if ' HOW IOJINO OUT. Fill a bottle or common glass with nrine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition nf the kiilneys. When urine slains linen i' is evidence of kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or ptiin in 1 hs buck, is almi convincinjz proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's tjiwamp-Uoot, the gient kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the uiinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and ecr.lding pain is passing it, or bud efl'ects following use ot Honor, w ine or lieer, ami overcomes that unpleasant, necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary tU'eetsnf tSwiimp Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest tor its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. Bold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Ok boon City C .uiueii and send your address to Or Kilmer & Co , Hinghamton, N Y, The proprietors of tins paper guarantee the genuineness of this oiler. F, C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specially. Wilson & Cooke's Old Hliinil ORKfiON CITY, OKKUON. JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leavo Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street, Oreiton I'ity, Oregon. BOLTON DAIRY CHA3. CATTA. Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try lloltiin Jtnlf y Hint bit 'm vikiiiI' W. It. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Cor. Main and 4th St. OREGON CITY, OREGON crsrTJob Printing at tlic Courier Oifice. hi, AS KESSLER, Tills old one armed iipccliillst, of St. Louis, well known by Ida long residence and sue pessliillv pmellee III tbta city, eontlnue lo uei esviully treat nil kinda of chronic and private diseases FREE TREATMENT mrK'.Vi ifw..w"" i v'iy itlUwiimiti BLCCH AND SKIN lMinples.H.'roliila.N.vpli. In in rnlnis, Tuinors. Tcltera, Keeioa and ItluT hnpurllles of the blood thoroughly Miiilli iileii, leaving tliH system In u sltooi;, pure mid healthful stole. rilfTITTITTCtHir treated by nil old fbTiiian finiiUlililllulU reinedr. This rcn v was on M oled to Or. hesselnr by a fi li nd In Merlin. It has never lulled, flTTl CflPrO l'leers, Cancers, etc., trea'etl, no ULU UUiltlU dltri lenec how lung nirectod. iWX AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. piiioiul, .1 1 f 1 ift 11 . loo nviiuent, nillK.v or hlmiov urine, nu n ii rii I discharges, careiully treated, I'd. , riieiiiottlsni mid iieurultliu treuied by our hew renieoles. Take a cl.-ar holllo nt liedtlnie and iirlnnte III till' I. utile, set aside mid look lit It III I lie inoriiliii!. II it is cloudy, of has n cloudy si-t. 1 1 1 1 1 In It, yon have suniu kidney or bluilib r tllM'tlM'. ' eeiiknvetl In livontv.folir hours ii lllUHee WOI'IIH 111 WlllllOIV III ill- II, r l. tl leel long. priT' nt WO We meet persons cverv kU ltu0 du.v wIkmo Ini'iilli mni lls 1 1.11,1 ii di.iiii.Niiiig. T his conies (ruin I n ho rn oi eiiber the nose or stomach Ua and 'ie eMiiiilued, It. can be cincd before the oo-el boics lieeonies Involved. rnilVP ViVVi ,r '" tnuil'leil with nlghl ,UUiU MLW enilsslons. enhiiusilngdriuos, l.nl., bil-lltlllltess, livers. oil til soelrly, .lupuliievs. ili'siioiulencv, lossol energy, ato- l'!l. ti and Si'll-eolilbleoco, Wtllcb tl'pl'iv" ,ou I your inaoliood and iibs..iiii-ly unlit tor viu. taislness or niMrrlae-li you are I bus mil et.'d you may know Ihe cause Uo In, I lie ll'J' 'll. H'lnnfP fPPTI TirTH"'r nre thousands I..U l!iurilUUJ lilli 11 ol youlroul.led with we . i,. u.'Ii'iil; bneUs ami kidneys; (reiiuent I'l ll.llil lil'Hlillloil and seilllllelil In ll'llie; III) faiieiuy or weakness ol Hexual organs, and "to r iiiiiiilsiiikiible signs ot nervous ileiillity mid pieiiiMiuie decay. Many die of Ibis iliillei.liy , Ignorant ol llin cause. The matt hIim iiuii.' eio' ol this eluiiiu'ier Ireaii d, rr'UflT'P dlsensea. uloet, tlonnirlicn, In. Hil Ultj tlillnslluns. isehnige, Mllelurei. Weakness of