Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1898, Image 3

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Portland Man Says There is
Enough Food in Dawson.
.Should not be permitted by their Wives and
Mothers to go uninsured. Insurance is a
cash appraisement and finaucial acknowledge
ment of a valuable life.
H. G. COLTON, Manager
Massachusetts Mutual Iife
left Dawion City November S3,
After a Stay of Five Weeks
Some Work doing On.
Portland, Or.. Jan. 8i "There is no
312 and 313 Chamber cf Commerce
tp" Write me for Rates.
...The Most Desirable Suburb...
IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con
, nected by an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine
view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class
public school adjoining. With all the advantages of the city
and but a 1 5 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in
popularity. ,
Choice Lots ready for the garden from $100 to $150 on
easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build
ers. Call on or address. . ' ,
T. L. CIIABJIAN, Trustee,
Charman Bros.' Block
ku-"mrttt' R0 82 T0 50 EV ARE lr jjj'in 11 1 11
mStimk Favorite'-"" mmm
tM'fi&i " Winchester ammunition; vsed 'st' '
, . n
Trill n 1 arrive and depart from Portland ai
Leave for the Kant via Huntington dally, 9 :00 p. m.
Arrive from East " " " 7:20 p.m.
Leave for the HaBt via Spokane dally, 2:110 p.m.
Arrive from East " " " 12:60p.uiJ
The Shasta Route
Express Trains Leave Portland Daily.
South. I I North.
6:00p.M. I Lt Portland Ar 9:80a.M
6:52 P. N. I Lv Oregon City Lv 8:40A.
7:4tii.ii. Ar 8an FranciBCO Lv 8:00 p. II
The above trains stop at all stations betweer
Portland and Salem, Turner, Marion, Jeffer
son. Albany, Tangent, Shedds, Halaey, Harris.
burg, Junction City, Irving, Eugene. Creswell,
Cottage Grove, Drains, and all illations from
Uoseuurg to Ashland, Inclusive.
9:30a. K. , Lv Portland Ar4:80F.ll
5:27A.M. Lv Oregon City Lv S:36p.m
8.20 P.M. I Ar Koseburg Lv I 7; 0 a
Attached to all Through Trains.
West Side Division,
7:80 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar5:MP.M
12:1P.M. Ar Corvallls Lvl:05P.M
At Albany and Corvahis connect with train
of Oregon Central & Eastern R. R.
1:80 P. M. I Lv Portland Ar8:25A.M
7.80 P.M. Ar McMinnville Lt 5:SOA.M
8:80 P.M. I Ar Independence Ly:60A.M
Direct connection at 8an Francisco with
Occidental and Oriental and Pacific Mail
Steamship Lines for JAPAN AND CHINA.
Sailing dates on applicstion.
Rates and tickets to eastern points and
and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from
E. E. BOYD, Agent, Oregon City
Manager, Asst. F. A P. Agent
Portland, Or. Portland, Or.
likelihood of starvation at Dawson City
this winter, A few may be pinched a
lit tie before the river opens; buno one
will actually suffer fi'om hunger."
The foregoing statement of C. J.
ChriBtie, who left Dawson City Novem
ber 23, and reached Portland yesterday,
corroborates recent preBS dispatches.
Mr. Christie, with a party of four other
men and a woman, made the trip out
from Dawson City in 23 days, whioh
lie says is the record. He left Portland
on the first trip of the Elder, and spent
five weeks at Dawson.
"When I left Dawson," he said,
"everybody was comfortably fixed for
the winter, so far as provisions were
concerned. When the boats of the
transportation companies were stuck,
down the Yukon, the companies fur
nished transportation down the river
for all that wished to go. To those
who had money they sold provisions;
to those who had no money, they gave
work, which would enable them to buy
what supplies they needed. Of course,
this made fewer mouths to feed. Then
many became frightened by early re
ports of a probable famine, and, selling
their provisions, came out over the ioe.
This, of course, added to the supplies
at Dawson.
