Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1898, December 10, 1897, Image 7

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there Are Many Routes Spoken of, But
i Yet Only Two Are Advisable for
the Gold Seeker to Attempt Some
of the Difficulties to Be Overcome.
(Special Correspondence.
How many will go to the Klondike
next year, how will they be transport
ed, are questions now being asked by
transportation companies and the
thousands interested in one way or an
other in the great movement about to
take place. Even the man going
thither to seek his fortune is vitally in
terested in these matters. If there is
too big a crowd he may not be able to
secure a passage, or to get a proper
outfit, or be successful in transporting
it frito the interior. He would better
not trust too much to luck nor depend
too much upon being able to travel in
the regular way. Certainly, so far ub
the regular steamers are concerned,
their berths will all be engaged weeks
in advance, and the man who neglects
to secure passage early may have to
wait a long time for his turn to come
around. Even on the overland trains
there is promise of inconvenienoe, if not
delay. So great a rush, all in one di
rection, will tax the rolling stock of
the railroads to its utmost, since cars
will have to go back empty.
The lowest estimate of the number of
people who will start for Alaska next
spring is 50,000, while some, who have
given the subject much attention place
the figure as high as 200,000. . At an
average of 800 to each vessel, it would
require 170 steamers to convey the min
imum number, while G80 would be
necestary to accommodate the maxi
mum. To Bend 170 steamers in the
months of February, March and April
would make it necessary for two to
eail each day. There is now advertised
not one-quatrer the steamers necessary.
The others will no doubt be provided,
for there are numerous transportation
projects on foot, but nothing definite
about them can yet be said. This is
sufficient to show that the mnn who
intends to join the first great rush by
the way of the passes and lakes would
do well to make sure of his passage to
Dyea or Skaguay. As to the route by
the way of St. Michaels and the river,
that will not be open till June, and
extensive transportation projects now
under way will be sufficiently developed
long before that time to make it well
to postpone any estimates until later.
There are but two well known and
undeniably practical routes" to the Yu
kon mines. One is by the mountain
passes from Dyea and Skaguay to the
lakes and thence by boat down the lakes
and rivers, and the other is by ocean
steamer to St. Michaels and thence up
the river by light draft steamer. All
other routes are yet to be proved, and
all who try them must expect to meet
with the tribulations and uncertainties
that lay in the path of the pioneer.
Undoubtedly the great majority of Yu
koners will try the passes, since the
mines can be reached in this way two
or three months earlier than by Bteaiu
er, and, of these the greater number
will go over the regular Yukon trail by
the way of Chilkoot pass, the next
greater number going from Skaguay over
the White pass.
It is well thoroughly to understand
this route and its variation as to the
two passes. Linn canal, about 100
miles north of Juneau, penetrates a
number of miles northerly into the
coast mountains, the very head of it be
ing divided into two arras by a rooky
promontory. Into the easterly arm
flows Skaguay river and into the west
erly arm the Dyea river. Both are
rapid, ice-cold mountain streams, nav
igable for canoes only for several miles.
At the head of these arms are located
the new towns of Skaguay and Dyea.
From these points it is necessary to
cross the high mountain divide to
Lakes Linderinann and Bennett, where
boats are constructed for the journey
down the river. Until the past season
the Yukoner8 have used the Chilkoot
pass, from Dyea, exclusively, the Chil
kat Indians packing all the supplies at
the usual rate of IS cents a pound.
The route is 37 miles long, and the
limmit of the pass is 3,200 feet high.
The Indians have always refused to
pack by any other route, declaring this
to be the best one. Last summer, ow
ing to the great rush and the eager
ness of all to get over at any cost, the
Indians raised their price for packing,
until often as high as a dollar a pound
wag paid them. This, and the crowded
condition of the trail, led many to try
the Skaguay trail, which, though 41
miles long, was asserted to be better,
because the summit of the pass was
tome &00 feet lower. It was found,
however, that the trail was not so good,
that the river hail to be crossed several
times, and that, though the pass was
somewhat lower, the trail led up and
down hill so much that the actual
climbing done was greater than by the
Chilkoot pass, where the ascent was
gradual to the foot of the summit di
vide, when one very steep climb was
necessary. The practical result was
that a very much larger percentage of
those who tried the Chilkoot pass suc
ceeded in reaching the lakes, than of
those who attempted tlu Skaguay route.