Organs, Syihtlis, ll dioeeltt Vurii'iiii le and kindred troubles treated. Consultation Free to All. Oi r icK llouus: From 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Call or juldross J. Henri Kcssler M. D. At St Louis Dispensary, 830) vamhill 8trcct. ... Ohkuos, cm m -III U. bAAUVMbi DR. I'OHTLANUk riOLALLA. Christmas was duly observed hero. There was a ball at the new hall on Christmas eve and an unnsual crowd v as in attandance. Everything passed oft'quietly and all seemed to enjoy them selves. Several from here attended thp Christ mas tree at Teazle Creek and spoke very highly of both the tree and the exercises. Instrumental music was furnished by jliss Ola Dibble, organist, and the jlelton brothers, Jimmie and Frank, with violin and banjoine. The tree was nicely decorated and bore some valuable presents. Among some of the many nice presents was two mandolins, one lor Msn Iva Saw ell and one for Mrn. Abbie Johnson. It is reported tiiat a mandolin club will be organized at Teazle Creek soon, with Prof. Jean Ugle as teacher. jliss Sophia Boyles from Portland is visiting relatives and friends at Jiolalla during holidays. jlarlha Boyles, of the Electric hotel, Oregon City, spentChristuias with rela tives here. Kobbins Son are invoicing their stock of general merchandise this week. (). AW Kobbins, the present manager, will retire from the imsiness the first of the year and L. V. Itobbins will take charge of it. The strong wind last Monday morning detached the weather vano from the school house flag pole In falling the end of the iron rod that held the vane struck the roof ol the school house and went through it. The damage is slight. Jim O'Dotimll, from Portland, who owns mining property in the Ogle Creek district, made a trip into his claim re cently . He reports five feet of snow at the Bed Rock mines. Ho spoke also of nn-elihg a hand of elk in the region of the Red Rock mines. He had a gun with him but did not kill any of them. No one ever admits doing so at this season of the year. A ppliration was made to the justice of the peace here today for a warrant to take a German before Judge Hayes on a charge of insanity. He has a place some eight or nine miles east of here, where he has been living alone. He came to lfet man Timmer's place several days ago, remained in hiding in Mr. Timmer's hay barn, imagined that some one w as after him for the purpose of killing him, was rvpidly growing violent, appeared to be armed with a revolver, so Mc. Timmers concluded it was time to have him legally cared for. Constable M. Clifford and and two deputies have gone to remove him to Oregon City. There is a phrenological lecturer hold ing forth at the school house hall this week. There was quite a crowd present Inst evening. Some of the subjects that had their heads examined received rather a vivid dis.iription of what they were and were not good for. Pecemher 28. X. Y. Z. Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted us in our sad bereave ment. K. W. Scott, Mrs. A. Aldrich, Miss Mamie Aldrich, Holland T. Aldrich. RURAL, DELL. A few of our natives have b een a little under the weather for a few days ThosOjrle still works at his old oc cupation, drying apples Mis Sax lias been on the sick list for a lew days, but was belter Iho last re port II r Ridings and family, who have been Hying in the Waldo bills during Ihe past rummer, are moving un the Boeu farm-getting back near home Mr Bruce, who has been staying with GtiiiiiHulhcr Siuncon for some time, has gone awny and grandfather has another man wot king for him i?cho il closed Friday for a week's va cation. )ic2Stb Dk'.v Ihtoi's For Over Fifty Years AnOijiasii Vi:i,i,-Tuihi Humudy. Mi m. insluw's Soolliinu . tJ'riip ltn liccn immI for over lilty yearn by mil- Hour i f inotln th for tlicir clillilrcn w litle tcclliiin!, wilh licifcct HticcoNS. It snollii's the chilil, Koltens the (.'tunc HllnyM nil jinin, ciiich witnl colic, ami in tho Lent