A Bank Greenhouse. Where the "lay" of the land Is favor able, a very convenient greenhouse or forcing house can be constructed after the plun Bhown In the accompanyiny Illustration. The basement is carried Into the bank only far enough to give room for a heating apparatus and the storing of necessary fuel. The green house floor is partly below the surface, the walls here, as well as In the case of the basement, being laid up with .4 . mm v.i v.suw - THE BASK OKKKNIIOUSK. rough field stones. The entrance is at ,tlie further end, steps dowu from the doorway to the greenhouse floor being provided. Such a building will be ex ceedingly warm In whiter, not only be cause of the earth bank, but because heat can be generated and sent to a floor above much more readily than It can be generated upon and diffused over a single floor. American Agricul turist. Farm Ivconomy, rroflts on the farm are much greater when the averages for several years are compared, as each year must bear Its proportion of expense, and a failure to secure a profit this year may not be a loss, because there may be a corre sponding reduction of expense next year. Nor must we overlook the ad vantage of the opportunity offered the farmer of selliug his own labor In the form of some product. Where a farm er makes only a small profit, but has derived a fair sum for the labor he per sonally bestowed, his gain Is greater than the actual profit. The farm has Increased In value as the labor or manure or other accretion has failed to yield a reasonable cash profit. On the farm the Item of labor must be consid ered according to Its actual cost as an expenditure. Though the labor of the farmer himself Is an Item of cost, and must be paid for, yet he pays It to him self, and It really is profit because of the employment secured by him on the farm. For that reason a small farm, or a small flock or herd, will always pay more, Id proportion to expense Incurred, than larger areas or an increase of stock. Grange Homes. A Winter Feed Conker, Warm mashes are desirable for fowls and hogs In winter. To cook the food with but little labor, take half a barrel and set it In a grocery box, filling in about It with chaff. Make two covers, one to fit Inside the barrel, the other to shut tightly down over the box. Tut in the meal and wet It soft with one or more palls of boiling water. Do this at night and close tightly. The mass will cook all night long and be nice and CIIKAP FKED COOKKK. warm for feeding iu the morning. Orange Judd Farmer. Sparrow Destroying Grapes. It Is becoming extremely difficult near cities to grow aud ripen grapes, because of the attacks of sparrows on this fruit so soou as It begins to color. Fortunately this pest does uot go far from cities aud large villages, where It Buds plenty of feed scattered In the streets, aud where the warmth from city houses affords It partial shelter. But we have learned enough about the habits of the sparrow to know that It Is a pest that should be destroyed wherever seen. In England thousands of lwyg are employed to Watch grain fields and drive the sparrows away. But even after all this care millions of dollars' worth of grain Is destroyed by them every year. Exchange. Barreling Pork. When the time for putting up pork approaches the barrels for that purpose should be got out of the cellar and thor oughly scalded. No beef barrel should ever be used for pork, for no matter how thorough the scalding It gets, some genua will remain and taint the pork. Where pork has been kept In good con dition the brine Is often used a second time, after thoroughly boiling It and skimming off the refuse so long as any appears. But It Is perhaps better to use the pork brine as a fertilizer for quince trees, putting one or two quarts only around each tree. There la much nutrl tiou taken from lean pork by the brine -when the pork is salted, and this ia ex cellent fertilizer for the quince. Am for jlllllll! I lt.il 'II V the salt Is the brine, that Is a solvent of mineral matters in the soil, and thm helps the quince tree. Feeding the Work Horse. ' In feding the working horse I would feed corn und o:its, equal parts, either ground or whole, and if convenient change from marsh hay to clover. Corn meal should not be fed without some dllutent. The bran of oats Is sufficient to proven: It becoming a pasty mass In the stomaci.. If meal is not mixed with ground oats or with bran. It should be fed with dampened cut hay or cut sheaf oats. With a ration of corn, oats and timothy hay or marsh bay, either bran or oil meal or sprouts should be added, say six pounds of bran a day, or if oil meal two pounds a day, or three to five pounds of sprouts. If fed In the ear, corn may be fed three times a day, with oats and bran added at noon and night, with