. Nevertheless, improvements are now
being made on both trails, and both
will be extensively used in the spring,
it being much easier to go in over the
now, when the rocks and mud which
made the trails so difficult last fall are
covered up.
Theie are projected improvements
for both of those trails, in the nature
of railroads and tramways, but as yet
only Chilkoot pass shows anything tan
gible. A combined railroad and tram
way is under construction and is prom
ted to be completed by tht first of Feb
ruary, for the taking of freight from
Dyea through to Lake Lindermaon. The
probabilities are that this convenience
will be provided by. that time, or
shortly thereafter. Tliecompany oper
ating it purposes to contract to carry
freight from Dyea to the lake at a price
much below what it would cost to pack
it over, and to handle it so promptly
that by the time the owner can walk
over the trail his freight will get
through. With this tramway in opera
tion, and nothing similar on the Skag
uay trail, the Chilkoot pass would get
all tbe travel. There are, howover,
still other tramways and railroad pro
jects on both trails, but when they will
be ready for use is uncertain. At the
present time it would seem as though
this Chilkoot tramway will be the only
thing ready early enough to accommo
date the first rush in February and
March. Until that time, there is ap
parently little choice between the trails
for winter travel, and those who go in
before February may take either. For
those who go in over the snow a Yu
kon sled is necessary. This is a strong
skeleton sled and may be purchased at
any regular outfitting point. Many
take dogs to help draw sleds, but all
can not do this. If, it is done, special
provision must be made for food for
the animals.
After the lakes have been reached,
the remainder of the route is the same
for both passes, consisting of about 550
miles of lake and river navigation to
Dawson City,, at. the mouth of the
Klondike. It is 60 miles further to
Forty-Mile, and Circle City is 800
miles down the river from Dawson.
The new town of Rampart City is still
about 500 miles further down the Yu
kon, at the mouth of Munook creek,
not far above the point where the
Tannanah flows into the great river.
This entire lake and river journey is
made in strong bouts, usually built out
of timber whipsawed by the Yukoners
on the banks of Lakes Lindermann or
Bennett. There is a small saw mill
there, but it is unable to out enough
timber to fill the demand. Doubtless
other mills will be taken in as soon as
the tramway is completed, but miners
should not rely upon this, but should
take an outfit of tools and material for
building a boat, as well as oars and
rowlocks.. Efforts to take in boats over
the pass last fall were unsuccessful,
even in sections. Though it might be
easier to do so over the Bnow, it is
doubtful if it would not consume as
much extra time and labor as the
building of a boat would require.
When the tramway is at work, special
ly constructed boats could no doubt be
taken in to advantage, and valuable
time be saved.
The route leads through Lake Linder
mann, 6 miles, a portage to Lake Ben
nett, 1 mile; down the lake, 24 miles;
through Cariboo crossing to Lake Tag
ish, 2 miles; down the lake 19 miles;
by river to Lake Marsh, 6 miles;
across the lake passing Windy Arm,
19 miles. Those who go in the win
ter and early spring can proceed to this
point by drawing their boats on sleds,
but there they must wait for the ice to
break up before proceeding down the
river in their boats, unless they intend
to go through light, dragging a sled
over the snow and ioe. Twenty-five
miles below Lake Marsh is the dreaded
Miles canyon, and just below this
place are White Horse rapids. Both
of these places may be safely run in
the boat if the utmost care is exer
cised. Many boats have been wrecked
here and their contents lost, while sev
eral unfortunate men have been
drowned. No one should attempt these
difficult passages without first having
carefully studied the situation. Thirty
miles further down the river is Lake
Le Burge, 80 miles long. Five. Finger
rapids are 163 miles below this lake,
and Kink rapids are 3 miles further.
These are the last of the specially dan
gerous places, though care must be ex
ercised during the entire journey.
As 'to other routes from the coast,
there are but three that have any
prominence, and none of them is as yet
sufficiently known to make it advisa
ble for the ordinary gold seeker to at
tempt them. One of them is the Dal
ton trail, leading noitherly over the
mountains just west of the Chilkoot
pass, and paralleling the lake and
river route for about 300 miles, finally
striking the Yukon below the most
dangerous rapids. It is claimed that
this is the best route for a railroad, but
it is yet to be shown how practicable
it is for general use. The government
will probably attempt to send in a re
lief expedition by this route early in
the spring.