icinciiy lor Dun rlnca. is iilinsnnt to Ihe tiiHle. Solil ly llrtijiyis n every purl of Iho W oilil. Twenty live ccntH a liottle. ItH valno in in ciilciiluliln. Ho mire ur.il h h k lor Mrs Winsow'a Soolhing Syrup, mill tul;e no other kitul . llcituty la IIUhmI. ("lean blond means a eleuti skin. No beauty without it. Ciisciirels Oandy yuthatiie clean your blood and keep it inn, liy stitriiw up the lazy liver ntul diivititfidl iniptirities (rum tho body. Benin to-day lo bullish pimples, boils, blotches, bliickhmds, and thai sickly bilious conipli xinn by takintf Cnscarets, beauty lor ten cents. Ml iln jfists sallsliictinn iMininnteed, 10c, L'"io, ode, NOTICE. f This is to nolifyy tliitt my wife, Anna .1 . llonr, liiisleltmy bed and boar I without cause and Hint 1 will not be ros-poiisible for any bills contracted by her. Jamhh llo.vn, ' . . . - To ('lire t'oiislliiailfiii Kori'ver, Take Cascaiets I'nndy Cnthnitic. 10c or 'Joe. If 0. C. C. f.iil to cu re, druik'nists relutid niniiev. l''dlleat Your Hi w Is Hh in.ai(tM t'limlv Calliui lie, cine ii'iiMipiilion forexcr. lOc.l'oc. KJt'.t'.C (nil, drug-i-( refund money. Ttto nillllotis H Year. When people buy, try, mid buy strain, it iiiciins lliej'ro Mitislied. The people of ihe I'liiled Slates are imiv buyiii( Ciociircts Ciii dv t'litliiittic at the late of two n.i 1'nii liexes it j ear and it will be lluce million U'f re New Vciirs, It niciins merit proved. Hint Cacuiets aie II o most ilelitilillul bnwel regulator (or evi tybedy the Year loiiiid. All ding. Ulsls UV, -", olU' nboX.cuioKUiuiinleed. A Mii- 'l liioir for ou. A triinsm'tion in w hieh you I'linnot lose is a sure tliinir. Ililioustiess, sick hcad iiclie, furied tonir ie, fever, piles and a ll ousund other ills me cnut.ed by con si li'ii I inn ftid Hloutrish livi r. Caciirets Cuiidv ('atlnir'ic, the wondeiful new iiver sliniulanl and intestinal Ionic ure bv all ill uyisls irunranleed to cure or money refunde t. V. 0. ('. ntv a sum Ihintf. Tiy a box to-dny; Idc, I'.ic, ."0,'. t'Hiiiiilc uiul booklet free. All druggists. SCHOOL REPORTS. Honthly Reports of School Districts in the County. EAGLI CHEEK. Eagle Creek natural report for third nonth Dnys tuught 20, total attendance Kli. days al sence t'lU, average number belonging 41, aver age daily attendance 8s, times tn'rdv 1. Hull of Honor Klsie t urrin. Lola ami I,,.,,.,' v Moltie, Alia and Urover Judd, Ijora Drackett, I'oarl toster, elms. Wagner. Albert Hell, Malt (ilover, Mamie and Lizzie Smith, Anninta P..1 lard, Gerald Wilcox, Alsa Freeman and Homer (ilover. Visitors-MiKs Matt Young, Chan. Van Curen. James Bell, Mm. Jesse Aleditu, JoeYoiinir Mrs. Ellen MeArtnnr, Prof. Wilson, John Vim Curen and kev. C A. Nutley. Visitors are al ways welcome. (). T. McAktuub, Teacher. BARLOW. The following named pupil in district No 97 have been neither absent nor tardv during the mouth ending He ember U: Clara and Lillie Irviu. Kinma Seoggun, Hattie Irwin, Hattie Coleman, Cora and Hattie Nor i an, i red Jesse and Cassius "full, Whole number enrolled 28 average nauy attendance 24. Patrons and friends are kindly mviicil to call on the Bchool and inspect the work. Wji. Hankins, Teacher. W1I.I.S0NVII.IE. Term commencing Scptenibcr2nh.jl8!l7, closing December 17th: Number of days taught 60, at tendance 2251, absence 257, times lardy 9, num ber ot boys enrolled 2t, girls 22, total 48. average daily attendance S. Pupils neiiher absent nor tardy Mabel Seward, Ida Sidillckeiser, Lillie Hehlickeiser, Myrtle Tooze, Nettie Hasselbrink Next term will begin January 3, 1HH8 Chas. Hamson, Teacher. HEAVER CREEK. Following Is the report of school district No. 80 for the month ending December loth: Total number of pupils enrolled in both rooms 62, 27 in the primary room a- d :J5 in the principal's room. Total number of days taught during the month 18. general average attendance during month 4, times tardy 22. Those who were neiiher absent nor tardv during the month