HOW TO FIND OUT. ill a bottle or common glass with urine and let it stand twenty-four hours ; a sediment or settling indicates an un healthy condition of the kidneys. When urine stairs linen it is evith'ticeof kidney trouble. Too frequent desire to urinate or pain in the back, is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot. the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in relieving pain in in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold , urine and scalding pain in passing it. or bad effects following use of liqnr, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get up many times during the night to urinate. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists, price fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet both sent free by mail. Mention Ohkoon City Oouhiek and send j our address to Dr. Kilmer & Oo., Bingham ton, N. Y, The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. F. C. GADKE, Plumbing and Tinning. Jobbing of All Kinds a iSppcially. Wilson & Cooke's Old bland ORKIiON CITY, OKEUON. JAMES MURROW. Decorating Paper Hanging, Artistic House Painting And Kalsoming. Leave Orders at Ely Bros,, on Seventh Street, Oregon rrjiy, Oregon . BOLTON DAIRY CHAS. CATTA, Proprietor Oregon City, Oregon Pure Milk and Full Measure given; delivered to any part of the city. Try Uolton DHlry and be Convnccif W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & feed Stable Cor. Main and 4'h St. OREGON CITY, OREGON tSiJob Printing at th? Iff Courier Office. DR. KESSLER, Thin old ona imned apeelnllst, olH. Umla, well known by long residence and auc awfully practice In Oil city, continue to successfully treat all Hindi of cliroulu and private diaewu'i FREE TREATMENT SmM t'Vi'iy allot noon BLOOD AND SKIKi' In iu Till in. TtiiuoiH. Tetter. Kem-iiiH and lhcr Impurities of the blood thoroughly iiidh'ntcd, leaving the system III a uroim, pure and healthful stale, DUriTMHTldlir treated by mi old German IinLUMiilluiU remedy. Till remedy wn presented to 111', Kesscler by a (rieud III Berlin. It has never fulled, flin OflDrO Ulcers, Cancer, etc., treated, no ULLI UUIlLlU dltri ience how long unvoted. KIDNEY AND URINARY COMPLAINTS, piiiulul, dllllouli, tooiitiiut'iit. milky or bloimv urine, limn url discharges, onreuilly treated, I'iIi-h, rheumatism and neuralgia, treated b our new ri'iiii't.h'ii. Take h el" r bottle at bedtime and urinate In the botlle. sol aside and look lit it In I hi ninriilm;. II it is cloudy, of has a cloudy set lllng In It, you have some kidney or bhuldei disc avc. m rtP WflDM ri'inoveil In twenty-four hours liAftl TtUriluH,.e worm III window at of ll i' l.i to. Li et'l long. DDI1 a Til WMl'v! We meet person even DtllllUll Ul IK h.0 day whose blent h smell no io tl II i tli-Ko.nlim. TIiIhcoiiii' Hum t it tin rh oi I'll Hit ill" nose or sluinuch tlo itml V examined. It din be cmed before 111 litsnl lioni'N becomes luvolvctt. rnilX'P MFW ,f '"" ate troubled with nlghi lUUlllT 111 Lit cnilss''ii.cxhniiilngiliiiii', HMinh-F., latsiilulncss, uvcra on to society, ,liipidni-s ilcioitdciicv. loss ol energy, ttm Mlton Hhtl si'li-eonlldeiiee, which d pnv you H your inniiltood itud nbit"lulel,v u till ,or foi-Hiuilv, I oi 11 1 1 i'hm or inurrlujte - If you art I ulllii'tnl Null liuty know the en line. Un ml In' r 'ill "il. 4 innnrr nrn mth there nmtimu ts lUU Ublj-MIllU lULll ol , will, wi'iih, iiclini: laica unit kidneys; (i'ctUon1. iihIiiIoI uriuiiiloii mid sediment In Ii'lnu; hit iitit'iicy or weakness ol mpmiii! organs, inul OIIKT UIIUIlNlllKitlllo SlgllS OI 11,'rVOIm tlelillllt ami luoiiiuiun' decay, tinny die of tin- dlllli'iilly, Ignorant ol the cause. The nioM oIini luiiu cum1 ol till chitiiicicr ircnlni. rjnm imp diseases. Gleet, lloniirrhen. In f ill Y III LI Hiimnlluii. Iilseliingea, Mileluiva Weakness ol Organs, Kyptillia, llydrovul ViiritKH'cle and kindred trouhlc treated. Consultation Free to All. Oi'kick Uouns: From 9 A. M. to 8 T. M. Call or udthvss J. Henri Kessler M. I). At St. Louis Dispensary, . f-in 830. VAMMIU TRtrT, POKTLANI). ... 