- -A. ....Cd. ., ... nnrnntl OITU onilDirD I UnLUUil Ul I I UUUniUil By A. W. CHENEY. EutonsdtaOregonCttypostofilce as Bacond-claen matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. If paid 1 11 advance, peryenr 1 M One yer 2 0 Bix munths 1 00 Three mouths 60 flWThe rUte opposite your address on the paipur denotes (he time to which you have paid. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. OREGON CITY, DEC. 81, 1897. Befokb election it was recognition of Cuban independence. Now it is' auton omy unci "gives Spain a fair chance." Oongreee is buying itself saving seal pups, while the Cuban patriots are perishing for want of recognition due suffering humanity, Vale Advocate. It is enough to make any man boil, who liner) 't got gai'ter-snake blood in his veins, to read the way the Cubans are getting autonomy in the neck (Socm Jiivrniit. Tub Avriter missed two chickens from his hennery on Christmas evening ' We know of no one in Oregon City mean enought to steal from an editor unless it is the Semi-Weekly Spasm man. An exchange bays that Uen. Keep-off -the-grass Coxey made a good thing by hiring to Ilanna to run fur governor of Ohio, as he bought a large stock ranch hs soon as the election was over. Iioss John C. Young of Oregon must also have u farm in view. Iloseburg Review. Tim Kansas legislature has enacted a law that funiisbeH the children of the Btate their school books for one-half of the old book trust cost, and that these hooks can be iwl in any school ; they ure uniform. This saves the people of that state fflO't.OOO in one year. Why not try this in Oregon. Tim county committees of the populists deniocats ami silver republicans of the counties of Yamhill, Lane and Marion have already agree I t) a union of the fons mentioned for the spring cam paign. A meeting of the state coin. iiiii tees to this end wiH be held in Port land on January 7th. One of the plutocratic papers says that manufacturers cannot now restore w ages hecaitse tl-ey have contracts made be fore the rise in price of raw materials. Well, the rale of wages was made before the rise in flour and woolen and many other things. Is it not as broad as it is long, and why should the workman stand his loss and the employer's loss also? The editor of the Canby organ howl? because a majority of the true populists democrats are in favor of a union of reform forces in the spring campaign, and advises the democrat to "go it iiloue." Mr. (lilt is a pretty man to Hive advice. How many times ha be imtwerdly changed his polities while quiell.' working for the same political Rang. First he ran the reruliliean Iron Worker at 0wego, His next venture Wi'H the populist Herald of Oregon City, which he swamped in a few weeks ami returned to his Oswego organ. Now he rhiims to run an independent sheet at C'MlbV. The sopisiicntid Putin of the weakly press, more widely knows as the scape (.'oatol'tho Puir'ow "Three Sisters" has lieen very cornice? tiding of late. I'n dotibtcd!;', he would like to be classed with the dons of chari y, as he has been generous enough to call in a skunk. Skunk powder being his principal i-tock iti trade, or the condition of his made up He has not only elTeclually scat lered the price on the court house walls, hut upon the rail fences of tin) county, while the fraudulent tax list publication appeals to the fanners clriri'y, who in their vexatious moo l wot;! I be gl id to have the opportunity of siptirting some of (he skunk juice in the fellow's eyes. Star Route A'.ail Contracts. Following lire the names of the suc cessful bidders for Star mail routes eon no te I w tt h CI ickain IS county, and the amounts the contractor w ill receive for t be service : Y. U. Harder, Denver, Cal.: Onvmi City lo Stone, ifHa.b'.l ; Orient to Kel.-o, $i:ls'.SI; S.indv by liullrun to Anus, jp.'s.h;'. P. F, Stilliie.'s, London, Ky, : Oregon t'itv by lu'dland an I Lo vu to Viola, $:;:t.". W. H. Frinklin, Soduliu, Mo.: CUikcs bv Coltou, Elwool and Spring water to Dg Ige, $l7',l.!il; Currinsville to Garfield, f.il.tS; Pull liun to Marmot, mil; Portland by Palestine, Kilganer, Uussellville, liockwoo.l, Gieshuni, Powell's Valley, Orient and Cottrell to v indv TS7.50. 