are: lcllieMuehnke, Nora Moehnke, Irene Moehnke, Klsie Uliilin, Hazel (iinlher, Lottie llornsetmh, Alvin Iiornwhiili, Lvdia Hornschuh, Gertie Xehuebel, Kinma Bohlender and Jacob Cross miller ol the primary room and Lena Ciniher, liosa Meyer, Klliel Commins, Cnlla Hornschuh, Kaiph Meyer, Laura Schuebel and Albert Horn schun of the principal's room. Visitors present during the month were: Chris Hornsehnh, Mabel Jones, Flora Hluhm Mr. Moldenliauer, Calla Meyers, Cora. Melntvre, George Hainan, .,yiL-,uTe uoiijscuun, jiuui iuoeniiKe, Michael Moehnke and Mr. White. We respectfully invite all the patrons of our school and others interested in the cause of popular education to Visit our school at any time and note our progress. JIohekt Gintheu, Principal. Hoik lie li. Alio, Assistant . OAK CBOVE. Report of Onk Grove school distriot No. 93 for the month ending December 17. Nnnioer of days taught 111, flays attendance 513, days absence 38, times lardy ft, whole number enrolled 31, average belonging 2, average daily attendance 27. Those present every day during the month without being tardy were: Eva and Iva Graves, Victor GririH, Freddie Heinz, Columbus Cox, Joseph Wilson, Boss Katon and entrance Look. Vlsiiors during ihe month were Miss Cora Fletcher, Mrs. Julis Katon, Mrs. Graves, James Fryrear, Frank Mulvey. Miss da Woodslde and 8. Heinz. Friends and patrons of the sehoel are Invited to visit the sellout and note Its progress. . . Cohvan Fisuek, Teacher. Everybody Says So. Cascarots Oandv Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the aue, ploHHant and refreshing to the taste, act Kently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cluuiKingtlioonlire'syNtern, dinpcl colds, cure headache, (ever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy hikI try a box of 0. C. C. to day j 10, 2."), 50 cents. Sold and uaran U'ed to cure by till druggists. TO CURE A COLD IM ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. brugglsts refund theinoney if it fails to cure. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All diugglsts refund the money if It fails to cure, iic Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The Bust Salve in tlie world for Cuts, BruiNos, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever SurcH, Totter, "Chainied llunilH, Chilblains, Corns, anil all Skin Kruptions, anil positively cures Piles, or no pay rejui re 1. It is gnatanteed to (five perfect satisfaction or money ro unded Trice 25 cents per b n. For sale by Chiirinan it Co. The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jones, of the tlrnsr Ann of Jones ei Son, OWden, III., in speukinj; of Dr. Kinn's New Discovery , nays thai lust winter his wile was attacked willi l.i linppe, and her case orHVV so serious that physicians at t'owdeu and Pnna couiii tin notinnjr lor her. I; seemed to develop into hasty consumption. J lav inir Dr. King's New Discovery in Flore, and M-Hiiia lots of ii, he took a buttle lii'iue, mill to the surprise ol al I she In H;in to get belter from fuM dose .iiinl hall' lii lnUilliir linltlcs cured her sound and wdi. Dr. Minn's New Discovery fur coiiMiniptioii, coughs and colds is vruiinilileed to do this frond work. Trv it. l''ree Iriul battle at Cliaruiiin it Co.'s drug Kioto. Free Pills, end your address to II. K. llucklen '& Co., Cliicairo, anil uet a free Mimple box of Kind's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merit 8. These pilla nie easy inaction and are purticu imy efleclive in t lie cure of Constipation and iSick lleadaehi). Kor Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are piaranteed lo be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely veaetable, 1 hey do nut weaken by their net inn, but ny civinit tone to stomach and bowels nit-ally invigorate the system, lienuhir size 2-ic. per box. fold by ( liariniin A Co., I'ninists A gentleman went into Holnum's to buy some wall paper (or his parlor and looking tlirousih the many samples found some patterns that were line, de cided upon one. "What is the price of that paper?" " cents per double rou. "i niairai.i mat is loo ciie.ip. ' Put when it was explained how and why it was sold so cheap, he took the paper and was highly pleased. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TAEIET5 Move the bowel i;elltly. rt lievt-s til-' l nllnh, cure ihe feven-h eoieliiioa inel HettiLn l'e, lliiiki'.li! II Hie best an. I incekc!.! relui-'ly (or I'oimliN, I'oMs, ami I. a i-irippe. I'uivs tu one tiny. No cure, no pay, P-lce :'.".e m 53 ! ;4 'A' S V,' -A" V V W W 1 PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY FILLED Ity CiEO.A.HAUDlXi T!IK Old Reliable Druggist 44 Mt.UK INK AT ( IT KATKS 9 Uiousness Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents diges tion and permits food to ferment and putrify In the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, insomina, nervousness, and, if not relieved, bilious fever or blood poisoning. Hood's Pills stimulate the stomach, rouse the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con stipation, etc. 28 cents. Sold by all drui'gists. The only Pills to take with. Hood's Sarsaparilla. JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY "AT LAW, Office in Oiogon City Bunk Block. Okecios City, - - - - Cbkgon. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer &, Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Sat ur d and on regular session days of County Court.. J. W. WELCH, ID IE ZLSTT I ST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, OiM'osriE P. ()., Oregon City, Ore. . Geo. C. Bkownei.l. J. U. CAMl'BEl.I. EROWNELL ft CAMPEELi ATTORNEYS AT I.AW. CauBeld Building Oregon City ,Ort C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE : Commercial OREGON CITY, Bann Buildin OREGON. THOS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Leading Insurance Aokncy County. OP CLACKAMi Morjey to Loan. Abstract' of Title Made. Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street ' Between 6tli and 7th. OREGON CITV, - . OREGON. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes co lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points In the United states and Kurooe and on Houg Kong. Deposits received subject to cheek. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C.LATOl'RKTTE, V. E. DONALDSON President. Cashie H. STRAIGHT, OK A LICK IX GROCERIES iLND PROVISIONS Feed, Lime, Cement a:,d Land Plaster. can? be cured (f If you suffer from any of the ( ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, DR. JORDAN & CO., .1061 Market SL Est'd 1852. xjk Young men and middle IllL'Cfl lllf-D who are sulferine from the effects of youthful indiscretions or ex- i cesses in mnturer ve:trs. Nervous and Physical lH'tiiif .v.liiit4U'ir,v,J.o.l itliinliito'l i inallitscoinnln-alioiis: Mliei llllUori'I'O'll, I'rONfnfftrrUfi'it, jonrriiu'n, wiref, i I rr i'v r I rliiaiiiia. eic. Jiy a coiiiblnation of remedies, of great curativepow- i er, the 1 lector has so arranged his treatment i tii.it it will not onlv afford immediate relief but permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to I perform miracles, but is well-known to be a fair . and square Physician and Surgeon, pre-emiiieiit in his specialty jriNeiiNt-n lit jtii-ii. j rv i'lillliv inorolli,'liiy entnieaiemfum nie fivkti.n, w 1 1 limit I is! n u II.M.111.1 Vl'l'KV 4 V nnnli-ii,,. to till Will re- t Ceive our hnne.it ttplnUm ot Ills complaint. WeviMUuaranlee a mi 1 1 va. oojif. i I rvery cast, we undertake, or forfeit One 1 lioiiNiinii ifoiinra. Consultation rKlb, arirl stncily private. CUAMUES V'EKl' KEAXOSAHLE. Treat- nicnl personaiiv or ov iciier. .eim iot ikki... '. lil!l.uA,,l,v .. f HI ..M.Sn,.-.k I fret. (A valuable book for men.) VIMT 1K. JOItDAN'S Great Iuseum of Anatomy i the finest ind largest Museum of its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I nre made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We nre continually aUiline new siieciuieaa. (JATALOUVii tUKK. Call or write. 