Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 17, 1897, Image 8

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ill a bottle or common glass with
(i rine and let it stand twenty-lour hours ;
u sediment or (settling; indicates an un
healthy condition of the kidneys. When
urine stairs lint u it isevidi nceof kidney
trouble. Too frequent decire to urinate
or pain in the back, is also convincing
proof that the kidnejs and bladder are
out of order.
There Is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmers
Swamp-Koot. the great kidney remedy
fulfills every wish in relieving pain in
in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and
every part of the ur nary passages. It
corrects inability to hold urine and
scalding pain in passing it. or bad effects
following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessity
of being compelled to get up many times
during the night to urinate. The mild
and the extraordinary effect of Swamp
Root is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the
most distressing casus. If yon need a
medicine you should have the best.
Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and
one dollar. Vou may have a sample
bottle and pamphlet both sent free by
mail. Mention Okkgon City Couhikb
and send jour address to Dr. Kilmer &
Oo.,Binghamton, N . Y. The proprietors
of this paper guarautee the genuineness
of this offer.
Plumbing and Tinning.
, Jobbing of All Kinds
a Npecialty.
Wilson & Cooke's
Old Stand
Paper Hanging,
Artistic Hoifte Tainting
Leave Orders nt Kly Pros., on Seventh Street,
Oregon liy, Oregon.
CHAS. CATTA, Pioprietor
Oregon City, Oregon
Pure Milk and Full
given; .delivered to
part of the city.
Try Bolton Dully mid lie Coiivneed'
& feed
Cor. Main and 4'h St.
KgJob Printing at the
iJW Courier Ofiice.
Thin old one armed peelnllst, of HI. Louis,
well known by hl long residence and sue
eessfullv practice In this city, continue In
.ncccssiully treat, ull kinds of chronic, and
private dlsniisei
every titlurnuon
TiTrinn Tn tlimT I)'e.e, Rore, Spots,
QLUUIJ ftniJ UlUfl lMmplc.,Hcro(ulu,S.v,.l,.
Tine TiilniB, Tuiiiois. Tellers, hcacinn nod
ther Inipurlllea of the blood thoroughly
nidlcHtcd, leaving tho system lu Urong,
pure and healthful si ale.
presented to Ur. hesselcr by a friend In
llerlln. It htw never fulled.
flTTl OnDfQ fliers, Caneera. etc., trented, no
ULLI uUKuU dllferonce how long mreeled.
I'ninlul, illlllculi , loo iiiueni, iniiRyor oioo,.
urliiB, iiniilurl dlsehargea, caroiiill.v treated,
i'lles, rlieunntlKin and neuralgia treaied by
our new rcnicolcs.
Take n cli r ImII nt bedtime and urlniit
In I lie bottle, act iwldo and look nt It In Hie
morning. II it is cloudy, o hn a cloudy set.
I linn In It, you have some kidney or bladder
tPHDr1 WflDW! removed In twenty-four hours
lftlll nUnluHce worm III window nt of
Itiv l.'i lo.t'i leel long.
BREATH STINKS day wl'usa lirennismellt
mi liinl II is dlgiisung. Tills comes finui t il
lairb oi either lb nose or slomucli (Jo anil
V examined. It ran lai rilled before the
iiihiiI bones becomes Involve"!.
' milVP MUM If '" air troubled with nlghl
tUUltU 1T1 fj ll eiiilsvloiis.rhnusllngdiain,
iliuides, baslilulnesa, avers on to society,
iluidnck ilcsiuiiideney, loss of rneruy, alli
en Ion unit sell-conlUlciioc, w bleli d in iv you
l volar manhood and absolutely unlit ,u
rorVtndv, tuisliiesa or marriage-If you kit
ihus uilbcti d you may know the caws, Uo
and he ir 'ated:
ui hH, acli ng back" and kblnevs; lieiiiei.t,
I'lilnlul ul'loalloo and edlmcnl In mine; I in
IKileney or weakness of semoil organs, and
oilier unmistakable signs of nervous debility
and .rciniur decay. Many die ot I his
dlltleulty, Ignorant ot th cans. Tin moat
obsilnub' ruses ul this clinraoier treati d.
DTJlir ATT diseases. Oleet, Onnnrrlien, In.
rttlinlu nniHlloin.lleliai-ge, unlet urea.
