vtv Library CITY 18th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY,' DECEMBER? 1S97 NO 33 t A SoP aistl Warm Bed IP 8 o -1 -1 u CO ip n, rare treat to our care-worn ' o.ly. A good bed may help us over a bad cold quick and bo1 extend our life. You owe H to yourself and family to pay a 1 ittlo attention to this important fa ct. Our heavy blankets for $2 a piece would make a suitable Ch ristmas present. A large rug, 2 x5 feet, in front of the bed, is a good match. You will do well' to inspect our mammoth stock complete in all lines we carry. 0 w -. Si ft." c o z PHOTOGRAPHS... A sign of the New Year is the advantage it gives in photographs. A sign of the old year is the excellence of the things accomplished. We eive you memory of . passing time in pleasing photographs. We give you hopes foi future enjoyment in having the best photos of present features. ((2)heneJ Leading Photographer Maiu St., near Court House, Oregon City Not How But how low can we ma&e the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHARMANcVSON, Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at the Pioneer Store of Charman & Son before buying elsewhere. :...-..-.- J. W. BING & CO. Importers and Dealers In JAPANESE FANCY GOOD Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. Great Salo this week ! Come and see our prices and bargains. S88 Washington Strwt, PORTLAND, OREGON. " The Gerjiama Mauket Is the cheapest place in the citv .JL, to buy t t t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. Pa I'll J. Sellout, Prop. t. t t t THE LAUGHTER At the Bee-Hive is still in full blast KYKRYTlHXCr GOES--Prices cut in halves No such opportunity to purchase NEW, FRESH and DESIRABLE GOODS at prices so far below theif value was ever known in Oregon City Come before it is too late The stock is now complete in all departments, and when the BEE-HIVE is no more you will have to pay very much higher prices Look at our new prices on shoes. . THE BEE-HIVE CAU FIELD BLOCK OREGON CITY - - OREGON New Store Mm Prices A XI) Trade DOMESTICS. 20 j'd Good Bli'iichod Mnslln for $1 oo! Yirnl wide UU'aehed Muslin, Lonsdale... 7kc Lonsdtilo Cambric u ioo yd. ood Flint Cokir Calico 30 y(il noiiiT uraue muico iyc vtf BHSt Grade Calico , .'.;c yd Best Gnule Apron Check Oinplmm ftp yd The above Lines are not a kit of cheap stuff, but regular Tbade Winnhis, Outing Flnnnels, Uoud Selected Goods '.5c yd llottor (inidus fiic, 8c, uc yd Canton Flannel Blenched or Unbleached. fx yd Heavy Giadf-8 4c,"V. Hftfc. 10c yd Crash Towlinar. Twilled 4n id All Linen 'fowling tfU'c yd! ltetter Unities IHc, He, 10c, 140 yd Bleached Table Linen, the best you have ever 1 seen tor the money 2.r)c yd Heavy and Kelter grades at 35c, ode. and (iiic yd 72 inch Fine Linen D.unnsk, such as you see elsewhere forl and ftl.Sft. Hero ... 7."c yd Bed Tablfl Damask l.'c, 2iic, 25n, &V yd Big Line of Tow Is lit prices that are sure to sell them. Bee Thkm. Choviot Shiitiug heavy witltergoods 8Sjc, 10i:yd Merino Vests and Pants. Big Bargain at ....fiOo each Union gu.N, such as you pay $1 and 1.23 for elsewhere. Our price 7Ao suil Fine All-Wool Union Suits, real value $2 now jl.oO suit Silk Vestn, former price &i.50, now S2.U0 each In 5!i"ses1 and Children's Underwear wo have everything and at prices that will make you our customers. HOSIERY Ladies' 10c Cotton Hose now.,.. BLACK SILKS Grent values li."o, 7."e, S5C unci $1 .00 lit Ihein.th re Monoy Savers. IX BLACK DRESS GOODS -""! We have the newest and most desirable line! in the city, t'tid tin sintiUnes of the prioo will! surprise jot", Jusi seo them. I 45-lneh Sacking, nil wool . . 40c vardt r,u .ik U.w.bli... .,11 L.,.l0 fl.m ir,.lD fill,, ,ay.A 50 Pair .tit M 'u u..,.! ...' ii., .,.' ! . ... ax or. BLAXKETS. 