Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 31, 1897, Image 5

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    Great Special Sale
Capes, Jackets and
Russian Blouses
Garments ol Every Grade and Quality
This is the place to buy Sealette Oapes. We have them in all lengths,
22, 24, 2(i, 27, 28 and i!0 inches long. Extra sizes in stock now, made
expressly for large ladies. Full sweep, silk lined, fur trimmed.
J$-S'pecial prices for the HOLIDAYS. .
Black Mohair, full sweep, taffeta-lined, corduroy binding. Special
price $1.35, $1.40, tfd.IiU; worth $2.50 and $3.
147 I'ieces of Tine Diagonal Suiting, all new colorings, extra heavy
cloth, double warp, warranted all-wool every fiber, standard value for
4u: and 50c yard. This week for '29c yard, or $2.03 suit of 7 yards.
The best bargain ever shown in Press Goods in Portland.
At the exclusive Cloak and Dry Goods House of the Northwest.
Mcallen & McDonnell,
Cor. M & Morrison,
Miss Greta Strickler went to Salem
Monday for a short visit.
W. O. Beattie is making a tour of the
Stati with the Oregon Univeri-ity club.
Dr. W, E. Oarll is attending a meeting
of the state board of medical examiners
in Portland-
Miss Millie Scott of Milwaukie, is
home from the stats agricultural college
at Corvallis
M. S. Moody and wife, of Portland,
vere guests "of Mr. and Mrs. George
Warner Christmas.
Miss Frances fnrrin, who is teaching
n sch ol ii Mr '""u.-rinsvilh'i is visiting
M is H P. B stow.
His-t Tennio X bl-i, wh ) is a student
at the st ite n )rml--iH viI :it Molimouth,
18 home fo the holidays.
Marsh Fraker and Matilda R"ed, both
of Logan, were married at Justice
fcchuebel'H ollice Tuesday.
Fra;ik Ailams of this citv, is now chief
rook on the steamer Itegulater, between
Portland and The Dalles1
T. W. Campbell is down from Juneau,
visiting Ins family.' His son Clare will
accompany him on the return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L Charman spent
Christina" with the hitter's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Bonnett at Milwaukie
Miss Edna lluirg, who is attending
Portland University is spending her
holiday vacation at home in this city.
Miss Jennie Beatio, one of the teachers
in the Pendleton schools is spending her
holiday vacation at homo in this city.
J. W. McAnulty, who is now working
in the interest of the Singer Sewing
M-iel iit) Company went up the valley
Misses Fannie and Kale Porter,
Wchers in the Portland public schools,
are spending the Christmas holidays at
home in this city.
W. W. Brooks has resigned his place
ns local editor on .the Enterprise, and
will accept a position on the Pacific
Baptbt at Portland.
Fred Hesse annoume 1 in tin last
issue of the Clackamas Post that ho had
tendiie 1 his reclamation ase litor. This
probably means that the German paper
will be suspended.
Oountv Clerk Dixon wind marriage
licences on the 28th to Hatt.ie Thompson
and E G S iirir. Sarah Liz.ie Thomas
nnil George M Freeman. On the 30th
t Winona Williams and O G Miller.
The following new officers have been
elected by the 'tre ;ou City Labor Ex
change: ir, it. Miller, president ; Grant
Kellog r, secret try ; G E llargreave,
accountant; L Stout. T H. Ilankins
and Win Cantwell, directors.
James .A. House win examined before
Cowry Judg ) Hayes on charge of in
sanity, as was mentioned in last week's
ConuKH. He was ordered sent to the
state insni e asylum for treatment, and
was e corte I there by Deputy Sheriff
Prof. J. V. Gray, secretary of the
Willamette Valley i'lviutauqua Associa
tion left Sunday evening for Sm Fran
cisco to confer with secretaries of the
other Pacific coist associations in re
ference to engaging talent lor the next
Misses Daisy Lawrence, Blanche
Holden, E Inn Harrow, Fred Oliaunan.
I.ee Harding, Ira Wishart. F. W. Smith,
Will Beach, W. W . and .1. J. Garrnw,
nil student at State Agricultural college
at Corvallis are spending their holiday
vacation at their respective homes.
Among the Clackamas county school
teachers, who called at Supt. Stark
weather's ollice Monday, wee A. 0.
Strange, of Orient ; X. W. Bowlatid, of
the Harmony school ; Mrs. A. II. Wells,
of Chckamas; Miss Madge Hill, of
Parkplaee; O. H. Bvland, of Cams ; A.
