HOW TOJFIND OUT. fill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling, indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stains linen it isevklenceof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out 01 order. WHAT TO BO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's 8wamp-lioot, the great kidney remedy fjlfills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Bold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by V mail. Mention Oiikoon City Ooukikr and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Oo., Binghamton, N . Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of thiB otter. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a Specialty. Wilson A Cooke'a Old Stand ORKliON CITY, OREGON. 'JAMES MURROW, Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros., on Seventh Street, Oregon City, Oregon. BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor OrcKii City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try ttoltoii lluliy and lie Cunvnoeil W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stable Cor. Main and 4U1 St. OREGON CITY, OREGON q"Job Printing at the Wf Courier Office. 1 KESSLBR, This old on armed specialist, of St. l.tmls, well known liv Ills Ion renldonco and mic fessltillv practice In tliln city, continue Ui muvcKifnlly treat, all kliida of cbronlo antl private dlm'HUHi FREE TREATMENT KfflM ewry iifturiiuuii BLOOD AND SKIN rimKH-Sayilie lt iu MiilfilH, Tumors. Telle, Kcmuini timl tlur linimrttlca of the blood I lioronttli l i'iillnl.'ii, limvluK I tin system In a Hi'min, piiri'tind lieiiltliful tnte. ruriTMnriwr"',l,,n,'r Bn ,,U1 a"rm"n AHdUMIIoIU remedy. This r cily w .r. M-iiivil to lr. hcsscler by a friend In Berlin. It bits never billed. (IT Tl OflDrQ ''l'im, Canoers, le., treiiteil, no ILL) uUnLu iiiiri iviitw imw lonn Hirwicd. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. iwiiliil, illibciill .loo liripii'iit, milky ur I t v urine, iiniitiirHl dlitehiiriies, OHn-lully Irealed, I'iIi n, riieiiinstlMu and neumlgia trciucU b our new riMiieuies. Tnke u clear boKIP at Viedllnio and urinate in Hie bo Hie. set aslilo niul IihiK Hi it in Hit ninrnluu. II it is cloudy, or bits a clmuly ct lliiikr In It, you have soma kidney or kladdei (Heave. T UP ttrnDM removed In twenly-fonr hour. llUb nUnluHee worms In window "I ot II. v lit imt'i i. i-i ImiK. DDTHTII CIMMl'O Wp mwi Persons et-n DULJilii OlllmO day wii.w. l.ivain .mcll iilmil II i tliKiilinir. This comes 11" m tu tiurh 01 elllier Hie nose or Kluinaeh Oo anil V tvMiinlucil. It can bo fined beloro III. oimiI liont.N liecoiiiea Involveil. :gugmeh: It you Hie troubled Willi nli:lil tMiili.Nt.iiiH, exlotuatlnuilriiiie. DR. i1iiiII.'n, OashliiliiesN, livers 011 In soci.-iy. iti.pulnc!!, ,eitHiiiileiiey, loxsol eneruy, inn eitltui niul H.-lu.iinllileiice, wlileli d'-pi'iv.. yon 'I your hii.I nlis.'liil. ly unill .toe li. 1, titisluess or inurrlitite-II yon an HriMiill eled you niny know the cause t.' untl w. ir.'iiled. i KIPDLE4GEDMEN:r.,r1,!.:rw,;li: it. K,iiclnoii IntckH tttnl klilneyN; Ireitnei 1. pi.lnliil tirliiutloii Hint sediment In uHne; Itu j.oiemy or weakness til sexiuil oi'i;iiiin, untl in her unmlMakitiilo slu us of nervous tleliilli.v so. I pniiiiiHire decay, tinny die of tin ililll.'nliy, iKiiorniil of Ilia cmisii. The moM niul unite cases ol tills churtu'lcr lieuti d. pntrr imp tllsemes, Oleet, Gonorrhea, In 1 HI 1 11 1 U tlainiilloii.lilsehiii'i!es, Sti'Mun s Ueukiii-HS of OrKiius, hynlillis, llyilrecelu Vitrioocelo and kliulri d trouUiei InmleJ, Consultation Free to All. Omi'K Hours: From 9 A. M. to 8 T. M. Call or address J. Henri Kcsslcr Al. D. At St. Louis Dispensary, . f 830 YAMHILL TRCET POUTLANU. OhKUOM. REALTY TRANSFERS. Furnished Every Week by Clacka mas Abstract & Trust Co. Milton Stingley to Harry Stuble, 40 acres in Palmateer claim ; $8G5. J D Lee to Lvman Lee, e 