OREGON CITY COURIER By A. W. CHENEY. Entered! n Oregon Citj pus tofflce as second-class matter SUBSCRIPTION RATES. II paid In advance, per year 1 SO Una ifHr . 2 00 Six months 1 00 Three inoiuha . 50 g&mYtie date opposite yonr addresa on the paper denotes I he time to which you have paid . PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. The Finest Thing on Earth in Candy OREGON CITY, DEC. 17, 1897. Editor Meserve of the Oregon City En terprise, ws in Salem, and has been on a political mission to tiie principal val ley cities. He came from Iowa, and was sent down to St. Helens hy tho McBrides to run the party organ there. He was tho discoverer, or rather herald, of the greatness of George 0. Brownoll, senator from Clackamas. By the way, it will be Clackamas county's turn to name the next joint-Benator with Marion, so that Clackamas republicans must really sup ply two senators next time if they name winners. Hofer iii Portland Tribune. F. A. E. Stabk, chairman of the demo cratic state central committee, on Mon day issued a call for a meeting of the committee, to be held in Portland on Wednesday," January 5, 1898. The meeting will be held in the rooms of the Columbia Democratic Club, Fourth and Washington streeis, for the purpose of setting a time for holding a state conven tion, filling vacancies on the state com mittee, and apportioning the number of delegate) to the state convention from each couuty. fS KCSISIKHKa. Ik there was anything needed to con firm the faith of the masses in William J. Bryan it is furnished in the fact that very gold standard org in in the c juntry is at his heels, trying in all ways to belittle him and destroy confidence in his ability anil integrity. But their efforts are fruitless. The people well know their gallant loader, and they will not look in vain for him to pilot the cause of free silver and reform lo victory in 1900. Tub Oregonian recently published re ports from a large nutnberof the counties ot the state giving the number of mortgages cancelled. In nearly every county the new mortgages filed amounted to about as much as those cancelled. A large per cent of the cancelled mortgages were made so by foreclosure sheriff sales. That isn't prosperity. Statistics show that Oregon will pro duce more izold this year than the Klondike produced during the working season of 1800-97. Oregon's output will be 15,1100,00), while that of the Klondike, according to reports of returned miners, was about $4 2-(),0i'0. Tub republican papers are kicking be cause they think tlieie will he a union of reform forces in the spring campaign. If the republicans can get the populists, democrats and silver republicans to split they are sure of winning, otherwise tlveir politicians will have to stop feeding at the public crib. Yoi-k attenti in is called to an article in another column from a prominent democrat from the southern part of the county, who voices the sentiments of nearly all the sincere reformers in the ranks of the populists, republicans and democrats. Tim Brownell organ at Uanby is claim ing to stand wiih the farmers of the inithern end of tho county. Lookout for it or the editor will "do" you as he did tho neonlo of Oswego, where he formerly published an organ. Tun total receipts of the government from all sources for the year ending June 3J, are $i:tU 387,107.81), the exnenditures for same time were 4l8l439l(i2..:iO, leaving a dellut of )18.0i2,4.4 41. Lack of space prevents us publishing a coniniunicat ion from J . Walter Seaborg of Ilwaco, Hhowing the falsehoods of the Oinjoninn. Salem city warrants began to advance at soon as a Bryan ticket was talked of at tho city election. May th. y never go below par again. ! -i Tub message of President Mckinley ple.ises the Portishers and the Spaniard but where does the people of the Unite States "come in"? Church Notes. Notwithstanding the storm of last Sabbath evening, the Congregational church was again crowded full