"I found, when I reached there, Oc
tober 18, that there was really a great
deal of a scare. Reports had been
spread by men who came out early that
there were more supplies than needed,
and this led to the fear that none would
be brought in. This very panic led
many to leave tne country, ana still
further provided against famine.
Everything was going along
smoothly when I came out. Bonanza,
Eldorido and Hunker creeks are all be
ing worked for all they are worth, and
the rich claims ari all and -more than
have been reported., I have prospected
a great deal and seen many rich finds,
but Dawson City is the richest mining
camp I ever saw. Numerous new dis
coveries are made right along. When
I loft, the Holmes boys, of Albina, had
struck a claim from whioh it is said
thev were taking out an ounce to the
"We had no difficulty coming out,
though the ice is 'up-ended' in the
river, and it is the roughest place im
aginable. The anchor ice which
formed in the bottom of the stream lias
risen in great masses, and is piled in
all kinds of fantastic shapes.
"There were six of us in the party
one woman and five strong, hardy men.
We used dogs to transport our freight.
I had cached provisions along the way,
as I went in with the expectation of
coining out immediately, and these
were a great aid to us. Once or twice
we had to buy a little food for the dogs.
We went right up the Yukon and over
Chilkoot summit to Dyea. The tem
perature fell sometimes as low as 65
degrees below zero, but I didn't suffer
from the cold as much as I would with
it 5 below here."
Christie purchased several olaims
while in Dawson for himself and his
partners in Portland. He will return
to Dawson as soon as he can make ar
rangements to do so.
They Confirm the Stories of a Scarcity
of Provisions.
i' Port Townsend, Wash., Jan. 4.
Forty-five Klondikers arrived tonight
on the steamer Corona, from Skagway
and Dyes. They brought no late news,
as all of them left Dawson previous to
November 25. In reference to the food
situation, they, confirm the stories of
last week's arrivals that there will be
no famine this winter, although provi
sions are scarce. It will be necessary,
however, they think, to get supplies in
early in the spring, as the stock on
hand will be pretty well exhausted by
the time the Yukon opens for naviga
tion. Among those coming from
Dawson were Dr. Van Sant, of Peoria,
111.; Allen R. Joy, of Portland, Or.,
and A. E. Murphy and James E. Kelly,
of Helena, Mont.
The trip out waB a very hard one, on
account of the extreme cold, the ther
mometer ranging 50 to 70 below. At
Lake TagiBh, several parties were
caught in a snow storm. The ice along
the river is piled up as high as 15 feet,
and only the best dog teams can get
over it. Many outfits which started
down in boats were met along the
river, frozen in, where they will have
to remain until the ice goes out. A
party of mounted polioe, with 16 horses
and 20 tons of provisions, were met
along the river, on the way down to
the ,Big Salmon, where Major Walsh
is waiting for them.
John Kill, of Seattle, one of the
party arriving on the Corona, was
robbed at Fort Selkirk, November 80,
of $8,500 worth of gold dust, the pro
ceeds of a cattle sale at Dawson last
summer. J. B. Elmore, of Idaho, and
G. W. F. Johnson, of Juneau, were
arrested on the charge of having stolen
the gold, but were discharged after ex.
amination bv Judge McGuire.
The town couniol of. Skagway has
Annual Meeting to Be Held In Portland
January 11, l'i and 13, 1898.
adopted a set of resolutions protesting
against the abolishments the subport
of Dyea. The resolutions sot forth
that the duty collected Binoe the estab
lishment of the port amounts to $5,000,
and that the revenue to be derived in i
the next 12 months will probably ex
ceed $20,000.
People are pouring into Skagway and
Dyea on every steamer. Hotels and
lodging-houses are taxed to their full
capacity-. If the Influx continues at
the present rate, accomodations will be
out of the question within two weeks,
it is thought.
The trails across the mountains are
not in good condition at present, owing
to rains and warm weather on the coast
and deep snows on the summit.
The estimates of the amount of gold
brought down on the Corona differ
widely. They range all the way from
$100,000 to $500,000. Dr. Van Sant
and party of eight are said to have
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every B Days
Steamers Monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong, via the
Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in con
nection with the O. R. St N.