4 of se , sec 31, and w li of sw sec 32, 1 1 8, 4 e, also e of nw M, sec 12, 1 2 a, 3 ej $1. Win Barlow to 0 A Wileock, 16.83 acs in Pendleton claim ; $400. m iiaiJow to L A WUcock, 8.17 acra in Pendleton claim ; $2ii0. Clara Sirnonton to John Daniel, lots 17, 18, bl k 23, CamVdge; $700. John J Daniels to J O Maildock, lots 17 18. blk 23, CambM(ie;$l. State of Oregon to city of Portland, se sec 34, 1 s, 5 e ; $40J. J W Grout to B W Randolph, lots 13 14 15 and Hi, blk 3, lots 15 and 16, blk 4, lots 9 10, blk 0, lots 1 2, blk 6, lota 1 2, blk 7, Ore City; $1000. J W Grout to Sarah Randolph, lota 1 2 3, blk 1 , also lots 1 2, blk 3, 0 O ; $1000. John Bargfeld to J E Marks, se qr of nw qr and ne qr of sw qr and lots 2 3, sec 4, 3 s, 3e; $1. J E Marks to John Bargfele, se.qr of nw qr and ne qr of sw qr and lots 2 3, sec 4, 3e;$l. Geo Pulley to L 0 Lowe, e of ne qr , sec 30, 1 s, 5 e; $150. , P H Marley to Frazer & Swope, exs, 8 i ot sw qr. sec 8, 3 8, A e; $1. II M Rude to Frazer & Swope, exs, a y of sw qr, sec 8, 3 s, 3 e ; $1. R 0 Logan to S M Logan, 50 acres in Wills claim ; $4000. Mary E AdaniB to Lizzie Lord, lots 911, blk 20, Robertson, $10. Windson Ld & I Oo to A Freeman, lot 1, blk 22, Windsor; $100. U S to 0 O Boynton, w a 5 and e half s e, 5 s, 1 e J patent. Paul Ozane to OGauld, sec 11, 3 s, 1 e; $33. A W Anderson to IT C Anderson, ne qref nw qr, sec 25, 1 s, 3 e; $1. M J McMahon to John Iloser, w half of sw qr of sw qr. sec 20, w half of nw qr of ne qr, sec 32, and e half of se qr of 8 qr, sec 30, and e half of ne qr of ne qr, eec31, t 2 b, le;$1000. John LKruse to A Gebhardt, 8 acres, sec 7, 3 s. 1 e ; $480. Silveiton & Port L L & I Co to J E Hammond, lots 29, 30, 31 and 32, blk 7, Marshbanks ; $100. Jane Reed to James Mortenson, 39) acres, sec 5, (i s, 1 e ; $650. US to Hannah Reid, w of nw sec 22, 4 s, 4 e ; patent. II Bethke to John Berreth, 2D acres and lot 3, sec 33, 2 s, 2 e ; $2n00. N N Cederson to Ellen Oederson.lotl, tract 57, Oak Grove; $". K W Allien to Kircheimer, 30 acr in Lfltourette claim ; $1. Sally Gault to Nathan Tingle, lota 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, blk 36, Gladstone; nothing, U 8 to 8 Phillips, lots 5 and 6 and ne M of sw )i and nw M of se et'c 6 2 8, 0 e ; patent. S M McOown to James Wilkinson, fractional lots 1, 2, 15, 16, blk 10, Glad stone ; $o30. , 1 A W Cook to W E Markwood, s of nw yt ot sw o;$160. and part of sec 34, 2 s, 4 For Over Fifty Years AnOi.danij Well-Tihki) Rkmkdy. Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrluea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by Druggis n every part of the W oild. Twenty live cents a bottle. Its value is in calculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs Window's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind . Beauty In Blond. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Cullwirlie clean your blood ami keep it clean, by utiiriim up the lazy liver and (hiving all imuuri'.ies from the body. ,l!t'gin to-dny to banish pimples, boiln, blotches,, blackheads, and that Bickly bilious complexion by taking (Jin-carets, beauty lor ten cents. All druggists satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 2"e, 00c, NOTICE. This is to notifyy that my wil'e, Anna J. lloug, lias left my bed and board without cause and that I will not bo responsible for any bills contracted by her. Jamks Hoau. To Cur (tinstlpaHon Forever. Take Cascaiels Candy Cathartic. 10c or Me. II C. V. C. fail tocure, druggisls i ef mid money. 1 illlcale Von l- Howls With C'HSCHI'f Is, Candy ('atlmrlie, cine coiistipntion forever. 10c, I'oc. IfkC.O. C. iail, drug jiisls refund money. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take l.axiillvs llronio Quinine Tablets. All diugijlsts ri'fund Ihe money If It fulls lo cure, -i' NO CURE-NO PAY. Thai is Ihe way all Irugglsls sell (iROVK'8 TAs'lKl.KsS ClIlt.L i'OMC for Malaria, Chills and Kever. It Is simply iron untl tpilnine In r aside?