to listen to tho talk especially to the young ladies. Next Subhntli evening the last of the present series to young people will be given, subject. "Nlarriage anil Mutri inony, or What Marriage Means." At 10:.'W a. in. the subject will be, "An Kihcol dilates." Uev. Dr. Williams, St. Paul's church, will preach next Sunday evening on the "Choiceof aOhureh." In thcaftcrnoon at 2 o'clock ho w ill conduct service and preach in the chapel at Caneinah. Hev. T. W. Butler is to deliver his popular lecture en "Love, Courtship and Marriage," under tho auspices of tho Y. P. t. V. E. at tho Uongregatioiml cliurcli next Tuesday evening, "1st inst. Ad mission 16c. Medical lm'n rheumatism is the forerunner of heart disease, llool's Sarsaparill cures rheumatism by its actions on tho blood. CHOCOLATE BON B0N5 For4 Sale By E. E. WILLIAMS Packed in pretty boxes weighing pound, li pound and full pounds. An Ideal ChristmasCift We have a large assortment of Candy, Nuts and Fruits as well as the big stock of Groc eries, and invite yoj to call and see us. LOCALS. Miss Violet McMaster, of La Oamas, is visiting the family of John Lewth- waite. Klondike gold nuggets and how to get them explained at opera house Friday night. Wheat is now quoted at 71 cents per bushel at tne Portland flouring mills in this city. J. Schwartz, proprietor of the Relia ble Clothing Store, has moved into the Purdom house on the hill. Henry J. Scott, the west side grocery' man, this week removes his stock of goods to Mulino, where he expects to engage in general merchandise business Miss Millie Grant, who has held a po sition in Mrs. Sladen's millinery estab lishment for several months past, left for her home at Scappoose, yesterday. Major Thomas Charman, who has been confined to his house w ith rheuma tism for the past seven weeks, was able to he out Wednesday. J.J. Cooke, who is oflicitiug as a trial juror in Judge Bellinger's court, spent Wednesdayat home. Hereturned to Portland again Thursday. John Young, S. Mosher and Thomas Smith were witnesses in JudgeBellinger's court Wednesday, in the damage suit of Henrv Smith vs J. S. an 1 I. N. Day The city official paper officially prints the statement that the judges and clerks of the late city election were paid $40 ach for their services, the total amount of which would be HI. The winter term of the State Teach rs' association will convene in tho city of Portland, commencing Tuesday even ing, December 2S, and continuing over the 29th and 3llth. New and pleasing scenes shown on tho Projectoscopo with Arnolds and Lampnors' high clues Vaudeville Com pany. Shiveley's opera house Tuesday, December 21st. An unfortunate accident occured near Stafford Saturday afternoon while P. A. Baker and his son, Mark, were shooting at a target for turkeys. While Mark was arranging the target so that his father could Bee to shoot better, the hitter's gun was accidently discharged and the bullet passed through tho boy's shoulder, lie was taken to tho Oregon ity hospital, and the attending physician expresses the opinion that the arm can be saved. The following new cases have been filed in tho circuit court for Clackamas ounty since the last issueof theCoi'Kncn: James M. Tracy, Sr., as executor vs T. ' P. McOubbin;- Investment Securities Company vs (iabriel Trullinger, et al ; Bank of Oregon City vs John Schuttel and E. C. Maddock; Andrew Papp vs Hugo Parker, M. E Clifford and Fred Myers; Hop and Wool Advance Com pany vs N. 0. Sorrels, et al. John Perrenend, of Boone's ferry, was arraigned before County Judge Hayes yesterday on a charge of insanity, on complaint of A.L. Matherly. Hois an Italian by birth, aged ;'5 and single, and his dementia is of the religious fanatic type, although comparatively harmless Ho has lived alone for some time, and has been affected for several months. Perreneinl was ordered sent to the asvlum. Go to Baum & Brandes, 145 First street, right on the Oregon City car line foryour lunches