1 0B I Market Street, San Francisco, Cat Pills V II INVOICE JANUARY 1st, 1S9S LIARILITIl'S- Mortj;ae on limi)'.' Note on Hank Store account Kcal esiate mortae Oli'iii.'.ition Ki mv family 100 MEMO My life insurance pays all my debts jjood name in cae of my death. I fell safe, and familv in the face. I if die above is correct, al! rilit ; If not; write me and I will fix it so. Its Matucl II. G. C0LTJN. !2 iind 3t Chamber of Commerce. l'ORTL AND, OREGON. GO TO MRS. PRIERS' FOR Candies, Nuts, Fruits and Tobacco Main Street - - , - Oregon C C. N. ..GREENMAN, THE PIONKER Express and Drayman (Established 1WJ5 ) Parcels delivered to all parts of the city. Gambrinus Cold Storage tGriessen & Hallwyer, Trops. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Rooms. OREGON CITY - . - OREGON Go to... Up-to-Dato Pictures Winter Shoes! T7"KAUSSE BROS., second door north of P.O., have just received a tine new line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Gall and see them. AVe have added a tirst-class shoemaker to our establishment and are prepared to do all kinds oS repairing at reasonable rates, t t t t t KRAUSSE BROS' SHOE STORE Two Poors North of Postolliee. Winter Shoes I KcbSitt Livery anil OUiu OREGON CITY, OB EG ON, On the Street between the Bridge and the Depot. Double anil slnajlo rii?8 and affile horfif-B a ways on hand nt the lowest rates, mil a eorra also cotineeteil with the barn for loose stock Any Information reitanliiiR any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUGHT OK SOLD Bank of Oregcn City m.DKST FANKINa HOUSE IN THE CITV rnM Ity Cnifltnl, $."(,0O0. "Surplus, $50,50. I r-'sid-'nt. Vice pii'sCcnt Casl.itr, , H. CAt'l't.lKD . A. HAKMN9 G. Cavhli.d (ictiLral Ha tilling lluslness Transacted l-eposits Reeeived Subject to Check. Approved Hills and Notes Discounted. Couutv and City Warrants bought. Loans Made on Available Seeuntv l'xchunge Bought and -Sold, ('(jlieetions Made Promptly. DraftB Sold Available in Any Part ol ttu World. Telegraphic Kxchange Sold on Portland, Ban Francisco. Chicago and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposits T'TANTl D ' gelitlcn ASTVT" - TltrSTWOUTllY AND ACT1VK men or bidii s to travel for respo iisibid stabli:-llell bouse ill Orreon. Moiilhlv f liS Rll ext"iies. Position steudv. Reference. Knelose si ll iiddi'cssed slumped envelope. The Doininiun Ceinpuuy, Dept. Y, Chicago, TTAN I KD TKI'STWORI'HY AND ACTIVE W giMiilenu-n or holies to travel fur responsible, established house III Oregon. Monthly Ma nnd exiieiises. Position steadv Keferi-iice. l-'.neluse s.'K iidilrcsseil stnnii- l envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. ASSKTS- Home Accounts due me Stnck u'oods Good name Toiicy too and protects my able to look niy Life Insurance Company Manager, SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Cirruit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. A. E. Latourette, Executrix of the Will of L. D. 0' I.atotirette, Deceased, plaintiff, vs. E. P. Elliott, l.iliie (i. Elliott, Thomas Chnrrnan, Erank Welch. Marxareil Barrett, J.J. took and Charles Albright. Jr., Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. jY VIBTUK OF A .lUlMiHKNT ORDER, DE " cree and an execution, duly issued out o and under the sealof ineabove entitled court, in the above eniliied cause, to nie duly directed and dated the 271 h day of November, tdH7, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 20th day of November, 181)7, in favor of A. E. l.utouieltc, Executrix of I lie will of L. D. C. Lalnurette deceased, plaintiff, and against E. P. Elliott, Lillie n. Eilioli.Thoinas Channan Frank Welch, Mnrnarett Barrett, J. J. ook and I'haili'S Albright, Jr., deh udants, f-1- tl.t- 6;m of &l(W(i.i 0, wilh ii ten st there'"-, hi me rale of HI per cem. per annum from the2uth day of November, 1S97, ami