- form. Chtlilicn love It. A tl l s iirefe al o bluer, naUMiilliig Tellies. l'ntt It. Vo W byC. tl. lltiiillty, liniKsist. Two Millions M Year. When people buy, try, and buy again, it means they're satisliod. The people of the United Slates are now buying CtiH'Hrets Candy Cathartic at the tale ol two million buxeH a ,venr and it will be three million bed re New Years. It means merit proved, that CnscaiMts are the most dolitihttiil bowel regulator for eveiybndy the year round. All drug. (jisls'lOc, l!5,;')0c a box, en re guaranteed. A Mire 'riimir for You. A tncisHriini) in which you cimnot losi in it niiic tliiiit.', liiliouNncsH, pick licmi edit', furri'tl lniii!ii fever. iloH ami h tl.tiusiiiiil oilier ilia ni'tM iiuacil hy con hi I put ion mill sluttish liver. (.'ascHi elf (.'aiiily (.'nlliitrlic, the vtomloriul 'new liver Ktiniiihtnt untl iulesliiml tonic tire lV nil tiiui;i!isl (.'iiiiruiileetl to cure) or money ttdtiinleil l ('. V. are h fnre tiling. Try h box to-tlny ; l(c, '.Tit:. fitV. liliiltMlliil booklet free. All tli'iiv'siiMs. O-A.JS'X'Ori.X.A.. til f9 7 - llBill li-mui f Til tas lisill iigutun If Ii n irf OASTOIXIA. Four Facta for Bicyclers. When riding in the city, use the handle bars. They are designed for that pur pose, and may save a doctor's bill or a Rlim unaa l.,i, :..!...:. .:il : .1: 1 win jjciuiu ii,, are uiscarmng corsets from their wheeling wardrobe, saying that they ride better, feel better, and look better without them. Don't ring your bell too often, there is already noiBe enough in the city ; don't 10 ring i, ,h ,,,;;.,, are tunerais enough everywhere. of the Z s thataCr 11 2 UT Bth lZ,n nJ ww f"e are you will jump from the frying pan into the Are. From "Bicycle Notes," in Demorest's Magazine for December. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All DruKglsts refund the money if it fails to cure. i!5c Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The Best Salvr in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Si'res, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Sltin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re unded. Price 25 cents per b o. For sale by Charman & Co. The S urprlso of All. ' Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm ol Jones & Son. Cuwden, III., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wile was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew eo serious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing lor her. I; seemed to develop into hasly consumption. Hav ing Dr. King's New Discovery in store, and telling lots of it, he took a bottle home, Hiid to the surprise ot al I she be gan to get better from first dose, and halt uo.eiidollar bottles cured her sound and well. J)r. King's New Discovery for consumption, troughs and colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle at Charman & Co.'s drugstore; Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Bucklen A Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu lar effective in the cure of Constipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly tree from every deleterious substance and to be nurelv vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels gieatly invigorate the system. Regular size 2"c. per box. Sold by Charman iSt Co., Druggists A gentleman went into Holman'e to buy some wall paper for his parlor and looking through the many samples found some patterns that wore line, de cided upon one. "What is the price of that paper?". " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." But when it was explained how and wliy it was sold so cheap, he took the paper and was highly pleased. Doll and doll heads, 5c to 98o and upward at the Racket store. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE TABLETS Move the bowels gently, relieves the cough, cures Hie feverish comlillou and Headache, making It tne best and ipiiekest, remedy for Coughs. Colds, and bit Hriiiyie. (Tltres iu one day. No euro, no pay. H'iiei'c Tin fro- smi: J., I canf be cured ' If you suffer from any of the ills of men, come to the oldest Specialist on the Pacific Coast, I DR. JORDAN It CO.. ,1051 Market St Est A 1852. Younir. men and middle , Huetl men who are suifering 1 from the effects of vouthful indiscretions or ex- i cesses in maturer years. Nervous and Physical lbllll.v. liMiltney,liOMi sianhtiotl i mall us cnmpliratiomi; serlilHlt(rriitl'H, 1'rnslnltirrliu.H. SJonnrniu'n, Silvpl. Fretiut'nt-.v of I! rlnnlliiv. etc. Hv a 1 coinhitattion of remedies, of creat curative now- , the Hector has so srranged his treatment i that it will not only afTord immediate relief but , permanent cure. The Doctor does not claim to I perforin miracles, but is well-known to be a fair . and square Physician and Surgeon, ore-eminent in niisnecta tvsf ineiiN4N or jfirn. N.T.iiiiia tiioroiigiiiyeranicateutroiuine ' avsti'in withnn t iinIiiu Sl.r.iir 't-W KM V II AS amilvliiir in ns Will rn- 1 I oeive our himext opmttm of His rompinnit. It t iu uiMiran(eii a rmin r-t vvit it 1 recrv cone we Sinrferfnte, or forfeit On a itoiiNnnu svoiinrsi. t onsuliaiion KREK and strictly private. CHAKUKS VERY REASONABLE. Treat- ll.. ... 1... L,. C I f . 1 l. ini-ii, jjcrsi'ii.ii', 'y micr. oruu .ur uinv, "The riiiloHophy of Slai'iiue,' I frca, (A valuable book for men.) VISIT llt. JOKIAN' Great Museum of Anntoiny i the finest and largest Museumof its kind in the world. Come and learn how wonderfully you I are made; how to avoid sickness and disease. We are coiitimi.-illv adilmtr new siiecimens. VATALUWL ill t KKK. l ull or Write. 1051 Market Street, San Francisco, Cat. W.N'm rnrsTwoRTHY and active irent lumen or Indies to travel for respon-lbltl established hoii'O In Oregon. Monthly iii an eipiis.-s. Position stead v. Reference. Kn 'lose seli.:vdtl'"sseil stamped envelope. The Doin iiioti Cenipiiuy, Dept. Y, Chicago, WANTKD TUtVI WllR I'll Y A XI) ACTIVE gentlemen or hole's to travel for responsible, established house In ilresnnt. Monthly f"A and cpensi's, l'esiiion sleielv Reference. Km-l.isp self addressed slumped envelope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y, Chicago. WsaklitenKade Vigorous PS fQS PZb ifV US? JfLMkf fcttJr t.w -v J 'i.WW Tji What PEFFERS NERVIGOR Did!! It pels uowt'r fully mul o'ly- rurt vthn nil S otlu'rst Ltil. Vtniiiit nun rvam lost nunhoi'l; oUl iiu'iinvovvr youthful twir. Absoluti'ly Kiutr Hutefd to 4 iir Nrvi)sntH, Lot 'ftali(V Imtxitt'iK'y. Mir hi ly Km Union. I.owt INiu or, l(htr Kail in Memory. aril inir Hitl ii" fnt of jit J'-fiv or rets n unit f (iWiMTrfiott V;ml oil Uistnuy huu c'!-mu .tio. lm t let ttrtiiiju T nit'Oi( a v ortlilr; tuuMituit on vou Invalid tt vtt!t ti frn'ntcr nroiit. Iiir-tM ou hav ing Vb. Vl.IVS b U ltM, or uttul lor t i'an N (HrrhHl iu vt tt ki-U I'rt p.ili). ilrm wnivptT, 1 jKTiox,or ftr$., with A Written ;imr ?tt' o 'urf or Hrluud Moncv, ritnu'tilot I'nHI i'i.ll H MbDlCAL AMiN. t hi ago, 111. For Sate by CiinriUHn A Co. Constipation Causes fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the bowels and produces biliousness, torpid liver, lndl- V9 gestion, bad taste, coated Sjr'SS" results.easilyandthoroughly. 25c. All druggist, Spared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. JOSEPH RICE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Oicgon City Bank Block. Okegok City, . . - . obegon. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court House on each Sat ur d and ou regular session days of County Court. J. W, WELCH, ZDZEISTTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Or-posrru P. O., Oiikoon City, Ore. Geo. C Bbowneu.. J. U. Campbell BR OV; NELL & CAMPBELL, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW. Caufteld BuildinR Oregon City, On C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE: Commercial OREGON CITY. Banx Buildin OREGON. Til OS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Leading Insurance Agency of Clackamj County. Money to Loan. Abstracts of .Title Made. Drawing of Legal DooiimeotH a Specialty Otuce on east sine ot mum street Between 6th and 7th. OREGON CITY, - OREGON. The Commercial Bank OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL $100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Loans made. Bills discounted. Makes oo lections. Buys and sells exchange on all points in the United'States and Kurope and on Hong Kong, uepositsreceiven suDieciiocnecn. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C.LATOURETTE, F. E. DONALDSON freBliieut, Castile H. STRAIGHT, riKAI.SR IN GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ar.d Land Plaster. Noblitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and tht Depot. Double and single rigs and saddle horses wavsonhaud at the lowest rates, and a porra also connected with the barn for loose stock Any information regarding any kind of stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HORSES BOUGHT OK SOLI) C. N. GREENMAN, tiir noNKEii Express and Drayman (Established 18r5 ) farcers delivered to all parts of the ctly. m v---v.y..v....'y..y-'y..v. pnPsrmPTTnvTc H ACCURATELY FILLED I n -II V- n GEO.A.HAimiSO TIIK- Old Reliable Druggist 4 4 MKUiriNK AT Cl!T KATKS MRS. PRIERS' Ktlll Candies, Ms, Fruits and Tobacco Shi'JKoejis n First-Ciuss Line. Kino Chris tniiis lKills. Miiu Street Dreg on C CASTORIA For Infants and Children. l fas- lint It Vrtppu. llgmvar. Pills SHERIFF'S SALE. In the C'rcnit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clackamns. M. F. McCarver, Plaintiff, v. Elb.a Coleman and Thomas Coleman, Defendants. Stnte of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY- VIUTUK OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, iu the above entitled cause, lo me duly directed and dattd the 1st day of December, 1SU7, upon a judgment rendered and entered in Baid court on the auth day of -November, J8U7, In favor of M. E. McCarver. plaintiff, and against Eliza Cole man and Thomas Colemitn, defendants, for the sum of i(i!)9.10, with interest thereon at Ihe rule of 10 Der cent ner annum from 'he 20th dav of November, 13'J7, and the further sum of 8100.00 as attorney's fee, and the further sum of 910.00. costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situ nta iu the county of Cliickamus, state of Oregon, to wit: Beginning al a point 5.1'J chains north of the northwest comer of the northeast of the northeast of section 4, township i south of range 2 east of tne Willamette Meridian, iu the center of the county road leading from Milwau kee to Phillip Foster's and running thence soiuh 25.80 chains to the southeast corner of the north west f "le northeast yt of said t.eotlnn 4, thence west thirtv links lo the eiist boundary ot the D. L. C. of W. T. Matlock, deceased, thence north 22 degrees west 6.40 chains to the noitheast corner of said Matlock claim, theuee south 08 dogrees west 8.45 chains, thence north 24.50 chains to the center of said county road, thence east ou the line of said road 10 chains to the place of beginning, containing 22.60 acres in Clackamas county, stale of Oregon. Now, therelore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and deoree, and in compliance with the commauda of said writ. 1 will, on Mon day, the 8d day of January, ltB8, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. at the front door of the county oouit house In the oity of Oregon City, in said county aod stale, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, lo the highest bititler, for U. 8 gold coin, cush ill hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named deiendaitls or either of them, had on the dale of the mortgage herein or since had in and to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. U. W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Dec. 1st, 1807. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, D. W. James, Plaintiff, 1 vs. I Wm. Ohlenkamp ana I John Dahlke, Defendants. J State of Oregon, County o( Clackamas, ss. 1Y VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, ' decree and an execution, duly issued out of and uudertheseal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 24th day of November, 1897, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court ou ihe 3d day of November, 18U7, In favor ol D. W. James, plaintiff, and against Wm. utilen k imp and Johu Dahlke, defendants, for the sum of $1200.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the ninth day of December, 1802, and the further sum of $125. tH) as attorney's lee, and the further sum ol 20.00, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt: Beginning at a point on the section line between sections 21 and 22 in township 8 south, range 2 east of the Willamette meridian, far enougli south of the Quarter section corner on said line so that a Hue running east from such point across tne (lunation larni claim ot k. a. worsuam to the west boundary ol the donation land claim ot Lorenzo A. Kirk will Include one hundred and twenty acres of thit part of said Worshain dona tion land claim lying north of such east and west line, exclusive of 7.58 acres heretofore sold and conveyed by Isaac Karr to P. Seaman. Now therefore, bv virtue if said execution judgment order and decree, and iu compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will, ou at tirday, the 28th day of December, 1807, at the hour of one o clock p.m., at the frontdoor ol the county court house in the city of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at publio auction, Bubject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S gold com, cash in In'nd, all tne right, title and interest which the within named defendants or either of them, had on the dale of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part there in, to satlsty sain execution, judgment oritur, ue cree, interest, costs aud all acoruitbg costs. O. W. GRACE. Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oretron Dated, Oregon CilyOr.. November 24th, lb07. We have received a line ot silver plated ware, which will be given to our patrons The quality is a 1 extra coin silver plate 1487 Win. A. Rogers. We solicit you to inspect the same at the store of I. Selling. Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures Winter Shoes I KRAUSSK BROS., second 4 tloor north of P.O., have just received a tine new line of HEN'S WINTER TANS. Call and nee them. We have added u tirst-clitss shoemaker to our fstiihlishment anil are prepared to do ail kinds of repairing at reiisonahle rates, t t t t t KRAUSSE BROS SHOE STORE Two liura Norlh r.f 1''H. Winter Shoes I Bank of Oregon City IOI.DKST CASRINU HOU8K IN THE CITY Paid Up Capital, 50,000. Surplus, $0,S50. resident. Vice president Cashier, Cha. II. Cacfmed ttSO. A. Hakhins E. O. Cachei.d K lieueral flanking Buslnesi Transacted Dciwsits Received Subject to Check. Apvroved Bills and Koles lllscouutcd. Cniintv and City Warrants bought. Loam Matleou Available Seciint Kxcliango Bought and Sold. Collection Made Promptly. rnafts Sold Available in Any Part of th, World. Teleirranhic Kxchane Sold on Portlaud, 8r Kranclsco. Chlcaco and New York. Interest Paid on Time Deposit. Children Cry for Jit SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for ihe County of Clackamas. A. E. Latourette, Executrix of the Will of L. D. C Latourette, Deceased, Plaintiff, vs. E. P. Elliott, Llliie li. Klliolt, Thomas Charman, Frank Welch. Margarett Barrett, J. J. cook and Charles Albright, Jr., Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. UY