W. McLaughlin, of Milwaukie; T J
Gary, of West Oregon City; C D. T
Wilson, of Aurora, and James Graham,
of Curus. '
Miss , Minnie Jagger and C. W.
Vonderale were married at the n"ddi'nce
f the bii le's pirents, Mr. an I .Mrs.
Benjamin .Jagger Wednesday evei.inir.
About 3") gupsts were present, ami the
vremony wis performed by County
Judge Haven. Mr. aid Mrs. Vonderale
aro both highly esteemed by a wide
circle of friends, and will ocoupv their
own cottiL'e just comple e l near ihe
Jagger resid nice.
Fir tie lat ID years (lie -lillbert
Svn phony club and ladv qamtetie has
been giving concerts throughout this
voohI ami :o our sorrow never slopped
in Oregon Citv. Tl is year, however, tlie
United Artisans have secured their
services end thev ill Kive a program
next Monday evening, January .'Id, 18!)S,
Sbivel)'s theatt r. So not fail to hear
them as thin is their last t air on this
The special evsnireh'stic meeting to
be given in the Baptist church next
Ihnrsdav eveninst promises to be of
treat ioierest. Evanuelisters Gallahorn
and lelfard, who conduct them, comes
highly commende las effective Christian
workers. A special feature of the meet
i"g will be the ringing of Mr. Ledfard.
A federal invitation is extended.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith
Christmas in Portland.
Wheat is quoted at 74 cents per bushel
at the Portland Flouring mills in this
City Attorney Lawrence Harris of
Eugene, was in Oregon City over Sunday.
G. Rosenbecker, of Krausse Bros, shoe
store, spent Christmas with his family
in Salem.
All the regular services will be held at
the M. E. church next Sunday at the
usual time.
0. F. Zinser and family, of Mount
Scott, spent Christinas with Prof. J. C.
Zinser in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Pusey, of Barlow, were
guests of Mr and Mrs. W. P. Hawley
on Christmas day.
J. 0. Zinser, II. S. Gibson, T.J.Gary,
H. S. Strange and the'Misses Porter are
attending theSiate Teacher's Associate n
in Portland.
A dancing party was gived at
Willamette hall Monday night by Mrs.
J. G. l'ilsbury in honor of her children's
dancing class.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Bestow, G. H.
Bestow and Miss Nannie Wilkinson
took. Christmas dinner with Prof, and
Mrs. J.W.Gray.
T. B. Ilankins and family, AY. D.
IlanKins and J. WT. Gray took Chiret
nias dinner with their mother and
family Mrs. Charles F. Gray tit Ely.
Frank Znllner of Ganby, lost $70 last
Friday from his writing desk. As there
were a largo number of people in the
store on that day, it H believed that
some one of them committed the theft.
Hank Mattoou ami a Portland man
left for the Yukon on the steamer Elder
Monday evening. Justice Otto Gecgel
beck and W. W. Smith of Clacuamas,
also took passage on the same vessel,
bound for the Klondike.
On account of the sad accident that
occurred at the homo of Rev. Oueiv,
there will be no holiday festivel at the
M. E. church. -All members of the
Sunday j school are lequested to he
prts -nt nut Sunday.
Willamette Ilebek.ih Degree Lodge
No 2, elected the following officers last
Friday evening; Mrs. ('has. Midlam,
noble grand ; Mrs. J. Stuart, vice-grand ;
Miss Godfrey, secretary; Mrs. Lutz,
financial secretary; Mrs. A.N. Munsey,
McLaughlin Chautauqua circle- met
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. O. 11.
Canlield last Monday evening. Nexl
Monday evening the meeting will be
held at the same plac, and the lesson
will include the Eighth and Ninth
chapters of "American Social Life "
A. I. Green who lies in Central
addition, went homo the other ninht at
9:30 and the front door would not open.
All the family were in Ivd, and .Mr.
Green wondered for a miout'3 or two if
the door was locked. Suddenly the door
gave away and retreating steps were
heard through the rear entrance. The
burguhirs had lieen through the house
but got nothing of value.
Dr. T. W Butler delivered a sermon
last Sunday evening in honor of St.
John's tiny and the Masons were pres
ent in a body. His subject was the
two Sr. John, St. John the Baptist and
St .John the Evangelist, the patron saint
of Masonry. His sermon tended to
show that Masonry was founded on the
Bible etc. and that it had no secrets ex
cept what were contained in Holy Writ.
