r,tv OREGON CITY ; : .HI lBth YEAR. OREGON CITY, OREGON,, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1897. NO 31 COURIER. 1 s&fPRS' . Eaca A Soft and Warm Bed is a rare treat to our care-worn body. A good bed miiy help us over a bud cold quick and bo extend our tile. You owe it to yourself and family to pay a little attention to this important fact. Our heavy blankets for $2 a piece would make a suitable Christmas present. A Irtrsie rn!, 2)(x5 feet, in front of the bed, is a good match. You will do well to inspect our mammoth stock com plete in all lines we can y. 55 2? SC 1 er ft 9 CHRISTMAS SMILES The smile on the photograph is the (natural smile of the individual. The smile on seeing the photograph is the smile of one who is pleaded ft, .. L. i. it. Vt ar. uie wuijk oi uic shim. Your friends will enjoy look ing at and possessing one of our photographs if your face is represented thereon. heney. Leading; Photographer Main St., near Court House, Oregon City New Store New Prices AND We Are After Trade DOMESTICS. Merino Vests und Pants. UOtvHat'gain at ....50c each Vuion Suit, sueli as yull pay 81 ami $1.25 for 20t48 Good Blearlieil llnslin for Jl 00 elfewheri'. Ourprlne 7"o null Yard wide lllvarhed Muslin, Lonsdale "!ioyd, Fine AII-W.HUiniiraSuits.riMlvaluef2now 11.60 suit Lonsdale Cambric 10c yd. Silk Vents, mw r prli-e .l.5l), now ?2.00 each (Jood Fast Color Calico Skcydl lit Misw-' and riiildreu'u Underwear we have Better Grade Calico 4Vc yd everything and at prices that will miWe you our Best Grade Oalioo no yd customers. Best Grade Apron Check Gingham 6c ydi The above Lines are not a lot of cheap stuff, but HOSIERY reirnKr Trade Winnhis. Outing Flannels, Good Selected Goods , 5c yd Ladles' ldp Cotfn Hose now ftc pa'r Better Grades 6V,c, 8c. Jnc yd The 15c and kind now loo pairi ('anton Flannel Bleaohed or L'nhlcached. 5c yd Ladies' Wool l'.ibbed Hose, the2"n" value, now 15c pr Heavv Grades OViC 7!ic. 8Hn. 10c yd Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose, usually sold at 8S Crash Towling, Twilled.... 4c yd and 40c, now 2'c pale All 1 tnn T.....II..n HI'AV!! .l.n h.,vu ull tliA fina vrditca til A.lll.lllv lim' Belter Grades .'. 7r, 8c. 10e, l'4ao yd prices. Bleached Table Linen, the best you have ever children's Winter lT"se from 5c to 86c a pair. Furs! Furs! Furs ! MOST STYLISH FURS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES AT... S- SILVERFIELD- Leading Furrier 143 Third Street... t PORTLAND OREGON AUCTION SALE AT 10 A AT 3 and 7 P. M. - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24 AT OREGON CITY IN P. O. BLOCK The Balance of the Bancrupt Stock of - " CLOTHING for Men.Bots.and Children Also a fine line of Gents' Furnishing Goods ot every description. BOOTS and SHOES for Men, Ladies and Children To be sold out at auction to make room for regular stock. Remember the day and place. Store open daily from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m COME AND SEE US FOR SPECIAL BARGAINS seen for the money 2-Fc yd Heavy and Better grades at ;15c. 50c and Hoc yd 72 inch Fine Linen Diiiuask, sueh ae you Bee elsewhere for 81 and 81.25. Here... 75c yd Red Table Damask 15a, 20c. 26o. 85 d Big Line of Towls at pikes that are sure to sell them. See Them. Cheviot Shining, heavy winter goods 8' jo, lOeyd BLANKETS. tn-4 fi.-ay or White Bl..nkets. the Dollar value 60c pr Very L'irge and Heavy lirny Ulanneis, eome Mures net $d..iu lor 111111. uur in ice w-.i.i pmr Extra Heavy and Extra Larme Blankets tK.nli pntrj A -Wool Fine tinine uray BlimKets M.uu pair Oregon Mottled Kxtra Lai-Re Blauketa. Regular 5.MI. value u.iv pair Also Fine tirade BlankKts at S3, ?0.50 to 810 pr FLANNELS Nnvy Blue, Gray and Brown. All Wool 9-onnee Kliume s. Oilmra aaK 400 lor mem. our urirc 35c yd Oniid Heavv White 8 inker Flannel !0 vl BetterUrade i'acanu o,c yu LA DIES' UNDER WEAR Jersey Rlhbod Vests 20c each Jersey ltlhbed Vests and Pants, Fleeced 'itm each Jersey Ribbed Vest and Pants. Special value at one, IOC, iiuy eucu Our Hosierv are all Itrtrnaths See our line of Babies' l rochetled Silk and Wool fans and Jackets. Thev are Beauties AMD ('HEAP Also see ns on Tarn ''shunters and Crocheted Shawls. These are Drummer's Samples and nt Half 1'bice. VLACK SILKS Great values 6'c, 75c, HSc nn.l SI .00 In them Iher j Money havers. IN li LACK DRESS GOODS Wh have the newest and most desirable line In the eitv, and tile smallnes. of Hie plica will surprise you, Just see, them. J5.lneh Sji lili:.' all w ool . , 40c Vnnl .r inch Sackiiiit, ull sbiilfS. fine coods oue yard! fine All wool Twits. Comb- Shirts and itiO ineh 8 icking, usually sol 1 al 31 ... H 2o Urawers, seams all boiiud. Krcneh ourrricti ... ... . ijojuiu unisti . ... 