0. W. Nudorwood. Clinton, Mo.: Oregon City by Willamette and Stafford to Wilsoiiville, I(H). 1.. 11. Hansbergcr: Oregon Citv to Klv, Heaver Creek, Clarkes, Meadow brook and I'niou Mills to Mulino, IW-t.lw; Onkon City bv Klv, Cams, Mulino and .Liberal to Molallii, I'.'H.IiT. Herman Merger, l.agle Creek: Port- uay evening previous. ioin causes land by SUition A, W'lXHlstock.Troniout.ji'onibiiied brought its death. Funeral I cuts, Sveamorc, Damascus, Spring- j services were hell at the parsonage water to Highland. Saturday evening, codueted by Dr. Ilif , .1 .,r,v f tb., xn.vessfnl bid. lers are large Fainter 11 contractors, the most of the routes will Ik' sub let. as usual, to local parties. The contracts uro let for four years. in nil. j.-. . s. - Injustice Schuebeis Coort.F. M Robinson was arrested in Portland the other day by Constable McCown on a charge of abduction, having taken away a child in the custody of his divorced wife. When arraigned Monday before Justice Schuebel he waived examination and whs bound over in the sum of $300. John Watson was arrested on charge of adultry with Mrs. Ford, of Willamette Falls, and was arraigned Monday. His trial was set for January 7th. Testing a City Ohdinance. C. W. Oottan, a traveling representee of an Oakland shirt factory was arrested Tuesday for peddling without license, and was fined $2o by Recorder Ryan, in default of which he was sentenced to be imprisoned for 10 days. Cottan's attorneys applied to County Judge Hayes for his release on a writ of heabeas corpus. The matter was argued Wed nesday and taken under advisement by the Judge. Oottan is at liberty on his own recognisance. However, on Thurs day afternoon Judge Hayes granted the writ, holding that the ordinance against soliciting business was practically un constitutional. A Family Reunion. A reunion of theOaulield family was held at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Morey, on Christmas Eve. Mrs. Jane Caufield, aged 81, was the guest of honor, and there were present 10 children, Mr. and Mrs. Morey, Mayor and Mrs. E. t. Cuufleld.Mr.and Mrs. 0. II . Caufield, Mr. and Mrs. David Caufield, Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Caufield, besides 23 grand ehililrens. A splendid dinner was served, and one of the features of the occasion was an elegantly dressed Christ mas tree, resplendent with numerous electric lights. Mr. and Mrs. Morey left Saturday for the East, and will visit their daughters Florence and Helen in New York before their return. The Hamilton Party Ai.r. Sake. There was joy in the Hamilton house hold Wednesday evening upon the re ceipt of a long letter from George Hamilton, dated at Dawson City. Sept 3n. It had been three months on the Toad, but it carried the good news that deorge Hamilton, J. A. rairclnuuh, 1) J Collins and Mr. Hubbard had arrived safely at the Yukon gold fields. When the letter was written they were well and hopeful over good prospects. They readied Dawson t iiy on Sept. 2:ird, havirg made the trip from the lakes in l'.'dnys. On the l'7l,h they divide I up their supplies, and all hands had a plentiful supply of provisions, as they had purchased some on the road. Col lins met an old friend at Selkirk and went into the sheep butchering bus iness. Hamilton was associated with ( has. Shade in a lay on some mining property on Hunker reek, 2M miles from Dawson City, and wm jubilant over the prospects. They were getting ready for winter. The ietler is replete wi h information about ilie route, and many incidents of the trip. A rumor lul l been afloat that the Hamilton party were drowned in the lakes, and the fact that no news had been received, from them made it appear that th"re might be a possibility of truth in the minor. P. Hrmmei.oaun Impkikonko. Paul Heinnielgarn was imprisoned in the city jail for a lew minutes last Sunday even ing, lie was not locked up by an officer of the law, but by a bold, bad burgler. Sunday