Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 31, 1897, Image 3

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Ruiz Said . to Have Been
Driven to His Doom.
la Reported That Ruiz Protected
Vainly Against Undertaking
the Fatal Miasion.
New York, Dec. 27. Indignation
ovor the killing of Colonel Ruiz is in
tense in Havana, says the Herald cor
respondent. Many blame General
Blanco, alleging that he forced General
Ruiz to go, in spite of the tatter's ro
ft'Htntions that it meant certain death.
All accounts agree that Colonel Aran
liuen was perHonally opposed to to the
infliction of the extreme penalty, and
would have saved Ruiz, but his own
life would have been sacrilioed had he
lone so, in opposition to the orders of
his superiors.
A cablegram has been received stat
ing that General Lee has been instruct
ed by Secretary Sherman to notify Gen
eral Gomez and other rebels that they
need expect no American sympathy if
they continued to permit firing on flags
of truce. General Lee says he has re
ceived no instructions, adding that he
knew of no instance of the display by
the Spaniards of a flag ot truce during
this war. It has never been claimed
by the Spanish authorities that Colonel
Ruiz was under a flag of truce, that in
Ntitution being unknown to the Spanish
army in Cuba, its use being interdicted
as involving recognition of the insur
gents as belligerents.
Much excitement was caused on Sun
day morning when a small white war
whip, bearing a strong resemblance to
the United States gunboat Annapolis,
was seen approaching the harbor. A
rumor spread that an American war
ship was coming in, and the people be
came frenzied when the stranger's guns
opened in a salute to' the forts, many
Ixdioving the city was being bombard
ed. It was soon apparent that the ves
sel was the German schoolship Stein,
but several hours elapsed before quiet
was rebtored in the city.
AILlast night raging fires have been
visible southwest of Havana, only ten
miles away. Standing cane on the
Toledo and Potugalete stations, which
was about to commence grinding, was
net on fire by the rebels and completely
itostroyed. The fire caused great coil
KlernaUon in Havana.
Within Sight of Havana.
Havana, Dec. 27. The recent un
fortunate mission of Colonel Ruiz to
the camp of Colonel Arangnen in this
province calls attention sharply to the
remarkable circumstances that a Span
isli officer and a messenger from the
American consulate could reacljjthe in
mirgent camp in an hour after leaving
Havana, when the troops have never
found it, and causes sharp comment on
the military operations. The camp is
. few miles' from a Spanish fortress,
and its location has beeu known for
nine months.
Ruiz' friends among the volunteers
and armed firemen of Havana censure
Heneral Blanco, and call for vengenance
m the insurgents. From their camp
the insurgents have sent a defiant com
muniuation to the troops to come and
take it. '
Intent Uenort la That There la Food
Enough to Lnt All Winter,
Victoria, B. C. Deo. 27. D. P
Quinlan, who arrived here this after
noou on the City of Seattle, brings late
news from Dawson. He says there is
enough food in Dawson to laBt tha
8.000 men now there all winter, those
without food 2,000 in number hav
ing gone to Fort Yukon. Two bun
dred will come out over the trails.
Major Walsh, who is now encamped
at Big Salmon, will endeavor to break
a trail through to Dawson, but. he does
not expect to reach there until rebru
rv 1. He savs he will allow miners
to stake claims in blocks of 10, retain
ing the adjoining 10 for the govern
ment. All the claims on Quartz creek
are now staked,- and il will probably
he as rich as Eldorado and Bonanza
The Seattle brought news of the
death of Samuel Wyckoff, of Tacoraa,
December 11 at Skagway, of congestion
of the brain.
The application of Bernard J. Moore
for the patent of 160 acres oi land
comprising a part of the townsite of
Skagway, has been rejected by Register
Dudley, of Sitka.
Blltiard In New York.
Rochester, N. Y., Deo. 27. A bli
ard is raging in Wyoming county, 40
miles south of this city. Nearly four
feet of snow has fallen in the last 24
hours, and the storm continues with no
siiM of abatement. Roads are blocked
and the farmers are shut up in thei
houies. Engineers and firemen run
ning on railroads eouth and southwest
of Buffalo report much trouble with
heavy snow drifts. The Lake Shore
limited, due at Buffalo at 7:50 A. M.,
was blockaded in four feet of snow near
Angela, and was delayed two hours.