10-4 (Jmy or Wblto IlL.nki'ts, Hie Dnllnr vnlue GOcpr! very ii'i(?e aim ui'avy i,ray HtanKots, boiup Stort jsct 3.."t() for tln'in. Our jirice pnir Extra Heavy and Kxtra Larce Kkiiketti irl.M whIi- All-Wool Fine Grade (Jray Blaakets fc'UXJ liair urepm jinmea j-.xtra Ltaruie UlunKeu. uogtllar ,0.SO. Value 8-UHI pair Also Fine Urude lilanlu'ts at So, 8(1.50 to 810 pr FLAXXELS Nnvy Blue, Gray and Brown. All Wool 9-onnee. FlamioU. Oihers ask 4oo for them. Our prii-o , :irc yd Good Heavy Vliite Shaker Flannel fic yd Better Grade 70 and 8JtJc yd LADIES' UXDEltWEAK Jersey Ribbed Vests 20c each Jersey Itilibed VeHts and ' Hants, Fleeced v!.re each Jersey Bibbed Vesta and Pants. Special value at &c, 40c, 50c each. Ladies' Wool Kibbed Hose, the ic value, now lfw ur Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, Usually sold at ilfte aim vie, now joe pair We also nave alt the One gntaes at equally low Prices. Children s inter Hose fnmi oc to 35c a pair. Our Houb'ry are all Bargains. , See our line of Babies' ( rochetted Silk and Wool Caps and Jackets. They are Bounties and Cheav. Also see ns on lain o'Slmntors and Crocheted llEMXAXTS j We have alrcily made a lot of Ut mmintsnf bolb Cotton and Wool (ioods. We will closel them out at half Our already low prices. LADIES' CAl'ES and JACKETS Perhaps you have been waiting (or the late Shawls. 'I hoso .ire nr.iminer'K ..nnlos and at . Jl . w ,B yr' L A CE C UR TA IXS At (lite, 75c, 81 and up to 812.50 per pair. DRESS GOODS unci we asKea tor inese goons, nut now you will ue astonished at the figures we qu(,t5 vu Our $o.f0 and 87 50 lines of Cloth Canes handsomely trimmed and of excellent material, were cheap at old price, now 84 fx) and LUk .....1 tal H nrrx . t ttli Kl A OT A A Big Assortment of Aii Wool Novelties in i price, 'Just see them at the new. correct shades and mixtuios. Other stores ()nr l'lush Capes bo at the following fliiures: ak ;i5 and 40 cunts pel yard for them. our i.f0 Cane now Oun l'BH'E 2ftC iard;Onr s vt Can now 8."..50 42 invh Potapudour Stdtiatrs, in Black and Our$10Ctino now $7.o0 Colors. Handsome destitns. Selling all our jH8 Cape now f'J.7(i over town at ouc vara. tnr irice .ioe .vara ,..,...!. ... i 1.1 Just received an elegant line of Pattern Suits. ' T 'I . Z Z ' . Z r , h J ' . I ., T gT'Tlf-'....itK'''''''n"''r thov are NEW (K)ODS and correct "K I" Pr c" from to 1.J a nlt.,v. .., ,lv trimmed .,,,1 An I'lllished. Don t iail to soe us ou Dress Uoods; caa save MEX S FURXISIIIXG GOODS Men's Good Heavy Ut dorshlrts and Draw ers . 2rc eacU Heavy Perhy Itlbhed Shirts, ottly 4oetaeU Heavv Hiblled Klvecvd Shlrtk and Drawers, t)ia; burrtlu 60c each . 7o pereetd Wool Shirt and Drawers,stothem J 6.V each or1.2." suit Extra Heavy Wool bhii ts and Drawers. See them. .. 6T eaoh or it,25 snit Kino All wool Twits, Cnnde Shirts and Drawers, scams all bound. French Finish ... . 750 etch Klne Sanitary All Wocd Shirts and Drawers, full llnish. '.'lie each or $1.75 suit Uoyn! Ribbed all W'ool Shirts and Drawers. Same as some stores ask the roval price of tl.nO for. Our Price 81.00 each Extra Heavy All Woid Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, Uecular Klondikers 81 60 each. Wo also have a Hue of , 'Silk and Wool Underwear That we sell r less than manufacturers cost. MEX'S 'OVER SHIRTS 20n. 2rie, 8c, 40e, (Wo and c0o. You can't buy them elsev here for 40 per cent more. Our Dolktr Grade of Overnhirlsi Ale money Savers, See them MEX'S O VERALLS Heavy Rlvited, 40c pair. MEX'S U(UtK FAXTS Good at 100 and 81 .26. you at luust 50 per cent on ihaui. FAXCY SILKS Beauties, at 25c, 35c, 40o, 60c, 05c and 75c per yard, A beautiful line of fancy weaves In styles. Beautifully trimmed and tine finished Our K Jacket now 8-ViO! Our 7.r Jacket now 84.00; Our !i.50Jacket now Mi.5u Our 810 Jacket now 80.00! Our 12 60 Jaoliet now ST.fSOi ;Our815 Jacket now 810 00 DOX'TMISS THE OPFORTUX ITY TO BUY A JABKET OR CAPE. Also Big Line Drummer's Samples of Capes atul Jackets at one-half price. Come in and see for yourselves. Courteous treatment whether you buy or not. No trouble to show goods. Remember the number KENNEDY'S Remember the Number f .. 