The Taku and the Stickeen routes,
one starting from Taku inlet, near Ju
neau, and the other from the Stickeen
river, near Wrangel, converge at Lak
Tesliu. Small river steamers can nav
igate this lake and pass down tht
llootalinqua river to the Yukon below
the rapids, and thus to Dawson and be
yond. It is claimed that such steam
ers will be built on the lake in the
spring, ami that trails will be opened
up to the lake anil pack trains put on,
to be followed soon by railroads; but
until this is actually done' the gold
seeker would do well not to intrust
himself to the uncertainties of those
Undoubtedly the most comfortable
and easy way to reach the Yukon mines
is by steamer from one of the Pacific
coast ports to the mouth of the Yukon,
at St. Michaels, and thence by light
river Bteamers up the stream, the dis
tance np the river being 1,422 miles to
Circle City, and 1,772 to Dawson City.
The trouble with this route is thai the
river is navigable only three months in
the year, and then only by small river
tteamers, because of frequent bars. The
ice breaks up about the 20th of June
and fo'ma again about the same time
in September. There are now several
steamers on the river belonging to the
Alaska Commercial Company and the
North American Transportation and
Trading Company, both of which have
trading posts on the river, with head
quarters at St. Michaels. Both com
panies art building several new vessels
tor next year't traffic
Physical troubles 6f a like nature coming
rom different causes are often a puzzle to
those who suffer pain as to their treatment
and cure as in the case of lumbago from
cold or a strain in some way to the same
muscles. The treatment of snob, need not
difl'er one with the other. Both are bad
enough and should huve prompt attention,
as nothing disables so much as a lame back.
The use of fct. Jacobs Oil will settle I'm,
question. Its efficacy is so sure in either
case there is no difference in the treatment
and no doubt of the cure.
Kangaroo taila for toup have been
sent to London from Australia. A
shipment of 2,500 weight was sold at
the rate of $3 a dozen tails. . In Aus
tralia they are considered a great
Are precious scarce. Time tries the worth of
a manor medicine. Hostetter's Stomach Bit
tern is a forty-live years' growth, and like those
hardy lichens that garnish the crevices of
Alaska's rocks, it flourishes perennially, and
its reputation has as firm a base as the rocks
themselves. No medicine is more highly- re
garded as a remedy for fever and ague, bilious
remittent, constipation, liver and kidney dis
orders, nervousness and rheumatism.
The longest straight railroad line in
America is on the Lake Shore railway,
beginning at a point three miles west
of Toledo, Ohio, and running 69 miles
without a curve.
If you use too much of
Schilling's Best baking powder
it don't spoil the take.
But why not make your
money go as far as it will by
using just enough of Schillings
Best baking powder one-third
less than of the brand you art
ilsed to ?
A Schilling & Company
San Francisco
An old English "Manners Book"
says: "A lady should dip only the tips
of her lingers in the sauce bow', and
should not let food fall out of her
mouth on the tablecloth." .
We are asserting in the courts our right to the
exclusive use of the word " CASTOK.1A," and
" flTCHKK'S CASTORIA," as our Trade Mark.
I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyanuis, Massachusetts, '
was the originator of " PITCHER'S CASrORIA,"
the aame that has home and does now bear the
fac simile signature of CH AS. H. FLETCHER, on
every wrapper. This is the original " PITCHER'S
CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes
of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully at the wrapper and aee that it It
the kind you have always bought, and has the
signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chaa. H. Fletcher is President.
Railways in Holland are so carefully
managed, that the accidental deaths on
them average only one a year for the
entire country.
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, nsuallv verv
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "'I'm dunlin lirini" is mude from
Sugar l ane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast SYttcr To. All gen
uine "Tea O'tnb'i itriuti" have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
The legislature of Uruguay has con
ferred citizenship and the sum of $10,
000 on Dr. Sanarelli as a recognition of
his discovery of the yellow fever
"King Solomon's Treasure," only Aphrorilslacal
Tonic known. (See Dictionary.) f,',.m) a box, 1
weeks' treatment. Mason Chemical Co., P. O. Box
747, Philadelphia, Pa.
An international congress has been
arranged at Paris for the discussion of
the menus of preventing fires in thea
ters and other jilaoes of public resort,
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. The I'ibo Co., Warren, Pa.
Try Schilling's Best tea and baking powder.
In agreeable contrast to the faimliar
"no thorough faro" sign isan inscription
at Sabino, Me., whioh readB: "Private
way; welcome."
Stop! Women
And consider that in addressing Mrs.
Pinkham you are confiding your private
Ills to a woman a woman whose ex
perience in treating woman's diseases
is greater than that of any living phy
sician, nmlo or female.