0Ki.iy COLTON. O. 0. Hubbard, who has been attend ing court in Portland, returned home Wednesday. P. E. and J. H. Bonney were in town on biieiness this week. The Canyon Creek debating society was called to order at 7 p. m. on Wed nesday evening by the president, B. 0. Palmer. The question for debate. "Ke solved, That Man has Better Judgment Than Woman," was decided in favor of the negative. A short programme waa rendered as follows : Song "Bringing in the Sheaves,, The Members. Recitation Lottie Freemon Recitation "John Maynard" Meadie Hubbard. Recitation "Ups and Downs" Walter Gorbett. Recitation Eddie Gottberg Recitation.. "Neighbors". .Grace Gorbett Thos. Leemen has taken a contract of logging for VVm.Tinnerstet. Miss Grace Gorbett and brother, Walter, were the guests of VV. C. Buck ner and family last lust Sunday. School is progressing nicely with B. Vedder as teucher. Mrs. Catharine Bonney, wife of B. F. Bonney, died in the asylum at Salem, November 23d. She has been an inmate of the asylum for several years. . Miss Nellie Gottberg is on the sick list. December 3d. Alpiionbb. Cut prices on holiday goods at such prices never known in Oregon before, at the Racket store. RURAL DELL. There doesn't seem to be very much news in our Dell. Everybody seems to be attending to their own business. Dick Austin is burning some more of his logs. Emmet Lawler was in our vicinity last Sunday. He gets back on his old stumping ground once in a while. Rev. Lingren preached for us Sunday. Our school is progressing very nicely under the able management of Miss Ida Yoder. Old Redland, I think just as much of you as ever. You may talk about Linn's just all you like but don't say any more about the Sunday school. December 6. Daw Drop. A gentleman went into Holman's to buy Borne wall paper for his parlor and looking through the many samples found some patterns that were fine, de cided upon one. " What is the price of that paper?" " cents per double roll." "I'm afraid that is too cheap." But when it was explained how and why it was sold so cheap, he took the paper and was highly pleased. ' Probate Court. In the matter of the estate of Matilda Holt, deceased, R. D. Wilson, adminis trator de bories non, asked for an exten sion of time, in which to rile an inven tory and appraisement of said estate. The judges, therefore, made an order that the said administrator be granted until December 1st, 18'J8,in which to lile Baid inventory and appraisement. In the matter of the estate of F. 0. McOown, deceased, Sarah M. AlcCown, administratrix, was granted order to make and deliver to James Vulkmson a deed to lots 1,2, 15 and Hi in block 10, Gladstone, lor the consideration of $5,'0, he having completed the payments in full as requited in the bond for a deed. in the matter ol the estate of iSii'holuus Strohceker, deceased, the linitl report of Jacob Strohecker, executor, was ap- irovetl, and ordered dn-charged from lis trust. Doll and doll heads, fie 10 OHc and upward at the Kaclet store. A Ciever Trick. It ft rtalnly looks like it, but there S really im luck n 1 oil I it- Anybody ciiii Irv it li i Iihh Luii e Pack and Weak Kidneys, Malmia or lurvmis troubles. We on an he t'ttn cure liiim-elf light aay by lalvinif Klectric Bitters, 'lids medicine tones up the whole svhIi in ai ls as a stlmnhint to the Liver and Kid rt ys, isa blond purifier and nerve t uiic It t ines ( oniitipHiiou, Headache, Paint ing spells, Sleeplessness and Sleliin chiilv. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and restores the svsteiu to its mutual vigor. Tty Klectric Millets and be convireeil that they are a innacle worker Kverv boitle guar tntei d. Only iUca boll Seal Uiiarinaii & U i.s drugstore To i'vre lulu tlpMi ion i'tn-ever. Take Cascatets ( andy Cathartic. UV or ..,('. Ji (.. t t mil tut tire, ili ui.'ginle refund nionev. Kdiiciite Voiir llnivN Willi 'ii,Hr.t, Candy ("MiliHitic, cium eopiipai ion fore nr. 1 Hi-. LTic 1 1 (.'.