' . r- Oregon city 16th YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1897. NO 32 COUR "V- . A Sof and Warm Bed 9 is a rare treat, to our care-worn body. A good bed may help U8 over a bad cold quick and 80 extend our life. You owe it to yourself and family to pay a little attention to this important fact. Our heavy blankets for $2 a piece would make a suitable Christmas present. A large rug, 2x5 feet, in front of the bed, is a good match. You will do well to inspect our mammoth stock complete in all lines we cany. CHRISTMAS SMILES The smile on the photograph is the natural smile of the individual. The smile on seeing the photograph is the smile of one who is pleased at the work of the artist. Your friends will enjoy look ing at and possessing one of our photographs if your face is represented thereon. (henJ Leading Photographer Main St., near Court House, Oregon City Not How ft But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods for sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHARMAN & SON, Dealers in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HATS CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at, the Picneer Store of Charman & Son before buying elsewhere. , New Store New Prices AND We Are After Tour Trade DOMESTICS. Merino Vesis imii Panto. Bin Bargain at ,...S0o each Union Suit, fllinh Ha vnll nnv 81 fil 'jr. fur aj yas uoon moached Alnslin fur v $1 Oil! elsewhere. Our price 7js suit Mia wide mi'acnea Muslin, LoiwrialA 7Jjc yd. Fine All-Wool Union Suita.realvalnanow H.flO suit lAiiiBiiuie i.amunc uc ya. Bl K vests, lurnier nriee nn -nnMrli Good, Fust Color Calico ...S&cyrf! In Misses' and Children's Underwear we, have Better Grwle Cnlico 4) c yd everylhitiK and at prices that will make you our Best Grade Calico nc yd customers. uestumue Apron uneca Mititrtiani oc yd The above Lines are not a lot of cheao stuff, but me I PJfV Tegular Trade Winners. Outing Flannels, Good Selected Goods 5c yd Ladies' 10c Cotton Hose now 5c pair1 11,.,,.... lil .. Q ..A flM.- ,K ....J ..... ... f . o;y, ju i nu iu. anu sol. KI1LO now 1UC pair ft... p,!,,. Hilton Vliuinnl Klpnp.hpri nr Knlileiietioif fw. vA T ..liu1 W....1 II...... .ua: 1..- 1;. IWUr rnU. . Heavy (Jraile8 6c,7ko. 8Hc, 10c yd Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, naiiallv sold at 3So Crush Towltnir, Twilled 4o ydi and k',now 2iV pair Q" "" luwiii'g w j wo mso nave un the nue grades at equally low i.ni ici vjiTLum i v;, OLi, jv,o, i;yO JJUCPH. ieucnea innie ijinen, ine oesiyou nave ever BLACK SILKS Great values ......65c, 75c, 8oc and SI .00 In them 111' re Money savers. IN black dress GOODS We have the newest and most desirable line In the city, end the smallm" of the prion will surprise yon, Just see thcni. 45-inph Sacking, all wool .. 40c yanli MEN S FUIiXISHIXG GOODS Men's Good Heavy Ur rlershlrts and Prnvr. ers . . 25(! each Heavy Perhy Rihhed Shtrrs, only 4octach lleavv Ribhed Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, big bargain 60o each 75 percent Wool Sliirt and Drawers, ste them I7k each orl.o.) suit Kxtralleavy Wool Mints and Drawers. See mom. . isn choii or f i,a suit Winch Sackinir, all shiuies. flue troods 5nc yard i Fine All wool Twits, Onde Sliirls and 60-lni'h Sacking, usually 8.ld at 81 .. seen for the money 25c vd Heavy and Better grwles at 85e, 5tto and tioc yd Tl Inch Fine Linen lMmask, such as you see elsewhere for 81 and 81.25. Here 75c yd Bed Tatile Damask 15c. 20c. 25e, 85c yd Big Line of Towls at prices that are sure to Bell uiem. HKITHF.H. Cheviot Shirting, heavy winter goods 8Hc, lOeyd LACE CUliTAIXS BLAXKETS. At C9c, 75c, 81 and up to S12.50 per pair. 10-4 Gray or White BUnkets. the Dollar value C0cpr rtlttpeu iuinc Very L'vrge and Heavy Grsy Blankets, some Ji7l..3 IrUUIJa Stores get -W.no for them, our price tK.Bi pair Nice Line of Small Checks, splendid goods for Children's Winter Hose from 5c to 35c a pair. uur Hosiery are au naraains. gee our line of Babies' I rochetted Silk and Wool laps and Jackets. They are Beauties ano Cheap Also see us on Tarn li'shanters and CrocheU'd Shawls. These ure Drummer's Samples and at uau fbice. Extra Heavy and