morning about two o'clock, Otlicer Shaw was at the depot just as the north-bound freight train was pul ling out, and observed a man apparently trying to hide himself by the side of a box car that bad just been sidetracked by the freight train. As the oliicer i.p proached the man ho crawled under t'-.e Uueks, and his suspicious actions le i Oliicer Shaw to suspect that something wis wrong. He marched him to the city hastile, where an exaniiration re vealed the fact that he carried u big n ivy revolver in one overcoat pocket, an I on account of wearinga pairof heavy gloves w as probably prevented irom attempting to use it on the oliicer A further ex amination showed thai his doilies Were new, and among the articles in his pocket- were gloves, hankerchict's, scis s rs tweezers, 14 copper cents and some dimes and nickles. lie gave his name as "Curley'' lirown, and the oliicer at once suspected that be was one of the nariies who had robbed a store in W oo.l- burn hriilay iiulu. Air. Iieiuuelg rn feeds the cite ln'isoners, and about, li.li;) Sunday evening carried lbown's supper to the jail, lie unlocked the cell door and entire ! where the prisoner was eon- fined The prisoner ordered Mr. Hem-1 melgarn to stand, and upon ascertaining that he did not have a revolver, bent j him on the shoulder willia stick of wood, which partially paralyzed him long enough to enable the prisoner to 1 get out of the cell and lock the latch of j the door to the cell bv using a piece of double bent wire as a pin. I'.row n then went down stairs and secured an ax, w ith w hich he pried open the ca 'e con taining his revolver in the chief of police's i Mice, Alter securing the re volver he tn.i'le cool his escape. Mr lb mmel'Mi'ti s cri 'S for help were bear I bv Vr Thomas, who lives adjoining the jail building and he was res.uied from the daik cell. Chief Ittirns secured brown's partner in Portland Monday, and he was taken to Salem Tuesday by the constable of U'oodburn precinct. The latter gives his name as llessey, an I they are no doubt ol 1 offenders. I'.esi.les the other articles taken from Prown's pockets was a bottle containing preparation that will i.'ii te into a llaine win n it conies into contact with water. On Yonday evening William Tetrow, of Clackamas Heights went to the Vugdalen Home platform to take an e'ectrie car (or Porilatid The first, ear that came along was the S;;iO Milwaukie car, and w ben he jumped on board the conductor informed him that the car did not go through. After the car started up lie conclude t that be would wait for through car, and in jiunpingou missed . tue platlorui an t tell to die ground a j distance of b feet. He was taken to the hopital at Gladstone, where be lies in a critical condition. fctrow his way to the lower Columbia. j Helen Until Oberg, the 18 months : old daughter of Uev. Harold and Mrs. Oberg, died last Friday ailernoon. The child had been suffering with cholera ' fnfantnin, and was severely burned by the explosion of a lamp on the Wednes'. ; : ' l" remains were laKcn to saiem on the overland for burial The lu-vrly elected city council will hold its first regular meeting next Wed nesday evening, CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES. Observed In all the Churches With Special Services. The Sunday schools and churches observed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the usual observances, and the services were impressive and interesting. Many homes were made happy on the Savior's birthday by the good cheer that prevailed, but one home in the city was sad, that of Rev. H. Obefg and wife, who lost their infant daughter the day before Christmas. In consequence, the Christmas Eve festivities for the Sunday school children were postponed. AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. C. H. Dye, the Sunday School Superintendent, presided, and the auditorium and tree were prettily decorated. After the devotional ex ercises and special music by the choir, Earl Walker made the address of wel come, Ketta fecoggan recited "Merry