Weaknesa of Organs, Kypbilm, llydinoula
Variotaide and kindred troubles IreateU.
Consultation Free to All.
Ovfick Uookb: Fwm 9 A. M. to
8 P. M. Call or uddross
J. Henri Kessler M. D.
At St. Louis Dispensary.
In Favor of Union.
Macksburg, December 15th, 1897.
Editor Courier: I have just been
reading the Clackamas County Inde
pendent, the Hi tie, republican sheet pub
lished in Canby, it see,ms to have a dose
of the hysterics because you advocate
union of the populists, democrats and
free silver republicans. It knows well
if such a union is formed its favorite
bosses will not only be snowed under in
Clackamas county, but in the state also,
and you are only voicing the sentiment
of a great majority of the democrats of
this county which as editor of a demo
cratic paper you could hardly do other
wise. Mr. Gili knows well if the demo
crats would run a straight ticket in this
county the republicans would elect every
officer, hence his anxiety for their wel
fare. I was shy about subscribing for
the Independent; 1 cited to Mr. Gill
the former course of the Iron worker, his
former paper, and also to the rut our
great and good independent, Maurice
Cain, had fallen into, but he assured me
that his paper would be strictly inde
penddent. Ye gods, what itall !
Yes, Mr. Editor, go right ahead and
do your duty as a free democrat, you
are only advocating the sentiment of a
great majority of the democrats of the
county and alsi all sensible populists.
We democrats only want represntation
on the ticket according to our strength.
Remember the old maxim, ' United we
stand, divided we fall."
Silver Democrat.
The past week has been a season of
inielleclural feasting to the Highland
people. 1
Levi Johnson, secretary of Y. M 0 A.
of Oreicnn Citv, delivered a lecture at
Highland church Friday pveninn.
Nuliject, "PersiuiHl Purity "' CliarleH
Gutiing f re m Oregon City delivered a
lecture at the K. of P. hall Saturday
evening. Roth lectures wero well at
tended a'ld well received.
The Highland people organized a
debating and literary society with Mr.
Krmicis Welch, president, mid G. R.
Miller, secretary. Thesnciely will meet
st the scho ilh'.mse Saturday evening,
December 18th, and debate the free silver
si.bject wiih (t. It Miller appearing an
leader on ttie allirinative and 0. Kellowa
on the negative. We invite outsiders
lototne. '
The annual election of Highland
grunge resulted in the choice of the fol
lowing officers : CN Larkins, master;
R L Rii.go, overseer; Robt Ginllier,
lecturer; E Harrington, steward ; Frank
Welch, assistant stewiird; Lizzie. Ringn.
chaplain ; Mm 8 A Dean, treasurer ; G
K Miller, secretary; A eh ilas, gate
keeper; Pomona, Mrs Ni.'hnlas; ceres,
Maria 1 1 i rri tiji ton ; llnra, Nettie Welch :
li dv assislnnt steward. Rosetta Lurking.
The grange meets the 'st ratimlt y in
each men, th. The next meeting 1st Sat
urday in Jai uaiy will be installation
day of the newly elected officers and an
open meet ii, g for everybody who wants
Id Cuine.
TIi'ih ia to notnyy that my wife,
A it till J . Hong', litis left my be I and board
without ciuisu mid that I will not liu
reapotieihlo for any bills contracted by
her. James IIoau.
A C:ever Trick.
It certainly looka like ii , but there B
really no tuck about it. Ant body can
try it wh hag I. nine Hack mid Weak
Kidneya. Mxlniia or in rvoiia trouble.
We mean ho run cine binii-elf tight
away by inking lilectric. liiuers, 'H is
mediciiip buips up tho whole synb in
Hcts ah a Htliiinl.iiit In ll.e Liver and Klil
reyi, ia blood puriller an l nertet uiic.
ItctueH Oolistiiatioli, lleaditcbe, Kaint
iuif r-iiells, SSleepU'hNlit'HH ami Melnn
chuly. It in piilely vetfel able, a n ilil
luxative, and reslorea Hie HVNlei.i to its
nattiial vitior. Tty Klectric Uilteisand
be coiivnued that lliey are a iniiaele
worker. Kvery bottle liiiiirunteitl. Only
rule a bottle al C'liarniaii On.'Milrii;Ntoie
Ti Curr Coiistlpailuii Forever.