(', 0 tail, ditlg gists refund iimniv TO CURE A COLD IN ONE 0Y Take laxative llronio tjulnlne ThIiIi'Ik. All UrUKiilMa ref ii ml the inonev tf It fnll liioure, in' NO CUKt NO PAY. Thnl In the wkv nil dpunrlsn Bell OUOVK'R TAKTM.KMJ CHILI. TO Mr for Miilmui, I'hllla mot ri ver, u tmutnply troll nixl iiili,li e in r tiMclon form, rhllilii n love It. Adult prt ft' hi o bluer. UHUkeiilh'K T'on itn. I'rlcn .'Ur. 1 o alt b C ti. liiiiilhy, lhuuuiM. Two MIIiiuiim m War. When pi tiplo buy, try, an. I Iniv airiiin, it iiii'hph lhc 'rn H.ilixlii'il Tim tiotuile nl tin' I'nitfil SliitcM ere liotv Iniviiiy CwhOarfld I'm tlv CiiiIihmic at thf iu'e id two n Mum b x s a car anil it will he ihrcc ii.ilhi'li hot' i" New Vnii. ll niei liH tut r l pioteil, tloil Cn can't are ll o tooft (Vlii liHiil bi'Wi'l ii-nbiiiir for evi ivlii i'y tin' taf ri'iuul All iIiiijj UM 0c, 'J."i olio a l X i n re HMniiilllffil. A ftm-e Tlitntr. for Von. A ti'it'isai'tlon in which vnu cimont U we nn ante limit!. U lo. i snt'-N, nek heini ncl o, tin it'.! loiik- ie li vt-r, imIh ami a ll titl'Bi'it i lhrr U i iv cailHi il hv coll xtlpalitui mil hiii:ih hv r Cai'inetH Oniiilv Cat ininic, the wnuilriinl tifw itvcl Hlimnhinl mnl in'ciinul tonic aro b all ttniv'tM-' tiiu rnii t l to cure in money it fmn'o I ( C t". arc a mm ihiiitf. Tiy a h' t'-i .v; Idc li.'ii'. M),v H 111 Ji't Hnl Im.i .k ii-i (nt. All ilriH'pxte. OASTOIIIA. "Union of Forces." Oregon City, Dec. 6th, 1897. Editor CotwiEK : In vour issue of t.he. 25th tilt, you make the statement that a majority of populists, democrats and free silver republicans seem to be in favor of a union of lorces for the spring campaign and you invite discussion on the subject. This unity no doubt carried our pre sent populist officials into office, and if they are wchy, this" same force can no doubt insure them a second term, The people throughout the country are becoming more alive not only to the importance of free silver but to the ab- solute impossibility of getting along mucn longer wimoiu n. iney are find ing out that with two metallic values, liold for one half the world and silver for the other half, at half price, that the cheap money countries are going into the markets of Europe and underselling us in everything we produce. So that our prices for gelling, is and has been Bince 1893 on a silver basis. Our gold craze, thus cost us last year as 50 per cent, 80 millions on our. Euro pean f ireign trade, and if we reckon our home trade at 20 times the foreign , tne direct loss of depreciated silver must be over sixteen ttiousand million dollars for one single year. The exceptional price in wheat this year only proves the rule. Argentina, the great wheat raising country (in half priced silver), had a failure of crops this year and none to undersell us with. - Our Belling priaes and consequently our wages are already on a silver basis, and our people can not much longer cajoled into supporting a policy which ruins every one but the olfice-holder and inoney loaner. Our children are crying for bread, we must have the wherewithal to live, to clothe and educate our i hildren and no other issue but the restoration of values through free coinage of silver is possible. We are all, or practically all of us, be lievers in the Keferendum, but to offer it to us as a basis of unity is offering a stone for bread. If the leading populist officials who control the sentiments of the Herald through official patronage, commit Felo de se and think to invite the opposing political forces on a direct legislation platform, they will get hopelessly stranded. Respectfully yours, Aadus. The Greatest Discovery Yet. W. M. Repine, editor Tiskiiwa. III. "Chief" says: "We won't keep limine without Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and cold". Kx perimented with many others, but never got the true remedy until we used Dr. Kind's New Discoveiy. No othet remedy can take its place in our home as in it we have a certain and sure cure forcouuhs, col Is, whoooing cough, etc." It is idle to experiment with oth'T remedies, even if they are urged on you as just as good as Dr." Ki nit's New Dis covery. They are not as aood, because this remedy has record of cures end besides is uuaranteed. It never fads to satisfy. Trial bottle tree at Ciiarmun (4 Co. 