The storm struck Syraouse tonight,
and continued late in the nigLt. Near
ly all trains at that place were delayed.
A Widow' Penaion.
Washington, Dec 27. A pension hai
been granted to the widow of Knud
Knudsen, a soldier in the late war, the
back pay of which aggregates over
f 4,000. The man was a native of Nor
way, and was married to the woman
who gets the pension in April, 1858.
Knodsen emigrated to this country in
1861, enlisted January 27, 1862, in
company H, Fifteenth regiment, Wis
consin volunteer infantry, and died in
ervica October 16, 1863.
Senator Lodge Want TJe to Bay St.
Thoinaa, St. Croix and St. John.
Chicago, Deo. 28 A special to the
Times-Herald from Washington says:
Senator Lodge is preparing a bill fa
voring the ourohase of the three islands
of St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. John,
owned by Denmark, in the West In
dies.- The senate passed a resolution a
year ago asking the state department to
ascertain whether the islands were still
for sale, at what prioe they, were held,
and whether any other country was
after them. Denmark has replied that
she is still willing to sell, and that two
Euiopean governments are now nego
tiating for their purchase. These are
supposed to be Great Britain and Ger
many. The United States has been
discussing the purchase for nearly SO
years. In 1868, negotiations went so
far that a treaty was negotiated for the
purchase, by which this country was to
pay $8,000,000 for the islands, but it
failed of ratification. It has been de
termined by Denmark to either sell
these islands or give them away. St.
Thomas has a harbor large enough to
accommodate the navies of the entire
world, and, in view of the advantages
to be gained. Senator Lodge is sanguine
of securing an appropriation that 'will
enable the islands to be transferred to
the jurisdiction of the Stars and
Stripes. The three islaudshave a total
of 100 square miles of territory and a
population of 40,000.
Special Agent Reynolds' Report on the
Koutt County Conflict.
Denver. Dec. 28. The report of
Special Agent E. B. Reynolds, on the
recent conflict between lniians and
game wardens in Routt county, is a
complete vindication of Warden Wilcox
and his men. Mr. Reynolds, alter tak-
ng the testimony of six Indians ami
the 12 wardens who were m the un
fortunate affair, said:
"I am fully convinced, after Imving
examined the case fully, and after tail
ing the testimony of both parties, after
meeting the men face to face and read
ing their characters and noting their
demeanor, that the Indians fired the
first shot."
He further states that no blame
whatever can by any possibility be at
tached to the wardens. He finds that,
after the first shot, the shooting became
general, and when the smoke cleared
away.it was found that several Indians
had been killed. The wardens de
clared there were six Indians shot,
while the Indians say there were but
three killed. Mr. Reynolds agrees with
the Indians on this point
That of Mlm Annie Virginia Well,
Friend of Misa Herbert.
Washington, Deo. 28. The death of
Miss Leila Herbert, daughter of the ex
secretary of the navy, is given as the
reason of the suicide which occurred to
day of Miss Annie Virginia Wells, an
accomplished young society woman,
and daughter of Lewis S. Wells, a well
known attorney. The young woman
shot herself through the heart with her
brother's revolver at the residence of
her father, 1311 N Btreet. Miss Wells
bad met Miss Herbert a number of
times, and was very much attached to
her. She herself had been confined to
the house for four months by illness,
and this, combined with the shock
caused by the death of her friend,
brought on melancholia, which resulted
in suicide. The deed was apiwrently
unpremeditated, and, coming imme
diately after the Christmas fostivities
in the house, completely prostrated her
aged mother. Miss Wells was 33 veuis
of age, and very beautiful.
Rut Hla Victim Died of Heart Failure
Cauaed by Excitement.
San Francisco, Dec. 28. A Japanese
known as Je Tagoni fired four shots at
Mary Costello, a Spanish woman, in
the lodging-house at 91 Sacramento
street, this morning. None of ths
bullets struck the woman, but she drop
ped dead. The body bears no sign of a
wound, and the physicians say death
was caused by heart failure, induced b
extreme excitement.