Unristmas, recitation, Carl JNehren recitation, Neliie Woods; solo, Echo Samson; song by Reva Gray; which was followed by the distribution of presents. The choir discoursed special music. PKKSIlYTURIAN CHURCH. H. S. Sirange, school superintendent, presided. Ilie entire building was neat' ty decorated and the tree was tastily dressed. After the devotional services, there was a class exercise under the direction of .Miss Clarissa Fancher recitation, Myrtlf Doremus; class ex ercise under 'the direction of C. A. Muir, recitation, Olga McOhire ; song by Mrs. Mctirchan's class; recitation, Blanche Bain ; class exercise by A. Robertson and Charles Mtiir's classes ; recitation. Mary Hurtburt ;duet, Edith Dehon and Hattio Uhurch ; exercise by Miss Wil liam's class ; recitation, Ella Eutz; ex ercises by Mrs. F. 0. Andrew's class; recitation, (,'lara Barber; infant class drill and march under the direction of Mrs. A. J. Montgomery. Then followed the distribution of presents. BAPTISTCUURCII. The church was beautifully decorated, and the pulpit was ingeniously arranged to represent a winter scene G. W. Swope superintendent of the Sunday school presided, and after the customary devotional services, ' The Shepherd's Vision, ' was given by the infant class ; a recitation by Sophia Oantenbein ; anthem by the girl's quartette, Gertie Shaner, Evelyn Dempster, Lena Nemyre and Martha MComb; recitation, Jessie Porter ; solo with autoharp accompani ment, Lena Nemyre ; recitation, Dougles Johnson ; Christmas Bells, Rose Bellomy Mairaie Johnson and Junette Cross, recitation, Daisy Lawrence ; "Jolly Old St.. Nick," hy the girl's qtiarlette The representation of snowflakes by 12 little girls was splendidly executed, and showed careful training in the drill work. Erastus Smith appeared as Santi Clans amidst thp snowflakes, after which followed the distribution of presents. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. At the Episcopal church a special Sunday school service was held Christ inas Eve aid a loaded Christmas tree was tastily displave 1 in the rectory. Evergreens and chrysanthemums were prominent, among the decorations in the inteiior of the church, and they were tastily arranged. The Ladies Guild presented Dr. Williams and lady an elegant set of solid silver teaspoons, elegantly engraved with the initial letter "II." l)r "Williams, also received an elegant silk martyr stole, from the members of Trinity chinch, San Fran cisco, embroidered with silk Rod trim med with Duchess lace There were special Christmas services on Saturday and 1'iisliop .Morris filled the pulpit on Sunday ' kt.ioiin'h catuoi IC Clll'KCII. The Christmas seivicts were im pressive, and the c.ho r discoursed ex cellent music Mass was celeUated at eight o'clock Sat urday morning, followed by a sermon in F.nnlisli. This sermon made prominent the f ict that Christ atoned for the sins of Adam. T'ds was followe I with m s at !l, and afterword a sermon in G.-rman. S ileum hiuh mass was celebrated at t :!ltl, an I a in I choir rendered a selection by Wiegant, in honor of St. Patrick, in the evening ! t here was "oleinn vespers and benedic- I lion i Sum I'hcre was al o special services on ul v j Christmas tree and special programs i were prcsoii'ed at both the KniHiintil ' Lutheran , 'Ai m Luihcian churches , m Christum Eve. T.ie decorations i were in keetiini with the occasion and the exercises are sal I to Pave been very good They were reqiies c I to hand in programs, but none have been receive I Christmas services were held at the German l'.vaim lieal church on Satur day evening, and presents were dis tributed from the Christinas tree. A chiistmas tree, and special program were among the fealivos at the Salvation barracks Saturday evening. J.M. Tracy is executor of the estate of A. T. Pio.vniun. deceased, and the estate held a note against T. P. MeOuh Inn. McCubbin had a claim a 'iiinst. the estate, which the executor refused to allow in full The matter came up for bearing in the county court Monday, w hen McOuhhin's attorneys desired t present his claon