Take CaHcnrets ( atidy (,'nthartic. lllc
or i'oc. ll U. C. lull tiieiuv.dnu'gisiB
lefnnd money.
Kducute Your ItiiwW Willi CasenrrU,
Candy Cathmtic, cme coiisiipalion
forevtr.' 10". '.'3c. If V.C.V fail, dniK-
gists refund nmny
Take Laxative Itronin ifnlnlne Tnhlels, All
diugglsls refund die nev If it fails to cine,
That Is the wav all druggists sell OROVK'S
TAS'I KI.Ka l lllll, lOMt' for Malioia, t.'lillls
ami heer, ll Is simply Iron and unltiliie lu r
a'leless (otm. t'lilldii n love it. Ailulis n fe
al o billet , naiikcatlng Tonli s, I rice et'e. I'o
ale to C ti. llimtli v. liiugvirl.
Two Millions a Year.
When teople buv, fy, and buv aifiiin.
it meaiiH ihe 're aatitihVd Tlie pxuple
of tie United Ststea are now boving
Ca't'srels Cai dy (.'aihailie at the tn'e of
two million I nxi s n ear and it will be
tbiee million beb re New Vcars, It
means nnril ptoed,lhal Ca cureis nie
the itiop t I'i'iigliifiil bowel regulator for
evtiybidy tlie year loiind Adding-
glsti. 10c, I'.i, ht'c aln x.cutrguaiaiiteed.
A stiira Tlnuv for You.
A tra'tmciion in w hich you cannoi h se
is a sure thing. Ild to si ess, su k head
act e, furred lonifiie fi ver. piles and a
thousand other ills are cHiiseil by ooic
s'lpni ion and sloirgivb livir Cu-carets
Candy Cathartic, the wonileittil lew
liver at'mnhint slid in'estinsl toiiiohf
bv all drugi.hi ncri'iiti ed ( ei re or
money r-fnnt'ed C, (V r, are a sure
Ibinv, Tiyala x twUv; lit.- L'rc. ."0c.
Maniple and booklet lre. AH tlruygists.
Tit fi.
Lodge Elections. !
Following are the new officers of
Wacheno Tribe of Redmen, No. 13: H.
L. Patterson, sachem; C. A. Fitch,
senior sagamore; Charles Woodward,
junior sagamore; W. R. Ream, prophet;
C. W. Kelly, chief of records ; Ernest E.
Mass, keeper of Wampum.
The new officers of Meade Corps, No.
18, G. A.R.,are : President, virs. K lith
Clou8e ; senior vice-president, Mrs. Rosa
i uum,jumui vice president, airs, jmil'e
Shadlej chaplain, Mrs. Henrietta
Doreneus; treasurer, Mrs. Jennie Sul
livan ; conductor, Mrs. Mary Stafford ;
guard, Miss Rhoda Williams.
Tualatin Tent. No. 74. Kniuhts of
Maccabees, elected the following new
officers at the meeting held last Monday
night : Max Schulpius, commander; C.
W . Pope, lieutenant commander ; George
Hyatt, reeord keeper; D H. Glass,
finance keeper; W. S.Rhodes, sergeant;
E. L. Johnson, master at. arms;K. T.
Rogers, 1st master of guard; M. A.
Moody. 2nd master of guard ; E.E. Mass,
sentinel; Herman K. Jones, picket.
Pioneer Chanter. No. 28. O. E. 8..
elected the following new officers Tues
day eveeing: Mrs. Jennie' Meldrum,
worthy molron ; John If. Walker, patron ;
Mrs. T. P. Ryan, associate matron ; Miss
Jennie Rowen, secretary ; Mrs. t-i. W.
Cchurch, treasurer; Mrs. I. Strange
conductress; H. S. Strange, associate
Probate Court.
In the matter of the estate of George
Steinback, deceased, John A.Steinback,
the administrator of said estate filed
his final report.
In the matter of the estate of Niclio
laus Strohaecker, deceased, Jacob Stro
haecker,' administrator,' filed his final
report, which was approved and execu
tor discharged fiom his trust.
In the matter of the estate of Patrick
Gibson, deceased, an order was made
directing J. J. Gibson, the administra
tor, to dispose of the personal property.