About a year ago, Tagoni opened an
employment agency, and engaged Miss
Costello as an assistant. By promising
marriage he induced her to live with
him. Recently she left the place where
they had resided. After making many
threats to kill her on sight, the Japan
ese met her today and accomplished his
murderous design, though in an unex
pected and sensational maimer.
Digging Near Iyea.
Dyea, Alaska, Dec. 28. Consider
able excitement prevails here at present
over the reported gold finds on one ol
the tributaries of the Dyea river, only
a mile above tha town. Prospectors
have been flocking in, and have staked
the creek off for a distance of 10 miles.
The creek has been named Boom creek,
and from 200 to 300 men are now on
the ground and at work.
The surface indications are excellent,
running in places 25 cents to the pan,
and increasing as the shafts go down
Many companies are forming, both to
work claims and purchase properties.
All the diggings are on American toil.
and many more claims will be staked
off within the next few days.
Maxzaltlnt'i Laat Bullfight.
City of Mexico, Dec 28. The last
of the series of bullfights by Mazzaltinl
was given this afternoon, and was at'
tunded by 7,000 people. Tomas Muz.
zaltini narrowly escaped with his life,
being tossed by an infuriated boll, and
gored in the hand, len norsea were
killed, and six bulls, tbe usual ntim
ber. The fight was not np to the usual
Seven lions are among tha pets
of tha sultan of Moroeoo. .
Steamship! Headed for the Nortaweat
The fleet of steamships which is
heading for the Pacific Northwest to
participate in the Alaska rush is still
receiving additons. The latest vessel
reported is the British steamship Amur,
which a Victoria trading company has
purchased in London. The Amur is a
comparatively new vessel, having been
built in 1800. She is 216 feet long,
28.1 feet beam, and 11.2 feet depth of
hold, and is 570 tons net register. In
addition to about a dozen resurrectod
vessels already on this coast that will
he in the Alaska service the' following
steamships are now reported as listed
for the Paoifio .Northwest, some of
them having already sailed: Bothnia,
Scythia, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois,
Indiana, Cottage City, Curacoa, Cone
mangh, City of Columbia,. Valencia,
Amur, Brixham.
Oregon Note.
Sleds are now being used on the
Union-Cornucopia stage line, from a
point four miles east of Medioal springs
to Cornucopia, in Union oounty.
The heaviest surf experienced since
1884 prevailed on the Curry county
beaoh during the storms hist week.
Many of the miners lost their beach fix
The report of Agent Emery shows a
total of 1,020 Indians on the Klamath
reservation, an inorease of 59 over last
year. These red men have been de
prived of allowances for the past 12
years, and most of them are supporting
themselves well.
A Lakeview paper says that a scow,
to carry freight, has been put on Goose
lake, in Lake county. The scow will
be fitted with sails and will be navi
gated as well as may be that way until
gasoline engines can be put on board of
A Southern Pacific official says that
op to December, the present season's
shipment of hops out of Oregon amount
ed to 20,000 bales, and, since that time,
5,000 more bales have gone forward,
making a total of 31,000, orneaily one
half of the 1897 crop.
The city council of Salem has accept
ed the proposition of E. J. Swafford,.
ex-city treasurer, and Goorge Williams
and J. A. Baker, his bondsmen, where
by they agree to pay $4,000 before De
cember 81, in full payment of the bal
ance due the city from ex-Treasurer
Stock Inspector Vandvert, of Crook
county, will soon have finished bis
semi-annaual inspection of the sheep in
Crook county. Only about 15 bands,
out of about 330,000 head, remain un
inspected. In all this lot, ho has only
found three bands infected with Boab,
and heard of two others that he will in
spect later.
The Brownsville Times is authority
for the statement that the greater part
of the hops ill that vicinity are yet in
the hands of the growers. Joseph and
Pieroe Hume and Miohael Weber last
week shipped their '97 crop to a New
York commission house, and the hop
men are anxiously awaiting the returns
of this shipment.