Kxtra Large Blankets 82..) pflir All-Wool Fine tlriide Gray Blankets S3.00 pair Oregon Mntt led Kxtra Large Blankets. Regular 6.81). Value $4M pair Also Fine (irude Blankets l 5, $(1.50 to $10 pr FLAXXELS Nflvy Bine, Gray and Hrown, All Wool 9-ownfre ! rianueU. Oi tiers ask 4oo for them. Our price :tfc yd Good Heavy W hite Shiiker Flannel 60 yi ButterUratle 7'oatid H,c yd LADIES' UNDERWEAR Jersey Ittbbed Vests 20c each Jersey Kibbed Vea and Pants, Fleeced '2."c ouch Jersey Kibbed Vests and Plants. Special value at 3A(?t 4Uct 50c each, J. W. BING & CO. Importers and Dealers In JAPANESE FANCY GOODS Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc. , Great Sale this week I Come and Bee our prices and bargains. 28S Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. The Gerhama Market. Is the cheapest place in the city to buy t t 't t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS Seventh Street, Nonr Depot, Oregon City. Paul J. Scholz, Prop. t t t t THE LAUGHTER ALE At the Bee-Hive is still in full blast TYKRYTHIXGr fiOKS--Prices cut in halves No such opportunity to purchase. NEW, FRESH and DESIRABLE GOODS at prices so far below their value was ever known in Oregon City Come before it is too late The stock is now complete in all departments, and when the 15EE-IIIVE i.v no more you will have to pay very much higher prices Look at our new prices on shoes. THE BEE-HIVE CAUFIELD BLOCK OREGON CITY - - OREGON $1 25: Toe yard school wear. Keb Thkm 15c yardi A iK AMoruitttni 01 all wool woveitiesin cortwt shades and mixtmes. Other uteres nk 85 and 40 cents pn yard for them. Oub Price 25c jard 42 inch Pumpudour Suitings, In Black and (Jnlurs. ilanuiinme deminis. Hellinfl all over town at 60r yard. Our Price 35e yard Juflt received un eUnant lino of fattern suits. Mo two alike. Line tusiiionable K(Hdy, ranp- ing In price from to K a suit Don t lull to see us on ureas uoous; can save you at ltta.st 50 uer cent on ihem. FANCY SILKS Beauties, at 23o, 85o, 40o, 60c, 6,rw nd 75o per yard, A beautiful line of fancy weavei in IlEMXAXTS W hnrA nlrtnidv mftiirt fi intiif Rfmnentsnf both (Cotton Hint V(iol Uoni. Vb will closo them out at half our aireaily low prlucB. LADIES' CAVES ami JACKETS Perhaps you have been waiting for the late SALh.S on these Rood-. II ho, nuw la your chance. We were noted f"r the low price we asked tor these (roods, but now you will be astonished at the liuures we quote yuu. Our Jfi.50 and 87 50 lines ol Cloth Capes, handsomely trimmed and ot excellent material, were cheap at old prioe, now !4 5(1 and ". Our ft) and till lines go at i.50 and J7.50. We were proud ot the values at the old price, Just see them at the new. Our Plush Capes (to at the following figures: Our $i.nu ('ape now H.SO OurSS so Cape now .i iS-i.sO Our 10 Cape now 17.80 UurjllWCape now rJ-o Our line of Jackets were appreciated at the old mice, what will the new prices duo for them. Remember they are NEW (100119 and correct styles. Beautifully trimmed and fine finished Our f Jacket now S.r0 Our 7.M) Jacket now M.0(l Our W.50 Jacket now , .Vi0! Our 110 Jacket now W.00' Our (12 60 Jaoket now 7.S0 IOurlo Jacket now 10o0 Urawera, seams all buuud. French Fliiioh . . 7So each Fine Stmiinrv All Wool Shirts and Drawers, i'uli tlmsh. i'Oc each r $1.75 suit Royiil llihhed all wool yhlrts and Drawers. Saric as some stores ask the roval price of ll.Mfor. Our Price tl.tX) each Kxtm Heavy All Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, Keuulur Klondikurs til 511 each. We also ha ve a Hue of SlUc and Wool Underwear That we sell nr less than manufacturers cost. ' MEN'S OVER SHIRTS !20o. 25c. Sic, 40c, Mte and noo. You can't buy them eisevnere tor w per cent more. Our Dollar Grade of Oeernhirttt Ale money Savers. See them. MENS OVERALLS Heavy Rlvlteil, 40c pnir. MUX'S WORK PANTS Good atl 00 and 11.25. DON'T MISS THE OPPORTUN ITY TO BUY AJA11KET OR CAPE. AUo Big Line Drummer's Samples of Capes and Jackets at one-lmlf price. Come in and see for yourselves. Courteous treatment whether you buy or not. No trouble to show goods. Remember the Number Remember the number 167 First Street., Between Morrison & Yamhill, PORTLAND