For further information call on O. R.
& N. Agent, F. E. DONALDSON, Oregon
City, Oregon.
Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
gentlemen or ladles to travel for responsible
established house in Oregon. Monthly mi and
menses. Position steady. Reference, En
close self addressed stamped envelope. The
Dominion Company, Dept. Y. Chicago.
entlemsn or ladies to travel fur responsible,
established bouse la Oregun. Monthly f6i U0 and
ei peases. Position steady. Referenda, Sncloi
elf-addressed stamped envslope. The Dominion
Company, Dept. Y, Caicago.
Str. Altona
Will Make Dally Trips Between
Leaving Portland for Salem and way
landings at (1:45 a. m., and Oregou
City at about 8 p.
wKt'-Hf . 60 YEARS' .
Dawson Can Easily Be Reached
by Taking gkaguyy Trail.
Washington, Jan. 8. Seoretary Al
ger has received two reports from Cap
tain Robinson, the contract quartermas
ter at Seattlo, touching the respective
merits of the differnet trails from the
seaboard into the Klondike country.
He made a thorough inquiry at the di
rection of the seoretary, and in sub
stance his conclusions, reached after
conference with Jack Dalton and other
experts, is that the Dalton trail is not
well adapted to the uses of the govern
ment expedition during the winter, but
that the Skagway route is probably the
best. The captain says he has had an
interview with one man who claims to
have 70,000 pounds of beef stored at
Lake Bennett which he is willing to
sell at $1 a pound. The same man
says he has 10,000 pounds of corn and
20 or 80 horses at the same place, with
which he proposes to organize a sled
train into Dawson. Captain Robinson
says himself that his opinion is that
the difficulty of reaching Dawson has
been very much exaggerated, and that
a good army officer could make his way
with an expedition. Montana horses
should be used.
The Act of Drunken British Flunkies
on the St. Louis.
New York, Jan. 4. The World says:
Captain William G. Randle and Chief
Officer Beckwith, of the American line
steamship St. Louis, which arrived in
port yesterday, spent muoh of their
time during the trip across the Atlantic
investigating a story which made
every American on board indignant.
The story relates to the burning of an
American flag by British stewards,
who were on-the steamer during the
passage. The investigation has been
nearly oompleted, ami itwasannounoed
on board the St. Louis that as a result
several members of the crew ill be
discharged from the service of the
American line today.
The burning of the flag occurred on
Christmas day, at the dinner of, the
stewards. One of the stewards lighted
a matoh and held it to the American
"Burn it," some of the stewards are
said to have shouted. Then followed
a general tumult. The Stars and
Stripes were burning from every corner.
"The matter is still under investiga
tion," said Second Officer Campbell.
"I am sorry that the matter should be
come public. It was simply the act of
a lot of drunken flunkies. Action will
be taken tomorrow."
The arrangements for the meeting of
the Northwestern Fruitgrowers' Asso
ciation, for the state of Oregon, Idaho,
Washington and British Columbia,
which will be held in Porltand, January
11, 12 and 13, 1898, are well under
The committees upon whom the suo-
cess of this meeting depends are:
Executive committee Buell Larn-
berson, chairman; Hqnry E. Dosch,
secretary-treasurer; H. M. Williamson,
L. M. Spiegel, Alfred Tucker and
Frank Lee.
Transportation A. H. Devers, H. R.
Lewis and T. D. Honeyman.
Finance L. M." Spiegel, Edward
Hughes, David At. Dunne, J. H. Hazel-
tine and, Mark Levy.
Exhibit F. H. Page, John A, Bell,
W. F. Carroll, Mark Levy, M. L. Har
vey, and one from each county and
fruit district within the territory cov
ered by the association.
Arrangements C. V. Coper, H. M.
Williamson, Frank Lee, E. C. Masten
and Alfred Tucker.
Chairman Buell Lamberson and Sec
retary Henry E. Dosch of the executive
committee, will act as ex-offloio mem
bers of the sub-committees.