The work of clearing out the dirt
from the quarry at Point Terrace, on the
Siuslaw, was finished last week. Part
of the machinery has already been
taken to the mouth of the river, and
stored in the buildings there, and the
rest will be placed there soon. Mr,
Jacoburger, who has had charge of the
work, informs the Florence West that
he hopes to have all this business in
Florence arranged so he can leave this
week. About 45,000 tons of rock have
been used and about 450 feet of jetty
built this year, pays the West. The
channel has changed so that nearly all
the water flows through the south
lu the trial of Allen Logan in Dallas
last week, on the charge (if murdering
Enoch Sylvester, the head of the dead
was produced in court. ilie prosecu
tion secured identification of the grew.
some piece of evidence, and showed the
jury fractures in the hack part of the
skull sufficient to cause death. The
defense, however, produced as witnesses
tlrfeo of the physicians who had been
present at tha post-mortem, and estab
lished that the careful examination
these physicians had made was with
special reference to establish the faot
whether or not the blow delivered by
Logan had fractured the skull, and
each swore positively that at the post
mortem no such fractures were to be
found. The head turned out to be a
boomerang for the prosecution, and it
probably contributed to the verdict in
Logan's fuvor.
It has been many years since the tax
collections of Umatilla county have
showed such satisfactory footings as
they do this fall. For the last two
preceding years there was not an at
tempt made to oollect tffe overwhelm
ing list of delinquencies with which
the books at the sheriff's office were
filed, for the taxpayers were in such
straits that it would have been of little
avail to do so. But it remained for
1897 to be the banner year, and for
the last several weeks the delinquent
accounts have been rapidly paid off
until there remain but comparatively
fow to oollect. . For three years pre
ceding the present tax collection year,
the amonnts of delinquencies that have
been paid this fall amount to $32,
417.06, apportioned among the periods
as follows: Taxes of 1895, $23,602.75
1894, $7,314.81; 1893, $1,500.
E. P. Wier, of Fossil, in Gilliam
county, shipped several carloadsof hogs
from Fossil to Portland last week.
Hoffman & Hastain, of Fossil, are pur
chasing hogs and turning them into
bacon. Last week they received 20
head from Frank Knox that averaged
271 pounds in weight, and 10 head
from J. D. Livingston that averaged
170. ' The prices paid were 4 cents
and 3.90 per pound, live weight, re
speotively, which made the bogs bring
over $11 a bead.
Office of Downing, Hopkins & Co., Chicago
Board of Trade Brokers, 71 1-714 Chamber of Com
merce Building, Portland, Oregon.)
' The trade has fallen into a way of
thinking that the big receipts of the
past week will clean up the surplus
wheat that is liable to come out at
present prices. Most of this wheat is
contract, when it ; is all in the bulls
think that they will control the situa
tion. In the Northwest the claim is made
that 80 per cent of ths orop has been
marketed, and that country elevator
stocks are very light compared with
previous years. Every one is looking
for a sharp falling off in receipts, after
the first of the year; also for higher
prices, while the situation on all sides
is admittedly bullish the world over,
the prices have not responded to what
the bulls think the position of stocks
to estimate reqniremeuts justifies.
They have fixed the standard of values
in their own minds, and because they
are not realized the feel disappointed.
Most of them are too much inolined to
lose sight of the fact that the price ol
wheat has reached a point where sub
stitutions of other a-tioles outs greatly
into the consumption, and that the
speculators are more solicitous as to
the price and the probable supplies
than the consumers.
The outlook for supplies from Ar
gentine is unoertain, the probability
being that the exportable surplus will
not exceed 80,000,000 bushels. Trad
ers loBe sight of the faot that Argen
tine is a large country, and that unfa
vorable conditions will hardly exist
over the entire territory.
Harvesting is now in progress, and
the rains might reduce the exportable
surplus. There will be little wheat to
ship from Australia, but ludia s pros
pects are evidently good, judging from
Ihe free offerings in Liverpool for Sep
tember. The American visible supply
this week showed a larger increase than
expected, being 1,051,000 bushels more
than last week, and now totals 86,616,
000 bushels, as compared with 54,443,
000 bushels at the same time last year.
Portland Market.