the further sum ot lf0.00 as attorney's tee, and Ihe further mm of $1I.X), costs and dis bursements, and the cosls of and upon this writ, commanding nie to make sate of the f-dlnwing described real nrnpoity situate in tile county of Claekamas, stattfof Oregon, to-wlt: Lots three and four in block forty-five nf countyaddltlon to Oregon City, nil of fractional bl"ck lettered D lit county addition to Oregon City and lot three in block three in Ml. Pleasant addition to Oregon t ity according to the T P. Kandall subdivision of. said block, ltd according to the otlieial maps and plats on lile in ttie nfliee of the Recorder in Clacka.iias county, state of Oregon. Now. therefore, bv virtue of said execution. judgment oroer and decree, and in coniplntnce wilh the commands of said wriL.Iwtll.cn Mon day, the 3d day of January, 1 mum, at the hour of one o clock p. m., at the trout door of l ie county court house in the eily of Oregon City, in said county and stale., sell at public tiuctlon, subject, to ledempllon, to the highest bidder, (or U. b. gold coin, CMsh in hand, all the right, title and inteiest which the within named defendants or either of tliein, had on the date of tho mortgage herein or since had in or to ihe above described real property or any pari, thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, Interest, costs ai:d all accruing costs. U. W. OKACE, Sheriff of Claekamas Oountv. Oreeon Dated, Oregon wily. Or., Nov. sKdh, 1SU7. SHERIFF'S SALE. Ill the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oregon, for me uouiuy ol uiackamas. Jacob .Spauuler, Plaintiff, vs. 7.. 8. Ghrd and Helen U. Anderson, Dcfeuiliiiits. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. Y VIKTUH OF A JUK1MENT OKl'KK, DE cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under Ihe seal of the above entitled court,, ill tile above entitled cause, to me dulv direeled and diiled the '-'!Hh diiy of November, hiU7, upon a jiniyinent renueri-a and entei'eii m said court on the lirst day of November, 181)7, in favor of Jacob spaiiitlur, plaintiff, and niiainst Z. 8. Onrct and lleb'ii H, Anderson, defendants, lor the sum ol ioiil.60, wilh Interest thereon at Hie rate of 10 per cent per annum from the lirst day of Novem ber, 1.'I7. and Ihe further sum ot S.'i0 as attorney's lee, mid lite further sum ol itlo.ul), costs and dis bursements, anil the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of ilie iol lowing described real property situate in the county of Clackamas., state of Oregon, to wit: lb-ginning at the northeast corner of the I. L. C. of Kzra Fisher and wife in township 2 Bomb of range 2 east of the W. M., running thence along the north bouuitiiry of said claim north 81 degrees west 4.25 ohnliis to corner nf 0. Welch's land, thence south 2 degrees 10 min utes wost 14.70 chains, to the northwest corner of two acre tract of land owned by M. O. Gnrd, thence along the north side of said two acre tract south 111 degrees f0 minutes east 4.33 chains to the northeast corner of suid two acre tract, thence norlh4 feet, thence southeasterly Dehaiiis more or less, to a point on the east lliie of said claim, which point is 'iO.'S.i chains south of tho northeast corner of said claim, thence liurtli 'Jl 1.23 chains lo Ihe place of beginning, containing H acres of land, more or less, also a strip 20 feet wide and described as beginning at a poinU feet north of the liortlieHSt corner of said two acre tract and running thence south 2 degrees 10 minutes ivest along the east side of said two acre tract 5.;2 chains to the center of the county road, Iheiue alnng tile enter of said road east erly 20 feet, thence north 2 degrees 10 minutes east 15.S2 chains, Ihence west 20 feet to place of beginning, Clackamas county, stale of Oregon, Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order aril decree, and in compliance with the commands ot said writ. 1 will, on Jfon. day, the 3d de.y of January, lsU8, at