In the matter of the estate of Peter A.
Weiss, deceased, Al. Frazier and G. W.
Swope were authorized to purchase real
estate from H. M. Rude, the. same to
be applied on indebtedness held by the
In the matter of the estate of Sarah
Jane Scott.deceased, an order was made
directing the sale of real property.
. -.
The rain still falls in our bur.
Farmers have got their wood sheds
full of wood and quit business, so we
haven't much news this week.
Rev. R. W. Morehouse, who has been
holding revivals in the M. E. church,
brought them to a close last Wednesday
night. We hear ho got a few goo.t old
sinners saved.
Mrs. F. E. Lini: is spending a few
days with her parents at Tremont.
Several of the young folks attended
the dance at Logan Saturday r.ijht.
The Osceola ba.nl will give a grand
ball at Linn's mill on December 31.
Miimc will be furnished by the band and
orchestra. The proceeds are for the
benefit of the band. A cordially invita
tion is extended to all, tickets 2) cents
Ha! ha! ha I Redule dill how about
the Sunday school.
December 13. Tickleb.
The Greatest Discovery Yet.
V. M. Repine, editor Tifkiiwa, III.
" !blel" saym "Wewon't keep liotiee
w tbtmt Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, cousin iud colda. Ex
petinieiited with many others, but never
ifot the true rune ly until we r.-ed Dr.
Knii's New Dincovery. No otliei
retiiMily can take it h place in our borne,
as in it we have a certain an I Mire cu e
for coughs, colds, who miiijj cong i, ejo."
It in idle t t-xperimctu witii 'oth r
remedies, even if tney are nrued on vi u
as just as food an lr, Klnu'a New Dis
covery They are not as good, because
thia roinedv ha" a ene(,r, 0f cures nnd
besides is iiua"! n eed. It never fails to
satisfy. Trial bottle lieu at Oiiarm tn
A Co. 'g ding uiuie.
Agenthman went into Holman's to
buy some wall paper for his parlor and
looking through the many sample
found some patterns that were tine, de
cided upon one. "What is the price of
that paper?" " cents per double
roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap."
lint when it was explained how unit why
it was sold so cheap, ho took the paper
and wy highly pleased.
Doll and doll heads, 5c io OSo and
upward at the Racket store,
Iteauly lllood.
Clean blond nieana a clean skin. No
beauty without it. C'ascarets Candy
Cathartic clean V"iir b'ood and keep it
clean, by storing up llm lazy livi r anil
diivinijall imnn'i'iea from the body
Pou'in to-day to banish ininples, boils,
blotches, lilackheails, and that sickly
bilious complexion by takinn t'ascarets
leaniy inr ten cents. All druggists
satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c,
For Ovctr Fl ty Years
An Oi. i) and Wkli.-Tuikii Kkmkdy
Mrs. v inlnw V Sootbiiirf !yruo Iihk
been ned lor over fiitv vea'sbvmil
li us of innt In rs fur their children while
teelhiui:, with poibct .wve-.s I
soo beh the cliiU, softens l'ie vnm
alhtys all p do cuies w ind co'ie. hi d I
the best roinedv lor Diairuiet, I
pleasant o the tas'e. Sold l y Dmi'i i
n every nsrt o" W iito loenty
live cent a liot lo. Its v Ice f' in
eiih'ii'nl 'e H..ore t i 1 sl in V rs
Wmihow'" Son' bing Syrnp, Hiul tahe no
oil el Y il
Move the how els genily relieves
the i ouirh
rures ilie teverllt con.lUlen and llesdticlie.
making it th tiest nnd iUickct remedy for
rough. t'oil, snd l a liiinne Cures In our
dav. No cure, no nsv. p-icc'.Ve
Those Who Endure
The iitiins of rheumatism should he re
minded tlutt h cure tor thin ilNense nuiy
las (outnl in IIkimI'h Snraat arilla. Tlie
experieuee id those who luive tuken J
Hi nd'a Siirsiirilla lor rheumatism, and I
lmve U-en coniidetely anil j' munently
ourid, nroye the vver of thin niediciiie
to rout and coiitiier thin disease, llothl'g
Sirsiiiiiiillit is the One True Wood
l uritier slid U netitralietlHaeM wltit li
i'aiisen the aehea uinl jmins of rhetinia-
tiKiu llus ia why it atiwdiiteiy eure
hen liniments Hiul other outward an.
iilieation fail to nive ia.'riiianent relief.
lk sure to get 1Io.k'.