7ooeaen t. w.-mrir i Fine Saoluiry All Wool SHltt j and Drawers, JlhMNAMS (uiwiiiisn. uo each or f 1.75 suit We have ulrea.'v made a lot of R'mnantsof Hoy.il Kinoed an wool mnris huh Drawers. both I o'ton and Wool i-oods. We will elose them out ut half our nlioa iy loiprli.ee. MEN S FURNISHING GOODS Men's Good Heavy U' derhlrts nni', Trii'v. ers 25e each Heavy Perby Rlhhed S!w, ivily 4u0 euell Henvv kibbed Kleeund Siiltts and Drawers, bin bargain 6lto each 75 pereent Wind shirt and Drawers, su! them 65.1 ea'dl or $1.25 sift ' Hxtraileavy Wool ohiits and D' awera. See them. one encn or suit LACE CURTAINS At 09c, 75c, 81 and up to 812.50 per pair. DRESS GOODS NIceLineTif Small Checks, splendid goods for LADIES' CAl'VS and JACKETS Perhaps yon have been wnltieu for the )b SALKS on these good- If i, now is yoni chuiier. We wore noted f"r the Lw ih-i.-m we nskeil lor these goods, bill now you will be astonished al the linures we quote von. Our 86.51 and 87 50 lines ol Cloth Capes, handsomely trimmed aud ol excellent material, were ehenp at old price, now 84 5u aim 85. Our til and 810 lines go at 8(1.50 and 87.50. it ........ .. -...! ..f II. u u,.!..B ul tl,u ,,bl sohoiil wear. SEE 'I'HKM liW Vardi r . ... .. A Big Assortment of All Wool Novelties 111 ; price, just aee mem at me new (.i.ri-M.t mIihi a nmi mixtures. I liner stores I in r f nis i i anes ffo ul me lonowiitK nuuiesi ask ft) and 40 oents psi yaril for them. (our ".50 Cnne now MM Oub PmoE 25o sard Our 8 Cape now 8V0 42 huh I'ouipndour Suitings, In Black and Our 810 Cane now 7.t)0! Colors. Haudsotne designs, selling an . our l uape now over town at 50r yard. Our Prloe .re yard; n.. ,, nt t.,i,.,iQ ,wr nnnrnnlnled nt the old Just received an elegant line of Pattern Suits. niii e. what will tlin new prices due for them No two alike, line fashionable goons, rang- 'Kemetnbcr thev are NKVV OUUDS and eorreot ing In price from .......3.!i0 to 81- a suit . , Beautifully trimmed and line tinislied. Hiuiie as some stores ak the tovat price nf 8l.'0for. Our pHcb 81.1X1 each Extra. He ivy All Wool Fleeced Shirts aud Drawers, Kegnlur Muiiilikers 81 00 eaeli. We also have a li .e of Silk and Wool Uiulerwear That we sell ar less tbiin manufacturers cost, MEN'S OVER SHIRTS 20 !. 25o, 8 e, 40c, 50c and hoc. You an t buy them elsev here fur 4U percent more. Our Dollar Grade of Overshirts Aie money Savers. See them MES'S OVERALLS Heavy Blvlted,40e pair. MEN'S WO UK P ANTS tiood at 81 Oil and 81.23. Don't lutl to see us on Dress Gojds; call save you at least 60 per oent on .hem. FANCY SILKS Beauties, at 25c, 85r, 40o. 50e, 65c and 75o per yard. A beautiful line of fancy weaves lu Our 8S Jacket now Our 7.50 Jacket now .. Our 811.50 Jacket now .. lur 810 Jacket now liir I4 50 Jaoket now OurSla Jacket now H.50I .. 8-1.00 .. 85.50 . 80.00! 87.501 810 oO DON'T MISS THE OI'PORTUN. ITY TO BUY A J A UK EI OR CAVE. Alxo Big Line Drummer' Samples of Cape ami Jacket at onc-lutlf price. Come in and see for yourselves. Courteous treatment whether you buy or not. No trouble to show goods. Remember the number Remember the Number ...KENNEDY'S... 167 First Street., Between Morrison & Yamhill, PORTLAND KELSO. . The Geimama Market - Is the cheapest place iu the city r 13 buy t - t t t FIRST-CLASS FRESH MEATS : Seventh Street, Near Depot, Oregon City. Paul J. Scholz, Prop. t t t t THE SLAUGHTER SALE At the BeeiHive is still in full blast A verv plenMHiit r-nrorisH was (riven Miss Nellie Uonnhne, December 7. nt her home by her mny friemli. The evening whh cpeut in (fame, miirtic himI oilier Hinu8eiiienl until eleven o'clock when they retireil to