.Wheat Walla Walla, 75 76c; Val
ley and Bluestem, 7778c per bushel.
Four Best grades, $4.25; graham,
$3.40; superfine, $2.25 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 8536c; ehoice
gray, 88 34c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $19 20; brow
ing, $20 per ton.
Millstiffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $21; shorts, $18.
Hay Timothy, $12.5013; clover,
10 1 1 ; California wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $910 per
Eggs 1825o per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 6560o;
fair to good, 45 50c; dairy, 40 50c
per roll.
Cheese Oregon, 1 1 o; Yonng
America, 12,'c; California, 910o
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $1.75
25 per dozen; broilers, $2.002.50
geese, 5.506.oU; ducks, 4.uoc!o.UU
per dozen; turkeys, live, eac per
Potatoes Oregon Bnrbanks, 8545
per sack; sweets, $1.40 per cental.
Onions Oregon, new, red, 90o; yel
low, 80o per cental.
Hops 514o por pound for new
orop; 1898 crop, 4 (goo.
Wool Valley, 1416o per ponnd
Eastern Oregon, 712o; mohair, 20
22o per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $3.50; dressed mntton,
0io; spring lambs, 5c per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.00;
light and feeders, $3. 00 4. 00; dressed,
$4. 50 5. 00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2. 78 8. 00;
cows, $2.50; dressed beef, 4)6a per
pound. - !
Veal Large, 4$5o; small, 5$
Do per pound.
Seattla Market.
Batter Fancy native creamery,
brick. 28o; ranch, 1618c,
Cheese Native Washington, U)jo;
California, 9o, '
Eggs Fresh ranch, il8c.
Poultry Chickens, live, per ponnd,
hens, lOo; spring chickens, $2,506
8 00; ducks, $3. 50 3. 75.
Wheat Feed wheat, $22 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $1920.
Corn Whole, $22; cracked, per ton,
$22; feed meal, $22 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 5o; mutton sheep,
7c; pork, 6c; veal, small, 7.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 5 6c; salmon,
8c; salmon trout, 710o; flounders
and sole, 84; ling cod, 45; rock cod,
6c; smelt, 24c
Fresh Fruit Apples, 60o$1.25 per
box; peaches, 76 80c; prunes, 86 40c;
pears, 75c $1 per box.
Ban Franolaco Market.
Wool Nevada 11 13c; Oregon, IS
14c; Northern 78o per pound.
Hops 1014c por pound.
Millstuffs Middlings, $2023; Cal
ifornia bran, $17.0018.00 per ton. .
Onions New red. 7080c; do new
silverskin, $2.002.25 per cental.
Eggs Store, 24 28c; ranch, 80
84c; Eastern, 1620;duck, 2025o per
Citrus Fruit Oranges, navels,
$1.603.00; Mexican limes, $3.00
8.00; California lemons, choice, $1.60
2.00; do common, 50c $1.25 per box.
Cheese Fancy mild, new, li'Ac; fair
to good, 78c per pound..
Hay Whaat, 12 14; wheat and
oat, $1114; oat, $1012; river bar
ley, $78; best barley, $10 12;
alfalfa, $8.60 10; clover, $8.(10 10.
Fresh Fruit Apples, 25o$1.25 per
large box; grapes, 25 50c; Isabella,
075c; peaches, 60c$l; pears, 7 Co
1 per box; plums, 20 860.
Should not be permitted by their Wives and
Mothers to go uninsured. Insurance is a
cash appraisement and finaucial acknowledge
ment of a 'valuable life.
H. G. C0LT0N, Manager
Massachusetts Mutual Life
312 and 313 Chamber cf
HPWrite rue for Rates.
souTy OgKGOy gity
...The Most Desirable Suburb...
IT is all within one mile of the center of the city and is con
, nected bv, an improved plank road. Healthy location, fine
view, good air, soil, water and drainage and a first-class
public school adjoining. With all the- advantages of the city
and but a 1 5 minutes walk to to the business houses, makes this
a very desirable place of residence and bound to grow in
Choice Lots ready for' the garden from $100 to $150 on
easy monthly installments with liberal discount to home build
ers. Call on or address. '
T. L. CHAKMAN, Trustee,
WITHOUT T3Kir Alono At.
rrtRerft models
f ROI?. 82 TO
Tralna arrlre and depart from Portland
lx-avc for tha Kaxt Tla Huntington daily, 00 p. ta.