The Finest Thing on Earth in Candij IpJNEy'S RCOISTCM&a. CHOCOLATE BON BONS For Sale By E. E. WILLIAMS! i y ijuuiiu, Packed in pretty boxes weighing y2 pound and full pounds. An Ideal ChristmasCift We have a large assortment of Candy, Nuts and Fruits as well as the big slock of Groc-. eries, and invite yon to call and see m. COLTON. ChriKtm itt i- cnmtnz, hd is "Saw Years May w" all Imvc a ninny C lristinm ami a happy N'aw e r. Rev Hiiili, from near DainaHcus. nnd Rev. WiimfieM ot Wilhoit have been hol'liliX meetings lieie (luring the mst week. TlieC C. (ielmtintf gociety whs called t'i tirdur hy tlm (ireHidciu flt 7 p. in. Wed iifsduy. 'I h queaii ni (or dcliule whs, 'lieaolved, Tliat Wiitnan Iihh More I'lfliience Over Man limn Money"; J. (iorlieU for HinrniHlive and Hrenton Vedder neKtiv. It wan derided in favor of the negative. The Hiieiety will trive an entertainnieut ami haxket social New Year's v for the pdrposn of raisina money tr: ptneliase lanips f r the cehool hoii -e. The program eoinmitteH is, I. K. Dix, Mrs. Kannie Bnnney and MitisGraeu tioihett. All are cordially invited to a1 tend. Miss Kinina Tinnerstet of Tillamook came over to keep house lor her lalher this winter. S. II. Dix lias moved in his new house. Misa Jennie Carlfion is home from Portland oti a visit, December 18. Au'iiositK. Catarrh, like ecrofu'a, is a disease of the blood and may hettnred by purifying the blood with Hood' S.treaparilJu. KELSO. The Kelso school held its closing exer I'ises on Friday afternoon, December 17th. The following program waB listen ed to by a goodly number of visitors: Song School Recitation. ."The Cuckoo". .Annie Jarl Quotation. ."Hro'iks". . . Alfons Hotter Uecitat,ion."New Woman" . ISertha Albul Recitation. "A Wing Shoe". Dora Jeeger Recitation. . , . "A Little Roy's Wonder Song" Johnnie Jarl Composition.. "My Life". .Joe Donahue Recitation '-The Day is Done" Minnie Kntzer. Dialogue "Rlack on One Side" Joe, Donahue and (red Canning. Song. . .. "Poor Little Joe" Nellie Donahue and liertha Rich. Recitation... "Tho flight of Ridiculous" Milton Nelson. Recitation, "Castle in theTie,"Ellen.Tarl Recitation "Olumbling Jim" Willie Dickenson, Composition "liirds"... David Jarl Recitation . ."Faithless Nelly Gray" Fred Canning Recitation. ."Crocodile". .Frank Rotter Recitation "Were I a Kitten," Jolmie Dickenson. Dialogue.. ."In Love". ..Milton Nelson and Willie Dickenson Recitation Kd ward Rich Recitation "Our Mother" Nellie Donahue. Recitation. "Little Crave".. Bertha Rich Song "Hod Be With you Till We Meet Again" School D. C. Ai.lahd, Teacher. Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Aggie Kellogg, -a minor, J. T. Apperson, guardian, asked for an order ti pay a balance of f 134 to Mary A. Kellogg, guardian of said minor. Said order whb granted and Monday, Feburary 3rd, set as the time for hearing said final report of J. T. AppeiBOii. In the matter of tho estate of Charles T. fillister, decea ed, Henry A. Troge, administrator, was granted an order to sell a certain team and wagon belong ing to said estate. In he matter of the guardianship of the person and the estate of Kzra W. Cressy, an imbecile, Richard Scott, the guardian, was granted an order to pni chase certain real estate holding from Tiioman M. Rogers, in payment of a promisory note ol $1(100 due the estate. Church Notes. Sunday school exercise with recitations Friday, at 7:30 p. m., in St. Paul's church. Everybody welcome. Christmas day, 10 45 a. m., there will be Christmas service with special music and sermon, in St. Paul's Episcopal church. Next Sunday morning, in St. Paul's church, Rev. Dr. 