VIHTUE OF A ,IUI OMKNT ORDER, DE cree and an execution, duly issued out o and under the seal of tne above eiiUMe-i court, in the above entitled cause, lo ine duly directed and dated the 27th day of November, 1897, upon a judgment rendered and ent-red in said court on the 20th day ef November, I8H7. in favor of A. E. Latourette, Executrix of the will ol L. D. C. Latourette deceased, plaintiff, and against E. P. KlHotl, Lillie H. Elliott, Thomas Charman Frank Welch, Mamarett Barrett, J.J. "ookand Charles Albright, Jr., defendants, for the sum of $10Sfi.t 0, with Interest thereon at Ihe rule of 10 per cent, per tiuntim from Ihe 20th dav of November,. 1807, and the further sum of 15U.iX) as attorney's fee, and the further sum of $10.00, costs and dis bursements, nod the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described veal propeity situate in Ihe county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: Lots three and four in block forty-five of rntinly addition to Oregon City, nil of fractional block lettered Din county addition to Oregon City and lot three in block three iu Mt. Pleasant addition to Oregon City according to Ihe T. P Randall subdivision of said block, all according to the official maps and plats on tile in the oftice of the Recorder iu Clackauias county, btate of Oregon. Now, therefore, hv virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree, and in compllanoo with the commands of said writ. I will, on Mon day, the lid day of January, 1808, al the hour of one o'clock p. m.. at Ihe front door of Ihe county court house in ihe city of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell al public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for V. b. gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest whiolt the within named defendants or either of tliein, hud on the date of the lfiortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest. costs ai. d all accruing costs. ti. W. OKACE, Sheriff of Clackamas Conntv. Oreiron Dated, (intuit Jity, or., Nov. 2iitli, 1807. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for tne uoiiuty ol Ulackamas. Jacob fpangler, Plaintiff, vs. Z. 8. Gard and Jieleu U. Anderson, Defendants. ' Stale of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under Ihe seal of the above entitled court, iu the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the amh day of November, 1897, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court ou the lirst day of November, IHU7, in favor of Jacob hpaiiglcr, plaintllf, and against Z. H. Gard antl Helen u. Anuerson, Uetetultinls, lor tne sum ol 3;1.00, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per eeutper annum from the first day of Novem ber, I!i7. antl tne lurllier sum of ifciU as attorney 8 lee, and the lurllier sum of H.'i.lX). costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property situate Id the county of Cliiokanias, state of Oregon, lo wit: Keglnning at tne northeast corner or me i). L. v. of Ezra Eisher and wil'e in township 2 south of range 2 east of the W. M,, runiiing thence along (he north boundary of said claim norlh 81 degrees west 4.25 chains to corner of ' C. Welch's Imid, thence south an degrees II) min- ut '8 west 14. (U chains to the northwest corner of two acre tract of land owned by M. O. Gard, thence along the norm side ol stuu two acre tract south til degrees 50 minutes east 4.33 chains to the northeast comer of said two acre tract,, thence north 4 feet, thence southeasterly Uchalns more or less, to a point on the east line of said olalm, which point is 20.23 chains Botith of the northeast corner of said claim, thence uorlh 20.23 chains lo ihe place of beginning, containing 14 acres of land, more or less, also a strip 20 feet wule ami desert butl as beginning nt a potut4feet north of the northeast corner of said two acre