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In
Size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man
said: "You never know yoa
have taken a pill till It is all BrjB , I
over." 250. C. I. Hood & Co., I I I 3
Proprietors, Lowell, Mass. " W
The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Office In Oiogon City Bank Block.
Oheooh City - ( begun.
Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor
Will be hi Court House on each Rat ur i
and on regular session days of
County Court.
. J. W. WELCH,
Opposite P. ()., Oregon City, Ork.
Gko. C. Bbownem..
J. U. Campbeu
Caufleld Building
Oregon City ,On
Attorneys at Law,
Commercial, Real Estate ana
Probate Law Specialties.
OFFICE : Commercial
Bii Bulldln
Til OS. F. RYAN,
Notary Public and Real Estate Broker.
Leading Insurance Ahkncy of Clackamj
Money to Loan. Abstracts of Title Made.
Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty
Office on east side of Main street
Between 6th and 7th.
The Commercial Bank
CAPITAL $100,000.
Transacts a General Banking Buslnes.
Loins made. Bills discounted. Makes ci
lections. Huys and sellsexchangeon all points
In the United States and Kurone and ou iioug
K.ong. ueposus received suuieciiocneca.
Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M.
President. Cashii
Mill Feed. Lime, Cement
ar.d Land Flaster.
Noblitt Livery and Sals Stab It
On the Street between the Bridye and thi
Double aud sinifle rlirs ail 1 saddle horji s
aysonhaud at the lowest rales, snd a v rrt
i so connected wun tne barn lor loose ston
Iny Information rea-ardlng any kind of stock
Dromptiv altenuen io oy leiUT or person.
Express iind
(Estahlisbed 181 J
Tarcels delivered to all parts of the cily.
m -bv- m
Mnp. a ii timin W
Old Reliable Druggist
(10 TO
Candies, Nuts, Fruits
and Tobacco
She Keeps a r'irst-Ciass Line.
Fine Chris tiiius 1 tolls.
M In Street , Oregon C
For Infants and Children.
tti he
tatlt ll N
Jn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County ot Clackamas.
M. F. McCarver, Plaintiff, v; Eliza Coleman and
Thomas Coleman, Defendants,
suite of Oregon, County of Clac Icimas, ss.
cree and an execution, duly issued out of
and under me seal of the above entitled court,
in Ihe above entitled cause, lu me duly directed
and dalt d the 1st day of December, 1SU7, upon a
judgment rendered and entered in said court on
the lilliU day of November, 18!)7, in favor of
M. E. McCarver. plulntiff, and against Eliza Cole
man and Tnomas Coleman, defendants, for the
sum of i9tU0, with interest thereon at the rate
of 10 per oent per annum from 'lie 20th dnv of
rsovetnner, low. ami me inrir.er sum 01 iuu.uu
as attorney's fee, and the further sum of Slu.OU.
costs and disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of
ttte ("Mowing described real property situate in
the county of Clackamas, state of Ore gon, to wit:
Bi ginning at a point 6.19 chains north ot Hie
northwest Corner of the nortlieast of the
noithcast of section 4, tnwusliip ' south of
range 2 east of tne WllUrnetle Meridian, in the
center of the county road loading from Milwau
kie to Phillip Foster's and running thence south
2fi 89 chains to the southeast corner of the north
west of the northeast !4 of said tecllon 4,
thenee west thirty links lu the esi boundary of
tile U. I.. U. of W. T. Matlock, deceased, thence
north 22 degrees west 6.40 chums to the noitheast
corner uf said Matlock claim, thence south 68
degrees west 8.45 chains, thence north 24. iO
chains to the center of said county road, thence
east on the line of said road 10 chains to the
place of beginning, continuing '22.50 acres in
Clackamas county, state of Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
judgment order and decree, and in compliance
with the commands of said writ, 1 will, on Mon
day, the 3d day of January, 1M18, at the hour of
2 o'clock p. m.. at the front door of the county
couit house In the city of Oregon City, in said
county and elate, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. 8
gold coin, cash in hand, ail the right, title and
interest which the within named deiendants or
either of them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had in and to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, interest,
costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Dated, Oregon Cily, Or., Dec. 1st, 1SM7.