's drug store. Klondike Gold is Coming And although our readers may not get a share, yet we are glad to assist you in getting other gold by your own efforts. Now you want information on raising crops and fruits, the care of stock, and how to make the farm pay, which is no where found so liberally and interesting ly presented as in farm, Field and Fire ide, Chicago, III., the largest and best dollar weekly larm paper in America, containing 32 to 40 pages cf original matter weekly. If you farm you ais.o raise poultry. Thousands of people are making a good living from poultry, and it can be done, but to do it requires ex perience and the benelit of the experi ence of others. The latter is o md in Tiik Poultry KKW-Kuuf I'arkeshnrg.l'h. a veiy attractive L'O page monthly with its cover printed in colors. The name of its editor, l H. Jacobs, is known to all successful poultry raisers as authority on the subject. Price, 5ll cents per annum. Mr. Jacobs has also prepared four great books covering every .subject on which a poultry raiser wants information. They are "Poultry Keeper Illustrator No. I," over 100 illustrations and in regard to poultry houses, incubators, brooders, coops, etc., '.'-'I cents. "Poultry Keeper Illustrator No. 2," over 75 illustrations, etc, about artificial incubation, raising clacks, testing egg, etc., 25 cents "Poultry Keeper Illustrator No. 3," poultry diseases, lii-e, gapes, moulting, egg eating, etc.. 25 cents. "Poultry Keeper Illustrator No. 4," judging fowls, description of breeds, mating, etc., price, fl I'lillta. Tlio aoritfihiimr titrl tj we can give you The (Joi'hikk, A'lirm. Field and F renide and TltK r'ot'i.TUY Kkki'kk, all three one year and these four great books all for only $2. Itfauty la ltlood. Clean Ulonil ineana a clean skin. No limite without it. ( asoarets Uanily I'nthartii! I'lean y ur blooil Hint 1-eep it i-lean, hy Htiiriim up the lazy liver and ItiviiiKall iiiiimri:ies from thn boily. Itt'trin tn-iliiy to lianmh uiinplMs, hoils, hliiiclii'8, lilw'ltlieail, aifl tloit sickly hilioiia complexion by takina Vc ir-u, beauty for ten renin. All dp (igists Mttisliiction iruartintt'eil, 10c, 2h;, .0e, For nv r Fl'ty Yea- AS Ul.l) AND ,vt Kl.l,' tltlKII KKMKDV Vlr. WinaliiwV SimtliiiiK Vnii tin 'it-en n-oil lur over fifty voatH hv mil 'iopa of mothi ix 'or their chihlren whi'e 't'othitur, i'h p.'ifi.'i hhci.(h II tun' tit. tlio rhioi 'Oi,MW iu Lrnnia iIIhv all p'tin i iiit-i ttunl cuijc, mill ja lilt' ht'ttt t'OOI'de Inr llia'Tllll'l. la ph aaaut in i tit- iitio. So il hy linmcU n every put nf th- W i ihl. Twenty live cciila a b'Vtl't. Iti value is in caiftll h ISm snn h:hI Hsk for M?s NV'inaow'H Soot hil t! Syrnp. anil take no oil t l kiln). LAXATIVE BR0V.0 UliHiNE TABLETS Move tlie bowels goitly. relieves the rough, cures ihe feven-h condition and Headache, int king II the lu st and iioekest remedy for Coughs, Colds, and I, a Grippe Cures iu one day. No cure, no nav. P-Vr '.."e C ASTORIA For Infants and Children. asy to Take asy to Operate Are features peculiar to Hood's Pills. Small In size, tasteless, efficient, thorough. As one man LHIo said: "You never know yon have taken a pill till it is all over." 25o. C. I. Hood & Co., Pronrietors. Lowell. Maw. The only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilia. JOSEPH RICE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Oiogon City Bank Block. Okegoh City. - . . . .begjn. C. H. ISOM, Civil Engineer & Deputy County Surveyor Will be at Court Houie on eaeh Pat ur d and on rpprular session days of County Court, J. W. WELCH, IDElsTTIST, WILLAMETTE BLOCK, Opposite P. ()., Oregon City, Oa. Gko. C. Bbownkll. J. U. Campbell BROWNELL & CAMPBELL, ATTORNEYS AT IjAW. Caufteld Building Oregon Clty.Ort C. D. & D. C. LAT0URETTE Attorneys at Law, Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties. OFFICE : Commercial Bam Bulldln OREGON CITY, OREGON. TH OS. F. RYAN, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Leading Insurance Agency County. op Clackamj Money to Loan. A bstraets of Title Made. Drawing of Legal Documents a Specialty Office on east side of Main street Between 6lh and 7th. OREGON CITY, OREGON. The Commercial Bank ' OF OREGON CITY. CAPITAL f 100,000. Transacts a General Banking Business Lnan made. Bills discounted. Makes co lections. Hoys and sells exchange on all points In the United States and Europe and on Uong Kong. Deposits received subject to check. Bank open from 9 A.M. to 4 P. M. D.C. LATODRRTTE, F. K. DONALDSON rre8ldeut, Cashie H. STRAIGHT, PEAI.SK in GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Mill Feed, Lime, Cement ar.d Laiid Plaster. Noiilitt Livery and Sale Stable OREGON CITY, OREGON, On the Street between the Bridge and tht Depot. Double and slnzle