Miss Grace Whitliek, of this city,
ano i'i. iv. iiou, oi rortiaiiit, were
married at Vancouver last Friday. Both
of the young people were students nt
the Cnivcristy ut Forest Grove, arid
concluded that they would not wait
until their respective parents were will
ing nclore emoarking on the sea of
matrimony. Mr. Holt is the son of a
prominent Presbyterian minister in
Portland. The newly wi tided couple
will probably make their home at the
latter place.
One in many rather two many for one,
we mean thai one concert bv the Schu
bert Sytr.photiy club and holy quartette
is worth many other attraction Bt
Shively'a Monday evening. January 3d.
The annual business' meeting of the
Baptist church oecnre on Friday even
ing After the business meeting the
the church nill spend a little while in a
social way and then from 11 to 12 will
close the meeting and the year with a
prayer and praise aervien, There will
be the usual Sunday services conducted
by the pastor.
Harry Muir is very ill with malaria.
Clyde Phillips spent Christmas at
Dr. J. W. Welch spent Christmas at
Silver ton.
L. Z.Holland spent Christmas with
his mother at. Salem. ,
F. A. Sleight took Christmas dinnir
with his family at Oanby.
Miss Gussie Matldock is visiting rela.
tives at New Era this week.
G-. R. Dimick returned Monday from
a vi3it to Hubbard and Salem.
Mrs. T. A. McBrido was visiting
friends in this.tity during the week.
Robert Lindsey, of Salein,spenr Christ
mas with bis parents near this city.
T. P. Randall and mother spent
Christmas with G. W. Church and
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Martin spent the
Christmas holidays with relatives at
Mrs. R. A. Miller spent Christmiis
with her parents at Clymer, Marion
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Rands enter
tained W. A. White and family Christ
mas day.
Miss Eunice Donaldson has been suf
fering for several days with a severe at
tack of quinsy.
W.T. Whillock was down from bis
Santiam postoilice, and spent Christmas
with his family.
Mrs. D. P. Thompson, of Portlant1,
was visith g relatives in Oregon City
during the week. "
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thomas, of Port
land, spent Christmas with Mr. ai:d
Mrs. J. G. Pilsbury.
Mrs. Clara Foster, of Vancouver, fpent
Christmas with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. G. R. II. Miller.
L. 0. Caples returned Monday to
Toledo, Wash., after spending Christmas
with his family here.
Mrs. Lena Nelson, of Silverton, hi 8
been visiting her um-lu and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Max Ramsby.
Mr: and Mrs. L Swarts, of Portland,
spent bristmas with the family of
Julius Schwartz, in this city.
Sauford Lawrence and wife of Clack
amas left Tuesday for Pasedena, Cal.,
where they will reside in the future.
W.G. Hayes, of the Electric hotel,
who has been visiting his sick brother
at Woodburn, returned home Monday.
Misses Ora Spongier .and Erma Law
rence are observing the tuiie-nonored
custom by spending their holidays at
Sir. and Mrs. T. J. Kinnaird.of Farm
ington, Washington, have been visiting
D. W. Kiunaird. The Kinnaiids are
Deputy County Clerk E. II. Cooper
and Knox Coupe-- t-jient Sunday with
their parents, .Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
Cooper, at Cai ns.
( has. Murray, Jr., of Portland, Nor
wood Chaiinan and Miss Eluia Alb ight
took'f bristmas dinner with George A.
Harding and family.
Erastus Smith, who is studying for
the ministry at the Baptist College at
W. G. M iller, of Aurora, was a pleasant
caller at this ollice Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. F.Ryanspent Christ
mas with relatives iu Portland. k
J.W.Loder took Christmas dinner,
with his law partner J. F. Clark. j
Corwin Shank, of Seattle, is visiting
hi parents ut Canby this week.
G. II. Young and family dined with
I. E. Lawrence on Christmas day.
Ex-County Treasurer M. L. Moore, is
reported to be very ill with pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Swafford dined
with Mr. and Mrs.F. F. White on Christ
mas. J. AY. Meldrum and family took
Christmas dinner with George A. Steel
and family.
Miss Lorena Ackerman, a teacher in
the Portland schools, is visiting friends
in this city.
W. W. Brooks and family have been
spending the Christmas holidays with
relatives at Salem.
