded
G. A. Harding's drug store.
Waxtkd. $300 or $350 for two or
threo years, good security. Address
"Security," this office.
Dan Willians has added to his stock of
groceries and provisions a full lino of
food and hay. Goods delivered to all
parts of the city free. Comer Seventh
and Center streets
,We have received a line ot silver plated
ware, which will be given to our patrons,
The quality is a I extra coin silver plate
1487 Wm A. Rogers. We solicit you to
Inspect the same at the store of (..Selling.
Uemembor the Backet Stive opposite
Charman.s Drug Store.
The Oregon City Auction house lias
decided to dispose of the largu nuking
horse shown in their show window by
giving a chance to each one who pur
chases a $1 worth of goods.
Wantkp. An elderly lady to do
general house work. Apply to J. M.
Likes, Oswego.
Nervous people fin 1 relief by enrh hing
their blood with Hood's Sarsaparilla
vhieh is the one true blood puriiierand
nerve tonic
It Is Better to take Hood's Sarsaparilla
than to experiment with unknown and
untried preparations. We know Hood's
Sarsaparilla actually and permanently
G. H. Young's second hand store can
furnish you with furniture, stoves, hard
ware, etc., at less than one-fourth what
same would cost new and they are just
as goo,! and will last as long.- Give him
n trial.
l AM H.KSS ritli.L IOM. ,r Ml ,r Chi,!,
ml rever. h , simply iron and quinine J i
ajlelfMi form. -Children love It. AdtilN ierfer
t a bitter, iiu.esii,iK Ton,,.. Mce MV VoT
le byC. i. lluiiilev, Drui,, ,rH,e''1- fr
Sole Agent in Oregon City for the
$3.00 SHOES
I McKITTRICK... The Shoe Man
D r A. A
llavoTour Ey?i Examined
Consultaliou Free
...li' TO....
Shop Opposite CoiiKreuHtn.mit I'liniel1, Vain Street, Oregon City, Ore.
Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hiil.
Main St., Opposite Caufield Block.
Two Shops, - - . . . . . . Oregon City, Oregon.
Fresh Stock of
Depot for HAY Hint KEKIt
Jhat every day our store is filled with buyers
from every iwt of the city, regardless of distance?
-i- there must be some reason. People especially
lad.es-don't go out of their way to buy unless
' there is a reason.
,1T IS liECAUSK, We have established a reputation for abso
lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table
f -T- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a
j superior article and then the prices are right.
S. G. Skidsvsore & Co.
Pianeer Druggists Established I86S
of DRUGS and Druggists' Sundries. Everything in our store is re
duced. Drugs, Patent Mediates, Rubber Goods, Leather Goods,
Brushes, Combs, Soaps and Perfumes. Our great cut-rate sale prices
on these articles is lower than any other store in Portland and we
guarantee that everything is fully up to what is represented for it
Our record as the leading druggists for 32 years, establish our relit
to claim that we sell the best. "fe
151 Third St., near Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON
najiJcmiiia-iaigBw )i,L 1 J, I. mv 1 1
ai:i;ARA.CK SLtK
IO k 80 DAYS!
Oregon Citcy Auction House
W .L. It LUCK, Proprietor u
COME ONE ! COME ALL ! There i no nee.l of goinp to Portland to eneml von.
money as you can pet bettor value at home. We take the lea, li I ?.SUr
1-KblS while other, try to follow. Get our "price , ftvff V
an, that m convince you. We nre agents for the Kmpire State g
Air liht Heaters, flioy are fuelavers, control the fire, rapid
healing, 11n.de of durable material and are beauties which
make them altogether a perfect stove. , '
Scientific Optician, formerly,
of Minneapolis, has charge of
the Optical Department for
A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa
Jeweler, 293 Morrison St.,
Portland, Oregon.
nut .
Willamette Block, Oregon City