tin full as a counter claim against tbe'note. The attorney for the executor, iii'ioie 1 a d 'tnitrrer against, this proceeding, which w is sustainel. Geo. L Story appeared for the executor, and Latourettes (or Me Ouhhin. Kli-t A Lei r uir tit Ort-;iiti t It y Tli SCHUBERT SYMPHONY CLUB and LADY QUARTETTE Po not f:ill tn hear Master Tommy Pu reel 1 T!u Wmnterliil liny Violinist Lovie .emit l'mcell The I'lit'lioiiliMliil Cntitraltn Mabel Delnney The Hi llliiuil Sorno May I. Davis Mcm Soprano hha an bwermgen opi'imic Contralto Louis McPike Humorist, ANI OTI1KKS ONE NIGHT ONLY Pinter the Auspices of Oregon City Assembly No, 7, United Artisans, Monday Evening. Jansia;v 3d,'S8 At Sldvely'5. llox slice t now open at lliin.lo) bookstore. Marvelous Effec System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned Health Re stored by Hood's Earsapariba. "For fifteen years I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was fcroken clown. I had almost abandoned any hupo oi recovery. I pur chased six botllea of Hood's Sarsaparilla and its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel li!:o a new man, I am able to sleep wed, have a good appetite, and I have gained several pounds in weight." James Wilder, Oroviiie, Wash. " I had a scrofula" swelling on one side of my neck and ulcerated sores in my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and began taking it and the sores soon healed. My biood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. 'McManus, Mission, Washington. Sarsa- Is the best in fact the One True n!ood Purifier. Hnnt'c Dil't- cure nausea, iniliirestioii, 11UUU & rlliS biliousness. -Ij aunts.- LOCAL SUMMARY. Grand clearance sale. Buy a hat at Miss Goldsmith's. Kenworthy'a restaurant and con fectionery is now opened and ready to serve first-class meals on Bliort notice. Oysters a specialty. Wheeler & Oram's old stand. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the grocery store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's rooms can be made as good and bright us new. Call at Holman's and see styles and pattern all up-to-date 1897 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. When in Portland drop in and see our immense line of Christmas Chinas. Everything new. Haines' , 2S8 Morrison street, Portland. For best groceries at cheapest price go to Marr& Muir. Justice court blanks locentsperdozen at Courikk olfico. Pine new lino of umbrellas and canes at Burmeisters & Andresens's Jewelry store. ' Inspect those adjustable window screens at Bellomy & Busch's. They are certainly the riaht thing. Customers can leave orders for bottled beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at Knttpp's liismark saloon. John G. Wil helm, pioprietor Sell wood brewery. Grand c earaiue sale begins today of the l.tttest and newest things in mil- ! limi.rv iitwl trimmed nnd n nt.ri mmed hats ut Miss Goldsmith's. Tor the best shave or hair cut to he had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving lOcents, If you want a nice steak, roust or boil call at Albrig. t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat which is acknowl edged by ali to be superior t the meats commonly sold at butchers' shops. He also keeps on hand a full stock of lard, hams, bacon, etc. made by himself and warranted purest and wholesome. Re member the old established shop on M -itwjt. L. I.. Pickens, dfiltist, does all kinds ol' denial work. Gold ciihmih, porcelain croons and hri.k'e, work a m eeialty Ollice in Barclay building, earner M ait. a ul Seventh sheets. Go to Baum & Brandes, Ho First stieet, right on the Oregon City car line fervour lunch,' and dinners. We make a specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches ; try them, only 2"c. Agency for Maillan I's candies. U.K. Ken worthy at the K.ist Side Uy ollicc serves meals or oysters at all times. He also 'keeps a line of confectionery, fruits and cigars. Prescriptions carefully compounded G. A. Harding'sdrug store. Before furnishing your house call at Young's second-hand store and he will tit you out