In the Oircuil court of the State of Oregon
for tne County of Clackamas.
I). W. James, Plaintiff, 1
Wui. Ohlenkamp f
and t
John Daiilke, Detendanta, J .
State of Oregon, Citunty ot Clackamas, ss.
" decree and an execution, duly Issued out of
and under tlie seal of Ilie above euiitied court, ill
the above entitled oaune, to me duly directed
and dated the IMth day of November, HOT, upon
ajudgineiit rendered and entered In said court
on tlie oil any or November, lb'Jy, 111 tavur el
0. W. James, plaintiff, and against Win. Ul.leu
kmiii and John Daliike, defendants, for the sum
.1 I2UJ on, with interest tbereon at the rale ot
IkIiI oer cent ner ann'tin from the ninlli day of
December, IKD'2, and the further sum of 12 tm as
llorney's lee, and tlie Iurther sum ol sai.OU,
co:sand disbursements, and the costs of and
li on lliis writ. ciorniaudiUK me to make sale of
tlie following described real property situate in
ne vihiiii. oi LiiirKuiiiits, BiEtm ui uieguu, lo-wu;
It. ginning at a pointon tlie section line between
sections 21 anil 22 in tuwtisiun 8 south, ranged
east of the Willamette meridian, far enough
-south of the quarter section comer on said line
su tiiat a line running east from suen point
icro.-s the donation land claim of H. A. Worsham
to the west boumlarv of Hie donation land claim
01 Lorenzo A. Kirk will Include one hundred and
twenty acres of thnt part of said Worsiiam dona
'.ion land claim 1. Inn north of such easl and west
line, exclusive of 7 5S acres heretofore sold and
conveyed by Isaac ran- to P. Scan lan.
ivov tuererore, by virtue ll satu execuuon,
litdgnient order and decree, ami in compliance
wiih tlie commands of said writ, I will, on Sal-
unlay, the Utsih day of December, loti7, at the
Hour oi one o clock p.m., at tne trout uoor ot
lie county court house In the cily oi Oregon
City, iu said cuunty and stale. Hell at public
motion, guided to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. 8 gold com, cash lu bund, all Hie
right, title and interest which the within named
Ii leiidanls or cither 1 1 lliem, Dad on tlie dale of
die mortgage herein or since had in or to tlie
ibove described real property or any part there
it. to satisly said execution, judgment order, de
cree, Interest, costs and tail accruing coals.
u. W. liKAl
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Orepon.
Dated, Oregon City, Or.. November 24th, lfc7.
We have received a line ot silver plated
vare, which will be givtn to our patrons,
'he quality is a I extra coin silver plate
1487 Wm. A. Rogers. We solicit you to
inspect the same at the store of I. Selling.
Go to...
Winter Shoes!
KRAUSSE BROS., sot'ond
door north uf l 0., haves
iiint rei't'ivftl n tine new line of
and see them. We huve added
ii liiHt i'liisa fthoi'inuker to our
eNtuliliflinietit and uie prepured
to do till kinds o' reimiring at
reiisomilile rates, t t t t t
Two lioors North ot
Winter Shoes I
Bank of Oregon City
Vill Up Capital, "i0.000.
Surplus, $20,850.
V t'e president
Chs. H. CAffUED
bio. A. lUsntNfl
E. O. Cil'PUUD
K General Ranking Business Transacted
Deposits Received Subject in Cheek.
Approved Hills and Notes Disjointed.
Countv and City Warrants bought.
Loam Made on Available Securil
Kxchunge Bought and ld.
Collections Made Promptly.
Drafts Sold Available in Any Hart ol th
Telegraphic Kiehange old on Portland. Sar
KmucIsio, 'hicagn and New York.
Tntervil Paid on Tim DmwmIu
Children Cry for
In the Circuit Court cf the state ot Oregon, for
me uounty oi i 1 icaamas.
A. E. Latourette, Executrix of the Will of L. D. C
I.atouretle, Dt ceased, Plaintiff, vs. E. P.
F.lllo'1, l.lliie C.-KISiolt, Thomas Oharman,
Frank Welch. Margaret! Barrett, J. J. Cook
and Claries Albngnt, Jr., Defendants.