riits and saddle horses a ways on baud at the lowest rates, and anr rra tlso connected with the barn for loose Rto' l Any Information revardln; any kind nf stock promptly attended to by letter or person. HOUSES BOUGHT OK SOl.It C. N. GREENMAN, T11R PlONEia Express and Drayman c (Established lstii ) Parcels delivered lo all parts of ihe city." v' i m ur it ll m iium nun 4KII m 131 PnP.RPRTPTTnWS I llliUVIIll 11U1IU rj IH -v- M !S!gE0.A.HA1U)1S0K m m m w m TH K- Old Reliable Drutjg'st MEKICINK AT Cl'T ItATKS I so Use lor (Old Santa Claus... j Tin wonderful uttiiicttnii of 'ir lmliili.v etKvIsi und low Drift's tnisli I 1 tlio oltl niiiii usiilt'. Wo iKiiist of or,i, j littt'iiiiii'H ftir l lirtNttniia lmyir. No iiifiltt'r how the) Btofkitiy;, wci I can fill i'. Yon 'e orilinlly itivite l ia jto t'onitt Hiiii sett what we mil (lo for II . you. Tlio jnii't's on all of on r goods are extremely low. n 'I L. A. PATTERSON & CO... f "Bazaar" (irepon City Oregon Pills SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Con-t nf the 8tate of Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. M. F. McCarver, Plaintiff, va. Eliza Coleman and Thomas Coleman, UefendanU, Stnte of Oregon, County of Clm k imiis, ss. BY VIRTUE OF A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE eree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled eourl, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dan d the 1st day of December, 18D7, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 20lh day of November, 18117, In favor of M. S. MeCarvcr. plaintiff', and afraii'St Eliza Cole man and Thomas Coleman, defendants, for the sum of (iiW.10, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 tier cent nr annum from .'he 20th dav of November, 1397. and the further sum of U100.00 as attorney's fee, nud the further sum of C1U.00. costs and disbursements, and the Costs of and upon tills writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate In the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to wit: Beginning at a point 5.19 chiins north of the north west corner of the northeast of the northeast nf section 4, township 2 south of range east of the WilUmette Meridian, in the center of the county road lbading from Milwau kie to Phillip Foster's and running thence soiiih 25 89 ohains to the soulheita corner of the north west !4 of the northeast li of said kecllon 4, thence west thirty links to the e.iSt boundary ol tile D. L. C. nf W. T. Matlock. di'oeaBed, thence north 22 degrees west 6.40 chains to lh no.theast corner of said Matlock claim, theuce south 08 degrees west 8.45 chains, thence north 24.50 chains to the center of said county road, thence east on the line of said road 10 chains to the place of beginning, continuing 22.50 acres iu Clackamas county, state of Oregon. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and deorre, and 111 compliance with the commands of Baid writ. 1 will, on Mon day, the Sd day of January, 11)8, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. at the front door of the county eouit house in the city of Oregon City, in said county and stale, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S gold coin, cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named deiendants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in and to the above described real property or any part thoreof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing cosis. . W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Dec. 1st, 18H7. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tlie County of Clackamas. D. W.James, Plaintiff, 1 vs. I Wm. Ohlenkamp and I , John Dahlke, Defendants. J State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. BY "VIRTUE OK A JUDGMENT ORDER, decree unci an execution, duly issued nut ol and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 'Mih day of November, 1897, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 3d day of November, lbS)7, in favor of D. W. James, plaintiff, and against Win. Olden kamp and John Dahlke, defendants, for the sum of ia)l) .00, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the ninth day of December, 1SI12, and the further sum of 125 mi as attorney's fee, and the further sum ol 62SI.OO, costs and disbursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situate Iu the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, tu-wit: B, ginning at a polnton the section line between sections 21 and 22 in township 8 south, ranged east of the Willamette meridian, fur enough south of the quarter section corner on said line so that a line running east from such point across the doiiallou laud claim of R. A. Worsham to the west boun.lary ol Ihe donation land claim oi Lorenzo A. Kirk will include one hundred and twenty acres of thnt part of said Worsham dona tion land claim lying north of such east and west line, exclusive of 7 5S acres heretofore sold and conveyed by Isaac Karr to P. Scanliui. Now therefore, hv vlrtli if sahi execution. judgment order ami decree, and iu compliance tvuo nit? com uiiinus oi saiu writ, i win, on Sat urday, the 2Hth day of December, ltsi7, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., at tiie frontdoor ol the county court huuse in the city of Oregon City, in said county and state, sell at public auction, subicct to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. W gold coin, cash In hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named deiendants or either o( them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had ill or to the above described real property or any part there ot, to satisfy said execution, Judgment order, de cree, Interest, costs and all accruing costs. U. W. UK At Sheriff of Clackamas County, Orecon. Dated, Oregon City, Or., November 24th, 18U7. We have received a line of silver plated ware, which will be givtri to our patrons, The quality is a 1 extra coin silver plate 1487 Wm. A. Rogers. We solicit you to Inspect the same at the stare of I. Selling. Go to... DAVIDSON'S GALLERY Up-to-Date Pictures rr.brinus Cold j at Storage Griessen & Hallwyer, l'rojis. Best Wines, Liquors anl Cigars. Elegant Family Booms, Or.EGOT CITY OREGON AGENTS WANTED! FOK JUVENILE HOLIDAY AM) STANDARD SUEECEIPTICN UOOKS. Ity the Vt. '. 1 oiikey Coni any, the target! publishers and leauiinciuri rs i t hunks in t e United Sinn . I tin st to e of i ew holiday and oilier siiiM-erii'ilon imii.s on ti e mantel.. Also Beeiiis wsnl'd to "IHK Mi.VKR SI li-;." tlie httesi and Ins text hoot on liii- silvvr qticsilon by ihe great silver leaders. Excludlvf Territory. Lartiest Crmtnissiops. Prices Below Contpelitirn Write t once for circulars I Bd sp.-clal terms, stating your choice of territory. W. B CONKEY COMPANY, 3H-S51 IVsrbotn 8;.,t llic.ltiii p BIJSINKSS CHANGE- 0. F. HENNINGS has pnrolmrvtl the Seventh Street Bakery of Ja coh Kolier atnl the new niiiiiii(!enieiit ia pie lared to fnriii-li yon with Bread, Cakes, Buns, Etc., nt very reasotmhle price. C. F. HUNNINQS, 7th St Bakery Children Cry t SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court tf the State of O'egon, for ' the County oi Clvjkiima-. A. E. Latonrette, Kxecutrix of the Will of L. D. C. I-atourctte, !ochm'i1, Flsmlill', vs. E. P. . Klli.'U, I.lliii. u. Kiliott, Tiiomns Chnrman, Krank Welch. Mnraarett Barrett, J.. I. conk and Uuarhia Albi', Jr., IMt-ntlauti. State of Oregon, County of Clackamas, ss. -IY VIRTUE OF A JCl-HMrJNT OKDER DE- -cree and un execution, dulv issued out of and under the seal of tne above chMUr-d court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 'J7th day of November, lfOT, upon. a Judgment rendered and ent Ted in said court ou Hie 2ith dy rt Novmber. 1H'I7. iu fuvor of A. K. Liilouicile, Kxet-ntrix of tiie will of h. D. C. bati iin.'tte deoi'iised. p'aintKV, and ngfilnst E. P. Klltott, Liilio li, E.lioti, rtioiuiiH.Charman Frank Welch. Marcarett Barrett, .1. .1. rook and I'loirii'R .tlbrigbt., Jr., defcudauls, for the sum of IflWS.t 0, wiih I. tcresl llu rcoo at Hie rate of 111 per cent, per Hiinutn from the 20th dav of November, 1S07, und the further sum, of l;Vl.iHI as attorney's' fee. and the further sum of Un.UO, costs and dis bursements, a. id the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to miike sa'e of the f dlowing duseribed real prnpeity situate In Hie comity of Claekaimis, statrt of Oregon, to-wil: l.ols three and four in block fortv-flve of county addition to Oregon City, all of fraciional block lettereil ll In countv adilitiou to Oregon