the hour of one o'clock p. in. at the front door of the county court house in tile city of Oregon City, in said countyaud state, sell at public unction, subject to redemption, to Iho highest bidder, lor V. 8, gold coin, cash in hand, all tile rilit, title and interest' which the within named -leiendanls or cither of them, had on the dale ot the inoitgnge or since hud in or lo the above described real property or any part thereof tosaiisfv said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, costs and nil accru ing costs. U. W. (1 ItACK, Sheriff of Clackamas cotnitv, Orcgcu . Dated, Oregou City, Or., Xov. i'.Uli, 18D7.' SHERIFF'S SALE. Ill tlio Circuit t'ourl of the State of Oregon, for the County of (JltU'Uanus. M, K. McCiirvor, I'iaintitr, e, Kliza Colenmn and Thomas CoLt'iiiHii, t'cfi'tiiUiitH. State of Orison, County of ('lacktunas, hs. BY VIUTUK OF A jiiD(;M KNT OHDIUt, HK (ree uml an i-xi-ctition, duly issiumI out of , aurt under the K'ul r ihe tthove entitled urt, in the above i niUted cause, to me duly direeted and dult d the 1st duy i f llereniher, upon a judLiineiit tvudort'd mid entered In said eourt on tin- 1)1 h day of November, J!7, in favor of M. It. MeCm ver. plainlitV, and nymnst Klia Cole nuin nnd ThuniH Ci'lt innn, defendant, for tho sum of 5t.nn. Hi, with inter. wl thereon at the ne ot ll) per cent per milium I com 'he 20th drtv of Novemta r, lu'"7, and the fnnh'T slim of glirUPU n attorney's lee, nmi the further mini offlutHI. costs and" li.-liuieni'iitst ami ttie coMs of and upon lliis writ, eonuimndim,' nie to mnke sale of the following tieserihi-d real property miujuo in Ihe county of Chiekamas, stale of Ornon. to wit: Jjij-'iiiiiinK tit a point alt) chums north m Ihe noiihvel 'comer cf tlio northeast of Iho lioitlieast J4 "f section 4, titwiisliip 'I south of Minn' U (Mist of Hie Will .nu tle Merhtian. in the center of thn county road leading from Milwau- kie to t'hii!i)i roster mid running Iheuee soma Ih.W cbainit to the southeast corner of the north Wost i id Ihe no'tluHSt 1a of said section 4, thence west thirtv Imkn iu tlie e.it boundary ot the 1. I-. C. of W. T. Miitlock, dieeafed, tlienco rtli 2t decrees west ti 40chiiif to the no;thea"t corner of sniil Mullock ehiim, tlienco soutli ti8 tti'Ki-eeH wetit S.4."i c'liniui, thence north IM..") cliuiim to ttie center of smd ouniy road, thenee east on thu Hue of mid road 10 chaiins to the place of betdnnluK, continuum 2J.oO acrex In Cliiekaiims county, state of Oregon. Now, therefore by vtrluo ot said execution, judgment order and dicrv. anil In com pi ) unco with the commands of said writ. I will, on Mon day, the lid dtiy of January, l.'H, at Ihe hour of '1 o'clock p.m.. at the front 'r of the county romt house In the city of Orcou City, in caid county mikI h nie, sell at public miction, subject to redemption, lo the liihvst bidder, for I'. 8 ffold coin, cash in hand, all the rudit, title and interest whi -h the within named di'iendants or t itker of tht-ui, h on Ihe onte of the mort'ao herein or since had in mid to tlienbove described real property or ny prt thtTtof, to satisfy suid exe ution, judi:ml'it order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing oosis. . w, a n.( 'K, Hheritf of (.'lcknin Conntv, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Dr., Dec. 1-t, 18t7. BUSINESS CHANGE U. T. 1IKSNI.VOS luifl jmri'lias.'il tin- Seventh Street Bakery ot' Ju roli Kulior and the ni-w nuiiiajii'int'iit is iro luirt'il tu (nrni-li vim with I'.renJ, Cakes, Buns, lite, nt very lensiiinililo jiriren. C. F. I1ENMNGS, 7th St.f skery 03. PETFER'S ROYAL-TANSY PILLS. NEW PISCOVERY. KEVF3 FAILS. A nw. rt-linblB Hint moe reiu? fr fniL'intfwil, tcpitMVf, wuaty or i-iin-X' ni"ntnw i'Hi. !ow ued by ower ttO.OOtf I-A'1!"!, laii!Oniie thts orv tn. Beakk op DANn:itoru im iiitioNh. fi putt bo, ttuiitH bii tl, rrpftli in plain wthpti. t'-r( U ftfttrrm for )..niu-n!ari. 1'hiirilU For Sale hy Ituinunn 4 Co.