Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, January 07, 1898, Image 1

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16th YEAR.
ggTBELLOMY & BUSCH, the House
furnishers, will occupy the Weinhard
building, opposite court house, after
February ist, 1898.
'A sign of the New Year is
" v ' the advantage it gives in
photographs. A sign of the
old year is the excellence
of the things accomplished.
We cive H you memory of
passing time in pleasing
photographs. We give you
hopes foi future enjoyment
in having the best photos
of present features.
Regular Council Meeting Held
Wednesday Evening.
.UiH'h Rouliite Business Transacted
Uiports f Mayor, Recorder and
Mater Commission.
Leading Photographer
Malu St., near Court House, Oregon CUy
Not How
But how low can we make the price, is the
question we ask ourselves when marking our
goods for sale. . That's what makes ours an
ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser;
it tells the story through the purse in thousands
of homes, only to be retold in countless others
by appreciative money savers.
at the Pioneer Store ok Charman & Son
before buying elsewhere. ' r
The Germania Market
Is the cheapest place in the city
to buy t t t ' t t
The new city council held its first rpg
ular meeting last Wsdnesday evening at
which a great deal of business was trans
acted. The council was called to oraer
at 8 o'clock by Mayor Caufield, who an
nounced that the firsl thing in order was
the election of a recorder pro tern, and
T F. Eyan was chosen without opposi
tion. After roll call, which showed that
all the members were present, the min
utes of the last regular and special meet
ings were read and approved.
Councilman Koerner was unanimously
chosen president of the council for the
ensuing year.
Two non nations were made for re
corder and T. F. Kyan was re-elected
over Fred Hesse by a vote of 5 to 3.
The following committees were elected
to seive for the year:
Finance Koerner, Busch, Latoure'te,
Fire aad Water Busch, Milln, Harris.
Health and Police Wilson, .Metaner,'
Cemetery Roake, Koerner. Milln,
Streets and Public Property Hams,
RxJake, Metzner.
A petition was read from citizens ask
ing that an incandescent light be placed
at a certain point on J. Q. Adams street ;
referred to committee on public property.
Petition from Willamette Bowling Al
ley Co., asking that alley be allowed to
run on Sunday; -ordered that alley be al
lowed to run om Sunday afternoons.
To the Members of the Council of Oregon j
City, Oregon: j
It again becomes my duty to transmit
to your honorable body a Teview of the
work of the past year, anil make any
recommendations I may think proper
for the ensuing year. I do'tiot believe I
misstate tlie fact when 1 say th t there
has been a unanimity of fettling w ith the
members of the council regarding any
unnecessary expenditure of the city's
money daring the past year that could
possibly tie avoided. We have all feit it
a duty we owed the taxpayers of this
city to lighten, so fur as lay in our power,!
their heavy burden of taxes. As acon
seqnence'the administration of the past
year lias no important public improve-',
merits to,point to as a result ol their work. '
Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City.
Paul J. Sciiolz, Prop. t t t t
distribution. One of the new ordinances
has been recently passed upon by the
county judge in the cane of a petition for
a writ ol habeas corpus, brought before
!iis CQirjt on account of a person arrested
and convicted of a violation of the or
dinanile imposing a license on solicitors.
The judge held in this case, that the or
dinance was invalid and unconstitu
tional , on the ground that it was a re
striction on interstate commerce. With
out a personal knowledge of all the law
on the subject, I do not wish to ques
tion the soundness of the decision in this
case. It does seem, however, to be at
variance with all ideas of right, that a
city cannot regulate solicitors and ped
dlers simply because they come from
another stale.