City and lot I'nreo in block three in ill. Pleasant addition to Orego'i t Ity according lo the T-P,. HaiulHll sulidivision of said block, all according to the ollicial maps and plats tyi lile iu the ofllce of the Recorder in Claekauiaa county, state at Oregon. Now, therefore, by vlrlue of said execution. judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands nf said writ, I will, on Mon day, the 3d day ol January, ISIS, at liie hour of one o'clock p. ni., ut Ihe front door of Ihe countv court houe in the city of Oregon City, iu Baid county and stale, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin, in hand, all the right, litloand interest which the willilu named defendants or either of ibein, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the abovo described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said, execution, Judgment order,, decree, interest, ousts ai d all accruing cost s. O. W. GRACE, Sheriff of Clackamas Countv, Oregon. Dated, Oregou 'Jity. or.,, 1SU7.' S-MERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the sinte of Oreg on, lor the County of Clackamas. Jacob f-'pangler, Plaintiff, vs. '.. S. Gard and llclcti. JLl.. .indci'soii, Dcfeudau.s. State of Oregon,. County of Clackamas, ss. 1Y VIRTUE OK A JUDGMENT ORDER, DE " cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court, iu the above entitled cause,. to me duly directed und diiled the 2llth day of November, 1SU7, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court ou the lirst d iy of November, 18!i7, in favor of Jaoob tpangler, plaintiff, and against '. S. Gard and Helen B. Anderson, defendants, for the sum of WU1.60, with interest thereon at the rate of 10. per cent per annum from the first day of Novem ber,lsu7. and th further sum of tto as attomev'a lee, and the i'urllier sum of H5.00, cosls and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property situate in the county of Claokamas, state of Oregon, lo wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of the II. L. C. of Ezra Fisher and wife in township 2 south of range 2 east of the W. M running thenca along ine norm boundary of said claim north 81 degrees west 4.25 chains to corner of C. Welch's land, thence south 2K degrees 10 min utes west 14.71) elmins to the northwest corner of two acre tract of land owned by M. O. Gard, thence along the north sldo of said two acre tract south til degrees fit) minutes east 4.33 chaina to the northeast corner of said two acre tract,. tuoiict- iiorint icui, luencesouiueasieriy ecnamsK more or less, to a noint on the east line of shkI olalm, which point is 20.23 chains south of the northeast comer of suld claim, thence norlh 20.23. chains lo the place of beginning, containing 14 acres oi mini, more or less, also a strip 20 feet wide and described as beginning at a puinU feet norlh of the northeast corner of said two aore tract and running thence south 28 degrees 10 minutes west aiong the east side of said two acre tract 5 .62 chains to the neuter of the county road, theme atom? the center of said road int.u nrly 20 feet, theuce uorth 2S degrees 10 minutes oast 1S.52 chains, theuoe west 20 feet to place of beginning, Clai kamas eouuty, state of Oregon. Now, therefore, bv virtue 'of said execution. judgment order ai d decree, and In compliance, with the commands ot said writ, 1 will, ou Moik day, the 3d day of January, ISilS, at the hour of one o'clock p. m at the front door of the county court house In the. city of Oregon City, In said county and slant, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to Ihe highest bidder tor U. S. gold coin, oash in hand, all the light, litlennd interest which Ihe within named leiendants or either of them, had on the dute of the moiigage or since had in or lo the above described reai property or any part thereof tosailsfy said execution, jiidg. liieut order, decree, interest, costs anJ all accru. tng costs. U. . URACE, sheriff of Clin kamas uounty, Oregon .. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Nov. 2!lth, 1KJ7. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the- t.ouuiy oi uiacKauias. Minnie McKean, Plaintiff, vs. .leiiulo Melcher and Henry Melcher, iJefendants. Staleof Oregon. County of Clackamas, ss, BY VIKTl'K OK A ,11'lKiMKXT OtttlKR, 'HE. eree anil an execution, ilnlv luwint .o ,.r and under ihe seal ol t1 e above entitled court, iu the above d cause, lo me duly directed ami dated the 2?lh day of -oveiulw, 1MI7, upon a judmnt nl ren 't ied anil entered In said court ou tlie 20th day ot November. ISU7, In favor of iii'iiiiie nicKeau, i.l i tit it, and neulust Jenn e Melcher and tinn y Aleh h. r. di feiiuniits. for tl.a sum of iiooo.00, with Int. rest thereon at the rate of to percent per a niiiii hmm the aiih day of No. vein her, lS'JV, and tlie further sum of 7').0i as, atlorut y s fee, and lbs further turn nf eltll.OO, c -ts mid disbureiiu ills, and tiie costs of and 11 noil this wilt, eolnuialidlnir ine to nmke sale of tin following deseribeii real properly situate in the county of Clackamas, slate ol uregou. to-wil: ine west or south west ! of the southwest ;4 of section 2M, the west of uortliwest of' the nonliwest ; of section 32. the east of south east f4 of the southeast '4 ut auction 30, the east li of northeast of llm tiorlheast of section ;il,allln township 2 south of rangu 1 eaBt of llio M illaiuetla Meriulan, 'Now, therefore, liy virtue of said execution, juilKiiienl order and ilt eiee, ai.d in compliance wuh ihe commands ol sunt wm, 1 will, ou Mon day, IhaUd day of Jmiuary, lsiiN, at the hour of one o'cliH'k p. m.. at the Hunt door of the countv court house 111 llm city ot Oregon City, in saiil county aud slate, sell at public auction, subject to redemption, to the highest hidiier, for U, 8. gold coin, easn In liiind, all the right, title and interest which Ilia wiiliiu n uied defendants or ellhvr of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real eroperiy or suy pan thereof, to salisiy said extcuti judgment older, decree, interest, costs, and all acciuing costs. O. V. liRACP, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon l-ated, Oregon City, Or., Nov. 2!itli, lMi".' NO I ICE OK SHERIFFS SALE. PUIWl'ANT '10 AV KXKCUTIOX IKSt'ED out of Ihe Circuit Court if tlie auiH of tlrcn'-n, lor i latkiimas C"iity, ol uale NoveniberUih.is1.!, iihiu a decree of toreelosiire duly remtered Iu said Court on November 2uih,ls.i", in the case of The Ailisiice Trust Cnunniny,. Ll.. plainti'i, vs. I.. I'iitlp !. I'helps. Nellie h. Sliillh, K. C. Smith, Kannle Siiiius, iMlllain Mjiiires, Adt.iu Sni llli, Joliu Sinilli, V it' lie Hews, John Hews, h. tl. hiniih, as adml,illtaior of the estate of Joint Uiow. lUeeessd and Hotlnli:d Biolliers, a eorforalM ll.ilel.nclalils, Iu lavor nf Die plnintlff and against tlie defeii-litiiiu, I will, at 11 o clock in tiie forenoon t.n ttic 2S'ti day t.t ltecerr tier, IN ,,at (he trout ttooru' thettouiti ouse In firegou 1 Ity. tiituott.sell at pii hi. c anc.ioh lo the highest Milder lor cash In iihiim be pivihlses In said d, cree of tort closure ilcsci'ltit d, Ociiii' situate in i I,. c k antes t iuity, f aie of ilnieii. to-wlt: Bet Inning si s "inl six (il) elmiiis aim filly (.:-U) Itnks in nh Hi d iueietl'i ciialii. and sixly-niiiu Otll) iinsseasi ol the ma Inttcsi comer of section ' tw' -tlite. ( 3) n n.w i ship three (3) south of lallge lltree'lheasl ef the lllHiilelteM(rii1iall,ruu. Iilinr (hi if f norlh tlf jr IsO, chums, iheiice north sixty six rt, gree tiai ) i h'rty uiiiiuieN .;;0') west ' lifle-n :io) elial s anil tiny t.'Hi) links, them e tionh tiny i uedeiirei s 1 5 1 - , wesi tifiy -nine .t;i) fhiflis and twelve ti2; III k1, I belli e west t'iglil (Si chains slid n vemy-il'iee i;;t) hnlts, theuce south one hundred ai d f.-urie, n OH) clutlns, tin ace i -l (-! to. Ins i.i n ft i) ( Hi links, 1 1 cute north twi nit o; elisius n l tiny '4,,ni : I bene east iweint r-iil ch-lns mnl hirv ( 0;i lisii-s lo tht pisce oi la fit nil eel 1 1 1 do 1 1 ti e i i m s mi. te or less f In sai's'y lie snai. o !47 :'e v tlli inleresl fr in : vi ml t r lull. In i. ai Ho nut (if 10 per cent tr siiMim, and : Tv.Vi ii w tth it leiesi tiem same dale si S per Milt per ant im aid t.'.iO.ttf as Mitornt'ts' lees; with .tiitnr' f'i in st me I'ate nl s f r i oil per allium: xli n tniid Malts gold coin, ami the ei s' si d dHtuiM inents of said soil, land at (CH and Ihe toststif and uisi'.i said w rit. i. w Cll.ACE, Sherlfl "f I'lackauins Countv, Or. I.ated, Xovember 21d, 1 .". or Pitcher's Castoria.