Hie ilionintf room, wliere the tables were unrea l wilh H ItiiidH of (ieheliiua ealitblex. Af er p.ir takinifnf lheH heariilv thev relireJ to the yitrloro ami playeil rtin lill "lie luck. They then namr H few H.iniic a n.l ilep:rleil, wmhinif Ma Doiia'tne manv liHPpy reliirns of Hie day, JUhh Nellip hh Ihu reuipiei t nf heveiul heaulifnl pri'senia Thoi-e present were : 1M. vJ lo laline, Mr nnil Mrs. P Dunn. Minen Uerllia Hioh. Mmtlia I.iinl. KmiW Smith, Ada Rich, Kllttn Mvers, Sophia Peteramt. Hilhia Jarl. Matfuw Bell, Annie IVdei noli. Annie XeUnn, Georuie Donahue anil Nellie Donahue. Messia Spencer Nash. Alfred Uich, Robert Joikhm. OlaikP Ricb. Ned Nelson, Arlhur Kit h, Max Kiinel, Henry Mver, Isee elon1 i hert )r . John iNel-on, lierunarii Kliiiel, John P.ppei'son, FrHnk Ta nn is, Walter St. John, Thoma Dunn, Lewis Ha"izluni. Joel Jarl, Jo D inahue. John Dunn. I). C. Ailard iiid himuelt Donahue. December 8. X. TVKTYTHINvTr (SOES Prices cut in halves No such opportunity to purchase NEW, FRKSII and DESIRABLE GOODS at prices so far below their value was ever known in Oregon City Come belore it is too late The stock is now complete in ail departments, and when the BEE-HIVE is no more you will have to pay very much higher prices Look at our new prices on shoes. . THE BEE-HIVE CAU FIELD BLOCK OREGON CITY - - OREGON LOCAL SUMMARY. CANEMAH. Fre-1 Painter hasi?otietoMcMinnville, where he lias secured the position 01 superintendent of the water worus Mr. Meade of this place will soon leave for Klondike. Mrs. W. W. Watenpanh, formerly of this place, hut now of Salem, was visit inn friends Here lasi ween. The entertainment wiveii by the Canemah literary society on relay eveninn was it craml nuccess. Hie pro gram consisted of dialogues.. recitations and music, both v11"1 Bl,(l instrumental. The hull was filled 10 its utmost capacity and the aud ence decian-' umv er 1 j i all t" former ones gflm had eclipsed , nwlllM fl)r Friday. Decemher 17tl jk,.,,,,!,! . Timt enssinn on the sntiject. , , Water it. is More Plen'snt to lr , .' Than hv Ud;"with S n,, ,, us leader on t he aflirmatl T,(j 0aI)umai, reastpmn 111- nnmif. Iw.iir the al. e people should not fail to 1 " a , L aVVment. that will tnJL n vnrthv leaders and their ame Decemlier 15. Phookesh Christmas is coming and every one of us likes to eet A little present whether of value to us or not. but if we are the giver it lays decidedly in our hands to stretch our little expenditure for some dear one as far as possible in the region of usefulness. Take for instance toys they are for a day and yojir eift is for gotton. Hot Vfyoti buy a rockinif chair of Bellomy k Piiscli it is a present for all time ; y ft little extra care P mav I serviceable for their children's'chil ben Santa Claus or some one else has decorated Charman & Oo. drug stoie with evergreens that gives it a Christmas appearance. TURKEYS WANTED. Highest market price pai 1 for turkeys and geese. Inquire at Coiiriek ollice. Yellow Kid pin cushions and other white metal fancy goods, nice for pre sents, at the Hacket store. Holilay goods from lc upward at the Racket store. The University Oregon Glee Club will appear at Shively's hall 011 Thursday, December 30th. Grand street parade by the Hed Men Christmas day between the hours, 12 and 1 o'clock. Something entirely new. It would take too much space to quote prices on the large stock of ladies', em broidered handkerchiefs at the Racket storo Your dollars will buy more i-kkskntb this year at Charman & Co. drug store, as they are price makers and price cutters. Come and see the tiolM ay goods. We will save you money 011 every purchase at the Racket store. In ordering your Christmas pastry re member that 1 be old established bakery of tiibson & Lindsey is prepared to in Hour making machinery furnish von with cakes. Dtiddinua. tiles. I etc., cheaper than )ou can make them yourself. In buying serviceable Christmas pre sents you should not forget that AlcAlleu & McDonnell of Portland have the he.H line of dry goods, cloaks, etc., in the ci',y. They are square dealers and yon make no mistake in doing business with them. When buying your Christmas meats leineniher