and dinners. We make a specialty of ladies' and merchants' lunches ; try them, only 25c. Agency for Mankind's candies. The Seventh Street Bakery (on the hill) has some of the finest holiday cakes in its show window that has been seen in Oregon City for a long time. Mr. Hennings, the new proprietor, is pre pared to make all kinds of Christmas cakes, pies, etc., on short notice at very reasonable prices. Besides other vegetables of all kinds I. Andrews will have 12M0 or 15000 heads of lettuce and about 7000 stalks of celery for the Christmas market. The cider and vinegar made by him is tho best in the county and he has oyer 75000 gallons of pure cider vinegar for sel. Mothers Praise Hood's Sarsanarilla. because, by iis great blood enriching! qualities, it gives rosy checks and J vigorous appetites to pale and puny j children. ' j Hood's Pills are the favorite family ' cathartic and liver medicine. Price 25c. Scrofula Swelling On the Neck and Creat Weakness Caused by Impure Blood Was Constantly Crowing Worse. When my son was 6 years" old ha wa. In very poor health and we could get nothing to relieve him. At the age of 7 years he began to complain oi soreness on both sides ot his neck and soon lamps be gan to gather on one side and grew to half the size of an egg. We then became more uneasy and began to doctor him lor scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how ever, until at the age of twelve years we had lost all hope of his recovery. He be came so weak he could sit up but a few minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's Barsnparilla recommended as t great blood purifier and we sent and got bottle. We began giving our boy the medicine ac cording to directions and it was not long before we saw hb was improving. He continued tuking it until he was In very good health. He is now 13 years old and Is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa rilla for all troubles caused by impure blood." 8. M. Silveb, Grouse, Oregon. Hood's Barsaparllla 1- 3old by all druggists. l;sixtorJ5. Get only Hood's, o McKITTRICK'S SHOES Beat the World! 1 i D r A. A Barr r L A GIFT Hr Christmas Present i From our Btore will be a perpetual reminder of thedonnw, as all of the presents are of the latest design and carefully selected. Call and examine our NoveUies. For want of space we only call attention to a few of the leading ones: Magnifying Glasses, Compasses, Spectacles, (iold Pens, Gold Pencils, Stationery Boxes. Autograph Album, Celluloid Albums, Leather Albums, X-Mas Cards, Calendars, SmoKers' Sets, Pipes, Tobacco Pouches, Knives, Razors, Scissors, Toilet Sets, Shaving Sets, Tissue Paper, Novelties, Money Purses, X-Mas Cigars, Artists' Material, Opal Ware, Plaques,, Colors, Bruphes, Novelties, Etc. We make the price You make the profit. Hoqd's Sarsaparllla 64c a bottle. Stationery 5c a box. CHARMAN & CO. CUT CUT-RATE DRUGGISTS liaveYom Eye Consul! al ion Free; Scientific Optician, formerly of Minneapolis, has charge of the Optical Department for A. N. WRIGHT, the Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison St., Portland, Oregon. Examined " TO G. H. BESTOW & CO. FOR DOORS WINDOWS, MOULDING and BUILDING MATERIAL. LOWEST CASH PRICES EVEB OFFERED FOR FIR3T-0L4S3 GOODS. Shop Opposite CoiiKreffHtliiiHl ClinroK Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. for CHOICE CUTS and TENDER MEATS go to RICHARD PETZOLD'9 CASH MARKETS Seventh Street, Corner of Center, on the Hill. Main St., Opposite Caufield Block. Two Shops, - Oregon City, Oregon. J. W. BING & CO. Importer and Dealers In JAPANESE FANCY GOODS Ladies' and Gents' Famishing Goods, Etc. Great Sale this week ! Come and see our prices and bargains. 