Arrive from Hat " " " 7:'jnp.o,
Loiave for the Kant via Huokana dally. 2:10 p.m.
Arrive from Kml " 11 " U:W)p. m.
Ocean Steamer Leave Portland Every i Day
Steamer Monthly from Portland to
Yokohama unci Hong Kong, via the
Northern I'aoilic 8teaiiinhip Co., in con
nection with tbe O. It. & N.
For further information rail on O. It.
& N. A Kent, F. E. DONALDSON, Oregon
City, Oregon,
w. h. hurlburt;
Gen. Paaaenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
gentlemen or ladle to travel for reaponbl
eatabllahed houxe In ureaou. Mommy u ana
ainenaea. Pnalllon ivi'lt. Reference. Kit-
rloae aelf eddreaaed alainped envelope. Toe
lioininlon CoBiptoy, liept. I. Chicago.
" gentleman or ladle to traval for reoruinalble.
eatabllal.ed hotite la Oreiuii. MimlhlvHA OO and
eapeaM. Poalllun ateady. References Kudo
elf-addreaaed at roped envelop. Tut Dominion
Company, Dept Y.Chicago.
Charman Bros.' Block
The Shasta Route
ExpreaaTralni Leave Portland Daily.
ft On p.h
:n2r. u,
I,v Portland Ar I
Lv Ori'jon VMj l.T 1
Ar Ban Kranciaco Lv
IilXJf. at
The above train atop at all station betwear
Portland and Halem, Turner, Marion, Jeflet
on, Alliany, TanKnt, Bhcdil. Halsey, Harrta
bnru, Junction clly, IrvlnK. GiiKene, Creawelt,
CottnKe (irove, UraltiK, ami all alatlona troaa
Kouiburg to Ashland, lliolufclve.
9:0i.i. ,Lt Portland Ar 4:l.l
5:27 a.m. Lr Oregon City J.v I B ias r.aa.
8:20 P. M. I Ar Koieburg Lv I 7: m
second-classTleepinq cars
Attached to all Through Train.
Weat did Plvlalon,
7:80 A.M. I Lv Portland Ar I 9 Ml P.M.
lU.MP.M. Ar Corvalll Lr 1 1.06 P. at
At Albany and Rnrvalila connect with trala
Of Oregon Central A Kaatern H. K.
4:M P. M. I Lv Portland Ar I B:2fi A.
7 0 P.M. I Ar MeMinnvllle I,v 5:MA.M
1:110 P. at. I Ar Independence Lv 4:60 A. H
Street connection at Ran Franelaco with
Occidental and Oriental and PnolHn Hall
Hleamahlp Line for JAPAN AND COIN A.
Bailing date on application.
Rate and ticket to eatern nolnti a ad
and AUSTRALIA, cau be obtained from
E. K. JIOYO, Agent, Orer.ua City
Manager, Aaal. F. A P. Agaa
Portland, Or. Portland, Or.
Str. Altona
Will Make Dally Trip Between
Leaving Portland for Balem and way
landing at 6:46 a. m., and Oregon
city at about II p. m.
Trade Marks
frm Coivrioht Ac.
Anvone Mnrilng a nketrh and fleaeriptlon may
Oule.klf aaetirtnln our opinion froa whether an
Invantlon la probably fuvlentithlo. Conimuntea
Itouaatrietlrmtinclanllal. Handbook on Haleuta
aonl freo. Olrlmt aaeney for aeeurmg patent.
1'ittenla takon tliniuab Munn A Co. reoaivo
tpertai (Mtc, without char, in tha
Scientific American.
A handeomalv lllnttrated weekly. I unreal el,
enlallon of any aelantllKl Journal. 1 arma, 3 a
year: four rmmtha, tl. Sold by all yiawadealera.
MUNN & Co.391Bro,dw,' New York
JtraocB COoa, U W BC WaabUigtoo, D.U
M Xr