tract and running thence south 2S degrees ill minutes west along the east side of suid two acre tract B.52 chains to the center of the county road, thence along the center of said road east erly 20 feet, thence north 28 degrees 10 minutes east lo.o chains, ihence west 20 leet to place ol beginning, Clackamas county, state of Oregon, Now. therefore, hv virlna nf said execution. judgment order ard decree, Hint in oomplianctt wtui me commands oi sain writ, i win, ou sum. day, the 3d day of January, 1SII8, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. at the frontdoor of the ootinty. , conn house in the city ol Oregon utty, in saio county and stale, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to Ihe highest bidder, lor V. S. gold coin, cush in hand, all the right, title and interest which the w ilhm nnmed .leieiiilants or either of them, had ou Ihe date of the mortgage or since had iu or to the above described real property or ony part thereof, to satisfy said execution, judg ment order, decree, interest, costs an.l all accru ing costs. G. W. GRACE, Bneritt oi uiac aainas uouniy, uregon . Dated, Oregou City, Or., Nov. 2'Jth, 1897. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. PURSUANT TO AN EXECUTION ISSUED out of the Circuit Court uf the Stale of Oregon. for Clackiiniiis Coiity, ol date November llth, 1897, upon a decree of loreelosnre duly rendered ill said Court on November 20lh, 18'.i7, ill Ihe case of The Alliance Trust Company, Lit., plaintiir, vs. I.. Phelps, O. S. Phelps. Nellie E. Sunlll, K. C. Smith, Fannie (iiUitts, William Squires, Addlo Smith, John Sunlll, Verdie Hews, John Hews, li. 0. Smith, as admliiisliator of the estate of John tlmw. deceased, and ltothehild Brothers, a corporation, deletulants, in favor of Ihe plainlilf antl against the defendants, 1 will, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon ou the 28ih day of December, 18'.i7,at the front tloorof thecotiittiouse in Oregon i Ity, Oregon, sell til public auction lo the highest Milder lor cash In hand the premises in said tlecree of foreclosure described, being situate iu I'iiickamas County, Stale of Oregon, to-wit: Heginiilug al a point six (tl) chains and lifty (Ml) links north niul t'elve(12ielinins ami sixty-nine. (i9) linKs east of the southwest corner of section twenty-three (23) in township three (3) soulli of hinge 't!iree(:beast ef tlieVillanietteMerltlian,rui. nltig thence north ti f y (M) chains, thence norlh sixly six degrees uii4) thirty minutes (30') west fifteen (to) chains ami tifly (Ml) links, thence north (iiiy-one degrees (51) west tlfly-nine (MM chains uiid twelve (12) links, thence west eight (H) chains and sevenly-three 73) links, thence Miulh one hundred and fourteen (114) chains, thence east (4S cliHlnsand titty (.U) links, thence norlh twenty C-H) chains slid llfiy (M) links; thence east twenty'(20) chains and Hfly (SO)chaiiis to the place ol beginning, containii g WM acres mme or less; to sallsiv the sum of Hs7.26 with inlerest from November Ulh, ls7, nt the rule of 10 per cent per anniun.and :i72.r.t)(i with interest from same date al 8 percent per niinuni. and iL'Wl.lO as attorneys' fees; with linen si from same dale at 8 per cent per annum; all in United State itolr coin, and the cesls- anil disbum nients of said suit, laxrd al till 3.1, and Ihe costs of and upon said writ. G. V. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Or. Dated, November 2M, 1S97. Gambrinus Cold Storage (.irieistn & llallwyer, Vrojo. Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Elegant Family Kooins. OHKGOV C'TY OREGON BUSINESS CHANGE- G. V. HENXISGS 1ms luirrlitiMil the Seventh street Bakery of Ja cob Koln-r ami the new iiiiiiuii;fnii'nt. re pitml fi furni-li vou with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Ltc, at very readmit I ile jirieef C. F. HENMNGS, 7t!i St Bakery r Pitcher's Castorla,