If, in the judgment of the council,
there may seem good reason to think
that possibly this ordinance may be
technically unsound, I would urge on
you the importance, in justice to the
merchants and business men of Oregon
City who maintain at considerable ex
pense their stores, and who bear their
share of the tuxes imposed by the city,
of framing an ordinance that will compel
these peddlers to at least pay such an
amount as will repay the city for the po
lice surveillance necessary, and in a
measure protect our local merchants
The city's case, for the recovery of its
share of road tax paid within tins city,
tno exclusive control ol which was
granted the -city under the charter, but
so far withheld by tbe county court, has
been decided by the circuit court favor
ably to tbe city. The wun'ty has, hoW'
ever, appealed the cae to the supreme
court Where it now remains. The attar
nefs for ttie city look fora prompt and J
satisfactory decision for 'tfce city. Un
der the provision of the charter the wa
ter commissioners -should pa into the
eity itieasury 30 per cent, of the gross
proceeds of their collections. On c-
count of the extra heavy expense in
curred by them, Sn the construction of
'tiie'new reservoir, the council has al-
'lowed them oetain tins amount for the
time being. The commissioners Ikave
now paid all 'their Boating delft and'
have begun making monthly payments
toward the eettlemeKt of the amount
now duertie'Oity. They expect dn the'
c-rjrse oCdtilH or lO'cionths to tmve all,
tat isnw due the city paid. 5'uring,
the past your the 'long standing claim j
gainst the 'Eiist Side KailwayOompany;
n aceonut-df -street assessment tinpaid;
'by them according to terms .of their
franchise., aad for Hie collectksn.of which
a law mitihas been pending for several
.years msuccesf41y, kas been finally
8t'ltlel through the ellorts of the last
coun3in maniwr, fairly OHtiefactor? ,
R R Co.... 250 09
L Dieckletnan, cleaning Main St. 102 83
Work on city, streets, such as re
pairing, cleaning, etc, M72 48
Smyth & Howard, crushed rock. 175 01)
Labor Exchange, crushed rock. . 41 70
Geo lirough ton , hi m ber for streets
and repairs 1 . . . 477 30
Wm B Poyser, two manholes in
sewer. 00 1 U
Oregon City Iron Worss, covers
for manholes m sewer. . ..... 00 0J
Paul Hemmelgarn, mi als at city - "
ail oti 40
For nursing and relief to sick
with contagious diseases & 10
Expenses of general election. . . , 53 70
M M McGeehun, for site for ceme
tery purposes. .... .. m 00
Mrs 11 L L Clark, rent of city
pound . .: 20 CO 1
Expenses of pound, feed, killing I
and burial ot dous, etc a 0
J W Brown and (.'has Albright,
wood at city hall and ml 14 50
Hook k Ladder and Hose com
panies, yearly allowance 12o 00
Expense of firemen's election.. . 6 00
Supplies for tire department, . . . 57 85
out & Zwieker, three hydrants t( W
Couhikr, publishing ordinances,
notices, etc ul lo
Press, publishing ordinances,
notices, etc 118 13
Enterprise, publishing notices . . 2 90
Herald publishing notices 1 uu
. . 1.1:.
morning uregouiau, puouBiuug
notice of bond sale o eu
Pone it Co. repairs to city jail. . . 2 16
T S Lawrence, labor on city hall. 0 50
beo Blount sl b
John Hutton " " " 33 75
E W Scott " ' " " 0 25
TheoKiaeft " " 'f 2160
A Walker, labor and material on
city hall 138 20
F C Gadke, labor and material on
city hall 34 15
G II Bestow & Co. labor and
material on city hall '. . 11 60
Wilson AOooke, supplies for city
hall 24 07
jBellomy & Busch, supplies for
city Hall...; o
Royal makes the food pure,
wholesome sod delicious.
K till :
Absolutely Pure
the following warrants on general fund
are unrec e jrned :
Warrants issued in 180;) ', $ 21 25.
Warrants issued in 181)1 50
Warrants issued in 18!t. (10 2.V
Warrants issued in 181)3 27 2f
Warrants issued in 18!4 ...... 'M 90
Warrants issued in 1895. f)44 IS
Warrants issued in 11(1. . ... .. .. 7' 54 (5
'Warrants issued in 1807 73SK) 32
O N tireenman. material for city
liaU 5 00
Oregen City Iron Worth, materi
al tfor city hall 24 40
Q It H Miller, use of jack screws 3 00
Peter Nehren, cleaning carpets,etc 5 0J
Poie & Co. repairs to pipes at
itv cemetery 2 50
Correcting tax roll ior assessor . . 20 HO
Hollisten & Potter, dog tags 8 00
Sundries fornails,brooms, stamps
stationery, etc 8
Total warrants drawn .... . 47987 8(1
Summary of purposes for which said
arranta w-ere drawn ;
Liuhtinir the oitv streets and
halt buildings .uu 00
Total $24055. 6T
Summary report Hem nil fund.