less corn. A good day's feed for a 1,200-pound horse Is 14 pounds of hay, 10 pounds of corn meal, 0 pounds of oats and 6 of bran. In place of bran one may use two pounds of oil meal. If he feeds clover hay he does not need either bran or oil meal. Corn should never be omitted from the ration of a horse at hard work, just as meat Is essential in the food for laboring men. I once knew a teamster hauling gravel to say that ten ears of corn at a feed (thirty ears a day) did not keep his horses up. He was told to quit counting corn, and feed with a scoop shovel. This he did, and stopped losing flesh. This was, of course, in the severest kind of work, long continued. Rural New Yorker. Lime the Land. Lime is not used as much as former ly, aud yet It Is one of the most essen tial substances entering into the com position of plants. Jt Is not only plant food, but It exerts a chemical effect on the soil, which brings Into use other materials whlcn are beyond the capaci ty of plants to reduce. When green food is turned under, lime will be found a valuable adjunct, as It combines with them. It Is a heavy substance and has a tendency to go down, hence. If broad casted on the surface of a field, It will sooner or later be within the reach of plants. Some lime that has been air slacked until It Is fine is better than any other form, and that from the gas works (mostly sulphites and sulphides) should not be procured. Every farm should be limed occasionally, as the benefit Is sure to be much more than the cost and no harm can result. Cures a Home's Rheumatism, Horses troubled with rheumatism have been treated successfully with Turkish baths. Trainer Patterson gave Hamburg one a few weeks ago and the king of 2-year-olds came out of the bath as supple as a youngster. The TAKING A TUKKISH BATH. rheumatism had disappeared. He sub sequently led his field under the wire. Salt for Apple Orchards. While It Is well understood that salt Is not a manure, It Is so good a solvent of other minerals that where they ex ist In the soil it may always be used with advantage We have often ad vised farmers to apply both potash and phosphate to apple orchards. But if this Is done every year it Is probable that some of these minerals revert to an Insoluble condition. Whenever the apple trees set full for bearing it will pay while giving the usual annual dressing of potash and phosphate to add some salt to It, which will be much cheaper and probably more effective than supplying directly the minerals which the salt will Indirectly furnish. Exchange. , Beef and Hutter Breeds. If a beef breed of cattle is preferred make beef production a specialty, and not look upon cows of such breeds to be perfect as producers of milk and but ter. There may be a few good butter cows among the beef-producing breeds, but where a certain article Is desired It should be the prime object. If milk and butter are specialties the breeds used should be those that excel In those products. Too many good points can not be had In cows. Each cow will ex cel In one line only, and should be made to do duty where the most profitable. Clover Meal. Clover hay Is now on the market In the form of clover meal. It Is scalded and used for calves, but finds more favor with those who fed pigs, It be ing found excellent as an addition to skim milk. The clover meal, If scalded, becomes soft and swells and has been found very wholesome and nutritious, as well as highly relished by young stock. . No Alderneys, Farmers snd dairymen are not as particular In making known their goods la a manner to Impress the fact that they 'horouguly understand tbelr calling. "Alderuey milk" Is a frequent sign on milk wagons, says the Philadel phia Record, yet there-Is no such arti cle, as there Is not an Alderney cow In the United States. "Durham" cattle is used for designating the shorthorns, although the term Is one that does not now apply to any particular breed. IHh Priced Kama. A merino ram sold for (8,000 at Syd ney, and at other points In Australia from $2,000 to $0,000 have been paid for rams. These prices are high, but the sheep breeders did pot make any considerable profit until they began t buy tha beat rami In other countries. DEFECTS IN ELEVATORS. An Air Cushion the Latest Scheme t Prevent Injury If the Car Falls. The elevator is a labor and time sav ing device In such common use that no consideration should stand In the way of reducing to a minimum the element of danger. Yet accidents occur so frequently that It would seem as If progress toward safety had stopped. Only in very rare cases does a car "drop." This could happen only if all the cables support ing It should part. In the great major ity of accidents the car "runs away," or gets beyond the control of the ope rator, and nothing