'Williams will preach; and, in the evening, the subject will be "Jonah." A Chrtstmas sermon will bo preached nt the Congregational church next Sun day morning. At the evening service t he subject will be "St. John the Evai ge list," in comeration of St. John's day. The masonic lodge will attend the service in a body. All masons and their families are cordially invited to attend. The sermons in the Baptist church on Sunday w ill be a Christmas character. In the morning the pastor will preach on "Tho Bethlehem Message and tho Divine Purpose " In the evening "The Birth of Christ and its effects on Society" will ixi the subject. Kvangelist. (ialla ham, assisted by the Singer Ledfard, will aid the pastor in special meetings the first of the year. Ifan 1 crochet skirts, beautiful colors, for $1.05, at the Racket store. Grand sMsctacular masque ball by th Red Men Christmas night, the 25th. Postal Banks In Ireland. Tho following- letter on tho benefits of postal savings banks is from Thomas Burke, a trade unionist in Belfast, Ireland ! "Of all the reforms now needed in America, the postal savings bank should come first. Such an institution gives absolute security to the musses in de positing their savings; it encourages thrift; it .also gives a permanent lesson in jHilitical economy; fiirthermoie, it creates that true spirit of independence and self-respect which it is impossible to find among a people under t'ie present system of savings banks and loan asso ciations. In Bpeaking with some of the labor men here on the subject they have expressed surprise that you have no jHistal banks in America. They wonder that such an energetic people should be without safe places to deposit their sav ings. They further said: 'Cive the Aiiiericun working people government security for their deposits and they will outstrip the world as regards the amount of their savings. In this country nearly every child has au account in the postal banks. This is taught them in schools. They buy stamps with their pennies and place these stamps on a card. When they have twelve stamps that is, 1 shilling they open an account in the 'hank' and keep their money there until nicy are aoie 10 worn, una n is surpris ing to note the amount of their accounts. For instance, I know of one man about 24 years old who has been saving since childhood. His account amounts to PKK) or $T.00. lie is a compositor. I could fill a volume on the benelits of tsstal savings banks." Chicago Record. KvprybiMljr Hjr Nn. Csscarets Candv Cathartic, thu most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act ifently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, ch ansitig the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness, Please buy and try box of 0. C. C. to day ; 10, 'l', f0 tents. Sold und guaran teed to cure by all druggis's. Royal make the food pura, wbolcsume and delicious. WMK PQVDER W'l Absolutely Puro Wwai bakino pownrn rn,, NrwvonK. SCHOOL REPORTS. nonthly Reports of School Districts in the County. The following is the report of Union Hill school, district No. CO, for the month ending December 3: Average daily attendance 10. cases of tardiness 2. Those neither absent nor tardy during the ni'Uitn were : Johnnie and Edmund Snider, Ir.t White, Iva Soulcs and Amanda Smidt. Visitors, Mr. David Wagner, Mfs, AY L. While, Mrs. i. Vt Into, MtssMeta anil Anna Filers, OHo Knorn and Christ Complit. Fiictid and others are invited to visit our school and inspect our work. A ,F.JC nhiiit, Teacher. Retiort of school district, No. DO, for month ending Decembers: Number days taught 1!, days attend ance '.'(11 'j, days absence 8.'e, number enrolled 15, average attendance 14. Those neither absent nor tardy during month: llennio Iliiyhuist, Harry aiul Ray Kirbyson, Mamie, Sa lie, Tom, Dave and Clarence Evans, UniiTiti'iJH Rick, Teacher., Redland school report, 3rd month: Days taught 1!, total attendani'eli.'jli1, days absence 5:1 '.4, average number be longing 311, average daily ultendauce 33, times tardy 23. Roll of honor Maude Stone, (iunrge, Louis, Dora and viary M unlock, Cassie ami Ora W ilcox, Mary Kainuscher and Minnie Evans. Fre I Wilcox and Willie Stone deserve credit also, Yi-itors Messrs. F. E. Murdock, Levi Johnson, A. Allen and Rev. William Morehouse and Mrs. I), Evans and Miss Annie Drescber, Parents and others interested in our school lire cordially invited to visit it. at any tines ('has. Rt'TiiiiKi'oiii), Teacher. Catarrh In the Head, that tro'ihhHome and disgusting disease, may be entirely cured by a through course of Hood's Sarsaparilla. the great blood purifier. Hood's Pills cure nausea, tick head ache, indigestion, biliousness. All drug guists. 2n 1 t i r