for less than one-quarter of what new goods would cost. ' Vaxt::i. fWl) or $'!.")0 for two or three years, goo I security. Address "Security," this ollicc. Pan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods, delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center steels All the leading citizens of Oregon City are now n-ing home made "Patent" llour, claiming that it makes much better bread than the Hour that is ship ped in fro n mills, which is verv reason able, as t!u! manufactures of "Patent" flour have till the latest improvements in flour making machinery. We have received a line of silver plated ware, which will be given to our patrons, The quality is a I extra coin silver plate 1437 Wm A. Roger. We solicit you to Inspect the same at the stare of I ,Selliag. Patent" llo ir, manufactured by the Portland Flouring Mills Co. of Oregon City, is giving excellent satisfaction and can now be had at any of the groeorys in the city. ,The sales ate constantly increasing. Uemeniber the Racket Sto'o opposite Charman.a Drug Store. The Oregon City Auction house has decided to dispose of the large rocking horse shown in their show window by giving a chance to each one who pur chases a $1 worth of goods. McKXTTRICK'S SHOES Beat the rorld! Dr A. A llavelmir iyo Examined Consult nfiwi Eree ...0 TO.. -G. H. BESTOW DOOR3 WINDOWS, LIOULDSC and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVEU Shop Opposite CoiiKrumitional Olim for CHOICE CUTS and Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, . . HARRIS' GROCERY Fresh Stock of Fijst-Cliis!-'. ) Kepot fur HAY Mini FEED WHY IS IT. That every day our store is filled with buyers from every part of the city, regardless of distance? H- There must be some reason. People especially ladies don't go out of their way to buy unless there is a reason. IT IS BECAUSE we have established a reputation for abso lutely fresh goods especially in the line of table -5- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a 'superior article and then the prices are right. GIBSON & LTNDSEY PKOPKlKTOll OF HARDING'S BAKERY AND GROCERY BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY S. G. Skidsvjore & Co., Extensive Lire of Cruj gists' ,ir. JiLJtLO' iimy A very popul ir priced line of Purses, Bill Books, Card Cases, Cigar Cas-cs, Coll ir and Cuff Boxes, silver mounted or plain; Toilet Dressing Cases, Manicure Cases, Work Boxes, Hand kerchief, Glove or Necktie Boxes in celluloid, cosmeon and enameleJ vonl. i'MJFOMS of the h; Atomizers of hand We ask you to call not offer the nicest Gut-Rate Drug&ists. 151 Third St., near Morrison, No Use For Santa Clan TT L. A. PATTERSON & CO., Old i'cgos3CityAuctiouQ3oiic W .L. ULUCK, rrojirietor FURNITURE CARPETS STOVES HARDWARE GLASSWARE CROCKERY COME 0NE1 COME ALL! wonev as you can iji't fUK hs wliile others try to follow. Ciet our prices More lmvin amt thaf will convince you. Ae ure amenta for the Empire Stir Air Turrit Heaters. They nre fuel savers, control the fire ranij heating, ma.le of duralile material ami are beauties, which make them altogether a perfect stove. UU: N I I T (1 II ' I IN Hllll uiiluuii uiii rujiiuii iiuuui, ji Barr Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. CO OFFERED FOX. PIR3T-0LASS GOODS. - i. Main Htreet, Oregon City, Ore. TENDER MEATS go to . Oregon City, Oregon. THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City n 00 ,.. .t ;-i! f ir the holidays and also ) :.ie d.-i'i, at popular prices, nd x.v'.iine our stock and see if we do oi.tis at lowest prices. PORTLAND, OREGON 1 Tlui won li-rful :itti nation of our lmliiLy H'H la mul 1,W urious push tho ol'l iiniii asilu. Wo houst of our l'tirnniriH f.ir i li rintm la ImyiTS So mnttiT how poor the Ntii'kin:, -we imii till i'. You aru iw.li.illy in viteil to I'oiim mi I nee wlmt wo i i'm ilo for yon. Tlio prii'i'M on ull of our gooils uro I'xtivnuly low. "Bazaar" On-jf-m City, Oregon ! There is no nw-1 of goins to Portland to e.n.l vn. Wttor value at home. We take tha 1,1 I , ,.ur t y VI - "P;o e 1-o.iomie. OREGON CITY MAIN BTKEET