You can talk freely to a woman when
it is revolting to relate your private
troubles to a man; besides, a man docs
not understand, simply because he is a
Women suffering from any form of
female weaknessareinvitedtopromptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. 'All letters are re
ceived, opened, read, and answered by
women only. A woman can freely
talk of her private illness to a woman.
Thus has been established the eternal
confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and
the women of America which has never
been broken. Out of the vast volume
of experlene which she has to draw
from, it is more than possible that she
has gained the very knowledge that
will help your case. She asks nothing
In return except your good will, and
her advice has relieved thousands.
Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very
foolish if she does not take advantage
of this generous offer of assistance.
lough Syrup.
In tlm. Sold
ALL tti.1 (AllS. I r
Tmw Good. UN I I
by dmaaiiwi. p
A !, ,. i"
Wt-jW vj. ; t.'s ' C iHUJiI, cm
Hip Roof for a liarn.
A correspondent of an agricultural
exchange asks for a plan of a hip roof,
without putilne plates or support at the
hip. He Is assured, however, that it Is
impracticable to make such a roof
without some substitute for the pur
lines, unless the arch Is used In the
framing of the roof. A common form
of hip roof la here shown. It Is a
modification of the arch, which Is the
strongest form of roof made. The
(a) Stable.
form here shown Is as near the arch as
can be easily made, and the braces
make It exceedingly strong. It is quite
practicable to join the bottom of the
outside posts by one stringer from the
bottom to the peak of the roof, but it
would lack the stiffness and streugth
of this form.
. Fences.
Good fences are cheapest In the end.
What Is a good fence and how may
fencing mateiiul be made to cost less?
Timber Is too valuable; so la land. We
must run straight lines with wire or
wood. If live posts can be employed
the great bugbear In cost will be over
come by degrees. Nobody who has
used growing trees for stretching wire
upon wants to go back to posts that
are dead and decaying. A few young
trees set In the fenca line each year
where older ones show a tendency to
die or need cutting will keep the fence
np cheaply. Nnll a board to each tree
to tack the wire to so It won't grow
into the bark. If th.? trees are solid
they need not be nearer together than
forty feet, light stakes being driven
midway are sa-r ureventlves.
An Knnily jlude Crate.
Where one has access to a mill, and
can procure an abundance of Inch
square edgings, he can make a dozen
or more crntes very easily, after the
maimer shown In the sketch. A few
wire nails, secure the corners. Let
these be two and a half Inches long.
The bottom may be of board or of sliLts,
as preferred. A board cover can owo
be fitted to the top. If needed. Such a
contrivance makes an exceedingly
strong and convenient crate, well
adapted for gathering the potato and
apple crops. American Agriculturist.
Animals Need Lime.
Lime Is necessary for animals ns well
as for the land, but lime salts exist In
the food, predominating in some kinds
more than In others. Corn and wheat
grains contain but a small proportion
of lime, hence young animals, or dams
that care to produce young, require
other foods than grain. Clover hay
coutalns over twenty times as much
lime as corn, while brnn Is also rich In
mineral elements. Leg weakness, slow
growth and lack of vigor are frequent
ly the result of food containing but
little lime.
Bupcrphrmphute for Turnip.
It was long ago the discovery of Eng
lish farmers that bone manure, as they
cr.' ed lime phosphate, wan good for
the turnip crop. This was often fed
on the land where grown, and the field
thus fertilized with the sheep drop
pings was afterward sown with wheat
or other grain. I'swilly aheep given a
turnip patch to feed down were well
fed with grain or linseed meal, which
made much richer manure than tur
nips would do.
Hell Off the Poor Htock.
Though food Is cheap for feeding
stock, it is never worth while to whi
ter what even after keeping Is sure to
be worth little more In spring than In
fall. Tbe young growing stock makes
a positive gain In size and weight. If
any other stock does not do this, see
to It that It produces something to pay
Us way or else dispose of it at once for
the best price to be had.
Peanut Huttcr.
A new article, known as peanut but
ter, la said to be on the market It la
made from the oil of the peanut, and
has the flavor of the nut. Like all oth
er products of similar kind, the con
sumers must be educated to accept It
It is not Injurious, and Is considered
beneficial to some, but it will not take
the place of butter from cream very
Cropping Without Rotation.