The meetings heretofore held by
this association at Walla Walla and
North Yakima were very successful,
being not alone profitable to those at
tending the meetings, but beneficial to
the entire fruit interests. Representa
tive men from far and near were pres
ent to discuss the various phases of the
growing industry.
The foregoing committees are fully
alive to the situation and are now ac
tively at work to make it surpass any of
the prior meetings held. Already
many letters have been received by the
chairman and secretary from various
cities within the limits of the associa
tion, as well as fiom other states, from
St. Paul, Omaha and Chicago, asking
about reduced transportation rates.
The transportation oompanies with
the usual courtesy extended to this as
sociation, have made the rate on the
Northern Paoific, Great Northern, and
r ! - 1 , i!.U
union raciuc lines, one unu uiie-ium
fare; and on the Southern Paoifio line
one and one-third fare for the round
trip. The apparent difference of rates
is caused by the Southern Pacifio's low
er tariff rate, it being only four cents
per mile as against a five-cent per mile
rate of the other companies, ihey nave
also expressed a willingness to trans
port all legitimate exhibits of fruits,
both fresh and evaporated, trees, etc,
free of oharge. Such exhibits should
be carefully labeled, packed and shipped
to Buell Lamberson, 180 Front street,
Portland, on or before January 6.
The programme, which is now being
arranged and will be published later,
will cover all the qustions pertaining to
the fruit interests, notably the ship
ping of fresh truitB to Eastern markets
at a profit to the grower. This will
be thoroughly discussed, especially the
charges by refrigerator oar companies
which must be adjusted on a live-and
let-live basis.
Office of Downing, Hopkins & Co., Chicago
Board of Trade Brokers, 7U-7H Chamber oi Com
merce Building, Portland, Oregon.
1 radk marks
Copvrioht Ac.
Anvone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
inrentlon Is probably patentable. Coninmnlra
ttoas strictly confidential. Handbook on Pal enu
sent free. Oldest airenoy for semiring pateuu,
Paienu taken through Munn A Co. recelvA
fprafaU not It, without ensrae. In the
Scientific Hmcrican.
A handtomely Ulntratwl wotklr. I,anrrt rlr
eu latum of an? rentldc 1ournl. Trit). 3
ynv : fowr month, f L Bold by til nwidM.lra.
MUNN & Co B-'. New York
Branca OOoe, OS t Bt, Washington, D. C.
Pilot Steamer Smith Belied.
Mobile, Ala., Jan. 8. The Pensa-
cola pilot steamer Smith, supposed to
be engaged in a filibustering expedi
tion, was seized today by agents of the
treasury department. A crew from the
revenue cutter Seward went'aboard the
steamer tonight, and a gang' of men is
transferring her coal from one bunker
to another in search of contraband
Pensioners In the Postotrlce.
Washington, Jan. 8. The postofflce
department has ruled that an ex-Union
soldier (flawing a pension under the
dependent pension law may be reinstat
ed in a position he formerly occupied
in the service. The case arose in ac
cordance with the employment of a
veteran in the postofflce. In order to
secure a pension under the dependent
pension act, he must swear that he is
without means of support and is unable
to do manual labor.
Desperate Attempt of an Embesiler
Commit Suicide.
Savannah, Ga., Jan. 4. Mac Ma
brav, the embezzling agent of the
Southern Express Company, at Bruns
wiok, Ga., who' was captured here Sat
urday, attempted to commit suicide in
his cell in the polioe station during
the night. This morning lie was found
lying in a pool of blood. He was un
consicious, and was at first thought to
be dead. He had opened an artery in
his wrist with a penknife, lie wai
taken to a hospital, where he is kept
under guard. The physicians say he
will reoover In a day or two.
Before he became too weuk to move,
Mabray smeared his open hand with
the blood and stamped the imprint of
the hand on the wall of his cell. Un
derneath he wrote in blood with his
finger, "Southern Express Company,
December 10, 1897," the date he com
mitted the robbery, and below he drew
a skull and crossbones in blood.
Bread Klots In Slelly.
Rome, Jan. 4. The Tribtina reports
that bread riots have occurred in the
province of Girgeteni, Sicily. The
rioters fired upon and looted the mu
nicipal buildings. The troops have
been called out.