can prevent disas ter but an automat ic device which will stop the car gradu ally. No such de vice which can be absolutely depend ed upon Is now In Use. M a n u facturers are unanimous In declaring the aver to age "elevator man" or "boy" Is Incapa- aib cuTi( for ble ot properly ope- klkvators. rating an elevator. No elevator Is simple. The passenger does not see and could not understand the complicated mechanism necessary to Its working. Yet these delicate ma chines are often placed In charge of Ig norant boys or men whose qualifica tions are limited to a superficial under standing of the working power and safety devices. The engineer of a locomotive must pass a severe examination and serve an apprenticeship before he Is Intrust ed with the lives of passengers, aud even grlpmen and motormen operate their cars for a long time under the eye of an experienced man. A 16-year-old engineer or motorola n would never be employed. It Is suggested that cars should be placed In charge only of men who are old enough to be clear-headed, who have passed a suitable examina tion as to knowledge and general fit ness. A scheme which Is In use in a few buildings and has given good satisfac tion is an air cushion In the bottom of the shaft. The lower part of the shaft for a distance of several feet Is made air tight. When a falling car drops into this "tube" the air below It acts as a cushion, and the stop Is made gradual by the escape of the air around the sides of the car. For experiment a car has been dropped repeatedly 125 feet Into one of these cushions, and stop page was not of sufficient abruptness to break eggs on the car floor. THREt NOW USED. The TntercoUesrlate, the Gaelic and the Association Footballs. Three kinds of footballs nro used ,by foot-ball players. The official Inter collegiate root-ball Is an ellipse. Thnt used In the Gaelic game Is almost a THESE CAUSE LOTS OF TBOrjBI.K. perfect globe and the association foot ball is perfectly round. The Intercol legiate foot-ball Is the only one which can be picked up and carried. The Jack Itabblt. Kansas dealers In hides have at length awakened to the fact that Jack rabbit hides, known In commerce as American hare pelts, are In great de mand In the Eastern market, and no tices similar to the following are ap pearing In many papers throughout the State: "We will buy nicely handled cased Jack rabbit skins at 3 cents each; open ed or damaged, half price; culls and pieces 3 cents a pound; cottontails at 5Va cents a pound. Must be perfectly dry and free of meat." The skins of the Jack rabbits are used for making hats. The best qual ity of bats, says the New York Times, are made from fur, and the fur has heretofore been obtained from Aus tralia, where the rabbits are success fully disputing the possession of the country with the human Inhabitants. The Halt bpltler. ' What la known as the raft spider la the largest of the British apeclei. It recelvea lta name from the fact that It constructs a raft of dried leaves and rubbish united by threads of silk, and thus pursues Its prey on the water. The wind has a great deal to do with , making the weather vane. To Still the Ocean' Waves. A scheme to increase the efficiency of oil to still the waves of the ocean in a storm has been thought out by Wil liam Guthrie, of Chicago. His notion is based on the argument that if oil has a pacifying effect whan distributed on the water in the immediate neighbor hood of the ship in trouble, its effect would be magnified if the oil could be applied at adistanoe all about the ship, thus creating a calm circle, in which the ship could ride in safety until the storm had spent its fury. His proposi tion is to shoot saturated sponges or cot ton from a pneumatic gun, that being preferable to a powder gun, as there would be no danger of igniting the oil soaked sponge. Some people interested in shipping have been impressed with the idea and application is to be made to congress for an appropriation to test its efficiency. In the publication of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, Professor Roent gen has an article in which he confirms the observation of Dr. Brandes that it is possible to make the X-rays visible to the eye. KNOCKED OUT. It knocks out all calculations of attend ing to business in the right way for a day when we wake up in the morning sore and stiff. The disappointment lies in going to bed all right and waking up all wrong. There is a short and sure wav out of it. Go to bed after a good rub with St. Jacobs Oil and you wake up all right; soreness and stiffness all gone. So sure is this, that men niuch exposed in changeful weather keep a bottle of it on the mantel for use at night to make sure of going to work in good hi. A floral curiosity is on exhibition in the