that the old etitahliahed shop of C. Albright keeps nothing but the best. If there is any venison or bear to be had lie will have it for you. Iteineinlier the Red Men give the most successful masque ball of the sea son. Come and las convinced of tiie extra low prices on holiday yoods at the Racket store. If you want Christmas goods .below Portland prices the Racket Store ia the place to find them. Opposite E. E. Charman's drug store. Rev. Dr. Duvall, the noted and suc cess ful natural healer, iu now located for a few weeks. The doctor has had 50 years experience and thousands of recommendations from those treated, Y'ou will be wonderfully surprised when you see the extreme low prices on Christmrs goods and other articles for presents. Racket Store. Ueforo furnishing your house call at Young's second-hand store and he will fit you out for less than onu-quarter of what new goods would cost. Wantkd. $300 or $350 for two or three years, good security. Address "Security," this odlce. Dan Willians has added to his stock of groceries and provisions a full line of feed and hay. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free. Corner Seventh and Center streets All the leading citi.ens of Oregon City are now 11-ing home made "Patent" Hour, claiming that it makes much better bread than the flour that is ship ped in fro 11 mills, which is very reason able, in the manufactures of "Patent" flour have all the latest improveineuis Cut prices on holiday goods at such prijes never known in Oregon before, at the Racket store. All are invited to come and see our holiday goods. If you don't want to buy we will take pleasure in showing our goods. The Racket store, opposite E.E. thai man's drugstore. Royal make the food pura, wbuloiuma and dollcloua. POWDER Absolutely Pure KOYAL AKIW! SWWII Prt.. NfW VfK. The most reliable goods at lowest living cash prices are kept by the groce y store of Marr & Muir. With a little cost one's ro itns can be made as good and blight as new. Call at llolinan's and see styles and pattern til up-to-date 18.17 goods. Seventh street, near bridge. When in Portland drop in and see our immense line of Christinas Chinas Everything new. Haines', 2H8 Morrison street, Portland. For best groceries at eheajiest price go to Marr A Muir. Justice court blanks 15 cents per dozen at Cot'itiKH oflice. Fine new line of umbrellas and caries at liurmeisters A, Andresens's Jewelry store. I n pert those adjustable window screens at JMIotny & Hindi's. They ate certainly the right thing. Customers can leave orders (orlsittled beer, porter, steam beer or keg beer at Knapp'a Piamark suloon. John U. Wil l.elm, pioprietor KelUood brewery. Dr. W. WniIomm is now associated with Dr. .1. YV. Welch, dentist, in vt i lamette bh ck. Yesl Our prices are right and that's why we are having such a rush on Xmaa goods and perfumes, t. barman & Co., druggist. , Grand clearance sale begins today of the lattest and newest things in mil lenery and trimmed and untrimmed hats at Miss Goldsmith's. We are not here for our health. We are here to serve the people in proper s.yle at the Rackit Store. Prescription carefully compounded (1. A. Harding' drut' store. For the best shave or hair cut to lie had go to P.G. Shark's shop. Shaving 10 cents, Haul cru.diet skirt", be tutiful colors, for 11.(15, at the R.tcket store. L. I.. Pickens, dentist, dees all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and hridue work a specialty. Olliee in Rarclay building, corner Main and Seventh streets, "Patent" flivir, manufactured by the Portland Flouring Mills Co. of Oregon City, is giving excellent satisfaction and can now Ihj hud at any of the grocery in the city. The sales ate constantly increasing. Grand HiecUcul.tr masque b ill by til Red Men Christmas night, the 25th, If you want a nice steak, roast or boil call at Albrig. t's shop and get some of his cold-storage meat hich is ncknow edged by all to be S'iD.trior t the meats commonly sol. I at butchers' shops. He also keeps 011 hand a full stis'k of lard, hams, bacon, etc. made by himself ard ' warranted purest and w holesome. Re iiic'IiiIht the old estabMshed shop on M street. 'I r .. ..