George Herron and family spent
Christmas with Air. and Mrs. W. D.
Palmer in Portland.
McMnuivilie, is spending his holiday
vacation in this city.
Superintendent Starkweather recently
made an official visit to the Beaver Creek,
Monitor, ( larUes, Timber Grove. High
land ami Mountain Home schools.
Norman K. L ing, supcrintendei.t of
the Willamette Pulp & Paper company,
spent the Christmas holidats with Mrs.
Lang ami other relatives in California.
Mr. and Mm. A. N. Moores, of Salem,
Misses Bcith a in! Carrie Moores, of Port
land, and D. W. Yoder, of Salem, spent
Christmas with Register C. 1. .Moores.
Edgar and Abel Meresse, Howard
Biownell anil Guuot Clark, are home
from Forest Grove for the holidays.
They are all highly pleased with Pacific
Misses Blanche Holden mid Daisy
Lawrence, Fred Charman, Lee Harding,
Ira Wishart, F. W. Smith ami Hill
Beach, students at the State Agricultural
College at Corvallis, aio spending their
holidays at home.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Doolittle gave a
family reunion dinner on Christmas
day. There were present, Mr. and Mrs
A? W. Clnnjy, Mr. an 1 Mis. Chas.
Lynch, Mrs. U Unison, 'I! Al.andL.
11. Doolittle and their families.
Mrs. W. W. II. Samson returned
Thursday from Mount Angel, when she
has been visiting her mother, Mrs.
Susan Porter. On Wednesday, the
2Jnd, Mrs. Porter celebrated her S.'Srd
birthday, and is still in goott health.
She came to Oregon in 850.
R. T. Beattie entertained Justice
Scnuebel and family, and W. S. Beattie
and family, of Portland, on Christmas
II. E. Courtney, of Baker City, prose
cuting attorney of Baker, Union and
Wallowa counties, was in the city
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Warner, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Lee and Mrs. A. T. Pope, all of
Portland, were guests of Mr. and. Mrs.
T. A. Pope Christmas.
J. Goldsmith and daughter, Freda, of
Eugene, spent Sunday in the city the
guests of his sisters, Mrs. M. Bollock
and the Misses Goldsmith.
T. W. Linn and Princie Leek were
married at the residence of the bride's
parents near this city last Sunday by
Justice Schuebel officiating.
Mrs. Jennie McNamara of The Dalles,
is visiting George H. Horton and family.
Mr. McNamara is roadmaster on the O.
R. N. railroad between Portland and
The Dalles.
Charles A. Moeluikeand Miss Amanda
Cusbman were married at the residence
of F. E. Donaldson Tuesday evening,
Rev. Oilman Parker otl'u-.iating. A
number of the friends of the contracting
parties were present.
Miss Winnie, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. G. 11. Young was given a birth
day party Tuesday in honor of the be
ginning of her 10th year. About a
dozen of her young friends were present,
and had a very enjoyable time. She vu
ceived a number of presents.
George Gibson broke the world's bow
ling record Monday morning by making
a score of 9't. On this occasion he
bowled two games, making a score of 72
in the first.' Bean's Willamette alleys
are regulation 05 foot hard-wood alleys,
and Gibson is a regular bowler who
averages between 40 and 4",
An en ertaininent was given at the
W illaniette Falls school last Friday
afternoon, by the pupils under the
direction of the piincipal, II. S. Strange
and the assistant, Miss Alia Boehlke
The pupils all acquitted themselves very
creditably and alter the program pres
ents were distribute I from a Christmas
Joseph llolemeier.a German and lone
bachelor aged about 00 years, living in
the Molalla country was examined he
fore County Judge Haves W ednesday
on a charge of insanity, ami was orderet
sent to the asylum. His mania is o
violent lorm, us ho wants to snoot his
neighbors and imagines that they are
following him.
Samuel Faust and Miss Francis Free
man, two popular young people, o
Canemah, were married last Sunda;
mornirg at the residence of the bride'
parents, Mr. anil Mrs. W. W. Freeman,
Rev. A. J. Montgomery officiating.
Only immediate relatives were present
at the ceremony. A splendid wedding
dinner was served.
T. F Ryan, past patron, installed the
newly elected officers of Pioneer Chapter
O E. S., Tuesdaveveiiing. The elective
officers were recently published in this
paper, and the following are the ap
pointed officers: Ada, Miss Pauline
Campbell; Ruth, Miss Lelia Jones;
Ester, Mrs. T. M. CampU-ll ; Martha,
Mrs. J. II. Walker; Electa, Mrs. Win.