Cash in treasury January 1 , '97 $ 45 6t)
Re?eived by treasurer during
the year 1807. 12497 96
$12343 56
Warrants paid by treasurer dur
ing year.... WJ0 U
Interest on warrants redeemed. 1 1ST ()9
Interest paid on bonds of City. . 2ttr il
Cash in treasury 1(19(1 3$
y $12513 5&
Warrants outstanding Dec. 3,1,
189(1 (treasurer's report) . . .$2150!) 12
Warrants issued during year.. 7987 8R
Warrants paid by treasurer dur
ing year.,' $(1I0 U
Warrants outstanding $2258t 8-t,
Cash in treasury, notes and account,
due the city:
Cash in treasury... $!(' 3
Due from board of water com
missioners 3980'1 0T
Due on noteainun different per
sons !. 15K2 ii
Due from K 8 R It Co f'5-' "l
M3U8a 8'2
Policulepartmwit . . , 1459 25 I Making t,W uctual tlo.iting in
. ..: 1 i,j 1 ,-?. u--: .1..U....1. i
Do You Eat?
You will keep right on eating just
the same alter the holidays are
over. Perhaps not so much, but
still vcu want the best, particu
larly bread and pastry, which is
made trom ? -ii
Let no false modesty prevent your demanding of
vour husband a reasonable amount of insurance on
"his life, payable directly to you in event of his
death. It is your right, prepetuates your income.
Investigate the guaranteed contracts of the
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
of Springfield, Mass.
H. G. CO LION, Manager,
3 1' and 313 Chamber of Commerce,
The reduction of the citv's floutinir leht
I think will be far more satisfactory l& considering all' I difficulties encoun.
most citizens than airy extensive i rn - S
J D t .Hl -A .A 11. 1 il A. i
rovements with its consequent exitense. j 1 "ul "m Bl'",rs Fi He
Ti,..,.iii.ni,.iii.no. it ti,. oa i anyUiingimore'in the way rf a 6uaneil
has caused a great nia-ny to appreciate a.
rest from the steady drain on their re-'.
sources, caused by street improvements, '
sewer assessments, taxes, etc.
I cannot avoid the belief that the eco
nomical administration of the city's at- .
fairs during the past year has had soino
bearing on the fact that the city's 6 per
cent bonds are sought after at a larue
premium and that the city's warrants
now brin nearly par.
Much as I personally would like to see
considerable work done in grading And
improving streets, and important asl
think some sewerage system would be in
certain .parts of the city, I still think a
continuance of the same policy followed
during the past year should be adhered
to, tor at least the coining year, iu the
interest of the city and its taxpayers.
Unlees the most of us are deceived an
other year will Bhow such a dicided im
provement in financial matters, and
property will have so far regained its
former value, that improvement
taxed to the same will not seem such a
burden as now.
The tuoxt import int expenditure dur
ing the pant year nasi bi-en for tbe pur
chase of additional land for cemetery
purposes. This was something that de
cency demanded and the need of which
could no longer be ignored . Under this
purchase the city has acquired title to
nearly three acres adjoining the present
cemetery or f 412. An ordinance has
also been passed by the council regulat
ing the use of the ci,y cemetery and ap
pointing a committee trom the council
to control the same.
Street work, sidewalks, bridges 17.4 83
Exnenseof firedi'iiartmeiH . l'5t! 05
Uepaira to city hall building. . . 383 X7
Publication of ordinances and
notices.' 217
Salaries of recorder, treasurer
and city prosecutor 480 00
Crushed rock 210 70
Attorney's leefl for collections.. 30 S8
East iSMle Railway account 250 OU
Cemetery purposes 4 1 4 -6(1
Miseelljuieous purposes 470 20
if I
VM H r; M
t-j 1 r f :
,'. 1 r.-.f J 1 (,1 (J vTv
171 .9 M X V..-.1 i
. .... s .
c- ; 1 i
.,i'y V
ii U nui
Buell tsraberson
180 FRONT ST."
Portland. Or.
statctnent than a comparison i receipts
and cxpemlitures for the years 1890 and
1897. Your attention however is asked
to tlw reeorder's ilnaneial exhibit which
will be read hers this evening. The ex
hibit wild show decided improvement.