Rash and Door Plant llnrned.
Buffalo, Jan. 4. The sash and door
plant and planing mill of J. Hamilton
& Co. was burned tonight, with an im
mense stock of lumber. The total
loss is $120,000, the insurance $70,000.
Frtiit went to waste in California
orchards because the growers could not
get men to pick it. Yet the state is
overrun with tramps. '
Gray's Harbor Lumber Shipments.
That the Gray's harbor country has
enjoyed a fair degree of prosperity dur
ing the year 1897 is shown by the for
eign lumber shipments as compared
with those of 1890, the inorease being
nourly 800 per cent. In 1890, only 11
vessels with lumber sailed from that
harbor for foreign ports, the aggregate
amount of lumber being 8,400,000 foot,
while during the present year 23 ves
sels cleared from Gray's harbor, carry
ing 10,649,000 feet of lumber, valued
at $110,000.
Of the 22 vessels clearing for foreign
ports from Gray's harbor during the
present year, 16 6f them loaded at the
mills in Aberdeen 14 at the West &
Slade mill, with cargoes amounting in
the aggregate to 5 828, feet, and two
at Wilson Bros. & Co.'s mill, whoso
cargoes aggregated 975,000. The E.
K.Wood mill at Hoqniam, shipptJd four
cargoes foreign, 2,782,000 feet, and
the Northwestern Lumber Company
two cargoes, aggregating 1,000,000 feet.
Most of this lumber went to Mexi
can ports, although Honolulu received
several cargoes, while Africa, New
Caledonia, Australia, and Porn each
reoeived one cargo. At the present
time the mills have orders for foreign
cargoes of lumber, and the owners an-
ticinate that the 1898 foreign trade
will groatly exceed that of 1897.
Northwest Notes.
The presiding elders of the Methodist
Episcopal church, comprising all the
elders in tho Paoifio Northwest, will
hold a convention in Spokane on the
11th, 12th and 18th of January, 1898.
Bishon Cranston, of Portland, will
A loggor at Seaside, Or., says that
he proposes to put in 9,000,000 feet of
logs before the end of the freshet season
next year. The timber will lie taken
from the Soothan, Brauker, Eberman,
Gearhart and Starr places, near Iloli
day Park.
Hop in Yakima seem to be a drug
on the market, notwithstanding high
Quotations elsewhere. Local buyers
say that choice grades can easily find
gale at 13j cents, but they maintain
that only one or two choice lots remain
in the valley, and that the best of the
poorer qualities loft are not worth
more than from 9 to 10 uentft.
B. M. Poise, of fiuver, Benton conn
ty. Or., sold his hop crop, 8,3(55
Bounds. last week. Three-fourths of
it went for 9 cents. nd the 'remain
der for 5 cents a poind. John Patter
son, of the same neighborhood, has
shipped, on consignment, about 10,000
pounds, receiving a cash advance of
1 cents lor best, ana 6 cents per
pound for second quality. George
Ruth, of fiuver, has sold about 12,000
pounds at 12i cents. Mr. Pulse has
begun the cultivation of bis nine-acre
yard for next year.
What will Leiter do with his wheat,
iB the question that is evidently bother
ing traders more than it is him. Ho
has about 8,000,000 bushels cash
wheat. He is also long about 4,000,
000 bushels May. He has wheat
enough to make him the power in the
market, and it depends upon how he
handlos it as to the extent of his profit
or loss. If trade falls off he will be
forced to keep the market alive, as he
did during October and November, by
trading on both sides. If outside
speculation increases he will certainly
have the best of it. There is a largo
shortage in May, which gives him a
chance to scalp the market on a liberal
scale to his profit. There is talk of
trade getting into July, and leaving
May alone. This might help the short
sellers by prolonging the time of de
livery, but figuring on the probable
stocks, the chances for large supplies
by the last of July are decidedly poor
for a bear. Were the trade to switch,
to September and leave the intervening
months alone, Leiter would be left
with his oash and May in a position
where it would not be easy to swing a
large line at a profit, and the wheat
might have to be shipped out to find
a market for it. All these questions
are being discussed by the traders and
nearly, every one has a different
Those who Btand between the specu
lator and consumer, the cash handlers
and the milkers, are almost to a man
bullish on wheat, and are talking
higher prices, some predicting $1.25
for May. Armour and Weare expect
that Leiter will win out in good Bhape.