Temple Gardens, London. It is a $5,000 orchid from Venezuela. It has a white flower which in shape resem bles a sea-gull with outspread wings. THE rUKSUlT OF HAPPINESS. When the Declaration of Independence as serted man's right to this, it enunciated an Immortal truth. The bilious sufferer Is on the road to happiness when he begtiiB to take Hos tetter's Bitters, the most efticaeiouB regulator ot the liver in existence. Equally reliable is It tit chills and fever, constipation, dvspepsia, rheumatism, kidney trouble and nervousness. Use it regularly and not at odd intervals. If you look at the map you will find that the mountain chains of the Old World lie east and west, while those of the New World lie north and south. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting In the court our right to the exclusive use ol the word "CASTORIA," and PITCHER SCASTORIA," as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannts, Massachusetts, was the originator of " PITCHER'S CAS TORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the fac simile signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is theoriginal " PITCHER'S CASTORI A " which has been used In the homes Of the mothers of America for over thirty veara. Look Carefully at the wrapper and see that it la I the kind you have always bought, and has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher is President. March S, 1S9J. SAMUEL PITCHER, M.Q. Benjamin Bissell, who lives near Pallston Spa., K. Y., saya he has voted lor eighteen presidential candidates, not one of whom was elected. UOMK PRODUCTS AND PUHK FOOD. All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually verv hunt colored and o( heavy body, Is made from kiueose. (inrrint Inivt" is made from kutiar Cane and Is strictly pure. It is lor sale by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac tured by the Pacific Coast Kyri'p Co. All iren uine "T'a (iarilrn Win" have the manufac turer's name lithographed on every can. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only rough medicine used in mv house. 1), 0. Albright, Miininburg, Pa., bee. 11, '95. Try Schilling'! Best tea and baking powder. Diamonds have been discovered, in rare instances, in. the meteoiic stones which have fallen to the earth. "King Solomon's Treasure," only Aphrndislacal Tunic known. (See Dictionary.) ."..uu a box, a weeks' treatment. Mason Chemical Co., P. O. Box U7, Philadelphia, Pa. In every mile of railway there are leven feet four inches not covered by the rails, the space left for expansion. The number of stars pictured on the latest English and Gorman photo graphic ut lasses is about G8,000,U0. There are no rats, mice or cats in Panta Fe, N. M. The air there ia too raritied for them to exist. YOUNG WOMANHOOD. Sweet young girls I ITdw often they Icve lop In to worn, listless, and hopelesa women because mother has not. im pressed upon them the 1m porta n of attending to physical development. No woman Is exempt from physical weakness ana penoatcai pain, jcx and youngglrls Just . ,, smiiVL I, ,,,1 J Inn. I,,. J.I fFK " " n h woman hood should be guided physically as well as morally. If you know of any young lady who is sick and needs moth erly advice, ask her to ad dress Mrs. rink ham at Lynn, Mass., and tell every detail of her symptoms, surroundings aud occu pation. She will get advice from ft source that has no rival In experience of wo men's ills. Tell her to keep nothing back. Her story will be told to a wo man, not to a man. She need not hesi tate in stating details that she may not wish to mention, but which are essential to a full understanding of her case, and if she is frank, help is certain to come I , J4H--. .n'laJslI.'k. IMI& WrttMt ill I1M IAIIX. i Best CoiKb Syrup, f aat Uont Cat in iiiiib. ritn ny nniirifii". gIglHIISasMMg: 1 r 'r.; 1 .vj iw The contest ends Schillings Best baking powder and tea are What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out tha ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket In the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 3rst. ; Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket ; after that only on word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets f 2000.00; if several find it, rooo.oo will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1SS98 pocket calendar no advertising on it. These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be diilerent from the ones offered in the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. GET THE GENUINE ARTICLE! Walter Baker & Co.'s Breakfast COCOA Pure, Delicious, Nutritious. Costa less than ONE CENT a cup. Be sure that the package bears our Trade Mark. Walter (Established 1780.) TradeMsrk. JL Hercules Special (2) actual horsepower) Price, only $185. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local applications as they eannnt reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is onlv one way to cure deafness, and that Is bv constitu tional remedies. Deafness Is cauatd by an in flamed condition of Hie mucous llnliiK of the Kumachfan Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a runibllnK round or Imperfect hear lug, and when it is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken nut and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused bv Caiarrh, which Is uoihiiiK but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We w ill Rive One Hundred Dollars for anr ease of deafness, (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. Scud for cir culars; free. F. J. OHENKY St CO., Toledo, O. Bold by druRgists. 7r. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Persons Who Are Magnetised. Recent French exuerfinents have de veloped the curious and unexpected fact that certain persons possess a magnetic polarity that is, they act as magnets, having north and south poles. Suoh a person, when completely undressed and placed near a sensitive galvanome ter, will, when turned on a vertical axis, cause a deflection first in one di rection and then in the opposite, Just as a magnet would. All persons do not possess this polarity. Professor Mil rani, an Italian, upon whom the experi ment was tried, exhibited this phenom enon, and it is was found that his breast corresponded to a north pole and his back to a south pole, j A fat men's club has been instituted in Paris, with the novel aim of in creasing the weight of the members, the rules enjoining all the comrades to sleep, eat and drink as much as pos sible. YOUR LIVERS Mnare's Revealed Itemed 7 will ilo It. Three doses will make you feel better, (jet it from your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or from Stewart & Holmes Drug Co., Seattle, 1 1 II If" IT Make money by siiccesful IVfULII I speculation In Chicago. We II nrH I k"'' wheat on mar- II 1 1 lull I gins. Fortunes have been made on a small beginning by trading In fu tures. Write for full particulars, hest of ret erence given. Several years' es iierleuce on the Chicago Hoard of Trade, and a thorough know ledge of the business. Scud for our tree refer ence book. DOWNINd, HOPKINS A Co., Chicago hoard of Trade Brokers. Onlces In Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Wash, CHIlDWeN TtSTHINC.' 1 Mss. Wism.w Ho"iN!ahTRur- ihuuid always h 4 sued fr children Umllilng- Jt Motb- iije rblhl.suft- i b tiu tha (." allarR all psln, oarfw wind eolicand It I k th b-st rmdr I'T diarrtuaa. Twsatjr firs MUU ai bottlt. UI.tK.ht of sll. J aAAAAAAAA4AASASSSSASSSl A RODS fr tracing and locating flold or Stiver Ore. lest nr burkd treasures. M. It. fUHLIK, Buz M7,outliU.tOB,Coua. December 31st. .because they are money -back. 201 Baker & Co. Limited, Dorchester, Mass. TQOWER ...FOR.. PROFIT Power that will save you money and make you money. Hercules Engines are the cheapest power known. Burn Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke, fire, or dirt. For pumping, running dairy or farm machinery, they have no equal. Automatic in action, perfectly safe and reliable. Send for illustrated catalog. Hercules Qas Engine Works Bay St., San Francisco, Cal. ft Free Book for Jlen For men who have wasted their rigor and youthful energy, who feel slow, stupid anil weak, For young men, middle-aged and old men who would like to be stronger, Dr. Handed offers free a book that Is worth 11,000 to any weak man. It tells and proves bv hundreds ol grateful letters how bK.HANIlKtf'H KI.KCTKIO HKI.T restores the old snap, the vim, the vigor. Call or send for it. It Is FltKK. lly mail or at the office. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. SSS Wast Washington St., Portland, Or. Ptenu Wftiliim Hut faptr. How to Restore. Lost Manhood and r mveiopmsnl. This treat work, plainly written by a high medical authority, shows how manly vigur can ba refined and obstacle! to marriano removed. It is a modern work for men who Buffer from nervous debility caused by over work, youthful Indulgences or later excesses. It points out bow to be cured of nervousness. Interterinif with business. 11 18 ABSOLUTELY FREE. ..:.,".l;r't book, entitled "COMPLRTR ' MANHfloiJ AN1 'HOW TO ATTAIN IT," will be mailed free, In plain, sealed wrapper, to thi address of any stneer Inquirer by the! E ? , 1 r",m'",rr 4 Niagara Ktreet, llulTalo, N.Y. NoC.O.U scheme; nodeception! Kodaks. $4 UP... . FROM WOOOARO, Clarke & Co. Portland. Ob. Catalogue Free. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGS FREE Buctl Lamberson 180 FRONT ST Portland, Or, N. P. K. tV No. 51. 'T. HKN wrlttnv to a1vrtiirt, ptM iihiivii iuii pmpmwt - i " a L ; r