Tbe city'sireeeipts exieded the ex
penditunes $1710 during 1897. This s
not takuig any account ol what is due
from the water-eoinminsiun for the past
year Amounting to (2084. During 181H
the expenditures exceeded the receipts
something over $700. Such an
ment is Hideed worthy of mention
hope this council will endeavor to make
even a bettor showing the coming year.
In closing 1 .wish to thank t!ie mem
bers of the last council for their icind co
operation in ull measures that I have
thought best to suggest during the past
year and hope -for a continuanoe of the.
same during the coming year.
Kespec.tfully submitted,
E. (. Cai'kiici.o, Mayor.
City Recorder's Report.
Oregon City, Or., Dec. 31, 1897.
To the Honorable, the Mayor and City
Council of Oregon City.
(ientlemen : In accordance with the
provisions of ec.4S of the city charter,
1 herewith submit my annual report of
the financial tranhactions of the city du
ring the year 181)7, the present financial
condition of the city and a brief resume
of the transactions of the oliice of the
city. recorder during said year.
In pursuance of instructions voted at
...r.,. At i : :i 1 .1....!....
Under direction of 1 ' "'"S" " u"l:" "'"
this committee t.ie old cemetery has j t ,a year l warrants were onlere-l
beeu suryeycl, platted and as far as pos-1 dra t " 'rid fund to the
sihle brought into orderly shape. The "n J ' j8' 8" fur Vnrl Iwreiii
new land is now being suiveyed and j f ','r ',' , , . , . ,
.1 c; i. 1 u ..,11 i Portland General hleotrio Co.,
platted. When fished it will boa ,r ,.wtri, lit!ills .2047 20
credit to the city. Another matter that' Geo. A. Harding, electric lamps 7 30
has had tlie attention of the council dur- Chas. lv. Jhinis, salary as chief. 72 1 (M
ing a great part of the pa-t year, hagi , (", fees, proin-rty fal.-s 1 2 )
been the revision of the er.hri.nce, ; !
and codiiication of the same. Inmy " compiling ordinances 40 1(0
opinion the work has been well dime by ! H. K. Straight, salary, treasurer ltij 00
the committee having the samo in i w;. , ,1iiHL!o"'. '1. OilUrt, Win.
ii .1- 1 I Kidd, J. S . Kelly and M. F. '
, u.Min..re McCuv n, sjcial police
been dran up, old ones revised, and Q. II. Dye, fees, city pnwtntor.
quite a number of obsolete and conflict- L. L Porter, fees for colled ion of
ing ones renealed. The committee has1, street assessment G, K, Hayes
madearrangementM heheve. to have , LblZl
their oik printed in pamphlet form fori J(,r Direct improvement of K S
$7087 8(1
The receipts of the year ar s follows:
Taxes collected by sheriff $5334 18
Licenses ior saloons 4401) Ot)
" shows and theaiters, 61) oO
" 4ogs 63 25
" econd-haiil store. . 24 00
" Junk ped.ller 3 00
" meat peddler 20 Oil
" .auctioneer ..... 10 00
" iiuetry-go-round .... 20 00
" bowling alley 15 00
" leiiindle wheel 0 Oil
" - solicitor 2 03
." okating rink 1 7ti
" billiard, card rooms 120 70
" xjiress and drays.. 133 70
Sule of hortx-s at citv nouud. . . . 4 50
improve-1 East Shle llailway Co, on acct
,rl of assessment for Main street
ion and imM.wem(jnt ttnj freight car. 1100 00
G E Hayes, Kevonth fttassessin t WO 0
J Jones, Main street assessment 70 40
Paid on uutes 170 53
OUT Co, rent account 170 60
Cost iu case of llroughtonvs city 22 70
Fines in reiwrder's court 8 00
II O KU-vun, (or lot I in hlk . 500 00
Water oaumisiiiini, on acc tunt 1K) 00
me, the Mayor and l it r
Total amount of reeeipt.4l-'.W7 90
'Tutaiam uu.uf warrant drawn. lpW87 Otl
Intertstoil t;iids id city 2KU0 Or
$10787 IMi
Jl mount of receipts in excels of
warrants iunl inierest $1,710 00
Cemetery IiiuJ
January lfft,lKH7, cash in troaa-
.iry ...$130 07
llz-'ceived fniiu u!o of lo 8 during
vear 184 55
IS 00
20 00
30 (18
$314 02
Warrants hare been drawn on the
cemetery during the year as follow.;
D W Kinnaird, surveying and
waking plat $110 00
Glass & I'rudliomuie, three regis
ters 34 40
Oreiron Citv Press. 2000 permits,
iortH,Hie 10 ou-j Hcfuscd to pay flue and was committed
to Jail but was' released on unt of
habeas corpus brought before the
county j idge.