888 Waaliingtou Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. HARRIS' GROCERY n OREGON CITY Orcgosa City Auction Mouse W .1. ItLOuk, Proprietor FURNITURE CARPETS STOVES HARDWARE GLASSWARE CROCKERY COME ONE I COME ALL ! There is no need of going to Portland to spend yonr money as you can (let better value tit home. U e tuke the lead in LOW riitCES while others try to follow. tiet our prices before buying and that will convince you. We are agents for the Empire State Air Tight Heaters. Thev are fuel savers, control the fire, rapid heating, nmde of durante material and are beauties, which make them altogether a perfect stove. OREGON CITY I Fresh Stock of ?' First-Class. 1 ," Depot for HAY and FEED THE LEADER OF LOW PRICES GROCERIES Willamette Block, Oregon City OREGON ITY AUCTION HOUSE, OppoRltf Pnstnffire. MAIN STKKET No Use For Old Santa Claus TTT L. A. PATTERSON & CO., The wonderful atti action of our holidf.v goods and low orices push the old man aside. We boast 01 our bargains for Christmas buyers. No matter how poor the stocking, we can fill it. You are cordially in vited to come and see what we can do for yon. The prices on all of our goods are extremely low. "Bazaar" Oregon City, Oregon Klondike Tent, Knights of the Marca bjes, of lemniscus, has elected the fol lowing new ollicers: Commander, O. M. Sager lieutenant commander, T. 11. Feathers ; record keeper, K.O. Fredolple ; finance keeper, J. Hates; chaplain, A. 0. Newell; physician, A. E. Summer: surgeant, ti. White; master of arms, (i. Tiiiessen: 1st master of iruard. O. W'olllageii; 2nd master of guard, E. P. ' lreg; sentinel, O. Sagar; picket, P. T. Donley. m ii 1 " Kev. Dr. Puvall, riuucjsr. Natural Healer, treats all nmninn'.f --chronic tiiHt'am's imu cannot oecuriM witu urug medicines. dealing rooms at M.'s. Sbaws' residence, m-cond house hack ol Wong Ue laundry, .Main street between Third ami Fourth. Not How Hidi "i HOLIDAY GOODS. LADIES' PURSES the latest LOUWELSA WARE new FINE CUT GLASS WATCHES and DIAMONDS Call mid limped - A. N. WRIGHT, THBjowAjEWEUit. Portland, Or. t WHY IS IT. That 1 i every day our store is filled with buvers Iroin every part of the city, regardless of distance? -i- There must be some reason. People especially ladies iun't go out of their way to buv unless there is a rea.ion. IT IS MiCAUSK ve lave established a reputation for abso lutely liesli goods especially in the line of table -f- delicacies, and our customers are sure of a superior article and then the prices are right. GIBSON I INDSEY PKOPK1ETOK OF t HARDING'S BAKERY AND GROCERY j BREAD AND PASTRY A SPECIALTY But how low can we make the price, is the question we ask ourselves when marking our goods fur sale. That's what makes ours an ever-panding business, it's a potent advertiser; it tells'the story through the purse in thousands of homes, only to be retold in countless others by appreciative money savers. CHAHMAN cS; SON, Dealers in DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING GOODS and GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Call at the Picneer Store ok Charman k Son before buying elsewhere. J S. G. Skidmore & Co., Extensive Line of Druggists' Holiday Goods... A very populnr priced line of Purses, Hill Books, Card Cases, Cigar Cases, Collar and Cult Boxes, silver mounted or plain; Toilet Dressing Cases, Manicure Cases, Work Boxes, Hand kerchief, Glove or Necktie Boxes in celluloid, cosmeon and enameled wood. PERFUMES of the highest grade for the holidays and also Atomizers of handsome design, at popular prices. We ask you to call and examine our stock and see if we do not offer the nicest goods at lowest prices. Cut-Rate Druggists... near Morrison, PORTLAND, OREGON 151 Third St., WANTED TRl'STWOR THY AND ACTIVE irtmlemeti orUdiM lo travel furrpiiMmHihl,.. etiiatmMhod hoitae 111 oreini expense. PuhUIdb stpwly. Reference. Endow ell-ilclrvei tnnipe1 envelop. uvmiwuy, it'ii. 1, imcago. Monthly P'4 and The Dominion WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY AND ACTIVH f?"!in,?norlf'11'",0,rve1fo',r'P'n"'lbl slatilixhed hoiix in Oreuon. Monthly t ,nd eipen.. Pcwitlon .tciy. Reference' Enclo elf-tdiiretKMl slumped envelope. The Dominion Oomp.ny, Dept. y, Chicago.