It is not alone because It Is exhaust
ive that successive growing of one cror.
on the same hind is bad practice. It if
precisely the way to breed insects oi
fungous diseases, or to extend tlu
growth of noxious weeds. There Is not
much successive cropping anywhert
now. The value of rotation so as to in
crease soil productiveness Is better un
derstood. Vet when settlers go to i)
new country they almost ulways crov.
soil that lias virgin fertility with tlu
crop that pays best, which is repeated
until the crop begins to fall. Almost
always the settlers on now land are
poor. There are so many disadvant
ages in removing to the outskirts of civ
ilization that only those go who have
not the money required to buy farms
anywhere else.
Large Trees Near ilnililiiiKS.
It is a pleasant thing where there Is
enough land to warrant It to have one
or more high trees a short distance
from the house, but not growing closely
enough to cause It to be damp by ex
cluding air. Such a tree, so long ns it
continues alive and full of sap, will
make a lightning rod unnecessary. The
live tree offers a much better mark
for lightning than does the dry walls
of a building. It will usually conduct
a stroke of lightning to the soil without
itself receiving any Injury. Probably
w here, such trees are found near farm
buildings they have ninny times saved
them from the bhist of lightning, while
the occupants of the building were un
aware of the danger from which they
hud escaped.
Cheap IIiiHkinw l'eir.
Bend a piece of wire the size of a
bucket bale as shown In the engraving.
Turn up one eud
slightly nud flat
ten It somewhat.
Have tbe loon
tousKi.No pro. just large enough
to slip over the second finger and the
forward end sutilclently long to pro
ject slightly beyond tbe forefinger.
Muke the Farm Kicher.
The farmer who grows large crops
and does not make his farm richer ev
ery year Is losing money, even If he de
rives a profit from the crops. It is not
always necessary to buy manure of fer
tilizers to add to the fertility of the
soil. Troper rotation of crops and the
use of green manure, plowed tinder,
will accomplish much. It may. how
ever, at times be cheaper to purchase
fertilizers, but, with a system of rota
tion, and the growing of clover, the
cost of fertilizers, will be reduced.
When the land becomes richer every
year the value of the farm Is Increased
Profitable Pumpkin Crops,
The time has gone by when the pump
kin was only planted among potato or
corn as a catch crop, with the hope, as
we have often heard farmers say, that
the corn would he so vigorous us to
keep the pumpkin , crop In the back
ground, (irown by themselves, on hind
that did not produce pumpkins the pre
vious year, the pumpkin crc;) Is as prof.
Ituble as most grown on the farm. The
crop should never be grown twice In
succession on the same hind, ns It will
be Impossible to keep It from the stink
ing pumpkin bug that will eat out a
plant very quickly If given the chance,
American Agriculturist.
To Henew un Old Orchard,
Renew an old orchard by plowing In
the fall and applying a top dressing
of barnyard immure, giving each tree
about two big wngoiiloads. In fact,
spread It over the entire surface three
or four Inches deep, and you will be
astonished at the results. Your trees
will take on a new lenso of life, muke
a good growth, with henlthy dark
green foliage lu the place of the sickly
light green of previous years. You
will get large crops of excellent fruit.
The trouble with most old orchards
Is that they lire hide-bound la grass
and starved to death for want of food.
Poultry No ten.
Be sure to feed In a cleanly manner.
In cold weather feed a warm break
fast. Extra good poultry always commund
the best price.
A varied diet helps materially the
general health of fowls.
Because It Is easily digested, cooked
food usually fattens rapidly.'
Do not use artificial stimulants; with
poultry the reaction Is harmful.
Poultry droppings contain all of the
fertilizing material In a solid form.
Buckwheat can be usetl to good ad
vantage lu making up a variety.
Keep the fowls awny from the barns,
stables and carriage bouses; lu such
places they are a nuisance.
Sunflower and sorghum seed can al
ways be fed without threshing.
So long as a good variety of food eon
be given, very little stimulants are
As a general rule, young chicks of a
fancy breed should not be allowed to
go on the roosts until they are three
uiouthi old.
The Foremost. Medical Company in
the World in the Cure of Weak.
,- Men Makes This Offer.
In all the World today in all the history of
the world no doe tor nor institution hna treated
and restored so inanv men as has the famed
This is due to the faet that the company con
trols some Inventions and discoveries which
have no equal in the whole realm of medical
So much deception has been practiced In d
vertisiiiK that this Ktand old company now
makes a startling offer.