State of Oregon, Coun'y of Clackamas, ss.
cree and ail execution, duly issued out of
and under the se! of ineab .ve entitled court, In
the above entitled cause, to nie duly directed
and dated the 27lh day of November, 1H97, upon
a judgment render d and ent-red in said court
on the 2th dny it November, wn. in favor of
A. K. l.atnuiette, Executrix of the will of L, D.
O. LaUmrette ricoeiiscd. plaintiff, and against
E. P. KIHott, Lillio o. Elliott, Tliowas Charman
Frank Welch, Marearett Barrett, .I.J. I'onkand
Charles Aibr.gUt,, Jr , defendants, for the sum of
$Hirtti.iU, wiih i lerest 1 hereon at the rale of 10 per
cent, per milium from the20:hdav of November,.
1S97, and the iurther sum of tlftti.OO as attorney's
fee, and the further sum of 10.00, costs and dis
bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ,,
commanding me to make sal: of the f dlowing
described real propeity situate in the county of'
Clackamas, state ot Oregon, to-wit:
Lots three ami four in block forty-five of
oouutyaddition to Oregon Cily, all of fractional
block lettered 1 in county addition to Oregon
City and lot Ihree in block three in Mt. Pleasant
addition to Oregon ity according to the T P.
Randall subdivision of said block, till according
to the official maps and plais on Hie in the ofUee
of the Recorder in Clttcka.uas county, state of
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,.
Judgment order and decree, and In cnniplianco
wun tne coiniuanas of stun wru.i will, on Mon
day, the 3d dy of January, 181)8. at the hour of
one o'clock p. in., at the front door of the county
court house in the city of Oregon City, in said
county and state, sell at public auction, subject
to ledemption. In the highest bidder, for 1. fe.
gold uoin, cisii in bund, all the right, title and
interest which the within named defendants or
either of iliein, had o i Hie date of the mortgage
herelu or since had in or to the above described
real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said
execution, judgment order, decree, Interest,
o.jsts at d all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon
Dated, uregou 'Jiiy, ur., Nov. 2i'lli, 1897."
In tho Circuit Court of the state of Oreg on, for
Ihe County of Clackamua.
Jacob fpangler, Piaimirr. vs. Z. 8. Gard and
Ilululi li. .iudersuu, Dufi'Ilditnls.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss.
cree and an execution, duly Issued out of
and under the seal of tba above' entitled court,,
in tlie above entitled Cause, to me duly directed
and dated the liltth day of November, 18U7, upon
a judgment rendered and entered In said court
on ihu Ural d ly of November, DW, in favor of
Jacob .-pnnuler, plaintiff, and iigulnsi Z. B. Card
and Helen B. Anderson, deteudauls, for the sum
of 3i;l .60, Willi interest thereon al Ihe rate of h
per cent per annum from Ihe lirst day of Novem
ber, 1SH7. and Ilie further sum of .::0 as attorney's
lee, and the further sum ol al'i.OO, costs and dis
bursenients, and tlie costs of and upon this
writ, commanding ine to make sale ol Ihe lot
lowing described real property situate in the
county, of Clackamas, statj ol Oregon, to wit:
Keginiiing al the nortlieast corner of Ilie I). L. 0.
of Ezra fisher and wile In lowusliip i south uf
range '1 east of the W. !., running ihcnre
aloti the north boundary of said claim
north 81 degrees wist i:Mi chains to corner o(
C. WeU'h's In nd, thence south '1H degrees 10 min
utes west 14.711 chains io the northwest corner uf
two acre tract of land owned by M. O. Gard,
thence along tlie north side of said two acre
tract south lit degrees 60 minutes easl 4.33 chains
to tlie northeast corner ol aid two aero tract,
thence norlli4 feet, thence southeasterly "chains,,
more or less, to a point on tlie east line of said
claim, which point is '.'0.23 chains south of the
northeast corner of said claim, thence north 'JO. "3
chants to the place uf bealnniug, containing 14
acres of laud, mote or less, also a sirip 'JO feet
wide and described as beginning at a point4 feet
north of the northessl corner of said two acre
tract and running thence south 2H degrees 10
minutes west aiong Ihe east side of said two
acre tract 5 52 chains to ihe center of the county
road, llieme along the center of said road east
erly 20 feet, tlieuce north 2S degrees 10 minutes
easl lii.oJ chains, thence west 20 feet to place of
beginning, Claekionas county, stale of Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution,
Jndgment order ai d decree, and in compliance
wilii the commands ot said wtit, 1 will, on Mon
day, the 3d day of January, ls'jS, at the hour of
one o'clock p. in at the froul door of tlie oounty
C'lhrt hoiiMi lu ilie city of Oregon City, in said
county and stale, sell al public auelfon, subject to
redemption, to the highest bidder lor U. gold
coin, cash iu hand, nil the right, title and interest
which the wilhiu nunicd 'leieiidituts or either of
tliein, lotd ou lite date of tlie muilgage or since,
had in or to Ihe above described reai property or
any part thereof losaiisty said execution, judg
ment order, decree, interest, costs ami all accru
ing cosis. O. W. CRACK,
1 Sheriff of Clncknmas county, Oregon t
Dated, Oregon City, Or., Nov. ffJih, li)7.