dobUidness of city $94M ' 2
There is alsoa claim imaiiist the
county on account of rou t IuikIh
at present being adjudicated
in supreme court,! hat amount
to $7304 10'
Which if allowed will leave the
Hooting indebtnesMof the city $2193 02;
Pins interests on outstanding
There has been twelve cases hrii;liC
in tie recorder's court for. violation ol
ordinances of the city during the year
pd tines to amount of $185 were- im
wosftd, $8 of which wMis.paid, amt the
IflUance was worked out?, by imprision
merit or by suspension ofiwmtence dur
ing good liehavior, and one wise which
win decided against the city iu,u case of
luilieas corpus brought before- U.011.
itl. Hayes, wmnty judge.
Kespectfull suhmitioil,
Taos. F. Kyan,.
1 the Honorahl
Councilmen of Cregon l!ily.
Gentlemen : I respectfully submit thtt
following report showing the transaction
iu the office of the recorder for the icoutU
of December 1897.
There bus been four rases bronght
during the mouth in the recoider's court
for violation of city ordinances, a fol
.luws : t
Dec. 3, Ed. Sullivan "Drunk ami D sor
d tys mi ilitj city streets. In default in
pnyine-it wrtu worked on streets.
Dee. .13, Ed Sullivan "Drunk and Dis
orderly" idemlnd guilty and sentenced to
piy IhiMi.f $:ii).no or 15 days work on
sheets was worked one d.iy and balance
of senience suspended on agreement 10
leave city and never return except to
woik our sentenci',
Dei. 15, Jhuic Conlnv "Drunk ami
Disorder ly" pleaded guilly and was sen
tenced to pay fine of $5 00. Fine paid,
prisoner discharged.
Djc 28, 0. W. Cotlain "Soliciting anil
selling of good! witnout a license"
pleaded "not gnilty'stood trial and w.ia
found guilty and was sentenced to p iy it
i .... , ... ...
niiu 01 f.o uo or oe committed to in
derly" pleaded jjnilly and was fined $(I.(X
or in ilel'.iult uf imvment to Work tht-Ho-
$103 40 I
Iiahince in the treasury $lol 22
Seventh street Improvement
Cash on hand last report
Iteceived on assessments
Note of M E church
.$ 77 23
. 81 OS
. 353 25
$512 14
Warrants drawn as follows;
thif l-! : 1 11 im AO.
V ). All MHllij, .,.. T , . .,uri,, (l. n,lili,. , t ,1...
t .'(Hit r:i,.r 71.1 II ' "
To the Honorable, the Mayor am! City
Council of Oregon City, Oregon.
Gciilleinen ; We (iilnnit the followini:
Uid shepherd, ex-
!HiiiytIi Mu.irr,
Smyth, Muurw i
tra work
Newspaper notices
Kebate to projaTty ow ners. . . .
33 85
08 92
Warrants; rcdeprm'.I.
The assessment of the M
estate is still iwii:ti 1.
U i, red e s i n e 1 W a r r a 1 1 1 ;
As shown by the city recorder'
$927 92
,..,$135 50
. Stratum
water works together with a b'alemi-iil
lot receipts and disbursemetits (or tin
p.ist six munths :
We have laid during the j ear, 1'Vt 0
feet of new six-inch main cn Sever:tl
street, and relaid 10:)l) feet oi loii-i;tl
main on Jackson and ThirUeiith strectt.
On Harrison street, I) ) feet of .woineU
cist main, 259 feet Uo-iueh gi'vanizcl
CviiI1iii.U"I on (up 5