167 First Street, Between Morrison & Yamhill, PORTLAND The Finest Thing on Earth in Candy I loWNEV'S M1 ( - - r f-CJ REailUKLB. CHOCOLATE BON BONS For Sale By E. E. WIlUAfvIS The (iroiipr Packed in pretty boxes weighing pound, y2 pound and full pounds. We have a large assortment of Candy, Nuts and Fruits as well as the big stock of Groc eries, and invite you to call and see us. CLACKAAUS. Sliss Agiit's llarttii'll came ti from Portluml last StinJuy itinl miiilo a nhort visa at lioiiie, Wni. I'oHtcr, who lias bci'ii in KaHtern Ori'ijon nil fliiminiT ami fall, catnu litinie hifit Tlmrwlay to visit fur aliottt two weeks. Mixa (.icorjiiii Ittitli, from rortlmul university, Bictit OliristiniiH ut Inline, and greatly nssinteil in the Christmas entertainment at the church. Ex-Oiitmty Superintendent Thorn son is taking a vacation at home during the holidays. Sipiire (u'liL'ellia'di and (V, Smith left last Monday morning to take the steam er Elder for Klondyke. They expect to stop at Skajjtiiiy for aliout two niontliH beiore go iif! to the gold lields. Miss Nannie Paddock cauie home from Salem to epend Christmiiif, return int; Monday. Maxey Wehster, who has heen very f?i-k with typhoid fever and pneumonia, is slow ly improvinji. , J. C. Paddock had a very enjoyable Christmas dinner, 'llmse present out side the fami'y were U. K. Jiedmaii and Wife, Mr. Ijiurence and wile and Mrn. Adda JJedman, of Portland. .. Mr. Kirk, nephew of Mrs. Cramer, a government postillice inspector from San Francisco, Cal., urrived last Friday nd remained until Tuesday eve'dnt;. We found him a very affable Christian gentleman Gluts. Cramer led the Epworth league last Sunday evening. We always have very interesting leagues when Charley leads. Mr. Carr, of Harmony, atteuded the entertainment Christmas eve and great ly tisnsted in the singing. Miss Anna Phillips is dangerously sick and lears are entertained of her re covery, u The M. E. Sunday school gave a very enjoyable entertainment Christmas eve. A lieautiful tree loaded wilh lovely pres ents ; songs and recitations, with a call from Santa Claus, who brought several well tilled baskets of line popcorn balls, that were distributed to all present, were the principal exercises of the eve ning. Mrs. Humphrey led in prayer and Milo Thompson presided at the organ with his accustomed ease and grace. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity, all going to their homes feeling they had had a very pleasant time. Many thanks are due the different committees for their un tiring efforts to make it a success. J1ULINO NOTES. Mr. Scott our new store keeper has opened out in full blast and says he is doing very well. The Christmas tree at liberal was a big lizzie. The latest thing is a necktio parly at 0. T. Howard'B December 28th. 'Pro ceeds to go to the side walk fund. Mr. Criteser and family havo moved in their new boarding house. Chndo Howard has thrown up his logging cont ract with (ieo. McCord A Co. The dance at Win Jones's residence on Christmas night was a success. Mrs Manning is kept busy .filling orders for hand sewed gloves, ail gloves warranted. Cash paid for dressed buckskin. Win b Mueller chairman of the board of directors of Marvsville district was a visitor to our burgii today. Mrs. Frank Albright ison thesick list. The right man living in the right place is what we want to tix our roa Is, but we (lout know his name yet. Adkins P.ro's will commence running a large amount of logs through Howard's mill race in a few days. We hear Mr. F. M. Manning, on the sick list for the past t -n days, is im proving. Indicatfor are strong that there will be a wedding hereabouts in the near future. Iitiess who it is. Ic:27. Twkkoi.k. HOOD VIEW. X'mas is a thing of the past for 1897 and wo are having in hopes of seeing a prospertous New Year. Fred Swartz and w ife made the me tropolis a visit last week. Henry liaker and wife are in Portland (or the winter. Vir. and Mrs. Woods entertained guests from Portland Xtnas. Miss Hellenbrand of Salem spent last week at (iralmm's Ferry. I.ee Loy is in Salem this week. Joseph Koberts and wife are living on his father's farm thiH winter. Chas. Epler and wife are living with his