out of tlie Circuit L'uilrl ef the Slate of Oreuon.
lori'liiekauoia Couty, ol dale Noveuiberih,ltl7,
upon a decree of lureclusure duly rendered ill
said Court ou November JUtli,lS'.i7, in the case of
The Alliance Trust Cnnipauy, Ld., pinintin, vs.
I., t'lielps, u. 8. 1'lielps. Nellie K. Sniilli, K. C.
Smith, tannie Siiiiits, Ulliinln equires, Addle
Sniitn, John Smith. Verdie Hews, .lohn Hewsj.
K. C. Stulili, as adniinisltator ot Ilie estate uf
Julin Giuw, deceHed. and Kutlu iiiid Bioihers, a
cornoralioii, deleiiilauts, lu layer of tlie plainlilf
and aguiiisi the defendants, I will, at 11 o'clock
in tlie forenoon on Ihe 'Jsih day of lt cen,her,
18'.i7,at Ihe front dunrof tlieoiuntl euKe In Oregon
ity. Oregon, sell ul pulilic unci ion Io the highest
bidder lor cash ifi hand ihe premises in said
rtccreeof fortciosure described, Oeing situate in
i liickanins County, Slate "f Oiegnu, to-wit;
Hcultiuiiig al a point six (ii) chains imu fifty (.iuj
links north ami ielve(licliiu aod sixty-nine
(till) links easl of the soulhwesl corner of section
iwentv-lhiee (Jo) In township three 13) south of
lange tlireeOheast of the illnnictte.Meridian, run
ning li.ence north ti f y (fit) chains, thence north
sixty six digrees ttiti-) Ihlrlv minutes dIO') west
niic'eti (l,ri) chai. a and titty (i0) links, thence
nnith Hlty-one degrees (51s) west fifty-nine (Ml)
chains and twelve (1'2) III k, thence west eight
(s) chains and seventy-three t'8) links, Ihence
south one hundred and fourteen (114) chains,
Ihence east (4, limine aid tiny (, 0) links, Ihenco
mirth I wenly (.ti) chains slid titty i.'.O) links; thence
east tweiity'(ai) chslns Slid lillj (lOjclialiis to the
place ol beginning, m ululiiii t w.n scies mne or
less; Io saliffv lie sum of t-ts7.6 with inlerest
from hoveniber Wh. ln 7.nl the rale of 10 per
eent per aiinuin, and ;.7,.6(.o with interest (lorn
same dale at S peritnl per r.niilim. aid filiOlt)
as attorneys' fees; with illicit si frrm same date
at s per cent per annum; all m t nitid etales
gold coin, and the rials snd d'thurn in nls of
said suit, taxed at t'Jl .", si.d the (Ohts of and
upon said w rit.
(i. W. (iRACE,
Hherlff of Clackamas County, Or.
Dated, November ld, 18117.
Gambrinus Cold
Grieesen & Hallwyer, Tropi".
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Elegant Family Rooms.
O. F. HKNNIN'GS lias
jmri lniH.il the Seventh
Street Bakery of Ja
i ob Kotier anil the new
niHiiutti ment ia jiie
juireol to fnrni-h you
with Bread, Cakes,
Buns, Etc., nt very
reasonable (irii'ef.
F. HENMNGS, 7th St Bakery
Pitcher's Castorla,