They figure on the milling demand
reaching such proportion that, com
bined with the export business, it will
absorb the stocks so readily in the sea
son that the cash holders can dictato
prices. The question of supply and de
mand becomes a factor. This, .how
ever, has not always in the past been a
bonefit to the bulls. Last'winter and
spring the cash detnand was heavy,,
stocks were light, but the visible wast
2,000,0000 bushels more than at pres
ent. Millers bought the wheat readily
and decreased prices steadily, but in
the face of the reduction prices did not
respond, owing to the lack of specula
tion. A supply and demand market
is gonerally a slow affair, and it may
not be an exception this year. .
Portland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 74 75c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 77 78c per buphel.
Four BeBt grades, $4.25; graham,
$3.40; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 8530c; choice
gray, 83 34c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $1920; brew
ing, $20 per ton.
Millstiffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $18.
Hay Timothy, $12.50 13; clover,
$10 11; California wheat, $10; da
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $9(10per
Eggs 17 22.0 per dozen.
Butter Fancy oreamery, 6560o;
fair to good, 4550c; dairy, 40 60s
per roll.
.Cheese Oregon, llo; Young
America, 12)t,c; California, 9 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $1.75
2.25 per dozen; broilers, $2.002.60;
guese, $5.508.60; ducks, $4.005.00
per dozen; turkeys, live, 10c per
irotatoes Oregon Burbanks, 854Co
per saok; sweets, $1.25 per cental.
OnionB Oregon, new, red, 00c; yel
low, 80o por cental.
Hops 614o per pound for new
crop;' 1898 crop, 40o. ,
Wool Valley, 1418o por pound;
Eastern Oregon, 78o; mohair, 20
22o por pound.
Mutton Gross, best bheep, wethers
and ewes, $3.50; dressed mutton,
6jo; spring lambs, 5o per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.00;
light und feeders, $8. 00 4. 00; dressed,
$4.505.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2. 75 3. 00;
cows, $2.60; dressed beef, 4Jjg0c per
Veal Largo, 45o; small, 5)6
6o per pound.
Seattlo Market. '
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 28o; ration, 18 18c.
Cheese Native Washington, 13c;
California, 9o.
Eggs Fresh ranch, 25o.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring chickens, $2.50(4
8 00; ducks, $3. 50 8. 75.
Wheat Feed wheat, $22 por ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $10 20.
Corn Whole, $23; cracked, por ton,
$23; feed meal, $28 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, por ton,
$22; whole, $22.
FreHh Meats Choice dressed bocf,
steers; 0c; cows, 5o; mutton sheep,
7c; pork, 0c; veal, small, 7.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 58c: salmon,
8c; salmon trout, 710o; flounders
and sole, 84; ling cod, 4 5; rock cod,
6c; smelt, 2a'4c
Fresh Fruit Apples, 6000o per
box; peaches, 75 80c; prunes, 8540o;
pears, 75c$l per box.
Nun Francisco Market.
Wool Nevada 11 13c; Oregon, 13
14c; Northern 78o per pound.
Hops 1210c por pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $2023; Cal
ifornia bran, $17.50 18.60 per ton.
Onions New red, 70 80c; do new
silverskin, $2.002.25 per cen'tul.
Eggs Store 22 c; ranch, 27
81c; Eastern, 15 10; duck, 16o per
Citrus Fruit Oranges, iiuvoIh,
$1.50(22.75; Mexican limes, $4. 00(d)
4.50; California lemons, choice, $2.25
fftS.KO: do common. BOcfSt 1.25 tier box.
Cheese Fancy mild, new, 12c; fair
to good, 7018c per pound,.
Potatoes New, in boxes, 8585o.