lather-in-law, Mr. Kidder, of W'il sonville. (irandma Scely is in Woodhurn w ith her son, Edward. lion. 11. V. Short and w ife, formerly of Wilsonvillo ami now residing at Sunnysido in Portland, will celebrate their fiftieth anuiversity sometime in February, 1)H. Miss M. E. Martland of 15. C, a cousin ofJ.W. (indium of (iraham's Ferry, intends making this place a visit in the coming month. ' Several of our best farmers have a portion of their potato crop yet in the ground. It is expected that 1 lerinun I'eper, one of Wllsonvjlle's prominent business men, will erect a fine new hall goon. Ernest Caudad! spent Xmas in Port laud with friends and relatives and came home Monday attired in a new suit. W. Clcminsen, a cleric in Mr. Pcpers store, visited his homo in Newberg Xmas.1 December 28lh. Anna. MAPLE LANE. Mis Annie Mautz was visising her sister, Mrs. J . K. Mortis, at West Ore gon City, hist week. The voting pc"ple of Ih'n place give J. K. Havies ami wife a surprise on the lSih iust. A pleasant tune was enjoyed by all. Miss Lulu Hankins, of Oregon City, whs VMling at Thos. Davies' last week. Miss Kate Maul, ami Mr. liryaiit, ol Poitbind, were visiting at A. Mainz lust Monday, Mr ami Mrs. J K. Mcrris spent Sat- i nrdiiy and Siinilay with the latter'a par. em. Mrs. Sybil Roberts, of Oregon City, was visilinu her daughter, Mrs. Win. Muir, last week. Miss Harsh Ilmies gave a parly at her home Christmas night. The evt idtig was well spent by the young peo ple in merriment and playing games, Tnosi! present, were the Misseu Laura Williams, Myrtle lioeu, Maryo and Sara Davit s ; Messrs Clarence Williams, Henry Miller, O. II. Shelly, T. II. and Lett is Jlavics. School i.losed on the 17lh itist, for a week's vacation. The pupils whose names were on the loll of honor last month were Annie and Albert Manlz, EdylliH and Jessie Jackson, Sarah Ilayies, Anna Shorllidge, Izella Surface, Minnie Mellein, Henry Walthemalhe, Evert't, Oetieva and Annie Green, uinl Martha liauman. Misi Elsie Uibbs, of Harmony, Is spending tlio holidays with her patents ut this place. L D. Maulz spent Christmas lit Hud Royal make the food pure, wboleeome and delicloua P0KH Absolutely Puro nnvAi PAHiNn tKtwnrn er,t Nrwvomf. A number ef 'ho young people of thin place attended the dance at Henrici' on th 1 1 1th hist. ' (ieorue Hyatt, of Oregon City, ppent Xmas at A Maulz's. C. U. Williams ami Win. Miller in tended the dance at Hoi; Hollow cm Xmas eve. Hurry arm Jinimie Shelly were visit itni their sister. Mts. II. Hcurici, at llfiiie-toii, hist week. Miss Emma W'nl I lo-iiiitt he, iho bus, been visiling her purfti's at thin place, returned to Portland last week. J. It. Uavies and wile are visiting re latives at Molalla, The directors of this district recently presented the actio d willl a valuable dictionary.' Xmas eve was enjoyed by seveml of the Maple Elinors, vho joined together and had a tree at the home of W F, Itiaytni. A piiigtam was given, after which Santa Claiw appeared and un loaded Hie tree of its burden willl tlfi aid o( Mrs Sut.ta. which, of course de lighted the little tots. Mr. Meillen has added much to tho appearance of his place by moving tho house nearer the road ami building ait addition onto it. Myo liriijlon was home Christnum eve, returning to the bout early Xmaa morning. Mrs. Xoe, of Needy, was the guest at Mr. liibbs' last week. W. H. Jilood, of Carlton, in a guest ut the home of W, F. I.ravton. A nalch meeting will be held ut the K'hoolhouse New Year's eve. An inter esting program is being prepared, an I us wh gather to wali h the id I year on", and the new year in, wo wish the Oorn tKitand ii many readers a happy New Yei'T. '"Tun Tiihkk Sisi Eiis" December 27. NO CURE-NO PAY. Tlml In tin' wuy nil 'lniKtii'ts kpII (IKOVK'-t TWI I I.K-8 ( MUX I ONJi; lor Mulnrw, Chill ami Ki-i.t. it in alinply trim anil iiiliihiu in r aah'lio for in . I Ii mi ii l(.e it. mo'Virrlo ut ii bltir, n a tin Hlli ir Tiniic". lrkf li. K ale bjr C. U. II uutU-jr, liruirxlit. . ...,, m..Mm .tl.iiw-fe-ri,:. ..s....