There was a very good audience at the
Woo linen's rally Tuesday evening, anil
a splendid address was made by Pres
ident W.O H.iwlt-y.of the Willamette
University. Attorney I!. F. Swopo, also
made a very creditable speech on Wood-
menship. The managers of the affair
were disappointed in the matter of the
musical program, but the ladies naii-
drivintf contest proved interesting.
rs. W. V. Green won the first prize
and Mrs. Cahill the second.
The city council committee on streets
and public property, on Wednesday !
morning let the contract for 200 yards
of frnshed roelc to t bit Greet ill fitv l..i).oi-
i i . i . . iir i i The regular annual business meeting
even! tore lor l 'n tier Viil-il i c ivt.re.l on i n
i-- 1'- J " v . V.-. w..
lower Main street. AVork began on the
rock business Thursday morning.
of the Congregational church was held
Tuesday evening. James Wilkinson
I was re-elected senior deacon for three
Messrs Bellomy & Bush, the furniture j years, am! Mrs M. M. Charman and
If you are gs-ing to Klondike or only thinking
about it. We invite you to- call and inspect
We have an en tre floor 103 reet by 75 devoted
exclusively to Klondike supplies, including
Blankets, Rubber Goods,
Mackinaw Clotliing,
Shoes, Tents, Fur Caps,
Groceries & Provisions,
of all kinds at LOWEST PRICES. We pack
and deliver everything free of charge at the
wharves either at Portland, Tacoma or Se ttle.
moye;r clothing co..
Third ami Oak Streets.
t-j dy t a
1 TTi BA 77 r
ttiiu. iai "upi.
spma pr fiFs
Random Wool, heavy and strong, with double
stitched seams, per garment 50c
i I he Kinsr. in dark trrav. verv desirable and warm.
worth $1.00, special value 75c
Very Fine Soft Fleece Wool, double stitched,
Willi jJV. ttl i wuiivju.', vi a y v . o.vjat
)) value $1.2?
Very Latest Fedoras .$1.25, $1.50, $2 and $3
Very Latest Derby $2.50, $3 and $3.50
D. C. BURNS...
Tea and Coffee
Along with a .FIRST-CLASS Stock of
A . 1 11 a
u casn prices, ce us and save your money,
y 5 fi II
ISO Front St.,
us y a y 111 m
253 Mirrlaon St , nene Third St.,
We' guarantee a saving of 25 per cent on all shoes bought of us.
Largest stock to selectjlrom in the city.
We pay your expenses and this is
is the way we do it. Will sell you
$7.50 and
(Same Kind for which Com put iters
ask $3 to 4 more.
$15 (
Holiday Goods
Bring Your Boys
Klondike Outfitters
and lioiimdiold goodedeaU-ra, have leased
the entire lower etory of the Weinlnird
block, excent the rootim occupied by E.
Matlik-8 a a saloon, including the base
ment. The building will be suitably
fitted tip for their occupancy, and they
exjiect to change their quarters by
February 1st. Their increasing bumnefi
necessitati s more room.
urn ini 1 r
C'ornnr Mori-Unit
Prof. L. V. McAdam were elected
trustees for three yearn. Will IJoake
was elected clerk. C. II. Dye, Sunday j 8. K, (ireen is no longer postmaster at
school superintendent, and Mrs. J. 11. ( the Oregon City odlce, having given up
Mark, assistant superintendent. Dr. f1.,u J'la,:f ' w,lion n,iW in "awU '
t w n..tt . ... 1 .. n . 11 1 . 1 i his bondsmen. Mr. (ireen states that
T. W. Butler was formally called to be if) not awaro tllBt there ig , AmrXa
pastor of the church. The annual roll-1 in his accounts and that the trouble
call and consecration meeting will be j arose over a proposed change in the
held next Wednesday evening. ' ofHco" ' "8 ' e,n,'loyeg in tho
Mini Dn4lnnrl Dm
1 uiiaiiu, ui c, '
The following will bo the subjects pf
discourse- at the Congregational church
nextKabbath, at 10 :&) A. M. A new
yoars sermon, theme "A Sturtling An
nouncement," followed by the com
munion service. At 7 :'M, Subject " Your
Age." Y. P. 8.0. JC. meeting at 0:3l)
P. M.