They will send their magically effective ap
pliance and a month's course' of restorative
remedies positively on trial, without expense,
to any reliable man.
yot a dollar tinti he nnHI until mulUare known
to and acknwletlord by Hie mfif.
The Krle Medical company's A iipllaneo and
Remedies have been talked of and written
about till every man has heard of mem.
The highest mcrlicn! authorities in the world
have lately commended them.
They possess marvelous power to vitalise,
develop, restore and sustain.
They crcaie vigor, healthy tissue, new Hfo.
They stop drains that sap the energy.
They cure all effects of evil hubits, excesses,
They give full strength, development and
tone to every portion and organ oi the body.
Failure impossible, age no barrier.
This "Trial Without Kxpeuse" offer is limited
to a short time, and application must be made
at once.
No C. O. P. scheme, no deception; no expo
sure a clean business proposition by a com
pany of high financial and professional stand
ing. Write to the ERIE MEDICAL COMPANY.
Buffalo, N. V., and refer to their offer lu this
At a recent meeting of the Institu
tion of Civil Engineers in London, the
oninon was expressed that the coming
material for ship-building ia nickel
steel, but that before it can-be exten
sivley used, further deposits of nickel
must be discovered.
By local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. ' There Is onlv one
way to cure deafness, and that is bv constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is cans -d bv an in
flamed dominion of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tula) is in flamed
vou have a rumbling round or imperfect hear
ing, and when it ta entirely closed, deafness is
the result, and unless the inflammation can be
taken nut and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but att inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars tor any
ease of deafness, (caused bv catarrh) that cannot
be cured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir
culars; free.
T. .1. CH ENE V ! CO., Toledo, O.
Sold bv drugglsis. l:c.
Hall's Family Fills aro the best.
Cure Varicocle.
No operation
No clamps or
No detent inn
from work.
No possible
No lotion or
Simply gjj
Jl.JB vanic elec
tricity. It Is nature's remedy, my Electric flody Bat
tery, In form of a belt, Is put on hen vou no
t bed, and the mild, exhilarating, com mucin
current sent through the congested veins dur
llig the night speedily dissolves I lie trnubleanii
cures in a b-w weeks. Mv pamphlet, "Three
Classes of Men," has an Illustrated treatise on
this complaint, and every such sufferer should
read it. K'ht free on application. Address
953 Weit Wnttltliigt'iN St., I'iiiIIhihI, Or.
Finite mention Uug 'filter
Special Rates
"As carry the most complete Due of (ivtnuasiuia
aud Athletic (juoiisou tn Coast.
bend lor Our Athletlo Caiaiogu.
m-SSIO Market St., mi Francisco, 1.
I If IIP 1"P Make money by succesftil
lfJULfl I speculation lu Chicago. W
If firm I ""' al"1 wheat on mar-
I II hall I gins. Fortunes have been
made on a small beginning by trading in lu.
tures. Write for full particulars. Beat of rel
erence given. Several year' experience on the
Chicago Hoard of Trade, aud a thorough know
ledge of the business. Hetnl liir our Irce refer
ence book. DOWNISi,, HOPKINS fc Co..
Chicago Hoard of Trade Urokcrs, Ofllccs la
Portland, Oregon aud Seattle, Wash.
Portland. Or.
Is it Wrong?
Oct it Right
Keen it Kiuht
Moore's Itarraled Remedy will do It. Thrn
doses will make you feel better. (Jet It from
your druggist or any wholesale drug house, or
from Stewart k Holmes Drug Co., Seattle.
A Dentists....
1 1 Oct your supplies of us atent rates.
II Large stock and low prices.
If (joods guaranteed.
Woodaril-Clar'ie & Co., Dental Depot, Portland.
r"TMLr7sT7TtI T H UioT
W Mas. Wisslxw shooiuiNttHvacr auuulii always ts
9 fir ahlidrvn toothing. Jt mkiIi Him ,-hlW , swf v i
k m t
I th I
r iiti
mm m giitnt, sllav.sll pln, cun-H w!
Ir,il (-ullr.aritl Is 4
uly Q.VB CMltl 1
hMS. rmMl. fin, rftarrh.M Tnrnl,
Diniiv. k in i un iws or an.
fbr tracing and locating (lold or Sllrtr -Ore.
hist or hurkd IrvaaurM. M. If.
row LEU, Bui W7, ak.ulUliilon,Outio,
N. P. N. V.
Mv. 80,
HEP wrltlaf to adxrtllsrs, pUaus.
aantloa Ibis papal.